Jurnal Ester En-Us

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Ester Lia
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Mamuju
e-mail: [email protected]

Purpose: This study is to determine the effect of rewards and work
motivation on employee productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari.
Method: Researchers used multiple linear regression analysis methods with
the help of the SPSS (Statistical Product Service Solution) computerized
Result: Partial test results using multiple linear regression show that the
reward variable with a significant value of 0.001 <0.05 and the work
motivation variable with a significant value of 0.016 <0.05, while the
simultaneous test shows the Fcount value of 24.478 with a significant level of
0.000. Thus it is stated that rewards and work motivation have a significant
effect on employee productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari. Based on
the coefficient of determination test, it is known that R Square = 0.395 or
40% So it can be concluded that the influence of variable rewards and work
motivation on work productivity is 40%.
Academic contribution: this research can increase knowledge for students
about rewarding and motivating work in a company.
Keywords: reward, work motivation, work productivity.
Research field: Management

Human resources are a determining factor in the successful
performance of an employee in a company. Effective human resources can
improve performance and can have an impact on high work productivity.
The company makes several efforts to increase employee productivity, one
of which is the provision of rewards and motivation so that work productivity
achieves optimal results with the provision of rewards and work motivation.
Based on the observations made by researchers at the company PT
Manakarra Unggul Lestari, it is obtained that there are rewards and
motivation that can encourage employees to be more active in doing work
according to predetermined targets. a reward system that is not paid
attention to can result in employees becoming unmotivated and dissatisfied
with their work and can ultimately lead to low productivity for employees and
the company. Likewise, employees lack work motivation in carrying out their
duties and responsibilities, so employee performance will be poor and have
an impact on work productivity, so leaders and employees should have work
motivation at work if they want to achieve goals.
Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, the problem formulation that
will be studied in this research is as follows:
1. Does reward affect employee productivity at PT Manakarra unggul
2. Does work motivation affect employee productivity at PT
Manakarra Unggul Lestari?
3. Do rewards and work motivation simultaneously affect employee
productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari?
Research Benefits
1. This research is expected to be a reference for consideration in
providing rewards and work motivation in increasing employee
2. This research is expected to be a reference material when you
want to do similar research.

Location and Time of Research
Researchers conducted research at PT Manakarra Unggul
Lestari, Kakullasan Village, Tommo District, Mamuju Regency. The
time needed in the research is for approximately 2 (two) months.

Data Type and Source

1. Qualitative data is data obtained from interviews and documentation
at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari.
2. Quantitative data is data obtained from the results of distributing
questionnaires to employee respondents at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari
with the results in the form of numbers to be processed and analyzed.
Data Source
In this study, the data sources used were primary data and secondary
1) Primary data is data obtained directly from the first source. This
research was conducted using observation, questionnaires and
interviews. In this case the data obtained in this research was
obtained by filling out a questionnaire by employees at PT Manakarra
Unggul Lestari.
2) Secondary data is data obtained indirectly through intermediary
media (obtained or recorded by other parties). This secondary data
collection is through books, files, magazines, advertisements, photos,
and information from companies and libraries.
Population and Sample
Sugiyono (2018: 117), states "population is a generalization
area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and
characteristics set by researchers to study and then draw
conclusions", namely all employees at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari.
Because the number of employees is known, the number of samples
will be calculated using the Slovin formula.
Based on the results of the calculation of the formula above,
the number of samples selected was 78 employees.
Data Collection Methods
1) Observation. Semiawan (2010:112) mentions "observation is part of data
collection. Observation means collecting data directly from the field".
2) Interview. Semiawan (2010:113) mentions "interviews are a method of
collecting data that cannot be obtained through observation or
3) Documentation. Sugiyono (2018: 476) states "documentation is a method
used to obtain data and information in the form of books, archives,
documents, written figures and images in the form of reports and
information that can support research".
4) Questionnaire. Sugiyono (2018: 219) states "a questionnaire is a data
collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or written
statements to respondents to answer".

Analysis Method
1. Validity test
Darma Budi (2021: 7) states "the validity test is intended to measure
how carefully a test performs its function, whether the measuring
instrument that has been compiled can actually measure what needs
to be measured. The following are the criteria for testing the validity
test according to Darma Budi (2021: 8):
1) If r count> r table, then the research instrument is said to be valid.
2) If r count < r table then the research instrument is said to be
2. Reliability test
Darma Budi (2021: 17) states "the concept of reliability is the extent to
which the results of a measurement used are fixed, reliable and free
from measurement error". The significant level used in this study is
0.5. The reliability test testing criteria are as follows:
1) If the Cronbach's alpha value> 0.60 then the instrument is said
to be reliable.
2) If the Cronbach's alpha value <0.60 then the instrument is said
to be unreliable.

3. Linear Regression Test

Darma Budi (2021: 23) states "regression analysis analyzes how the
relationship between two or more variables", these variables, namely:
independent variables (free) are usually symbolized by variable X. To
determine the effect of rewards and work motivation on employee
productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari, multiple linear
regression analysis is used with the formula:
Y = a + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + e
Y : Productivity
a : Constant
X1 : Reward
X2 : work motivation
b1,b2 : Regression coefficient
e : Error Term

4. Determination Coefficient Test

Kurniawan, (2019: 31) states "the coefficient of determination is a
value that describes how much change or variation in the dependent
variable can be explained by changes or variations in the independent
variable". The coefficient of determination test is used to measure
how many percent of the independent variable affects the dependent
variable. The coefficient of determination is between zero and one
(0<R2 <1). The closer to one, the smaller the percentage of influence.
KD = R2 x 100%
Hypotheses development
The hypothesis in this study is as follows:
1) It is suspected that Reward has a positive and significant effect
partially on the work productivity of employees of PT Manakarra
Unggul Lestari.
2) It is suspected that Work Motivation has a positive and significant
effect partially on the work productivity of employees of PT Manakarra
Unggul Lestari.
3) It is suspected that Reward and work motivation simultaneously have
a significant effect on the work productivity of employees of PT
Manakarra Unggul Lestari.


Table 1
Multiple Linear Regression Test Results
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 13.897 4.654 2.986 .004
Reward .417 .121 .403 3.446 .001
.294 .119 .289 2.466 .016
a. Dependent Variable: Work Productivity
Source: Data after processing, 2023

Table 2
T Test Results
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 13.89
4.654 2.986 .004
Reward .417 .121 .403 3.446 .001
.294 .119 .289 2.466 .016
a. Dependent Variable: Work Productivity
Source: Data after processing, 2023

Based on the table above by observing the row, column t and sig, it
can be explained as follows
1) Testing the First Hypothesis (H )1
It is known that the sig value for the effect of variable X 1 on Y is 0.001
<0.05 and the t value is 3.446> t table 1.992, so it can be concluded that
H1 is accepted and means that the reward (X 1 ) has a positive and
significant effect partially on work productivity (Y).
2) Second Hypothesis Testing (H ) 2
It is known that the sig value for the effect of X 2 on Y is 0.016 <0.05 and
the value of t count 2.466> t table 1.992, so it can be concluded that H 2
is accepted and means that work motivation has a positive and
significant effect partially on work productivity (Y).

Table 3
F Test Results
Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 204.667 2 102.333 24.478 .000b
Residuals 313.551 75 4.181
Total 518.218 77
a. Dependent Variable: Work Productivity
b. Predictors: (Constant), Work Motivation, Reward
Source: Data after processing, 2023

Based on the output above, it is known that the sig value for the
simultaneous influence of X1 and X2 on variable Y is 0.000 <0.05 and dilai
fhitung 24.478> ftabel 3.12, so the conclusion is that H3 is accepted, which
means that rewards and work motivation have a positive and significant
effect simultaneously on employee productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul
Determination Coefficient Test
The coefficient of determination test is used to measure how many
percent of the independent variable affects the dependent variable. Can be
seen in the table below
Table 4
Determination Coefficient Test Results
Model Summary
Mod Adjusted R Std. Error of
el R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .628 .395 .379 2.04467
a. Predictors: (Constant), Work Motivation, Reward
Source: data processed 2023
Based on the results of the output table above, it is known that R
Square = 0.395 or 40% So it can be concluded that the influence of variable
rewards and work motivation on work productivity is 40%.

1) The value of a is13.897, meaning that the state of work productivity
variable has not been influenced by other variables, namely variable
reward (X1 and work motivation (X2 ). If the variable reward (X1 ) and
work motivation (X2 ) does not exist, the work productivity variable does
not change.
2) B1X1 is the value of the regression coefficient X 1 of 0.417 indicates that
the variable reward (X1 ) has a positive influence on work productivity
(Y) which means that every one unit increase in variable reward (X 1 )
will affect the work productivity (Y) of employees at PT Manakarra
Unggul Lestari by 0.553.
3) B2X1 is the value of the regression coefficient X 2 of 0.294 indicates that
the work motivation variable (X2 ) has a positive influence on work
productivity (Y) which means that each increase of one unit of work
motivation variable (X2 ) will affect the work productivity (Y) of
employees at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari by 0.223.

Based on the research results previously described regarding rewards and
work motivation on employee productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari,
several conclusions can be drawn as follows:
1) Based on the results of research through the t test in multiple linear
regression shows that the reward has a positive and significant effect
partially on employee work productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul
Lestari, thus that the greater the reward given, the greater the
productivity achieved.
2) Based on the results of research through the t test in multiple linear
regression shows that work motivation has a positive and significant
effect partially on employee productivity at PT Manakarra Unggul
Lestari, thus that the greater the reward given, the greater the
productivity achieved.
Based on the results of research through the f test in multiple linear
regression shows that rewards and work motivation have a positive and
significant effect simultaneously on employee productivity at PT Manakarra
Unggul Lestari.

1. For Future Researchers
It is hoped that future researchers can develop the indicators used in
this study so as to get better and more in-depth results.
2. For Agencies
From the results of the above research, it is known that the provision
of rewards and work motivation has an effect on work productivity at
PT Manakarra Unggul Lestari, so researchers provide suggestions
that the provision of rewards and work motivation can be maintained
or further improved in order to have an impact on employee work

1. Sugiyono. (2018). Quantitative, Qualitative and R&D Research
Methods. Bandung: PT Alfabet.
2. Semiawan, Conny R. (2010). Qualitative Research Methods. Jakarta:
3. Darma, B. (2021). Research Statistics Using SPSS. Guepedia.
4. Kurniawan, A. (2019). Managing Economic Research Made Easy with
IBM SPSS. Jakad Media Publishing.

How to write Tables and Figures

Figure 1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Source: xxxxx (year)

Table 1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Source: xxxxx (year)

1. Article should be 4,000 - 6,000 words in length
2. References should be at least 20 sources with the majority coming
from journal articles
3. References must be compiled using MENDELEY in American
Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition format.

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