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F - Y - B - SC - MDC in - NEP Format
F - Y - B - SC - MDC in - NEP Format
Study of Some fundamental aspects in chemistry.
Atkins P. and Paula J. D. (2006), Physical Chemistry, 8th Edition (International Student Edition) Oxford Univ.
Press, New Delhi.
Puri, B. R., Sharma, L.R. and Pathania, M. S. (2005), 41st Edition, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal
Publ. Co., Jalandhar
3 Bahl, B.S., Bahl A. and Tuli, G.D. (2007), Essentials of Physical Chemistry, 25th Edition,S. Chand, New Delhi.
Morrison R.T. and Boyd R.N; (1994) Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Graham Solomons T.W. and Fryhle C., (2002) Organic Chemistry, John Wiley, New York.
5 Pine S.H; (1993) Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
6 Loudon G M; (2002) Organic Chemistry, Oxford, New York.
Roberts J.D. and Caserio M.C., (1992) Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition,W.A. Benjamin Inc.,
8 Graham Solomons T.W. and Fryhle C., (2002) Organic Chemistry, John Wiley, New York.
9 Singh S.P. and Mukherjee S.M; (1984) Organic Chemistry, McMillan India.
10 Tewari K. S. and Vishnoi N. K.; (2006) A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
11. Lee J.D., (1991) Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Edition, Chapman and Hall,
Puri B.R., Sharma L.R. and Kalia K.C., (2006). Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 29th Edition, Milestone
Publ., Delhi
Cotton F.A. and Wilkinson G., (2009) Basic Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edition,
Wiley Eastern
14 Christian Gary, (2004) Analytical Chemistry, 6th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
15 Khopkar, S.M.(2009) Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry New Age, International Publisher
John Bassett (Editor) Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Including Elementary
Instrumental Analysis, 4th edition, Longman Science and Tech
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Science ACADEMIC YEAR
Department of Chemistry 2023-2024
1. Lee J.D., (1991) Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Edition, Chapman and Hall
Puri B.R., Sharma L.R. and Kalia K.C., (2006). Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 29th Edition, Milestone Publ.,
3. Cotton F.A. and Wilkinson G., (2009) Basic Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Wiley Eastern
4. Mahan B.H., (2009) University Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Narosa Publ House, New Delhi
5. Gilreath E. S., (1985) Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Int.
6 Morrison R.T. and Boyd R.N; (1994) Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
7 Pine S.H; (1993) Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
8 Loudon G M; (2002) Organic Chemistry, Oxford, New York.
Roberts J.D. and Caserio M.C., (1992) Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Ed., W.A. Benjamin Inc.,
10 Graham Solomons T.W. and Fryhle C., (2002) Organic Chemistry, John Wiley, New York
11 Singh S.P. and Mukherjee S.M; (1984) Organic Chemistry, McMillan India.
12 Tewari K. S. and Vishnoi N. K.; (2006) A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, Vikas Publishing House, N.Delhi.
13 Finar I L Organic Chemistry Vol 1 & 2 ELBS/ Pearson 1982
14. Lee J.D., (1991) Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Edition, Chapman and Hall
Puri B.R., Sharma L.R. and Kalia K.C., (2006). Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 29th Edition, Milestone Publ.,
16. Cotton F.A. and Wilkinson G., (2009) Basic Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Wiley Eastern
17. Mahan B.H., (2009) University Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Narosa Publ House, New Delhi
18. Gilreath E. S., (1985) Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Int.
19. Morrison R.T. and Boyd R.N; (1994) Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
20. Pine S.H; (1993) Organic Chemistry, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
21. Loudon G M; (2002) Organic Chemistry, Oxford, New York.
Roberts J.D. and Caserio M.C., (1992) Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, 2nd Ed., W.A. Benjamin Inc.,
23. Graham Solomons T.W. and Fryhle C., (2002) Organic Chemistry, John Wiley, New York
24. Singh S.P. and Mukherjee S.M; (1984) Organic Chemistry, McMillan India.
25. Tewari K. S. and Vishnoi N. K.; (2006) A Textbook of Organic Chemistry, Vikas Publishing House, N.Delhi.
26. Finar I L Organic Chemistry Vol 1 & 2 ELBS/ Pearson 1982