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Measurement: Sensors
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Keywords: The development of aberrant brain cells, some of which may become cancerous, is known as a brain tumour. The
Brain tumour quality of life and life expectancy of patients are enhanced by early and timely illness identification and treat
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ment plans. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans are the most common approach for finding brain tumors.
Deep learning(DL)
However, the ability of radiologists and other clinical experts to identify, segment, and remove contaminated
Machine learning(ML)
tumour regions from MRI images is a critical factor in a process that is iterative and labor-intensive and relies on
Adaptive contrast enhancement algorithm
(ACEA) those individuals’ abilities in these areas. Concepts for image processing may envision the diverse human organ
Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) anatomical structures. It is difficult to find abnormal brain regions using simple imaging methods. Over the last
Ensemble deep neural support vector machine several years, interest in the emerging machine learning field of “Deep Learning (DL)" has grown significantly. It
(EDN-SVM) was extensively used in numerous applications and shown to be an effective Machine Learning (ML) technique
for many of the challenging issues. This research suggests a novel MRI brain tumour detection method based on
DL and ML. Initially the MRI images are collected and preprocessed using Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Al
gorithm (ACEA) and median filter. Fuzzy c-means based segmentation is done to segment the preprocessed
images. The features like energy, mean, entropy and contrast are extracted using Gray-level co-occurrence matrix
(GLCM). The abnormal tissues are classified using the proposed Ensemble Deep Neural Support Vector Machine
(EDN-SVM) classifier. The numerical findings reveal a better accuracy (97.93 %), sensitivity (92 %), and spec
ificity (98 %) in recognizing aberrant and normal tissue from brain MRIimages, which supports the effectiveness
of the approach that was recommended.
1. Introduction detect the hyperactivity of tumour cells in the body [2]. Consequently,
MRI scans are considered to be the most effective diagnostic tracers for
The human brain is regarded to be one of the most essential organs detecting breaches in the BBB. Fig. 1(A) and (B) depicts the images of
since it is responsible for a large number of the body’s regulatory pro healthy brain and tumour brain.
cesses, including memory, emotions, vision, motor skills, responses, and There are between 7 and 11 cases of brain tumors per 100,000 people
breathing. In the event that a tumour begins to form inside the brain, in various age groups per year. It is estimated that 227,000 people die
these functions will be significantly disrupted [1,3]. This tumour is each year as a result of this dreadful illness. In addition, about 7.7
either a primary brain tumour (BT), which develops from inside the million survivors are adjusting to life with a disability [4]. As well as
brain itself and represents the development of brain tissues themselves, saving lives, an early diagnosis of a brain tumour may help prevent
or it is a metastatic BT, which develops in another part of the body and disability. The brain, the body’s most delicate organ, will be subjected to
eventually spreads to the brain. When compared to tumors that originate less modification and surgery if it is detected early. To begin with, a
in any other organ of the human body, those that occur in the brain radiologist will need to take a picture of the affected area in order to do a
provide a significant diagnostic challenge. Because the brain has the manual diagnosis [5]. After that, an experienced physician is consulted
“Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)”, ordinary radioactive markers are unable to for the purpose of image analysis and the formulation of a treatment
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Anantharajan), [email protected] (S. Gunasekaran), [email protected] (T. Subramanian), venkey88me@
gmail.com (V. R).
Received 4 January 2023; Received in revised form 3 March 2023; Accepted 2 January 2024
Available online 7 January 2024
2665-9174/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
strategy. Unfortunately, the research that investigated the accuracy of methodology as well as a deep neural network technique to categorise
manually diagnosing brain tumors reported a discrepancy amongst the an MRI as “tumour detected” or “tumour not detected.” The study [13]
experts who reviewed the data. According to reports, the level of showed the promise of DL in MRI scans as a non-invasive method for
agreement amongst specialists for the manual diagnosis of a BT is be simultaneous and automated tumors segmentation, identification, and
tween 90 and 95%. The degree of disagreement amongst the specialists grading of LGG in clinical settings. The research [14] presents a faster
is further reduced when it comes to mixed types of tumour, mixed gli and more accurate method for detecting human brain cancers by
oma, and medulloblastoma, falling to 77 % and 58 %, respectively [6]. combining the “Template-based K-means (TK)” algorithm with pixels in
Digital image processing and other advancements in medical imag the image and “Principal Components Analysis (PCA)”.
ing have contributed to the widespread use of computer-aided diagnosis The “Watershed Dynamic Angle Projection - Convolution Neural
(CAD) in recent years. The MRI technique is favoured for use in diag Network (WDAPP-CNN)” is able as a nation method for tumors identi
nostic systems like these since it does not pose a threat from ionising fication in this research [15]. The tumors area was successfully
radiation and is able to reliably identify blood flow in veins [7]. The use segmented using the watershed technique. The research [16] suggested
of large medical image datasets, such as Brain MRI scans, for the iden technique guarantees to be very effective and exact for detecting, clas
tification of BT may be aided by the use of ML and DL algorithms. sifying, and segmenting brain tumors. Automated segmentation is per
Creating a ML and DL model is a multistep process that involves training formed on image data using a CNN-based method, which employs very
using a significant quantity of medical imaging data [8]. This is neces small kernel sizes of 33. The author of [17] focused early identification
sary in order to get the correct prediction or insight from the model, of benign brain tumors. Segmentation is required in the early stages of
which is necessary in order to make an appropriate clinical decision. In brain tumors identification. Algorithms usually for segmentation have
this study, we investigate the identification of brain tumors using DL and several limitations, including the inability to handle noisy data and the
ML techniques. inability to identify subtle intensity variations in the image. The study of
The major contributions of this study are as follows. [18] presented a comprehensive and entirely automated MRI brain tu
mors identification and segmentation approach employing the
• To preprocess the MRI images, Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Al “Gaussian mixture model”, “Fuzzy C-Means”, “active contour”, “wavelet
gorithm (ACEA) and median filter is used. transform”, and “entropy segmentation” techniques as an effective
• Fuzzy c-means based segmentation is done to segment the pre clinical-aided tool. The two key components of the suggested approach
processed images. are tumors auto-detection and segmentation as well as skull removal.
• The features are extracted using GLCM approach. The research [19] suggested approach tries to distinguish between BT
• The abnormal tissues are classified using the proposed EDN-SVM and normal brains. Brain magnetic resonance imaging is used to
classifier. research various forms of brain malignancies. Support vector machines
and various wavelet transformations are used to identify and categorise
The study is structured in such a manner that Section 2 provides MRIbrain cancers. The Study [20] proposed hybrid K-means Galatic
related work and problem statement, Section 3 outlines the recom Swarm Optimization (GSO) technique is adopted as a practical solution
mended approach, Section 4 depicts findings and discussion, and Section to the image segmentation issue, which is considered as a classification
5 draws a conclusion to the research along with the future work that will model. Study developed a Fuzzy C-Means clustering technique, which
be done. was followed by conventional detectors and CNN to remove brain tu
mors from 2D MRI. The experiment utilised real-time dataset with
2. Related WORKS various tumors sizes, locations, forms, and image brightness. The author
of [21] presented a comprehensive assessment of the literature on cur
The author of [9] suggested method identifies the kind of tumors rent approaches to segmenting BT from brain MRI data. The author of
present in the BT MRI image and marks the tumour region. Alex Net [26] provided a thorough critique of the research and discoveries made
model and the Faster R–CNN algorithm’s Region Proposal Network in the recent past to identify and categorise brain tumors using MRI
(RPN) are utilised as the basic models for classifying various tumour scans. Researchers that specialize in deep learning and are interested in
kinds. The study [10] employed a Deep NN classifier, a component of the using their knowledge for the identification and classification of brain
deep learning designs, to divide 66 brain MRI scans into four categories, tumors may particularly benefit from this work. According to the study
including “normal”, “glioblastoma”, “sarcoma”, and “metastatic bron [27] an automated approach is offered to distinguish between malignant
chogenic carcinoma tumors”. The author of [11] constructed brain MRI and non-cancerous brain MRI scans by Using three benchmark datasets,
images were utilised to create a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to the suggested technique is verified, with average results of 97.1 % ac
identify a tumour. In Ref. [12], the author used a CNN-based curacy, 0.98 area under the curve, 91.9 % sensitivity, and 98.0 %
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
specificity. Compared to current techniques, it can be utilised to detect applied, and a GLCM matrix is used to extract the features of the images.
the tumour more precisely and with less processing time. The study [28] The EDN-SVM approach is then used to classify the images of healthy
proposes a two-step Dragonfly algorithm (DA) clustering method to and tumorous brain tissue.
precisely extract starting contour points. At the preprocessing stage, the
brain is removed from the skull. Then, tumour edges are extracted using 3.1. Dataset collection
the two-step DA, and these extracted edges are utilised as a starting
contour for the MRI sequence. We utilize a dataset that may be found on the Kaggle open data
website in order to evaluate the performance of the suggested archi
2.1. Problem statement tectural design. This dataset includes 255 T1-mode MRI images. It in
cludes 98 MRI slices taken from healthy brain tissue and 155 MRI slices
Brain tumors have the potential to generate consequences such as taken from tumorous brain tissue. Because each of these images had a
physical impairments, which would then need patients to undergo very unique dimension, we needed to adjust it so that it would fit inside the
intensive therapy, which is often rather painful, in order to cure or lessen parameters of our image requirements. A portion of the dataset that we
the caused disabilities. In addition, the negative effects that brain tumors used for our investigation is shown in Fig. 3(A). It depicts that the width
have on the functioning of the brain might vary depending on the size of and height of the images vary from one another. When looking at MRI
the tumour, where it is located, and what kind it is. Because a tumour brain scans with various heights and widths, it might be difficult to
might exert pressure on the region of the brain that regulates the body’s appropriately classify healthy brain tissue and tumorous brain tissue. As
mobility, the patient can become immobile as a result of this. If it is a consequence of this, before moving on to the preprocessing stage, we
diagnosed sooner, it may be possible to prevent disability from occur resize the images such that their width and height are the same. The
ring. There are a number of obstacles that need to be overcome in order scaled versions of the images from the dataset are shown in Fig. 3(B).
to correctly categorise brain tumors. These obstacles include the fact
that brain tumors exhibit a high degree of variation with regard to their 3.2. Preprocessing
size, shape, and intensity, and that tumors of different pathological types
may have similar outward appearances. 3.2.1. Adaptive contrast enhancement algorithm
MRI image contrast is crucial for tumour identification since this
3. Proposed methodology technique relies heavily on image brightness. The two typical histo
grams for MRI scans are high contrast and low contrast. A piecewise
This section provides a comprehensive discussion of the identifica linear histogram modification is often used to improve intensity
tion of MRI brain tumors utilizing both DL and ML techniques. The contrast. Because the transformation slope varies from one set of data to
progression of the recommended technique is shown in Fig. 2. In the another, it is difficult to establish universal minimum and maximum
beginning, MRI brain tumour data were obtained and preprocessed with values that apply to all images. Here, we use an automated and dynamic
the help of ACEA and the median filter in order to get rid of the noise. In method to extract the parameters from each image. A brain tumour (T),
order to segment the MRI brain images, a fuzzy c-means technique is healthy brain tissue (B), and vessels (V) can all be distinguished in an
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
Fig. 3. Sample dataset images of (A) varying size (B) same size.
MRI scan of the head. To begin, we take the training data and choose used to re-estimate the intensity histograms of brain images (Fig. 4).
some random voxels to represent each of the three classes. It is hy ⎧
pothesized what the intensity probability distribution function (PDF) ⎨ (Ix − Pmin ) (255 − 1)+1 if (Pmin ≤ Ix ≤ Pmax )
looks like for each category. (Pmax − Pmin )
⎩ (1)
In addition to averaging their values (μT Z , μB Z , μV Z ), and calculating 0 if (Ix < Pmin ∪ Ix > Pmax )
their standard derivations (σT, σ B , σV, ), we additionally calculate the Pmin : μtumor − 3σ , Pmax : μvessel + 3σ
highest PDF intensity value for the brain class, NZ . The mean value have
the μT Z < μB Z < μV Z characteristic. While mean and derived values 3.2.2. Median filter
may vary from image to image, the normal brain always has a higher When applied to MRI scans of the brain, this nonlinear technique
mean value than the tumour and a lower mean value than the blood effectively eliminates unwanted background noise. Edge preservation
vessels. One may use this to divide things up into three categories and with this approach is common practise. Salt and pepper noise may be
we name it Curve Pattern Z. First, we determine the intensity PDF of a eliminated with great success. Median filter is similar to mean filter in
brand-new image, using the segmented brain volume as input. We find that it iteratively processes an image, but it replaces each pixel’s value
the volume of the new brain that corresponds to the maximum proba with the middle value of its neighbours rather than the mean. After
bility density NV of the probability density function (PDF). Healthy tis sorting all the neighbouring pixel values into numerical order, the me
sues dominate volume, therefore this assumption is reasonable. We may dian pixel value from the neighbouring pixel values is used to replace the
determine the mean intensity values of the other two classes by pixel under consideration. When it comes to decreasing noise without
adjusting the three curves in Curve Pattern Z. Tumour mean value and diminishing image quality, the median filter is much superior.
vessel values are μT = NV − NZ + μT Z and μV = NV − NZ + μV X . All three }
classes employ conventional derivations. Set the lower limit as Pmin = c (i, j) = median(o,b)∈Gij {k{o, b) (2)
μT − 3σ T and the upper limit as Pmax = μV − 3σ V . The formula for in
tensity transform of range 0–255 is given in equation (1). The formula is where Gij denotes the sets of coordinates centred on the coordinates (i,j)
within the rectangle sub image frame, and median is the median value
inside the window. To demonstrate how effective the noise reduction
approach is, we apply it to the noisy picture and the result is presented in
Fig. 5.
sxy is the Euclidean distance between the xth centroids and yth data
Fig. 4. Transformation histogram. point. nF [1,∞] is a weighting function. oxy is between 0 and 1. An
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
⃦ ⃦
If ⃦O(g+1) − O(g) ⃦ < ε then STOP; otherwise return to step 2.
D. Feature extraction using Gray level Co-occurrence matrix (GLCM).
The GLCM technique is used in order to extract the image features in
this approach. A statistical approach known as the co-occurrence matrix
is used to a particular brain image in order to extract the second order
statistical textural qualities. When using GLCM, the number of gray
levels must always be equal to the number of rows and columns. The
following equations are used to extract the characteristics that are based
on the first order of the histogram. In the approach that was suggested,
shape, textural, and statistical characteristics are taken from each clus
ter, and then these features are supplied to the classifier so that it can
locate the tumors in the MRI image that was provided. The following are
the extracted features:
∑1 mk−
mk− ∑1
Fig. 5. Noise removed image using median filter method. Entropy = Txy log Txy (8)
x=0 y=0
iterative optimization of the objective function is used to accomplish A random variable’s entropy may be thought of as a measurement of
fuzzy portioning of known data samples. its degree of uncertainty. When all of the components of the co-
occurrence matrix are the same, its value will be at its highest possible
oxy = ( )(2/n− 1)
(4) level.
∑ sxy
sgy ∑1 mk−
mk− ∑1
g=1 (x, y)t(x, y) − μi μj
x=0 x=0
Correlation =
m σi σj
onxy iy
fxy = ∑ (5) The correlation metric determines how closely connected the refer
onxy ence pixel is to its neighbouring pixel.
∑1 mk−
mk− ∑1
The iteration will end when maxxy {|o(g+1)
xy − o(g)
xy |} < ε, where ε is a
Energy = T2xy (10)
termination condition between 0 and 1, and g is the iteration steps. The
x=0 y=0
method approaches a local minimum or a saddle point of yn . Fig. 6 de Energy is the metric used to define the sum of squared components.
picts the MRI brain image after segmentation. Here are the individual This determines how homogenous the mixture is. When pixels are sub
components that make up the algorithm: stantially comparable to one another, the energy value will be high.
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
mk− ∑1 mk−
mk− ∑1 discrepancies between the model’s output and the instance’s target
Contrast = m2 T(x, y)2 (11) value, a range of permissible deviations is denoted by F, and the total
number of training samples is denoted by h. F is a parameter controlling
m=0 x=0 =0
The contrast of an image is the difference in brightness between the the magnitude to which such deviations are allowed, and h is the total
reference pixel and its neighbouring pixel. number of training samples. The terms “primal goal” and “primal vari
ables” refer, respectively, to the variables in Equation (15). By intro
Mean (μ) = x.t(x) (12) ducing the Lagrange multipliers α, α(∗) and solving for the saddle point’s
x=0 coordinates, we may rewrite the original goal and constraints as follows.
The average amount of brightness of an image or texture is described [
∑ h
( ∗ )
by its mean. Around the mean, the variance characterises the range of − ε
(αx + αx )+ αx − αx jx
values in terms of their relative intensity. (17)
( )
α(∗) − 1 ∑ ( α∗ − α ) α∗ − α ( I − I )
√mk− 1 x y x y
√∑ 2 x,y=1 x y
Here, ∝(∗)
x stands in for αx and αx , whereas α
∗ (∗)
represents the vectors
3.4. Classification using ensemble deep Neural Support Vector Machine that include all αx values. The term “dual objective” refers to Equation
(EDN-SVM) (17). “Bias constraint” refers to the second constraint in Equation (18).
Finding the α and α(∗) that maximises the dual goal is the first step in a
n this paper, we introduce the Neural Support Vector Machine linear regression SVM’s determination of its output.
(NSVM), a hybrid machine learning algorithm consisting of both neural
( )
networks and SVMs. The output of the NSVM is given by support vector c(i) = α∗x − αx (Ix .I) + v (19)
machines that take a small central feature layer as their input. This x=1
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
fundamental goal of SVR is modified by the EDN-SVM, which does this conditional on the following:
by exchanging the training samples Ix for their representation in the ∑h ( )
feature layer. As a consequence of this, the weight vector of the NNs θ is 0 ≤ ∝i , ∝∗x ≤ F, and x=1
α∗x − αx = 0 (23)
included as an extra primary variable. This results in the following
primary goal for an EDN-SVM when using a linear SVR model N: 3.4.4. Training procedure
[ ⃦ ] The training of the EDN-SVM estimator has two primary objectives:
min 1⃦ ∑h
( )
⃦ 2
⃦e‖ + F ξi + ξ∗x (21) (1) Determine the value of α(∗) that maximises Equations (22), and (16)
e, v, θ 2⃦ x=1 Determine the values of the weights of the NNs θ in such a way that each
The new ‘dual objective’ for the EDN-SVM when the SVR system N network Mα contributes to the Ix that minimises Equation (22). Both of
utilises a kernel function K(‘; ’) is, in accordance, as follows: these objectives cannot be accomplished in isolation; rather, in order to
adjust, it is necessary to also alter the NNs, and vice versa. Whenever the
min max (∗)
( ∗ ) ∑ h
( ∗ ) model is shown a training pattern Ix , the END-SVM employs a gradient
(∗) E(∝ , θ) = − ε αx + αx + αx − αx jx
ascent method to make adjustments to each αx and ∝x in the direction
θ ∝ (∗)
x=1 x=1
of a local maximum of E+ (.):
1 ∑ h
( ∗ ) ( ( ⃒ ))
− α − αx (α∗y − αy G φ(Ix |θ), φ Iy ⃒θ (22)
2 x,y=1 x
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
( )
∂e + (.) h (
∑ ) 2 We maintain all α(∗) coefficients between 0 and F. It is our goal to
∝(∗) modify the weights of each NN Mα in such a way that its output results in
x ← ∝x + λ with E+ (.) = E(.) − T1 ∝∗y − ∝y
the lowest possible value of E+ (.). We will refer to the output of Mα given
x y=1
− T2 ∝∗x ∝x (24) training pattern Ix as a azx from now on. After that, we will attempt to
reduce azx by making use of gradient descent.
where λ is a metaparameter that controls the learning rate, and T1 and T2
are parameters that are decided upon in advance. With the use of the ∂E+ (.) ( ∗ )∑h ( ) ∂G( φ(I |θ), φ( I ⃒⃒θ))
∗ x y
= − ∝ − ∝ x ∝ − ∝ y
derivative of E+ (.) in Equation (24), we can make sure that ∝x is
x y
(∗) ∂azx y=1
modified such that the bias requirement holds true and that the pair
Given an input pattern Ix , we may use backpropagation to reduce the
(∝x , ∝x ) has at least one value equal to zero. The following are the two
error of Mα by adjusting its weights according to Equation (27). Algo
expressions that represent the derivatives of our gradient ascent rithm 1 provides the whole training procedure. The results demonstrate
algorithm: that training the neural networks and the primary SVM are interleaved
for a certain number of epochs. The average error is used to learn the
SVR model N’s bias value.
Algorithm 1. EDN-SVM
∑h ( ) ( ∑h ( )
∂E+ (.) ( ⃒ )
= − ε +jx − ∝∗y − ∝y G φ(Ix |θ),φ Iy ⃒θ − 2T1 ∝∗y − ∝y The END-NSVM has a computational time and space complexity that
∂∝∗x y=1 y=1
scales linearly with the number of inputs and also scales linearly with
− T2 ∝∗x the number of feature-extracting neural networks used. In the same way
(25) as SVMs do, its complexity is proportional to the amount of instances
used for training.
∑h ( ) (
∑h ( ) 4. Results and discussion
∂E+ (.) ( ⃒ )
= − ε − jx + ∝∗y − ∝y G φ(Ix |θ),φ Iy ⃒θ +2T1 ∝∗y − ∝y
∂∝∗x y=1 y=1 In this part, we will explore the identification of brain tumors by MRI
− T2 ∝∗x utilizing both deep learning and machine learning techniques. Here we
(26) used the Python 3.7.16 version for implementation. The four basic
matrices that are used in performance prediction are referred to as “True
Positive (tp )", “True Negative (tn )", “False Positive (fp ), and “False
Negative (fn )." In this context, cases are said to be true positives if the
tumour can be accurately anticipated. Instances that may have been
fairly anticipated to be negative, known as true negatives, are examined.
Instances of cases that were meant to be successfully predicted but
turned out to be inaccurate are examples of false positives. False nega
tives are situations that are meant to be mistakenly detected but are, in
reality, it is properly predicted one. In addition, the accomplishments of
the suggested methodology are compared with the accomplishments of
existing methods such as “Convolutional neural network (CNN)",
“Random Forest Classifier (RFC)", “Artificial neural network (ANN)",
and " Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (R–CNN)" in terms
of “Accuracy”, “Bit error rate”, “Computational time”, “Peak Signal
Ratio”, “Jaccard coefficient”, “Sensitivity” and “Specificity”. MRI brain
tumour images may be predicted with the use of the EDN-SVM classifier
model that was described before, as shown in Fig. 8.
4.1. Accuracy
Fig. 9. Accuracy comparison. Accuracy is measured by comparing the total number of MRI brain
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
S. Anantharajan et al. Measurement: Sensors 31 (2024) 101026
large number of trees. While R–CNN cannot be done in real time since it
takes around 47 s for each test image.
6. Conclusion
The term “sensitivity” refers to the likelihood of a positive test on the No.
assumption that it is positive. Another term for this is “true positive
rate.” The sensitivity comparison between the proposed approach and Declaration of competing interest
the conventional methods is shown in Fig. 13. It reveals that when
compared to the sensitivity of the earlier approaches, the sensitivity of The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
MRI images to classifying by the recommended approach EDN-SVM is interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
superior. As compared to the current approaches, the suggested method the work reported in this paper.
has a high sensitivity of 92 %.
TP Data availability
Sensitivity = × 100 (31)
(TP + FN)
No data was used for the research described in the article.
4.6. Specificity
Specificity, also known as the true negative rate, is the likelihood of a
There is no funding
negative test result under the assumption that the result is in fact
negative. A comparison of the specificity of the suggested approach with
that of the conventional methods is shown in Fig. 14. The classification References
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