Step To Become Successful
Step To Become Successful
Step To Become Successful
Try to:
Imagine where you want to be. How does it look? What, specifically, is different? (For example,
is something that's currently bothering you now missing, or has something been added to your
current situation?)
Research the benefits of your proposed change. This can help you to stay motivated, and be
fully aware of how your life would change after achieving your goals.
Determine what constitutes success. Ask yourself, 'How will I know when I've met my goal? How
will I know when I'm off-track?' and write down your answers in a journal.
Visualize success. Experiment with law of attraction principles of visualizing what you want.
Whether you believe in 'the law' or not, these techniques can really add to motivation, and help
clarify goals as well.1
Create a vision board to remind yourself of your main goals and keep them in the forefront of
your mind in a pleasant way.
Focus on setting SMART goals. These goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-
How can you reach your major goals and most ambitious dreams without burning out and losing
motivation in the process? How can you get where you want to be when it's difficult to maintain a new
habit for more than a week or two?
The secret lies in breaking large goals into smaller ones. This keeps each step do-able and allows you to
reward your progress along the way.3
This is also the secret to reaching several goals at once; you have enough energy to meet several small
goals in the same time frame and work toward achieving large goals in multiple areas of your life. When
breaking down goals, consider the following:
First, find the large goals that you want to meet. Then, look at each step it would take to get there, each
rung in the ladder up. Try to identify steps that build on the completion of the ones before.
Next, break those steps down, if possible. Keep dividing the steps until you create small behavioral goals
that can be achieved in a month or so—or even a week. (Some people like to have a goal for each day!)
If the goals are too small and easy, you won't feel challenged and may lose motivation; feel free to
increase their difficulty. If you find that your goals are too difficult, give yourself permission to set easier
goals before you lose confidence, burn out and give up. Setting the right pace is an important part of the
Write It Down
This page on goal setting allows you to reflect upon and clarify your goals and see what others are doing
to work toward theirs. There's strength in numbers.
Hosted by Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares a technique that will help
you reach your goals.
It's often difficult to work on achieving goals in a vacuum—having people to offer support and help you
keep your motivation up while you're working toward your goals is key.4
Enlisting support from those close to you, from those in your community, and from others can make the
difference between you feeling that you're swimming against the stream, and feeling you're being
carried along toward your goal.
Here are some ways in which you can use the support of others to push you along toward achieving
If you tell everyone in your close circle what your plans are, you're more likely to follow through. Why?
Some people are afraid to let people down or to look 'flakey'; others enjoy the support and 'high fives'
that they get from family and friends.
Simply having someone ask, 'How's it coming with that goal?' provides an opportunity to revel in
successes or gain support in getting back on track.
If you have a buddy who has a goal similar to yours (or perhaps even an unrelated goal, if you use your
imagination), you can be coaches, cheerleaders, and celebration partners for one another.5
You'll be even more reluctant to let your partner down because you'll know they depend on you to an
extent for their success as well; likewise, your victories will be even sweeter because you'll both be
excited by them!
This can help you both stay on track better than if each of you worked on your goals separately.