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v. 4.0.

Administration Manual
©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia
Issa 4.0. Administration Manual

VAMS TEC d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

This document provides information about administration of Issa

application and is meant for Issa System Administrators.

Published: srpanj, 2018.

Contents I


I Getting more help 2

II About Issa 4

III Issa Overview 6

1 Wibu key ................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Basic Issa architecture ................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Main toolbar ................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Data organization ................................................................................................................................... 8

IV Advanced options 10
1 User types ................................................................................................................................... 10
2 DICOM print ................................................................................................................................... 11
3 Print composer ................................................................................................................................... 11

V Settings options 14
1 Settings overview ................................................................................................................................... 14
Command toolbar
......................................................................................................................................................... 14
2 Application options ................................................................................................................................... 15
Workflow options
- Global - patients 16
Workflow options
- Global - exams 17
Workflow options
- Dicom 19
Workflow options
- Workstation 19
Workflow options
- User 20
options 22
Global shortcuts
......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Forms shortcuts
......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Rich Text Edit
(RTF) shortcuts 24
Sound recorder
shortcuts & options 24
3 Database settings ................................................................................................................................... 25
Database connections
......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Data maintenance
properties 26
Synchro server
......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Localization......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Editing database
strings 28
Automatic numbering
......................................................................................................................................................... 28
remove old exams 29
4 Images options ................................................................................................................................... 30
Scanners and.........................................................................................................................................................
cameras 31
Image maintenance
properties 32
Compress images
.................................................................................................................................................. 33
Check images .................................................................................................................................................. 34

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

II Issa

Transfer images
.................................................................................................................................................. 35
Image text position
......................................................................................................................................................... 36
CD/DVD writer
options 37
Low bandwidth
prefetch 37
Exam prefetch
......................................................................................................................................................... 38
5 File paths ................................................................................................................................... 38
Managing file
paths 39
Directory paths
for images 40
Directory paths
for thumbnails 40
Directory paths
for documents 40
Directory paths
for voice files 40
6 Security options ................................................................................................................................... 40
Users data ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Editing user..................................................................................................................................................
data 42
Guest users ......................................................................................................................................................... 43
User groups ......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Editing group ..................................................................................................................................................
data 45
User types ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
User type rights
.................................................................................................................................................. 46
Auditing ......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Audit search .................................................................................................................................................. 47
Audit options .................................................................................................................................................. 48
7 Tables ................................................................................................................................... 48
Editing tables ......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Departments ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Workstations ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Devices ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Attribute value.................................................................................................................................................. 51
AE Title .................................................................................................................................................. 51
Exam types ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Working time ......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Diagnoses ......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Center - Width ......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Units ......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Calibrations......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Image code ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Series description
......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Sent from ......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Compose annotations
......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Compose image .........................................................................................................................................................
comment 57
Billing procedure
code 58
Billling diagnoses
code 58
Exam materials ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
8 Administration tools ................................................................................................................................... 59
History ......................................................................................................................................................... 59
Patient history
.................................................................................................................................................. 60
Exam history .................................................................................................................................................. 61
Merge and move
......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Merge patient ..................................................................................................................................................
data 62
Merge exam ..................................................................................................................................................
data 64
Move exam..................................................................................................................................................
to patient 65
Restore data......................................................................................................................................................... 66
Change exam .........................................................................................................................................................
owner 67

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Contents III

Link exam to.........................................................................................................................................................

order 67
9 Server settings ................................................................................................................................... 68
Statistic ......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Pharos 3 Server
......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Server Maintenance
......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Backup database
.................................................................................................................................................. 69
Compact database
.................................................................................................................................................. 69
Repair database
.................................................................................................................................................. 69
Compress images
.................................................................................................................................................. 70
Automatic Transfer
Images 70
Deleting old ..................................................................................................................................................
files 70
HIS interface .................................................................................................................................................. 70
System upgrade.................................................................................................................................................. 71

VI Advisory notices 73

Index 0

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Getting more help

Getting more help 2

1 Getting more help

This help system describes functions accessed by Issa users as accurately as possible.
Whenever there is a contradiction between information in this help and written manual, this
help system takes precedence.

For more help, please contact VamsTec technical support:

e-mail: [email protected]

phone: +385 1 4816 183

fax: +385 1 4880 295

address: VamsTec d.o.o.

Gunduliceva 45
10000 Zagreb

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

About Issa

About Issa 4

2 About Issa

Manufactured by:
Vams Tec d.o.o.
Gunduliceva 45, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel. +385 1 4816 183
e-mail: [email protected]

Notified body:
SGS United Kingdom Ltd
Notified Body address:
Unit 202b Worle Parkway
BS22 6WA

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Issa Overview

Issa Overview 6

3 Issa Overview
Issa is a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) designed
to maximally meet various requirements of utilization in diverse areas
of medicine.

Issa system includes following options:

Image acquisition, storing and archiving
Image-processing and viewing tools
Quantitative measurement tools for measuring various parameters of objects on the
Advanced database searching capabilities.
Complete ICD-10 index 85 incorporated into database

In association with Pharos program, Issa enables image and data transfer between two
remote computers, using telephone and/or Internet connections. Together with Issa
Typist application, Issa enables typing of the recorded voice files, and with Issa Front
Desk it enables scheduling patients for different modalities.

3.1 Wibu key

Wibu key is a hardware protection key for managing your Issa licences and is
necessary to run all Vams Tec programs.

Each Wibu key is programmed for the specific computer with the applications
that can be run from that computer. The Wibu key comes together with each
Vams Tec installation.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

7 Issa

It is neither customary nor advisable to move the Wibu key from one computer to another,
although it can be done in certain circumstances. When you move the Wibu key to another
computer and start Issa for the first time, it will ask you to confirm making some changes.
Click Yes, and if Issa starts successfully you can keep the Wibu key on that computer. If Issa
does not start, replace the Wibu back to its proper computer.

Issa supports use of central Wibu key for licensing, using Wibu key Network Server.

3.2 Basic Issa architecture

Issa system is composed of the following server components:

Issa Server - Processes received DICOM images, processes received messages (in case
of integrated outside systems - HIS, billing system), manages central system upgrade,
automatic database maintenance (backup, compact, repair), automatic image
maintenance activities (image transferring, backup, deleting).
o Synchro Server - Manages change data, so all data modifications are visible from all
connected locations, manages data locking while edit is in progress.

Issa DICOM Server - Receives DICOM images from imaging modalities and stores them
in a temporary folder, manages DICOM modality worklist requests from modalities,
responds to query-retrieve requests.

Issa HL7 Server - Accepts messages received through HL7 protocol and prepares data
(schedules, patient data etc.) for import by Issa Server. Sends messages through HL7
protocol containing status changes, billing data etc.

Issa Web Server - IIS Web Server which uses HTTP to distribute data, including images.
Client can use Issa Web Pages, Issa Anywhere application or access through an
external system (for example HIS).

Issa Burn Server - Supports work with CD/DVD robot disc producers (specifically Epson
and Primera models) for saving multiple complete examinations from multiple
modalities to CD/DVD media. Selected patient examinations are burned to the medium,
while a label can be designed (with logo, institution, demographic and examination
data), which is printed to each produced CD/DVD.

All data is contained in Issa Database, with following supported engines:

Microsoft SQL
Microsoft Access

Files are saved in defined file paths:


©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Issa Overview 8

attached documents

3.3 Main toolbar

Main toolbar is located on the left side of the Issa window. It is present on all forms.

Patient Opens the Patient form for work with the patient data.
Exam Opens the Exam form for work with the examination data.
Opens Issa scheduling section for the active patient (only if function is
programmed in station Wibu key).
Search Opens the Search form with tools for database search.
Import Opens the Import Exam/DICOM dialog.
Opens the pop-up menu for connecting to remote databases (present only
Connect To
if there are multiple database connection defined).
Settings Opens the Settings section of the application.
Log in spec. Provides option to log in Issa with an additional user with Specialist user
permissions (only if option to use overviewer physicians is selected in
Log Off Logs off current user.
Exit Exits Issa.

3.4 Data organization

Issa contains two basic types of data: patient data and exam data.

Patient data is general information on one patient: name, address, social security
number, patient history, etc. Patient data is displayed on Patient form in Issa.

Examination data is data collected during exams performed on patients. These data
can be images, movie sequences, findings, notes, voice dictations etc. Exam data
collected during one exam is displayed in Issa Exam form.

One patient can have several exams. Therefore, for one Patient form, there can be
several exam forms associated with it.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Advanced options

Advanced options 10

4 Advanced options
4.1 User types
Issa offers several predefined user types which can be easily incorporated into any
workflow. Different user types have different privileges and authorities in the database
and Issa applications.

It is important to use the appropriate user types and their respective rights when
registering Issa users as this will improve data security.

User type Description

Database This user has absolute control over everything in the database, he can edit
administratoall the data, add and delete users, etc. Only users which administer the
r database should have administrator accounts.

Physician This user account should be given to physician users, which enter results in
exam fields, take exams into ownership, etc. They can also create new users
and exams and modify data in unassigned exams and exams in their

Technician This user account should be given to RTR users, who create new patients
and exams, assign exams to physicians but do not write anything in exam

Secretary This user account should be given to secretaries who enter new patients and
schedule them in Issa Front Desk.

Student This user is fully restricted and can only view exams that are marked "For
students" in Issa.

Typist This user account should be given to typists who retype the voice recordings
in Issa Typist.

Referring This user account should be given to referring physicians who order the
Physician exams for their patients and is restricted.

Second This user account should be given to second opinion physicians and is
Opinion restricted to entering second opinion diagnoses.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

11 Issa

4.2 DICOM print

If you have a DICOM printer, you can use Issa to print images on it. It is assumed that the
DICOM printer has already been configured by a VamsTec professional.

To print to DICOM printer:

1. Select the …to DICOM printer option from the Print menu in the Exam form. A Print
DICOM window opens.
2. Specify the necessary parameters (film size, type, magnification, layout, etc.)
3. Click Print to send images to printer.

This DICOM print option is very similar to standard Issa printout where selected or all
images from the current exams are placed on the film/paper in the specified grid layout
and printed.

4.3 Print composer

Standard Issa printout as well as DICOM print can only print images in a fixed grid, and
can only print images from one exam. Print composer can create films of any grid with
images from different exams.

Using the Print composer you can:

Choose a custom grid layout.
Print on the same sheet of film images from any exam, even from different
Create separate caption for each image.
Create a unique caption for the whole film.

To open the print composer:

1. Select the exam containing images to print and go to the Exam form.
2. Click the arrow next to the Print button in the command toolbar. A pull-down menu
3. Select the Compose option in the pull-down menu.

In Options section, following options are configured:

Film orientation is portrait.

Film orientation is landscape.
Toggles the display of drawing objects on images.
Toggles commentary on current image.
Toggles commentary on whole film.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Advanced options 12

Following commands are available from the Control section:

Starts the printing.
Creates custom grid layout.
Activates Selection tool, used for selecting the active frame in the grid.
Activates Drag tool, used for dragging the image inside its frame.
Activates W/L tool, used for changing the Window/Level values for current image.
Increases or decreases font size.

To compose one sheet of film:

1. Open the Print composer.
2. Select the desired grid configuration.
3. Return to the exam in Issa (leave the composer open).
4. Right click on each image you want to print and select Send to report option from
the menu. The image will appear in the active frame of the print composer.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Settings options

Settings options 14

5 Settings options
5.1 Settings overview
Most of the options in Issa Settings can be edited only by Issa administrators. But there
are some sections that are available for other users. Such sections are:

Application options
Workflow options - User
Send-Receive options
Global shortcuts
Forms shortcuts
Sound recorder shortcuts and options
Rich Text Edit (RTF) shortcuts
Editing tables

Each Issa user can set up these options by his own preferences. Other options in Settings
will be disabled for non-authorized users, and can be only edited by Issa users with
administrative user rights.

To open Issa Settings, click Settings button in the Main toolbar.

5.1.1 Command toolbar

OK Accepts changes made in Settings. Active only when changes are made on the
button. form.

Cancel Cancels changes made in Settings. Active only when changes are made on the
button. form.

Delete Deletes the current entry.


New Opens the new blank form in tables.


Default Sets the currently selected entry as default.


Edit Opens the edit window for currently selected entry (in Diagnoses table).

Clone Present only on some forms, where defined settings can be cloned.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

15 Issa

Note that some buttons used in Issa command toolbar are inactive in Settings (i.e. New
Patient, New Exam, Print).

Administrator shortcut defined in Global Shortcuts (Ctrl+Shift+A by default) can be used

in Settings by Issa administrators to activate balloon tips and additional administrator
tools for Settings entries. Balloon tips appear when you position the mouse pointer over
a field, and it contains information about the selected setting (the name of the setting in
the database, if the setting is applied by database, workstation or user and similar).

After the administrator shortcut is used in Settings, an additional section will appear:
Issa settings Edit/Clone - overview of all Issa settings is contained and can be managed
from here.

5.2 Application options

Option Description
Auto refresh interval: __ Sets the auto refresh interval to the desired period.
Color for selected text Clicking the color icon enables customization of the color for
fields: selected text fields.

DblClick on Patient go If this option is checked in Settings, by double clicking the

to View patient you will go to View providing that the selected exam has
any images. This option can be accessed and customized by
each Issa user.

Capitalize first letter of If this option is checked, the first letter of the sentence will
sentence automatically capitalize while writing to text fields (such as
Anamnesis, Results...).

Put urgent exams on topIf this option is selected, My Tasks list will always be
of My Tasks list automatically sorted so urgent tasks are on top of the list.

Path for temporary files:Defines a path that Issa uses to store temporary files it needs
while working.

Path for Voxar Defines a path that Issa uses to store Voxar temporary files it
temporary files: needs while working.

Minimal free space for Defines the minimal free space required for storing images.
store images: __ Mb
Use multi-monitor Multi-monitor support option in Settings allows optimal use of
support Issa if there is more than one monitor.
The first sub option allows use of the application monitor in

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Settings options 16

multi monitor system when there is more than one monitor

The second sub option forces multi monitor system even if there
is only one monitor available.
Use application The number of monitors horizontally and vertically can be
monitor in multi monitordefined in the respective number fields.

Force multi monitor


Number of monitors

5.2.1 Workflow options - Global - patients

Workflow options allow users to adjust application settings to best suit their workflow

Global options are set on one workstation but apply for all workstations working in a
network with the same database.

Option Description
Lock demographic data if If patient has exam, demographic data cannot be edited by
patient has exam non-administrator users.

Use caret to separate Defines data entry options for patient data.
patient name entry in the
- Show patient name in two
- Split patient address

Convert patient name to Converts names to uppercase.

Write magnet card ID field Function is used for data reading from HZZO magnet cards
to Code field (HR health only.
cards only)

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

17 Issa

Hide patients from other Option to regulate access to data for patients and exams
departments created in other departments.
- Hide patient exams from
other departments
Admission ID must be Requests unique Admission ID parameter.

Use multiple code issuers Multiple patient code issuers can be used, so in case of
integration with external systems codes issued by those
systems are clearly marked and cannot be modified through
patient data edit function.

Use default value for empty Default value can be defined to automatically fill empty
data data fields on data entry.

Default patient filter Default filter on patient lists for all users on DB.

5.2.2 Workflow options - Global - exams

Workflow options allow users to adjust application settings to best suit their workflow

Global options are set on one workstation but apply for all workstations working in a
network with the same database.

Option Description
Use "Draft" report and set When editing Results field in an exam, Draft mark appears
"Finish" flag after above the Results field and in Print form to denote that the
verification results are not yet final. By finishing the exam (with voice
verification or assigning Finish status) the Draft mark
disappears and the results are considered final.

Lock exam data after Finish After the exam is finished (by voice verification or
assigning Finish status) the data in the exam is locked and
cannot be altered by anyone except the administrator.

Lock demographic data if Demographic data (Code, Patient Name, Date of Birth, Place
patient has exam of Birth and Sex) is locked for all users except the
administrator if the patient has at least one exam.

Print exam after Finish Automatically prints out exam data (without images) or
Print Preview after Finish goes to Print Preview after the exam is finished (by voice
Number of copies verification or assigning Finish status). Number of printed
copies can also be set.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Settings options 18

Print only first Referring If there are more than one Referring Physicians in the exam,
Physician on report this option will allow only the first one to be printed out on
the report.

Option Description
Allow "Assign Exam" for Allows exams to be assigned for certain users. This means
users that assigned exams appear in My Tasks list for that user.
The sub option allows automatic exam assignment for the
defined user when a new exam is made.

Automatically assign exam

for user:
Lock Technician field for Technician field is locked when Technician users are logged
users with Technician rights in.

Use patient data on "My Exams with certain tasks (Result, Verification, New Exam,
Tasks" list Second Opinion) are listed individually in My Tasks list
instead of patients. If My Tasks list with patient data is
preferred, this option needs to be checked.

Automatically set "Waiting Waiting on Send flag is set on the exam after any typing in
on Send" flag after typing the Result field. The flag is not set after voice recording and
result typing by typists.

Automatically set "Waiting Waiting on Send flag is set on the exam after any typing in
on Send" flag after typing the Addendum field. The flag is not set after voice recording
addendum and typing by typists.

Use caret (^) to separate Patient name format similar to the DICOM format
patient name entry in the (LastName^FirstName) will be used to store patient names
database in the database.

Enable "Finish" flag for Normally, exams without results cannot be marked with
exams without result (no Finish flag. Check this option to allow marking exams
print after) without results as finished.

This option does not work in combination with specialist/

overviewer physicians option active!

Custom report folder This path is used for files necessary when Custom Report
feature is used in Issa.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

19 Issa

5.2.3 Workflow options - Dicom

Dicom options determine how Issa handles data from DICOM file attributes.

Option Description
Automatically fill exam If the automatic numbering in Issa is used, each new exam is
number - ignore DICOM automatically numbered according to this numbering system.
attributes DICOM files usually contain their own exam numbers (study
ID) as their attributes and when they are imported to Issa,
their exam numbers are also imported. If this is checked,
the new exam will be numbered according to Issa's automatic
numbering, and the DICOM exam number will be ignored.

Use comma in patient If this option is selected, patient names from all new DICOM
name files that are imported will be in the format: LastName,

Remove comma from If this option is selected, comma will be removed from patient
patient name names from all new imported DICOM files. Patient names will
be in the format: LastName FirstName.

Last and first name of a patient are in the DICOM standard separated by a caret (^). That
means that patient name format is as follows:

The options Use comma in patient name and Remove comma from patient name are
used to display the patient name in Issa in either of these two formats:
LastName, FirstName
LastName FirstName
Note that these two options are exclusive - they cannot both be selected at the same

5.2.4 Workflow options - Workstation

Workflow options allow users to adjust application settings to best suit their workflow

Workstation options are applied for the particular workstation, and thus have to be set
on each workstation individually.

Option Description
Check for a patient with a When adding a new patient, Issa will check the database for a
similar name (while patient with the same or similar name and prompt the user if
adding new) such patient exists.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Settings options 20

Show "All Patients" list "All Patients" list will be visible for all Issa users. If this option
is not checked, none of the users will see this list.

Show "Workstation" list "Workstation" list will be visible for all Issa users. If this option
is not checked, none of the users will see this list.

Show "Department" list "Department" list will be visible for all Issa users, containing
all patients with exams done in the selected department. If
this option is not checked, none of the users will see this list.

Show "Referred Patients" "Referred Patients" list will be visible for all physician users
list (not for referring physicians).The list contains patients with
exams referred to the current user (user is entered in
Referring Physician field).

Use Rich Text data format Enables use of the Rich Text data format when editing text.

Auto export exam data on Automatically exports all exam data on the clipboard.
Use highlighted caption The tab on the patient list is highlighted when active.
for active patient tab
Enable patient list If this option is checked, multiple patients can be selected on
multiselect the patient lists (for use with options for deleting, CD writing

5.2.5 Workflow options - User

All options in this section can be modified by each application user, as per his/her

Option Description
Double-click on patient list to When an exam is double-clicked, its images will
open View automatically automatically open in Image Viewer. (Default: False)
Capitalize first letter of First letter of the sentence will be automatically
sentence capitalized while typing. (Default: False)
Put urgent exams on top of My Urgent exams will be positioned on top of My Task list.
Tasks list (Default: True)
Synchronize patient and exam
Form splitters will be synchronized. (Default: True)
form splitters
When Cancel button is clicked after editing Result field,
Alert user when edit of Result
user will be warned that data will be deleted in case
field is canceled
cancel is confirmed. (Default: False)

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

21 Issa

Restore last used time filter of Last used time filter on lists will be restored. (Default:
patient list on start False)
Use transparent forms Activates use of transparent forms. (Default: False)
Tasks with In Progress status flag (which have scanned
Show exams with In progress requisitions added at Front Desk, but exam has not been
status performed yet) will be shown on My Tasks list. (Default:
User will be warned before verification of exam report.
Alert user before verification
(Default: False)
Alert user before verification User will be warned before verification of exam report
when double-login by when double user login is used (physician and overviewer
specialist is used workflow is active). (Default: False)
When patient data is searched in Quick Search, in case
Prompt to create a new patient data is not found, Issa will automatically activate adding
with respective data if it is not new patient feature (if number is entered, it will be set in
found in quick search Code field, if textual data is entered, it will be set in
Patient Name field). (Default: False)
Show only tasks for New Exam Filters task list of scheduled tasks (New Exam) by user, so
assigned to me on My Tasks only tasks assigned to the current user are displayed.
list (Default: False)
Modify Last Find list appearance so it is displayed as a
Use last find list as exams list
list of exams instead of a list of patients. (Default: False)
Exams are grouped in Patient Exams by Admission ID.
Group exams by Admission ID
(Default: False)
Group exams by type:
Disable grouping Grouping type in Patient Exams can be selected.
Group with single tab (Default: Disable grouping)
Group with group tabs
After verification of typed
Ask before deleting voice Defines automatic action after report verification.
Delete voice without (Default: Ask before deleting voice)
Do not delete voice

Filter last __ days Define user-custom time filters for patient lists - per

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Settings options 22

days. (Default: 3 days)

Define user-custom time filters for patient lists - per
Filter last __ hours
hours. (Default: 8 hours)

5.2.6 Send-Receive options

Send exam option enables users to send exams from Issa via Pharos or an e-mail
application. It has the following sub options:

Ask (open Send Issa will open Send Exam dialog when Send Exam button is clicked.
Exam dialog) Default options will be selected in the dialog when it is opened.
Always send Issa will automatically send the selected exam (using the default options
defined here) without opening the Send Exam dialog.
Default options Default options are used when sending exams from Issa. They include:
for Send Exam Export options - to send without images, with selected images or with
all images; to compress images; to include voice data.
Send type - to send via Pharos2, Pharos Client or e-mail.
Send to physician - to which physician to send.

If checked, the Send exam to typist (without images, include voice data) option
appears in the pull-down menu when the arrow next to the Send button is clicked in Issa.
It enables sending of the exam without images and with voice data to the selected typist.

Send result option enables users to send results from Issa via Pharos or an e-mail
application. It has the following suboptions:

Include changed overlay and measures Changed overlay and measures on images
(if there are any) are included when the
result is sent.
Include voice data Voice data is included when the result is

Note that the results are sent automatically without a dialog to the location from which
the exam had been received.

There are three options for actions After verification of typed voice:
Ask before Issa will prompt after voice verification whether to delete voice file or not.
deleting voice
Delete voice Voice file will be deleted without question after verification.
Don't delete Voice file will not be deleted after verification.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

23 Issa

Send second opinion option enables users to send second opinion results from Issa via
Pharos or an e-mail application.

All the above options can be set by each Issa user individually. The last two options are
set by the administrator:

Use Issa 2x file compatibility option means that Issa exam, result and second opinion
files from versions older than 3.0 will be compatible with the later versions of the
application. Note that some of the functionality of Issa versions 3.0 and later will be
disabled if this option is checked.

Enable automatic import from Pharos3 client option enables automatic import of
received exams and results from Pharos Client to Issa. See Pharos Client settings in Issa.

5.2.7 Global shortcuts

Command toolbar shortcuts can be accessed and customized by each Issa user in
Settings, and most are non-defined by default.

To customize shortcuts:
1. Open Settings and select Global Shortcuts.
2. Click the field you wish to edit.
3. Delete the previous field value by pressing the Delete or Backspace button on the
4. Press the keys you wish to use as shortcut keys. Their value is displayed in the
respective field.
5. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.2.8 Forms shortcuts

Form patient shortcuts can be accessed and customized by each Issa user in Settings,
and most are non-defined by default.

To customize shortcuts:
1. Open Settings and select Forms Shortcuts.
2. Click the field you wish to edit.
3. Delete the previous field value by pressing the Delete or Backspace button on the
4. Press the keys you wish to use as shortcut keys. Their value is displayed in the
respective field.
5. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

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Settings options 24

5.2.9 Rich Text Edit (RTF) shortcuts

Rich Text Edit (RTF) shortcuts are pre-defined by default (most are similar to RTF
shortcuts in other computer applications) and can be accessed and customized by each
Issa user in Settings.

To customize shortcuts:
1. Open Settings and select Rich Text Edit (RTF) Shortcuts.
2. Click the field you wish to edit.
3. Delete the previous field value by pressing the Delete or Backspace button on the
4. Press the keys you wish to use as shortcut keys. Their value is displayed in the
respective field.
5. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.2.10 Sound recorder shortcuts & options

The shortcuts for Voice Recording Control can be accessed and customized by each Issa
user in Settings. Some of those shortcuts are pre-defined, but can be changed or
removed if desired.

To customize shortcuts:
1. Open Settings and select Sound Recorder Shortcuts & Options.
2. Click the field you wish to edit.
3. Delete the previous field value by pressing the Delete or Backspace button on the
4. Press the keys you wish to use as shortcut keys. Their value is displayed in the
respective field.
5. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

Option Description
Seek time step [ms] Time by which the sound recorder position changes when going back
or forward one step.
Move backward Time by which the recorder moves backward after pause.
after pause [ms]
Automatically start If you want the recorder to start recording automatically when
recording Record button is pressed, check this option.
Foot pedal: Foot pedals are normally set up to play while they are pressed and
continuous play playing is stopped if the pedal is released. Check this option if you
mode want the pedal to keep playing when released. Playing will be
stopped when the pedal is pressed again.
Foot pedal: swap This option allows swapping the controls for forward and rewind on
fwd/rew controls USB foot pedals.

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25 Issa

5.3 Database settings

5.3.1 Database connections

Option Description
Type The type of the database can be chosen from the pull-down menu: Microsoft
SQL Server 6.5 or 7.0 and Microsoft Access 97-Jet 3.51.

Location Directory path of the database - the location of the selected database.

Filename Database filename.

Caption Caption of the database.

Read only This mark denotes that the database is read only, like a read only CD or DVD.
The box is automatically checked if such a database is entered.

Removabl This mark denotes that the database is removable, like a CD, DVD or a USB
e storage device. The box is automatically checked if such a database is

Database Lists all entered databases. The default database is printed in red colored
list letters.

To enter a new database:

1. Click the New button in the Command toolbar.
2. Enter the Type, Filename and Caption for the database.
3. Enter the location of the database (to browse the files click ).
4. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

To change the default database:

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Settings options 26

1. Select the database you wish to make default.

2. Click the Default button in the Command toolbar. The selected database will be
colored red.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

5.3.2 Data maintenance properties

If automatic maintenance is used (the "Use Automatic Maintenance" box checked), Issa
will backup the current database periodically. This means that your data will be more
secure as the backup copies of the database are made automatically.

Option Description
Backup database Issa can backup the database periodically. Here you can define how
every __ days often the backups are to be created.

Delete backup Issa can delete old backup copies as they are no longer needed when
copies older than new copies are made. You can define the number of days for saving
__ days old backup copies here.

Backup path Directory path for database backup copies. This is the location where
the backup copies of the database are stored.

Button Description
Backup database Issa automatically creates a backup of the database for security
reasons (as defined in Data Maintenance Properties). This option is
used if a database backup needs to be created manually.
Compact database This option is used to compact Issa database if there is not enough
disc space where the database is located.
Repair database This option is used to repair the database if some problems occur.

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27 Issa

5.3.3 Synchro server

Synchro server is used to synchronize Issa applications installed on different workstations
working on the same database. Every change in the database, such as the adding of new
patients, exams and images, will be automatically updated on all workstations

Synchro server is especially important when managing the locking of the exams: each
exam is locked when it is being edited by any user on the network. When the exam is
locked, it cannot be edited by any other user on the network.

The synchro server icon positioned in the upper right corner of every form (settings,
patient, exam) denotes that the synchro server is being used and it is working
If the connection with the synchro server is lost, this icon will be blinking.

Option Description
Use Issa will use the synchro server to synchronize with other Issa applications in
synchro the network working on the same database if this option is checked.
Server Defines the name of the synchro server which can be chosen from the pull-
name down menu containing all computers in the network.
Server Defines the server port of the synchro server.
Test Tests the operation of the synchro server. If the "Test was successful" prompt
appears, the synchro server is working properly.

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Settings options 28

5.3.4 Localization
This option changes the default language in Issa.

To set localization language:

1. Open Settings and select Localization.
2. Click the arrow by the language box. A pop-up menu appears containing languages
you can choose.
3. Click on the desired language.
4. Issa will prompt you that you have to restart the program to update changes. Click
5. Click the OK button in the command toolbar and restart Issa. Editing database strings

The localization table contains the strings used in Issa user interface. The administrator
can change any of these entries to better suit the users' needs.

To change an entry:
1. Find the entry you want to change in the table.
2. Change the message in the appropriate language column (in the language used in
Issa) - write in a different message or leave the field blank.
3. Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to discard the changes - Issa will prompt
you to restart the program to update the changes.
4. Restart Issa.

5.3.5 Automatic numbering

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29 Issa

Automatic numbering function allows the use of automatic numbering of patients and
exams added to Issa.

Option Description
Use global Defined numbering for patients and exams will be used on all workstations
numbering working on the same database.
Use local Defined numbering for patients and exams will be used on each workstation
numbering individually.

Option Description
Next numberPatient or exam number that will next be used when a new patient/exam is
added to Issa.
Fixed part This part is added to the next number when a new patient or exam is made.
It can be selected from the predefined values in the pull-down menu, you
can write in the desired text or choose one of the predefined values and add
the text to it.

5.3.6 Automatically remove old exams

Exams older that set number of days can be automatically removed (deleted) by Issa. Use
this section in Settings to set up this function.

To automatically remove exams older then a certain number of days, check option
Automatically remove exams older then __ days. Enter number of days in the
respective field.
To remove exams older then the set number of days immediately, click Remove now

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Settings options 30

5.4 Images options

The basic images options define options in Issa connected with images, movies and

Option Description
Automatically Automatically recognizes image text when images from a specific
recognize new type of device (i.e. a Shimadzu SCT4800 CT) are acquired, imported or
images pasted. This option can be configured for a certain type of device on
user request.

Automatically Images are automatically compressed when acquired, imported or

compress images pasted.

Reduce image text This option is used to reduce image text flicker in view. It should not
flicker be used if Issa is run on lower performance computers or when
playing large DICOM files.

Show image Issa will show the image number in thumbnails in exams if this option
number in is checked.
thumbnail mode
Save thumbnail as: In this pull-down menu the format in which the thumbnails will be
JPEG/BMP saved can be chosen among two options: JPEG or BMP.

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31 Issa

Thumbnail size Size of the thumbnails of the images in Issa is defined here: Width
and Height in pixels.

Thumbnail frame This option configures which frame from a movie file will be used as
for new AVI: the thumbnail for that movie. It can be set either as a frame number
Frame number/ or percent of the movie.
Percent of movie
Use series If the Use series option is checked, the Series field will appear in the
Enable series Image Data tab in the exam form, containing the list of series of
edit images in that exam.
If the Enable series edit option is also checked, the image series can
be edited (series can be started, merged or renamed) by right clicking
the images in the Exam form.

5.4.1 Scanners and cameras

This list contains the sources from which images and movies can be acquired (Acquire
button in exam form in Issa). The default source is marked with red letters.

To select a default source:

1. Select the source you wish to make default.
2. Click the Default button in the Command toolbar. The selected source will be colored
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

Option Description
Dicomize Movies are dicomized after acquiring.
after acquire

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Settings options 32

Replay after Movies are replayed after acquiring.

5.4.2 Image maintenance properties

Option Description
Automatically compress Images older than the specified amount of days are
images older than __ days automatically compressed at Issa startup.

Automatically delete Backup If the remaining free space on disk is less than set number
images if space less than __ of MB, images transferred on backup disks (with Transfer
MB with interval of __ images button) will be removed from the database.
Disk free space checkup If there is less free space on the disk than defined in
message interval __ minutes Reserved Free Space option, the warning message will
appear with the interval set here.

Reserved free space Percentage of free space reserved for application's work for
the disk selected in the list below.

Path and percentage list List of paths used by Issa application with respective
percentages of reserved free space.

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33 Issa

Default CD description Default description of the CD on which images are backed

up using the Transfer images option.

Button Description
Compress This option is used to compress the images in the Issa database to save disc
images space.
For more options, see Compress images.
Check This option is used to rebuild the thumbnails and check the images in the
images database.
For more options, see Check images.
Transfer This option is used to transfer images from Issa database to an alternative
images location (to save disc space or for backup). These images can be retrieved if
needed by prefetching.
For more options, see Transfer images. Compress images

This function is used to compress selected images in Issa archive. Image files in format
BMP are compressed to JPEG, and movie files are compressed with Movie JPEG.

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Settings options 34 Check images

Check images option is used to rebuild the image thumbnails and check that large
images exist in the database.

To use this option:

1. Open Settings and go to Image Maintenance Properties.
2. Click Check images button. Check images dialog box will open.
3. Select the necessary options, and image folders to be checked. Set the path for the
resulting log file (default path is c:\).
4. Click Rebuild thumbnails button to rebuild thumbnails in the selected folders. Or
click Check images exist button, to check if images exist in selected folders.
5. Results of the image check will be written in the log text file.

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35 Issa Transfer images

Transfer images option is used to transfer images from Issa database to an alternative
location, to save disc space on the local disk, or for backup purposes.

Image transfer wizard that guides the user through the whole process, where options
are selected through 8 transfer steps, can be used by less experienced users. Advanced
users can use the advanced image transfer dialog, which is shown in the image above.

To make an advanced image transfer:

1. Open Settings and go to Image Maintenance Properties.
2. Click Transfer images button. Wizard for image transfer will open.
3. Open the advanced interface by clicking Advanced button.
4. Dialog displays a complete list of all exams, which can be sorted by exam date.
Exams with images to move or copy can be selected from the list.
5. Select the action to be performed: Move images or Copy images, select other
options (to include data, destination path).
6. Click OK button to start image transfer.

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Settings options 36

5.4.3 Image text position

Image Text Position section of the Settings enables the creation of the text positions
that can be used on images in Issa.

To create a new Image Text Position:

1. Click the New button in the Command toolbar.
2. The predefined name will appear in the top field (e.g. New 1), but you can write any
name for that text position.
3. Drag and drop captions from the Property List to the fake monitor on the right hand
side, and sort the captions in the desired fashion.
4. You can change the font type, size and color by clicking the font icon or the color
icon .
5. Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to discard them.

To have a certain Image Text Position appear when viewing images by default, you have
to make it default in Settings. To select a default Image Text Position:
1. Select the Image Text Position you wish to make default in the list.
2. Click the Default button in the Command toolbar. The selected Image Text Position
will be colored red.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

Note that each Image Text Position can be used specifically on images imported from a
certain device defined in the Devices table. See Devices.

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37 Issa

5.4.4 CD/DVD writer options

Option Description
Default CD Select the default CD writer form the pull-down menu containing all writers
writer: installed on your computer.
Write speed: Define the write speed from the pull-down menu containing all write speeds
available for the active writer.
Export exam Define the action performed when writing a CD in Issa: you can set in either
type: to Prepare only Dicom folder (exam will be prepared for writing in the
specified folder) or CD Burning (exam will be written on the CD).
Maximum Choose the maximum size of the CD, and thus the data prepares to be
size: [Mb] written (in Megabytes).
Export Export folder defined for exporting exams when the Prepare only Dicom
folder: folder is chosen.
Default CD The default description of the CD written from Issa.

5.4.5 Low bandwidth prefetch

Low bandwidth prefetch is used when the connection to the network is very slow. If Issa
database is remote and accessed via the network, low bandwidth prefetch can speed up
the work by prefetching images from the remote database to a local folder when Issa is
not being used.

Note: To activate this option, Low Bandwidth Issa needs to be programmed into the
computer's Wibu key.

Use image If this option is checked, Issa will prefetch images after it is idle for the
prefetch defined period.
Prefetch path The path where prefetched images are stored.
Idle time __ Idle time (in seconds) after which prefetch of images begins.
Delete images Set Issa to automatically delete prefetched images specified number of
older than __ days after the images are prefetched.

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Settings options 38

To configure low bandwidth prefetch:

1. Go to Low Bandwidth Prefetch and check the "Use image prefetch" option.
2. Define Prefetch path (to browse click ). Issa will prefetch images from the remote
database to your local workstation, into a file that you define here.
3. Define Idle time. The prefetching will start after Issa is idle for a time defined here
and it will stop prefetching as soon as you start working again.

Exams from My Tasks list for the current user are prefetched first, afterwards the exams
owned by the current user and then the unassigned exams. Exams that are being
prefetched are colored yellow, and already prefetched exams blue. Other exams will be
prefetched if you try to open them. Note that opening an exam that has not been
prefetched may take some time because Issa has to prefetch all images from that exam.

5.4.6 Exam prefetch

The images from old exams can be transferred and stored on a removable device or on
the network to save disc space on the workstation where Issa database is located. It is
important that Issa knows where those images are located, so they could be prefetched if
needed in the future.

Old images are transferred to a removable device or the network by clicking the Transfer
Images button in Image maintenance properties section of Settings. After that the
Image transfer dialog gives the instructions which can easily be followed, so the images
are transferred to the specified location. Issa remembers this location for every exam
whose images have been transferred.

To prefetch the images that have been removed from Issa database and transferred to a
different network location or a removable device:

1. Go to Search in Issa and specify the search parameters for the exam whose images
you need to prefetch.
2. After the exam is found, instead of the images there will be the location to which the
images have been transferred. Connect to that network location or insert the
removable device (disc).
3. Click the Prefetch button in the Command toolbar. The images will be prefetched to
the database and will be available when needed.

5.5 File paths

File Path section includes the directory paths for the following types of files:

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39 Issa

voice files.

These file paths define where Issa stores those files.

5.5.1 Managing file paths

Option Description
Path Directory path for certain type of files (images, thumbnails, documents, voice
files). This is the location where those respective files are stored when
created in Issa.

Descriptio Description of the directory path (optional).

Read only This mark denotes that the file path is read only, like a read only CD or DVD.
The box is automatically checked if such a path is entered.

Removabl This mark denotes that the file path is removable, like a CD, DVD or a USB
e storage device. The box is automatically checked if such a path is entered.

Path list Lists all entered paths for the current database. The default path is printed in
red colored letters.

To enter a new path:

1. Click the New button in the Command toolbar.
2. Enter the directory path in the Path field (to browse the files click ).
3. Enter description for that path if desired.
4. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

To select a default path:

1. Select the path you wish to make default.
2. Click the Default button in the Command toolbar. The selected path will be colored
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

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Settings options 40

5.5.2 Directory paths for images

This directory path defines the directory location where Issa stores image files.

For information on how to manage all file paths, see Managing file paths.

5.5.3 Directory paths for thumbnails

This directory path defines the directory location where Issa stores thumbnail files.

For information on how to manage all file paths, see Managing file paths.

5.5.4 Directory paths for documents

This directory path defines the directory location where Issa stores document files.

For information on how to manage all file paths, see Managing file paths.

5.5.5 Directory paths for voice files

This directory path defines the directory location where Issa stores voice files.

For information on how to manage all file paths, see Managing file paths.

5.6 Security options

These security options allow users to adjust Issa's
security settings to best suit their needs.

Option Description
Minimum password length Defines minimal length of user's passwords (if set to 0
no password is required).

Maximum password age __ days Sets the number of days after which the password
expires and a new password needs to be entered. If
set to 0, this option and its sub options will not be used
and passwords will not need to be changed.

Allow password reuse after __ Password cannot be reused before a period defined
days here has elapsed. After the set number of days
passwords can be reused.

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41 Issa

Password expire warning __ Users will be warned that their password is about to
days before expire expire __ days before expiration. The number of days
is defined here.

Use high security level for users With this option checked, Issa users can change only
data their passwords and no other user data; with it off,
users can also change their login, specialty, address,
telephone, e-mail and SMS e-mail.

Automatically logoff administrator Issa will automatically log off administrator users after
after __ minutes idle time. the set amount of idle time.

Automatically logoff standard Issa will automatically log off standard users after the
users after __ minutes idle time. set amount of idle time.

Allow the Administrator to change Administrator can change the exam owner if
the exam owner necessary. See topic Change exam owner.
Allow Issa to login into system Allows Issa to login into the system as a particular
as... system user. This option is used for extra security.

5.6.1 Users data

Option Description
Login The user name for logging into Issa.
User Code The code of the user in the database.
User Full name of the user.
Specialty Specialty of the user (optional field).
Address Address of the user (optional field).
Telephone Telephone number of the user (optional field).
User Type of the user is selected from the pull-down menu containing all available

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Settings options 42

Types user types.

User Groups that the user is joined to are selected by checking the desired user
Groups groups among those listed.
E-mail E-mail address of the user (optional field).
SMS E- SMS e-mail address of the user (optional field).
Institution Institution where the user is employed (optional field).
Comment Any comment that can be entered as wished (optional field).
Ph3 ServerSelect the desired action from the pull-down menu in Issa when exams are
sent for the user (see Send-Receive options). Options are to import exams and
remove from server, to import and leave or not to import directly.
User is Select if the user should be guest of this workstation (see Guest Users).
Change Used to change the password of the current user. Administrator can change all
Password users' passwords and each user can change his own password.
Register This button is used for user registration. When it is clicked, a pop-up menu
User appears with the following sub options:
Register User in Pharos Client - registers the selected user in Pharos Client
and Pharos Server.
Send User Registration with Pharos 2 - registers the selected user in Pharos
Client and Pharos Server.
Send User Registration with e-mail - sends the user registration file via e-
Store User Registration file in folder - stores the user registration file in the
specified folder.

Users table lists all users in the database, and is used to select a particular user to
change his data. The columns (Login, User Name, Specialty, Address etc.) contain the
user data which can be edited in the respective data fields. Editing user data

Issa administrators can edit the data of all users, an each user can edit his own user

To edit an existing user's data:

1. Select the user in the user list.
2. Edit the user data fields you wish to change.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.
4. To change the password, click the Change Password button and enter the required
passwords into the dialog fields and click OK.
5. Click OK to accept the changes.

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43 Issa

To change the password, you must enter the old password, then
the new password and confirm the new password. Note that if the
fields New Password and Confirm New Password are not
identical, Issa will not accept the password.

Issa administrators can add new users to the database. To add a new user:
1. Click the New button in the Command toolbar.
2. Enter the user data in the appropriate fields. The following fields must be filled:
Login, User Code, User Name.
3. Click OK to accept.
4. Issa will prompt you to enter the password. Enter the passwords into the dialog fields
and click OK.
5. Click OK to accept the changes.

To delete a user:
1. Select the user to be deleted in the users list.
2. Click the Delete button in the Command toolbar.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

5.6.2 Guest users

Guest users have the User is guest check box checked. They can be users on the same
database on another workstation or users on a different database that send exams to

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Settings options 44

Issa. Guest users cannot log into Issa on the workstation where they are considered

5.6.3 User groups

User groups can be used in Issa to group the users for easier communication and to
adjust the user data to every workflow. User groups are defined in this section of

Option Description
Group The name of the group.
Specialty Specialty of the group (optional field).
Address Address of the group (optional field).
Telephon Telephone number of the group (optional field).
E-mail E-mail address of the group (optional field).
SMS E- SMS e-mail address of the group (optional field).
Institutio Institution where the group is located (optional field).
Commen Any comment that can be entered as wished (optional field).
Ph3 Select the desired action from the pull-down menu in Issa when exams are sent
Server for the user (see Send-Receive options). Options are to import exams and
remove from server, to import and leave or not to import directly.
Register This button is used to register groups. When it is clicked, a pop-up menu
user appears with the following sub options:
Register User in Pharos Client - registers the selected user in Pharos Client
and Pharos Server.

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45 Issa

Send User Registration with Pharos 2 - registers the selected user in Pharos
Client and Pharos Server.
Send User Registration with e-mail - sends the user registration file via e-
Store User Registration file in folder - stores the user registration file in the
specified folder.

Group table lists all groups in the database, and is used to select a particular group to
change its data. The columns (Group Name, Specialty, Address etc.) contain the group
data which can be edited in the respective data fields. Editing group data

To edit selected group's data:

1. Select the group in the group list.
2. Edit the group data fields you wish to change.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

To add a new group:

1. Click the New button in the Command toolbar.
2. Enter the group data in the appropriate fields. Only the Group Name field must be
filled and the other fields are optional.
3. Click OK to accept.

To delete a group:
1. Select the group to be deleted in the group list.
2. Click the Delete button in the Command toolbar.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

5.6.4 User types

Issa offers several predefined user types which can be easily
incorporated into any work flow. Different user types have
different privileges and authorities in the database.

It is important to use the appropriate user types and their

respective rights when registering Issa users as this will improve
data security.

User type Description

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Settings options 46

Database administrator This user has absolute control over everything in database, he
can edit all the data, add and delete users, etc. Only users which
administer the database should have administrator accounts.

Physician This user account should be given to physician users, which

enter results in exam fields, take exams into ownership, etc.
They can also create new users and exams and modify data in
unassigned exams and exams in their ownership.

Technician This user account should be given to RTR users, who create new
patients and exams, assign exams to physicians but do not write
anything in exam results.

Secretary This user account should be given to secretaries who enter new
patients and schedule them in Issa Front Desk.

Student This user is fully restricted and can only view exams that are
marked "For students" in Issa.

Typist This user account should be given to typists who retype the
voice recordings in Issa Typist.

Referring Physician This user account should be given to referring physicians who
order the exams for their patients and is restricted.

Second Opinion This user account should be given to second opinion physicians
Physician and is restricted to entering second opinion diagnoses.

Note that each user type rights can be viewed and edited in the Rights list - see User
type rights. User type rights

To view the selected user's current rights:

1. Select the user in the Group list.
2. In the Rights list that user's rights are checked.

To edit the selected user' rights:

1. Select the user in the Group list.
2. In the Rights list check the rights you wish that user group to have.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

Note that some of the user rights in the list exclude all other rights (e.g. "User is student
- fully restricted") and that some rights cannot be checked for certain user groups
because of security reasons.

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47 Issa

New user types can be created if a user type with specific rights is needed.

To create a new user type:

1. Click the New button in the Command toolbar.
2. Enter the name of the user group.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.
4. Edit the user rights for that group.

Also see the topic User Types.

5.6.5 Auditing
Auditing is used to keep track of the past actions made in Issa. In this section of Settings
all listed actions made by all the users can be found and revised.

See Audit search and Audit options. Audit search

Audit Search tab is used to define the period, users and actions for the

To do an audit search:
1. Define the parameters of the search: enter the From and To dates,
check the users and actions to be listed.
2. Click the Search Now button. The list with audit results is displayed.
3. If you want to print the audit results, click Print Preview and then

From: Defines the "From" date for the audit. It can be edited in the field below, or
selected from the calendar which is displayed as a pull-down menu.

To: Defines the "To" date for the audit. It can be edited in the field below, or
selected from the calendar which is displayed as a pull-down menu.

Users List of users whose actions can be audited. This list contains all the users in
the database.

Actions List of actions that can be audited. Actions can be added and removed from
this list in Audit options.

Search Now Searches the database for the actions by the defined parameters.

Print PreviewDisplays the print preview of the results of the search.

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Audit results list all found actions (with data and date information) by the specified user. Audit options

Actions that need to be audited can be selected by checking them in the

Options tab list. Note that some actions cannot be unselected.

5.7 Tables
On several places in Issa, there are pre-defined values for data fields which are filled
manually by selecting them from a particular list. Such lists are:

Personal diagnoses
Types of exams
Workstations which connect to the database
Center-Width presets
Image codes
Series descriptions
Sent From names

Most tables have filter, which can be used to easily locate a

particular entry.

5.7.1 Editing tables

On several places in Issa, there are pre-defined values for data fields which
are filled manually by selecting them from a particular list.

Some of these lists can be edited only by Issa administrators, but some
tables can be edited by all users. Such lists are:

Center - Width

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49 Issa


The Diagnoses table contains personal diagnoses which can be pasted in any field in the
Exam form. It can be useful to enter the frequently used phrases so they would not need
to be retyped each time.

Issa can store center-width preset values (e.g. for lungs, bones, abdomen etc.) for easy
viewing of CT, MRI and CR/DR images. These presets are stored in the Center - Width
table, together with their names, values and modality types.

The procedure for editing is the same for both Diagnoses and Center - Width tables.

To add a new entry:

1. Open Settings and select the table you wish to edit.
2. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click New button in the command
3. Enter the desired data.
4. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

To edit an entry:
1. Open Settings and select the table you wish to edit.
2. Click the entry to edit it.
3. Change the desired data.
4. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

To delete an entry:
1. Open Settings and select the table you wish to edit.
2. Select the entry to be deleted.
3. Click the Delete button in the command toolbar.
4. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

Note that each user can edit or delete only those entries in the table that belong to him.

The Calibrations table stores data on all the image calibrations. It is filled automatically
whenever an image in View is calibrated. To change the default calibration:
1. Select the calibration you wish to make default.
2. Click the Default button in the command toolbar. The selected database will be
colored red.
3. Click OK to accept or Cancel to cancel.

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Settings options 50

5.7.2 Departments
Departments table is used to define departments on the installation database.
Departments can be used for specifying print-out preferences by department (such as the
header, logo and printed fields).

Workstations and devices are linked with a particular department (see Workstations and
Devices tables respectively), so filters for exams and exam types by department can be
used. Department name is added to the exam created on that department, and it cannot
be edited afterwards.

Each entered department has to contain a Code (it can be a shortened description), and
Description field can be filled optionally.

Remote departments list, a sub-list of Departments, is filled automatically with all

remote departments imported in Issa through Pharos Client, or image DICOM attributes.
This list cannot be edited by Issa users.

5.7.3 Workstations
Workstations table is filled automatically and lists all the workstations which connect to
the current database. It contains workstation UID, name, computer name and

Remote workstations list, a sub-list of Workstations, is filled automatically with all

remote workstations imported in Issa through Pharos Client, or image DICOM attributes.

Neither of these two lists can be edited by Issa users.

5.7.4 Devices

This table lists all the imaging devices which store images in the current database.

To add a device to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the device name in the Device Name field.
3. Select the workstation for the device from the pull-down menu in the Workstation
Name field.
4. Select the modality for the device from the pull-down menu in the Modality field.

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51 Issa

5. Select the image text position from the pull-down menu in the Text Position field.
6. To fill the Attribute value field, see Attribute value.
7. Write in the AE Title (see AE Title).
8. If the device is not operating, you can check the box in the Not operating column.
9. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them. Attribute value

If a particular device is DICOM compliant, Issa can automatically fill the Device field in
the Exam form from the parameters in the DICOM file.

To enable automatic filling of the Device field in exam form from DICOM parameters:
1. Open a DICOM exam from that particular device.
2. Right-click on an image and select DICOM attributes option from the menu.
3. Right-click on a DICOM attribute which is unique to the device, click the Use
<attribute> as attribute value on device option and select the device from the
drop-down menu.

This way all the new exams pushed from the specified device will have the device name
automatically listed in the Device field. AE Title
AE Title is a DICOM attribute used in Issa for modality worklists. If a modality worklist is used
for a particular device, this field has to be filled with that device's AE Title value.

To fill the AE Title value for a particular device:

1. Open a DICOM exam from that device.
2. Right-click on an image and select DICOM attributes option from the menu.
3. Find this attribute: Type = AE, Description = SourceApplicationEntityTitle.
4. Select that attribute and right click it. The pop-up menu will appear.
5. Select the option Use 'xxx' for AE Title value on device.. In the following menu choose
the correct device that uses that AE title (i.e. the device from which those images were
6. To see if this was done correctly, go to Settings/Tables/Devices and check if the correct AE
Title is entered in the table for that device's entry.

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5.7.5 Exam types

This table contains types of exams that can be selected from the Exam type field in the
Exam form. A particular exam type can be selected as default by clicking Default button
while it is selected. If a particular exam type is set as default (displayed in red letters), it
will automatically be assigned when a new exam is made in Issa.

Every exam type can be associated with a device, so when a device is selected in the
Device field, only the exams associated with that device will be listed in the menu for
the Exam type field.

To associate an exam type with a device:

1. Select the exam type you wish to associate with a particular device.
2. Check the box by that device.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

Exam type can be associated with other exam parameters to automate parts of the

BPC codes linked with a particular exam type will automatically be added to exams of
that exam type
BDC codes linked with an exam type will also be automatically added to exams of that
exam type
Personal diagnoses without an owner can be linked with exam types to be filtered out
in the PD dialog for each exam type
Exam materials (only for versions using Materials module) that are used can be added
automatically to exam by exam type
Basic reports
and BDC codes, , so when a device is selected in the Device field, only the exams
associated with that device will be listed in the menu for the Exam type field.

To associate an exam type with a device:

1. Select the exam type you wish to associate with a particular device.

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53 Issa

2. Check the box by that device.

3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.7.6 Working time

Working time definitions are used to define (or block) working time for particular devices
and exam types in Issa Front Desk. Definitions are normally added, edited and used
while working with Issa Front Desk, but certain parameters of working time definitions
can be edited in Issa Settings as well.

To create a new working time definition for the selected device, right-click on the
schedule and select option New working time definition. The following dialog will

Field Description
Definitio Name of the working time definition.
n name
Descripti Description of the working time definition - it is displayed in a balloon when the
on mouse pointer is over the non-working time.
Working Type of the definition - defined working time can be applied on all days,
Type particular days of the week, particular date, odd/even working days etc.
Start at/ Start and end time for working or non-working time (depending on the Non-
End at Working Time check box).
On date If working time is defined for a particular date, set the date here.
Non- If this option is checked, the working time definition will define non-working
working time (blocked time). If it is not checked, the working time definition defines
time working time for the selected device.

More details can be set up if a new working time definition is added or edited in
To edit an existing working time definition, right-click it in schedule and select option

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Edit working time definition. This will transfer you to Settings/Working Time, where
you can edit parameters for that, or another, working time definition.
Enter settings by clicking the Settings button in the main toolbar, and click Working
Time. Now you can add new working time definitions (click New button in the
command toolbar), edit existing definitions or delete existing definitions (select the
definition from the list and click Delete button in the command toolbar).

Following additional features can be edited in Settings for each working time definition:
Definition This check box is checked if the working time definition is assigned to one or
for device more devices, regardless of the exam type.
Exam type/ Certain time can be assigned or blocked for certain exam types only - use
Device lists these lists to check the desired exam types and respective devices.

5.7.7 Diagnoses
This table contains personal diagnoses which can be pasted in any field in the Exam
form. It can be useful to enter the frequently used phrases so they would not need to be
retyped each time.

To edit the Personal Diagnoses table:

1. Open Settings and select the Private Diagnoses table.
2. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click on the existing entry to edit it.
3. Edit the appropriate fields: Code, Diagnose, Owner, Shortcut.
4. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

Note that every Issa user can add diagnoses in this table, but each user (except the
Administrator) can edit only those entries owned by them.

5.7.8 Center - Width

Issa can store center-width preset values (e.g. for lungs, bones, abdomen etc.) for easy
viewing of CT, MRI and CR/DR images. These presets are stored in this table, together
with their names, values and modality types.

To add a center-width preset value:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command

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55 Issa

2. Enter the name of that preset value.
3. Select the modality for the preset value from the pull-down menu in the Modality
field. This means that you can use that particular preset value only for the selected
4. Select the user from the pull-down menu in the User field or leave this field blank (so
that all users can use that preset value).
5. Define center and width values in Center and Width columns respectively.
6. Define a shortcut for that preset value by pressing the keys you wish to use as
shortcut keys. Their value is displayed in the Shortcut field.
7. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

Note that every Issa user can add center-width preset values in this table, but each user
(except the Administrator) can edit only those entries owned by them.

5.7.9 Units

Issa offers several measurement units used in image calibrations (such as mm, cm, etc.).
You can add your own measurement units here.

5.7.10 Calibrations
This table stores data on all the image calibrations. It is filled automatically whenever an
image in View is calibrated by creating a new calibration.

Check section Calibration for information on how to calibrate images in the Image

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5.7.11 Image code

This table contains all the available image codes which can be assigned to all images in

To add a code to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the name for the code.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.7.12 Series description

This table contains all the available series descriptions which can be assigned to image
series in Issa.

To add a description to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the description.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.7.13 Sent from

This table contains the names of the physicians (or whole departments) that send

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57 Issa

patients for a medical exam. You can enter those names to the Sent From field in Issa by
selecting them from the list.

To add a name to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the name for the sending physician or department.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.7.14 Compose annotations

This table contains annotations used in the Print Composer in Issa.

To add an annotation to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the annotation.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.7.15 Compose image comment

This table contains image comments used in the Print Composer in Issa.

To add an image comment to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the image comment.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

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5.7.16 Billing procedure code

This table contains billing procedure codes contained in the pull-down menu of the BPC
field in exam form.

To add a billing procedures code to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the billing procedures code.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.7.17 Billling diagnoses code

This table contains billing procedure codes contained in the pull-down menu of the BDC
field in exam form.

To add a billing diagnoses code to this list:

1. Click on the blank row to enter a new entry or click the New button in the Command
2. Enter the billing diagnoses code.
3. Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to discard them.

5.7.18 Exam materials

Exam materials feature can only be used if it is entered in the system Wibu key. Exam
materials appear in Exam form as an additional tab (Materials).

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59 Issa

Enter predefined exam materials in Exam materials table in Settings by clicking New
button in the command toolbar and entering data in the following columns:
Name - name of the exam material
Code - code of the exam material
Quantity - total quantity of the exam material available
MinValue - minimum value to be added as spent material in each exam
Unit - units of the exam material (piece, mg...)

5.8 Administration tools

Administration tools are used to correct any accidental mistakes done by Issa users in
Issa database.

Following administration tools can be used:

Patient and exam history - used to audit user actions on particular patients and
exams, and to restore accidentally deleted data
Merge - patients and exams can be merged, exams can be moved to other patients, or
images can be moved to a referent exam in case of any accidental mistakes done in
the normal work flow.
Restore data - deleted patient and exam data can be restored, as well as deleted files
(such as images or files attached to exams)
Change exam owner - used to change exam owner (physician) in a situation when this
change is needed.

5.8.1 History
The global shortcut for History is used to view the patient or exam history - changes
made in Issa for the selected patient or exam. F10 is the default shortcut key assigned to
this function, but it can be modified in Settings/Global Shortcuts.

To view patient history, use the assigned shortcut keys while positioned on the desired
patient in the patient list or right-click that patient on the list and select the option
Open history data. See chapter Patient History.

To view exam history, go to the exam form of the desired exam and use the assigned

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shortcut or right-click that exam in the Patient Exams list and select Open history
data. See chapter Exam History. Patient history

Patient history can be opened by right-clicking on the patient in any patient list, and
selecting option Open history data, or by selecting the desired patient and using the
shortcut for History (Settings/Global Shortcuts).

Patient History dialog displays all changes of patient data, with date of modification
and the user who modified data. Following options can be used:

Option Description
Hide Hides columns for fields that do not contain any data.
without data
Hide Hides columns for fields that contain data that was not changed (changed
unchanged data is marked with red font).
Merge Merges all cells with identical data, which provides easier tracking of
identical changed data.
Show Shows patients that were deleted from Issa database.

Deleted patients can be restored using this dialog - select option Show deleted, right-
click the patient to restore from the list of deleted patients and select option Restore
data. Patient data for the deleted patient will be restored.

Right-clicking on an entry in the History dialog will display the following list of options:

Option Description
View all cell Displays complete content of the selected cell data (F4 is the default
data (F4) shortcut).

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61 Issa

Show Shows patients that were deleted from Issa database.

Refresh (F5) Refreshes data in the history dialog (F5 is the default shortcut).
Restore data This option is active if deleted patients or exams are displayed. Use it to
restore the selected patient or exam data. Exam history

Exam history can be opened by right-clicking on any patient exam in Patient Exams list,
and selecting option Open history data, or by selecting the desired exam and using the
shortcut assigned for History (Settings/Global Shortcuts).

Exam History dialog displays all changes of exam data, with date of modification and
the user who modified data. Following options can be used:

Option Description
Hide Hides columns for fields that do not contain any data.
Hide Hides columns for fields that contain data that was not changed (changed
unchanged data is marked with red font).
Merge Merges all cells with identical data, which provides easier tracking of
identical changed data.
Show Shows exams that were deleted from Issa database.

If Show deleted option is selected, deleted exams will be displayed in the list. To
restore a deleted exam, right-click the exam to restore on the list of deleted exams and
select option Restore data. Exam data for the deleted patient will be restored, as well as
images from that exam.

Deleted images are stored in a folder Deleted (which is a sub-folder of Images folder
where Issa images are stored). Images can only be restored if they were not deleted from
that folder after deleting them in Issa. The folder Deleted can be set to empty regularly

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by Issa Server.

To restore deleted images from any exam, open History for that exam and click Restore
files button. Select one of the following options:
Restore images - restores deleted images if they are still present in Deleted folder
Restore attachments - restores deleted attachments if they are still present in
Deleted folder
Restore sound - restores deleted sound if the file is still present in Deleted folder

Right-clicking on an entry in the History dialog will display the following list of options:

Option Description
View all cellDisplays complete content of the selected cell data (F4 is the default
data (F4) shortcut).
Show Shows exams that were deleted from Issa database.
Refresh (F5)Refreshes data in the history dialog (F5 is the default shortcut).
Restore This option is active if deleted patients or exams are displayed. Use it to
data restore the selected patient or exam data.

5.8.2 Merge and move

Merge and move functions are used in situations when accidental mistakes happened: if
the same patient is entered multiple times in the database as different patients, if
images are accidentally acquired to the wrong exam etc. These actions are performed by
Issa system administrator or a user with according user rights (most importantly user
right Merge data and appropriate user rights to modify patients/exams).

Following merge and move actions are available:

Merge patient data
Merge exam data
Move exam to patient

All merge and move actions are logged in a separate log file, in the folder where Issa log
files are located (by default, this path is \VAMS\ISSA\Temp). Merge patient data

When patient data is merged, the exams from all patients that are merged (Patients for
merge) are transferred to the Result (referent) patient, and patient data from all
merged patients (except the result - referent patient) is deleted.

To merge patients:

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63 Issa

1. Select the patient you want to use as referent, right-click and select option Open
merge data, or use the shortcut for Merge, which is F11 by default (Settings/Global
Shortcuts). Merge patient data dialog appears.

2. Merge patient data dialog sections are:

Result The result or referent patient, whose patient data will be used in the
patient patient data of the resulting patient. Exams will be moved to this patient.

Patients for This is the list of patients that will be merged to the result (referent)
merge patient. Their exams will be moved to the referent patient, and their patient
data will be deleted.

Patients with This is the list of patients with a name that is similar to the names of
similar name patients for merge.

Merge mode Mode of the merge; it is set to Merge patient data when merging patients.
Other modes are Merge exams data and Move exam to patient.

OK Click OK to proceed with the merge. Always check the patients you are
merging are correct before clicking OK!

Cancel Cancels the merge and closes the Merge dialog.

3. To add a patient to merge (you can add either a patient with a similar name, or a
patient from Issa patient list which is displayed in Issa), right-click that patient and
select Add to merge.
4. To remove a patient from Patients for merge list, right-click that patient and select
the option Remove from list.

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5. To set a patient as referent, right-click that patient (either in the Patients for merge
list or in Patients with similar name or in patient list in Issa) and select the option
Set as referent.
6. To use a certain column's data in the Result patient (e.g. if one of the patients for
merge has a telephone number and the referent patient does not), right-click that
data in that column and select the option Use this column data in result.
7. After setting the Result patient and the Patients for merge check the data and
click OK to proceed with the merge. Note that fields different from the resulting
fields will be marked with red font.

Note: All changes and the patient data of patients that are merged are written to a txt
log file located in the folder where Issa log files are located (by default, this path
is \VAMS\ISSA\Temp). The name of the log file contains: Merge, Change and the date of
the merging. Merge exam data

When exam data is merged, the images from all exams that are merged (Patients for
merge) are transferred to the Result (referent) exam, and exam data from all merged
patients (except the resulting exam) is deleted.

To merge exams:
1. Select the exam you want to use as referent, right-click that exam in Patient Exams
list and select option Open merge data, or use the shortcut for Merge, which is F11
by default (Settings/Global Shortcuts). Merge exam data dialog appears.

2. Merge patient data dialog sections are:

Result exam The result or referent exam, which exam data will be used in the exam
data of the resulting exam. All images will be moved to this exam.

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65 Issa

Exams for This is the list of exams that will be merged to the result (referent) exam.
merge Their images will be moved to the referent exam, and their exam data will
be deleted.

Patients with This is the list of patients with a name that is similar to the names of
similar name patients with exams for merge.

Merge mode Mode of the merge; it has to be set to Merge exam data in this case.
Other modes are Merge patient data and Move exam to patient.

OK Click OK to proceed with the merge. Always check the exams you are
merging are correct before clicking OK!

Cancel Cancels the merge and closes the Merge dialog.

3. To add an exam to merge, right-click that exam in the Patient Exams list and select
Add to merge.
4. To remove an exam from Exams for merge list, right-click that exam and select the
option Remove from list.
5. To set an exam as referent, right-click that exam (either in the Exams for merge list
or in Patient Exams list) and select the option Set as referent.
6. After setting the correct Result exam and the Exams for merge check the data and
click OK to proceed with the merge. Note that fields different from the resulting
fields will be marked with red font.

Note: Merge exams information is written to a txt log file located in the folder where Issa
log files are located (by default, this path is \VAMS\ISSA\Temp). The name of the log file
contains: Merge, Change and the date of the merging. Move exam to patient

When an exam is moved to another patient, all exam data will remain unchanged, and
the exam with images will be moved to the result (referent) patient.

To move exams:
1. Open Merge dialog by right-clicking any patient or exam in Issa and selecting option
Open merge data, or use the shortcut for Merge, which is F11 by default (Settings/
Global Shortcuts). Merge exam data dialog appears.
2. Merge patient data dialog sections are:

Result exam The result or referent exam, which exam data will be used in the exam
data of the resulting exam. All images will be moved to this exam.

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Exams for This is the list of exams that will be moved to the result (referent) patient.
move The images will be moved with the exam to the referent patient.

Patients with This is the list of patients with a name that is similar to the names of
similar name patients with exams for merge.

Merge mode Mode of the merge; it has to be set to Move exam to patient in this
case. Other modes are Merge patent data and Merge exams data.

OK Click OK to proceed with the merge. Always check the exams you are
merging are correct before clicking OK!

Cancel Cancels the merge and closes the Merge dialog.

1. Change Merge mode to Move exam to patient.

2. Select the patient you want to use as referent from patient lists in Issa, right-click on
that patient and select option Set as referent.
3. Add exams for move by right-clicking them in Patient Exams list in Issa and selecting
option Add to move.
4. After setting the correct Result patient and the Exams for move, check the data and
click OK to proceed with the move.

5.8.3 Restore data

Data deleted from Issa database (such as patient and exam information) are still present
in the database's Backup table and most of that information can be restored if

Deleted patient and exam data can be restored using History feature - see following
Patient History
Exam History

Deleted images, voice files and files attached to exams are saved in folder Deleted
(which is a sub-folder of Images folder where Issa images are stored). Images and other
files can only be restored if they were not deleted from that folder after deleting them in
Issa. The folder Deleted can be set to be emptied regularly by Issa Server - this is highly
recommended, because that folder will fill up with deleted files, which are not necessary
after a while.

To restore deleted files from an exam, use Restore files button in Exam History dialog.

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67 Issa

Note: If an exam for a deleted patient is restored, that patient data will also be restored.
If an exam is restored, Issa will try to restore deleted images from that exam (this is
possible if the image files are still present in Deleted folder).

5.8.4 Change exam owner

Users with administrator rights can change exam owner if the option "Allow the
Administrator to change the exam owner" is checked in Settings/Security Options.

Note that changing the owner of the exam is a potential security hazard and should be
used only when it is absolutely necessary.

To change exam ownership:

1. Open the exam which owner you wish to change.
2. Press the CTRL and O shortcut keys on the keyboard (shortcut keys can me modified
in Settings/Forms Shortcuts.

3. Issa prompts you to check if you want to proceed. Click Yes.

4. Exam owner field will be unlocked and you can assign the exam to another user or
leave it unassigned.
5. Click OK to accept the change or Cancel to discard it.

5.8.5 Link exam to order

In case ordering from external system is used, and exam is not correctly linked to
respective order, this can be done through option Consolidate Exam with Order.

After opening exam to link to order, open consolidation dialog by selecting option Data
Management/Consolidate Exam with Order from Tools menu. A dialog listing all orders
that are not completer will appear. Select correct order and click OK. After confirmation,
Issa will link active exam with selected order.

If HL7 message should be resent to HIS/external system, select option Data

Management/Resend data into HIS from Tools menu

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Settings options 68

5.9 Server settings

This part of Issa Settings is specific only for Issa applications installed on the server
machine, where Issa Server is installed as well. Issa Server works as a process,
regulating all system activities.

Following settings are used to set up and monitor the work of Issa Server:
Pharos 3 Server
Server Maintenance

5.9.1 Statistic
The Issa Server statistics are displayed here:
Server Start at
DICOMs imported
Imported from Pharos Client
Sent with Pharos 3
Last Backup
Last Compact
Last Repair
Last image compression
Last image move
Server Status

5.9.2 Pharos 3 Server

These settings are used to regulate Pharos 3 Server import and send options.

Option Description
Use import fromExams and results are imported automatically when received via Pharos
Pharos 3 server 3 Server.
Use send with Exams and results are sent automatically, using the appropriate defined
Pharos 3 server filters.
If filters do not Allows to set a recipient if a package does not match any of the defined
match, send to filters.
Send filters Send filters can be defined by the following parameters: Pharos 3 user,
Exam Type, Source Device, Extra Query, With images, With voice,

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69 Issa

5.9.3 Server Maintenance

The following suboptions are used for automatic server maintenance:
Backup database
Compact database
Repair database
Compress images
Automatic transfer images
Image maintenance properties
Deleting old files
HIS interface
System upgrade
Automatically remove old exams Backup database

These settings regulate automatic backups of the Issa database. Use Backup Database
button to make a backup copy of the database immediately.

Option Description
Backup database Interval (number of days) for automatic backup of the database.
every __ days at Time set for making a backup copy of the database in the set
___ interval.
Delete backup Backup copies older than the set number of days will be deleted
copies older than automatically.
__ days
Backup path File path for backup copies. Compact database

This setting regulates automatic compacting of the Issa database. Use Compact
database button to compact the database immediately.

Option Description
Compact database Interval (number of days) for automatic compacting of the database.
every __ days at Time set for compacting the database in the set interval.
__ Repair database

This setting regulates automatic repairing of the Issa database. Use Repair database
button to repair the database immediately.

Option Description
Repair database Interval (number of days) for automatic repairing of the database.

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Settings options 70

every __ days at Time set for repairing the database in the set interval.
__ Compress images

This setting regulates automatic compression of images on the Issa Server. Use
Compress images button to compress images immediately.

Option Description
Automatically compress Images older than the set number of days will be compressed
images older than __ days each day at the set time.
at __ Automatic Transfer Images

This setting regulates the automatic transfer of images, and can be used to free up the
storage space on the server by dislocating oldest images.

Option Description
Source path Source path of the images to be transferred.
Destination Destination path for the transfer of the images.
Use transfer at __Transfer will occurr each day at the set time, and images older that the
h older than __ set number of days will be transferred.occur
Transfer Max MB Maximum size of the transferred images.
Make backup Make backup (true/false).
Transfer images Use this button to transfer images immediately.
now Deleting old files

Options for automatic deleting of old temporary files from the set path can be set here.

Option Description
Cleaning disk Interval for the automatic disk cleaning (in minutes).
interval __
Path Path from which old files will be deleted.
Delete older Files older that the set number of hours will be deleted.
that __ hours HIS interface

If the Issa system has to interface with a Hospital Information System (HIS) at a location,
this is done using the HL7 protocol. This part of settings on the Issa Server is used to set
the automatic data exchange with the Hospital Information System.

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71 Issa

Option Description
Use data Check this to use data exchange with the Hospital Information System. This
exchange option will be operational only if the HL7 interface with the specific HIS has
with HIS been adjusted.
Export time/ The time for automatic export of data from Issa system to the HIS can be
Export now set, or the Export now button can be used to export the data immediately.
Import time/ The time for automatic import of data from the HIS to The time for
Import now automatic export of data from Issa system to the HIS can be set, or the
Export now button can be used to export the data immediately. system can
be set, or the Import now button can be used to import the data
Temporary Path for the temporary database.
database System upgrade

If the system includes the Issa Synchro Server, these options can be used to
automatically upgrade the whole system (including all remote workstations).

The automatic upgrade requires all Issa applications that are currently connected to the
database (Connected application list) to be terminated. Then they can be upgraded with
the set application versions, with the upgrades from the set Upgrade Path.

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

Advisory notices

73 Issa

6 Advisory notices
Advisory notices for Issa system users:

It is possible to accidentally modify an existing patient data, since the same form is
used to enter new patients, and edit existing patients. This can be prevented by using
a security option which locks patient demographic data for patients that have at least
one exam. Moreover, all changes of patient demographics and other data are saved as
patient or exam history. History displays all changes of data, with information which
user made the modifications and when they were made.

If option to search for patients with a similar name when entering new patients is not
used, it is possible to duplicate patients. In that case the same patient will be entered
in the database as two different patients, and physicians might miss patient's previous

It is necessary to be extremely cautious when using administrating tools, such as

patient or exam merge, or exam and image move, since these actions modify patient
data. It is of utmost importance to follow the warnings from the application itself, and
double-check the data that is being modified, so accidental merge of different patients
would not occur. All modifications are audited, and logged in the application log file,
and are available for review.

When image acquire is used with modalities not supporting DICOM Modality Work List
service, it is possible to enter incorrect or incomplete patient data on the console of
the modality. If patient data (patient ID, name, date of birth and sex) are not correct
(and do not match existing patients), a new patient will be created. If that patient
already exists in the database, it is necessary to use administrating tools (merge) to
correct data.

When tasks are acquired from separate information systems through HL7 messages,
patient data (patient ID, name, date of birth and sex) is checked. If patient data do not
match existing patients, new patient will be created. In case the new patient already
exists in the database, it is necessary to use administrating tools (merge) to correct

It is possible (with appropriate user permissions) to dictate over already recorded voice
file. In that case, previously recorded voice file will be permanently deleted. Careful
review is necessary before recording results over a file that is already dictated.

If option to show top text data is not used while viewing images in the image viewer, it
is not obvious to which patient those images belong to. It is advisable to keep top text
data on images while reviewing them.

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Advisory notices 74

Non-DICOM images have to be calibrated in order to display correct measurements

when tools in the image viewer are used. If an image is not calibrated, measurements
will be displayed in pixels, which is visible in the measurement table.

Non-DICOM images have to be calibrated in order to display correctly measured

density. If an image is not calibrated, density will be displayed in gray scale levels (0-
255) for 8-bit and 24-bit images, (0-65535) for 16-bit images (density is visible in the
measurement table).

If automatic logoff function is not used, unauthorized access to data can occur if the
user leaves his workstation unattended. Use of security option for automatic logoff
after an idle period is strongly recommended.

It is not advisable for users to share their login information (user name and password).
It is recommended that each user has his own login, so history and audit can be
maintained, and all data modifications can subsequently be traced.

Use of high security settings in Issa system is highly recommended. If security options
are not used (for example, if passwords are too short), probability of unauthorized
access to data, and its modification, is increased. Security options that provide many
additional security settings are recommended.

If a user with full administrator rights logs in the operating system, he can accidentally
or on purpose damage application data. To prevent from losing information, it is
necessary to regularly create backup copies of all relevant data. Backup to another
computer, tapes and keeping backup data on a different location is recommended.

To prevent loss of data due to electric power breakdown, it is recommended to secure

all computers and the server specifically, with UPS (uninterrupted power supply)

To prevent loss of data due to a malfunction of the computer on which data is archived,
it is necessary to regularly create backup copies of all relevant data. Backup to another
computer, tapes and keeping backup data on a different location is recommended.

Backup copies need to be checked regularly for their integrity (especially if backup is
done on tapes). This is done by starting a procedure of data recovery, which must not
be done over existing data (this needs to be done on another computer).

If Lossy compression for images is used, it is possible to lose quality of image

information. When compressed images are used for medical diagnostics, omissions
can be made in determining medical status. Compressed images are clearly marked
within the application (red mark with string Compressed). If compression is necessary
(due to inadequate storage space), it is advised not to compress images before images

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75 Issa

are reviewed and a valid medical result is given.

If computers within a network are connected to the Internet, unauthorized access or

virus contraction is possible unless adequate protection is used (anti-virus
applications, firewalls). Server machine is the most vulnerable in these situations,
since it holds all relevant data. Use of protective software and its regular update is
strongly advised (anti-virus applications, firewalls), in addition to regular backup of

©2018. VamsTec d.o.o. Zagreb, Croatia

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