Viva - Communication System Lab
Viva - Communication System Lab
Viva - Communication System Lab
A continuous time signal can be completely represented in its samples and recovered back
if the sampling frequency is twice of the highest frequency content of the signal.
2 2m
2. What is meant by Nyquist rate and Nyquist interva!?
Sampling is the process of converting the continuous time continuous amplitude signal
into discrete time continuous amplitude signal.
Quantisation is the process of converting the discrete time continuous amplitude signal
into discrete time discrete amplitude signal.
If the sampling rate is less than the nyquist rate, then that sampling is called under
6. What is meant by over sampling?
If the sampling rate is greater than nyquist rate, then that sampling is called over sampling.
If the sampling rate is exactly equal to the nyquist rate, then that sampling is called
nyquist sampling.
8. What are the types of sampling?
a. Natural sampling b. Flat top sampling c. Ideal sampling d. Sample and hold
The process of reconstructing the continuous time signal back from discrete time signal is
called reconstruction.
A switch followed by a grounded capacitor can be used as a sample and hold circuit. The
switch samples the signal and the capacitor holds that value.
In TDM, each signal is transmitted only for a short time period. The time is divided into
time slots and each time slot is mapped to one signal.
In TDM, the time is divided into time slots and each time slot is assigned to a signal. In
the frequency band is divided into sub-bands and each frequency sub band is assigned to
FDM, a
TDM is based on time sharing. FDM is based on frequency sharing.
In CDMA, many transmitters are allowed to transmit in a single channel without any
interference. Each transmitter is assigned with a unique code and spread spectrum modulation
techniques are used. CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access.
where Af is the peak frequency deviation and fm denotes the maximum frequency component
present in the modulating signal.
5. What are the advantages of FM?
mmunity to noise
Experiment No - 5
In Non retum to zero (NRZ) signalling, the pulses are transmitted for the entire bit
duration but in Return to zero (RZ) signalling. the pulses are transmitted only for half bit duration.
The NRZ-Level is just like the uni-polar NRZ. In NRZ-M, the change in level occurs for
symbol'l' and no change for symbol 0'. In NRZ-S, the change in level occurs for symbol'0" and
no change for symbol'1.
5. What are the types of bi-phase coding techniques?
Bi--level, bi-@-mark and bi-d-space
In bi--mark signalling., symbol "1' is represented by both starting transition and half bit
interval transition and symbol °0' is represented by only starting transition.
In bi--space signalling, symbol 0" is represented by both starting transition and half bit
interval transition and symbol °| is represented by only starting transition.
7. What is Manchester code? Draw the Manchester format for the data stream 10110?
In Manchester code each bit of data is signified by at least one transition. Manchester encoding is
therefore considered to be self-clocking, which means that accurate clock recovery from a data
stream is possible. In addition, the DC component of the encoded signal is zero. Although
transitions allow the signal to be self-clocking, it carries significant overhead as there is a need for
essentially twice the bandwidth of a simple NRZ or NRZI encoding.
8. State any four desirable properties of line code
T h e PAM signal should have adequate timing content,
The PAM signal should immune to channel noise and interference
The PAM signal should allow error detection and error correction
The PAM signal should be transparent to digital data being transmitted
Amplitude shift keying (ASK), Frequency shift keying (FSK), Phase shift keying (PSK).
Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).
The transmission of the modulated signal is called pass band transmission because of its
spectrum located at high frequency band. This spectrum is similar to the response of the band.
pass filter.
The transmission of the message signal without any modulation is called as baseband
transmission because its spectrum is located nearby zero frequency. This spectrum is similar to
the frequency response of low pass filter.
ASK: In ASK, the digital data modulates the amplitude of the carrier.
FSK: In FSK, the digital data modulates the frequency of the carrier.
PSK: In PSK, the digital data modulates the phase of the carrier.
6. What is QPSK?
In QPSK, the binary data sequence is converted to an odd bit sequence and an even bit
sequence. Four different phase delays are assigned to the four combinations of two bits.
For 10, the phase delay is 45®. For 00, the phase delay is 135®. For O1, the phase delay is 225®.
For 11, the phase delay is 3150.
In coherent detection, a local carier is generated at the receiver with the same frequency
and phase as the transmitter clock.
3. What is meant by antipodal signaling?
The phase relationship between signaling elements for BPSK (i.e., 180 degree out of phase) is
the optimum-signaling format, referred to as antipodal signaling, and occurs only when two
binary signal levels are allowed and when one signal is the exact negative of the other.
4. Give the formula for the error distance of the PSK.
The error distance of the PSK is given by, d = (2 sin 180/M)°D Where, d- error distance, M
number of phases D -
9. Define QPSK.
QPSK is Quadrature phase -shift keying. In QPSK the phase of the carrier takes on one of the
four equally spaced values Such as 84, 3e/4, Se4 and 7e4.
I fsum of two code vector results in another valid code vector, then the code is said to be
linear code.
If cyclic shift in a code word results in another valid code vector, then the code is said to
be cyclic code.
CRC code can perform eror detection but error correction is not possible.
6. In the linear block code program, what is the use of function *eye?
Eror pattern which is also known as error vector is the vector containing zeros and ones
as elements. Zero represents 'no erTor on that position and one represents 'error' on that position.
The size of the error pattern is same as that of the code vector.
In a systematic code word, it is possible to distinguish the message bits and check bits in
the code word.
In a systematic code word, it is not possible to distinguish the message bits and check bits
in the code word.
words differ in second and third bits. Therefore the hamming distance between X and Y is
3. What is meant by transparency with respect to line codes
The line code is said to be transparent if the synchronization between the transmiter and
receiver is maintained for any type of input data sequence.
4. Define hamming distance and calculate its value for two code words 11100 and 11011
The hamming distance between two code vectors is equal to the number of elements in which
they differ. Forexample, let the two code words be, X =(11 100) and Y= (1 1011) D=2 These
two code words differ in second and third bits. Therefore the hamming distance between X
and Y is two.
5. What is Golay codes?
Golay code is the (23,12) cyclic code whose generating polynomial is, G(p)=
pl1+p9+p7+pó+p5+p+1 This code has minimum distance of dmin = 7. This code can correct
upto 3 erors. But Golay code cannot be generalized to other combinations of n and k.
6. What is meant by systematic and non-systematic codes?
In a Systematic block code, message bits appear first and then check bits. In the
nonsystematie code, message and check bits cannot be identified in the code vector.
7. What is meant by linear code?
A code is linear if modulo-2 sum of any two code vectors produces another code vector. This
means any code vector can be expressed as linear combination of other code vectors.
8. What are the error detection and correction capabilities of hamming codes?
The minimum distance (dmin) of hamming codes is ,3". Hence it can be used to detect double
erors or correct single errors. Hamming codes are basically linear block codes with dmin =3.
9. What is meant by cyelic codes?
Cyclic codes are the subclasses of linear block codes. They have the property that a cyclic
shift of one codeword produces another code word.
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of convolutional codes?
Advantages: 1. The decoding delay is small in convolutional codes since they operate o
smaller blocks of data.
2. The storage hardware required by convolutional decoder is less since the block sizes are
Disadvantages: 1. Convolutional codes are difficult to analyze since their analysis is complex.
2. Convolutional codes are not developed much as compared to block codes.