9 Camera-Ready - A Large-Scale Open Dataset For Bandit Algorithms
9 Camera-Ready - A Large-Scale Open Dataset For Bandit Algorithms
9 Camera-Ready - A Large-Scale Open Dataset For Bandit Algorithms
We build and publicize the Open Bandit Dataset and Pipeline to facilitate scalable and repro-
ducible research on bandit algorithms. They are especially suitable for off-policy evaluation
(OPE), which attempts to predict the performance of hypothetical algorithms using data
generated by a different algorithm in use. We construct the dataset based on experiments
and implementations on a large-scale fashion e-commerce platform, ZOZOTOWN. The
data contain the ground-truth about the performance of several bandit policies and enable
the fair comparisons of different OPE estimators. We also provide a pipeline to make its
implementation easy and consistent. As a proof of concept, we use the dataset and pipeline
to evaluate and compare the performance of OPE estimators. Our pipeline and sample data
are available at https://github.com/st-tech/zr-obp.
1. Introduction
Interactive bandit and reinforcement learning systems produce log data valuable for evaluating
and redesigning the systems. For example, the logs of a news recommendation system record
which news article was presented and whether the user read it, giving the system designer a
chance to make its recommendation more relevant. Exploiting log data is, however, more
difficult than conventional supervised machine learning: the result is only observed for the
action chosen by the system but not for all the other actions the system could have taken.
The logs are also biased in that the logs over-represent the actions favored by the system.
A potential solution to this problem is an A/B test that compares the performance
of counterfactual systems in an online environment. However, A/B testing counterfactual
systems is often difficult, since deploying a new policy is time- and money-consuming, and
entails a risk of failure.
This leads us to the problem of off-policy evaluation (OPE), which aims to estimate the
performance of a counterfactual policy using only log data collected by a past (or behavior)
policy. Such an evaluation allows us to compare the performance of candidate counterfactual
policies to decide which policy should be deployed. This alternative approach thus solves the
above problem with the A/B test approach. Applications range from contextual bandits (Bot-
tou et al., 2013; Li et al., 2010, 2011; Narita et al., 2019; Strehl et al., 2010; Swaminathan
Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning
and Joachims, 2015a,b) and reinforcement learning in the web industry (Farajtabar et al.,
2018; Irpan et al., 2019; Jiang and Li, 2016; Kallus and Uehara, 2019; Liu et al., 2018; Narita
et al., 2020; Thomas and Brunskill, 2016) to other social domains such as healthcare (Murphy
et al., 2001) and education (Mandel et al., 2014).
Issues with current experimental procedures. While the research community has
produced theoretical breakthroughs, the experimental evaluation of OPE remains primi-
tive. Specifically, it lacks a public benchmark dataset for comparing the performance of
different methods. Researchers often validate their methods using synthetic simulation
environments (Kallus and Uehara, 2019; Kato et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2018; Voloshin et al.,
2019; Xie et al., 2019). A version of the synthetic approach is to modify multi-class classifica-
tion datasets and treat supervised machine learning methods as bandit policies to evaluate
off-policy estimators (Dudík et al., 2014; Farajtabar et al., 2018; Vlassis et al., 2019; Wang
et al., 2017). An obvious problem with these studies is that there is no guarantee that their
simulation environment is similar to real-world settings. To solve this issue, (Gilotte et al.,
2018; Gruson et al., 2019; Narita et al., 2019, 2020) use proprietary real-world datasets. Since
these datasets are not public, however, it remains challenging to reproduce the results, and
compare their methods with new ideas in a fair manner.
Contributions. Our goal is to implement and evaluate OPE of bandit algorithms in realistic
and reproducible ways. We release the Open Bandit Dataset, a logged bandit feedback
collected on a large-scale fashion e-commerce platform, ZOZOTOWN.1 ZOZOTOWN is the
largest fashion EC platform in Japan with over 3 billion USD annual Gross Merchandise Value.
When the platform produced the data, it used Bernoulli Thompson Sampling (Bernoulli TS)
and Random policies to recommend fashion items to users. The dataset includes an A/B test
of these policies and collected over 26 million records of users’ clicks and the ground-truth
about the performance of Bernoulli TS and Random. To streamline and standardize the
analysis of the Open Bandit Dataset, we also provide the Open Bandit Pipeline, a series
of implementations of dataset preprocessing, behavior bandit policy simulators, and OPE
To illustrate how to use the dataset and pipeline, we compare and evaluate state-of-the-art
OPE estimators. Specifically, for each estimator, we use the log data of one of the behavior
policies to predict the click through rates (CTR) of the other policy. We then assess the
accuracy of the prediction by comparing it with the ground truth contained in the data.
We compare the three estimators by their prediction performance. This exercise shows the
Empirical Result 1. Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW; (Strehl et al., 2010))
and Doubly Robust (DR; (Dudík et al., 2014)) well predict performance of
counterfactual policies (prediction errors being lower than 8.5%), while Direct
Method (DM; (Beygelzimer and Langford, 2009)) produces much larger prediction
This result is presented in Figure 1, where IPW and DR predict the ground-truth policy values
of Bernoulli TS and Random well. In contrast, DM exhibits poor predictions. This experiment
1. https://corp.zozo.com/en/service/
ICML 2020 Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning
suggests that a well-established estimator like DM may fail to predict the performance of a
counterfactual policy. It is therefore essential to use an appropriate method, such as IPW
and DR in this case.
We believe that our open data and pipeline help researchers evaluate the empirical
performance of their methods, thereby advancing the future OPE research. Our case study
showcases how to use our data to compare different estimators and use an appropriate one
to improve the bandit systems.
2. Off-Policy Evaluation
2.1 Setup
We consider a general multi-armed contextual bandit setting. Let A = {0, ..., m} be a finite
set of m + 1 actions, that the decision maker can choose from. Let Y (·) : A → R denote a
potential reward function that maps actions into rewards or outcomes, where Y (a) is the
reward when action a is chosen. Let X denote context vector that the decision maker observes
when picking an action. We think of (Y (·), X) as a random vector with unknown distribution
G. Given a vector of (Y (·), X), we define the mean reward function µ : X × A → R as
µ(x, a) = E[Y (a)|X = x].
We call a function π : X → A a policy, which maps each context x ∈ X into a distribution
over actions, where π(a|x) is the probability of taking action a given a context vector x.
Let {(Yt , Xt , Dt )}Tt=1 be historical logged bandit feedback with T rounds of observations.
Dt := (Dt0 , ..., D
Ptm )0 where Dta is a binary variable indicating whether action a is chosen in
round t. Yt := a=0 Dta Yt (a) and Xt denote the reward and the context observed in round
t, respectively. We assume that a logged bandit feedback is generated by a behavior policy
πb as follows: (i) In each round t = 1, ..., T , (Yt (·), Xt ) is i.i.d. drawn from distribution G.,
(ii) Given Xt , an action is randomly chosen based on πb (·|Xt ), creating the action choice Dt
and the associated reward Yt .
Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning
We are interested in using the historical logged bandit data to estimate the following
policy value of any given counterfactual policy π which might be different from πb :
m m
X X π(a|X)
V π := E(Y (·),X)∼G [ Y (a)π(a|X)] = E(Y (·),X)∼G, D∼πb [ Y (a)Da ] (1)
πb (a|X)
a=0 a=0
where the last equality uses the independence of D and Y (·) conditional on X and the
definition of πb (·|X). We allow the counterfactual policy π to be degenerate, i.e., it may
choose a particular action with probability 1. Estimating V π before implementing π in an
online environment is valuable because π may perform poorly and damage user satisfaction.
Additionally, it is possible to select a counterfactual policy that maximizes the policy value
by comparing their estimated performances.
where µ̂(a|x) is the estimated reward function. If µ̂(a|x) is a good approximation to the mean
reward function, this estimator accurately predicts the policy value of the counterfactual
policy V π . If µ̂(a|x) fails to approximate the mean reward function well, however, the final
estimator is no longer consistent.
Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW). To alleviate the issue with DM, researchers often
use another estimator called IPW (Precup et al., 2000; Strehl et al., 2010). IPW re-weights
the rewards by the ratio of the counterfactual policy and behavior policy as
T m
π 1 XX π(a|Xt )
V̂IP W = Yt Dta .
T πb (a|Xt )
t=1 a=0
When the behavior policy is known, the IPW estimator is unbiased and consistent for the
policy value. However, it can have a large variance, especially when the counterfactual policy
significantly deviates from the behavior policy.
Doubly Robust (DR). The final approach is DR (Dudík et al., 2014), which combines the
above two estimators as
T m
π 1 XX π(a|Xt )
V̂DR = (Yt − µ̂(a|Xt ))Dta + π(a|Xt )µ̂(a|Xt ) .
T πb (a|Xt )
t=1 a=0
DR mimics IPW to use a weighted version of rewards, but DR also uses the estimated mean
reward function as a control variate to decrease the variance. It preserves the consistency of
IPW if either the importance weight or the mean reward estimator is accurate (a property
called double robustness).
ICML 2020 Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning
4. Experiments
We empirically evaluate and compare DM, IPW, and DR using our open data as follows (for
each campaign separately):
1. For each of the Random and Bernoulli TS policies, randomly split the data collected
by that policy into training (70%) and test (30%) sets.
2. Estimate the ground-truth value of each policy π by the empirical mean of clicks in
π )−1
the test set collected by that policy: V π = (Ttest π
t=1 Yt , where Ttest is the size of
the test set of policy π.
3. Estimate the policy value of each policy by DM, IPW, and DR with the training set
collected by the other policy.
5. Compare the ground-truth and policy value estimated by the bagging prediction (Breiman,
Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning
K −1 K π π
k=1 V̂k is a bagging prediction where V̂k is an estimated policy value with the k-th
bootstrapped samples. K = 15 is the number of folds.
For IPW and DR, we compute the true behavior policy by Monte Carlo simulation of
the beta distribution used in Bernoulli TS. For DM and DR, we need to obtain a reward
estimator µ̂. We do so by using LightGBM (Ke et al., 2017) implemented in scikit-learn and
training it with the whole training set.
The results of off-policy estimator selection are given in Table 1 and Figure 1. First,
DM fails to predict the policy values in all settings. The failure of DM likely comes from
the bias of the regression model. We observe that the prediction by LightGBM does not
improve upon a naive prediction using the mean CTR for every prediction. Specifically, the
improvements of the regression model over the naive prediction are only 1.51%-7.04% in the
binary cross-entropy measure.
The problem with DM makes us expect that IPW and DR may perform better, because
the two methods do not rely on the correct specification of the regression model. We confirm
this expectation in Table 1, where IPW and DR drastically outperform DM. In particular,
DR performs best in five out of the six scenarios. A possible reason for the best performance
of DR is that DR is robust to the bias of the nuisance estimation, which is known as the
Neyman orthogonality (Narita et al., 2020).
As we show in this section, researchers can evaluate and compare their methods with
others easily by using our open data and pipeline.
5. Conclusion
To enable realistic and reproducible evaluation of off-policy evaluation of bandit algorithms,
we have publicized the Open Bandit Dataset–a benchmark logged bandit dataset collected on
a large-scale fashion e-commerce platform. The data comes with the Open Bandit Pipeline,
a collection of implementations that makes it easy to evaluate and compare different OPE
estimators. We have also presented a case evaluation of OPE estimators by using the
dataset and pipeline. We believe that our open data and pipeline will allow researchers and
practitioners to easily evaluate and compare their bandit algorithms and OPE estimators
with others in a large, real-world setting.
ICML 2020 Workshop on Real World Experiment Design and Active Learning
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