Software Testing Course Syllabus
Software Testing Course Syllabus
Software Testing Course Syllabus
Core Java
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you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
Command-Line Arguments
Inner Class
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
Introduction to Polymorphism
Types of Polymorphism
Overloading Methods
Overriding Methods
Hiding Methods
Final Class and Method
“Is-A” vs “Has-A”
Association Vs Aggregation
Java.lang Hierarchy
Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc
Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program
Primitives and Wrapper Class
Math Class
String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class
String Constant Pool
Wrapper Classes
System Class using gc(), exit(), etc.
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
Garbage Collection
Exception Handling
Introduction to Exceptions
Effects of Exceptions
Exception Handling Mechanism
Try, catch, finally blocks
Unchecked Exception
Throw & throws keyword
Custom Exception Class
Chained Exception.
Resource handling & multiple exception class
Types of Streams
Stream Class Hierarchy
Using File Class
Copy and Paste the content of a file
Byte Streams vs Character Streams
Text File vs Binary File
Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader
Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader
Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
primitive data
PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile
Collection Framework
What is generic
Creating User defined Generic classes
The java.util package
What is Collection Framework
List, Set & Map interfaces
Using Vector, Array List, Stack,
Linked List, etc.
Using Collections class for sorting
Using Hashtable, Hash Map, Tree Map,
SortedMap, LinkedHashMap etc.
Iterator, Enumerator.
Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc.
Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet etc
Using Random class
Using Properties in a Java Program
Using user defined class for DataStructure
Using Date and Formatting Date class.
Interview related Question and Answer
Introduction to SQL
SQL Syntax
SQL Select, Distinct, Where
SQL And, Or, Not
SQL Order By
SQL Insert, Update, Delete
SQL Min and Max
SQL Count, Avg, Sum
SQL Like
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
SQL Wildcards
SQL Between
SQL Aliases
SQL Joins
SQL Union
SQL Group By
SQL Having
SQL Any, All
SQL Case
SQL Stored Procedures
SQL Operators
SQL Create, Drop, Alter Table
SQL Constraints
SQL Not Null
SQL Unique
SQL Primary Key, Foreign Key
SQL Views
SQL Injection
SQL Data Types
Introduction to Automation Testing
Introduction to Selenium
What is Selenium?
Components of Selenium Suite
Advantages of Selenium
Limitations of Selenium
What is Selenium WebDriver?
Advantages of Selenium
What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
Why WebDriver?
Downloading webdriver Jars configuring in eclipse
What Selenium is and how it is used in the industry
Features of Selenium
Selenium IDE – Overview with a couple of examples
WebDriver Architecture
Installation of Selenium and supporting tools/Frameworks
Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Iphone, Android etc
What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?
JDK 1.8
Firefox 47.0.1, firebug and file path
Set up TestNG, Maven and Selenium (2.53.1 &3.0 +) for eclipse
Locating Techniques
WebDriver Basics – I
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
WebDriver Basics – II
WebDriver – Framework
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
Selenium Grid
What is a framework
Types of framework
Data driven framework
Modular driven framework
Keyword driven framework
User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation
Execute test scripts from the framework
Agile Testing
Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
Advantages and Limitations of BDD
Cucumber Fundamentals
Gherkin Syntax in Cucumber
Step Definition for Cucumber Feature File
Advantages of Cucumber
Implementing BDD Framework using Cucumber
Project Execution
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
Post Selenium
Maven Project Management Tool
About Jenkins
History of Jenkins
Splitting of Projects
What is Continuous Integration
Installing Jenkins
Creating a simple job
Integrating Jenkins to the Project
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520
What is Ant
XSLT Report generation using TestNG and ANT
Building utility functions
Building BAT for project execution
Building BAT to run tests using ANT
JUnit’s Annotations
JUnit’s Methods
JUnit Test Suites
Ant Build and JUnit Reporting
Logging Introduction
Log4J framework Introduction
Layout Introduction
Types of Layout
Appender Introduction
Types of Appender
Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.