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F.-990 11 / 2020-DrR ANLM

(1 1)9
Govemment of India
Ministry of Fisheries, A nimal Husbandrv and Dairvino
Departrnenr of Animal Husbandry & O"r.y_g '

Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-l10001

To Dated: LgJ6_2020.
The Pay & Accounts Officet,
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Room No.320,Jeevan Tara Bu dlng,
Ashoka Road, Patel Chowk,
New Delhi 110001.

Subject: - Release of Cenral Assistance of Rs.26, 55,000,/-

dwtjng 2020_2lunder National
Livestock Mission to the State of Himachai ptaaesn.

I am directed to coflvey the sanction of the president

of India for the payment of Grants_rn_
aid amounting to Rs.26,55,000 (R.upees Twenty
Six Lakh Fifty Five Thousand Only) to
Govemmeot of Himachal ptadesh, Departrn.o,
of Aoi-"I Husbandry under MH-3601 (rSp)
National Livestock Mission Scheme ior imprementation ,nder
of various components as detailed in
Arrnexure donng 2020-21, in the State.

2' The programme is to be implemented

during 2020-21 on the following temrs and
(a) Cenral Grant is sanctioned on the condition
that this w,l b^e uulized for specific
purpose and
Pl":-t: ( tt:,::l
as per the proposal submitted by
the State Govemment vide their letter
VrI dated zz.0s.2020 tuomoii...iaoorrl Husbandry, AHy_
Himachat pradesh,
(tr) The Govemment of Hrnachal pradesh
would arrange matching share for each component
mendoned (as per the guidelines of the ..t._.; as
,, | he esnmated expendirute
JuJrr]- ZbZO_Z t.
is to be ueared ,r mr*i-,-,i, and alr
much economy as possible without deteriorae"" effons will be made to effect as
"r of India. and also that the expenditue
rvithin the ceiling approved by t1.,. Go,r"mm.ri
,,, :.*^.0
tu, r ne Jute Uovernment of Himachal pradesh will maintain
proper account of expenditure
and submit the statemenr of the audited
:.#;.a u..o*,, to ,h. tlorr.*..rt of fn i. arr"
(e) In terms of rerevant rure of General Financiar
Rules, 2017 the account of Grantee
or organizarion shall be open to insp_ections insdtutions
Uy tfr. rroaio,'lrrg authodty
conuoller and Auditor Generar of India Uy U.
- provision of "ra-rrAiUl,i
cAG (Dpc),
under audit by the principar Account ^na',-a".
1971 and
the Departrnenq whenever the
Iostitution/Organization cal tJ do so. "r
(f) The State Govemment/Gr org niz,,flon sha, submit an audited certificate
utilization grants in-aid sancdoned i""p...aU.J of actua,y
on rargets and achievements cum performance
eofoil, *i&-s tte"r'
report ro
G) be opened to check *'..ly-L. ";.,.",ffiffit,i,['P.
ffi;:tr.;;:,tr#.shal General of
ft) The proposal will be inplemented by the State Gor.emment
contarned in the scheme; conditions strictlv AS per the gurdelines
laid down in administradve app roval issued b y this

Page I of4
Undor Secfelary
Gorernrhenl of ir,dia
Mh Flsheries, A,*n l H.Lst! /-q! 8 oa;Mno
D/a ot Aoirral Hustnouni 6 Lraf,.in'o -
Krish; S.h.w,r. 1.,- r,-rr. rrnirni
gg_6/201g/NlM/Admfl. Approval dated 10.04.2020 such
deparrnent s retter vide No.
J; t'?; t]"o""I Filancial iules 2017 (GFR)/Store
(i) The purchase of items
outchase mles
the components'
be provided to a farmet under
0 ffi;il;;"efit
shown in para 1 above'
3. Rs.26,55,000 (Rupees Twenty
Six Lakh Fifty Five Thousand Ooly)
U. i"Uit a t" the following head of
-"y Dairyiog
Demand No - 40 - Anioal Husbaodry,
(Major Head)
rN@ -
r'ra'i-'r Head
Maiot 3601-6;;:;;;;" slt' cl"^"-"ot
- c;"";ti; $onsored Schemes-(Sub Malor Head)
ise - Tritral 'ire" St'b Pl"n (Minor Head)
50 - White Revolution
;; - National Livestock Mission
iooz:r - Gtants-in-aid-General
eff. C"a. - 360106 796 500231

4.TheStateGovemmentwi]lutilizet}refundfortheschemeforwhichthisamountisreleasedand in stipulated format

certificate' statement of expenditure and physical ptogress
submit the utilization telease of balance
Head to this Minisuy in due course as per guidelines for
*uough Adminisuadve
funds released dudng 2018-19
wit}l the
of Rs'752'57 Lakhs for the
5 Thete is an uosPent balance
State Government of Himachal
old chicks/ Hatching eggs
will mandatorily source germplasmlllmds/Oaf
6. The State & UTs
and Universities as mentioned
in the NLM
etc ftom Govemment
"tg'*;;;;;la'ai"ircin are unable to suppll
If the Govemme".;;;;;.. ii.tudrr,g IC.\R and Universities
suidelines. the GFRs.
."**O frolp.,.,.," organizations strictly following
by this sanction oldet' is to be done
7. The fiuther use of Grants in Aid being released
Certificate not supported by the
EAT module data is like\
The Utilization
EAT module
to be teiected

"*p"'di*'IJ"oiTu' ',*"a ^ d:
not aPpeaflng ;t';iiY*ff::H:11::r;#::
amount received as the expenditure
tefund the this sanction order'
incurred in *itf' the terms and conditioos of
as expenditure ^ttota"ot"
module of Public Financial
and use of Expenditure, Advance and rransfer (EAT)
till last levels of tunds utiLization can
gnUSy 1".;;:; ;;. so tlat effective monitoring
Management Syrt.-
b" doi. ,. per Rule 232 (v) of GFR

;;;ilfi;; ,l''.,' oj' r'1"'iolr /AS&FA dztedal '06'2020' of
'',i" ftl A'l s' N"' oo of Pg' No'13 of the Rcgister
^" P"'Xiii"*;;l[
10.'rhis has been notcd "t
tiveitock lission for ?o2o-27'
A;";;;;;t National
irl ii" ."."+, "f this letter mat please bc ackno*-ledged'
Youts faithfrrllY'

(N arender Kumar)
of India
Under Secretari' to the Gov ernment
Page 2 of 4 NARENDER KUI/'AR
UnCrr SeCretary

Copy for infotmation and necessary action to:

1. The Principal Accounts Of6cer, Ministry of Fisheries Department of Animal Husbandry &
Dairying, Jeevan Tara Building, Patel Chowk, New Delhi.
2. The Accountaot General Govemmeot of Himachal Pradesh, Shirrtla.
3. The Secreary to the Gol't. of Himachal Pradesh, Finance Departrnent, Secretariat, Shfunl2
4. Director, Departrnent of Animal Husbandry, Govemment of Himachal Ptadesh, Shimla-
5. Under Secretary @inance)/ A.O. @udget). Department of AH Dairying & Fisheries.
6. DC (P)/Director (IrlLIU)
7. Guard File.

(Narendet Kumar)
Under Sectetary to the Goremment of India

Under SecretarY
Govetimenl of lndia
M/o Fisheries. Animal Htrsbandry & th(yirlg
D/o of Anifial Husb3ndry & Dairling
Krishi 6ha'ran, New Delhi-11000,|

Page 3 of 4



S. No. Name of the Sub- Physical Units/ GoI share tecommended Remarks
Mission/ Beneficiaries (Adequate State share to
Component tecommended be provided for)

(Rs.in lakhs

Sub Mission Livestock Development

1 Innovative Poultry 6.3
Productir-ity Pro j ect- 20
2 Innoyative Poulry 20.25
Productrvity Ptoject- 20

Total 26.55

lJnCer Secretary
Government of lndia
lrto Frsheries, Arirnal Husbandry & Dailirg
D,o otAnimal Hu6b6ndry E DairyinE
Krishi BhaPan, New oethi-11000'l

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