CMP212 Lecture Note

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Lecture Note

Department of Computer Science and Information


Faculty of Physical Science,

Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina – Nigeria


Computer Programming II

(C++ Programming Language)


1. Course Code and Title: CMP212 – Computer Programming II (Programming with
2. Credit Units/Contact Hours: 3/2
3. Semester/Session: Second - 2020/2021
3. Program: 200 Level Computer Science & IT
4. Course Lecturers: Muhammad Muntasir Yakubu (CC), Mukhtar Abubakar,
Nuruddeen Sama’ila Ahmad, Yusuf Surajo and Mukhtar
Umar Shitu

5. Recommended Textbooks

a. Perry, G. (1992) C++ by Example, lloyed short.

b. Hubbard, J.R. (2000) Programming with C++, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India
(Second Edition)
c. Paul and Harvey Deitel (2013) C++ How to Program, Pearson Horizon Editions, Eight
d. C++ for Dummies (2004), 5th Edition

6. Specific Course Information

This course will provide the students with a solid theoretical understanding as well as practical
skills of C++ Programming. The primary aim of the Course is to enable the students to tackle
programming problems, making good use of the C++ programming in the context of Object
Oriented method to simplify the design and implementation process.

7. Specific Goals for the Course

On completion of the course the students should be able to:

a. Install C++ Programming Compiler

b. Understand the basic concept of C++ Programming
c. Create C++ programming class hierarchies using the object-oriented design process
d. Design and implement C++ programs for Simple and complex problems, making good
use of the features of the language such as classes, inheritance and templates.
e. Detect bug and errors in C++ Programs.
f. Understand generic classes and functions.

8. Course Outline

Problem Solving, Program, Programming Languages Level, C++ Programming Language,

Compilers and Interpreters, Errors, C++ as an Object – Oriented Programming, C++ Syntax and
Structure, Comments, Variables, Identifiers, Constants, Data Types, Operators, C++ Math
Library, Conditions and Loops Statements, Arrays, Functions, Parameters and Arguments,

Constructor, Object-Oriented Programming; Classes and Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, Data Hiding, C++ Files, Exceptions.

9. Assessment method
Students will be graded based on the following criteria:
a. First C.A Test: 15%
b. Second C.A Test: 15%
c. Practical Classes Assessment: 10%
d. Final exam: 60%
10. Lectures’ Schedules and the grouping
 Group A: B. Sc. Computer Science and IT (Sub – Group) Muhammad M. Y
 Group B: B. Sc. Computer Science Students and IT (Sub – Group) Mukhtar Abubakar
 Group C: B. Sc. Applied Chemistry Students (Sub – Group) Yusuf Surajo
 Group D: B. Sc. Applied Chemistry Students (Sub – Group) Mukhtar U. Shitu
 Group E: B. Sc. Mathematics Nuruddeen S. A


Suppose a particular person is giving travel directions to a friend, that person might explain those
directions in any one of several languages, such as English, Hausa, Yoruba, or Igbo. The
directions are the same no matter which language is used to explain them, but the manner in
which the directions are expressed is different. Furthermore, the friend must be able to
understand the language being used in order to follow the directions.

Similarly, a problem can be solved by writing a program in one of many programming

languages, such as C++, Java, Pascal, and Smalltalk. The purpose of the program is essentially
the same no matter which language is used, but the particular statements used to expressed the
instructions, and the overall organization of those languages, vary with each language.
Furthermore, a computer must be able to understand the instructions in order to carry them out.


The purpose of writing a program is to solve a problem. Problem solving, in general, consists of
multiple steps:

1. Understand the problem

2. Breaking the problem in to manageable pieces

3. Designing a solution

4. Considering alternatives to the solution and refining the solution

5. Implementing the solution

6. Testing the solution and fixing any problems that exist

Although this approach applies to any kind of problem solving, it works particularly well when
developing software.

The first step, Understanding the Problem, may sound obvious, but a lack of attention to this
step has been the cause of many misguided efforts. If we attempt to solve a problem we don’t
completely understand, we often end up solving the wrong problem or at least going off on
improper tangents. We must understand the needs of the people who will use the solution. These
needs often include subtle nuances that will affect our approach to the solution.

After we thoroughly understand the problem, we then Break the problem into manageable
pieces and design a solution. These steps go hand in hand. A solution to any problem can rarely
be expressed as one big activity. Instead, it is a series of small cooperation tasks that interact to
perform a larger task. When developing software, we don’t write one big program. We design
separate pieces that are responsible for certain parts of the solution, subsequently integrating
them with other parts.

Our first inclination toward a solution may not be best one. We must always Consider
alternatives and refine the solution as necessary. The earlier we consider alternatives, the
easier it is to modify our approach.

Implementing the solution is the act of taking the design and putting in a usable form. When
developing a software solution to a problem, the implementation stage is the process of actually
writing the program. Too often programming is thought of a writing code. But in most cases, the
final implantation of the solution is one of the last and easiest steps. The act of designing the
program should be more interesting and creative than the process of implanting the design in a
particular programming language.

Finally, we Test our solution to find any errors that exist so that we can fix them and
improve the quality of the software. Testing efforts attempt to verify that the program correctly
represents the design, which in turn provides a solution to the problem.


This section introduces you to fundamental programming concepts and levels of programming
language. The task of programming computers has been described as rewarding, challenging,
easy, difficult, fast, and slow. Actually, it is a combination of all these descriptions. Writing
complex programs to solve advanced problems can be frustrating and time-consuming, but you
can have fun along the way, especially with the rich assortment of features that programming
language has to offer.

This section also describes the concept of programming, from a program’s inception to its
execution on your computer. The most difficult part of programming is breaking the problem
into logical steps that the computer can execute.

NOTE: A program is a list of instructions that tells the computer to do things.

Keep in mind that computers are only machines. They’re not smart; in fact, they’re quite the
opposite! They don’t do anything until they are given detailed instructions. A word processor, for
example, is a program somebody wrote—in a language such as C++—that tells your computer
exactly how to behave when you type words into it.

You are familiar with the concept of programming if you have ever followed a recipe, which is a
“program,” or a list of instructions, telling you how to prepare a certain dish. A good recipe lists
these instructions in their proper order and with enough description so you can carry out the
directions successfully, without assuming anything.


Programmers write instructions in various programming languages, some directly understandable

by computers and others requiring intermediate translation steps. Hundreds of such languages are
used today. Programming languages are often categorized in to the following four groups. These
groups basically reflect the historical development of computer languages.

 Machine language

 Assembly language

 High- level language

Machine Language

Any computer can directly understand only its own machine language, defined by its hardware
design, machine language generally consist of string of numbers (ultimately reduced to 1s and
0s) that instruct computers to perform their most elementary operations one at a time. Machine
language are independent (a particular machine language can be used on only one type of
computer); such languages are cumbersome for humans. In order for a program to run on a
computer, it must be expressed in that computer’s machine language. Each type of CPU has its
language. For that reason, we can’t run a program specifically written for sun work station with
its Sparc processor, or IBM PC, with its Intel processor.

Each machine language instruction can accomplish only a simple task, for example, a single
machine instruction might copy a value in to a register or compare a value to zero. It might take
four separate machine language instruction to add two numbers together and to store the result.

However, a computer can do millions of these instructions in a second, and therefore many
simple commands can be quickly executed to accomplish complex task.

Machine language code is expressed as a series of binary digits and is extremely difficult for
humans to reads and writes. Originally, programs were entered in to the computer using switches
or some similarly tedious method. Early programmers found these techniques to be time
consuming and error prone.

Assembly Language

These problems gave rise to the use of assembly language, which replaced binary digits with
mnemonics, short English – like words that represent commands or data. It is much easier for
programmers to deal with words then with binary digits. However, an assembly language
program cannot be executed directly on a computer. It must first be translated in to machine

Generally, each assembly language instruction corresponds to an equivalent machine language.

Therefore, similar to machine language, each assembly language instruction accomplishes only a
simple operation. Although assembly language is an improvement over machine code from a
programmer’s perspective, it is still tedious to use. Translator programs called assembles were
developed to convert early assembly language programs to machine language at computer
speeds, although such assembly language is clearer to human but in incomprehensible to
computers until translated to machine language. Both assembly language and machine language
are considered low – level languages.

High - Level Language

Today, most programmers use a high – level language to write software. A high - level language
is express in English – like phrase, and thus is easier for programmers to read and write. A single
high – level language programming statements are expressed in a form approaching natural
language, far removed from the machine language that is ultimately executed. C++ is a high –
level language, C, Java, and Smalltalk.

High – level language code must be translated in to machine language in order to be executed by
a translator programs called compilers. A high – level language insulates programmers from
needing to know the underlying machine language for the processor on which they are working.


C++ is a general purpose, case-sensitive, free-form programming language that supports object
oriented, procedural programming paradigms.

C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create high-performance applications.

C++ is a middle-level language, as it encapsulates both high and low level language features. It
supports the four major pillars of object oriented programming; Inheritance, Polymorphism,
Encapsulation, and Abstraction.

C++ is a powerful computer programming language that’s appropriate for technically oriented
people with little or no programming experience, and for experienced programmers to use in
building substantial information systems. You’re already familiar with the powerful tasks
computers perform. Using this lecture note, you will write instructions commanding computers
to perform those kinds of tasks. Software (i.e. the instructions you write) controls hardware (i.e.
computer and its peripherals). Computers process data under the control of sets of instruction
called computer programs as explained earlier – these programs guide the computer through
orderly sets of actions specified by people called computer programmers. The programs that runs
on a computer are referred to as software, in this note, you’ll learn today’s key programming
methodology that’s enhancing programmer productivity, thereby reducing software –
development cost; object – oriented programming.

Why Use C++?

 C++ is one of the world's most popular programming languages.

 C++ can be found in today's operating systems, Graphical User Interfaces, and embedded
 C++ is an object-oriented programming language which gives a clear structure to
programs and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs.
 C++ is portable and can be used to develop applications that can be adapted to multiple
 C++ is fun and easy to learn!
 As C++ is close to C# and Java, it makes it easy for programmers to switch to C++ or
vice versa

C++ Get Started

To start using C++, you need two things:

 A text editor (IDE - Integrated Development Environment) is used to edit and compile
the code. Popular IDE's include: Notepad, Notepad++, sublime text, Blocks, Eclipse, and
Visual Studio etc. These are all free, and they can be used to both edit and debug C++

 A compiler, like MinGW /GCC, Borland C++, Dev C++, Embracadero, Clang, Visual C+
+, Intel C++, Code Block., to translate the C++ code into a language that the computer
will understand

There are many text editors and compilers to choose from. In our lectures and practical sessions,
we will use an IDE.

Note: Web-based IDE's can work as well, but functionality is limited.

We will use Borland C++ or Dev C++ in our tutorial, which we believe is a good place to start.

To give C++ programming instructions to your computer as we are explaining, you need an
editor and a C++ compiler. An editor is similar to a word processor; it is a program that enables
you to type a C++ program into memory, make changes (such as typing, moving, copying,
inserting, and deleting text), and save the program more permanently in a disk file, save the
program/file as “program/file.cpp”, because C++ programs are saved with
extensions .C, .cc, .cpp, .cxx depending on the platform you are working upon. After using the
editor to type and save the program, you must compile it before you can run it. The C++
programming language is called a compiled language.

You cannot write a C++ program and run it on your computer unless you have a C++ compiler.
This compiler takes your C++ language instructions and translates them into a form that your
computer can read. A C++ compiler is the tool your computer uses to understand the C++
language instructions in your programs. Many compilers come with their own built-in editor. If
yours does, you probably feel that your C++ programming is more integrated.

To some beginning programmers, the process of compiling a program before running it might
seem like an added and meaningless step. If you know the BASIC programming language, you
might not have heard of a compiler or understand the need for one. That’s because BASIC (also
APL and some versions of other computer languages) is not a compiled language, but an

interpreted language. Instead of translating the entire program into machine-readable form (as a
compiler does in one step), an interpreter translates each program instruction—then executes it—
before translating the next one.

The difference between the two is subtle, but the bottom line is not; Compilers produce much
more efficient and faster-running programs than interpreters do. This seemingly extra step of
compiling is worth the effort (and with today’s compilers, there is not much extra effort needed).
Because computers are machines that do not think, the instructions you write in C++ must be
detailed. You cannot assume your computer understands what to do if some instruction is not in
your program, or if you write an instruction that does not conform to C++ language


As object-oriented analysis, design, and programming began to catch on, Bjarne Stroustrup took
the most popular language for commercial software development, C, and extended it to provide
the features needed to facilitate object-oriented programming. He created C++ in the early 1980s,
and in less than a decade it has gone from being used by only a handful of developers at AT&T
to being the programming language of choice for an estimated one million developers
worldwide. It is expected that by the end of the decade, C++ will be the predominant language
for commercial software development.

C++ is a difficult language for at least two reasons: it inherits from the C language an economy
of expression that novices often find cryptic. And an object – oriented language, its widespread
use of classes and templates presents a challenge to those who have not thought in those terms


C++ is object oriented programming language. It provides a lot features that are given below:

 Simple: C++ is a simple language in the sense that it provides structured approach (to
break the problem into parts), rich set of library function, data types etc.
 Machine Independent or Portable: Unlike assembly language, C++ programs can be
executed in many machines with little bit or no change. But it is not platform –

 Mid – level programming Language: C++ is also used to do low level programming, it
is used to developed system applications such as kernel, drivers etc. It also supports the
feature of high level language. That is why it is known as mid-level language
 Structured Programming Language: C++ is a structured programming language in the
sense that we can break the prog`ram into parts using functions. So, it is easy to
understand and modify.
 Rich Library: C++ provides a lot inbuilt functions that make the development fast.
 Memory Management: It supports the feature of dynamic memory allocation. In C++
language, we can free the allocated memory at any time by calling the free() function
 Speed: The compilation and execution time of C++ language is fast
 Pointers: C++ provides the feature of pointer. We can directly interact with the memory
by using the pointers. We can use pointers for memory, structures, functions, arrays etc.
 Recursion: In C++, we can call a function within the function program; this provides
code reusability for every function.
 Extensible: C++ language is extensible because it can easily adopt new features.
 Object – Oriented: C++ is object oriented programming language. OOPs makes
development and maintenance easier whereas in procedure – oriented programming,
language it is not easy to manage if code grows as project size grows.
 Compiler based: C++ is a compiler based programming language, it means without
compilation no C++ program can be executed. First we need to compile our program
using compiler and then we can execute our program.


Several special purpose programs are needed to help with the process of developing new
programs. They are sometimes called software tools because they are used to build programs.
Examples of basic software tool include an editor, a compiler, and an interpreter.

Initially, you use editors as you type a program in to computer and store it in file. There are
many different editors with many different features. You should become familiar with editor you
will use regularly because it can dramatically affect the speed at which you enter and modify
your programs.

Each time you need to make a change to the code of your program, you open it in an editor, after
editing and saving your program, you attempt to translate it from high – level code in to a form
that can be executed. That translation may result in errors, in which case you return to the editor
to make changes to the code to fix the problems. Once the translation occurs successfully, you
can execute the program and evaluate the results. If the results are not what you want, you again
return to the editor to make changes.

The translation of source code in to (ultimately) machine language for particular type of CPU
can occur in variety of ways.

A compiler is a program that translates code in one language to equivalent code in another
language. The original code is called source code, and the language in to which it is translated is
called the target language. For many traditional compilers, the source code is translated directly
into a particular machine language. In that case, the translation process occurs once, and the
resulting executable program can be run whenever needed. Some example of C++ compiler s
are: MinGW /GCC, Borland C++, Dev C++, Embracadero, Clang, Visual C++, Intel C++, Code
Block, as explained earlier.

An interpreter is similar to a compiler but has an important difference. An interpreter

interweaves the translation and execution activities. A small part of the source code, such as one
statement, is translated and executed. Then another statement is translated and executed, and so
on. One advantage of this technique is that, it eliminates the need for a separate compilation
phase. However, the program generally runs more slowly because the translation process occurs
during each execution.


Several different kinds of problems can occur in software particularly during program
development. Term computer error is often misused and varies in meaning depending on the
person using it. From the user’s point of view, anything that goes away when interacting with a
machine is often called a computer error. A computer follows the commands we give and
operates on the data we provide. If our programs are wrong or our data are inaccurate, then we
cannot expect the results to be correct. A computer phrase used to describe this situation is
“Garbage in, Garbage out.”

You will encounter three kinds of errors as you develop program:

 Compile – time error

 Runtime error

 Logical error

The compiler checks to make sure you are using the correct syntax. If you have any statements
that do not conform to the syntactic rules of the language, the compiler will produce a syntax
error. The compiler also tries to find other problems, such as the used of incompatible types of
data. The syntax might be technically correct, but you are still attempting to do something that

the language doesn’t semantically allow. Any error identified by the compiler is called a compile
– time error. If compile - time error occurs, an executable version of the program is not created.

The second kind of problem occurs during program execution, it is called a runtime error, and
it causes the program to terminate abnormally, for example, if we attempt to divide by zero, the
program will “crash” and halt execution at that point. Because the requested operation is
undefined, the system simply abandons its attempt to continue processing your program.

The third kind of software problem is logical error. In this case, the software compiles and
executes without any complaint, but it produce incorrect results. For example, a logical error
occurs when a value is calculated incorrectly. A programmer must test the program thoroughly,
comparing the expected results to those that actually occur. When defects are found, they must
be trace back to the source of the problem in the code and corrected. The process of finding and
correcting defects in a program is called Debugging. Logical errors can manifest themselves in
many ways, and the actual root cause might be quite difficult to discover.


C++ fully supports object-oriented principles, which includes: encapsulation, data hiding
(Abstraction), inheritance, and polymorphism.


Encapsulation is the mechanism that binds together code and the data it manipulates, and keeps
both safe from outside interference and misuse. One way to think about encapsulation is as a
protective wrapper that prevents the code and data from being arbitrarily accessed by other code
defined outside the wrapper.

Data Hiding

Data hiding is the highly valued characteristic that an object can be used without the user
knowing or caring how it works internally. Just as you can use a refrigerator without knowing
how the compressor works, you can use a well-designed object without knowing about its
internal data members.

C++ supports the properties of encapsulation and data hiding through the creation of user-
defined types, called classes. Once created, a well-defined class act as a fully encapsulated

entity--it is used as a whole unit. The actual inner workings of the class should be hidden. Users
of a well-defined class do not need to know how the class works; they just need to know how to
use it.


Inheritance is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object. This is
important because it supports the concept of hierarchical classification (that is, top-down).

For example: Inheritance is like when the engineers at Ford Motors want to build a new car, they
have two choices: They can start from scratch, or they can modify an existing model. Perhaps
their Star model is nearly perfect, but they'd like to add a turbocharger and a six-speed
transmission. The chief engineer would prefer not to start from the ground up, but rather to say,
"Let's build another Star, but let's add these additional capabilities. We'll call the new model a
Quasar." A Quasar is a kind of Star, but one with new features.

C++ supports the idea of reuse through inheritance. A new type, which is an extension of an
existing type, can be declared. This new subclass is said to derive from the existing type and is
sometimes called a derived type. The Quasar is derived from the Star and thus inherits all its
qualities, but can add to them as needed.


Polymorphism (from Greek, meaning “many forms”) occurs when there is a hierarchy of classes
and they are related by inheritance. C++ polymorphism means that a call to a member function
will cause a different function to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the

From the above example at Ford Motors, polymorphism here is when the new Quasar might
respond differently than a Star does when you press down on the accelerator. The Quasar might
engage fuel injection and a turbocharger, while the Star would simply let gasoline into its
carburetor. A user, however, does not have to know about these differences. He can just "floor
it," and the right thing will happen, depending on which car he's driving.

C++ supports the idea that different objects do "the right thing" through what is called function
polymorphism and class polymorphism. Poly means many, and morph means form.
Polymorphism refers to the same name taking many forms.

Quick Start

Let's create our first C++ file, Open Text editor (IDE) and go to File > New > Empty File.

Write the following C++ code and save the file as myfirstprogram.cpp (File > Save File as):

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

cout << "Hello World!";

return 0;

Don't worry if you don't understand the code above - we will discuss it in detail. For now, focus
on how to run the code.

In a text editor, it should look like this:

Then, go to Build > Build and Run to run (execute) the program. The result will look something
to this:

Hello World!
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.011 s
Press any key to continue.

Congratulations! You have now written and executed your first C++ program.

C++ Syntax

Let's break up the following code to understand it better:


1 #include <iostream>

2 using namespace std;

4 int main() {

5 cout << "Hello World!";

6 return 0;

7 }

Example explained

Line 1: #include <iostream> is a header file library that lets us work with input and output
objects, such as cout (used in line 5). Header files add functionality to C++ programs.

Line 2: using namespace std means that we can use names for objects and variables from the
standard library.

Don't worry if you don't understand how #include <iostream> and using namespace std works.
Just think of it as something that (almost) always appears in your program.

Line 3: A blank line, C++ ignores white space.

Line 4: Another thing that always appear in a C++ program, is int main(). This is called a
function. Any code inside its curly brackets {} will be executed.

Line 5: cout (pronounced "see-out") is an object used together with the insertion operator (<<) to
output/print text. In our example it will output "Hello World".

Note: Every C++ statement ends with a semicolon;. Also the body of int main() could also been
written as:

int main () { cout << "Hello World! "; return 0; }

Remember: The compiler ignores white spaces. However, multiple lines make the code more

Line 6: return 0 ends the main function.

Line 7: Do not forget to add the closing curly bracket} to actually end the main function.

Omitting Namespace

You might see some C++ programs that run without the standard namespace library. The using
namespace std line can be omitted and replaced with the std keyword, followed by the :: operator
for some objects:


#include <iostream>

int main() {

std::cout << "Hello World!";

return 0;

It is up to you if you want to include the standard namespace library or not.

Output (Print Text)

The cout object, together with the << operator, is used to output values/print text:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

cout << "Hello World!";

return 0;

You can add as many cout objects as you want. However, note that it does not insert a new line
at the end of the output:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

cout << "Hello World!";

cout << "I am learning C++";

return 0;

New Lines

To insert a new line, you can use the \n character:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

cout << "Hello World! \n";

cout << "I am learning C++";

return 0;

Tip: Two \n characters after each other will create a blank line:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

cout << "Hello World! \n\n";

cout << "I am learning C++";

return 0;

Another way to insert a new line is with the endl manipulator:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

cout << "Hello World!" << endl;

cout << "I am learning C++";

return 0;

Both \n and endl are used to break lines. However, \n is used more often and is the preferred


Comments can be used to explain C++ code, and to make it more readable. It can also be used to
prevent execution when testing alternative code. Comments can be singled-lined or multi-lined.

Single-line comments start with two forward slashes (//).

Any text between // and the end of the line is ignored by the compiler (will not be executed).

This example uses a single-line comment before a line of code:


// This is a comment

cout << "Hello World!";

This example uses a single-line comment at the end of a line of code:


cout << "Hello World!"; // This is a comment

Multi-line Comments

Multi-line comments start with /* and ends with */.

Any text between /* and */ will be ignored by the compiler:


/* The code below will print the words Hello World!

to the screen, and it is amazing */

cout << "Hello World!";

Single or multi-line comments? It is up to you which you want to use. Normally, we use // for
short comments, and /* */ for longer.


Variables are containers for storing data values. In C++, there are different types of variables
(defined with different keywords), for example:

 int - stores integers (whole numbers), without decimals, such as 123 or -123
 double - stores floating point numbers, with decimals, such as 19.99 or -19.99
 char - stores single characters, such as 'a' or 'B'. Char values are surrounded by single
 string - stores text, such as "Hello World". String values are surrounded by double quotes
 bool - stores values with two states: true or false

Declaring (Creating) Variables

To create a variable, you must specify the type and assign it a value:


type variable = value;

Where type is one of C++ types (such as int), and variable is the name of the variable (such as x
or myName). The equal sign is used to assign values to the variable.

To create a variable that should store a number, look at the following example:


Create a variable called myNum of type int and assign it the value 15:

int myNum = 15;

cout << myNum;

You can also declare a variable without assigning the value, and assign the value later:


int myNum;

myNum = 15;

cout << myNum;

Note that if you assign a new value to an existing variable, it will overwrite the previous value:


int myNum = 15; // myNum is 15

myNum = 10; // Now myNum is 10

cout << myNum; // Outputs 10

Other Types

A demonstration of other data types:


int myNum = 5; // Integer (whole number without decimals)

double myFloatNum = 5.99; // Floating point number (with decimals)

char myLetter = 'D'; // Character

string myText = "Hello"; // String (text)

bool myBoolean = true; // Boolean (true or false)

You will learn more about the individual types in the Data Types this section.

Display Variables

The cout object is used together with the << operator to display variables. To combine both text
and a variable, separate them with the << operator:


int myAge = 35;

cout << "I am " << myAge << " years old.";

Add Variables Together

To add a variable to another variable, you can use the + operator:


int x = 5;

int y = 6;

int sum = x + y;

cout << sum;

Declare Many Variables

To declare more than one variable of the same type, use a comma-separated list:


int x = 5, y = 6, z = 50;

cout << x + y + z;


All C++ variables must be identified with unique names. These unique names are called
identifiers. Identifiers can be short names (like x and y) or more descriptive names (age, sum,

Note: It is recommended to use descriptive names in order to create understandable and
maintainable code:


// Good

int minutesPerHour = 60;

// OK, but not so easy to understand what m actually is

int m = 60;

The general rules for constructing names for variables (unique identifiers) are:

 Names can contain letters, digits and underscores

 Names must begin with a letter or an underscore (_)
 Names are case sensitive (myVar and myvar are different variables)
 Names cannot contain number(s) or whitespaces or special characters like !, #, %, etc.
 Reserved words (like C++ keywords, such as int) cannot be used as names


When you do not want others (or yourself) to override existing variable values, use the const
keyword (this will declare the variable as "constant", which means unchangeable and read-only):


const int myNum = 15; // myNum will always be 15

myNum = 10; // error: assignment of read-only variable 'myNum'

You should always declare the variable as constant when you have values that are unlikely to


const int minutesPerHour = 60;

const float PI = 3.14;

User Input

You have already learned that cout is used to output (print) values. Now we will use cin to get
user input. cin is a predefined variable that reads data from the keyboard with the extraction
operator (>>).

In the following example, the user can input a number, which is stored in the variable x. Then we
print the value of x:


int x;

cout << "Type a number: "; // Type a number and press enter

cin >> x; // Get user input from the keyboard

cout << "Your number is: " << x; // Display the input value

Note: cout is pronounced "see-out". Used for output, and uses the insertion operator (<<), cin is
pronounced "see-in". Used for input, and uses the extraction operator (>>).

Creating a Simple Calculator

In this example, the user must input two numbers. Then we print the sum by calculating (adding)
the two numbers:


int x, y;

int sum;

cout << "Type a number: ";

cin >> x;

cout << "Type another number: ";

cin >> y;

sum = x + y;

cout << "Sum is: " << sum;

There you go! You just built a basic calculator!

Data Types

As explained in the Variables section, a variable in C++ must be a specified data type:


int myNum = 5; // Integer (whole number)

float myFloatNum = 5.99; // Floating point number

double myDoubleNum = 9.98; // Floating point number

char myLetter = 'D'; // Character

bool myBoolean = true; // Boolean

string myText = "Hello"; // String

Basic Data Types

The data type specifies the size and type of information the variable will store:

Data Type Size Description

Int 4 bytes Stores whole numbers,

without decimals

Float 4 bytes Stores fractional numbers,

containing one or more
decimals. Sufficient for
storing 7 decimal digits

Double 8 bytes Stores fractional numbers,

containing one or more
decimals. Sufficient for
storing 15 decimal digits

Boolean 1 byte Stores true or false values

Char 1 byte Stores a single

character/letter/number, or
ASCII values

You will learn more about the individual data types in the next sections.

Numeric Types

Use int when you need to store a whole number without decimals, like 35 or 1000, and float or
double when you need a floating point number (with decimals), like 9.99 or 3.14515.


int myNum = 1000;

cout << myNum;


float myNum = 5.75;

cout << myNum;


double myNum = 19.99;

cout << myNum;

float vs. double

The precision of a floating point value indicates how many digits the value can have after the
decimal point. The precision of float is only six or seven decimal digits, while double variables
have a precision of about 15 digits. Therefore it is safer to use double for most calculations.

Scientific Numbers

A floating point number can also be a scientific number with an "e" to indicate the power of 10:


float f1 = 35e3;

double d1 = 12E4;

cout << f1;

cout << d1;

Boolean Types

A boolean data type is declared with the bool keyword and can only take the values true or false.
When the value is returned, true = 1 and false = 0.


bool isCodingFun = true;

bool isFishTasty = false;

cout << isCodingFun; // Outputs 1 (true)

cout << isFishTasty; // Outputs 0 (false)

Boolean values are mostly used for conditional testing, very often, in programming, you will
need a data type that can only have one of two values, like:

 YES / NO
 ON / OFF

For this, C++ has a bool data type, which can take the values true (1) or false (0).

Boolean Values

A boolean variable is declared with the bool keyword and can only take the values true or false:


bool isCodingFun = true;

bool isFishTasty = false;

cout << isCodingFun; // Outputs 1 (true)

cout << isFishTasty; // Outputs 0 (false)

From the example above, you can read that a true value returns 1, and false returns 0.

However, it is more common to return boolean values from boolean expressions.

Boolean Expression

A Boolean expression is a C++ expression that returns a boolean value: 1 (true) or 0 (false).

You can use a comparison operator, such as the greater than (>) operator to find out if an
expression (or a variable) is true:


int x = 10;

int y = 9;

cout << (x > y); // returns 1 (true), because 10 is higher than 9

Or even easier:


cout << (10 > 9); // returns 1 (true), because 10 is higher than 9

In the examples below, we use the equal to (==) operator to evaluate an expression:


int x = 10;

cout << (x == 10); // returns 1 (true), because the value of x is equal to 10


cout << (10 == 15); // returns 0 (false), because 10 is not equal to 15

Booleans are the basis for all C++ comparisons and conditions. You will learn more about
conditions (if...else) in the next section.

Character Types

The char data type is used to store a single character. The character must be surrounded by single
quotes, like 'A' or 'c':


char myGrade = 'B';

cout << myGrade;

Alternatively, you can use ASCII values to display certain characters:


char a = 65, b = 66, c = 67;

cout << a;

cout << b;

cout << c;

Tip: A list of all ASCII values can be found in our ASCII Table Reference (find it through
Google search engine).

String Types

The string type is used to store a sequence of characters (text). This is not a built-in type, but it
behaves like one in its most basic usage. String values must be surrounded by double quotes:


string greeting = "Hello";

cout << greeting;

To use strings, you must include an additional header file in the source code, the <string>


// Include the string library

#include <string>

// Create a string variable

string greeting = "Hello";

// Output string value

cout << greeting;

You will learn more about strings, in our C++ Strings section.


Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. In the example below, we use
the + operator to add together two values:


int x = 100 + 50;

Although the + operator is often used to add together two values, like in the example above, it
can also be used to add together a variable and a value, or a variable and another variable:


int sum1 = 100 + 50; // 150 (100 + 50)

int sum2 = sum1 + 250; // 400 (150 + 250)

int sum3 = sum2 + sum2; // 800 (400 + 400)

C++ divides the operators into the following groups:

 Arithmetic operators
 Assignment operators
 Comparison operators
 Logical operators
 Bitwise operators
 Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform common mathematical operations.

Operator Name Description Example

+ Addition Adds together two values x+y

- Subtraction Subtracts one value from x–y


* Multiplication Multiplies two values x*y

/ Division Divides one value by x/y


% Modulus Returns the division x%y


++ Increment Increases the value of a ++x

variable by 1

-- Decrement Decreases the value of a

variable by 1

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. In the example below, we use the
assignment operator (=) to assign the value 10 to a variable called x:


int x = 10;

The addition assignment operator (+=) adds a value to a variable:


int x = 10;

x += 5;

A list of all assignment operators:

Operator Example Same as

= x=5 x=5

+= x += 3 x=x+3

-= x -= 3 x=x-3

*= x *= 3 x=x*3

/= x /= 3 x=x/3

%= x %= 3 x=x%3

&= x &= 3 x=x&3

|= x |= 3 x=x|3

^= x ^= 3 x=x^3

>>= x >>= 3 x = x >> 3

<<= x <<= 3 x = x << 3

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values.

Note: The return value of a comparison is either true (1) or false (0).

In the following example, we use the greater than operator (>) to find out if 5 is greater than 3:


int x = 5;

int y = 3;

cout << (x > y); // returns 1 (true) because 5 is greater than 3

A list of all comparison operators:

Operator Name Example

== Equal to x == y

!= Not equal x != y

> Greater than x>y

< Less than x<y

>= Greater than or equal to x >= y

<= Less than or equal to x <= y

You will learn much more about comparison operators and how to use them in later sections.

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to determine the logic between variables or values:

Operator Name Description Example

&& Logical and Returns true if both statements x < 5 && x < 10
are true

|| Logical or Returns true if one of the x < 5 || x < 4

statements is true

! Logical not Reverse the result, returns false if !(x < 5 && x < 10)
the result is true


Strings are used for storing text. A string variable contains a collection of characters surrounded
by double quotes:


Create a variable of type string and assign it a value:

string greeting = "Hello";

To use strings, you must include an additional header file in the source code, the <string>


// Include the string library

#include <string>

// Create a string variable

string greeting = "Hello";

String Concatenation

The + operator can be used between strings to add them together to make a new string. This is
called concatenation:


string firstName = "Abubakar ";

string lastName = "Muntasir";

string fullName = firstName + lastName;

cout << fullName;

In the example above, we added a space after firstName to create a space between Abubakar and
Muntasir on output. However, you could also add a space with quotes (" " or ' '):


string firstName = "Abubakar";

string lastName = "Muntasir";

string fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;

cout << fullName;


A string in C++ is actually an object, which contain functions that can perform certain operations
on strings. For example, you can also concatenate strings with the append() function:


string firstName = "Abubakar ";

string lastName = "Muntasir";

string fullName = firstName.append(lastName);

cout << fullName;

It is up to you whether you want to use + or append(). The major difference between the two, is
that the append() function is much faster. However, for testing and such, it might be easier to just
use +.

Adding Numbers and Strings

C++ uses the + operator for both addition and concatenation. Numbers are added. Strings are
concatenated. If you add two numbers, the result will be a number:


int x = 10;

int y = 20;

int z = x + y; // z will be 30 (an integer)

If you add two strings, the result will be a string concatenation:


string x = "10";

string y = "20";

string z = x + y; // z will be 1020 (a string)

If you try to add a number to a string, an error occurs:


string x = "10";

int y = 20;

string z = x + y;

String Length

To get the length of a string, use the length() function:



cout << "The length of the txt string is: " << txt.length();

Tip: You might see some C++ programs that use the size() function to get the length of a string.
This is just an alias of length(). It is completely up to you if you want to use length() or size():



cout << "The length of the txt string is: " << txt.size();

Access Strings

You can access the characters in a string by referring to its index number inside square brackets [
]. This example prints the first character in myString:


string myString = "Hello";

cout << myString[0];

// Outputs H

Note: String indexes start with 0: [0] is the first character. [1] is the second character, etc. This
example prints the second character in myString:


string myString = "Hello";

cout << myString[1];

// Outputs e

Change String Characters

To change the value of a specific character in a string, refer to the index number, and use single


string myString = "Hello";

myString[0] = 'J';

cout << myString;

// Outputs Jello instead of Hello

User Input Strings

It is possible to use the extraction operator >> on cin to display a string entered by a user:


string firstName;

cout << "Type your first name: ";

cin >> firstName; // get user input from the keyboard

cout << "Your name is: " << firstName;

// Type your first name: Abubakar

// Your name is: Abubakar

However, cin considers a space (whitespace, tabs, etc) as a terminating character, which means
that it can only display a single word (even if you type many words):


string fullName;

cout << "Type your full name: ";

cin >> fullName;

cout << "Your name is: " << fullName;

// Type your full name: Abubakar Muntasir

// Your name is: Abubakar

From the example above, you would expect the program to print "Abubakar Muntasir", but it
only prints "Abubakar".

That's why, when working with strings, we often use the getline() function to read a line of text.
It takes cin as the first parameter, and the string variable as second:


string fullName;

cout << "Type your full name: ";

getline (cin, fullName);

cout << "Your name is: " << fullName;

// Type your full name: Abubakar Muntasir

// Your name is: Abubakar Muntasir

Omitting Namespace

You might see some C++ programs that run without the standard namespace library. The using
namespace std line can be omitted and replaced with the std keyword, followed by the :: operator
for string (and cout) objects:


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

int main() {

std::string greeting = "Hello";

std::cout << greeting;

return 0;

It is up to you if you want to include the standard namespace library or not.

C++ Math Library

C++ has many functions that allow you to perform mathematical tasks on numbers.

Max and min

The max(x,y) function can be used to find the highest value of x and y:


cout << max(5, 10);

And the min(x,y) function can be used to find the lowest value of x and y:


cout << min(5, 10);

C++ <cmath> Header

Other functions, such as sqrt (square root), round (rounds a number) and log (natural logarithm),
can be found in the <cmath> header file:


// Include the cmath library

#include <cmath>

cout << sqrt(64);

cout << round(2.6);

cout << log(2);

Other Math Functions

A list of other popular Math functions (from the <cmath> library) can be found in the table

Function Description

abs(x) Returns the absolute value of x

acos(x) Returns the arccosine of x

asin(x) Returns the arcsine of x

atan(x) Returns the arctangent of x

cbrt(x) Returns the cube root of x

ceil(x) Returns the value of x rounded up to its nearest


cos(x) Returns the cosine of x

cosh(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x

exp(x) Returns the value of Ex

expm1(x) Returns ex -1

fabs(x) Returns the absolute value of a floating x

fdim(x, y) Returns the positive difference between x and


floor(x) Returns the value of x rounded down to its
nearest integer

hypot(x, y) Returns sqrt(x2 +y2) without intermediate

overflow or underflow

fma(x, y, z) Returns x*y+z without losing precision

fmax(x, y) Returns the highest value of a floating x and y

fmin(x, y) Returns the lowest value of a floating x and y

fmod(x, y) Returns the floating point remainder of x/y

pow(x, y) Returns the value of x to the power of y

sin(x) Returns the sine of x (x is in radians)

sinh(x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a double value

tan(x) Returns the tangent of an angle

tanh(x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a double


Conditions and If Statements

C++ supports the usual logical conditions from mathematics:

 Less than: a < b

 Less than or equal to: a <= b
 Greater than: a > b
 Greater than or equal to: a >= b
 Equal to: a == b
 Not Equal to: a != b

You can use these conditions to perform different actions for different decisions. C++ has the
following conditional statements:

 Use if to specify a block of code to be executed, if a specified condition is true

 Use else to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false
 Use else if to specify a new condition to test, if the first condition is false
 Use switch to specify many alternative blocks of code to be executed

The if Statement

Use the if statement to specify a block of C++ code to be executed if a condition is true.


if (condition) {

// block of code to be executed if the condition is true

Note: that if is in lowercase letters. Uppercase letters (If or IF) will generate an error. In the
example below, we test two values to find out if 20 is greater than 18. If the condition is true,
print some text:


if (20 > 18) {

cout << "20 is greater than 18";

We can also test variables:


int x = 20;

int y = 18;

if (x > y) {

cout << "x is greater than y";

Example explained

In the example above we use two variables, x and y, to test whether x is greater than y (using the
> operator). As x is 20, and y is 18, and we know that 20 is greater than 18, we print to the screen
that "x is greater than y".

The else Statement

Use the else statement to specify a block of code to be executed if the condition is false.


if (condition) {

// block of code to be executed if the condition is true

} else {

// block of code to be executed if the condition is false


int time = 20;

if (time < 18) {

cout << "Good day.";

} else {

cout << "Good evening.";

// Outputs "Good evening."

Example explained

In the example above, time (20) is greater than 18, so the condition is false. Because of this, we
move on to the else condition and print to the screen "Good evening". If the time was less than
18, the program would print "Good day".

The else if Statement

Use the else if statement to specify a new condition if the first condition is false.


if (condition1) {

// block of code to be executed if condition1 is true

} else if (condition2) {

// block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is true

} else {

// block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is false


int time = 22;

if (time < 10) {

cout << "Good morning.";

} else if (time < 20) {

cout << "Good day.";

} else {

cout << "Good evening.";

// Outputs "Good evening."

Example explained

In the example above, time (22) is greater than 10, so the first condition is false. The next
condition, in the else if statement, is also false, so we move on to the else condition since
condition1 and condition2 is both false - and print to the screen "Good evening".

However, if the time was 14, our program would print "Good day."

Short Hand If...Else (Ternary Operator)

There is also a short-hand if else, which is known as the ternary operator because it consists of
three operands. It can be used to replace multiple lines of code with a single line. It is often used
to replace simple if else statements:


variable = (condition) ? expressionTrue : expressionFalse;

Instead of writing the above example:

int time = 20;

if (time < 18) {

cout << "Good day.";

} else {

cout << "Good evening.";

We can simply write it in this form:


int time = 20;

string result = (time < 18) ? "Good day." : "Good evening.";

cout << result;

Switch Statements

Use the switch statement to select one of many code blocks to be executed.


switch(expression) {

case x:

// code block


case y:

// code block



// code block

This is how it works:

The switch expression is evaluated once, the value of the expression is compared with the values
of each case, If there is a match, the associated block of code is executed, the break and default
keywords are optional, and will be described later in this section, the example below uses the
weekday number to calculate the weekday name:


int day = 4;

switch (day) {

case 1:

cout << "Monday";


case 2:

cout << "Tuesday";


case 3:

cout << "Wednesday";


case 4:

cout << "Thursday";


case 5:

cout << "Friday";


case 6:

cout << "Saturday";


case 7:

cout << "Sunday";


// Outputs "Thursday" (day 4)

The break Keyword

When C++ reaches a break keyword, it breaks out of the switch block. This will stop the
execution of more code and case testing inside the block. When a match is found, and the job is
done, it's time for a break. There is no need for more testing. A break can save a lot of execution
time because it "ignores" the execution of all the rest of the code in the switch block.

The default Keyword

The default keyword specifies some code to run if there is no case match:


int day = 4;

switch (day) {

case 6:

cout << "Today is Saturday";


case 7:

cout << "Today is Sunday";



cout << "Looking forward to the Weekend";

// Outputs "Looking forward to the Weekend"

Note: The default keyword must be used as the last statement in the switch, and it does not need
a break.


Loops can execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is reached. Loops are handy
because they save time, reduce errors, and they make code more readable.

While Loop

The while loop loops through a block of code as long as a specified condition is true:


while (condition) {

// code block to be executed

In the example below, the code in the loop will run, over and over again, as long as a variable (i)
is less than 5:


int i = 0;

while (i < 5) {

cout << i << "\n";


Note: Do not forget to increase the variable used in the condition, otherwise the loop will never

The Do/While Loop

The do/while loop is a variant of the while loop. This loop will execute the code block once,
before checking if the condition is true, then it will repeat the loop as long as the condition is


do {

// code block to be executed

while (condition);

The example below uses a do/while loop. The loop will always be executed at least once, even if
the condition is false, because the code block is executed before the condition is tested:


int i = 0;

do {

cout << i << "\n";


while (i < 5);

Do not forget to increase the variable used in the condition, otherwise the loop will never end!

For Loop

When you know exactly how many times you want to loop through a block of code, use the for
loop instead of a while loop:


for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3) {

// code block to be executed

Statement 1 is executed (one time) before the execution of the code block.

Statement 2 defines the condition for executing the code block.

Statement 3 is executed (every time) after the code block has been executed.

The example below will print the numbers 0 to 4:


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

cout << i << "\n";

Example explained

Statement 1 sets a variable before the loop starts (int i = 0).

Statement 2 defines the condition for the loop to run (i must be less than 5). If the condition is
true, the loop will start over again, if it is false, the loop will end.

Statement 3 increases a value (i++) each time the code block in the loop has been executed.

Another Example

This example will only print even values between 0 and 10:


for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i = i + 2) {

cout << i << "\n";


You have already seen the break statement used in an earlier section of this tutorial. It was used
to "jump out" of a switch statement. The break statement can also be used to jump out of a loop.
This example jumps out of the loop when i is equal to 4:


for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

if (i == 4) {


cout << i << "\n";


The continue statement breaks one iteration (in the loop), if a specified condition occurs, and
continues with the next iteration in the loop. This example skips the value of 4:


for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

if (i == 4) {


cout << i << "\n";

Break and Continue in While Loop

You can also use break and continue in while loops:

Break Example

int i = 0;

while (i < 10) {

cout << i << "\n";


if (i == 4) {


Continue Example

int i = 0;

while (i < 10) {

if (i == 4) {



cout << i << "\n";



Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable, instead of declaring separate
variables for each value. To declare an array, define the variable type, specify the name of the
array followed by square brackets and specify the number of elements it should store:

string cars[4];

We have now declared a variable that holds an array of four strings. To insert values to it, we can
use an array literal - place the values in a comma-separated list, inside curly braces:

string cars[4] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda"};

To create an array of three integers, you could write:

int myNum[3] = {10, 20, 30};

Access the Elements of an Array

You access an array element by referring to the index number. This statement accesses the value
of the first element in cars:


string cars[4] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda"};

cout << cars[0];

// Outputs Volvo

Note: Array indexes start with 0: [0] is the first element. [1] is the second element, etc.

Change an Array Element

To change the value of a specific element, refer to the index number:


cars[0] = "Opel";


string cars[4] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda"};

cars[0] = "Opel";

cout << cars[0];

// Now outputs Opel instead of Volvo

Loop Through an Array

You can loop through the array elements with the for loop. The following example outputs all
elements in the cars array:


string cars[4] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda"};

for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

cout << cars[i] << "\n";

The following example outputs the index of each element together with its value:


string cars[4] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda"};

for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

cout << i << ": " << cars[i] << "\n";

Omit Array Size

You don't have to specify the size of the array. But if you don't, it will only be as big as the
elements that are inserted into it:

string cars[] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford"}; // size of array is always 3

This is completely fine. However, the problem arises if you want extra space for future elements.
Then you have to overwrite the existing values:

string cars[] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford"};

string cars[] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda", "Tesla"};

If you specify the size however, the array will reserve the extra space:

string cars[5] = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford"}; // size of array is 5, even though it's only
three elements inside it

Now you can add a fourth and fifth element without overwriting the others:

cars[3] = "Mazda";

cars[4] = "Tesla";

Omit Elements on Declaration

It is also possible to declare an array without specifying the elements on declaration, and add
them later:

string cars[5];

cars[0] = "Volvo";

cars[1] = "BMW";


Creating References

A reference variable is a "reference" to an existing variable, and it is created with the & operator:

string food = "Pizza"; // food variable

string &meal = food; // reference to food

Now, we can use either the variable name food or the reference name meal to refer to the food


string food = "Pizza";

string &meal = food;

cout << food << "\n"; // Outputs Pizza

cout << meal << "\n"; // Outputs Pizza

Memory Address

In the example from the previous page, the & operator was used to create a reference variable.
But it can also be used to get the memory address of a variable; which is the location of where
the variable is stored on the computer. When a variable is created in C++, a memory address is
assigned to the variable. And when we assign a value to the variable, it is stored in this memory
address. To access it, use the & operator, and the result will represent where the variable is


string food = "Pizza";

cout << &food; // Outputs 0x6dfed4

Note: The memory address is in hexadecimal form (0x..). Note that you may not get the same
result in your program. And why is it useful to know the memory address?

References and Pointers (which you will learn about in the next section) are important in C++,
because they give you the ability to manipulate the data in the computer's memory - which can
reduce the code and improve the performance.

These two features are one of the things that make C++ stand out from other programming
languages, like Python and Java.

Creating Pointers

You learned from the previous chapter, that we can get the memory address of a variable by
using the & operator:


string food = "Pizza"; // A food variable of type string

cout << food; // Outputs the value of food (Pizza)

cout << &food; // Outputs the memory address of food (0x6dfed4)

A pointer however, is a variable that stores the memory address as its value. A pointer variable
points to a data type (like int or string) of the same type, and is created with the * operator. The
address of the variable you're working with is assigned to the pointer:


string food = "Pizza"; // A food variable of type string

string* ptr = &food; // A pointer variable, with the name ptr, that stores the address of

// Output the value of food (Pizza)

cout << food << "\n";

// Output the memory address of food (0x6dfed4)

cout << &food << "\n";

// Output the memory address of food with the pointer (0x6dfed4)

cout << ptr << "\n";

Example explained

Create a pointer variable with the name ptr, that points to a string variable, by using the asterisk
sign * (string* ptr). Note that the type of the pointer has to match the type of the variable you're
working with. Use the & operator to store the memory address of the variable called food, and
assign it to the pointer. Now, ptr holds the value of food's memory address.

Tip: There are three ways to declare pointer variables, but the first way is preferred:

string* mystring; // Preferred

string *mystring;

string * mystring;


Get Memory Address and Value

In the example from the previous page, we used the pointer variable to get the memory address
of a variable (used together with the & reference operator). However, you can also use the
pointer to get the value of the variable, by using the * operator (the dereference operator):


string food = "Pizza"; // Variable declaration

string* ptr = &food; // Pointer declaration

// Reference: Output the memory address of food with the pointer (0x6dfed4)

cout << ptr << "\n";

// Dereference: Output the value of food with the pointer (Pizza)

cout << *ptr << "\n";

Note that the * sign can be confusing here, as it does two different things in our code:

When used in declaration (string* ptr), it creates a pointer variable. When not used in
declaration, it act as a dereference operator.

Modify the Pointer Value

You can also change the pointer's value. But note that this will also change the value of the
original variable:


string food = "Pizza";

string* ptr = &food;

// Output the value of food (Pizza)

cout << food << "\n";

// Output the memory address of food (0x6dfed4)

cout << &food << "\n";

// Access the memory address of food and output its value (Pizza)

cout << *ptr << "\n";

// Change the value of the pointer

*ptr = "Hamburger";

// Output the new value of the pointer (Hamburger)

cout << *ptr << "\n";

// Output the new value of the food variable (Hamburger)

cout << food << "\n";


A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called. You can pass data, known as
parameters, into a function. Functions are used to perform certain actions, and they are important
for reusing code: Define the code once, and use it many times.

Create a Function

C++ provides some pre-defined functions, such as main(), which is used to execute code. But
you can also create your own functions to perform certain actions. To create (often referred to as
declare) a function, specify the name of the function, followed by parentheses ():


void myFunction() {

// code to be executed

Example Explained

myFunction() is the name of the function

void means that the function does not have a return value. You will learn more about return
values later in the next section, inside the function (the body), add code that defines what the
function should do.

Call a Function

Declared functions are not executed immediately. They are "saved for later use", and will be
executed later, when they are called. To call a function, write the function's name followed by
two parentheses () and a semicolon;

In the following example, myFunction() is used to print a text (the action), when it is called:


Inside main, call myFunction():

// Create a function

void myFunction() {

cout << "I just got executed!";

int main() {

myFunction(); // call the function

return 0;

// Outputs "I just got executed!"

A function can be called multiple times:


void myFunction() {

cout << "I just got executed!\n";

int main() {




return 0;

// I just got executed!

// I just got executed!

// I just got executed!

Function Declaration and Definition

C++ functions consist of two parts:

 Declaration: the function's name, return type, and parameters (if any)
 Definition: the body of the function (code to be executed)

void myFunction() { // declaration

// the body of the function (definition)

Note: If a user-defined function, such as myFunction() is declared after the main() function, an
error will occur. It is because C++ works from top to bottom; which means that if the function is
not declared above main(), the program is unaware of it:


int main() {


return 0;

void myFunction() {

cout << "I just got executed!";

// Error

However, it is possible to separate the declaration and the definition of the function - for code
optimization. You will often see C++ programs that have function declaration above main(), and
function definition below main(). This will make the code better organized and easier to read:


// Function declaration

void myFunction();

// The main method

int main() {

myFunction(); // call the function

return 0;

// Function definition

void myFunction() {

cout << "I just got executed!";

Function Parameters

Parameters and Arguments

Information can be passed to functions as a parameter. Parameters act as variables inside the
function. Parameters are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses. You can add
as many parameters as you want, just separate them with a comma:


void functionName(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3) {

// code to be executed

The following example has a function that takes a string called fname as parameter. When the
function is called, we pass along a first name, which is used inside the function to print the full


void myFunction(string fname) {

cout << fname << " Refsnes\n";

int main() {




return 0;

// Abubakar Refsnes

// Umar Refsnes

// Usman Refsnes

When a parameter is passed to the function, it is called an argument. So, from the example
above: fname is a parameter, while Abubakar, Umar and Usman are arguments.

Default Parameter Value

You can also use a default parameter value, by using the equals sign (=). If we call the function
without an argument, it uses the default value ("Norway"):


void myFunction(string country = "Norway") {

cout << country << "\n";

int main() {





return 0;

// Sweden

// India

// Norway

// USA

A parameter with a default value, is often known as an "optional parameter". From the example
above, country is an optional parameter and "Norway" is the default value.

Multiple Parameters

Inside the function, you can add as many parameters as you want:


void myFunction(string fname, int age) {

cout << fname << " Refsnes. " << age << " years old. \n";

int main() {

myFunction("Abubakar", 3);

myFunction("Umar", 14);

myFunction("Usman", 30);

return 0;

// Abubakar Refsnes. 3 years old.

// Umar Refsnes. 14 years old.

// Usman Refsnes. 30 years old.

Note that when you are working with multiple parameters, the function call must have the same
number of arguments as there are parameters, and the arguments must be passed in the same

The Return Keyword

The void keyword, used in the previous examples, indicates that the function should not return a
value. If you want the function to return a value, you can use a data type (such as int, string, etc.)
instead of void, and use the return keyword inside the function:


int myFunction(int x) {

return 5 + x;

int main() {

cout << myFunction(3);

return 0;

// Outputs 8 (5 + 3)

This example returns the sum of a function with two parameters:


int myFunction(int x, int y) {

return x + y;

int main() {

cout << myFunction(5, 3);

return 0;

// Outputs 8 (5 + 3)

You can also store the result in a variable:


int myFunction(int x, int y) {

return x + y;

int main() {

int z = myFunction(5, 3);

cout << z;

return 0;

// Outputs 8 (5 + 3)

Functions - Pass By Reference

In the examples from the previous page, we used normal variables when we passed parameters to
a function. You can also pass a reference to the function. This can be useful when you need to
change the value of the arguments:


void swapNums(int &x, int &y) {

int z = x;

x = y;

y = z;

int main() {

int firstNum = 10;

int secondNum = 20;

cout << "Before swap: " << "\n";

cout << firstNum << secondNum << "\n";

// Call the function, which will change the values of firstNum and secondNum

swapNums(firstNum, secondNum);

cout << "After swap: " << "\n";

cout << firstNum << secondNum << "\n";

return 0;

Function Overloading

With function overloading, multiple functions can have the same name with different


int myFunction(int x)

float myFunction(float x)

double myFunction(double x, double y)

Consider the following example, which have two functions that add numbers of different type:


int plusFuncInt(int x, int y) {

return x + y;

double plusFuncDouble(double x, double y) {

return x + y;

int main() {

int myNum1 = plusFuncInt(8, 5);

double myNum2 = plusFuncDouble(4.3, 6.26);

cout << "Int: " << myNum1 << "\n";

cout << "Double: " << myNum2;

return 0;

Instead of defining two functions that should do the same thing, it is better to overload one.

In the example below, we overload the plusFunc function to work for both int and double:


int plusFunc(int x, int y) {

return x + y;

double plusFunc(double x, double y) {

return x + y;

int main() {

int myNum1 = plusFunc(8, 5);

double myNum2 = plusFunc(4.3, 6.26);

cout << "Int: " << myNum1 << "\n";

cout << "Double: " << myNum2;

return 0;

Note: Multiple functions can have the same name as long as the number and/or type of
parameters are different.

What is OOP?

 OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming.

 Procedural programming is about writing procedures or functions that perform operations
on the data, while object-oriented programming is about creating objects that contain
both data and functions.
 Object-oriented programming has several advantages over procedural programming:
 OOP is faster and easier to execute
 OOP provides a clear structure for the programs
 OOP helps to keep the C++ code DRY "Don't Repeat Yourself", and makes the code
easier to maintain, modify and debug
 OOP makes it possible to create full reusable applications with less code and shorter
development time

Tip: The "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle is about reducing the repetition of code. You
should extract out the codes that are common for the application, and place them at a single place
and reuse them instead of repeating it.

What are Classes and Objects?

Classes and objects are the two main aspects of object-oriented programming.

Look at the following illustration to see the difference between class and objects:

Fruit Banana
Class Object

Another example:

Car Audi
Class Object

So, a class is a template for objects, and an object is an instance of a class. When the individual
objects are created, they inherit all the variables and functions from the class. You will learn
much more about classes and objects in the next section.

Classes and Objects

C++ is an object-oriented programming language. Everything in C++ is associated with classes

and objects, along with its attributes and methods. For example: in real life, a car is an object.
The car has attributes, such as weight and color, and methods, such as drive and brake. Attributes
and methods are basically variables and functions that belong to the class. These are often
referred to as "class members".

A class is a user-defined data type that we can use in our program, and it works as an object
constructor or a "blueprint" for creating objects.

Create a Class

To create a class, use the class keyword:


Create a class called "MyClass":

class MyClass { // The class

public: // Access specifier

int myNum; // Attribute (int variable)

string myString; // Attribute (string variable)


Example explained

The class keyword is used to create a class called MyClass.

The public keyword is an access specifier, which specifies that members (attributes and methods)
of the class are accessible from outside the class. You will learn more about access specifier

Inside the class, there is an integer variable myNum and a string variable myString. When
variables are declared within a class, they are called attributes.

At last, end the class definition with a semicolon ;.

Create an Object

In C++, an object is created from a class. We have already created the class named MyClass, so
now we can use this to create objects. To create an object of MyClass, specify the class name,
followed by the object name. To access the class attributes (myNum and myString), use the dot
syntax (.) on the object:


Create an object called "myObj" and access the attributes:

class MyClass { // The class

public: // Access specifier

int myNum; // Attribute (int variable)

string myString; // Attribute (string variable)


int main() {

MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass

// Access attributes and set values

myObj.myNum = 15;

myObj.myString = "Some text";

// Print attribute values

cout << myObj.myNum << "\n";

cout << myObj.myString;

return 0;

Multiple Objects

You can create multiple objects of one class:


// Create a Car class with some attributes

class Car {


string brand;

string model;

int year;


int main() {

// Create an object of Car

Car carObj1;

carObj1.brand = "BMW";

carObj1.model = "X5";

carObj1.year = 1999;

// Create another object of Car

Car carObj2;

carObj2.brand = "Ford";

carObj2.model = "Mustang";

carObj2.year = 1969;

// Print attribute values

cout << carObj1.brand << " " << carObj1.model << " " << carObj1.year << "\n";

cout << carObj2.brand << " " << carObj2.model << " " << carObj2.year << "\n";

return 0;

Class Methods

Methods are functions that belong to the class. There are two ways to define functions that
belong to a class:

 Inside class definition

 Outside class definition

In the following example, we define a function inside the class, and we name it "myMethod".

Note: You access methods just like you access attributes; by creating an object of the class and
using the dot syntax (.):

Inside Example

class MyClass { // The class

public: // Access specifier

void myMethod() { // Method/function defined inside the class

cout << "Hello World!";


int main() {

MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass

myObj.myMethod(); // Call the method

return 0;

To define a function outside the class definition, you have to declare it inside the class and then
define it outside of the class. This is done by specifying the name of the class, followed the scope
resolution :: operator, followed by the name of the function:

Outside Example

class MyClass { // The class

public: // Access specifier

void myMethod(); // Method/function declaration


// Method/function definition outside the class

void MyClass::myMethod() {

cout << "Hello World!";

int main() {

MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass

myObj.myMethod(); // Call the method

return 0;


You can also add parameters:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Car {


int speed(int maxSpeed);


int Car::speed(int maxSpeed) {

return maxSpeed;

int main() {

Car myObj; // Create an object of Car

cout << myObj.speed(200); // Call the method with an argument

return 0;


A constructor in C++ is a special method that is automatically called when an object of a class is
created. To create a constructor, use the same name as the class, followed by parentheses ():


class MyClass { // The class

public: // Access specifier

MyClass() { // Constructor

cout << "Hello World!";


int main() {

MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass (this will call the constructor)

return 0;

Note: The constructor has the same name as the class, it is always public, and it does not have
any return value.

Constructor Parameters

Constructors can also take parameters (just like regular functions), which can be useful for
setting initial values for attributes.

The following class has brand, model and year attributes, and a constructor with different
parameters. Inside the constructor we set the attributes equal to the constructor parameters
(brand=x, etc). When we call the constructor (by creating an object of the class), we pass
parameters to the constructor, which will set the value of the corresponding attributes to the


class Car { // The class

public: // Access specifier

string brand; // Attribute

string model; // Attribute

int year; // Attribute

Car(string x, string y, int z) { // Constructor with parameters

brand = x;

model = y;

year = z;


int main() {

// Create Car objects and call the constructor with different values

Car carObj1("BMW", "X5", 1999);

Car carObj2("Ford", "Mustang", 1969);

// Print values

cout << carObj1.brand << " " << carObj1.model << " " << carObj1.year << "\n";

cout << carObj2.brand << " " << carObj2.model << " " << carObj2.year << "\n";

return 0;

Just like functions, constructors can also be defined outside the class. First, declare the
constructor inside the class, and then define it outside of the class by specifying the name of the
class, followed by the scope resolution :: operator, followed by the name of the constructor
(which is the same as the class):


class Car { // The class

public: // Access specifier

string brand; // Attribute

string model; // Attribute

int year; // Attribute

Car(string x, string y, int z); // Constructor declaration


// Constructor definition outside the class

Car::Car(string x, string y, int z) {

brand = x;

model = y;

year = z;

int main() {

// Create Car objects and call the constructor with different values

Car carObj1("BMW", "X5", 1999);

Car carObj2("Ford", "Mustang", 1969);

// Print values

cout << carObj1.brand << " " << carObj1.model << " " << carObj1.year << "\n";

cout << carObj2.brand << " " << carObj2.model << " " << carObj2.year << "\n";

return 0;

Access Specifier

By now, you are quite familiar with the public keyword that appears in all of our class examples:


class MyClass { // The class

public: // Access specifier

// class members goes here


The public keyword is an access specifier. Access specifier defines how the members (attributes
and methods) of a class can be accessed. In the example above, the members are public - which
means that they can be accessed and modified from outside the code.

However, what if we want members to be private and hidden from the outside world?

In C++, there are three access specifier:

 public - members are accessible from outside the class

 private - members cannot be accessed (or viewed) from outside the class
 protected - members cannot be accessed from outside the class, however, they can be
accessed in inherited classes. You will learn more about Inheritance later.

In the following example, we demonstrate the differences between public and private members:


class MyClass {

public: // Public access specifier

int x; // Public attribute

private: // Private access specifier

int y; // Private attribute


int main() {

MyClass myObj;

myObj.x = 25; // Allowed (public)

myObj.y = 50; // Not allowed (private)

return 0;

If you try to access a private member, an error occurs:

error: y is private

Note: It is possible to access private members of a class using a public method inside the same
class. See the next chapter (Encapsulation) on how to do this.

Tip: It is considered good practice to declare your class attributes as private (as often as you
can). This will reduce the possibility of yourself (or others) to mess up the code. This is also the
main ingredient of the Encapsulation concept, which you will learn more about in the next

Note: By default, all members of a class are private if you don't specify an access specifier:


class MyClass {

int x; // Private attribute

int y; // Private attribute



The meaning of Encapsulation is to make sure that "sensitive" data is hidden from users. To
achieve this, you must declare class variables/attributes as private (cannot be accessed from
outside the class). If you want others to read or modify the value of a private member, you can
provide public get and set methods.

Access Private Members

To access a private attribute, use public "get" and "set" methods:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Employee {


// Private attribute

int salary;


// Setter

void setSalary(int s) {

salary = s;

// Getter

int getSalary() {

return salary;


int main() {

Employee myObj;


cout << myObj.getSalary();

return 0;

Example explained

The salary attribute is private, which have restricted access. The public setSalary() method takes
a parameter (s) and assigns it to the salary attribute (salary = s). The public getSalary() method
returns the value of the private salary attribute. Inside main(), we create an object of the
Employee class. Now we can use the setSalary() method to set the value of the private attribute
to 50000. Then we call the getSalary() method on the object to return the value.

Why Encapsulation?

It is considered good practice to declare your class attributes as private (as often as you can).
Encapsulation ensures better control of your data, because you (or others) can change one part of
the code without affecting other parts


In C++, it is possible to inherit attributes and methods from one class to another. We group the
"inheritance concept" into two categories:

 derived class (child) - the class that inherits from another class
 base class (parent) - the class being inherited from

To inherit from a class, use the : symbol.

In the example below, the Car class (child) inherits the attributes and methods from the Vehicle
class (parent):


// Base class

class Vehicle {


string brand = "Ford";

void honk() {

cout << "Tuut, tuut! \n" ;


// Derived class

class Car: public Vehicle {


string model = "Mustang";


int main() {

Car myCar;


cout << myCar.brand + " " + myCar.model;

return 0;

Why And When To Use "Inheritance"?

It is useful for code reusability: reuse attributes and methods of an existing class when you create
a new class.

Multilevel Inheritance

A class can also be derived from one class, which is already derived from another class. In the
following example, MyGrandChild is derived from class MyChild (which is derived from


// Base class (parent)

class MyClass {


void myFunction() {

cout << "Some content in parent class." ;


// Derived class (child)

class MyChild: public MyClass {


// Derived class (grandchild)

class MyGrandChild: public MyChild {


int main() {

MyGrandChild myObj;


return 0;

Multiple Inheritance

A class can also be derived from more than one base class, using a comma-separated list:


// Base class

class MyClass {


void myFunction() {

cout << "Some content in parent class." ;


// Another base class

class MyOtherClass {


void myOtherFunction() {

cout << "Some content in another class." ;


// Derived class

class MyChildClass: public MyClass, public MyOtherClass {


int main() {

MyChildClass myObj;



return 0;

Access Specifiers

You learned from the Access Specifiers chapter that there are three specifiers available in C++.
Until now, we have only used public (members of a class are accessible from outside the class)
and private (members can only be accessed within the class). The third specifier, protected, is
similar to private, but it can also be accessed in the inherited class:


// Base class

class Employee {

protected: // Protected access specifier

int salary;


// Derived class

class Programmer: public Employee {


int bonus;

void setSalary(int s) {

salary = s;

int getSalary() {

return salary;


int main() {

Programmer myObj;


myObj.bonus = 15000;

cout << "Salary: " << myObj.getSalary() << "\n";

cout << "Bonus: " << myObj.bonus << "\n";

return 0;


Polymorphism means "many forms", and it occurs when we have many classes that are related to
each other by inheritance. Like we specified in the previous chapter; Inheritance lets us inherit
attributes and methods from another class. Polymorphism uses those methods to perform
different tasks. This allows us to perform a single action in different ways. For example, think of
a base class called Animal that has a method called animalSound(). Derived classes of Animals
could be Pigs, Cats, Dogs, Birds - And they also have their own implementation of an animal
sound (the pig oinks, and the cat meows, etc.).


// Base class

class Animal {


void animalSound() {

cout << "The animal makes a sound \n" ;


// Derived class

class Pig : public Animal {


void animalSound() {

cout << "The pig says: wee wee \n" ;


// Derived class

class Dog : public Animal {


void animalSound() {

cout << "The dog says: bow wow \n" ;


Remember from the Inheritance chapter that we use the : symbol to inherit from a class.

Now we can create Pig and Dog objects and override the animalSound() method:


// Base class

class Animal {


void animalSound() {

cout << "The animal makes a sound \n" ;


// Derived class

class Pig : public Animal {


void animalSound() {

cout << "The pig says: wee wee \n" ;


// Derived class

class Dog : public Animal {


void animalSound() {

cout << "The dog says: bow wow \n" ;


int main() {

Animal myAnimal;

Pig myPig;

Dog myDog;




return 0;

Why And When To Use "Inheritance" and "Polymorphism"?

It is useful for code reusability: reuse attributes and methods of an existing class when you create
a new class.

C++ Files

The fstream library allows us to work with files. To use the fstream library, include both the
standard <iostream> AND the <fstream> header file:


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

There are three classes included in the fstream library, which are used to create, write or read

Class Description

Ofstream Creates and writes to files

Ifstream Reads from files

Fstream A combination of ofstream and ifstream: creates, reads, and writes to files

Create and Write To a File

To create a file, use either the ofstream or fstream class, and specify the name of the file.

To write to the file, use the insertion operator (<<).


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

// Create and open a text file

ofstream MyFile("filename.txt");

// Write to the file

MyFile << "Files can be tricky, but it is fun enough!";

// Close the file


Why do we close the file?

It is considered good practice, and it can clean up unnecessary memory space.

Read a File

To read from a file, use either the ifstream or fstream class, and the name of the file. Note that
we also use a while loop together with the getline() function (which belongs to the ifstream class)
to read the file line by line, and to print the content of the file:


// Create a text string, which is used to output the text file

string myText;

// Read from the text file

ifstream MyReadFile("filename.txt");

// Use a while loop together with the getline() function to read the file line by line

while (getline (MyReadFile, myText)) {

// Output the text from the file

cout << myText;

// Close the file



When executing C++ code, different errors can occur: coding errors made by the programmer,
errors due to wrong input, or other unforeseeable things. When an error occurs, C++ will
normally stop and generate an error message. The technical term for this is: C++ will throw an
exception (throw an error).

try and catch

Exception handling in C++ consists of three keywords: try, throw and catch:

The try statement allows you to define a block of code to be tested for errors while it is being
executed. The throw keyword throws an exception when a problem is detected, which lets us
create a custom error. The catch statement allows you to define a block of code to be executed, if
an error occurs in the try block.

The try and catch keywords come in pairs:


try {

// Block of code to try

throw exception; // Throw an exception when a problem arise

catch () {

// Block of code to handle errors

Consider the following example:


try {

int age = 15;

if (age >= 18) {

cout << "Access granted - you are old enough.";

} else {

throw (age);

catch (int myNum) {

cout << "Access denied - You must be at least 18 years old.\n";

cout << "Age is: " << myNum;

Example explained

We use the try block to test some code: If the age variable is less than 18, we will throw an
exception, and handle it in our catch block. In the catch block, we catch the error and do
something about it. The catch statement takes a parameter: in our example we use an int variable
(myNum) (because we are throwing an exception of int type in the try block (age)), to output the
value of age. If no error occurs (e.g. if age is 20 instead of 15, meaning it will be greater than
18), the catch block is skipped:


int age = 20;

You can also use the throw keyword to output a reference number, like a custom error
number/code for organizing purposes:


try {

int age = 15;

if (age >= 18) {

cout << "Access granted - you are old enough.";

} else {

throw 505;


catch (int myNum) {

cout << "Access denied - You must be at least 18 years old.\n";

cout << "Error number: " << myNum;

Handle Any Type of Exceptions (...)

If you do not know the throw type used in the try block, you can use the "three dots" syntax (...)
inside the catch block, which will handle any type of exception:


try {

int age = 15;

if (age >= 18) {

cout << "Access granted - you are old enough.";

} else {

throw 505;

catch (...) {

cout << "Access denied - You must be at least 18 years old.\n";


Perry, G. (1992) C++ by Example, lloyed short.

Hubbard, J.R. (2000) Programming with C++, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India (Second

Paul and Harvey Deitel (2013) C++ How to Program, Pearson Horizon Editions, Eight Edition

C++ for Dummies (2004), 5th Edition


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