Multiclass G/M/1 Queueing System With Self-Similar Input and Non-Preemptive Priority
Multiclass G/M/1 Queueing System With Self-Similar Input and Non-Preemptive Priority
Multiclass G/M/1 Queueing System With Self-Similar Input and Non-Preemptive Priority
Mine Caglar
Department of Mathematics Koc University Istanbul, Turkey [email protected]
Abstract In order to deliver innovative and cost-effective IP multimedia applications over mobile devices, there is a need to develop a unified service platform for the future mobile Internet referred as the Next Generation (NG) all-IP network. It is convincingly demonstrated by numerous recent studies that modern multimedia network traffic exhibits long-range dependence (LRD) and self-similarity. These characteristics pose many novel and challenging problems in traffic engineering and network planning. One of the major concerns is how to allocate network resources efficiently to diverse traffic classes with heterogeneous QoS constraints. However, much of the current understanding of wireless traffic modeling is based on classical Poisson distributed traffic, which can yield misleading results and hence poor network planning. Unlike most existing studies that primarily focus on the analysis of single-queue systems based on the simplest First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) scheduling policy, in this paper we introduce the first of its kind analytical performance model for multiple-queue systems with self-similar traffic scheduled by priority queueing to support differentiated QoS classes. The proposed model is based on a G/M/1 queueing system that takes into account multiple classes of traffic that exhibit long-range dependence and self-similarity. We analyze the model on the basis of non-preemptive priority and find exact packet delay and packet loss rate of the corresponding classes. We develop a finite queue Markov chain for non-preemptive priority scheduling, extending the previous work on infinite capacity systems. We extract a numerical solution for the proposed analytical framework by formulating and solving the corresponding Markov chain. We further present a
comparison of the numerical analysis with comprehensive simulation studies of the same system. We also implement a Cisco-router based test bed, which serves to validate the mathematical, numerical, and simulation results as well as to support in understanding the QoS behaviour of realistic traffic input.
Over the past ten years, the subject of understanding the nature of Internet traffic has sparked considerable research activity and it has been shown that Internet traffic exhibits self-similarity and burstiness over a large range of time scales. The first study, which triggered the attention of the Internet research community towards self-similarity phenomena was based on the measurements of Ethernet traffic at Bellcore [1]. As a result of detailed investigations performed on wide-area TCP traffic [2, 3, 4] and earlier studies conducted on LAN traffic [5, 6, 7] by using an extensive set of actual traces, it was shown that the distribution of packet interarrivals clearly differs from the classical exponential distribution and these studies argued convincingly that both local-area and wide-area network traffic appear to be better modeled by using statistically self-similar processes as compared to Poisson models. Subsequent statistical analysis has provided much experimental evidence that many other types of Internet traffic including WWW traffic [8], VBR video [9] and Signaling System No. 7 [10] also exhibit selfsimilarity. In addition, a deeper investigation of Internet traffic has led to the discovery of various properties such as self-similarity [11], long-range dependence [12] and scaling behavior at small time-scales [13]. Further information on the modeling and analysis of self-similar traffic is found in [14, 15] which cover both theoretical and applied aspects of self-similarity and long-range dependence. Concurrently, third Generation Systems (3G) are being deployed and growing in popularity. One of the distinctive objectives of 3G systems is to provide voice, graphics, video and other broadband services direct to the end-user over mobile devices. The Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) is one of the major proposed standards for 3G, developed by Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) [16]. A simplified UMTS network architecture is shown in Fig. 1. Evolved from GSM and GPRS, the Core Network (CN) of UMTS consists of two service domains, a Circuit Switched (CS) service domain and a Packet Switched (PS) service domain, which is of interest in this paper. In the PS service domain, UMTS connects to a Packet Data Network
(PDN) through the Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) and Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN). From the UMTS perspective, 3GPP defines four different UMTS QoS classes (conversational, streaming, interactive and background) classified and ordered by their delay sensitivity [16]. On the other hand, the increasing demand for wireless Internet access and the wide deployment of large ubiquitous installed IP infrastructure is imposing a major paradigm shift and pressuring the wireless industry to adopt the technologies, services and architectures already present in the Internet and it is now widely recognized that IP will be the foundation for next-generation mobile networks [17]. Three main QoS frameworks, IntServ [18], DiffServ [19] and MPLS [20] have been standardized in order to provide support for a variety of traffic classes with different demands in the Internet. Based on these three IP QoS models, various kinds of all-IP architectures have been proposed for 3G wireless networks [21-27]. 3GPP is also leaning towards future wireless all-IP network architecture to deliver innovative and cost-effective services (e.g. IP telephony, media streaming and multiparty gaming). To support these services over UMTS networks, 3GPP has defined a new domain, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in its latest specification [28]. All these factors have contributed to attract the attention and curiosity of researchers towards understanding the nature of wireless IP traffic and recent studies have proved that wireless data traffic exhibits self-similar behaviour as well [29-34]. However, most of the existing work on network traffic modeling is based on the simplified assumption of Poisson distributed traffic. The Poisson models fail to capture the attributes of real network traffic which is long-range dependent and statistically self-similar. This necessitates new traffic models with self-similar characteristics for optimal resource allocation and bandwidth assignment to heterogeneous traffic classes. In order to offer guaranteed QoS to different end-users, there is a need to determine parameters such as queueing delay, packet-loss rate, and expected queue length using realistic traffic conditions. We start by giving an overview of related work on wireline and wireless IP traffic modeling. Then, we present our proposed self-similar traffic model and highlight our contributions to network traffic modeling.
In this section, we first discuss related work, which has been done in the area of performance evaluation of wired IP and Wireless IP networks under self-similar input and then we compare our model with the previous work.
flow and maps it to a suitable IP QoS class. The principle of flows aggregation between end users and GGSN leads to an increase of the load on the network elements while moving towards the GGSN. Thus, as can be seen from Fig. 1, the GGSN is the node most exposed to self-similarity influence in UMTS [50]. In this paper, a FBM/D/1 queueing system has been used to analyze the performance of GGSN while taking into account selfsimilar input. The submitted approach enabled the determination of different probabilistic and time characteristics: upper and lower bounds of the GGSN service rate, the average queue length in the server buffer and average service time of information units. A QoS framework for heavy-tailed traffic over the wireless Internet is proposed in [51]. A simulation study that has been conducted to analyze the performance of the Foreground-Background scheduler and Round-Robin (RR) scheduler and the resulting insight shows that a FB scheduler requires much less network resources to attain a given QoS. There are no analytical proofs of the simulation results. The aggregated connectionless traffic is modeled with Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) in [52]. This study indicates three major contributions (1) characterization of connectionless traffic, (2) bandwidth allocation formula and (3) shortterm traffic prediction. An aggregated traffic model for UMTS is presented in [53]. The key idea is based on customizing the batch Markovian Arrival Process (BMAP) such that different packet sizes of IP packets are represented by rewards. Modeling and simulation of the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) network of Telus Mobility (a commercial service provider) are performed by using the OPNET tool in [54]. The trace-driven simulations with genuine traffic trace exhibiting long-range dependent behaviour are used to evaluate the performance of the CDPD protocol. The results indicate that genuine traffic traces, compared to traditional traffic models such as Poisson, produce longer queues. The references [55, 56] provide a detailed discussion on practically usable traffic models for emerging data applications in GPRS networks. The readers are further referred to [57-60] to get an overview of the analysis that has been done in wireless IP traffic modeling. These studies are merely based on characterization of wireless traffic and the issue of providing QoS guarantees to different users with diverse QoS demands has not been addressed properly.
C. Our Proposed Self-Similar Traffic Model and its Comparison with Prior Work
Compared to prior work done for wireless environments, the present study brings a certain level of novelty and overcomes the major limitations in the field of traffic modeling (wireline and wireless IP both) by offering guaranteed QoS parameters to heterogeneous traffic classes. We are presenting a realistic and novel analytical
model by considering two different classes of traffic that exhibit long-range dependence and self-similarity. Our model implements two queues based on a G/M/1 queueing system and we analyze it on the basis of priority with no preemption. The traffic model considered is parsimonious (with few parameters to match measurements) and has been studied in [61]. The model is analytical (solvable when fed into queueing models), flexible (one model but many variants for different applications), implement-able (less time consuming for simulation) and exhibits absolute accuracy (critical for business case studies). The model is furthermore similar to an on/off process, in particular to its variation N-Burst model studied in [62] where packets are incorporated. However, only a single type of traffic is considered in [62]. The work in this paper extends on an earlier conference paper from 2006 [63]. In this paper, we make the following major contributions to IP traffic modeling (wireline and wireless): Interarrival Time Calculations: For the particular self-similar traffic model [61], we calculate the packet interarrival time distributions. The distribution of cross interarrival time between different types of packets is derived on the basis of single packet results. QoS Parameters for Multiple Self-Similar Traffic Classes: We consider a G/M/1 queueing system which takes into account two different classes of self-similar input traffic denoted by SS/M/1 and analyze it on the basis of non preemptive priority and find exact packet delays and packet loss rate for corresponding self-similar traffic classes. For the first time, we present closed form expressions for G/M/1 with priority. Embedded Markov Chain Formulation: We develop the finite Markov chain for the non-preemptive priority scheduling discipline, extending the previous work on infinite capacity systems and derive the corresponding transition probabilities. Numerical Solution of Markov Chain: We extract a numerical solution for the above mentioned queueing system by numerically formulating and solving the corresponding Markov chain. Implementation of Simulator: We implement a discrete event simulator for modeling a G/M/1 queueing system under self-similar traffic that is readily extendible to any scheduling discipline. We present a comparison of simulator and numerical results to verify our analytical modeling. Test bed Implementation: We implement a real traffic generator, which realizes the self-similar traffic model [61] described above. We run and implement this traffic generator on a real test bed consisting of Linux workstations
and Cisco 1841 modular router. We implement non-preemptive priority scheduling on the Cisco router and find the queueing delays for corresponding self-similar traffic classes. The Cisco test bed serves to validate the mathematical, numerical and simulation results as well as to support in understanding the QoS behaviour of realistic traffic input. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section III is devoted to the explanation of self-similar traffic model with multiple classes and the derivation of interarrival times. Section IV describes the procedure of formulating the embedded Markov Chain along with a derivation of the limiting distribution and QoS parameters. In Section V we extract the numerical solution of the queueing system by numerically formulating and solving the corresponding Markov Chain. In section VI and VII we cover the simulation analysis and test bed implementation respectively along with a comparison of analytical, simulation and test bed results. The applications of the model are discussed in section VIII. Finally, we conclude the paper with future work in Section IX.
In this section, the self-similar traffic model is reviewed as necessary for the derivation of the interarrival time distributions. The interarrival time of packets for a single class is considered in detail. Then, the distribution of cross interarrival time between packets of different classes is derived on the basis of single packet results.
A. Traffic Model
We use a traffic model that captures the dynamics of packet generation while accounting for the scaling properties observed in telecommunication networks [61]. It belongs to a particular class of self-similar traffic models called infinite source Poisson models. A common feature in such models is a heavy-tailed distribution for the sessions that occur at the flow level and arrive according to a Poisson process. On the other hand, the local traffic injection process over each session is a distinguishing feature. The Hurst parameter is implicit in the distribution of the sessions and its estimation has been studied recently in [64]. Our traffic model is long-range dependent and almost second-order self-similar as the auto-covariance function of its increments is equal to that of fractional Gaussian noise for sufficiently large time lags. The traffic can be approximated by FBM when the rate of packet arrivals tends to infinity [61]. In fact, two other heavy traffic limits are also possible depending on the increase of the arrival rate as shown recently in [65, 66]. One of these is a Levy process, which does
not account for packet dynamics like FBM. Another limit is a variation of the Telecom process which appears in the analysis of another infinite source Poisson model [66]. The Telecom process represents a fluid type traffic injection rather than individual packets. Bordered by such various limiting self-similar and/or long-range dependent stochastic processes for data traffic, our packet generation model covers a wide range of statistical distributions through the choice of its parameters. The traffic is found by aggregating the number of packets generated by several sources. In the framework of a Poisson point process, the model represents an infinite number of potential sources. Each source initiates a session with a heavy-tailed distribution, in particular a Pareto distribution whose density is given by g ( r ) = b r 1 , r > b, where
is related to the Hurst parameter by H = (3 ) / 2 . The sessions are assumed to arrive according to a Poisson
process with rate . Locally, the packets generated by each source arrive according to a Poisson process with rate
throughout each session. The local packet generation process could be taken as a compound Poisson process which
would then represent packet sizes as well [61, 66]. For a single class of traffic, the traffic Y (t) measured as the total number of packets injected in [0, t] can be written as
Y (t ) = U i ( Ri (t S i ))
S i t
where U i denotes the local Poisson process over session i, Ri and S i denote the duration and the arrival time of session i, respectively, and the values of i denote an enumeration of the arriving sessions. Here, Ri is positive, S i is real valued and U i which counts the number of packets of session i is integer valued. As a result, Y(t) corresponds to the sum of packets generated by all sessions initiated in [0,t] until the session expires if that happens before t, and until t if it does not. We consider the stationary version of this model based on an infinite past. Fig.2 illustrates the components of the traffic. The sessions have been arriving for a long time and hence the incremental traffic is stationary. The sessions are represented with horizontal line segments with their lengths equal to the ordinate of their starting points (s,r). The starting points of the sessions are indicated with a diamond. The vertical segments represent the packets which are placed over each session at the time of their arrivals. The component u, which is not represented
in Fig.2, is the number of packets over a session. The numbers s, r and u denote the realization of S i , Ri and U i for session i, respectively. In the present study, we exploit the traffic model to represent different classes of traffic streams. Each stream has its own parameters and is independent from the other(s). The packet sizes are assumed to be fixed because each queue or traffic class corresponds to a certain type of application where the packets have fixed size or at least fixed service time distribution. The times of arrivals can be visualized in Fig.2 as the projections of the packet arrival times on all sessions to the time axis. Although the local packet generation is assumed to be Poisson over each session, the aggregated packet arrival process is clearly not Poisson. This aspect is consistent with the long-range dependence of the packet arrivals. We study the distribution of the time between consecutive packets next. In contrast to other infinite source Poisson models or on/off processes, our model lends itself to such a computation under certain simplifications.
We find the probability that all three events occur at the same time by using the independence of a Poisson point process over disjoint sets. The events A and B are independent from C, as the arrival times of the sessions involved in each fall into disjoint regions on the s, r plane as shown in Fig.3. The events A and B are associated with the regions
and the expiration time s+r is after t, hence related to the event A. Similar arguments hold for the events B and C.
Recall that all probabilities must be calculated conditionally on the event that a packet arrival occurred at time 0 which has an effect on the distribution of the number of active sessions at time 0. Most importantly, the number of active sessions must be strictly positive in that case. That is why we interpret the given condition as there is at least one active session at 0 which makes possible the calculation of the first two probabilities. Namely, P( A B | a packet arrival at time 0) P( A B | at least one active session at time 0) It is well known that the number of active sessions that do not and do expire before t are independent Poisson random variables [67, pg. 277] with respective means
( At ) =
t s
g (r ) dr ds = (r t ) g (r ) dr = r g (r ) dr tG (t )
t t
0 t s t
( Bt ) = g (r ) dr ds = r g (r ) dr + t G (t )
s 0
where g and G are the density and the complementary distribution functions, respectively, corresponding to Pareto
distribution. The notation ( At ) is chosen to indicate that it is the measure of Poisson point process over the
set At . Similarly, ( Bt ) is for Bt . The condition that there is at least one packet alive violates the independence of the two parts of the active sessions in a very specific way; their total must be strictly positive. Otherwise, we do the probability calculations as in the unconditional case. The last step is to assign the probability that no packets arrive in each session, which can easily be found through the local
(compound) Poisson process. For the event A, e t is the probability of no packet arrival for each session and can be used in the calculation as the sessions and the local packet arrivals are independent from the model. For the event B, we need to know the expiration times of the sessions. It is also well known that for Poisson arrivals which depart the system after a random amount of time as in an M/G/ queue, the departure process is also Poisson. Since we have further split the event B by conditioning on the number of sessions, the expiration times are now jointly distributed as order statistics over [0,t] [67]. Therefore, the probability that no new packet arrivals occur over m active sessions is
I (m, t ) = dtm dtm 1 K dt1
0 0 0 t tm t2
m! t1 (1 e t ) m e K e t m = tm (t ) m
Let denote the probability that there is at least one active session at any time, which can be found through
the analogy with the steady state system size of an M/G/ queue as = 1 e G where G denotes the mean of the Pareto distribution. We can now write
P( A B | at least one active session at time 0) =
e ( Bt ) is subtracted to make sure that there is at least one active session. After substituting (3)
The condition that a packet arrival occurred at time 0 has no implication on the event C. Therefore, they are independent and we need to find the marginal probability P (C ) . The number of session arrivals in [0,t] is Poisson with mean t . When at least one arrival occurs in [0,t], the time of expiration of such sessions could be within [0,t] or later. However, we ignore these exact arrival and departure times when considering the probability of no packet arrivals over each session which we write as the Poisson probability e t approximately in
P (C ) e t + [e t (t ) n / n!](e t ) n = exp[t (1 e t )]
n =1
We have actually compared this expression with a detailed version where the arrival and departure times of the sessions are taken into account similar to the analysis of At and Bt . This yields negligible difference in the numerical results. That is why only the simple formula (5) is reported above. Now, we can multiply P(C) with the probability in (4) as they are independent and put the expression for and
observe v( At ) + v( Bt ) = G to get
P{T > t} =
This can be differentiated and negated to find the probability density function of T.
where we denote by superscript 0 the fact that the possibility of no type 2 sessions being active is included in the derivation of (6). In contrast, the condition that an arrival occurred implies that there is at least one active session, when a single class interarrival time distribution is considered. Except for this fact, the derivation is very similar to the single class case studied in subsection III-B. As a result, we obtain
f T1 (t ) and with the condition that no class 2 packets arrive in the mean time, which happens with probability F2 (t ) .
Hence, we can use the product f T1 (t ) F2 (t ) to calculate the complete transition probability from a given state to another, when both states have an arrival of type 1. Along the same lines, the density f 20 (t ) gets multiplied with
FT1 (t ) to make sure that a type 1 packet is followed by a type 2 packet and the time until the next arrival is t. Other
combinations follow similarly. Although it does not denote a density function, we use the notation f Tij to denote a product of a density and a complementary probability when a class i packet is followed by a class j packet. That is, the notation used below is
f T22 (t ) = f T2 (t ) F10 (t ) ,
which are based on the independence of the two classes of traffic streams.
We consider a model of two queues based on G/M/1 by taking into account two classes of self-similar input traffic denoted by SS/M/1, and analyze it on the basis of priority with no preemption. Let the service time distribution have rate 1 and 2 for type 1 and type 2 packets, respectively, and let type 1 packets have priority over type 2 packets.
= P{i1 + 1 served from type 1, k served from type 2 and a type 2 packet remains in service during T12 }
where we use the fact that the remaining service time of a type 1 packet in service has the same exponential distribution Exp( 1 ), due to the memory-less property of a Markovian service and we denote the interarrival time between a type 1 and type 2 arrival by T12 . Therefore, for k = 0,K, i2 1
0 0 tx
( s ) f S i1+1 + S k ( x) fT12 (t ) ds dx dt
1 2
l l where S m : sum of l independent service times of type m packets, m=1, 2, l Z + . Note that S m has an Erlang
distribution with parameters (l , m ) as each service time has an exponential distribution, and the sum S11 + S 22 being
l l
the sum of several exponentially distributed random variables has a hypoexponential distribution. The numerical evaluation of these density functions is discussed in the following section. Transition from (i1 , i2 , a1 , s1 ) ( j1 , j 2 , a 2 , s1 ) This is the case where a transition occurs from an arrival of type 1 to an arrival of type 2 such that the first arrival has seen a type 1 packet in service, i1 packets of type 1 in the system (equivalently, total of queue 1 and the packet in service) and i2 packets of type 2 in the system (in this case only queue 2). The transition occurs to j1 packets of type 1 and j 2 packets of type 2 in the system with a type 1 packet in service. This transition is shown in Fig. 5. An arrival of type 2 sees a type 1 packet in service in the next state, which indicates that no type 2 packets has been served during this transition due to priority scheduling. In contrast, the number of packets served from queue 1, say k, can be anywhere between 0 and i1 as at least one type 1 packet is in the system, the one in service, when a new arrival occurs. The transition probability is
P{ X n +1 = (i1 k + 1, i 2 , a 2 , s1 ) | X n = (i1 , i 2 , a1 , s1 )}
= P{k served from type 1, no packet served from type 2 and a type 1 packet remains in service during T12 }
0 0 tx
( s ) f S k ( x) f T12 (t ) ds dx dt
Initial State
Transition Probability
(i1 , i2 , a1 , s1 )
(0, i2 k , a 2 , s 2 ) , k = 0,K, i2 1
0 0 tx
( s ) f S i1 +1 + S k ( x) f T12 (t ) ds dx dt
1 2
(i1 , i2 , a1 , s1 )
(i1 k + 1, i2 , a 2 , s1 ), k = 0,1.....i1
0 0 tx
( s ) f S k ( x) f T12 (t ) ds dx dt
Similarly, we can enumerate all 16 cases. States (i 1 , i2 , a, s ) with i1 or i2 equal to 0 or s = I : The states when one queue is empty i.e. ( i1 = 0 or i 2 = 0 ) or when both queues are empty and the system is idle, i.e. (i1 = i 2 = 0, s = I ) can be considered similarly. There are a total of 8 such states. The details can be found in [69].
W1 =
J1 1 J 2
j1 =1 j2 = 0
( j1 , j 2 , a1 , s1 ) + (
j1 =0 j2 =1
J1 1 J 2
) ( j1 , j 2 , a1 , s 2 )
where J1 and J2 are the respective capacities of each queue. This follows clearly from the fact that an arriving packet of higher priority will wait until all packets of the same priority as well as the packet in service are served. Depending on the type of the packet in service, we have the constituent expressions in the sum. On the other hand, we obtain the expected waiting time for the low priority queue by analyzing the events that constitute this delay. The amount of work in the system at any time is defined as the (random) sum of all service times that will be required by the packets in the system at that instant. The waiting time of a type 2 packet can be written as:
W2 = Z 1 + Z 2 + Z 3 + ....
where Z1 is the amount of work seen by the arriving packet in the system, Z2 is the amount of work associated with high priority (i.e.type 1) packets arriving during Z1, Z3 is the amount of work associated with type 1 packets arriving during Z2, and so on. As illustrated in Fig.6, the waiting time of an arriving packet of type 2 is indeed given by the total workload building in front of it. The arrows in the figure denote the arrival times of type 1 packets, and all the oblique lines have 45 degrees angle with the time axis. In this figure the waiting time is W2 = Z1 + Z 2 + Z 3 + Z 4 as an example. Let Mj denote the number of type j arrivals over Zi, j=1, 2,. Then
W2 = Z1 + S1
where S1
M j
M 1
+ S1
M 2
denotes the random sum of Mj independent service times of type 1 packets. Then,
E [W 2 ] = E [ Z 1 ] + E [ S 1 ] E [ M 1 ] + E [ S 1 ] E [ M 2 ] + L
since the service times and the arrival process are independent. For a stationary packet arrival process, we get
E [ M j ] = E [ E [ M j | Z j ]] = E [ c1 Z j ] = c1 E [ Z j ]
due to mentioned independence, where c1 > 0 is a constant particular to the arrival process. That is, expectation of the number of arrivals in any period of time is proportional to the length of that period because of stationarity in time and linearity of expectation. In our stationary self-similar traffic input process, c1 is the expected number of arrivals per unit time which can be called the arrival rate, given by the product of the arrival rate of session arrivals, the arrival rate of packets over a session, and the expected session length [61]. Explicitly, c1 = b /( 1) . Hence, the expected waiting time reduces to
E [W 2 ] = E [ Z 1 ] + E [ S 1 ]c1 E [ Z 1 ] + E [ S 1 ]c1 E [ Z 2 ] + L
= E[Z 1 ] + = E[Z 1 ] +
in view of (7). Therefore, we get
(E[Z 1 ] + E[Z 2 ] + L ) E [W 2 ]
W2 =
j j 1 j 0 1 + 2 ( j1 , j 2 , a 2 , s1 ) + j1 = 1 2 2 =
J1 J 2 1
j1 = 0 j 2 = 1
J 2 1
j2 cW ( j1 , j 2 , a 2 , s 2 ) + 1 2 2 1
must be less than 1. Another QoS parameter readily available from this
description of the system is the packet loss rate (PLR) (due to a full queue) or equivalently the system availability. For each class of traffic, this is the sum of the steady-state probabilities of states where an arrival occurs for a full queue:
PLR1 =
k =0 m =1, 2
(J , k , a , s )
1 1 m
In this section, we present a numerical example demonstrating the application of the above analytical framework. We first note that numerically solving the queueing system modeled in the previous section amounts to calculating the
transition probabilities of the corresponding Markov chain i.e. generating the transition probability matrix P. The steady-state distribution then can be obtained by solving the left-eigenvalue system P = . Consider the integrals given in Section IV.B for finding the entries of P. Every transition probability may be directly or indirectly calculated from an integral of the form:
0 0 tx
( s ) f S l1 + S l2 ( x) f Tmn (t )dsdxdt
1 2
where k=1,2, l1=0,,J1, l2=0,,J2 and m, n = 1,2. Here J1 and J2 are the respective capacities of queue 1 and queue 2. The term f S l1 + S l2 ( x) in the integral above is a hypo-exponential distribution. It is the density function of the service
1 2
time of l1 packets of type 1 and l2 packets of type 2. It is the sum of two Erlang distributions and its density function can be obtained by convolution on the density functions of the two Erlang distributions, namely:
f S l1 + S l2 ( x) = f S l1 ( s ) f S l2 ( x s ) ds
1 2
l 1l s l 1e s 2 ( x s ) l 1 e
1 1 1 2 2
2 ( xs )
(l1 1)!
l 1l 2 e x
1 2 2
(l 2 1)!
x l1 1
(l1 1)!(l 2
1 2
s 1)!
( x s ) l2 1 e s ( 2 1 ) ds
Note that if l1 = l2 = 0, then we assume that f S 0 + S 0 ( x) = ( x ) , the Dirac-delta function. Thus, the generic transition probability integral (8), above reduces to:
We first note that for a system with a finite queue capacity, N = max (J1, J2), the Markov chain formulation leads to a state space of size 4N2 + 4N + 2 and thus we have a Markov matrix, P, with O(N4) elements. However, there are only O(N2) distinct values of (8). Thus, a significant computational saving can be obtained by pre-computing all O(N2) values and filling out the O (N4) elements of the Markov matrix using them. To obtain the results described below, we set each queue to a capacity of 10 packets and packet arrivals occur according to the process described in section III. For the higher priority class we set the session arrival rate to 1=8s-1, the in-session packet arrival rate to 1 = 50s-1 (characteristic of VoIP traffic) and the service rate to 1 = 2500s-1. For the
lower priority class we set the session arrival rate to 2=50s-1, the in-session packet arrival rate to 2 = 8s-1 and the service rate to 2 = 1. In the following sections, we investigate the effects of varying the Hurst parameter (0.5 < H < 1) on the delay and packet loss rate QoS parameters. For numerical accuracy, we have performed some evaluation experiments to verify that we obtain a stochastic matrix. While performing a numerical check of the Markov transition matrix, we have found that the sum of the transition probabilities of each row of the matrix is 1, giving evidence that the matrix P is indeed stochastic. In fact, the recommended default queue size by Cisco for priority queueing implementation, particularly for real time applications such as voice is 20 [70]. Although the computation of P seems to be somewhat costly, it is certainly possible to solve a system with 20 packets in a reasonable amount of time. To show the practicability of the approach, here we give some timing information. Computing a complete row of P for the smaller valued states like (3, 4, a1, s1) takes around 60 sec and for higher valued states such as (18, 18, a2, s1) takes about 10-15 min in MATLAB, which can be performed clearly in parallel. The running time for a 3-packet system is less than 10 minutes and for a system with 2 queues 10 packets each, computing P takes up to 3 hours (depending on the value of H) in MATLAB without any optimization. This time could be reduced tremendously if directly coded for example in a language such as C by eliminating the overhead time caused by the tools of MATLAB. On the other hand, much effort has been dedicated to solve for the stationary distribution of large Markov chains over the recent years. The current state of the art enables solving a Markov chain with a billion states using iterative methods [71].
In this section, we explain the simulation results and present a comparison with the numerical analysis, which serves to validate the analytical modeling. First of all, we provide some comprehensive details about simulation framework followed by accuracy considerations and comparison of simulation and numerical results.
A. Simulation Framework
A comprehensive discrete-event simulator for queueing systems was built to understand and evaluate the QoS behaviour of self-similar traffic. The simulation engine is highly modular by design allowing free customization of the traffic generator and the scheduling logic. This allows for the ready evaluation of any scheduling discipline under any specific kind of input traffic.
The key element for the scheduler logic is the Scheduler class. Here we used the template method design pattern [72]. This allows any scheduling algorithm to be loosely coupled but easily integrated, overriding the existing program skeleton. PriorityScheduler was actually implemented to analyse the corresponding QoS behaviour. A traffic generator was also written, which implements the traffic model described in Section III. This generator may also be readily over-ridden by another traffic model. A number of other associated classes were written to facilitate program function and accuracy. These include: Simulation. This class served as the simulation engine moving time forward and updating the event list etc. RandomNumber. A class for generating random number with specific distributions including: uniform, exponential, Poisson, Compound-Poisson and Pareto. Packet. A class used to store the system state as encountered by each packet. Additionally, a specialist numerical algorithm [73] was implemented for computing the variance to combat the numerical instability in the aggregation of the QoS statistics. The QoS results from the simulation studies along with their corresponding theoretical values are presented in the next subsections.
B. Accuracy Considerations
Getting accurate results from simulating the traffic model discussed in Section III requires attention. The numbers of packets are directly simulated rather than the inter-arrival time distributions. We discuss the related issues here. One issue arises from the infinite past assumption of the traffic model in Section III. This assumption is necessary to guarantee stationarity. In simulation however, we are forced to replace with a sufficiently large negative number say T (< 0). In [61], the expected error (difference) in the number of packets generated over a given interval is analyzed, due to the truncation of the infinite past to T. For traffic generated on [0, t] we have:
2) Note also that for a given constant truncation point T, the error increases linearly as we increase the interval under consideration [0, t]. This would indicate that a shorter simulation interval is desirable in terms of traffic model accuracy. However, the theoretical values obtained from the analytical modeling represent the QoS parameters of the system while in steady-state. It is likely that the queueing system does not reach steady-state for small values of t. Thus, for the ideal choice of t, there is a trade-off between traffic model accuracy and reaching the system steadystate. This trade-off was addressed by qualitative observations in this work. Further investigation into the accuracy of the simulation is likely to be of interest. Another issue arises from the difficulty of simulating heavy-tailed distributions in general and the Pareto distribution in particular. Session durations in our traffic model are governed by a Pareto distribution. Thus being able to accurately generate Pareto distributed numbers is important to the accuracy of the simulation study. Figure 7 shows expected theoretical mean value of the Pareto distribution versus the values actually obtained from random number generation experiments. 95% confidence intervals are also shown. For each of H=0.55, 0.75 and 0.95 we show the theoretical mean and 5 points showing the experimental mean. Each (Experimental Mean) point in Fig. 7 represents the statistical aggregate mean for approximately the same number of random number generations (RNG) as in the simulation results presented following (>105), and so the analysis here has direct relevance to the results. We can clearly see the extremely high variance in the data as H approaches 1. In fact, for H=0.95 several points are not shown because they were well-off the graph. This is a direct consequence of the infinite variance of the Pareto distribution. The problem is particularly acute for H close to 1 as the tail of the distribution is heaviest and we are more likely to see extremely large values generated by the RNG. As the above discussion shows it is very difficult to obtain accurate results from a simulator generating random numbers from a (very) heavy-tailed distribution. The tail is heaviest for H close to 1 and generating accurate simulation results proves to be particularly difficult in that range. Gross et al. study a related issue in detail in [72] and conclude that care must be taken in simulations involving Pareto distributions as they can lead to large errors due to the heavy tail. It should also be noted though, that the bulk of empirical evidence [1, 8-9, 74-75] suggests that H ~ [0.7, 0.85] is the region of interest in network traffic. Ergo it is this range of values of H that are of primary interest in the following results and not the values very close to 1 just discussed.
Fig. 8 shows a comparison of the numerical and simulation results for the packet loss rate. The results appear to validate the modeling. We note the significant increase in the Packet Loss Rate of the lower priority queue as the degree of self-similarity increases.
In this section, we describe the interim results of the IP QoS tests running non-preemptive priority scheduling on a Cisco Modular Router 1841 and present a comparison with the numerical and simulation results given in the previous sections.
We defined the priority list, classified the traffic at input interface (Fa0/0) and assigned them to the proper queue at the output interface (Fa0/1) by executing the following commands:
priority-list 1 protocol ip high udp 63000 priority-list 1 protocol ip medium udp 63001
Next we specified the maximum size of each queue at the output interface:
priority-list 1 queue-limit 10 10 60 80
Finally we assigned the priority list 1 to the output interface (Fa0/1) by executing the following command.
ntpdate u
Further, to achieve real time synchronization between the sender and receivers clocks, a small program was written, to enable NTP to run as a background process. We executed the following command on the router (which is also the
NTP client in our network) in the global configuration mode to synchronize its system clock with the NTP primary server: ntp server
linklength 2.1 10 8 m / s
(3) Processing Delay: refers to the time taken by the router to examine the packet at the input interface and placing it in the output queue on the output interface (4) Queueing Delay: consists of time spent in the queues inside the routertypically just in output queues in a router. (5) Transmission Delay: is the delay that the scheduler takes to put the packet from output queue on to the link; it is same as serialization delay [70]. In our delay calculations, we can ignore the processing delay inside the input interface of the router and at the receiving machine as this is in order of few microseconds, several orders of magnitude smaller than the expected delay. The propagation delay through the network is also negligible and therefore ignored. Compensating for the serialization delay at the sending machine and transmission delay at the output interface of the router, we found the following queueing delay for the two different classes of self-similar traffic in our test bed experiments (Refer to Table 1). Fig. 10 shows the mean delay, in which the test bed results have been plotted with 95% confidence interval against numerical and simulation results. We see the significant detrimental impact of increasing the Hurst parameter (the degree of self-similarity) on the QoS offered. We also note the characteristics of a priority queueing system: as the load increases, we see a significant
increase in the delay for the lower priority queue. The slight difference between test bed and numerical results is likely due to congestion at the NIC of the Receiver workstation, particularly when self-similarity increases.
Here we briefly present the prime applications of the model. With the tremendous growth in data traffic, the telecommunication industry is evolving its core networks towards IP technology. An all-IP DiffServ model is widely considered to be the most promising architecture for guaranteed QoS provisioning in NG wireless networks. This is largely due to its scalability, mobility support and the ability to inter-network heterogeneous radio access networks [77]. To transport UMTS services through IP networks without loosing end-to-end QoS provisioning, an accurate and consistent QoS mapping is required. According to 3GPP, UMTS-to-IP QoS mapping is performed by a translation function in the GGSN router that classifies each UMTS packet flow and maps it to a suitable IP QoS class [78]. Being able to accurately model the end-to-end behaviour of different classes of IP traffic (conversational, streaming, interactive and background) passing through a DiffServ domain is essential to the guaranteed delivery of various QoS parameters. Several queueing tools have been developed that can be implemented in IP routers within different QoS domains including Priority Queueing (PQ), Custom Queueing (CQ), Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ), Class Based Weighted Fair Queueing (CBWFQ) and Low-Latency Queueing (LLQ) [70]. This paper specifically considers the QoS behaviour of PQ. Work on the other tools is ongoing. Our model is directly applicable to the problem of determining the end-to-end queueing behavior of IP traffic through both Wired and wireless IP domains. Modeling accuracy is most crucial though, in resource-constrained environments such as wireless networks. For example, our model is directly able to analyze the behavior of different QoS classes of UMTS traffic (which have been proven statistically self-similar and long-range dependent) passing through a DiffServ domain, in which the routers implement priority queueing. The model enables tighter bounds on actual behaviour so that over-provisioning can be minimized. It also enables translations of traffic behaviour between different kinds of QoS domains so that it is possible to map reservations made in different domains to provide session continuity. We have jointly considered traffic engineering and QoS issues. The fundamental themes of this study span traffic modeling, stochastic analysis and network design. It also provides significant insight and guidance for the design of NG-IP based networks.
In this paper, we have contributed to the accurate modeling of wireless IP traffic behavior, by presenting a novel analytical model based on a G/M/1 queueing system under different classes of self-similar input traffic. We have analyzed it on the basis of non-preemptive priority and derived explicit expressions for the expected waiting time and packet loss rate for multiple classes. The accuracy of the model is demonstrated by comparing the numerical solution of the analytical modeling to simulation experiments and the actual test-bed results. The present study can be used as a guide for the efficient allocation of buffer space and bandwidth for individual traffic classes with the aim of guaranteeing the QoS required by different applications while minimizing excessive allocation. Further, the model represents an important step towards the overall aim of understanding realistic (under self-similar traffic) end-to-end QoS behaviour (in terms of QoS parameters such as delay, jitter and throughput) of multiple traffic classes passing through heterogeneous wireless IP domains (IntServ, DiffServ and MPLS). Our future work will analyze the QoS performance of different domains implemented with different queueing disciplines such as CQ, LLQ and CBWFQ. We plan to develop various models for priority, polling and the combination of polling and priority systems and use iterative methods to solve the Markov chains.
The detailed review and comments of an anonymous referee are greatly appreciated. The authors would also like to thank Khalid Hameed and Adeel Baig for their great help in the test bed implementation and Rashid Mehmood for his valuable comments on the numerical issues of a Markov chain. REFERENCES
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Mohsin Iftikhar received his BSc Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan in 1999 and M.Eng.Sc. in Telecommunications from UNSW Australia in 2001. Currently he is a PhD candidate in Advanced Networks Research Group (School of IT, University of Sydney). During his PhD candidature, he has published several papers in international conferences and journals and has been awarded several prizes including (Siemens Prize for solving an industry problem 2006, Networks and Systems Prize in research project work, school of IT, 2007). He has been recently awarded Endeavour Postgraduate Fellowship to pursue a 6 months Postdoctoral Research in 2008 at Department of Mathematical Science (King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia). He is the member of IEEE, ACM and IET. His research interests include QoS, IP/Wireless IP traffic modeling, Markov Chains, Self-Similar traffic modeling, Network Calculus, Queueing Theory and Polling models.
Tejeshwar Singh
T. Singh received his BE (Software Engineering)/BSc (Mathematics) from University of Sydney in 2007. He is currently working in the Windows Networking team at Microsoft. His research interests include QoS, Markov Chains, Numerical Solution of Markov Chain and Self-Similar traffic modeling.
Dr. Landfeldt started his studies at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. After receiving a BSc equiv, he continued studying at The University of New South Wales where he received his PhD in 2000. In parallel with his studies in Sweden he was running a mobile computing consultancy company and after his studies he joined Ericsson Research in Stockholm as a Senior Researcher where he worked on mobility management and QoS issues. In 2001, Dr. Landfeldt took up a position as a CISCO Senior lecturer in Internet Technologies at the University of Sydney with the Schools of Electrical and Information Engineering and the School of Information Technologies. Dr Landfeldt has been awarded 8 patents in the US and globally. He has published more than 50 publications in international conferences, journals and books and been awarded many competitive grants such as ARC discovery and linkage grants. Dr. Landfeldt is also a research associate of National ICT Australia (NICTA). Currently, he is serving on the editorial boards of international journals and as a program member of many international conferences and is supervising 8 Ph.D students. Dr. Landfeldts research interests include; mobility management, QoS, performanceenhancing middleware, wireless systems and service provisioning. Dr. Mine Caglar
M. Caglar received her B.S and M.S degrees in Industrial Engineering from Middle East Technical University and Bilkent Univeristy, respectively. She received a Ph.D degree in Statistics and Operations Research from Princeton University in 1997. She worked as a post-doctoral research scientist at Bellcore in Morristown in Network Design and
Traffic Research Group during 1997-98. She is currently an associate professor in Department of Mathematics at Koc University, Turkey, which she joined in 1999. Her current research interests include stochastic modeling in telecommunication networks; in particular traffic modeling, epidemic algorithm and queueing.
Fig. 2: Illustration of the traffic process. Horizontal segments represent the sessions, their lengths are determined by r, arrival times s are the projections of the diamonds to the horizontal axis and the packet arrivals are indicated by vertical segments over the sessions.
At Bt
Fig. 3: Various regions where the arrival times and the length of sessions fall. The oblique lines make a 45 degree angle with the s-axis. The session lengths in At are large enough that they expire after t. In contrast, the expiration times are before t for those sessions in Bt .
Z3 Z1 Z2 Z4
Fig.7: Shows the theoretical mean of the Pareto distribution vs. that actually obtained through the random number generator for H=0.55, 0.75, 0.95.
Mean Delay
9 8 7 Delay (ms) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.55 0.75 Hurst Parameter 0.9 Numerical High Priority Queue Numerical Low Priority Queue Simulation High Priority Queue Simulation Low Priority Queue Test Bed High Priority Queue Test Bed Low Priority Queue
Queueing Delay Numerical High Priority Queue Simulation High Priority Queue Test Bed High Priority Queue Numerical Low Priority Queue Simulation Low Priority Queue Test Bed Low Priority Queue
H = 0.55
0.5981 ms 0.74569 ms 0.619245 ms 0.9813 ms 1.32639 ms 0.7704125 ms
H = 0.75
0.7370 ms 0.938621 ms 1.0214684 ms 2.0652 ms 2.51992 ms 2.0657048 ms
H = 0.9
1.255 ms 1.33546 ms 1.6593448 ms 6.8412 ms 7.09702 ms 7.0052631 ms
Table 1: Queueing Delay Results: (Numerical, Simulation and Test Bed) corresponding to different values of Hurst Parameter