Analyzing The Impact of Car Features On Price and Profitability
Analyzing The Impact of Car Features On Price and Profitability
Analyzing The Impact of Car Features On Price and Profitability
Project description
The automotive industry has been rapidly evolving over the past few decades, with a growing
focus on fuel efficiency, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation. With
increasing competition among manufacturers and a changing consumer landscape, it has
become more important than ever to understand the factors that drive consumer demand for
This problem could be approached by analyzing the relationship between a car's features,
market category, and pricing, and identifying which features and categories are most popular
among consumers and most profitable for the manufacturer. By using data analysis techniques
such as regression analysis and market segmentation, the manufacturer could develop a pricing
strategy that balances consumer demand with profitability, and identify which product features
to focus on in future product development efforts. This could help the manufacturer improve its
competitiveness in the market and increase its profitability over time.
Project Problem:
Investigating the relationship between a car's features and its popularity: By examining the
popularity variable in the dataset, a data analyst could identify which features are most popular
among consumers and how they affect a car's popularity. This could help manufacturers make
informed decisions about product development and marketing.
Predicting the price of a car based on its features and market category: By using the various
features and market category variables in the dataset, a data analyst could develop a model to
predict the price of a car. This could help manufacturers and consumers understand how
different features affect the price of a car and make informed decisions about pricing and
Overall, this dataset could be a valuable resource for data analysts interested in exploring
various aspects of the automotive industry and could provide insights that could inform
decisions related to product development, marketing, and pricing.
I have use the given data set of cars.first of all I understand the dat and then cleanup the
dayta.For data cleanup I removed blank cell rows and duplicated row.
For analytics pupose i have used MS-excel to perform varoius function like pivot
table ,graph ,chart regression and all.
Because it is easy to use and can makegood impressive dashboard.
Tech-Stack Used:
Tasks: Analysis
Before diving into the analysis of the given dataset, it is important to perform thorough data
cleaning to ensure accurate and reliable results. You need to build an interactive dashboard in
Excel from the tasks given below:
Insight Required: How does the popularity of a car model vary across different market
● Task 1.A: Create a pivot table that shows the number of car models in each market
category and their corresponding popularity scores.
● Task 1.B: Create a combo chart that visualizes the relationship between market
category and popularity.
My analysis file:
Insight Required: What is the relationship between a car's engine power and its price?
● Task 2: Create a scatter chart that plots engine power on the x-axis and price on the y-
axis. Add a trendline to the chart to visualize the relationship between these variables.
Result:If engine power increases price will also increase so we can both has positive
relationship between them.
Insight Required: Which car features are most important in determining a car's price?
● Task 3: Use regression analysis to identify the variables that have the strongest
relationship with a car's price. Then create a bar chart that shows the coefficient values
for each variable to visualize their relative importance.
Insight Required: How does the average price of a car vary across different manufacturers?
● Task 4.A: Create a pivot table that shows the average price of cars for each
● Task 4.B: Create a bar chart or a horizontal stacked bar chart that visualizes the
relationship between manufacturer and average price.
Highway MPG
Highway MPG
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Result:As we can see here if the no of cylinder increases highway mpg will decreases
so we can say that both have negative relation between them.
My analysis file:
Now for the Next portion of the Project, you need to create the Interactive Dashboard.
Use filters and slicers to make the chart interactive. The client has requested these questions
given below:
Task 1: How does the distribution of car prices vary by brand and body style?
● Hints: Stacked column chart to show the distribution of car prices by brand and body
style. Use filters and slicers to make the chart interactive. Calculate the total MSRP for
each brand and body style using SUMIF or Pivot Tables.
Result: Chevrolet has the highest price distribution
Task 2: Which car brands have the highest and lowest average MSRPs, and how does this vary
by body style?
● Hints: Clustered column chart to compare the average MSRPs across different car
brands and body styles. Calculate the average MSRP for each brand and body style
using AVERAGEIF or Pivot Tables.
Result:Bugatti has the highest MSRP and Plymouth has the lowest Average MSRP
Task 3: How do the different features such as transmission type affect the MSRP, and how
does this vary by body style?
● Hints: Scatter plot chart to visualize the relationship between MSRP and transmission
type, with different symbols for each body style. Calculate the average MSRP for each
combination of transmission type and body style using AVERAGEIFS or Pivot Tables.
Task 4: How does the fuel efficiency of cars vary across different body styles and model years?
● Hints: Line chart to show the trend of fuel efficiency (MPG) over time for each body
style. Calculate the average MPG for each combination of body style and model year
using AVERAGEIFS or Pivot Tables.
Result:Over the year fuel efficiency is increasing at a slow speed.
Task 5: How does the car's horsepower, MPG, and price vary across different Brands?
● Hints: Bubble chart to visualize the relationship between horsepower, MPG, and price
across different car brands. Assign different colors to each brand and label the bubbles
with the car model name. Calculate the average horsepower, MPG, and MSRP for each
car brand using AVERAGEIFS or Pivot Tables.
Result:If engine hp increase highway mpg will decrease and price will also
My analysis file:
My analysis file:
Thank you