Software Testing Course Syllabus

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Selenium Training Course Syllabus

1. Pre-Selenium
2. Selenium
3. Post-Selenium

Core Java

 Setup Java environment – Download JDK and Setup eclipse

 Keywords and Syntax
 variables, operators, and control flows
 OOPs overview from Java context
 Conditions, Loops, Access and non-access modifiers
 Exception Handling, File and DB handling
 Collections overview, and ArrayList example

Introduction to Java Programming Environment

 How to Install & set Path.

 A Simple Java Program
 Compiling & executing Java Program
 Phases of Java Program
 Analysis of a Java Program
 Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error
 Runtime Exception
 Name of a Java Source File
 Platform Independency
 Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
 Features of Java
 Text Editors
 Consoles

Fundamentals of Java Programming

 Naming convention of Java language

 Comments
 Statements
 Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
 Identifiers
 Keywords
 Literals
 Primitive Data Types, Range
 Reference (User defined) Data type

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 Variables (Primitive, Reference)

 Type Casting, Default Value
 Operators
 Program/Interview questions
 Control Structures

Input Fundamentals and Datatypes in Java

 Java program inputs from Keyboard

 Methods of Keyboard inputs
 Scanner, Buffered Reader
 Problem Solving
 Java Array
 What is Array
 Array Declaration in java vs C and C++.
 Instantiation of an Array
 String vs character array.Accessing Array
 Elements, Default Value, for-each loop, varargs
 Length of an Array (What is –Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception)
 Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array
 Multi-Dimensional Arrays
 Application Compilation and Run

Object Oriented Programming

 Procedural Vs Object Oriented Program

 Different type of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented.
 Top Down Vs Bottom Up Approach
 Introduction to Object Oriented
 Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
 Polymorphism.
 Introduction to Classes and Objects
 Custom Class Definition
 Instance and Static Variables
 Different ways to create Object Instance
 Instance Variable and it’s role in a Class
 Constructors, types of Constructor,
 Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading
 Static Variable and it’s use.
 Methods and their behavior.
 Constructor vs Methods
 “this” Keyword
 Java Access Modifiers (and Specifiers)
 Call by value, Call by reference

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Command-Line Arguments

 What is a Command-Line Argument?

 Java Application with Command-Line Arguments
 Conversion of Command-Line Arguments
 Passing Command-Line Arguments
 Using methods (Static , Non Static)

Integrated Development Environment

 Using various Editors

 Program Compilation, Execution in Editor
 Using Eclipse IDE
 Project Set Up
 Source File Generation
 Application Compilation and Run

Inner Class

 First View of Inner Class

 Outer Class Access
 Types of Inner Class


 Complete concepts of Inheritance

 Sub-Classes
 Object Classes
 Constructor Calling Chain
 The use of “super” Keyword
 The use of “private” keyword inheritance.
 Reference Casting

Abstract Classes and Inheritance

 Introduction to Abstract Methods

 Abstract Classes and Interface
 Interface as a Type
 Interface v/s Abstract Class
 Interface Definition
 Interface Implementation
 Multiple Interfaces’ Implementation
 Interfaces’ Inheritance
 How to create object of Interface

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 Introduction to Polymorphism
 Types of Polymorphism
 Overloading Methods
 Overriding Methods
 Hiding Methods
 Final Class and Method
 “Is-A” vs “Has-A”
 Association Vs Aggregation


 Package and Class path and its use

 First look into Packages
 First look into Class path
 Class path Setting
 Class Import
 Package Import
 Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package
 Namespace Management
 Package vs. Header File
 Creating and Using the Sub Package
 Sources and Class Files Management

Using Predefined Package & Other Classes

 Java.lang Hierarchy
 Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc
 Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program
 Primitives and Wrapper Class
 Math Class
 String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class
 String Constant Pool
 Wrapper Classes
 System Class using gc(), exit(), etc.

New Concepts in Package

 Auto boxing and Auto unboxing

 Static import.
 Instance of operator.
 Enum and its use in Java
 Working with jar

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Garbage Collection

 Garbage Collection Introduction

 Advantages of Garbage Collection
 Garbage Collection Procedure
 Java API

Exception Handling

 Introduction to Exceptions
 Effects of Exceptions
 Exception Handling Mechanism
 Try, catch, finally blocks
 Unchecked Exception
 Throw & throws keyword
 Custom Exception Class
 Chained Exception.
 Resource handling & multiple exception class


 Creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class

 Run() and start() method.
 Constructor of Thread Class
 Various Method of Thread Class
 Runnable Interface Implementation
 Thread Group
 Thread States and Priorities
 Synchronization method, block
 Class & Object Level Lock
 Deadlock & its Prevention
 Inter thread Synchronization
 Life Cycle of Thread
 Deprecated methods : stop(), suspend(), resume(), etc

Input and Output Streams

 Types of Streams
 Stream Class Hierarchy
 Using File Class
 Copy and Paste the content of a file
 Byte Streams vs Character Streams
 Text File vs Binary File
 Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader
 Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader
 Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write

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 primitive data
 PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile


 Using Object Streams to read/write object

 Transient Keyword
 Serialization Process
 Deserialization Process

Collection Framework

 Generics(Templates)
 What is generic
 Creating User defined Generic classes
 The java.util package
 Collection
 What is Collection Framework
 List, Set & Map interfaces
 Using Vector, Array List, Stack,
 Linked List, etc.
 Using Collections class for sorting
 Using Hashtable, Hash Map, Tree Map,
 SortedMap, LinkedHashMap etc.
 Iterator, Enumerator.
 Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc.
 Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet etc
 Using Random class
 Using Properties in a Java Program
 Using user defined class for DataStructure
 Using Date and Formatting Date class.
 Interview related Question and Answer

SQL for Testers

 Introduction to SQL
 SQL Syntax
 SQL Select, Distinct, Where
 SQL And, Or, Not
 SQL Order By
 SQL Insert, Update, Delete
 SQL Min and Max
 SQL Count, Avg, Sum
 SQL Like

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 SQL Wildcards
 SQL In
 SQL Between
 SQL Aliases
 SQL Joins
 SQL Union
 SQL Group By
 SQL Having
 SQL Any, All
 SQL Case
 SQL Stored Procedures
 SQL Operators
 SQL Create, Drop, Alter Table
 SQL Constraints
 SQL Not Null
 SQL Unique
 SQL Primary Key, Foreign Key
 SQL Views
 SQL Injection
 SQL Data Types

Introduction to Automation Testing

 What is Automation Testing?

 Advantages of Automation Testing?
 Fundamentals of test automation
 ROI in Automation
 Automation framework
 Various tools and comparison with Selenium

Introduction to Selenium

 What is Selenium?
 Components of Selenium Suite
 Advantages of Selenium
 Limitations of Selenium
 What is Selenium WebDriver?
 Advantages of Selenium
 What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?

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you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
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Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

 Why WebDriver?
 Downloading webdriver Jars configuring in eclipse
 What Selenium is and how it is used in the industry
 Features of Selenium
 Selenium IDE – Overview with a couple of examples
 WebDriver Architecture
 Installation of Selenium and supporting tools/Frameworks
 Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Iphone, Android etc
 What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?

Selenium IDE and RC Introduction

 Installing Selenium IDE

 Introduction to Selenium RC
 “Selenese” – Selenium Commands
 Actions, Asserts, Assessors.
 Developing Test Cases & Test Suites with Selenium-IDE


 eclipse-Oxygen
 JDK 1.8
 Firefox 47.0.1, firebug and file path
 Set up TestNG, Maven and Selenium (2.53.1 &3.0 +) for eclipse

Locating Techniques

 Simple WebDriver Program Demonstration

 Basics of HTML page, tags, attributes, and visible texts
 Importance of attributes in locating elements
 Installation of Firebug and Firepath in Firefox browser
 Locators and Eight Locating Techniques
 Creating robust locators using CSS and XPath

WebDriver Basics – I

 Execute Tests in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer

 WebDriver Commands: Driving Browsers and Handling Cookies
 WebElement Commands
 Handling Various WebElements
 WebDriver Timeout Methods

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WebDriver Basics – II

 Handling Multiple elements using find Elements() method

 Handling Alerts, Pop-ups, and Frames
 Limitation of Implicit Wait and how Explicit Wait helps
 Advanced User Interactions
 Taking Screenshots
 Working with Firefox profiles
 Handling File Uploads Using AutoIT
 Introduction to Flash Application Testing using Selenium WebDriver


 Arranging Tests in 3-As format

 F.I.R.S.T Principles and SRP
 Various Annotations in TestNG
 TestNG configuration file
 Configuration Annotations
 Attributes of @Test
 Parallel Test Execution Capability
 Assertion APIs
 Passing Parameters to Tests
 Configuring Test Suites
 Reports using TestNG
 Reports using ReportNG

WebDriver – Framework

 Introduction to various frameworks

 Page Object Design Pattern
 Data Driven Tests using TestNG and POI
 Introduction to Maven and ANT
 Use of Log4j
 Use of Listeners
 Typical components of a framework
 Overview of BDD, TDD
 Code Coverage in Java
 Overview of Sikuli tool for UI testing
 Introduction to Jenkins
 Configuring Jenkins to invoke Selenium Tests

Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520

Selenium Grid

 What is Selenium Grid?

 When to Use Selenium Grid
 Setting up Grid – Hub and Nodes?
 Configuring TestNG.xml to run tests on Grid

Database testing using webdriver

 Installing MySQL Database

 sql package
 Overview on Connection Interface, Statement Interface, Prepared Statement and
Resultset Interfaces.
 Example program to Access Database.
 Some examples on SELECT,UPDATE and DELETE queries
 Some Webdriver examples using Data fetched from Database
 Automation Test Framework

Develop Test automation framework

 What is a framework
 Types of framework
 Data driven framework
 Modular driven framework
 Keyword driven framework
 User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation
 Execute test scripts from the framework

BDD Framework with Cucumber

 Agile Testing
 Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
 Advantages and Limitations of BDD
 Cucumber Fundamentals
 Gherkin Syntax in Cucumber
 Step Definition for Cucumber Feature File
 Advantages of Cucumber
 Implementing BDD Framework using Cucumber

Project Execution

 Automate an eCommerce Application

 Test Automation Requirements Description
 What Next? How to Start?
 High Level Framework
 Configurability—No To Hard-Coding

Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520

 Modularity—Re-Use And DRY

 Test Data Management
 Logging And Reporting

Mobile App Test Automation Using Appium

 Introduction Mobile App Test Automation

 Introduction to Appium
 UIAutomator with Appium
 Locating Elements – UIAutomator framework
 Desired Capabilities for Android

Post Selenium
Maven Project Management Tool

 Introduction about maven

 High-Level Overview
 Ant vs Maven
 Installation of Maven
 Demo using Sample Maven Project

Version Control Tool GITHUB

 Downloading and configuring Github

 Difference between CVC Versus DVC
 Basic Git Commands
 Working with Repositories
 Setting up Repositories
 Local and Remote Repositories
 Create repository and cloning projects
 Committing and Syncing the code
 Reverting and Rolling Back the Code
 Branch and Merging Concepts and Implementation
 Stashing Changes
 Resolving the Conflicts

Continuous Integration Testing using Jenkins

 About Jenkins
 History of Jenkins
 Splitting of Projects
 What is Continuous Integration
 Installing Jenkins
 Creating a simple job
 Integrating Jenkins to the Project

Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.
Chennai:+91-8099 770 770 Bangalore:+91-8767 260 270 Online:+91-9707 250 260 USA:+1-201-949-7520


 What is Ant
 XSLT Report generation using TestNG and ANT
 Building utility functions
 Building BAT for project execution
 Building BAT to run tests using ANT


 JUnit’s Annotations
 JUnit’s Methods
 JUnit Test Suites
 Ant Build and JUnit Reporting


 Logging Introduction
 Log4J framework Introduction
 Layout Introduction
 Types of Layout
 Appender Introduction
 Types of Appender

Looking for Classroom training learn Automation testing at your nearest location in Chennai & Bangalore. Also
you can learn from anywhere take Automation testing course through Online.

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