Girder RF Sketch
Girder RF Sketch
Girder RF Sketch
Damage Damage factor for stress
force Partial Damage reduced permissibl
1m equivalent equivalent reinforcing range at
Vrds due to factor on equivalent value due e stress
section stress correction steel and N*
fatigue fatigue stress range to bar bent range
range factor the fatigue cycles
UB-Static maximum shear 894 ULS_SetB_Env(max) J[226] 229.61 90.83 1686.3 71.66 1277.4 1.69 2988.811 1283 12 2 75 226.19 3.02 1500 1 434.78 1966.9 0.86 796 3016 45 19.82 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 18.01 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.86
UB-Static minimum shear 905 ULS_SetB_Env(min) I[495] -167.5 -90.72 -1473 -35.94 -2173 -61.3 3006.45 1283 12 2 75 226.19 3.02 1500 1 434.78 1966.9 0.75 796 3016 45 19.82 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 18.01 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.86
UB-Static maximum shear 896 ULS_SetB_Env(max) J[228] 159.68 117.88 2086.5 121.25 -1423 34.81 4518.139 826.1 12 4 75 452.39 6.03 1500 1 434.78 3933.8 0.53 1536 6032 45 19.12 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 17.38 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.83
UB-Static minimum shear 903 ULS_SetB_Env(min) I[514] -331.1 -117.7 -2182 -147.1 -6023 -179.13 4537.046 826.1 12 4 75 452.39 6.03 1500 1 434.78 3933.8 0.55 1536 6032 45 19.12 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 17.38 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.83
UB-Static maximum shear 895 ULS_SetB_Env(max) J[227] 97.24 102.44 1674.7 73.4 343.78 3.0 2167.429 1189.491 12 3 75 339.29 4.52 1500 1 434.78 2950.4 0.57 836 4524 45 13.88 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 12.61 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.60
UB-Static minimum shear 904 ULS_SetB_Env(min) I[512] -388.5 -127.2 -1726 -78.03 -3527 -73.06 2167.429 1189.491 12 3 75 339.29 4.52 1500 1 434.78 2950.4 0.59 836 4524 45 13.88 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 12.61 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.60
UB-Static maximum shear 898 ULS_SetB_Env(max) J[231] 173 -409.6 2169.8 639.14 -1944 399.64 9864.347 1073.45 12 4 100 854.51 8.55 1500 1 434.78 5572.9 0.39 1720 8545 45 20.16 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 18.32 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.87
16 2
UB-Static minimum shear 901 ULS_SetB_Env(min) I[516] -439.2 384.91 -2566 -691.1 -6830 -2.39 9883.598 1073.45 12 4 100 854.51 8.55 1500 1 434.78 5572.9 0.46 1720 8545 45 20.16 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 18.32 58.5 26.56 23.09 0.87
16 2
LB_Static maximum shear 456 ULS_SetB_Env(max) J[108] 358.61 46.14 1162 -17.8 4084 35.76 2988.811 1222 12 2 150 226.19 1.51 1800 1 434.78 1180.1 0.98 663 1508 the45applied
Since 55.03
shear0.75 1.19then
is less 1.03Vrdc,
0.99 the
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1 1.15 is provided
50.01 58.5 26.56 23.09 2.38
UB-Static minimum shear 472 ULS_SetB_Env(min) I[398] -388.5 -127.2 -1004 -78.03 -3527 -73.06 3006.45 1222 12 2 150 226.19 1.51 1800 1 434.78 1180.1 0.85 663 1508 45 55.03 0.75 1.19 1.03 0.99 1.4 0.91 1 1.15 50.01 58.5 26.56 23.09 2.38
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