Predicting Dental Anxiety in Young Adults Classica
Predicting Dental Anxiety in Young Adults Classica
Predicting Dental Anxiety in Young Adults Classica
Objectives To predict and identify the key demographic and clinical exposure factors associated with dental anxiety
among young adults, and to compare if the traditional statistical modelling approach provides similar results to the
machine learning (ML) approach in predicting factors for dental anxiety.
Methods A cross-sectional study of Western Illinois University students. Three survey instruments (sociodemographic
questionnaire, modified dental anxiety scale (MDAS), and dental concerns assessment tool (DCA)) were distributed
via email to the students using survey monkey. The dependent variable was the mean MDAS scores, while the
independent variables were the sociodemographic and dental concern assessment variables. Multivariable analysis
was done by comparing the classical statistical model and the machine learning model. The classical statistical
modelling technique was conducted using the multiple linear regression analysis and the final model was selected
based on Akaike information Criteria (AIC) using the backward stepwise technique while the machine learining
modelling was performed by comparing two ML models: LASSO regression and extreme gradient boosting machine
(XGBOOST) under 5-fold cross-validation using the resampling technique. All statistical analyses were performed
using R version 4.1.3.
Results The mean MDAS was 13.73 ± 5.51. After careful consideration of all possible fitted models and their
interaction terms the classical statistical approach yielded a parsimonious model with 13 predictor variables with
Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) of 2376.4. For the ML approach, the Lasso regression model was the best-performing
model with a mean RMSE of 0.617, R2 of 0.615, and MAE of 0.483. Comparing the variable selection of ML versus the
classical statistical model, both model types identified 12 similar variables (out of 13) as the most important predictors
of dental anxiety in this study population.
Conclusion There is a high burden of dental anxiety within this study population. This study contributes to reducing
the knowledge gap about the impact of clinical exposure variables on dental anxiety and the role of machine
learningin the prediction of dental anxiety. The predictor variables identified can be used to inform public health
interventions that are geared towards eliminating the individual clinical exposure triggers of dental anxiety are
Chukwuebuka Ogwo
[email protected]
Department of Oral Health Sciences, Maurice H Kornberg School of
Dentistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19140, US
School of Public Health, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
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Table 1 Descriptive statistics of the dental anxiety scores, demographic and dental concern assessment variables
N Frequency (%)
Sex Female 135 69.40
Male 139 30.60
Age Less than 24 309 68.10
25 to 34 84 18.50
35 to 44 29 6.40
45 to 54 24 5.30
55 or older 8 1.80
Dental visit Yes 446 98.20
No 8 1.80
Frequency of dental visits* Less than 3 months 115 25.30
3 months to < 6 months 89 19.60
6 months to < 12 months 90 19.80
More than 12 months 160 35.20
Household Income* $0 - $24,999 126 27.80
$25,000 - $74,999 172 37.90
$75,000 - $124,999 119 26.20
$125,000 - $149,999 19 4.20
$150,000 and up 18 4.00
Level of Education Doctoral Student 9 2.00
Graduate Student 142 31.30
Undergraduate Student 303 66.70
Sound or vibration of the drill Low 142 31.30
Moderate 156 34.40
High 156 34.40
Dislike the numb feeling Low 262 57.70
Moderate 152 26.70
High 71 15.60
Injection in the mouth Low 97 21.40
Moderate 152 33.50
High 205 45.20
The sound or feel of scraping during teeth cleaning Low 185 40.70
Moderate 140 30.80
High 129 28.40
Cold air on the teeth Low 200 44.10
Moderate 154 33.90
High 100 22.00
Root canal treatment Low 49 10.80
Moderate 97 21.40
High 308 67.80
Tooth removal Low 53 11.70
Moderate 95 20.90
High 306 67.40
Fear of being injured Low 167 36.80
Moderate 131 28.90
High 156 34.40
Panic attacks Low 281 61.90
Moderate 100 22.00
High 73 16.10
Fear of feeling pain during treatment Low 62 13.70
Moderate 147 32.40
High 245 54.00
Table 1 (continued)
N Frequency (%)
Concern of being embarrassed Low 269 59.30
Moderate 102 22.50
High 83 18.30
Smells in the dental office Low 327 72.00
Moderate 89 19.60
High 38 8.40
Worried about needing a lot of dental treatment Low 250 55.10
Moderate 102 22.50
High 102 22.50
Cost of the dental treatment Low 127 28.00
Moderate 140 30.80
High 187 41.20
Dental anxiety Level MDAS Scale N Prevalence (%)
No Anxiety 5 to 10 240 36.10
Moderate Anxiety 11 to 14 152 22.90
High Anxiety 15 to 18 143 21.50
Extreme Anxiety 19 to 25 130 19.50
Mean Median Variance Standard Deviation
MDAS Score 13.73 13.00 30.35 5.51
Table 3 Summary output of the final (reduced) model from Table 5 Showing variable importance based on permitted
generalized linear model (Arranged in the order of variable mean RMSE.
importance based on the magnitude of their beta coefficient) Per-
Final model: Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) = 2376.4 muted
Categories Estimate P-value mean
Intercept 6.55 < 0.001
High fear of feeling pain during treatment 0.093
Fear of panic attacks High 3.14 < 0.001
High fear of sound or vibration of the drill 0.062
Moderate 1.28 0.003
High fear of root canal treatment 0.061
Low Ref
High fear of panic attacks 0.052
Fear of feeling pain High 2.76 < 0.001
during treatment High fear of injection in the mouth 0.043
Moderate 0.88 0.09
High fear of needing a lot of dental treatment 0.026
Low Ref
High fear of being embarrassed 0.020
Fear of Sound or High 2.70 < 0.001
vibration of the drill Moderate Moderate fear of root canal treatment 0.014
0.98 0.02
Moderate fear of panic attacks 0.012
Low Ref
High fear of being injured 0.012
Fear of root canal High 2.69 < 0.001
treatment Moderate fear of the sound or vibration of the drill 0.011
Moderate 1.62 0.01
Frequency of dental visits (3 months to less than 6 months) 0.010
Low Ref
Frequency of dental visits less than 3 months 0.006
Fear of injection in High 1.91 < 0.001
the mouth Moderate fear of sound or feel of scraping during teeth 0.005
Moderate 0.42 0.37
Low Ref
High fear of cost of the dental treatment 0.003
Fear of needing High 1.60 0.003
High fear of cold air on the teeth 0.003
a lot of dental Moderate 0.70 0.10
treatment High dislike of smells in the dental office 0.003
Low Ref
Moderate fear of needing a lot of dental treatment 0.003
Fear of being High 1.52 0.01
High fear of sound or feel of scraping during teeth cleaning 0.003
embarrassed Moderate 0.35 0.41
High fear of tooth removal 0.002
Low Ref
Moderate fear of concern of being embarrassed 0.002
Frequency of dental Less than 3 months -0.94 0.02
Moderate fear for the numb feeling 0.002
visit 3 months to less than 6 -1.17 0.01
Moderate fear of tooth removal 0.001
Frequency of dental visits (6 months but less than 12 months) 0.001
6 months to less than 12 -0.74 0.09
months Moderate fear of injection in the mouth 0.001
12 months and above Ref Moderate dislike of smells in the dental office 0.001
Fear of the sound or High 0.70 0.12 Moderate fear of feeling pain during treatment 0.000
feel of scraping dur- Moderate 0.82 0.04 Sex (Male) 0.000
ing teeth cleaning Low Ref Moderate fear of cost of the dental treatment 0.000
Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken = 10.48 High dislike the numb feeling 0.000
Null deviance: 13749.2 on 453 degrees of freedom Moderate fear of being injured -0.0004
Residual deviance: 4546.4 on 434 degrees of freedom Moderate fear of cold air on the teeth -0.0005
*Higher permuted mean RMSE score means higher variable importance
Table 6 Comparison of the 10 most important predictors of DA 25 and come from lower-income households. Almost all
identified using ML model versus classical statistical model the participants had visited a dentist before and therefore
ML model (Lasso regression) * Classical statistical model have had some prior exposure to the clinical triggers of
(Multiple Linear regres-
sion) **
dental anxiety assessed in this study.
High fear of feeling pain during High fear of panic attack When compared to the ML model approach, the clas-
treatment sical statistical model approach showed a much higher
High fear of the sound or vibration of High of feeling pain during RMSE and slightly higher R2. This implies that our ML
the drill treatment model performed better than the classical statistical
High fear of root canal treatment High fear of the sound or model in predicting dental anxiety due to the higher
vibration of the drill error rate in the classical statistical model and bearing
High fear of panic attacks High fear of root canal in mind that R2 is sensitive to the number of variables in
the model and therefore not a very accurate measure of
High fear of injection in the mouth High fear of injection in the
model performance. Also, our classical statistical model
High fear of needing a lot of dental Moderate fear of root canal
(multiple linear regression) revealed only 13 predictors
treatment treatment of DA in this study population based on the beta coef-
High fear of being embarrassed High fear of needing a lot of ficient and p-value. In contrast, our ML model (Lasso
dental treatment regression) identified 28 predictors of DA based on the
Moderate fear of root canal treatment High fear of being permuted mean RMSE. This highlights the ability of
embarrassed machine learning to model complex interactions between
Moderate fear of panic attacks Moderate fear of panic attacks variables and identify a wider range of predictors beyond
High fear of being injured Frequency of dental visits (3 the classical model.
months to less than 6 months)
Interestingly, our study showed a very comparable
Moderate fear of the sound or vibration Moderate fear of the sound or
of the drill feel of scraping during teeth
performance between the classical statistical modelling
cleaning approach and the machine learning approach in terms
Frequency of dental visits (3 months to Moderate fear of the sound or of variable selection. When we compared the 13 pre-
less than 6 months) vibration of the drill dictors of DA from the classical statistical model to the
Frequency of dental visits less than 3 Frequency of dental visits less top 13 predictor variables from the machine learning
months than 3 months model, both models identified 12 similar predictors of
Comparison of performance of the ML model versus classical dental anxiety. The predictors include high fear of feeling
statistical model
pain during treatment, high fear of the sound or vibra-
RMSE = 0.617 RMSE = 3.16
tion of the drill, high fear of root canal treatment, high
R2 = 0.615 R2 = 0.67
fear of panic attacks, high fear of injection in the mouth,
* Ranking was based on the permuted mean RMSE.
high fear of needing a lot of dental treatment, high fear
** Ranking was based on the beta coefficient and statistical significance
(p < 0.05) of being embarrassed, moderate fear of root canal treat-
Note: Lower RMSE equals better model performance. ment moderate fear of panic attacks, moderate fear of
sound or vibration of the drill, frequency of dental visit
[25, 26]. However, there are very few recent studies on (3 months to less than 6 months) and frequency of dental
young adults, especially in the United States of America visit (less than 3 months).
[27, 28]. There are no existing studies that compared clas- High fear of pain during treatment and fear of injection
sical statistical models versus machine learning models in the mouth were associated with higher dental anxiety.
in predicting and identifying the predictors of dental More than half of the participants rated their level of fear
anxiety. of pain during treatment as high while more than three-
The high mean MDAS score found in this study is quarters of the participants indicated moderate to high
higher than the average MDAS score of 12.34 found in levels of fear of injection. Our findings align with the
the Saatchi et al. study [29]. Comparable studies in the studies from Georgelin-Gurgel et al. [30] that found an
U.S. by Locker and Liddle (mean DAS = 7.8) and Kaako association between higher levels of DA and fear of intra-
et al. study among university students (mean DAS = 9.2) oral injection. Individuals who had high fear of the sound
have also shown lower scores even though they used or vibration of drills had a 2.70 higher mean DA score
DAS for measurement [13, 16]. It is crucial to highlight compared to those who had low low fear of the sound
that the DAS (Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale) comprises or vibration of drills. This agrees with the Cohen et al.28
four items, yielding scores from 4 to 20. In contrast, the study that found a significant relationship between DA
MDAS (Modified Dental Anxiety Scale) utilized in our and the sound/vibration of drills.
study is a five-item measure, with score range of 5 to 25. High fear of root canal treatment was associated with
Most of the study participants were females below age a 2.6 higher mean DA score compared to low fear of root
canal treatment with more than about two-thirds of the using the modified DCA questionnaires outside this
participants indicating high level of fear about root canal study population. Similarly, it was not feasible to deter-
treatment which aligns with similar findings by Algho- mine the reasons behind non-responses from certain
faily et al. [31]. study participants or elucidate factors implicated in the
Individuals with high fear of panic attacks during low response rates. This limitation may have significant
treatment had a 3.22 higher mean DA score compared implications for the strength of our study’s conclusions.
to those who had low panic attacks during treatment. However, a smaller sample size may affect the statisti-
Also, participants with high fear of being embarrassed cal power of our analysis, which may underestimate the
had a 1.5 higher mean DA compared to those who had actual effect or relationships present in this population.
low fear of being embarrassed. A high level of concern Also, due to the sampling method and sensitivity of the
about needing a lot of dental treatment was significantly topic, the true cases might have been missed out. Other
associated with 1.84 higher mean DA compared to a low than comparing the variable selection, there are no exist-
level of concern about needing a lot of dental treatment. ing objective metrics for comparing classical statistical
The public health relevance of these findings is that if an versus machine learning models.
individual feels they are going to be embarrassed or get In future studies, a more diverse and larger sample size
diagnosed with more dental issues, they become more will be considered to enhance the strength, reliability and
anxious and avoid routine dental care visits altogether. applicability of our study.
Individuals who visited the dentist more frequently
were significantly less likely to have dental anxiety. Indi- Conclusion
viduals who have visited a dentist in the past 6 months There is a high burden of dental anxiety within this study
had at least a 1.18 lower average DA score compared population and continues to constitute a serious dental
to those who have not visited the dentist in the past 12 public health issue because those impacted are known to
months. This finding conforms with the study by Doerr avoid dental visits. More frequent exposure to the clinic
et al. study where those who did not go for a checkup at environment through routine visits plays a huge role in
least once a year were found to be more dentally anx- reducing the burden of dental anxiety, especially in young
ious than subjects receiving more frequent dental care adults. This study contributes to reduce the knowledge
[27]. This implies that frequent visits to the dentist could gap about the impact of clinical exposure variables on
help decrease dental anxiety due to continuous exposure dental anxiety and the role of machine learningin the
to dental anxiety stimuli thereby improving the patient’s prediction of dental anxiety. Behavioral theory (such as
self-efficacy. Inversely, high dental anxiety can be said to motivational interviewing) based public health inter-
have caused the low frequency of visits within this study ventions that are geared towards eliminating the indi-
population possibly due to previous personal experi- vidual clinical exposure triggers of dental anxiety are
ence or experiences of a family member, friends, or col- recommended.
leagues. Our study found no association between dental
anxiety and the average household income, level of edu- Supplementary Information
cation, and sex. Both Our Machine Learning (ML) and The online version contains supplementary material available at
the classical statistical approach identified set of variables
as predictors for dental anxiety. These variables hold the Supplementary Material 1
potential to form the basis for developing a web applica-
tion tailored to aid the diagnosis of dental anxiety and Acknowledgements
the customization of patient-specific interventions. It I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Chukwuebuka Ogwo (the
is important to highlight that our findings were derived corresponding authors) led and contributed to the conception, design, data
acquisition, and interpretation, performed all statistical analyses, and drafted
from a sample of 454 students, which differs greatly from and critically revised the manuscript. Ifeanyi David Okoye and Wisdom
the initially calculated sample size of 1062 students and Osisioma contributed to the conception, design, data analysis, writing, and
may have limited external validity. preparing the tables and figures for the manuscript. Jay Patel contributed
to the data analysis, interpretation, drafting, and revision of the manuscript.
The limitations of this study include the lack of gen- Thank you, Professor Marisol Tellez Merchan for her expert guidance and
eralizability to other populations due to the differences comments during the final revision of the manuscript.
in population characteristics. The data obtained from
Author contributions
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in America. The study participants might not have given the conception, design, data acquisition, and interpretation, performed all
adequate and accurate information regarding the level of statistical analyses, and drafted and critically revised the manuscript. Ifeanyi
David Okoye and Wisdom Osisioma contributed to the conception, design,
dental anxiety since its measurement is subjective. Reli- data analysis, writing, and preparing the tables and figures for the manuscript.
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