Finance Chp-4 (Budget-Systems)
Finance Chp-4 (Budget-Systems)
Finance Chp-4 (Budget-Systems)
Chapter 4
Budget Systems
Course Teacher: Dr. Anupam Das Gupta Professor, Department of Finance,University of Chittagong.
Budget Defined
A budget (from old French bougette, purse) is a financial plan and a list of all planned expenses and
A government budget is a legal document that is often passed by the legislature, and approved by the
chief executive or president.
“A government budget is an annual financial statement showing item wise estimates of expected
revenue and anticipated expenditure during a fiscal year.”
The two basic elements :Revenues and Expenses.
Revenues are derived primarily from taxes and non-tax revenue.
Government expenses include spending on current goods and services, which economists call
government consumption ; government investment expenditures such as infrastructure investment or
research expenditure; and transfer payments like unemployment or retirement benefits, Social Safety
Some Characteristics of Budget in Bangladesh
It is effective during a financial year starting from July 1 and ending on June 30, next year
The Government Budget in the country has two parts: Revenue and Development.
The government budgeting is done on a cash basis. Both receipts and expenditures are shown in cash
Foreign loans are reflected on a gross receipt basis showing total disbursement;
Budget is prepared on incremental basis, on the basis of upward adjustment of expenditure as against
performance budgeting;
Basis of Budget
• Budgets have an economic, political and technical basis.
• Unlike a pure economic budget, they are not entirely designed to allocate scarce resources for the best
economic use.
• They also have a political basis wherein different interests push and pull in an attempt to obtain benefits
and avoid burdens.
• The technical element is the forecast of the likely levels of revenues and expenses
Main elements of the budget are:
• (i) It is a statement of estimates of government receipts and expenditure.
• (ii) Budget estimates pertain to a fixed period, generally a year.
• (iii) Expenditure and sources of finance are planned in accordance with the objectives of the
• (Iv) It requires to be approved (passed) by Parliament or Assembly or some other authority before its
Objectives of a Government Budget:
• It should be kept in mind that rapid and balanced economic growth with equality and social justice
has been the general objective of all our policies and plans. General objectives of a government
budget are as under:
(i) Economic growth:
To promote rapid and balanced economic growth so as to improve living standard of the people. Economic
growth implies a sustained increase in real GDP of the economy, i.e., a sustained increase in volume of goods
and services. Public welfare is the main guide.
(ii) Reduction of poverty and unemployment:
• To eradicate mass poverty and unemployment by creating employment opportunities and providing
maximum social benefits to the poor. In fact, social welfare is the single most important objective.
Public Finance and Taxation
Every Bangladeshi should be able to meet his basic needs like food, clothing, housing along with decent
health care and educational facilities.
(iii) Reduction of inequalities/Redistribution of income:
• To reduce inequalities of income and wealth, government can influence distribution of income through
levying taxes and granting subsidies. Government levies high rate of tax on rich people reducing their
disposable income and lowers the rate on lower income group.
• Again, government provides subsidies and amenities to people whose income level is low. Again public
expenditure can be useful in reducing inequalities. More emphasis is laid on equitable distribution of
wealth and income. Economic progress in itself is not a sufficient goal but the goal must be equitable
(iv) Reallocation of resources:
• To reallocate resources so as to achieve social and economic objectives. Again, government provides
more resources into socially productive sectors where private sector initiative is not forthcoming,
e.g., public sanitation, rural electrification, education, health, etc. Moreover government allocates
more funds to production of socially useful goods and draws away resources from some other areas to
promote balanced economic growth of regions.
(v) Price stability/Economic stability:
• Government can bring economic stability, i.e., control fluctuations in general price level through taxes,
subsidies and expenditure. For instance, when there is inflation (continuous rise in prices), government
can reduce its expenditure. When there is depression, government can reduce taxes and grant subsidies
to encourage spending by the people.
• (vi) Financing and management of public enterprises:
• To finance and manage public enterprises like railways, power generation and water lines etc.
Structure of Bangladesh Budget
• The Government Budget in the country has two parts: Revenue and Development. The former is
concerned with current revenues and expenditures i.e., maintenance of normal priority and essential
services, while the latter is prepared for development activities. Formulation of the two budgets follows
different procedures. Their financing pattern and the delegated authorities of incurring expenditure in
different tiers in them are also different. Revenue budget is prepared by the Finance Division and the
agency to prepare the Development budget is the Planning Commission.
Development Budget
• Development budget of the government of Bangladesh is a result of a continuous process of
identifying new projects, review of project concept papers (PCPs), and vetting of the projects in
ministries and in the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC). Usually by
December, the Economic Relations Division (ERD) prepares aid memorandum, circulates it to the
ministries for their comments, and based on domestic resource projections by National Board of
Revenue (NBR) and the Internal Resources Division, the ERD revises the aid memorandum. The
document is then sent to the Cabinet for approval. Resource position for revenue expenditure and
budget is then estimated and the Programming Committee finalizes eligible projects for inclusion the
Annual development Programme (ADP). In fact, ADP is the development budget, which, like the
revenue budget, requires approval of the parliament.
Receipts in Bangladesh Budget:
• Receipts in revenue budget consists of domestic receipts (tax and non-tax); foreign grants; capital
receipts (foreign loans); domestic capital (net of current receipts and expenditures in public
accounts); extra-budgetary resources (debenture of autonomous bodies, their self-financing and
accumulated balance, and materials at stock); and domestic loans and advances (net).
Receipts in development budget are grouped as public and private receipts. Public receipts are the revenue
surplus from revenue budget (revenue receipts minus revenue expenditures), incomes through new measures
(such as new taxes), net domestic capital, and extra budgetary resources. A special form of public receipts is
the foreign aid (project aid, counterpart fund from commodity aid and net food aid). Receipts under the private
head for development budget are generated through direct private investment, borrowing from banking system
and foreign private investment.
Public Finance and Taxation
Budget Cycle:
• Budget Preparation: The first phase of the budget cycle involves preparation by the departments
/agencies, ministries and finally ministry of Finance
• Legislative Approval: Typically, the legislature has the power to approve or reject a proposed budget.
They review it and vote. If approved, it moves into the implementation phase.
• Implementation and Execution: It is the duty of the executive branch - primarily involves distributing
the budgeted resources to their designated recipients within the government and spending it as
• Audit and Review: Finally, a budget is typically audited and reviewed following implementation to
evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness in order to guide future budgeting decisions.
Public Finance and Taxation
Types of Budget:
Three key organizational units responsible for the MTBF implementation in ascending order of hierarchy:
Budget wing/branch/section to prepare drafts of MBF with budget allocations
Budget Working Group (BWG) to support the Budget Management Committee (BMC) for decision
making on MBF
Consists of representatives of organizational units of the Ministry and of Finance Division and Planning
Budget Management Committee (BMC) - the budget approval authority within the line ministry
• Led by the Secretary, and
• Consists of Additional and Joint Secretaries, Organizational Heads, and representatives of FD, PC,
Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) & Chief administrative Officer (CAO)
Public Finance and Taxation