Wagner 2003
Wagner 2003
Wagner 2003
Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 54, No. 385, ã Society for Experimental Biology 2003; all rights reserved
1296 Wagner et al.
(Adam, 1963; Adamson, 1990; Bico et al., 1999; Arti®cial surfaces
de Gennes, 1985; Holloway, 1969, 1970). Nowadays, In addition to the plant surfaces, several arti®cial microstructured
water-repellency has gained much interest because it hydrophobic surfaces were tested. They can be divided into
(a) replicates of leaf surfaces (Fig. 1 f) and (b) technical surfaces
represents the basis for a self-cleaning property of such made of metal with electrochemically deposited microstructures
surfaces called the `lotus effect' (Barthlott and Neinhuis, (Fig. 1g, h).
1997) which can also be transferred into technical Replicates were made of a negative form worked out with a
applications (further informations see: www.lotus-effect. 2-component silicone moulding mass (President light body, ColteÁne,
Switzerland). After drying, the negative is ¯exible and rubber-like.
com). Into this a conventional lacquer (Acryllack, seidenmatt weiû, Karl
In an earlier study of about 300 plant species, Neinhuis Knauber, Germany) or a liquid polymer (polyether, ZK 2068-026,
and Barthlott (1997) showed that a wide range of different BASF, Germany) was ®lled, which resulted in an almost perfect
surface morphologies is suitable to serve as a basis for a replicate of a leaf's surface up to details in the range of 1 mm when
water-repellent and self-cleaning surface. Although, intui- dry. Epicuticular wax crystals could not be replicated because of
their poor mechanical stability.
tively, some species appeared to be more optimized to non- The metal surfaces used for the expermiments are fabricated for
wetting (especially those with prominent epidermal printed electronic circuits representing copper-foils with a smooth
surface according to Fig. 3 and (a) bounced off if the critical surface Measurement techniques
tension was not reached or (b) partially wetted the test surface and In order to measure the surface's primary sculpture from a leaf by
got stuck if the critical surface tension was reached. Those values are CLM usually 10 (20 on Alocasia macrorrhiza) epidermal papillae
presented in Fig. 7. Convergently to the surface tension, the overall have been selected and surveyed in X-, Y- and a diagonal direction
mass of the droplets decreased from 10.4 mg (pure distilled water) to over the papilla's centre. Each survey results in a 2D pro®le, which
3.8 mg (solution with about 90% methanol) due the lower density of has been used for measuring the papilla's height from top to bottom.
methanol. The experiments have been carried out at room tempera- From each species two digital images have been surveyed. The
ture (approximately 23 °C). On the basis of preceding tests contact results of 20 individual papillae have been statistically averaged and
angles were not measured because methanol evaporates too fast from the standard deviation (sd) has been calculated. To investigate the
small droplets and therefore no standardized conditions could be papillas' lateral distances a free survey-line has been laid from top to
established. top, for example, the highest point in the image. About ®ve to eight
neighbouring cells surrounding a central papilla have been measured
Microscopy and the results have been statistically calculated as mentioned above.
The CLM used is a recently developed new type of white light From A. macrorrhiza only one digital image was available, so 20
confocal microscope (m-surf, NanoFocus, Duisburg, Germany) epidermal papillae were surveyed from this image. Each sample of
which has been designed speci®cally for the 3D-investigation of the other species has been measured as described above.
microstructures (Fig. 4). The digital images were analysed by A square of usually 20 mm has been scanned by AFM (Fig. 5).
NanoFocus software. More detailed information is given by Jordan These images have been analysed using the bearing-application
et al. (1998). included in the microscope's software (NanoScope IIIa, vers.
A standard AFM (NanoScope IIIa, Digital Instruments, 4.23r3). Bearing analysis reveals which area of an investigated
Mannheim, Germany) was used applying the tapping-mode. The surface lies above or below any arbitrarily chosen height. A level of
needles used were one-piece and made of silicon, type: Nanoprobe 1.0 was chosen, 0.5 mm below the top of the papillae: these two
SPMÔ, TESP, L=125 mm, F0=298±312 kHz. heightsÐor better depthsÐwere chosen according to the presumed
All specimens have been additionally investigated by SEM elastic deformation of a virtual water droplet of two different masses.
(Cambridge Stereoscan 200, Oxford, UK; LEO 440, LEO, Such a water droplet lying on a few tips of a microstructured surface
Oberkochen, Germany). is deformed by its own weight, but held in shape by its surface
1298 Wagner et al.
Fig. 1. SEM photographs of microstructured water-repellent surfaces. (A) Nelumbo nucifera adaxial leaf surface (ad), (B) Liriodendron chinense
abaxial leaf surface (ab), (C) Euphorbia myrsinites ad, (D) Colocasia esculenta ad, (E) Alocasia macrorrhiza ab, (F) replicate of A. macrorrhiza,
(G) copper-foil Bolta 18 mm B0, (H) copper-foil circuit foil 35 mm NT-TO.
tension. So it bulges its lower part to a certain depth into the Results and discussion
microstructure (Fig. 6), lying on the secondary or tertiary structure of
the epidermal papillae. According to this deformation the contact The results of the wetting tests with methanol±water
area was calculated according to the two different bearing heights. mixtures are given in Fig. 7. Depending on the amount of
Wetting of structured surfaces 1299
Table 3. Average number of papillae mm±2 and the calculated remaining contact area
The calculated contact area of a virtual water droplet of two different masses, modelled by the two bearing depths, is given in (%) in relation to
a smooth surface of 1 mm2. All values are average (except A. macrorrhiza).
Species Papillae on 1 mm2 Contact area (%) according to a depth (d) of
(d)=1.0 mm (d)=0.5 mm
A. macrorrhiza 2002 5.13 1.50
C. esculenta 2662 7.20 1.71
E. myrsinites 1265 2.74 0.41
L. chinense 737 4.88 1.44
N. nucifera 3431 6.95 1.77
X. spec 967 6.40 1.12
Wetting of structured surfaces 1301
±CHO). As demonstrated by Herminghaus (2000), speci®c structures have an enormous in¯uence on the wetting
combinations of structures on different length scales can properties, which can be seen from those experiments
result in water-repellent surfaces (not ultra-phobic) where the same type of hydrophobic chemical has been
although the intrinsic contact angle of a speci®c chemical applied. However, the contradictory behaviour of the
on the surface is below 90°. From the biological point of replicates from leaves of A. macrorrhiza still remains to be
view, an explanation for the evolution of such `over- explained.
optimized' surfaces may be found in the fact, that plants In the second approach the surface structures of six of
(especially under wetland conditions) often have to deal the most extremely water- and methanol-repellent plant
with water that may be polluted with oily or amphiphilic surfaces have been investigated by CLM and AFM. The
substances. These substances originate from decaying papillae representing a length scale of some 10 mm show
organic matter and may decrease the surface tension. To an aspect ratio (height/distance) smaller than one (Fig. 8).
achieve this goal, water-repellency caused by wax crystals Statistically tested, there is no correlation between this
in the range of 0.5±5 mm seems not to be suf®cient, but parameter and the resistance against high methanol
needs an additional surface structure in the range of 20±50 concentrations (X versus Y scatter plot: r2=0.0071).
Fig. 7. Resistance of leaf surfaces against wetting with water±methanol mixtures. Leaf surfaces without papillose epidermal cells (on the left) are
more easily wetted than those with prominent papillae (right). Grey columns mark wax tubules composed of nonacosan-10-ol indicating that the
high methanol resistance is independent of the individual ®ne structure of the wax layer but mainly depends on the sculpturing of the outer
epidermal cell wall.
1302 Wagner et al.
Fig. 8. Aspect ratio of the epidermal cells of six highly non-wettable Fig. 9. Papillae density (1 mm±2) in relation to methanol resistance.