Le G7 English Q1 W4

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Lesson Exemplar
Quarter 1

for English 4
Lesson Exemplar for English Grade 7
Quarter 1: Week 4

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Writer: Jay-Ar M. Morales, Melanie Mae N. Moreno

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CRISTITO A. ECO CESO III, Assistant Regional Director
MICAH G. PACHECO, Chief Education Program Supervisor
DENNIS M. MENDOZA, Regional LR Education Program Supervisor
ARNOLD C. GATUS, English Regional Education Program Supervisor
WILMA Q. DEL ROSARIO, LR Education Program Supervisor
MATATAG School Grade Level 7
K to 10 Curriculum Name of Teacher Learning Area English
Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1


The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating Philippine literature
A. Content
(poetry) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for publishing original literary texts that
Standards reflect local and national identity.
The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine poetry (lyric, narrative, dramatic); evaluate poetry for
B. Performance
clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an original multimodal literary text
Standards (poem) that represents their meaning, purpose, and target audience and reflects their local and national identity.
EN7LIT-I-3 Identify one’s EN7LIT-I-3 Identify one’s EN7LIT-I-3 Identify one’s EN7LIT-I-3 Identify one’s
C. Learning meaning and purpose in meaning and purpose in meaning and purpose in meaning and purpose in
Competencie selecting the type of literary selecting the type of literary selecting the type of literary selecting the type of
s text for composition. text for composition. text for composition. literary text for
1. Identify the 1. Identify the purpose of 1. Identify the words or 1. Analyze how the themes
characteristics of narrative, the given poem using the phrases that support the contribute to the poet’s
dramatic, and lyric poetry. provided checklist. theme in the poem. intended message or
2. Classify a selection of 2. Locate the lines, 2. Determine the
poems into the appropriate phrases, or images that underlying themes in the 2. Reflect on the knowledge
types based on the
D. Learning support the purpose. poems. gained in previous sessions
identified characteristics.
Objectives to make informed decisions
3. Explain how the choice in selecting a poem for
of poem type influences its composition, considering
purpose. its type, purpose, and
themes, in preparation for
writing a piece.

E. Instructional
feature (s)
Information, Media, and Technology Skills (Visual Literacy)
F. 21 Century
Learning and Innovation Skills (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Reflective Thinking)
Skills Communication Skills (Teamwork, Collaboration)
Life and Career Skills (Intercultural Understanding, Resilience and Adversity Management)
Types of Poetry (Lyric, Author’s Purpose Author’s Purpose and Poem Selection
Dramatic, Narrative) Theme
A. References
B. Other
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Activating Prior DO: Let the students listen DO: Ask students to recall DO: Begin the session by DO: Let the students recall
Knowledge to “The APL Song” by Black the different types of poetry asking the following: the topics that discussed
Eyed Peas. Then, ask the and the characteristics of Let's take a moment to for this week: The main
following questions. each type. Then, ask the reflect on ourselves. How types of poetry, identifying
following questions: are we all doing today? poem types, purpose and
https://www.youtube.com/ themes. Let them identify
the common themes they
1. Think about the poem we Now, I would like you to
have explored.
1. Who is the one speaking classified yesterday or any think about a time when
in the song? (Expected poem that you are familiar you faced a challenge and
answer: The singer/writer with. What kind of story did had to overcome an
of the song is the speaker it tell? How did it make you obstacle. It could be
in the song. feel? anything from learning a
new skill to facing a
2. Who do you think the
singer is talking to? How 2. How do you think poets setback.
do you know? (Expected chose the type of poem they
*Allow the students to share.
answer: He addresses all will write? (Or why do you
Then, ask the following questions:
the “kababayan” or fellow think the poet choose that
particular type of poem?)
Filipinos.) What made you persevere?
* Once students start What did you learn about
3. Can you listen to the mentioning the reasons or yourself from that
whole song in one go? Why goals behind the writers' experience?
or why not? (Allow the
use of a specific type of
students to explain their
reasoning) poem, highlight the word
“purpose”. *Process the answers of the
students and connect the
4. What feeling does the experiences shared by the
song give you? Can you DO: Let the students students to the poem that will
point out any specific brainstorm words or read, "Man of Earth" by Amador
words or phrases from the phrases associated with the T. Daguio.
lyrics that create those word “purpose” in relation
feelings? to poetry.
5. What is the song about?
(Expected answer: It is
about the life story of one of
the singers. It talks about
where he grew up, his
challenges, and how he
became successful in

6. What do you think is the

main message or story of
the song?

7. Why do you think the

singer chose to sing this

*Items 5 and 6 were asked to

help the students identify the
message and theme of the song.

Note: The teacher may ask more

questions to engage the learners
further and lead them to give the

expected answers.

ASK: After the word association SAY: So, for today, just like DO: Inform them that they
activity, you may say the what I mentioned will continue the activity to
1. Do you think songs like
following as a guide: yesterday, we will explore help them understand how
the one we listened to are
how poets write their themes contribute to the
similar to poems you have
SAY: How a poem is written messages through poems. poet's message or purpose.
read and studied for the
can influence how it makes Here are our objectives for
past week?
us feel and what we today’s session. *See the objectives for today’s
2. In what ways is “The APL understand. session.
Song” similar to the poems Poets choose the type of *See the objectives for today’s
poem – narrative, lyric, or session.
we discussed?
dramatic – based on the
SAY: This week, we will
meaning they want to
better understand the
convey and the impact they
world of poetry by focusing
want to have on the reader.
on the poem’s meaning and
So, how do you think poets
the authors' purpose in
Lesson share their purpose and
Purpose/Intention writing it. For today, we
messages in their poems?
will start with the three
major types of poetry. We
We will explore and realize
will learn about each
that poets write differently
feature, such as its point of
based on their purpose,
view, delivery, and purpose.
theme, style, or type as we
*In week 1, poems according to go along. But for today,
forms are already discussed. we’ll focus first on the
*You may also hint to the following objectives:
students that this week's session
will help them choose the types of *See the objectives for today’s
literary selection and purpose for session.
their composition.

DO: The teacher shows the

learning objectives for
today's lesson.
Lesson Language DO: Let the students *This part was already done DO: Allow the students to
unscramble the vocabulary at the beginning of this answer Activity 3A:
words. Then, let them session. However, the Vocabulary Activity in LAS
discuss how each teacher may still add any Week 4.
vocabulary word can help vocabulary or language to
the writer achieve their practice if needed.
purpose in writing.

1. tivewopno fo (point
of view) = describes
the storyteller's
position in the story.
2. ectiveperps
(perspective) =
shapes how a
character or narrator
sees the world.
Practice 3. idv descritio (vivid
descriptions) =
details that appeal to
the senses, creating
a mental picture.
4. ricallyr (lyrical) =
uses musicality and
imagery, often found
in poems.
5. rative nar (narrative)
= tells a story with
characters, events,
and a plot.
6. atic dram (dramatic)
= creates suspense,
excitement, or
During/Lesson Proper
Reading the Key DO: The teacher may go DO: Ask the student to do DO: Read the poem “Man of
Idea/Stem back to the set of questions Activity 2A: Just a Piece of Earth” by Amador T.
asked at the beginning of Pie in LAS Week 4. Daguio. Before reading,
the class and lead the you may take a moment to
learners to realize that the Directions: Using the discuss some background
questions reveal the (1-2) given clue, unscramble the information about the
point of view, (4) delivery, letters to identify three of author, such as their
and (7) purpose of a song. the most common reasons cultural background,
why poets write (the
notable works, or any
DO: The teacher presents author’s purpose). Then,
for each reason, identify biographical details
the three types of poetry
the most appropriate guide relevant to the poem.
(Lyric, Narrative, and
question that helps us
Dramatic)and their https://
understand that purpose.
characteristics. filipinoliterature.blogspot.com/
*The teacher may present
examples of different types of
poetry and briefly explain their
characteristics. These are just
suggested poems, the teacher
may present other poems that are
more familiar to the students.

Here are the suggested poems:

1. Lyric Poem
Any Woman Speaks by
Angela Manalang Gloria
Here are the key characteristics of
lyric poetry evident in this poem:
1. Personal Expression: The poem
expresses the poet's feelings,
thoughts, and reflections.
2. Emotional Focus: Lyric poetry
often focuses on emotions and
inner experiences. "Any Woman
Speaks" conveys deep feelings
and reflections about
womanhood, identity, and
3. Musicality and Rhythm: Lyric
poems are typically characterized
by their musicality and rhythm.
Manalang Gloria's poem uses
rhythmic language and poetic
devices to create a musical

2. Dramatic poem
God Said, “I Made a Man”
By Jose Garcia Villa
Here are the key characteristics of
dramatic poetry evident in this
1. Presence of Speaking
Characters: The poem features a
dialogue between God and the
man He created. The exchange of
lines between them is a key
characteristic of dramatic poetry.
2. Description of a Dramatic
Situation: The poem presents a
dramatic situation where a man
created from clay becomes a
shining being with a bow,
potentially threatening his
creator. This tension is important
to dramatic poetry.
3. Use of Dramatic Monologue:
Both God's and the man's
speeches are dramatic
monologues that express their
emotions, intentions, and

3. Narrative Poem
Valediction sa Hillcrest by
Rolando Tinio
Setting and Action: The poem
begins with the speaker collecting
their things and describes their
movement through a specific
location (N-311 and the N wing of
a building). The setting is
detailed, and the actions (taking
the plane, checking the room,
observing the emptiness)
contribute to the unfolding

Character and Emotion: The

speaker is a character who
reflects on their feelings of
attachment and nostalgia.

Sequence of Events: The poem

follows a sequence of events, from
the speaker preparing to leave,
moving through the building, to
finally walking towards the depot.
This sequence provides a
storyline that guides the reader
through the speaker's experience.

**The teacher may also present

that the presented poem
(Valediction sa Hillcrest) can be
considered a blend of narrative
and lyric poetry. (It has a setting
and action, character, and
sequence of events, that’s why we
can say that it is a narrative. In
addition, the poem also focuses
on the speaker's emotions –
feelings of longing, uncertainty,
and a sense of cultural identity,
which is why we can say that it is
also an example of lyric poetry.
Developing DO: Let the students DO: Let the students do ASK: DO: Let the students do
Understanding of the answer Activity 1 A: Check Activity 2 B What’s the Activity 4A: Themes and
Key Idea/Stem it, Mate! in LAS Week 4. Purpose? In LAS Week 4. 1. What is the poem about? Purpose Connection in LAS
*Guided Practice *Guided Practice 2. How does the speaker Week 4.
*Depending on the student's *Since tone was already compare to the bamboo in
abilities, the teacher may think of discussed in the previous lesson, the poem? What qualities
other ways to present the lesson. the teacher may incorporate tone do they share?
For example, they may let the into the discussion if it is relevant
3. Can you identify any
students do this activity before during the analysis of the poem.
explaining the concepts. challenges or struggles
mentioned in the poem?
*Explain to students that while
After answering the activity, How do they contribute to
poems may primarily belong to
one category, they can also encourage students to discuss the overall message?
contain elements of other types of their reasons for how the chosen 4. How does the speaker's
purpose relates to the overall
poetry. For instance, in "Ibong attitude towards challenges
Adarna," you can point out how message and how identifying the
purpose helps them understand reflect the theme of
the poem tells a story (narrative)
while also featuring dialogue the poem's message. resilience?
between characters (dramatic) 5. What big ideas or topics
and evoking emotions through Answers: keep appearing in the
vivid language (lyrical). 1. To persuade- evokes
emotions of patriotism poem?
and national pride 6. What lessons or
2. To entertain- tells a story messages do you think the
Answers: about brothers looking poet wants us to learn from
1. Lyric for the Ibong Adarna
the poem?
2. Dramatic 3. To inform – tells about
the origins of Lam-ang, 7. How does using bamboo
3. Narrative
his mother's pregnancy, as a symbol reflect Filipino
and the preparations cultural values?
made for his birth
8. What does the speaker
mean by "Bend me then, O
Lord, Bend me If you can!"?
How does this line
contribute to the poem's
message about resilience
and faith?

*Using the questions above, the

discussion may also explore the
cultural relevance of the poem
"Man of Earth" and its reflection
on Filipino cultural values and
DO: Let the students do DO: Let the students do DO: Let the students do DO: Let the students do
Activity 1B: Decoding Activity 2 C: What’s the Activity 3B: Themes and the Activity 4B:Poetry
Poetry Types in LAS Week Connection? In LAS Week Purpose Analysis: Word Reveal in LAS Week 4.
4. 4. Detective in LAS Week 4.
1. Pedagogic -Narrative Theme: (sample answer) The
- the speaker describes poem 'Man of Earth' shows how
walking towards the people stay strong and bounce
falling woods to teach the back from tough times, just like
trees various concepts. how bamboo bends but does not
2. Prometheus Unbound- break
Dramatic Clue/s: bamboo, challenges,
Deepening - it embodies the essence pliant, flexibility, bend
Understanding of the of a dramatic monologue,
Key Idea/Stem where Prometheus Purpose: to inform readers about
passionately expresses the concept of resilience and
his defiance and strength in the face of challenges
determination in the face Clue/s: resilience, strength,
of adversity. challenge, growth
3. Be Beautiful, Noble,
Like the Antique Ant *The teacher may also inform the
Lyrical students that informing,
-employs rhythmic persuading, and explaining are
language and vivid just some of the purposes of the
imagery to evoke other. There are other purposes
of the authors that they will learn
emotions and convey a
in the succeeding quarters.

After/Post-Lesson Proper
DO: Let the students do DO: Let the students do DO: Let the students DO: Let the students
Activity 1 C: Power of Three Activity 2 D My Insights in answer the following complete Activity 4C:
in LAS Week 4. LAS Week 4. questions: Poetry Mission Slip in LAS
Making Week 4.
Generalizations and What insights did you gain
Abstractions today about how poets use
themes to convey their
message or purpose in their
Evaluating Learning DO: Give students a poem DO: Ask the students to DO: Let the students DO: After completing the
that they can work with answer the following answer the Evaluation part. analysis, ask students to
and allow them to classify questions in their reflection reflect on how the activities
the poem into the notebook. or concepts they have
appropriate types based on 1. How does the choice of *ANSWER: learned can help them
the identified poem type contribute to 1. D select the right message or
2. A type of poetry for their
characteristics. effectively conveying the 3. D poetry composition.
author's purpose? 4. B
2. Can you explain why 5. D
specific lines, phrases, or
images were chosen to
support the poem's purpose
and how they align with the
theme or message?
Additional Activities
for Application or
Remediation (if

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Subject Teacher Master Teacher/Head Teacher School Head


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