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ASME B16.5-2020

Table 1.1-3 Flange Bolting Dimensional Recommendations

Product Carbon Steel Alloy Steel
Stud bolts ASME B18.31.2 ASME B18.31.2
Bolts smaller than 3∕4 in. ASME B18.2.1, square or heavy hex head ASME B18.2.1, heavy hex head
Bolts equal to or larger than 3∕4 in. ASME B18.2.1, square or heavy hex head ASME B18.2.1, heavy hex head
Nuts smaller than 3∕4 in. ASME B18.2.2, heavy hex ASME B18.2.2, heavy hex
Nuts equal to or larger than 3∕4 in. ASME B18.2.2, hex or heavy hex ASME B18.2.2, heavy hex
External threads ASME B1.1, Cl. 2A coarse series ASME B1.1, Cl. 2A coarse series up through 1 in.;
eight thread series for larger bolts
Internal threads ASME B1.1, Cl. 2B coarse series ASME B1.1, Cl. 2B coarse series up through 1 in.;
eight thread series for larger bolts

the thread close to the face of the flange when the parts are 6.12 Auxiliary Connections
assembled by power equipment.
6.12.1 General. Auxiliary connections or openings for
6.10 Flange Bolting Dimensions flanged fittings are not required unless specified by the
purchaser. Welding to attach auxiliary connections to
6.10.1 Dimensional Standards. Stud bolts, threaded at flanged fittings shall be made by a qualified welder
both ends or threaded full length, or bolts may be used in using a qualified weld procedure in accordance with
flange joints. Dimensional recommendations for bolts, Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
stud bolts, and nuts are shown in Table 1.1-3. See
para. 5.3 for bolting material recommendations. 6.12.2 Pipe Thread Tapping. Holes may be tapped in
the wall of a fitting if the metal is thick enough to allow the
6.10.2 Bolt Lengths. Stud bolt lengths, including the effective thread length specified in Figure 11. Where
height of two heavy hexagon nuts, are shown as dimension thread length is insufficient or the tapped hole needs re-
L in Tables 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, and 21 (Tables 7C, 10C, 13C, inforcement, a boss shall be added.
15C, 17C, 19C, and 21C). The tabulated stud bolt length L
does not include the height of end points. An end point is 6.12.3 Sockets. Sockets for socket welding connections
defined as an unthreaded length, such as a chamfer, which may be provided in the wall of a fitting if the metal is thick
extends beyond the thread. The method of calculating bolt enough to afford the depth of socket and retaining wall
lengths is explained in Nonmandatory Appendix C. The specified in Figure 12. Where the wall thickness is insuffi-
tabulated bolt lengths are reference dimensions. Users cient, or the size of the connection requires opening re-

University of Toronto User.

may select other bolting lengths. inforcement, a boss shall be added (see Figure 13).

6.10.3 Bolting Recommendations. For flange joints, 6.12.4 Butt Welding. Connections may be attached by
stud bolts with a nut at each end are recommended butt welding directly to the wall of the fitting (see
for all applications and especially for high temperature Figure 14). Where the size of an opening requires rein-
service. forcement, a boss shall be added.
6.12.5 Bosses. Where bosses are required, the
6.11 Gaskets for Line Flanges diameters shall be no less than those shown in
6.11.1 Ring Joint. Ring joint gasket dimensions shall Figure 13, and the height shall provide lengths as specified
conform to ASME B16.20. in Figure 11 or Figure 12.
6.11.2 Contact Width. For flanges having large or small 6.12.6 Size. Unless otherwise specified, auxiliary
tongue-and-groove faces, all gaskets, except solid flat connections shall be of the pipe sizes given below.
metal gaskets, shall cover the bottom of the groove
Fitting Size Connection Size (NPS)
with minimum clearance. [See para. 7.3(a) for tolerance 1
applicable to groove.] Solid flat metal gaskets shall have 2 ≤ NPS ≤ 4 ∕2
contact width not greater than for Nonmandatory 5 ≤ NPS ≤ 8 ∕4
Appendix B, Group III gaskets. NPS ≥ 10 1

6.11.3 Bearing Surface. For flanges with small male-

and-female face, care must be taken to ensure that 6.12.7 Designating Locations. The designation of loca-
adequate bearing surface is provided for the gaskets. tions for auxiliary connections for flanged fittings is shown
In particular, care is necessary when the joint is made in Figure 15. A letter is used to designate each location.
on the end of the pipe as shown in Figure 6.


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