Narrative Report Na
Narrative Report Na
Narrative Report Na
One of the worldwide issues that has raised large numbers of campaigns and awareness to lesssen
its occurance is the Teenage Pregnancy. This phenomenon has the increasing total number each
year. Philippines is one of the Asian countries which has similar situation. According to the
Philippine Statistics Authority, from the final results of 2013 National Demographic and Health
Survey (NDHS), one in ten young Filipina Aged 15-19 begun childbearing. 8 percent of it are already
mothers and 2 percent of it are pregnant on their first child.
Lasts July 19-20, 2019 a campaign about Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention happaned and it was
entitled “Isip Isip Before Unzip” at the 3rd floor Municipal building Banton, Romblon. It was a
symposium for Grade 10 and Senior High School students and a joint program of the school and
Banton Rural Health Units. It was a two days event since the venue was smaller to the number of
The registration for the program started at 7:30 to 8:00 AM. When everyone was ready at
seated comfortably, the program began with an opening prayer held by Ms Chastene Fesalbon a
Registered Nurse. Followed by the welcome address given by sir Villardo F. Fadallan, Principal II
and a message by the RHU officer Dr. Edmund F. Fababeir. To get the attention of everyone, a Film
showing was shown about Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines. Upon finishing the show, an
open-ended questions was held and followed by the slide shows about Teenage Pregnancy. By 9:30
Am, we had our short break, the morning snacks. After the snacks, A Reflection by a Teenage
Mother was given by Dianne Ferranco, a Grade 12 studenton the first day and Dannielle F. Fabella,
a Grade 11 student on the second day. Followed by the talk about Physiological Changes during
Teenage Pregnancy and the Imporatance of Check-up During first Trimester of the Pergnancy given
by Ms Hacelin Fababeir, RM. Addition to it, a talk entitled Simple as ABC was given by one the
Registered Nurse, Ms Liza Natal. After the talks, a film was shown about the short reminders
about pregnancy. The morning session was done and by 11:00 AM we had our Lunch break.
For the afternoon session, when everyone is back from the lunch break, I formally started
the session with energizer song that was participated by everybody then I followed with a talk
about the Effects of Smoking and Drinking Alcohol or Substance Abuse that lead to Teenage
pregnancy. Followed by the answering of survey questions. To end the Symposium, I handed out
the Certificate of Appreciation to all our speakers. A closing remarks was given by the POPCOM
Officer, Mr.Gil Siegfried Fabella. A closing Prayer given by one of the student.
Message by
Dr. Edmund Fababeir