Sexual Reproduction in Animals
Sexual Reproduction in Animals
Sexual Reproduction in Animals
a) Stimulates development of
graafian follicle in the ovary.
b) Stimulate ovary’s graafian follicle
to secrete oestrogen hormone.
c) In males it stimulates sperm
formation in testis.
2. Oestrogen hormone
(secreted by ovary)
a) Stimulates healing and repair of
uterus endometrium after
b) Stimulate secretion of luteinising
hormone by the pituitary gland.
c) Stimulates formation of
secondary sexual characteristics
in females.
3. Luteinising hormone (LH).
(Secreted by pituitary gland)
a) Causes maturation of graafian
follicle and ovum.
b) Causes ovulation to occur.
c) Stimulates graafian follicle to
develop into corpus luteum in ovary
after ovulation.
d) Stimulate corpus luteum in ovary to
secrete progesterone hormone.
e) In males it stimulates the
interstitial cells of testis to secrete
testosterone hormone (Androgen).
4. Progesterone hormone
• (Secreted by corpus luteum of
ovary but after 4 mts of
pregnancy, it is secreted by
a) Inhibits secretion of FSH by
b) Stimulate further development of
uterus endometrium in
preparation for pregnancy.
• c) Maintains pregnancy by
preventing contraction of uterus
• d) Inhibit secretion of oxytocin but
when its level decreases at end of
pregnancy, oxytocin hormone gets
secreted by pituitary gland.
• e) Promotes implantation.
• f) Stimulate development of
placenta and breast enlargement.
• (Qn – Explain if pregnancy will
continue incase ovaries of a lady are
removed 5 months after pregnancy)
• 5. Oxytocin hormone. (secreted by
pituitary gland of brain).
- Stimulate contraction of uterus
myometrium muscles to contract
during parturition.
- Stimulate milk let down.
• 6. Prolactin hormone. (secreted
by pituitary gland of brain).
- Stimulate milk secretion in
mammary glands.
• 7. Testosterone hormone.
-in males
• - Secreted by interstitial cells of
• - Stimulate development of
secondary sexual characteristics in
• - Stimulate sperm formation in testis
at puberty.
• (Testosterone secretion in males
start at foetus stage in womb. This
enables the male foetus to survive
as male in the mother-female).
Neisserie gonorrhea
3. Herpes.
• Cause:
• -Virus called Herpes simplex.
• Transmission:
• -Sexual intercourse with infected
• -Kissing infected person.
• -Contaminated needles and
• Symptoms:
• -Painless sores/lesions on skin
and mucous membranes of
vagina, head of penis, mouth,
vulva and conjunctiva of eye.
• Control:
• -Avoid sex and kissing with
infected person.
• -Sterilize needles and syringes.
• - Seek medical attention.
(antibiotics cant be used to treat).
Details not necessary
4. Trichomoniasis
• Cause: -Protozoa called
Trichomonas vaginalis
• Transmission:
• -Sex with infected person.
• -Contaminated linen.
• Symptoms:
• -Itch in male urethra and vagina.
• Inflammation when urinating.
• -Smelly yellow discharge from
vagina. In male the discharge is
• Control:
• -Avoid sharing contaminated linen.
• -Protected sex.
• -Avoid sex with infected person.
• -High hygiene in genital areas.
• Treatment:
• -Cured by appropriate antibiotics.
Details not necessary
Trichomonas vaginalis
5. Hepatitis
• Cause: (causative agent).
• -Hepatitis virus type A and type B.
• Incubation period:
• -2-6 months.
• Transmission:
• -Blood transfusion from infected
• -Unsterilized needles and syringes
• -Sex with infected person.
• -Kissing infected person.
• -Using contaminated razors,
surgical tools.
• Effect of the virus – Damages liver
• Symptoms :
• -Flu -Diarrhoea -Jaundice
• -Nausea -Severe appetite loss.
• Control:
• - Vaccination.
• - Protected sex.
• - Use sterilised shaving, needles,
surgical instruments…
• - Observe high std of hygiene.
Details not necessary
6. Candidiasis
• Cause:
• -Yeast called Candida albicans.
• - Affects genitals of both male and
Vaginal Candidiasis
• Transmission:
• - Sex with infected man.
• - This yeast can be in vagina but
remain harmless. But if vagina pH
changes or the bacteria that
keeps the level of this yeast at
low level is destroyed by
antibiotics usage, then this yeast
will increase and become harmful.
• Symptoms:
• - Ordourless vaginal white
• - Itching feeling at genitals.
• Control:
• - Avoid strongly scented soap,
disinfectants since they can change
vaginal pH.
• - Use loose cotton pants for aeration
of genitals
• - Wipe front backwards after call to
prevent spread of the yeast from
anus to vagina.
• Treatment:
• - Administer ant-fungal drugs.
• Note: - Diabetic patients are more
likely to suffer from this disease
since their conditions favour this
yeast to thrive.
7. HIV and AIDS
• AIDS – Acquired immune
deficiency syndrome
• HIV – Human immunodeficiency
• AIDS :
• Cause: AIDS is caused by Human
Immuno Defficiency Virus-HIV
• - This virus has RNA covered with
a protein coat.
Details not necessary
• -HIV is a virus referred to as
A retrovirus since for it to
reproduce its RNA has to be
converted to DNA and this can
only occur in a living cell.
• (The drug used to reduce HIV is
called Anti-Retro Virals (ARVs)
since it prevents the RNA in HIV
from being converted to DNA (ie
prevent retro process) thus
making HIV unable to reproduce).
• -HIV attacks, reproduces in, and
destroys white blood cells
(lymphocytes) thus making them
unable to defend the body against
infections. This makes body’s
immune system to be deficient in
defense ie suffer from AIDS.
• Transmission:
a) Sex with infected person.
(Heterosexual or homosexual
b) Blood transfusion from infected
c) In accidents where infected
blood gets in contact with
wounds of healthy person.
• d) Kissing infected person if one
has wounds on mouth.
• e) Sharing use of surgical tools,
razors, needles… with infected
• f) From infected mother to babies
at birth and breast milk.
• Organ transplant using grafts
from infected person.
• Note: - HIV is in body fluids like in
lymph, blood, and in fluids of
reproductive parts eg semen and
vaginal fluids and is transmitted
through this fluids by infected
• -HIV can pass across mucus
membranes of reproductive
• -HIV can’t be transmitted by
• Symptoms: Occur in stages:
1) Stage 1- Persistent fever.
- Swelling of lymph nodes.
- Skin rashes.
- Persistent headache and cough.
– (This symptoms disappear after
1-3 months)
• 2) Stage 2:
- Person appear normal.
- Slight increase in swelling of
lymph nodes occurs.
- (This stage may take 3 months
to several years).
• 3) Stage 3:
• - Several infections start due to
reduced immunity such as:
• - Persistent diarrhoea.
• - Lesions/wounds on mucous
membranes of mouth and
• - Persistent pneumonia.
• - Tuberculosis etc.
• Also the following signs:
i. Skin cancer.
ii. Elongation of the sensory hairs
on tongue.
iv. Further swelling of lymph nodes.
v. Pale skin appearance.
vi. Loss of memory.
Horrifying AIDS symptoms when ARVs are not used
Control and management of
1) Take anti retro viral (ARVs)
2) Eat balanced diet and foods that
boost body immunity.
3) Treat well the opportunistic
infections eg pneumonia, TB,
skin diseases, diarrhoea…
4) Positive living.
• 5. Positive behaviour change.
-By avoiding indiscriminate sex.
-Avoid alcoholism and drug
addiction since they expose one
to high risk of being infected.
-Avoid cultural practices like wife
inheritance, FGM, traditional
• 6. Blood screening for HIV before
• 7. Avoid sharing tooth brush,
razors, surgical tools
contaminated with blood and body
fluids from infected person.
• 8. Male circumcision.
• 9. Visit VCT center to know your
status and avoid spread if
• Note: There is no vaccine against
AIDS because The HIV virus
keeps changing its structure.
• - Testing for HIV is done by
detecting presence of antibodies
that white blood cells form to
fight HIV in the blood.
• There is no treatment for AIDS
(ARVs only helps in managing its
adverse effects) A person using
ARVs appears fine but can spread
Social and Economic effects
a) Death of economically productive
people lowers economic growth of
the country.
b) Reduces labour force in the
c) Loss of parents leaves orphans
who may drop out of school.
d) Burden to society trying to bring up
e) Expensive in acquiring drugs and
special diet for victims.
Other defects of reproductive
(These details not necessary)
• Endometriosis – Abnormal
formation of endometrium tissue
(of uterus) in other parts of body
other than uterus and which
undergo menstruation just as in