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Activity 7 Definitions Csa 102

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Give its definition, characteristics, and functions (3 points each 1 definition, 1 characteristic, 1

Electric force : removal. Static electricity can also cause
damage.conservation of charge
Definition – The repulsive or attractive interaction
between any two charged bodies is called as an Conservation of charge : Definition – A principle in
electric force. physics: the total electric charge of an isolated
system remains constant irrespective of whatever
Characteristics - According to Coulomb, the electric internal changes may take place.
force for charges at rest has the following
properties: Like charges repel each other; unlike Characteristics – Like charges repel one another;
charges attract. that is, positive repels positive and negative repels
negative. Unlike charges attract each another; that
Function - An electric force is exerted between any is, positive attracts negative. Charge is conserved.
two charged objects. Objects with the same charge, A neutral object has no net charge.
both positive and both negative, will repel each
other, and objects with opposite charges, one Function - It allows electricity to exist in our real
positive and one negative, will attract each other. lives. The charge is either positive or negative, it
can neither be destroyed nor be created. It can only
Electric field : be transferred from one body to another body.
Definition – A region associated with a distribution Friction :
of electric charge or a varying magnetic field in
which forces due to that charge or field act upon Definition – It is the resistance that one surface or
other electric charges• static electricity object encounters when moving over another

Characteristics – Field lines never intersect each Characteristics – The characteristics of friction are:
other. They are perpendicular to the surface Wear and tear caused at interface of two surfaces.
charge. The field is strong when the lines are close Heat produced at the point of contact of the two
together, and it is weak when the field lines move surfaces.
apart from each other.

Function - An electric field (sometimes E-field) is the Function - Friction is a force that stops objects from
physical field that surrounds electrically charged slipping. When an object is at rest, the force
particles and exerts force on all other charged required to start moving is also the force needed to
particles in the field, either attracting or repelling overcome the frictional force.
them. It also refers to the physical field for a system
of charged particles Conduction :

Static electricity Definition – It is the process by which heat or

electricity is directly transmitted through a
Definition: Static electricity is an imbalance of substance when there is a difference of
electric charges within or on the surface of a temperature or of electrical potential between
material or between materials. adjoining regions, without movement of the
Characteristic: 1) All charges must be at rest. 2) material.
Charges generate electric fields which do not Characteristics – The characteristics of conduction
change with time. 3) Under static conditions, even if are: Heat transfer takes place between objects by
there is force between different charges, the direct contact. The heat transfer in conduction is
charges are held static due to unspecified forces slow. The heat transfer occurs through a heated
and thus, there is no electric currents. solid object.
Function: Static electricity has several uses, also Function --Conduction system sends the signal to
called applications, in the real world. One main use start a heartbeat. It also sends signals that tell
is in printers and photocopiers where static electric different parts of your heart to relax and contract
charges attract the ink, or toner, to the paper. Other (squeeze).
uses include paint sprayers, air filters, and dust
Induction :
Definition – It is the production of an electrical or electrons to flow within them. The charge density of
magnetic effect through the influence of a nearby a conductor is zero. Only on the surface of the
magnet, electrical current, or electrically charged conductor, free charges exist.
body. induction.
Function - Conductors allow for charge transfer
Characteristics – The characteristics of induction through the free movement of electrons. In contrast
motors. When a motor is designed in such a way to conductors, insulators are materials that impede
that impedance of the aluminum conductor of the the free flow of electrons from atom to atom and
rotor is reduced, its efficiency is increased in a high- molecule to molecule.
speed range
Insulator :
Function - Induction allows you to control heat more
precisely, as opposed to conduction (electric and Definition – An electrical insulator is a material in
gas cooktops). This better temperature control which electric current does not flow freely. The
reduces the risk of over or under cooking. atoms of the insulator have tightly bound electrons
Consistent heat delivers tasty results every time. which cannot readily move.

Static discharge : Characteristics – Property 1: In an insulator, the

valence electrons are tightly held together. They do
Definition – A static discharge is the release of an not have free electrons to conduct electricity.
electric current on the surface of two materials that Property 2: The ability of the material to not allow
have come into contact with each other and are the electric current to pass through it is called
then separated. It is caused by static electricity or electrical resistance.
stationary electrical charges.
Function - Electrical insulators are used to hold
Characteristics – The characteristics of a static conductors in position, separating them from one
electric charge are as follows: Charges exist in two another and from surrounding structures.
types i.e. positive and negative. Positive charge is
generally carried by a proton and negative charge Voltage :
by an electron. Like charges always attract each
Definition – Voltage, electric potential difference,
other and unlike charges always repel each other.
electric pressure or electric tension is the difference
Function – It is used to remove static electricity from in electric potential between two points, which is
aircraft in flight. They take the form of small sticks defined as the work needed per unit of charge to
pointing backwards from the wings, and are fitted move a test charge between the two points.
on almost all civilian aircraft.
Characteristics – A current–voltage characteristic or
Electric current : I–V curve (current–voltage curve) is a relationship,
typically represented as a chart or graph, between
Definition – An electric current is a stream of the electric current through a circuit, device, or
charged particles, such as electrons or ions, moving material, and the corresponding voltage, or
through an electrical conductor or space. potential difference across it.

Characteristics – Using electrons, or more Function - Voltage is the pressure from an electrical
specifically, the charge they create: Voltage is the circuit's power source that pushes charged
difference in charge between two points. Current is electrons (current) through a conducting loop,
the rate at which charge is flowing. Resistance is a enabling them to do work such as illuminating a
material's tendency to resist the flow of charge light.
Voltage source :
Function - Electric currents create magnetic fields,
which are used in motors, generators, inductors, Definition – Is a nearby power outlet or junction box
and transformers. In ordinary conductors, they or another panel. But in situations where no voltage
cause Joule heating, which creates light in is available, like up-tower in a wind generator or at
incandescent light bulbs. a remote pumping station, a proving unit can serve
as the voltage source.

Characteristics – A voltage source is a two-terminal

Conductor : device which can maintain a fixed voltage. An ideal
Definition – A conductor, or electrical conductor, is voltage source can maintain the fixed voltage
a substance or material that allows electricity to flow independent of the load resistance or the output
through it. current.

Characteristics – A conductor always allows the Function - A voltage source is a two-terminal device
movement of electrons and ions in them. The whose voltage at any instant of time is constant and
electric field of a conductor is zero allowing is independent of the current drawn from it. Voltage
source is an element that can supply a constant common return path for electric current, or a direct
value of voltage regardless of the current flowing physical connection to the ground.
through the output load.
Characteristics – It is a electricity the most effective
Voltmeter : and safest route from an appliance back to the
ground by way of an electrical panel. Electrical
Definition – A voltmeter, instrument that measures grounding is a backup pathway that is generally
voltages of either direct or alternating electric only used if there is a fault in the wiring system.
current on a scale usually graduated in volts, Function - Electrical grounding is the process of
millivolts (0.001 volt), or kilovolts (1,000 volts). directing excess electricity to the ground via a wire.
Characteristics – A voltmeter is one which has Known as a grounding wire, it's an essential safety
infinite resistance. When the resistance is infinite, component in most electrical systems. The
the voltmeter draws no current and hence, gives grounding wire will discharge excess electricity
accurate readings of voltage. safely to the ground so that it doesn't cause injuries
or fires.
Function - A voltmeter used for measuring the
potential difference, or voltage, between two points Resistance :
in an electrical or electronic circuit. Some voltmeters
are intended for use in direct current (DC) circuits; Definition – Resistance is a measure of the
others are designed for alternating current (AC) opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit.
circuits. Resistance is measured in ohms, symbolized by the
Greek letter omega (Ω).
Power :
Characteristics – The resistance of a wire is directly
Definition – Electrical power is the rate at which proportional to its length and inversely proportional
electrical energy is converted to another form, such to its cross-sectional area. Resistance also
as motion, heat, or an electromagnetic field. depends on the material of the conductor.
Characteristics – A given value of power can be Function – Resistance is a material that opposes or
produced by any combination of current and voltage resists something, in the case of electrical circuits,
values. If the current is direct, electronic charge resistors are used to oppose the flow of current .
progresses always in the same direction through
the device receiving power. Chemical energy :

Function - Electric power is the rate, per unit time, Definition – Chemical energy, Energy stored in the
at which electrical energy is transferred by an bonds of chemical compounds. Chemical energy
electric circuit. It is the rate of doing work. In terms may be released during a chemical reaction, often
of an electric circuit, electrical power is the rate, per in the form of heat; such reactions are called
unit time, at which electrical energy is transferred by exothermic.
an electric circuit.
Characteristics – This energy gets released
Short circuit : whenever a chemical reaction is taking place.
Generally, when the chemical energy is released
Definition – Short circuits are a major type of from the substance, it tends to transform into an
electrical accident that can cause serious damage entirely new substance.
to your electrical system.
Function - The chemical energy in food is converted
Characteristics – A short circuit is a direct by the body into mechanical energy and heat. The
connection between two terminals. The short circuit chemical energy in coal is converted into electrical
maintains zero voltage drop and can allow any energy at a power plant. The chemical energy in a
current, so its I-V characteristic is a vertical line at battery can also supply electrical power by means
V=0. Notice that a short circuit behaves identically of electrolysis.
to a zero voltage source with V_s=0\text{ V}.
Chemical reaction :
Function - A short circuit is when there is a low
resistance connection between two conductors that Definition – A process that involves rearrangement
are supplying electrical power to a circuit. This of the molecular or ionic structure of a substance,
would generate an excess of voltage streaming and as opposed to a change in physical form or a
cause excessive flow of current in the power nuclear reaction.
Characteristics – The characteristics of a chemical
Grounded : reaction are: Evolution of gas, Formation of a
precipitate, Change in colour, Change in
Definition – It is a reference point in an electrical temperature, Change in state etc.
circuit from which voltages are measured, a
Function - chemical reaction, a process in which electrical current from a power or grounding source
one or more substances, the reactants, are to a use.
converted to one or more different substances, the
products. Characteristics – A terminal is the point at which a
conductor from a component, device or network
Electrochemical cell : comes to an end. The reusable interface to a
conductor and creating a point where external
Definition – An electrochemical cell is a device circuits can be connected.
capable of either generating electrical energy from
chemical reactions or using electrical energy to Function - Electrical Terminals are a class of
cause chemical reactions. electrical connector which are used to transfer
electrical current from a power or grounding source
Characteristics – Electrochemical cell consists of to a use. Terminals "terminate" by crimping or
two vessels, two electrodes, two electrolytic soldering to wire or cable.
solutions and a salt bridge. (ii) The two electrodes
taken are made of different materials and usually Battery :
set up in two separate vessels. (iii) The electrolytes
are taken in the two different vessels called as half - Definition – A battery is an energy source consisting
cells. of one or more electrochemical cells and terminals
on both ends called an anode (-) and a cathode (+).
Function - An electrochemical cell is a device that Electrochemical cells transform chemical energy
can generate electrical energy from the chemical into electrical energy.
reactions occurring in it, or use the electrical energy
supplied to it to facilitate chemical reactions in it. Characteristics – It must have sufficient capacity,
energy and power. It should also not exceed the
Electrode : requirements of the application by too much, since
this is likely to result in unnecessary cost; it must
Definition – An electrode is a small piece of metal or give sufficient performance for the lowest possible
other substance that is used to take an electric price.
current to or from a source of power, a piece of
equipment, or a living body. Function - A battery is a device that stores chemical
energy and converts it to electrical energy. The
Characteristics – The main characteristics of an chemical reactions in a battery involve the flow of
electrode material are highly effective specific electrons from one material (electrode) to another,
surface area, extraordinary electrical conductivity , through an external circuit.
lightweight, chemical and thermal stability and cost-
effective. Wet cell :

Definition – A wet-cell battery is the original type of

Function - An electrode is an electrical conductor rechargeable battery. It is commonly found in
used to make contact with a non-metallic part of a aviation, electric utilities, energy storage and
circuit. Electrodes are essential parts of batteries cellphone towers. The battery contains a liquid
that can consist of a variety of materials depending electrolyte such as sulfuric acid, a dangerous
on the type of battery. corrosive liquid.

Electrolyte : Characteristics – A well cell battery generates

power from a pair of electrodes and a liquid
Definition – A liquid or gel that contains ions and electrolyte solution. Early wet batteries consisted of
can be decomposed by electrolysis, e.g., that solution-filled glass jars and with electrodes
present in a battery. dropped into each one.

Characteristics – An electrolyte is a substance that Function - Wet cells were a precursor to dry cells
dissociates in water into charged particles called and are commonly used as a learning tool for
ions. Positively charged ions are called cations. electrochemistry. It is often built with common
Negatively charged ions are called anions. laboratory supplies, like beakers, for
demonstrations of how electrochemical cells work.
Function - Electrolytes are chemicals that conduct
electricity when dissolved in water. They regulate Ohm's law :
nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body,
balance blood acidity and pressure, and help Definition – Ohm's law states that the current
rebuild damaged tissue. through a conductor between two points is directly
proportional to the voltage across the two points.
Terminal :
Characteristics – Ohm's law states that the voltage
Definition – Electrical Terminals are a class of or potential difference between two points is directly
electrical connector which are used to transfer proportional to the current or electricity passing
through the resistance, and directly proportional to Definition – The standard 3-prong receptacle is
the resistance of the circuit. called a grounding receptacle because it allows a
grounding wire to be connected from the electrical
Function - Ohm's Law is a formula used to circuit to the appliance.
calculate the relationship between voltage, current
and resistance in an electrical circuit. Characteristics – The third prong is a grounding
safety feature that guards against malfunctions.
Series circuit : According to the Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters, or
Definition – A series circuit comprises a path along
GFCIs, have prevented 50% of home
which the whole current flows through each
Function - That is a grounding pin. It provides a
Characteristics – The characteristics of series circuit
easy path for electricity to go to ground (all
are all components share the same current;
electricity seeks "ground" and will take the easiest
resistances add to equal a larger, total resistance;
path) By having the grounding pin it there it will
and voltage drops add to equal a larger, total
hopefully prevent the easiest path to ground from
being through YOU. Which would cause you you to
Function - A series circuit provides exactly one get shocked. The third prong connects the body of
path between any two points for electric current. the appliance directly to ground.
These circuits have the advantage of making each
Fuse :
component very dependent on the other
components. Definition – A fuse is an electrical safety device
that operates to provide overcurrent protection of an
Ammeter :
electrical circuit. Its essential component is a metal
Definition – The ammeter is defined as the device wire or strip that melts when too much current flows
used for measuring the small value current flows in through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the
the circuit. current.

Characteristics – Ammeter, instrument for Characteristics – Fuses are designed to only

measuring either direct or alternating electric withstand continuous current that is equivalent to
current, in amperes. An ammeter can measure a their rated current. When the current flowing
wide range of current values because at high through a fuse exceeds the rated current, the fuse
values only a small portion of the current is must cut off the current within a predetermined time
directed. interval, thus ensuring the current flow is
Function – It is used the measure the current flow
in a circuit. Ammeter is connected is series with the Function - The fuse breaks the circuit if a fault in an
load that is between the power source and the load. appliance causes too much current to flow. This
It gives the measurement of how much current is protects the wiring and the appliance if something
flowing through it. goes wrong. The fuse contains a piece of wire that
melts easily
Parallel circuit :
Circuit breaker :
Definition – A parallel circuit comprises branches so Definition – A circuit breaker is an electrical switch
that the current divides and only part of it flows designed to protect an electrical circuit from
through any branch. damage caused by overcurrent/overload or short
circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow
Characteristics – A parallel circuit has two or more
after protective relays detect a fault.
paths for current to flow through. In a parallel circuit,
all components are connected across each other, Characteristics –The characteristics of circuit
forming exactly two sets of electrically common breakers mainly include: rated voltage Ue; rated
points. current In; overload protection (Ir or Irth) and short-
circuit protection (Im) trip current setting range;
Function - To keep the electricity flowing when one
rated short-circuit breaking current (industrial circuit
pathway is interrupted. A prime example is light
breaker Icu; household circuit breaker Icn) )Wait.
fixtures that use multiple light bulbs. When a single
bulb in the fixture goes the light fixture continues to Function - Circuit breakers interrupt the flow of
operate. electrical current when it exceeds a predetermined
amount, which is where a circuit breaker's ratings
Third prong :
come into play. Circuit breakers are rated based on
the amount of current that they can safely carry and
the amount they can safely interrupt
Aeration : Function - The purpose of sedimentation is to
enhance the filtration process by removing
Definition – Aeration is the process by which air is particulates. Sedimentation is the process by which
circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a suspended particles are removed from the water by
liquid or other substances that act as a fluid. means of gravity or separation. In the sedimentation
Aeration processes create additional surface area process, the water passes through a relatively quiet
in the mixture, allowing greater chemical or and still basin.
suspension reactions.
Filtration :
Characteristics – All the aeration parameters such
as D/Do, ODR, k were correlated with soil water Definition – Filtration, the process in which solid
content, air-filled porosity, bulk density and particle particles in a liquid or gaseous fluid are removed by
density. In most cases the aeration indicators the use of a filter medium that permits the fluid to
themselves were also intercorrelated. The activity of pass through but retains the solid particles. Either
both studied enzymes was correlated with some of the clarified fluid or the solid particles removed from
the aeration parameters. the fluid may be the desired product.

Function - Aeration is the process by which air is Characteristics – The basic requirements for
circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a filtration are: (1) a filter medium; (2) a fluid with
liquid or substance. Aeration brings water and air in suspended solids; (3) a driving force such as a
close contact in order to remove dissolved gases pressure difference to cause fluid to flow; and (4) a
and to oxidize dissolved metals, including iron, mechanical device (the filter) that holds the filter
hydrogen sulfide, and volatile organic chemicals medium, contains the fluid, and permits the
(VOCs). application of force.

Coagulation ‐ Flocculation : Function - Filtration is a process used to separate

solids from liquids or gases using a filter medium
Definition – The use of chemical reagents to that allows the fluid to pass through but not the
destabilise and increase the size of the particles; solid. The term "filtration" applies whether the filter
mixing; increasing of flog size, A physical is mechanical, biological, or physical. The fluid that
separation of the solids from the liquid phase. passes through the filter is called the filtrate.
Characteristics – Coagulation/flocculation is the Disinfection :
process of destabilization of the given material to
form agglomerates or flocs (Bratby, 2008). Definition - Disinfection describes a process that
Inorganics and organics, synthetics and polymerics, eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms,
electrolytics, and bioflocculants are some of the except bacterial spores, on inanimate objects.
coagulants commonly used according to the type of
the source to be treated. Characteristics – General characteristics of
Disinfectants, Wide germicidal activity, non
Function - Coagulation and flocculation are two corrosive, but poses a fire hazard. Limited residual
separate processes, used in succession, to activity due to evaporation, Alcohols provide limited
overcome the forces stabilising the suspended activity in the presence of organic matter and Not
particles. While coagulation neutralises the charges considered effective against bacterial or fungal
on the particles, flocculation enables them to bind spores.
together, making them bigger, so that they can be
more easily separated from the liquid. Function - The purpose of routine or targeted
disinfection of inanimate surfaces is the killing or
Sedimentation : irreversible inactivation of pathogens to an extent
which prevents subsequent infection transmission.
Definition – Sedimentation is the deposition of Disinfection may be required in the following
sediments. It takes place when particles in situations: “high-touch” (i.e. frequently touched)
suspension settle out of the fluid in which they are surfaces near patients.
entrained and come to rest against a barrier.
Rainwater :
Characteristics – Classification of sedimentation:
Type 1 sedimentation is characterized by particles Definition – Water fallen as rain that has not
that settle discretely at a constant settling velocity, collected soluble matter from the soil and is
or by the deposition of Iron-Rich minerals to therefore soft.
streamlines down to the point source.
Characteristics – Physical parameters (pH, EC, from an inherent hint of blue. It is by far the most
TDS, DO, and turbidity), major ions (HCO3-, Cl-, studied chemical compound and is described as the
Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+) and trace metals (Co, "universal solvent" and the "solvent of life".
Ni, Cd, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Cu) were analyzed from
collected rainwater samples. Rainwater is slightly Characteristics – Water has cohesive and adhesive
alkaline with mean pH higher than 5.8. properties. Water molecules have strong cohesive
forces due to their ability to form hydrogen bonds
Function - Rainwater can be used for a number of with one another. Cohesive forces are responsible
purposes including storm water reduction, irrigation, for surface tension, the tendency of a liquid's
laundry and portable toilets. In addition to low costs, surface to resist rupture when placed under tension
rainwater harvesting is useful for landscape or stress.
Function - Water has cohesive and adhesive
Natural Surface Water : properties. Cohesive forces are responsible for
surface tension, the tendency of a liquid's surface to
Definition – Surface water is any body of water resist rupture when placed under tension or stress.
found on the Earth's surface, including both the Water also has adhesive properties that allow it to
saltwater in the ocean and the freshwater in rivers, stick to substances other than itself.
streams, and lakes.
Water Cycle :
Characteristics – Properties of surface water
include temperature, saltiness (called salinity), Definition – The cycle of processes by which water
turbidity, and levels of dissolved nutrients, such as circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere,
oxygen and carbon dioxide. These factors affect and land, involving precipitation as rain and snow,
climate and the biodiversity nearby. drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the
atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration.
Function - Surface water participates in the
hydrologic cycle, or water cycle, which involves the Characteristics – The water cycle consists of three
movement of water to and from the Earth's surface. major processes: evaporation, condensation, and
Precipitation and water runoff feed bodies of precipitation. Evaporation is the process of a liquid's
surface water. Evaporation and seepage of water surface changing to a gas. In the water cycle, liquid
into the ground, on the other hand, cause water water (in the ocean, lakes, or rivers) evaporates
bodies to lose water. and becomes water vapour.

Ground Water : Function - The water cycle shows the continuous

movement of water within the Earth and
Definition – Groundwater is the water present atmosphere. It is a complex system that includes
beneath Earth's surface in rock and soil pore many different processes. Liquid water evaporates
spaces and in the fractures of rock formations. into water vapour, condenses to form clouds, and
About 30 percent of all readily available freshwater precipitates back to earth in the form of rain and
in the world is groundwater. A unit of rock or an snow.
unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it
can yield a usable quantity of water. Sources of Water :

Characteristics – Some of the most typical Definition – What Is Source Water? Source water
characteristics of groundwater are weak turbidity, a refers to sources of water (such as rivers, streams,
constant temperature and chemical composition lakes, reservoirs, springs, and groundwater) that
and almost overall absence of oxygen. Circulating provide water to public drinking water supplies and
groundwater can have extreme variation in the private wells.
composition with the appearance of pollutants and
various contaminants. Characteristics – These factors include storage
capacity in lakes, wetlands and artificial reservoirs,
Function - Abstract. Groundwater has storing, the permeability of the soil beneath these storage
filtering and transforming capacities, and regulates bodies, the runoff characteristics of the land in the
atmospheric, hydrological and nutrient cycles. watershed, the timing of the precipitation and local
Groundwater stores and partly transforms CO2, evaporation rates.
energy, plant nutrients and other chemical
substances. Groundwater can act as sink in the Function - Water is important for healthy digestion.
carbon cycle. As the Mayo Clinic explains, water helps break
down the food you eat, allowing its nutrients to be
Basic Properties of Water : absorbed by your body. After you drink, both your
small and large intestines absorb water, which
Definition – Water (H. 2. O) is a polar inorganic moves into your bloodstream and is also used to
compound that is at room temperature a tasteless break down nutrients.
and odorless liquid, which is nearly colorless apart
Water treatment and Purification : Characteristics – Safe water storage means that
once the water has been treated and is safe to use,
Definition – Water purification is the process of it is stored in a container that protects the water
removing undesirable chemicals, biological from re-contamination.
contaminants, suspended solids and gases from
contaminated water. The goal of this process is to Function -Water storage tanks are used across a
produce water fit for a specific purpose. variety of applications where water needs to be
stored for ready access. Household water storage,
Characteristics – Water purification for human commercial food and beverage preparation,
consumption purposes consists in the removal of agriculture and irrigation, fire suppression, and
different contaminants as chemicals. industrial manufacturing all utilize water storage
tanks to streamline water delivery.
Function - One major purpose of water purification
is to provide clean drinking water. Water purification Valves and Controls :
also meets the needs of medical, pharmacological,
chemical, and industrial applications for clean and Definition – A control valve is a valve used to
potable water. control fluid flow by varying the size of the flow
passage as directed by a signal from a controller.
Wells :
Characteristics – All control valves have an inherent
Definition – An issue of water from the earth : a pool flow characteristic that defines the relationship
fed by a spring. b : source, origin ; a pit or hole sunk between 'valve opening' and flowrate under
into the earth to reach a supply of water. constant pressure conditions. Please note that
'valve opening' in this context refers to the relative
Characteristics – Well characteristics include
position of the valve plug to its closed position
parameters such as well depth, screen length,
against the valve seat.
screen positioning relative to geologic units, and
aquifer materials. Function - The valve basically controls the fluid
flow. Control valves operate by varying the size of
Function - Wells are extremely important to all
the flow passage. Control valves can directly control
societies. In many places wells provide a reliable
the flow rate and the quantities like temperature,
and ample supply of water for home uses, irrigation,
pressure, and liquid level.
and industries. Where surface water is scarce, such
as in deserts, people couldn't survive and thrive Cold Water Distribution System :
without groundwater, and people use wells to get at
underground water. Definition – Cold water is fed directly from the
mains, is heated and fed directly to the point of use,
Pumps : without the need for water storage tanks. Since the
water in the system will expand due to heating, an
Definition – A pump is a device that moves fluids, or
expansion vessel and a safety temperature and
sometimes slurries, by mechanical action, typically
pressure relief valve are required.
converted from electrical energy into hydraulic
energy. Pumps can be classified into three major Characteristics – There are two basic systems of
groups according to the method they use to move cold water used in domestic dwellings: 1 the direct
the fluid: direct lift, displacement, and gravity system of cold water 2 the indirect system of cold
pumps. water. With this system, all cold water taps are fed
directly from the mains supply. This means that all
Characteristics – These types of pumps have a
taps are provided with a supply of drinking water.
number of characteristics: Continuous energy,
Conversion of added energy to increase in kinetic Function - The function of a water distribution
energy (increase in velocity), Conversion of system is to deliver water to all customers of the
increased velocity (kinetic energy) to an increase in system in sufficient quantity for potable drinking
pressure head. water and fire protection purposes, at the
appropriate pressure, with minimal loss, of safe and
Function - A pump produces liquid movement or
acceptable quality, and as economically as
flow: it does not generate pressure. It produces the
flow necessary for the development of pressure
which is a function of resistance to fluid flow in the Hot Water Distribution System :
Definition –The water heating distribution system is
Water Storage for Domestic Use : the configuration of piping (and pumps and controls
in the case of recirculating systems) that delivers
Definition – Water storage is a broad term referring
hot water from the water heater to the end use
to storage of both potable water for consumption,
points within the building.
and non potable water for use in agriculture.
Characteristics – Hot-water distribution systems are Function - Dug and bored wells have a large
divided into three temperature classes: high- diameter and expose a large area to the aquifer.
temperature hot-water (HTHW) systems supply These wells are able to obtain water from less-
temperatures over 175°C; medium-temperature hot- permeable materials such as very fine sand, silt, or
water (MTHW) systems supply temperatures in the clay.
range of 120–175°C; and.
Driven Wells :
Function -The water heating distribution system is
the configuration of piping (and pumps and controls Definition – A well made by driving a tube into the
in the case of recirculating systems) that delivers earth to a water-bearing stratum.
hot water from the water heater to the end use
Characteristics – A driven well is a well dug
points within the building.
vertically by driving in piping directly. It is a capture
Shallow Well : engineered structure that consists of a perforated
pipe with a pointed end, which is driven by a variety
Definition – A shallow well is a hole which has been of techniques as far as the water table, in soft of
dug, bored, driven or drilled into the ground for the medium-hard ground. Other names are
purpose of extracting water is a well. A well is instantaneous well or sand-point well.
considered to be shallow if it is less than 50 feet
deep. The source of a well is an aquifer. Function - Driven wells are constructed by driving
pipe into the ground. Driven wells are cased
Characteristics – A shallow well is a hole which has continuously and shallow (approximately 30 to 50
been dug, bored, driven, or drilled into the ground feet deep). Though driven wells are cased, they can
for the purpose of extracting water from aquifers be contaminated easily because they draw water
near the ground surface. A well is considered to be from aquifers near the surface. These wells draw
shallow if it is less than 50 feet deep. water from aquifers near the surface.

Function - Shallow well jet pumps are a type of Bored Wells :

water pump commonly used in residences where
there is no access to a city water supply. They are Definition – Bored Well means any well excavated
the first part of the well-water purification system, by an earth auger in which the casing extends from
pulling the water up from the ground. the ground surface into the aquifer.

Deep Well : Characteristics – Some of the key attributes of a

borewell are: Depth of the borewell – This indicates
Definition – A well in which the water level is at a the total depth to which the drilling was done ,
depth exceeding 22 feet beyond which the ordinary Diameter of the borewell casing – This can range
suction pump does not operate satisfactorily. from 6” to 12”. The casing material and the depth of
the casing, Levels at which water was struck when
Characteristics – Deep-well water was analysed for the borewell was drilled.
a number of standard physical and chemical Function - To compensate for low-yielding aquifers,
parameters. large diameter bored wells serve as storage
reservoirs to provide water during periods of high
Function - A deep well is a sunken wellbore
demand. A bored well with a diameter of 3 feet, a
(borehole) extending more than 25 feet
total depth of 50 feet and a water depth of 30 feet,
underground used to extract water, crude oil or
contains approximately 1,600 gallons of water.
other natural resources. Deep wells require
stronger pumps than shallow wells. Drilled Wells :
Dug Wells : Definition – A drilled well consists of a hole bored (a
borehole) into the ground, with the upper part or the
Definition – Dug wells are holes in the ground dug
entire depth of the well being lined with casing.
by shovel or backhoe. Historically, a dug well was
Drilling is most typically conducted with a portable
excavated below the groundwater table until
drilling machine brought to the site to construct the
incoming water exceeded the digger's bailing rate.
The well was then lined (cased) with stones, brick,
tile, or other material to prevent collapse. Characteristics – There are no chemicals needed to
treat or clean the water, and the only energy
Characteristics – It was covered with a cap of wood,
required is a well pump to pull water up and into
stone, or concrete. Since it is so difficult to dig
your home. Well water is sustainable, even in the
beneath the ground water table, dug wells are not
worst droughts, ground water is rarely exhausted
very deep. Typically, they are only 10 to 30 feet
and is continually refreshed.
deep. Being so shallow, dug wells have the highest
risk of becoming contaminated. Function – A well is a hole drilled into the ground to
access water contained in an aquifer. A pipe and a
pump are used to pull water out of the ground, and flow necessary for the development of pressure
a screen filters out unwanted particles that could which is a function of resistance to fluid flow in the
clog the pipe. system.

Jetted Wells : Centrifugal Pump :

Definition – Jetted Well means a well that is Definition – A centrifugal pump is a mechanical
excavated using water pumped under pressure device designed to move a fluid by means of the
through a special washing point to create a water transfer of rotational energy from one or more
jet which cuts, abrades, or erodes material to form driven rotors, called impeller.
the well.
Characteristics – A centrifugal pump converts driver
Characteristics – A well-constructed using a high energy to kinetic energy in a liquid by accelerating
velocity stream of water. Jetted Well means any the fluid to the outer rim of an impeller. The amount
well made using water under pressure as a means of energy given to the liquid corresponds to the
of drilling or penetrating the ground. Jetted Well velocity at the edge or vane tip of the impeller.
means a pipe meeting Rule 40C-3.507 standards
with an attached well point or open ended screen. Function - Centrifugal pumps are hydraulically
operated machines characterised by their ability to
Function – It is a well that is excavated using water transmit energy to fluids (in particular to liquids)
pumped under pressure through a special washing through the work of a field of centrifugal forces.
point to create a water jet which cuts, abrades, or
erodes material to form the well. Turbine Pump :

Reciprocating Pump : Definition – A pump with a shrouded impeller and

receiving the water at its center. A diffusion ring
Definition – A reciprocating pump is a pump which containing vanes surrounds the impeller and directs
uses a backward and forward movement to move a the impeller discharge into a circular casing, which
fluid. In a reciprocating pump, a piston, plunger, or delivers into the eye of the next impeller in series.
diaphragm moves backward and forward. A
reciprocating pump is one in which the liquid follows Characteristics – Turbine pumps are dynamic
the movement of a piston during suction and pumps, they utilize fluid momentum and velocity to
delivery strokes. generate pump pressure. Specifically, they are
centrifugal pumps, which generate this velocity by
Characteristics – A reciprocating pump utilizes a using an impeller to apply centrifugal force to the
crankshaft-connecting rod mechanism identical to moving liquid.
internal combustion engines. The crankshaft-
connecting rod mechanism converts the rotary Function - Turbine pumps are used to pump water
movement of the crankshaft to a reciprocating linear from underground resevoirs or wells, and are
movement of plungers or pistons. available in both vertical and submersible forms. A
turbine pump is a centrifugal pump that is mainly
Function - It is a machine that converts mechanical used to pump water from deep wells.
energy into hydraulic energy. Reciprocating pumps
are in use where a certain quantity of fluid (mostly Submersible Pump :
sump) has to be transported from the lowest region
Definition – A submersible pump is an air-tight
to the highest region by the application of pressure.
sealed motor close-coupled to the pump body. The
General Types of Pump : main advantage of this type of pump is that it
prevents pump cavitation, a problem associated
Definition – There are three basic types of pumps: with a high elevation difference between pump and
positive-displacement, centrifugal and axial-flow fluid surface.
pumps. In centrifugal pumps the direction of flow of
the fluid changes by ninety degrees as it flows over Characteristics – A submersible pump, also called
an impeller, while in axial flow pumps the direction an electric submersible pump, is a pump that can
of flow is unchanged. be fully submerged in water. The motor is
hermetically sealed and close-coupled to the body
of the pump. A submersible pump pushes water to
Characteristics – Creating a resistance to the flow the surface by converting rotary energy into kinetic
controls the kinetic energy of a liquid coming out of energy into pressure energy.
an impeller. The first resistance is created by the Function - A submersible pump is an air-tight
pump volute (casing), which catches the liquid and sealed motor close-coupled to the pump body. The
slows it down. main advantage of this type of pump is that it
Function - A pump produces liquid movement or prevents pump cavitation, a problem associated
flow: it does not generate pressure. It produces the with a high elevation difference between pump and
fluid surface.
Jet (Ejector) Pump : pressure and distributed by gravity flow in a
downfeed system.
Definition – A pump in which a small jet of steam,
air, water, or other fluid in rapid motion lifts or Characteristics – The most important characteristic
otherwise moves by its impulse a large quantity of is that the tank holds water. A water tank can be a
the fluid with which it mingles. buried cistern, a water tower, or at the other
extreme it can be a lake. Small tanks up to about
Characteristics – A jet pump is a device in which a 500gal can be made of HPDE. Above that
fluid flows through a driving nozzle which converts aluminum or steel is used while the gravity tanks
the fluid pressure into a high-velocity jet stream; store water at atmospheric pressure and distribute it
fluid is continuously entrained from the suction through gravity flow using a downward distribution
section of the jet pump by the jet stream emerging system.
from the nozzle.
Function - In the Commercial Purposes, the tank
Function - Jet pumps are primarily used to produce employed overhead can benefit not only by storing
and maintain a vacuum by removing vapors from a water, but chemicals can also be stocked to
closed system. In this service, they are usually maintain the flow when they are used.
called “ejectors.” Ordinarily, steam provided the
motive power. Cistern :

Piston Pump : Definition – A cistern is a waterproof receptacle for

holding liquids, usually water. Cisterns are often
Definition – A pump having a reciprocating piston built to catch and store rainwater. Cisterns are
operating in a cylinder so as to impart motion and distinguished from wells by their waterproof linings.
pressure to the fluid by direct displacement.
Characteristics – The cistern supplies water to the
Characteristics – A piston pump is a type of positive household through a standard pressurized
displacement pump where the high-pressure seal plumbing system.
reciprocates with the piston. Piston pumps can be
used to move liquids or compress gases. They can Function - Cisterns are large tanks that store
operate over a wide range of pressures. rainwater collected from impervious surfaces for
domestic uses or for consumption.
Function - Piston pumps can be used to move
liquids or compressed gases and can also pump Pneumatic Water Tank :
viscous media and media containing solid particles.
Piston pumps are used for water and oil hydraulics, Definition – Hydropneumatic tanks are vessels that
industrial processing equipment, high pressure hold water and air under pressure. The tanks do not
cleaning and the pumping of liquids. have a bladder and so air is in direct contact with
the water. The compressed air creates a cushion
Sump Pump : that can absorb or apply pressure as needed.

Definition – A sump pump is a cylindrical drain Characteristics – A hydropneumatic tank contains

pump device placed in a pit dug at the lowest point pressurized air and water. It does not have a
of your house, like a crawl space or basement, to bladder and air is in direct contact with the water.
help prevent flooding, water damage, and mold. The compressed air acts as a cushion exerting or
absorbing pressure.
Characteristics – Sump pumps are used where
basement flooding happens regularly and to solve Function - Hydropneumatic tanks are designed to
dampness where the water table is above the maintain on-demand pressurized water without the
foundation of a home. Sump pumps send water continuous use of a pump and can provide storage
away from a house to any place where it is no in small water systems. By regulating system
longer problematic, such as a municipal storm drain pressures, hydropneumatic tanks provide efficient
or a dry well. water supply to quickly meet system demand.

Function - A sump pump is used in basements or Hot Water Tank] :

crawlspaces to help keep the area dry and prevent
it from flooding. Sump pumps are installed in Definition – A hot water storage tank is a water tank
specially constructed areas called sump pits. used for storing hot water for space heating or
domestic use. Water is a convenient heat storage
Overhead Tank/ gravity supply tank : medium because it has a high specific heat
Definition – Overhead Water Storage Tank is a
usual Water storage tank as its name stands for Characteristics – Hot water tank” is one of the best
itself these tanks are placed over the head that is known thermal energy storage technologies. The
built on a certain height while the A water storage hot water tank serves to bridge sunless periods in
tank in which water is stored at atmospheric the case of solar hot water and combined heating
system, to increase the system efficiency in which is designed to re-close and prevent further
combination with cogeneration systems. flow of fluid after normal pressure .

Function - A hot water storage tank (also called a Function - A safety valve is an automated
hot water tank, thermal storage tank, hot water mechanical device used to regulate a fluid's flow
thermal storage unit, heat storage tank and hot through a process system in conformance with
water cylinder) is a water tank used for storing hot predetermined pressure and temperature
water for space heating or domestic use. constraints to prevent an incident that could result
in the loss of life, assets or harm to the
Gate Valve : environment.
Definition – A gate valve, also known as a sluice Angle valve :
valve, is a valve that opens by lifting a barrier out of
the path of the fluid. Gate valves require very little Definition – An angle valve has an inlet and an
space along the pipe axis and hardly restrict the outlet port which are perpendicular to each other. It
flow of fluid when the gate is fully opened. is sorted as the manual valves and it is usually used
to prevent or control the flow of a liquid in a pipe
Characteristics – Gate valves are used when and this is the reason for it is sometimes called
minimal pressure drop through the valve Is simply as stop valve.
required. They are designed to permit a straight, full
and free flow, or no flow at all. Gate valves are Characteristics – Angle valves are structured so
normally wide open or completely closed. that the center lines of the entrance and exit of the
fluid intersect perpendicularly. In general, the
Function - A gate valve is generally used to horizontal line is the entrance and the vertical line is
completely shut off fluid flow or, in the fully open the exit.
position, provide full flow in a pipeline. Thus it is
used either in the fully closed or fully open Function - Angle Valve is a manually operated valve
positions. A gate valve consists of a valve body, with its outlet opening oriented at right angles to its
seat and disc, a spindle, gland, and a wheel for inlet opening; used for regulating the flow of a fluid
operating the valve. in a pipe.

Globe valve : Ball valve :

Definition – A globe valve, different from ball valve, Definition – A ball valve is a shut off valve that
is a type of valve used for regulating flow in a controls the flow of a liquid or gas by means of a
pipeline, consisting of a movable plug or disc rotary ball having a bore. By rotating the ball a
element and a stationary ring seat in a generally quarter turn (90 degrees) around its axis, the
spherical body. medium can flow through or is blocked.

Characteristics – Globe valves are named for their Characteristics – Ball Valves, like the previous post
spherical body shape with the two halves of the on Plug Valves, are a type of quarter turn isolation
body being separated by an internal baffle. This has valve. The most common design that is utilized
an opening that forms a seat onto which a movable features a ball that rotates between two circular
plug can be screwed in to close (or shut) the valve. seats which are usually made of some type of PTFE
The plug is also called a disc. , co-polymer, or other resilient plastic material.

Function - The gate valve, globe valve can be used Functions – A ball valve is a shut-off valve that
for regulating flow or pressures as well as complete allows, obstructs, and controls the flow of liquids,
shutoff of flow. It may also be used sometime as a gases, and vapors in a piping system by rotating
pressure relief valve or as a check valve. the ball having a bore inside the valve.

Safety valve : Foot valve :

Definition – A safety valve is an automated Definition – A foot valve is a type of check valve
mechanical device used to regulate a fluid's flow that is typically installed at a pump or at the bottom
through a process system in conformance with of a pipe line (hence the name). Foot valves act like
predetermined pressure and temperature ball check valves, but have an open end with a
constraints to prevent an incident that could result shield or screen over it to block debris from entering
in the loss of life, assets or harm to the the line.
Characteristics – Foot valves are designed to keep
Characteristics – Safety valve - A safety valve the suction line between the tank and the pump set
which automatically, without the assistance of any primed by preventing the oil from flowing back to
energy other than that of the fluid concerned, the main tank. Foot valves provide a higher level of
discharges a quantity of the fluid so as to prevent a protection as compared to a check valve that may
predetermined safe pressure being exceeded, and be located closer to the pump set.
Function - A foot valve is found at the end of a pipe all products in the Philippines, to promote
line in a suction lift application. They function as a standardization activities in the country, and to
check valve, but they also have a strainer affixed to ensure the manufacture, production, and
their open end. The check valve is spring assisted. distribution of quality products for the protection of
the consumer.
Relief valve :
Definition – A relief valve or pressure relief valve
(PRV) is a type of safety valve used to control or Definition – ISO - International Organization for
limit the pressure in a system; pressure might Standardization - ISO - the International
otherwise build up and create a process upset, Organization for Standardization. ISO 7 - Pipe
instrument or equipment failure, or fire. Threads where Pressure-tight Joints are made on
the Threads - Pressure-tight joints made on the
Characteristics – Pressure relief valves (also called pipe threads.
excess pressure valves) are designed to relieve
pressure when a fluid exceeds a predefined limit. Characteristics – Specifies the required properties
Their purpose is to avoid excess pressure in the of the piping system and its components made from
system they protect, as well as to provide a glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP)
safeguard against the failure of equipment or tubing based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) intended
due to excess pressure. to be used for drainage or sewerage without
pressure including culverts.
Function - A relief valve or pressure relief valve
(PRV) is a type of safety valve used to control or Function - It is the responsibility of the purchaser or
limit the pressure in a system; pressure might specifier to make the appropriate selections taking
otherwise build up and create a process upset, into account their particular requirements and any
instrument or equipment failure, or fire. relevant national regulations and installation
practices or codes.
Check valve :
Definition – Check valves are generally installed in
pipelines to prevent backflow. A check valve is Definition – ASTM International, formerly known as
basically a one-way valve, in which the flow can run American Society for Testing and Materials, is an
freely one way, but if the flow turns the valve will international standards organization that develops
close to protect the piping, other valves, pumps etc. and publishes voluntary consensus technical
standards for a wide range of materials, products,
Characteristics – The disc should have low inertia systems, and services.
and friction the travel of the disc should be short,
the motion should be assisted with springs. To Characteristics – American Society for Testing and
close slowly, a check valve needs to be equipped Materials, is a global leader in developing voluntary
with external devices such as oil dashpots and the consensus standards used by individuals,
pump must be capable of withstanding some companies, and other institutions around the world.
backspin. ASTM is made up of over 30,000 volunteer
members from more than 140 countries.
Function - Check valves are generally installed in
pipelines to prevent backflow. A check valve is Function - The American Society for Testing and
basically a one-way valve, in which the flow can run Materials (ASTM) is an internationally recognized
freely one way, but if the flow turns the valve will body that develops and delivers voluntary
close to protect the piping, other valves, pumps etc. consensus standards designed to improve product
quality, make products safer, improve international
PNS : standardization and therefore facilitate trade.
Definition – Philippine National Standards (PNS) ASME :
Catalogue PREVIEW. Designation Number: PNS
65:1993. Title: Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride Definition – The ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel
(uPVC) pipes for potable water supply – Code (BPVC) is an American Society of Mechanical
Specification. Engineers (ASME) standard that regulates the
design and construction of boilers and pressure
Characteristics – The Bureau of Philippine vessels. The document is written and maintained by
Standards (BPS), under the Department of Trade volunteers chosen for their technical expertise .
and Industry (DTI), is the Philippines' national
Standards body that develops, promulgates, Characteristics – ASME standards – also known as
implements, and promotes standardization activities ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code or BPVC – is
in the Philippines. the code that regulates the design, development
and construction of boilers and pressure vessels
Function - The Philippines and is mandated to utilized in a variety of industries.
develop, promulgate, and implement standards for
Function - Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not- seals. Depending on the ball's position, the
for-profit professional organization that enables ball/lever assembly controls the flow and mixing
collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill temperature of the water coming out of the faucet.
development across all engineering disciplines,
while promoting the vital role of the engineer in Compression Cock
Definition: A compression cock such as is used at
DIN : kitchen sinks.

Definition – DIN stands for "Deutsches Institut für Characteristics: compression cock is fitted with a
Normung", which means "German institute for soft disk packing, b, which can be easily renewed
Standardization". DIN 2353 tube fittings are most when the cock leaks.
commonly used in industrial, oil & gas and
Function: thus preventing the flow of the liquid.
construction equipment in hydraulic and pneumatic
applications. Service Pipe
Characteristics – A DIN standard is a standard Definition: a pipe connecting a main pipe (such as a
drawn up at the German Institute for gas or water main or an electrical conduit) with a
Standardisation (DIN) in Berlin that sets unified building.
standards for products and processes, such as
quality, minimum performance, characteristics, Characteristics: slope, age, depth, diameter and
dimensions, etc. ground level

Function: A service pipe is a pipeline connecting a

building to a main pipe, allowing the building to
Function – It is used in industrial, oil and gas and
access municipal services.
construction equipment in hydraulic and pneumatic
applications. Distribution Pipe/ Supply Pipe
Hose Bibb : Definition: Distribution pipe means an open-jointed
or perforated pipe used in the dispersion of septic
Definition – A hose bib is the small faucet
tank or other treatment facility effluent into disposal
attachment on an outer wall of your home that
trenches, seepage trenches, or seepage beds.
facilitates your access to water in your backyard,
driveway and the likes. Characteristics: water quality should not get
deteriorated in the distribution pipes
Characteristics – Hose Bibbs now include designs
that accommodate multiple hoses with individual Function: Distribution pipe means a perforated pipe
flow volume controls, 90 and 45-degree angles, and used in the dispersion of septic tank or other
anti-siphon features. All of these improvements help treatment facility effluent into a subsurface
preserve your watering equipment, and they make wastewater treatment system. Distribution pipe
watering yards and gardens more efficient. means approved perforated pipe used in the
dispersion of septic tank effluent into an absorption
Function - Hose bibs are outdoor faucets that carry
water from your indoor systems outside. Commonly
found on the side of your home, a hose bib allows Riser
you to attach a hose to direct water where you need
it most, often for such activities as watering plants Definition: A riser is the pipe that comes up through
and washing cars. the floor or goes up to the next floor.

Ball Faucet : Characteristics: durable metal or plastic pipe which

extends from the water supply line to the water
Definition – They are identifiable by their single heater and up through the walls to deliver water,
handle that moves over a rounded ball-shaped cap steam, or gas to the lavatories, kitchens, and
right above the base of the faucet spout. The ball plumbing fixtures on the upper floors of a building
faucet has a single handle that controls a special and branch to up to two higher levels.
plastic or metal ball inside the faucet body.
Function: The main function of a riser is to feed the
Characteristics – A faucet is a device for delivering casting during solidification so that no shrinkage
water from a plumbing system. It can consist of the cavities are formed. Risers are used to protect road
following components: spout, handle(s), lift rod, infrastructure, especially those with large fill, from
cartridge, aerator, mixing chamber, and water failure. Riser pipes help prevent culverts from
inlets. plugging with sediment and floating debris. Pipes
capture sediment and reduce downstream impacts
Function - This ball has chambers or slots in it,
to water quality.
along with rubber O-rings and spring-loaded rubber
Fixture Branch Characteristics: a tank mounted on the roof
supplies water to the upper stories.
Definition: A drain serving two or more fixtures that
discharges to another drain or to a stack. Function: Gravity water systems use gravity to
transport water from the source to the user through
Characteristics: The combination waste and vent a pipe network.
pipe shall be considered the vent for the fixture.
Hydro‐pneumatic System (Air Pressure System)
Function: The fixture branch is a drainpipe that
connects more than one fixture drain to a Definition: The hydro-pneumatic system provides
horizontal branch or major segment of a DWV water automatically at defined pressure & quantities
system. at many locations from single pumping system.

Fixture Supply Characteristics: A hydropneumatic tank contains

pressurized air and water.
Definition: Fixture supply means the water supply
pipe connecting a fixture to a branch water supply Function: Hydropneumatic tanks are designed
pipe or directly to a main water supply pipe. to maintain on-demand pressurized water without
the continuous use of a pump and can provide
Characteristics: Each fixture usually has storage in small water systems. By regulating
a characteristic means of connection. Normal system pressures, hydropneumatic tanks provide
plumbing practice is to install a valve on each efficient water supply to quickly meet system
water supply line before the fixture, demand.
Function: Fixture supply means that portion of a Upfeed and Gravity Return System
water distribution system serving one plumbing
fixture, appliance or piece of equipment. Definition: A distribution system where water,
supplied directly from municipal mains, is fed
Direct (Upfeed) upward via vertical piping to the highest point of the
Definition: upfeed water system. A distribution
system where water, supplied directly from Characteristics: Water quality should not get
municipal mains, is fed upward via vertical piping to deteriorated in the distribution pipes
the highest point of the building.
Function: upfeed and gravity return
Characteristics: In a direct system, they're supplied system. eliminates water waste. downfeed and
by the mains. gravity return system. hot water rises on to the
highest point of the plumbing system and travels to
Function: A distribution system where water,
the fixtures via gravity (closed pipe system).
supplied directly from municipal mains, is fed
upward via vertical piping to the highest point of the Downfeed and Gravity Return System
Definition: hot water rises on to the highest point of
Indirect the plumbing system and travels to the fixtures via
gravity (closed pipe system)
Definition: Indirect plumbing systems are found in
most homes. In this kind of plumbing system, the Characteristics: overhead feed and gravity return
rising main feeds the cold-water cistern as well as system
the kitchen tap
Function: water distribution is dependent o the
Characteristics: The cistern is placed on the roof or expansion of hot water and gravity
on the loft and all other fittings get their water from
it. Pump Circuit System

Function: In an indirect system, the mains enters Definition: An open loop circuit is where the inlet to
the property and branches off to supply the cold the hydraulic pump and the return flow on the
kitchen tap. It then rises up to the loft to feed the hydraulic motor or actuator are connected to the
cold water storage cistern. hydraulic fluid reservoir.

Downfeed or Gravity System Characteristics: represents the relationship between

the system head (Hsys) and the flow rate (Q).
Definition: hot water rises on to the highest point of
the plumbing system and travels to the fixtures via Function: The charge-pump circuit uses capacitors
gravity (closed pipe system) downfeed and gravity to achieve higher voltages. The simplest
return system. such circuit is a voltage doubler.

Galvanized Iron or Steel Pipes

Definition: Galvanized pipes are steel pipes that brittle at 5 °C with an upper continuous use
have been dipped in a protective zinc coating to temperature of 50 °C.
prevent corrosion and rust. Galvanized piping was
commonly installed in homes built before 1960. Function: uPVC can also be used for roofline
products, such as downpipes, guttering and fascias.
Characteristics: The hot-dip galvanizing galvanized
layer is thick, with uniform plating, strong adhesion VENT STACK
and long service life.
Definition: Vent stack means a vent pipe that is
Function: Galvanized pipe has been coated with a connected at its upper end to a vent header or that
layer of zinc. The zinc provides a barrier against terminates in outside air and is connected at its
corrosion so that the pipe may be exposed to the lower end to the soil-or-waste stack at or below the
outdoor environmental elements. lowest soil-or-waste pipe connection.

PVC Characteristics: Also called a vent stack or

plumbing air vent. The vent stack is a vertical drain
Definition: PVC, or poly-vinyl-chloride, is one of the line that goes through your home's roof to reach the
most common plastics used with pipe fittings. PVC outside.
pipes are sturdy plastic pipes that are used for
drainage, waste and vent systems. Function: A plumbing vent, or a vent
stack, regulates the air pressure within your home's
Characteristics: It’s a rigid plastic that works with a plumbing system. The vertical vent pipe installed to
range of pressure ratings. It comes as rigid white or provide air circulation to and from the drainage
cream-colored plastic pipe used in non-pressure system and that extends through one or more
systems, such as drainage, waste, and vent stories.
Function: Using threads or solvent weldings, fittings
are connected to PVC for both supply and drainage Definition: A septic tank is a small sewage
needs. treatment system for homes with no connection to
local sewage pipes.
Chlorinated Poly y vin l Chloride (cPVC)
Characteristics: Septic refers to the bacteria that
Definition: Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) decomposes the waste inside the tank.
is a thermoplastic pipe and fitting material made
with CPVC compounds meeting the req Function: Its job is to hold the wastewater long
abbreviation for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride a enough to allow solids to settle down to the bottom
type of rigid plastic pipe utilized in water supply forming sludge, while the oil and grease floats to
systems if local coding permits. Able to withstands the top as scum.
high temperatures and is available in straight pipe
pieces or in rolled stock.
Definition: Private sewage disposal system
Characteristics: High glass transition temperature,
means any privy, septic tank, cesspool, or other
High heat distortion temperature and Chemical
sewage disposal facility owned and operated by a
person other than a municipal sewage system.
Function: CPVC (chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) is
Characteristics: design, installation and
a strong and rigid thermoplastic material that
maintenance of individual home sewage treatment
is used for hot and cold potable water applications
in residential construction. Because of its makeup,
CPVC is immune to damage from highly chlorinated Function: The main function of a sanitary sewer
domestic water and has a higher temperature system is to protect water quality and public health.
tolerance than PVC
Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC)
Definition: A gutter is a pipe or trough along the
Definition: UPVC, also known as Unplasticized edge of a roof that carries rainwater away from a
Polyvinyl Chloride, is a low-maintenance building building.
material used as a substitute for painted wood,
mostly for window frames and sills when installing Characteristics: Your gutters are responsible for
double glazing in new buildings, or to replace older water management. An eaves gutter is also known
single glazed windows. as an eavestrough.

Characteristics: It has good UV resistance and Function: The purpose of gutters on a house are to
barrier properties but a limited operational protect it from rainwater. Gutters work by diverting
temperature range, and unless modified it becomes water away from your home and its foundation.
DOWN SPOUT curved portion of the trap seals the drain and keeps
sewer gasses from escaping the drain and entering
Definition: A downspout is a pipe attached to the your home.
side of a building, through which rainwater flows
from the roof into a drain. P-Trap

Characteristics: Downspouts are usually vertical Definition: P-traps are U-shaped pipes in toilets and
and usually extend down to ground level. underneath sinks. P-traps hold a small amount of
water that prevents sewer gases from rising up into
Function: Downspouts are the vertical, pipe-like your home.
devices connected to gutters, installed along the
sides of buildings, which redirect water and safely Characteristics: P-trap holds just enough water to
lead it away from your home and towards a create an airtight seal that prevents sewer gas from
designated drainage area. backing up into your home. As you run water down
a drain, you're continuously refilling that trap.
Function: A P-trap Prevents Odors. The P-
Definition: A storm drain is a closed conduit that trap traps solids that can clog the drain or sewer
conveys storm water that has been collected by line. The P-trap stops sewer gases from backing
inlets to an outfall. into your home through the drain line.
Characteristics: Water that flows down driveways Stand Trap
and streets and into a gutter goes into a storm drain
which flows directly to a lake, river or the ocean. Definition: S-traps are a type of plumbing trap that
blocks sewer gases in sinks and other plumbing
Function: The purpose of the storm drain is to help fixtures. The S-shaped pipe configuration traps
prevent flooding by diverting rainwater and melted wastewater before it drains to the sewer line,
snow off of the streets and other paved surfaces creating a water seal that prevents gases from
and into a natural body of water. flowing up through the drain.
CATCH BASIN Characteristics: it basically consists of a normal
trap, and then another trap installed right up against
Definition: A catch basin is a device or receptacle at
it in an upside-down fashion.
the entrance of a sewer designed to prevent
obstructive material from entering and blocking the Function: S-trap can allow the water in the fixture to
sewer. drain so quickly that it often siphons the trap dry
and exposes the room to sewer gases.
Characteristics: A catch basin has a grate on top
and a drainage pipe that slopes away from the Running Trap
basin. Properly maintained catch basins trap the
sediment and debris in stormwater. Definition: a trap (as a U trap) in a pipe permitting
liquid flow but forming a barrier against sewer
Function: A catch basin or storm drain is a curbside gases.
drain with the sole function of collecting rainwater
from our properties and streets and transporting it Characteristics: It has a depressed U shaped pipe
to local waterways through a system of section that remains filled with water in all state of
underground piping, culverts and/or drainage water and allow free passage for water but block
ditches. the entry of foul gases. This trap is susceptible to
clog the drain, and cleaning of running this trap is
Trap difficult.
Definition: The trap is a curved section of drain line Function: These traps were designed to prevent
that prevents sewer odor from entering your home. sewer gases from entering the house.
A trap is a fitting or device that provides a liquid
seal to prevent the emission of sewer gases without Drum Trap
materially affecting the flow of sewage or waste
water through it. Definition: In plumbing, a cylindrical trap, with its
axis in a vertical direction, having a cover plate
Characteristics: In plumbing, a trap is a device which may be unscrewed for access; commonly
shaped with a bending pipe path to the retain fluid used on the drainpipe from a bathtub or under a
to prevent sewer gases from entering building while bathroom floor.
allowing waste materials to pass through.
Characteristics: a drum trap consists of an enlarged
Function: A plumbing drain trap is designed to 'vessel' that holds a large volume of water.
retain a small amount of water each time the sink
drains, and this water standing in the bottom of the Function: Drum traps allow wastewater to flow out
of our fixture into your sewer line while preventing
sewer gas from getting into your home. Their pipe attached to a drain line and runs through the
primary purpose was to keep large, heavy debris roof of your home.
from getting stuck in your plumbing.
Characteristics: The main vent is the main outlet for
CLEAN‐OUTS the magma to escape.

Definition: (clean-out) a plug or cover joined to an Function: Vents in the plumbing system lead to an
opening in a pipe, which can be removed for the outside area such as the roof or the back. The
purpose of cleaning or examining the interior of the function of these vents is to keep sewer gases
pipe. away from the drain pipes. They also establish
seals in the drainage pipes that prevent the sucking
Characteristics: A cleanout is an easily accessible back of waste gases into the home.
section of pipe with a removable cover that makes it
easier for you or a plumber to access your pipes. Individual Vent or Back Vent

Function: The sewer clean-out is a pipe with a cap Definition: a ventilating pipe attached to a waste
that provides access to the sewer line so that pipe on the sewer side of its trap to prevent
blockages can be removed. The lateral sewer line is siphonage. Individual Vent means a pipe installed
the sewer line that connects your home to the to vent a fixture trap and that connects with the vent
public sewer system. system above the fixture served or terminates in the
open air.
Main Soil and Waste Vent
Characteristics: is a vent that connects the main
Definition: Soil is a material composed of five vent with the individual trap underneath or behind a
ingredients — minerals, soil organic matter, living fixture
organisms, gas, and water. There are six main soil
groups: clay, sandy, silty, peaty, chalky and loamy. Function: A pipe for ventilating purposes, attached
They each have different properties and it is to a waste pipe on the sewer side of its trap to
important to know these to make the best choices prevent the siphoning of waste. An individual vent
and get the most from your garden. In modern for a plumbing fixture located on the downstream
plumbing, a drain-waste-vent (or DWV) is a system (sewer) side of a trap to protect the trap against
that allows air to enter the plumbing system to siphonage.
maintain proper air pressure to enable the removal
of sewage and greywater from a dwelling. Looped Vent

Characteristics: Physical properties of soil Definition: Loop vent. means a circuit vent that
include color, texture, structure, porosity, density, loops back to connect with a stack vent instead of a
consistence, aggregate stability, and vent stack.
temperature. Every drain-waste-vent system is
Characteristics: A loop vent is a venting solution for
really made of two components: the waste lines and
a sink fixture P-trap that requires the vent pipe to
the vent lines.
run under the floor, such as a kitchen island sink
Function: An important function of soil is to store
Function: An individual vent for a plumbing fixture
and supply nutrients to plants. Pipes carry waste
located on the downstream (sewer) side of a trap
and water smoothly out of the house without
to protect the trap against siphonage.
gurgles or fumes.
Wet Vent
Looped Vent
Definition: A vent that receives the discharge of
Definition: A loop vent is a venting solution for a
waste other than from water closets. Wet venting is
sink fixture P-trap that requires the vent pipe to run
a plumbing term and is a method of protecting the
under the floor, such as a kitchen island sink.
trap on a drain pipe on multiple plumbing fixtures.
Characteristics: It rises from the trap and forms a
Characteristics: A wet vent is simply a soil or waste
loop inside the sink cabinet before dropping under
pipe that serves as both a drain and a vent
the floor and running horizontally to the vent stack
Function: A wet vent system drains the water from
Function: It also allows fresh air into the plumbing
one fixture while venting the air from one or more
system to help water flow smoothly through the
other fixtures.
drain pipes.
Local Vent
Main Vent
Definition: Local vent means a pipe connecting to a
Definition: this is the channel through which magma
fixture and extending to outside air through which
travels to reach the Earth's surface. It is a vertical
vapor or foul air is removed from the fixture.
Characteristics: Local exhaust ventilation is an Characteristics: waterless urinals, automatic,
extract ventilation system that takes airborne manual, and door regulated flush.
contaminants such as dusts, mists, gases, vapour
or fumes out of the workplace air so that they can't Function: It is typically used in the standing
be breathed in. position. Urinals are most frequently placed in male
public toilets, in particular those found in
Function: is used to control air contaminants by commercial or institutional settings.
trapping them at or near the source, in contrast to
dilution ventilation which lets the contaminant Ball Faucet
spread throughout the workplace.
Definition: Ball faucets are a type of single-handle
Water closet faucet that’s easily identifiable by the handle sitting
on top of a ball-shaped cap on the top of the faucet
Definition: The water closet is a ceramic sanitary spout.
ware product which is used as a toilet. This kind
of toilets is more hygiene and easy to clean Characteristics: has slots, O-rings, and spring-
loaded rubber seals, which makes the faucet work.
Characteristics: The main features of WTs are that * Ball faucets are very common in kitchen sinks and
a seating arrangement, * cover, * sitting cover *rat were the first type of washerless faucet.
trap / “S”, “U”, “J”, or “P” shaped bend / syphon,
*flusher with proper flush tank and flushing chain / Function: the ball/lever assembly controls the flow
push buttons / twist knobs, *embedded flush water and mixing temperature of the water coming out of
way within the walls of the WT and *pipe to connect the faucet.
the bowl and the sewer.
Key Cock
Definition: cock may be straight-through, right-
Lavatory angled or open-bottomed as required by its
situation in a pipe system.
Definition: fixed bowl or basin with running water
and drainage for washing. In example a common Characteristics: Its plug may be tapered or parallel
bathroom sink. with tightness achieved by lapping in or by resilient
packing material often in the form of a readymade
Characteristics: A lavatory may be a sink or sleeve.
washbasin meant for cleaning the hands and face.
Function: This is done in cocks by rotating the plug
Function: A lavatory is used to wash people. Since and designed to control or interrupt flow.
a lavatory may refer to a toilet and a bathroom, we
often take a bath cleaning ourselves. We also wash Polyprophylene (PP)
our hands and brush our teeth. A lavatory is also
Definition: ideal for cold flow and yield elongation,
used to refer to facilities in our homes in which we
this thermoplastic is like PVC but works in exposed
excrete our urine and waste.
applications. This is due to the fact that PP is able
Kitchen sink to weather UV and ozone conditions.

Definition: being or made up of a hodgepodge of Characteristics:

disparate elements or ingredients
Characteristics: Porcelain sinks are made of
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrone (ABS)
durable metal (such as cast iron or steel) covered
with porcelain. A positive of these durable, easy-to- Definition: (a-crylo-ni-trile bu-ta-diene sty-rene) a
clean sinks is that they come in a variety of colors, thermoplastic compound from which fittings, pipe,
unlike stainless steel. They're also able to retain and tubing are made. Abbr. ABS.
heat well, in case you're often soaking those dirty
dishes. Characteristics: ABS offers a good balance of
impact, heat, chemical and abrasion resistance,
Function: A kitchen sink is a bowl-shaped plumbing dimensional stability, tensile strength, surface
fixture that people commonly utilize for dish- hardness, rigidity and electrical characteristics. ABS
washing, washing hands, etc. They have taps plastic remains hard, rigid and tough even at low
(faucets) that provide hot and cold water and come temperatures.
with a spray feature for quick rinsing.
Function: are commonly used in commercial and
Urinal industrial applications such as example automotive,
electronics, telecommunication, etc. where hard yet
Definition: A urinal is a sanitary plumbing fixture
light-weight, heat resistant and easily processed
designed for urination only.
materials are required.
Styrene Rubber Plastic Asbestos Pipe

Definition: A plastic-rubber mixture consisting of at Definition: Asbestos cement pipes are made of a
least 50% of a styrene plastic combined with rubber mixture of asbestos paste and cement compressed
and various compounding ingredients. by steel rollers to form a laminated material of great
strength and desnsity. its carrying capacity remains
Characteristics: styrene is an essential component substantially constant as when first laid, irrespective
used to make a variety of significantly strong, of the quality of water.
flexible, and light weight products.
Characteristics: great strength and desnsity.
Function: Styrene is a chemical used to make latex,
synthetic rubber, and polystyrene resins. Function: Asbestos cement pipe was commonly
used to transport drinking water, wastewater, gases
Polybutylene PB and fumes.
Definition: Polybutylene is a polyolefin or saturated Bituminous Fiber Sewer Pipe
polymer with the chemical formula.
Definition: (bi-tu-min-ous fi-ber pipe) non-metallic
Characteristics: Density, Hardness, Absorption, pipe made by combining an interwoven structure of
Yield Strength, Tensile Strength and Tensile Strain. threads of cellulose material with a bituminous
material such as asphalt.
Function: Polybutylene (PB) was a plastic
manufactured between 1978 and mid-1995 for use Characteristics: It is bituminized fiber pipe made
as piping in home plumbing systems. from layers of ground wood pulp fibers compressed
Polyethylene (PE) with and bound by a water resistant adhesive then
impregnated with liquefied coal tar pitch.
Definition: PE is black or grey and semi-flexible,
making it best for hot and cold Function: Used for sewers and drains, sleeves and
applications. Polyethylene (PE) is an organic conduits between 1949 and 1971.
polymer made by the polymerization of monomer Vitrified Clay Pipe
Definition: VCP allows for aggressive cleaning
Characteristics: This is best for supply lines and methods which prolongs the service life of a sewer
sprinklers, as well as underground geothermal line and frequently eliminates the need for
heating loops. expensive dig-ups.
Function: Principal uses are in packaging film, trash Characteristics: VCP's resistance to a wide variety
and grocery bags, agricultural mulch, wire and of acids besides hydrofluoric acid make it a long
cable insulation, squeeze bottles, toys, and lasting choice for use in underground sewers.
Function: Vitrified clay sewer pipes are used
Cast Iron Pipe for sanitary drainage for their corrosion and
Definition: (cast i-ron pipe) pipes of various sizes abrasion resistance.
and lengths made of cast iron. Lead Pipe
Characteristics: pipes or fittings that are constructed Definition: Lead pipes are generally a dull silver-
of heavy metal produced through casting molten gray color and are soft and easily scratched.
metal in a form. Generally, a very heavy and strong
material made from cast iron. Characteristics: Lead is a bluish-white lustrous
metal. It is very soft, highly malleable, ductile, and a
Function: relatively poor conductor of electricity. It is very
Acid Resistant Cast Iron Pipe resistant to corrosion but tarnishes upon exposure
to air.
Function: A lead service line (LSL, also known as
Characteristics: made from alloy of cast iron and lead service pipe, and lead connection pipe) is a
silicon · widely used in chemical laboratories, pipe made of lead which is used in potable water
industries, distribution to connect a water main to a user's
Function: Cast iron pipe is pipe made
predominantly from gray cast iron. It was historically Galvanized Wrought Iron Pipes
used as a pressure pipe for transmission of water,
gas and sewage, and as a water drainage Definition: Galvanised Iron (GI) Pipes
pipe during the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. are manufactured using mild steel strips of Low
Carbon Steel Coils. Galvanised Iron (GI) Pipes
are manufactured using mild steel strips of Low Function: The main function of a sanitary sewer
Carbon Steel Coils. system is to protect water quality and public health.

Characteristics: The hot-dip galvanizing galvanized Storm Drainage System

layer is thick, with uniform plating, strong adhesion
and long service life. Definition: are the patterns formed by the streams,
rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin.
Function: It is used for higher pressure application
as well as decorative work. It is normally welded to Characteristics: It generally consists of laterals or
elbows, etc. leads, and trunk lines or mains.

Brass Pipe Function: It's a network of structures, channels and

underground pipes that carry stormwater (rain
Definition: Pipe manufactured from an alloy water) to ponds, lakes, streams and rivers.
containing 85 percent copper and 15 percent zinc.
Vent System
Characteristics: Brass is a low-friction, soft, non-
ferrous metal which is easily drilled, machined, Definition: Vent system means a pipe or pipes
sawed and punched. Brass is an excellent choice installed to provide a flow of air to or from a
for components in which corrosion-resistance is drainage system or to provide a circulation of air
important. within the system to protect trap seals from
siphonage and back pressure.
Function: Brass pipe fittings are typically used
for carrying water, chemicals, flammable gases, Characteristics: Air regulation. Reduce
slurries, and other plumbing substances. temperatures and Stop condensation.

Copper Pipes Function: Provide a continuous supply of fresh

outside air.
Definition: Copper piping is a tube-like material
made from copper, a red-brown metal with the Unit, Common, or Dual Vent
chemical symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is
Definition: In plumbing, a single vent, 1 connected
used to convey water, gas, oil or other fluid from
at the junction of two fixture drains, which serves as
one location to another.
a vent for both. Dual vent means a vent pipe that
Characteristics: durable, excellent thermal serves 2 fixtures and connects at the junction of the
conductivity, and corrosion resistance. trap arms.

Function: Copper pipes are commonly used in the Characteristics:

construction industry for water supply lines and
refrigerant lines in HVAC (heating, cooling, and air-
conditioning) systems. Relief Vent
Soil Drainage System Definition: Relief vent means an auxiliary vent
which permits additional circulation of air in or
Definition: Soil drainage is a natural process by
between drainage and vent systems.
which water moves across, though, and out of the
soil as a result of the force of gravity. Characteristics: Relief vent pipes for water-closets
must not be less than two inches in diameter, for a
Characteristics: Soil Structure, Permeability,
length of forty feet, and not less than three inches in
Texture, Infiltration and soil color.
diameter, for more than forty feet.
Function: one of the drainage system's functions is
Function: Relief vent means a vent pipe that is used
to collect surface water and/or ground water and
in conjunction with a circuit vent to provide
direct it away, thereby keeping the ballast bed
additional air circulation between a drainage system
and a venting system.
Waste Drainage System or Sanitary Drainage
Yoke or By Pass Vent
Definition: Yoke vent means a pipe connecting
Definition: A sanitary drainage system is a system
upward from a soil or waste stack to a vent stack for
of piping within public or private premises that
the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the
conveys sewage or other liquid waste to an
approved point of disposal.
Characteristics: wye-branch fitting placed below
Characteristics: The storm sewer is a system
the lowest drainage branch connection serving that
designed to carry rainfall runoff and other drainage.
Function: Yoke vent means a pipe connecting Definition: (cap-il-lar-y) the action by which the
upward from a soil or waste stack to a vent stack for surface of a liquid where it is in contact with a solid
the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the is elevated or depressed depending upon the
stack. A pipe connecting upward from a soil or relative attraction of the molecules of the liquid for
waste stack to a vent stack for the purpose of each other and for those of the solid.
preventing pressure changes in the stacks.
Characteristics: Capillary action occurs when the
Circuit Vent adhesion to the walls is stronger than the cohesive
forces between the liquid molecules.
Definition: (cir-cuit vent) a branch vent that serves
two or more traps, or fixtures with integral traps, that Function: Capillary action is important for moving
are battery wasted. Said vent extends from the top water (and all of the things that are dissolved in it)
of the horizontal soil and/or waste branch in front of around. It is the process of a liquid flowing in a
the last fixture waste to a vent stack adjacent to the narrow space without the assistance of, or even in
upstream end of the horizonal branch. opposition to, any external forces like gravity.

Characteristics: Circuit vent means a method of Tee

venting two to eight traps or trapped fixtures without
providing an individual vent for each trap or fixture. Definition: A plumbing fitting in the shape of the
letter “T,” used to connect three sections of
Function: A vent that connects to a horizontal pipe.
drainage branch and vents two traps to not more
than eight traps or trapped fixtures connected into a Characteristics: It is having one inlet and two
battery. outlets, outlets are arranged at 90 o to the main line
connection (inlet). Pipe fittings to connect two or
Vent Stack more pipes.

Definition: Vent stack means a vent pipe that is Function: It can also be used to combine the flow
connected at its upper end to a vent header or that from two inlets to one outlet.
terminates in outside air and is connected at its
lower end to the soil-or-waste stack at or below the Elbow
lowest soil-or-waste pipe connection.
Definition: such pipe fittings are used to change the
Characteristics: Also called a vent stack or direction of the flow.
plumbing air vent. The vent stack is a vertical drain
Characteristics: Elbows are made of different
line that goes through your home's roof to reach the
materials. These are generally coming with female
threads and we can fix them by butt or socket
Function: the vent pipe regulates airflow to assure welding also. Pipe fittings to connect two or more
waste and water flows through pipes that drain out pipes.
of your house. A plumbing vent, or a vent
Function: Elbows are used to change the direction
stack, regulates the air pressure within your home's
of flow between two pipes. Used to change the
plumbing system. The vertical vent pipe installed to
angle or direction of the pipe run. Most commonly in
provide air circulation to and from the drainage
90 degrees and 45 degree turns.
system and that extends through one or more
stories. Coupling
Back Pressure Definition: (coup-ling) a pipe fitting with female
threads only. Used for connecting two pipes in a
Definition: a reverse pressure greater than that in
straight line.
the intended normal direction and/or pressure of
flow or thrust. Characteristics:
Characteristics: In oil and gas applications it refers Function: A coupling is used to connect the pipes of
to upstream pressure that is held, or maintained, in same diameter. Coupling are also useful if the pipe
a variety of production vessels to provide the right is broken or leakage occurs. Couplings are pipe
conditions for separation and processing. coverings used for pipes that have the same
diameter or that have been damaged or split. Used
Function: A back pressure valve is a type of control
to join two straight pieces of pipe of the same
valve that holds pressure on production vessels
such as separators, treaters, and free water
knockouts and releases upstream pressure when a Bushing
designated set point is reached.
Definition: (bush-ing) a lining, or sleeve, of metal, or
Capillary Action other material, inserted into a hole to limit its size,
resist wear, or act as a guide.
Characteristics: Bushings also feature a male and Definition: A monkey wrench is a widely used tool
female side and can handle high pressures. that can be used to hold any number of materials in
Function: Bushings are sometimes inside-out
threaded, although they are used for the same Characteristics: It got the name "monkey wrench"
purpose as their union/coupling counterparts. Used because the movement of the lower jaw up and
to make the diameter of a pipe fitting smaller. They down the wrench seemed to look like a monkey
are different from reducers because they make an climbing up and down a branch.
abrupt change in diameter and take little space.
Function: The monkey wrench can be used to
Union clamp onto pipes and various fasteners such as lug
nuts, bolts and screws.
Definition: Union is a type of fitting, which functions
as similar to coupling. Pipe wrench

Characteristics: Unions consists nut, male and Definition: wrench designed to grip pipe having an
female ended threads. So, this is also useful for adjustable L-shaped jaw sliding in a sleeve that is
maintaining purpose of pipe. pivoted to and loosely encircles the handle so that
pressure on the handle increases the grip.
Function: unions are used to connect pipes -
typically those that are made with different Characteristics: A pipe wrench has two serrated
materials. jaws that are tightened and dig into the pipe for grip

Female fittings Function: Pipe wrenches used in plumbing for

gripping round (cylindrical) things. General use
Definition: Interior threads. Receive male threaded wrenches used on nuts and bolts that have flat,
pipe fittings. parallel surfaces; e.g., square or hexagonal (hex).
Characteristics: Female threads are on the inside, Yoke vise
like a nut.
Definition: Yoke vises, also known as hinged vises
Function: the nut is the female connection with the or adjustable jaw vices.
threads on the inside. The most basic plumbing
fitting is the nut and bolt to join two lengths of pipe. Characteristics: Yoke vises are made of ductile or
malleable iron and have hardened, high carbon
Male fitting steel jaws for toughness and long life.
Definition: a plumbing fitting that is inserted into Function: These yoke vises easily convert from
another fitting generally a female fitting to connect right- to left-hand operation and back, making it
the pieces. simple to work around obstructions or to
accommodate right- or left-hand user preference.
Characteristics: Male threads are on the outside,
like a bolt. Pipe vise
Function: The male threads screw into the female Definition: a gripping appliance for holding pipes
threads. This sometimes leads to confusion when while being threaded, or cut, having two v-shaped
dealing with hard brake lines and other rigid tubing. serrated jaws sliding within one another, the grip
being applied, or released, by means of a screw
and toggle.
Definition: A fitting or adapter is used in pipe
Characteristics: Pipe vises have double V-shaped
systems to connect straight sections of pipe or tube,
jaws that grip in four places instead of only two.
adapt to different sizes or shapes, and for other
purposes such as regulating (or measuring) fluid Function: Pipe vises are a plumber's tool, often
flow. used to hold pipes in place for threading and
Characteristics: multiple pipes of same size or
different sizes, to regulate the flow or to measure Pipe threader
the flow. They are made up of different materials
like copper, iron, brass, PVC etc. Definition: tool used to cut threads into pipe ends;
consists of a handle called a stock, and a die with
Function: The goal of function fitting is to choose which to cut threads. There are basically two types:
values for the parameters in a function to best a. ratchet and fixed; or b. solid.
describe a set of data.
Characteristics: black, galvanized, and plastic-
Monkey wrench coated pipe
Function: Pipe threaders are one of the essential Function: A bidet is a plumbing fixture that is
tools that has the ability and precision to cut threads installed as a separate unit in the bathroom besides
on the ends of a pipes to both the female and male toilet, shower and sink, which users have to
attachment. It can be used in various applications in straddle.
different industries including mining, plumbing, and
even in heavy industrial applications and many Bath tub
Definition: (bath-tub) a fixture, shaped to fit a body
Bidet to bathe in, usually one forming a permanent fixture
in a bathroom.
Definition: (bi-det) a fixture about the height of the
seat of a chair that often has fixtures for running Characteristics: Most modern bathtubs are made of
water and is used especially for bathing the external thermoformed acrylic, porcelain-enameled steel,
genitals and the posterior parts of the body. fiberglass-reinforced polyester, or porcelain-
enameled cast iron.
Characteristics: Some bidets resemble a large hand
basin, with taps and a stopper so they can be filled Function: A bathtub, also known simply as a bath or
up; other designs have a nozzle that squirts a jet of tub, is a container for holding water in which a
water to aid in cleansing. Endless warm water, person or animal may bathe.
warm air dryers, deodorizers, heated seats,
wireless remote controls and adjustable nozzles,
plus manual and automatic flushing.

Baffle : Function - Baseboards are installed partly for
aesthetic reasons: Just as crown molding hides the
Definition – A sound baffle is a construction or area where walls meet the ceiling, baseboards hide
device that reduces the strength (level) of airborne the joint where walls meet the floor, which might
sound. Sound baffles are ideal for mitigating noise otherwise be unsightly.
pollution and reverberating sound.
Batt :
Characteristics – Baffles can be used to improve
the acoustics of concert halls, theatres, conference Definition – It is the portion of the brick cut across
rooms and other spaces where sound quality is the width. Thus, a bat is smaller in length than the
important. full brick. • If the length of the bat is equal to half the
length of the original brick, it is known as half bat.
Function – Baffles serve two functions: Most
importantly, they support the tubes in the proper Characteristics – Batts are a semi-rigid full fill
position during assembly and operation and prevent insulation solution for use in external and party
vibration of the tubes caused by flow-induced masonry cavity walls. The batts are quick and easy
eddies, and secondly, they guide the shell-side flow to cut, and provide a great fit, reducing installation
back and forth across the tube field, increasing the time, avoiding gaps and cold spots, and maximising
velocity and the heat transfer. long-term performance.

Baseboard : Function - Batt insulation is typically installed

between the studs, rafters and joists of your home
Definition – Baseboards are vinyl or wooden boards and can be used to insulate walls, floors, attics and
that hide the joint between the floor and the wall. ceilings. Batt is very flexible so it can be fit into
They cover the lowest part of an interior wall and framing to reduce heat transfer and help reduce
are so much more than a mere extension of your energy bills.
home aesthetics.
Beam :
Characteristics – Baseboards protect the walls from
untimely damage caused by careless boot kicks, Definition – Beams are elements that form
scratches from pets, and vacuum cleaner horizontal frameworks at certain intervals in
attachments. They also serve your aesthetic masonry walls and are made from various
desires and make the edges of the wall last longer. materials.
Characteristics – It is to protect the structure against veneer is only one wythe, as opposed to a solid
lateral and vertical loads and providing protection masonry building which would consist of several
against foundation-related problems as well as wythes.
Function - Masonry veneer is a construction
Function - Beams support the weight of a building's material used on the exterior walls of homes and
floors, ceilings and roofs and to move the load to commercial buildings. It is comprised of thin pieces
the framework of a vertical load bearing element. of brick or stone, and gives the appearance of solid
masonry without the associated weight and cost.

Bearing Wall : Bridging :

Definition – Load bearing masonry walls are Definition – A bridge whose main load-bearing
constructed with bricks, stones or concrete blocks. structures are made of natural stone, brick, or
These walls directly transfer loads from the roof to concrete blocks. Such a bridge is always arched,
the foundation. These walls can be exterior as well with massive supports.
as interior walls. Characteristics – Bridging in building construction
Characteristics – Load bearing structure is that occurs when thermally conductive materials
every wall acts as a load carrying element. To meet penetrate through the insulation creating areas of
this purpose, the walls are constructed strong with a significantly reduced resistance to heat transfer.
thickness of 9 inches or more. The masonry walls Function - A bridge is a structure built to span a
transfer load from the roof to the foundation. physical obstacle (such as a body of water, valley,
Function - A bearing wall, also called a load-bearing road, or rail) without blocking the way underneath.
wall or structural wall, bears the weight of the house
from top to bottom. This wall helps disperse the
building's weight from the roof down to the Building Paper :
foundation, and its removal could cause the
Definition – Building paper, also called house wrap,
structure to collapse.
is a strong, fibrous paper that blocks water and
Brace : moisture from entering from the outside but allows
moist air to pass through from the inside, preventing
Definition – It is refers to the stability of a masonry a build-up of moisture inside walls that can lead to
assembly to resist wind loads through self-weight mold.
and allowable flexural stresses within the masonry.
Characteristics – It is initially to prevent wind from
Characteristics – Wall "bracing" is easily understood penetrating into a wall and secondly to act as a
– it's supporting a wall, as it is being built, until it is backup moisture barrier behind cladding. In wet
strong enough to stand on its own. When we talk regions, the second function is very important since
about bracing masonry walls, external braces moisture in a wall is definitely not desirable.
typically come to mind – the ones we see
buttressed against the outside of the wall. Function - Building Papers are breather type for use
in controlling moisture and air movement behind
Function - Wall bracing provides racking resistance wall claddings and beneath roof claddings in timber
against horizontal (lateral) racking loads from wind and steel frame buildings.
and earthquakes and prevents the wall studs from
distorting in the plane of the wall (racking) in Built-up Roof :
“domino fashion” and, thus, prevents building
Definition – Built-Up Roofing, or BUR for short, first
appeared around the mid 1800's. It is a roofing
Brick Veneer : system where multiple layers of asphalt get applied
between ply sheets (or felts) over the roof deck and
Definition – Brick veneer is a method of insulation.
construction where a property of either a wooden or
steel frame is concealed with a single layer of bricks Characteristics – A quality roof should be built with
as the exterior layer. It offers the same look as durable roofing materials that should be able to
double brick, however if the bricks were to be withstand severe winds, resist UV rays, and fire,
removed the structure of the house would still and prevent leaks and pooling by diverting water
stand. away from the home.

Characteristics – With brick veneer, the structural Function - Roof, covering of the top of a building,
support comes from the concrete, steel, or wood serving to protect against rain, snow, sunlight, wind,
that makes up the backup wall, and the brick is on and extremes of temperature.
the exterior for aesthetic purposes. The brick
Cantilever :
Definition – A cantilever is a structural member Function - Chair rail is a type of moulding that is
supported at only one end. In trenchless used in the middle of a wall. Originally, chair rail
technology, cantilever walls are used to make moulding was added to dining rooms to protect
embedded walls for carrying out construction below plaster walls from getting damaged by dining room
ground level. chairs.

Characteristics – In cantilever retaining walls, the Chase :

concrete base or footing holds the vertical masonry
wall in position and resists overturning and sliding Definition – A chase in home construction is a
caused by lateral soil loading. vertical space in a wall, which provides an area for
pipes or wires to run through. Builders strategically
Function - Cantilever walls are a common solution place chases to ensure that cables run together.
used to retain soil or similar earth material, playing
a vital role in sustaining the structural integrity of a Characteristics – Chasing is a technique employed
site and or project. for cutting neat channels in masonry or concrete
structures known as chases. A chase is created
Ceiling Joist : using a hand-held power grinder that has a
diamond blade.
Definition : Ceiling joists are the horizontal structural
members that span your ceiling and are responsible Function - Chasing is utilised for cutting into floors,
for transferring roof loads to vertical members. ceilings and walls for necessary pipe work and
Without these members, your home would cave in. conduits. The method is appropriate for all manner
of blockwork and brickwork.
Characteristics : Ceiling joists are horizontal
structural components that usually run parallel to Circuit Breaker :
the rafters. They run from exterior support wall to
exterior support wall, transfer the roof load to the Definition - A circuit breaker is an electrical switch
walls, and prevent the walls from spreading. designed to protect an electrical circuit from
damage caused by overcurrent/overload or short
Function : Ceiling Joists are the horizontal members circuit. Characteristics – The fundamental
that provide a structure to fix the ceiling, and characteristics of a circuit-breaker are: Its rated
support and fix the diagonal rafters that define the voltage Ue. Its rated current In. Its tripping-current-
roof shape and are attached at the top to a ridge level adjustment ranges for overload protection (Ir
beam. or Irth) and for short-circuit protection (Im).

Chimney Cap : Function - A circuit breaker is an electrical switch

designed to protect an electrical circuit from
Definition – Chimney caps are protective coverings damage caused by overcurrent/overload or short
that go over the top of your chimney. They are circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow
usually made of steel or copper mesh and come in after protective relays detect a fault.
a variety of styles to match the outside of your
home. Clapboard :

Characteristics – The chimney flue is the metal or Definition – The term “clapboard” is derived from
masonry tube inserted inside the body of the the Dutch word “klappen,” which literally means “to
chimney. It typically extends two to six inches past split.” This refers to the various types of wooden
the top of the crown. The chimney cap often looks logs that were split by hand to create clapboard
like a miniature roof it’s flat, round or peaked. panels and boards in the past.

Function - They have two principal functions: First Characteristics – A long narrow board with one
they keep “outside things” out and “inside things” in edge thicker than the other, overlapped horizontally
and they act as “the guard of the gate”, if you will. to cover the outer walls of frame structures. Also
called weatherboard. tr.v.
Chair Rail :
Function - Clapboard, also called weatherboard,
Definition – It is molding on an interior wall that is bevel siding, or lap siding, type of board bevelled
attached horizontally around the perimeter of a toward one edge, used to clad the exterior of a
room. frame building. Clapboards are attached
horizontally, each one overlapping the next one
Characteristics – Chair rails are practical, as well as
decorative and are applied to a wall, anywhere from
24 to 72 inches up from the floor. They were Collar Beam :
typically specified to protect the wall from scuffs and
dents from the backs of chairs, but are now used as Definition – A collar beam or collar is a horizontal
beautiful room accents. member between two rafters and is very common in
domestic roof construction. Often a collar is
structural but they may be used simply to frame a Function - It is generally provided at every floor and
ceiling. sill level. A string course breaks the monotony of a
plane surface, and thus imparts aesthetic
Characteristics – A horizontal member that ties appearance to the structure.
together two opposite common rafters, usually at a
point halfway up the length of the rafters below the
ridge. Crawlspace :
Function - Often a collar is structural but they may Definition – A shallow unfinished space beneath the
be used simply to frame a ceiling. A collar beam is first floor or under the roof of a building especially
often called a collar tie but this is rarely correct but for access to plumbing or wiring.
most collar beams are designed to work in
compression to keep the rafters from sagging. Characteristics – A crawl space is often built when
building a basement would be impractical or too
Corbel : expensive. A crawl space can also substitute for a
Definition – A corbel has come to mean an concrete slab foundation that would hinder building
architectural block or bracket projecting from a wall, inspections.
often in the eave of a roof overhang. Function - The crawl space's functions include
Characteristics – Corbel, in architecture, bracket or providing access to repair plumbing, electrical
weight-carrying member, built deeply into the wall wiring, and heating and cooling systems without the
so that the pressure on its embedded portion need for excavation.
counteracts any tendency to overturn or fall Cripples :
Definition – It's called a cripple wall because that
Function - Its function is to support (or appear to section of the home is considered a “cripple zone” -
support) a ceiling, beam, shelf, or the roof overhang in seismic events it was thought that homes should
itself. Common misspellings include corbal and have an area that cripples/gives out so that the rest
corble. of the home would go undamaged.
Cornice : Characteristics – Wooden floors and stud walls are
Definition – In architecture, a cornice (from the sometimes built on top of an exterior foundation to
Italian cornice meaning "ledge") is generally any support a house and create a crawl space. These
horizontal decorative moulding that crowns a are called cripple walls and they carry the weight of
building or furniture element—for example, the the house.
cornice over a door or window, around the top edge Function - Cripple walls are used to support a
of a pedestal, or along the top of an interior wall. dwelling between the concrete foundation and the
Characteristics – The cornice is the decorative floor of a dwelling and to elevate the dwelling above
wood or plaster molding, a surface with raised ground to allow to access to the utility lines or to
designs (sometimes made of plaster, hence the level a dwelling built on a slope. Crawl space is the
name molding) that circles a room right below the area created underneath the floor.
ceiling. Door Buck :
Function - Cornice, in architecture, the decorated Definition – A door buck is a jig that holds the door
projection at the top of a wall provided to protect the securely on edge and prevents it from moving while
wall face or to ornament and finish the eaves. The you are planning, routing for hinge mortises or lock
term is used as well for any projecting element that installation preparation.
crowns an architectural feature, such as a doorway.
Characteristics – When a large amount of shimming
Course : is required, 1x or 2x pieces of wood are utilized and
Definition – A course is a layer of the same unit are referred to as door bucks.
running horizontally in a wall. It can also be defined Function - It is provided to give access to the inside
as a continuous row of any masonry unit such as of a room of a house. It serves as a connecting link
bricks, concrete masonry units (CMU), stone, between the various internal portion of a house and
shingles, tiles, etc. provides lighting and ventilation to rooms.
Characteristics – Structural analysis of loadbearing Dormer :
brick and block masonry. Structural design of walls,
columns and beams in unreinforced and reinforced Definition – A window set vertically in a structure
masonry. projecting through a sloping roof also : the roofed
structure containing such a window.
Characteristics – A dormer is itself a tiny house, Eaves :
having walls, a roof, and typically containing a
window or roof vent. Projecting from a pitched roof, Definition – The eaves are the edges of the roof
dormers add extra headroom, light, and ventilation which overhang the face of a wall and, normally,
to attics and upper rooms with sloped ceilings. project beyond the side of a building.

Function - Dormers are commonly used to increase Characteristics – Eaves lintels are designed to
the usable space in a loft and to create window provide support over openings and made of high
openings in a roof plane. A dormer is often one of quality grade galvanised steel. Eaves lintels must
the primary elements of a loft conversion. be positioned to ensure that the masonry is built
against the vertical upstand of the lintel.
Double Glazing :
Function - Eaves are the part of a roof that extends
Definition – Two layers of glass with a small beyond the side of the building they cover. Eaves
insulating gap in between set in a window to reduce can serve both aesthetic and practical functions.
heat flow in either direction. Aesthetically, eaves can create a distinction
between the walls and roof of the structure.

Characteristics – Double Glazed Awning windows Efflorescence :

are made with compression and weather seal and Definition – Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit of
provide higher air-tightness, energy-efficiency and salts that can form when water is present in or on
acoustic insulation than other window types such as brick, concrete, stone, stucco or other building
sliding and double-hung windows. surfaces.
Function - Double glazing helps to reduce Characteristics – It is generally a white or off-white
condensation on the inside of your windows (inside colour with a powdery appearance. While not a risk
the room) because the glass is not as cold as single structurally, it affects the appearance of a building,
glazed. particularly it features coloured concrete or
Double Hung Windows : brickwork.

Definition – A double-hung window, also commonly Function - Efflorescence' is the term most
referred to as a double-sash window, is a type of commonly used to describe the deposit of crusty
window that has two operable sashes that slide up white mineral salts that appear on a masonry
and down. There are two main operable parts of a surface (concrete, render, brick or mortar) that have
double-hung window — the top sash and the leached out from within the substrate when
bottom sash. moisture migrates through it.

Characteristics – Double hung windows allow both Fascia Board :

sashes to raise, lower and tilt-in for cleaning both Definition – The fascia board is the long wooden
sashes from inside of the home. board behind the gutters on a house. It connects to
Function - It is called a double hung window the roof rafters, closes off the attic and serves as
because both the top and bottom sashes are the mount for gutters.
operable, move up and down. The ability to open Characteristics – The fascia board is the long,
both sashes creates increased airflow and straight board that runs along the lower edge of the
ventilation, one of the big reasons this window is so roof. The fascia is fixed directly to the lower ends of
popular. the roof trusses and usually does all the work of
Dry Wall : supporting the lower edge of the bottom row of tiles.

Definition – A board made of several plies of Function - Fascia is used to create a barrier
fibreboard, paper, or felt bonded to a hardened between the edge of the roof and the outside. It
gypsum plaster core and used especially as creates a smooth appearance to the edge and
wallboard. protects the roof from weather damage. Fascia also
provides a point for the gutters and drain pipes to
Characteristics – Drywall, also called wallboard, any attach to.
of various large rigid sheets of finishing material
used in drywall construction to face the interior Fill-type Insulation :
walls of dwellings and other buildings. Definition – Loose-fill insulation, also referred to as
Function – A wide flat board used to cover walls or blown-in insulation, is a type of attic insulation that
partitions; made from plaster or wood pulp or other is made of loose fibers that are spread on the attic
materials and used primarily to form the interior floor.
walls of houses. .
Characteristics – Loose fill insulation, also known Characteristics – Footing is a part of foundation
as blown insulation, is one of the most commonly which is constructed with concrete or brickwork
used types of insulation. It can be made up of a masonry and acts as a base to the floor columns
variety of materials, such as: cellulose, fiberglass, and floor walls.
polystyrene beads, perlite or vermiculite.
Function - The main function of footing is to transfer
Function - The primary purpose of insulation is to the vertical loads directly to the soil. The term
help keep your home's interior at the desired footing is used in conjunction with Shallow
temperature while reducing the amount of energy foundation commonly.
Foundation :
Flashing :
Definition – A foundation wall is the masonry or
Definition – Flashing acts as a barrier which concrete walls below the ground level. These walls
redirects moisture away from building interiors and serve as the main support for a structure of your
back toward the exterior of the wall. home. This means that they are extremely
important to the overall structure of your home.
Characteristics – A flashing material in cavity wall
construction needs to act as a means to moisture Characteristics – A foundation transfers the load of
collection, and then more importantly to the a structure to the earth and resists loads imposed
diversion of it. by the earth. A foundation in residential construction
may consist of a footing, wall, slab, pier, pile, or a
Function - Flashing is to intercept the flow of combination of these elements.
moisture through masonry and direct it to the
exterior of the structure. Function - Foundations provide the structure's
stability from the ground: To distribute the weight of
Floor Joists : the structure over a large area in order to avoid
overloading the underlying soil (possibly causing
Definition – Floor joists are used to support a floor
unequal settlement).
that spans over an open area, normally forming the
upper storey in a house. Framing :
Characteristics – Joists are long thick pieces of Definition –Masonry Framing is a process in which
metal, wood, or concrete that form part of the the exterior walls of the home are constructed with
structure of a building, usually to support a floor or concrete masonry units or CMUs, very similar to
ceiling. many commercial buildings.
Function - A joist is a horizontal structural member Characteristics – A framed structure in any material
used in framing to span an open space, often is one that is made stable by a skeleton that is able
between beams that subsequently transfer loads to to stand by itself as a rigid structure without
vertical members. depending on floors or walls to resist deformation.
Flue : Function - Framing, in construction, is the fitting
together of pieces to give a structure support and
Definition – A clay, ceramic, or metal conduit
shape. Framing materials are usually wood,
installed inside of a chimney, intended to contain
engineered wood, or structural steel.
the combustion products, direct them to the outside
atmosphere, and protect the chimney walls from Frost Line :
heat and corrosion.
Definition – The frost line is the deepest depth at
Characteristics –A flue is a duct, pipe, or opening in which the moisture present in the soil is expected to
a chimney for conveying exhaust gases from a freeze and the depth to which frost penetrates the
fireplace, furnace, water heater, boiler, or generator soil.
to the outdoors.
Characteristics – The frost depth depends on the
Function - The primary function of the flue or climatic conditions of an area, the heat transfer
chimney is to remove the unpleasant gasses properties of the soil and adjacent materials, and on
produced by the combustion process away from the nearby heat sources.
stove to be diluted by the atmosphere
Function - The frost line is the depth at which
Footing : moisture will freeze in the ground. Due to variations
in winter temperatures and soil moisture content,
Definition –Masonry spread footing is constructed
the frost line isn’t the same everywhere.
from good quality bricks or stone. The bottom of
isolated footing is considerably wide compared with Furring :
load bearing masonry wall above.
Definition – Furring strips are long, thin strips of load-bearing capability. They can carry dynamic
metal or wood that create a support system for a and rolling loads.
finished surface in a room.
Glazing :

Definition – A glazed brick is a brick with a ceramic

Characteristics – The furring makes an air space coating. Its exterior surface will have been fused
between the wall and the plaster, and all dampness with a particular type of glazed ceramic that gives a
is prevented from penetrating to the interior surface glossy finish.
of the plaster.
Characteristics – Glazed bricks are extruded clay
Function – It is use to level or raise surfaces of masonry units with ceramic coating fused on their
another material to prevent dampness, to make exterior surface. These bricks being both attractive
space for insulation, or to level and resurface and durable find their use in exterior as well as
ceilings or walls. interior construction.
Gable : Function - Glazed masonry units can be used for
Definition – Gable: A standard gable is a slanted or load-bearing and non-loadbearing wall applications.
pitched roof that creates flat areas on the front, side The ceramic glazed bricks are heavy due to the
or back of the house known as a gable. Homes can extra coat and are able to withstand most harsh
have multiple gables. weather conditions.

Characteristics – It is a classically shaped and is

characterized by two sections of roof that slant in Grade Line :
different directions. They come together to form a
main point or ridge, which can make the pitch of a Definition – A longitudinal reference line or slope to
gable roof quite steep. which a highway or railway is built.

Function - In classical architecture, a gable was Characteristics – The grade-line. As opposed to a

referred to as a pediment. As well as being straight line, a real surface that has horizontal axes,
designed to be aesthetically pleasing, a gable connecting to the lowest levels at lower levels
should be capable of preventing water from directly adjacent to the footprint of a building.
entering the intersection between wall and roof.
Function - Focuses on the skills, knowledge, and
Gambrel Roof : aptitude necessary to operate a variety of surveying
instruments and record information for maintaining
Definition – A gambrel roof is a symmetrical two- elevation and alignment control points on heavy
sided roof in which each side has two slopes, one and civil construction projects.
steeper and one shallower , barn roof, the most
common gambrel roof most people see. Headers :

Characteristics – Gambrel roof is a topmost Definition – Header. It is a brick or stone which lies
covering of the structure that consists of two slopes with its greatest length at right angles to the face of
on each side (i.e. symmetrical two-sided roof). In a the work.. in case of stone masonry header is
gambrel roof usually, the lower slope is steep sometimes known as through stone.
whereas the upper slope is placed at a relatively
Characteristics – Header is the shorter square face
shallow angle.
of the brick which measures 9cm x 9cm. Header
Function – The advantage of the gambrel roof bond is also known as heading bond. In header
design is that it can provide an elegant aesthetic bonds, all bricks in each course are placed as
and allows for increased storage or living space headers on the faces of the walls.
beneath its steeper sides.
Function - A bond course of headers (units laid with
Girder : their ends toward the face of the wall) can be used
to bond exterior masonry to backing masonry.
Definition – A girder is a support beam used in Headers used in this manner may also be called
construction. It is the main horizontal support of a through stones, or perpends.
structure which supports smaller beams
Heel :
Characteristics – Girder bridges are the simplest
bridge type in structure and consist of steel beams Definition – The end of a rafter which rest on a wall
shaped to an I-section or box section, called a plate plate.
girder bridge or a box girder bridge, respectively.
Characteristics – The “thickness” of the truss or
Function - Girders are intended to be the primary rafter measured from the outside of the wall from
structural supports, and they have a much larger
the top of the top plate to the underside of the Definitions: One of the principle horizontal wood or
sheathing. steel members of a building. a beam is a horizontal
member spanning an opening and carrying a load
Function – Energy or raised heel trusses are used that may be a brick or stone wall above the
for the purposed of better insulation and ventilation. opening, in which case the beam is often called a
lintel (see post-and-lintel system).
Hip Roof : Characteristics: Beams are elements that form
horizontal frameworks at certain intervals in
Definition – Hip roof, also called hipped roof, roof
masonry walls and are made from various
that slopes upward from all sides of a structure,
having no vertical ends. The hip is the external
angle at which adjacent sloping sides of a roof Functions: Beams support the weight of a building's
meet. floors, ceilings and roofs and to move the load to
the framework of a vertical load bearing element.
Characteristics – A standard hip roof is where the
roof sides slope downwards from a peak in the Kiln Dried
middle. These usually feature a very gentle roof Definitions: Kiln drying is a standard practice in
slope, and can sometimes even seem like a flat roof wood production mills and serves to efficiently bring
from the ground floor. green lumber moisture levels down to “workable”
range–moisture content levels that will not end in
Function - A hip roof is self-bracing, requiring less the myriad of problems that can be caused by
diagonal bracing than a gable roof. Hip roofs are excess moisture levels in wood.
thus much more resistant to wind damage than
gable roofs. Characteristics: One of the most common materials
that we make kiln furniture in is cordierite, though
Hip we also make it in materials such as mullite, silicon
carbide and alumina (often for specialist
Definitions: The external angle formed by the applications).
junction of two slopes of a roof.
Characteristics: A hip roof or a hipped roof is a style
of roofing that slopes downwards from all sides to Functions: Kiln drying is the process of drying wood
the walls and hence has no vertical sides in a kiln. It is an artificial yet highly effective way of
quickly drying out logs.
Functions: The hip roof is the most commonly used
roof style in North America, after the gabled roof. King-Post
Definitions: The middle post of a truss. The 'king
Jamb post' refers to the timber that extends vertically
Definitions: The term 'jamb' typically refers to the connecting the peak of the triangle with the tie (or
vertical up-right components that form the sides or cross) beam, effectively holding up the tie beam
of door or window frames. with a mortise and tenon joint.
Characteristics: Its design creates a spectacular
Characteristics: A masonry jamb is the vertical
focal point in any space.
element within a masonry wall adjacent to a wall
opening that distributes vertical and horizontal Functions: A king post (or king-post or kingpost) is a
forces down to the wall below or foundation. central vertical post used in architectural or bridge
designs, working in tension to support a beam
Functions: The primary purpose of the door jambs,
below from a truss apex above (whereas a crown
and the door frame as a whole, is to provide a
post, though visually similar, supports items).
lasting support for the door. When hung, the door
relies on this framing. The door jambs and other Lag or Coach Screws
components of the frame are installed with care to Definitions: Large, heavy screws used where great
ensure that the door hangs level to the floor. strength is required, as in heavy framing, or when
attaching ironwork to wood.
Joist Characteristics: Coach screws are typically made to
Definitions: A small rectangular sectional member DIN 571 and are mostly made from mild steel, for
arranged at a parallel angle from wall to wall, or
the same reasons pointed out for coach bolts.
resting on beams or girders. They support a floor or
the laths or furring strips of a building. Functions: Coach screws are mostly used for timber
Characteristics: to timber applications, but they can also be used for
Functions: to provide a lasting support for the door. metal to timber, or timber to masonry applications.
When hung, the door relies on this framing. The Ledger
door jambs and other components of the frame are Definitions: A piece of wood attached to a beam on
installed with care to ensure that the door hangs which a joist rests.
level to the floor. Characteristics: The features of masonry
include design flexibility, various textures, structural
strength, mold resistance, durability, simple Moisture Barrier
maintenance needs and competitive cost. Definitions: Treated paper or metal which retards or
bars water vapor, used to keep moisture from
Functions: The ledger, typically a 2 by 6, is usually passing into walls or floors.
designed to hold one end of the patio-roof rafters. Characteristics: Moisture barriers are composed of
either foil or plastic material that helps prevent
Lintel moisture from penetrating your crawlspace air.
Definitions: The top piece over a door or windows
which supports the walls above the opening. A lintel Functions: A moisture barrier prevents this moisture
is a structural member placed over an opening in a from evaporating and seeping into the air beneath
wall. your home.
Characteristics: lintels may consist of reinforced
brick masonry, brick masonry arches, precast Mullion
concrete or structural steel shapes. Definitions: Slender framing which divides the lights
or panes of a window. A mullion wall is a structural
Functions: Lintels provide a safeguard of the system whereby the load of the floor slab is taken
windows and doors. Lintel withstands the imposed by prefabricated panels around the perimeter.
loads coming from above bricks or block including Characteristics: A mullion is a vertical element that
the roofing members. The lintel is used to transfer forms a division between units of a window or
all imposed loads to the side walls. Sometimes screen, or is used decoratively.
lintels are used as a decorative architectural
element. Functions: They can be used for decorative
purposes, or to allow the combination of smaller
Load Bearing Wall window units into larger compositions, or to provide
Definitions: A strong wall capable of supporting structural support to an arch or lintel.
Characteristics: The key feature of a load bearing Newel
structure is that every wall acts as a load carrying Definitions: The upright post or an upright structure
element. To meet this purpose, the walls are formed by the inner or smaller ends of steps around
constructed strong with a thickness of 9 inches or which the steps of a circular stairway wind. In a
more. The masonry walls transfer load from the roof straight-flight staircase, the principle post at the foot
of a secondary post at a landing.
to the foundation.
Characteristics: These posts usually serve as
Functions: Load bearing walls transfer loads all the anchors for handrails. Often the stringboards, which
way to the foundation or other suitable frame cover and connect the ends of the steps, are
members. framed into the newel

Louver Functions: The function of a newel-post is to

provide a strong support from the main body of a
Definitions: An opening with horizontal slats to stair flight to the handrail.
permit the passage of air, but excluding rain,
sunlight and view. louver, also spelled Nosing
Louvre, arrangement of parallel, horizontal blades, Definitions: The rounded edge of a stair tread. The
slats, laths, slips of glass, wood, or other material nosing is the protrusion beyond the riser when
designed to regulate airflow or light penetration. vertical risers are used, or beyond the back of the
Characteristics: stationary, adjustable, tread below, when angled risers or no risers are
combination, and air measuring used. Anti-slip strips or nosings may be applied.
Characteristics: constructed using concrete, or
Functions: Louvers are often used in windows or
granite or marbles or in stone floored steps.
doors in order to allow air or light in while keeping
sunshine or moisture out. Functions: A nosing can actually improve the
visibility of each tread, clearly defining where it ends
and giving users the confidence to walk up and
Definitions: Walls built by a mason using brick,
stone, tile or similar material.
Characteristics: The features of masonry Parging
include design flexibility, various textures, structural Definitions: A rough coat of mortar applied over a
strength, mold resistance, durability, simple masonry wall as protection or finish. It may also
maintenance needs and competitive cost. serve as a base for an asphalt waterproofing
compound below grade.
Functions: Masonry is widely used to construct
Characteristics: Parging is usually mortar or
small and large structures because of its attractive
Portland-cement based and is applied with a trowel,
appearance, minimum maintenance, safety (fire
usually in several thin coats, directly over
resistance and wind/earthquake resistance), and
the masonry that
Functions: It is most commonly used to apply a Functions: The primary use of plasterboard is to
smooth surface to the exterior of a masonry build partitions wall linings or ceilings in any
foundation so that a waterproofing compound can building, ranging from hospitals and schools to
be applied more easily. Parging is also frequently shops and domestic properties. Newer, more
used to cover up deteriorating masonry on the innovative plasterboards can also be used for
outsides of buildings or to provide a smooth surface external sheathing purposes.
for application of new finishes on the inside and
outside of a building. Plates
Definitions: Pieces of wood placed on wall surfaces
Pier as fastening devices. The bottom member of a wall
Definitions: A column designed to support a is the sole plate and the top member is the rafter
concentrated load. A member, usually in the form of plate.
a thickened section which forms an integral part of
a wall; usually placed at intervals along the wall to Characteristics: A plate is a structural element
provide lateral support or to support concentrated which is characterized by a three-dimensional solid
vertical walls. whose thickness is very small when compared with
Characteristics: In foundations for large buildings, other dimensions.
piers are usually cylindrical concrete shafts, cast in
Functions: It is made by compressing multiple steel
prepared holes, but in bridges they take the form of
layers together into one; forming a plate of steel.
caissons, which are sunk into position.
Steel Plate is commonly used to strengthen
Functions: They are the intermediate supports; foundations and uphold mass units of weight like
whose function is to transmit the forces they receive bridges. Alternatively, it provides a base for
from the load-bearing elements to the foundations. construction of larger materials and non-workable
Definitions: A projection of the foundation wall used Definitions: A chamber that serves as an air
to support a floor girder or stiffen the wall. distribution area for heating or cooling systems,
Characteristics: Shallow rectangular column that generally placed between a false ceiling and the
projects slightly beyond the wall into which it is built actual ceiling. A plenum (pronounced PLEH-nuhm,
and conforms precisely to the order or style of the from Latin meaning full) is a separate space
adjacent columns. provided for air circulation for heating, ventilation,
and air-conditioning (sometimes referred to
Functions: Pilasters are traditionally used for as HVAC) and typically provided in the space
decorative rather than structural purposes, often as between the structural ceiling and a drop-down
a means of breaking up an otherwise empty ceiling.
expanse of wall. Characteristics: Plenum rated cable has a special
insulation that has low smoke and low flame
Pitch characteristics.
Definitions: The angle or slope of a roof or a
sewage line. A pitched roof is a roof that slopes Functions: Plenum boxes are usually situated on
downwards, typically in two parts at an angle from a either side of the fan or heat exchanger and have
central ridge, but sometimes in one part, from one the important function of bringing in, distributing,
edge to another. and removing air. They are the air's first stop after
Characteristics: The 'pitch' of a roof is its vertical being heated or cooled and its last stop before
rise divided by its horizontal span and is a measure going back into your AC, heat pump, or furnace.
of its steepness.
Functions: Pitch was traditionally used to help caulk
the seams of wooden sailing vessels (see Definitions: Construction of components, such as
shipbuilding), and to coat earthenware vessels for walls, trusses or doors, before delivery to the
the preservation of wine. building site.
Characteristics: Light weight for easy handling and
Plasterboard (see dry wall) transport and to economics on sections and sizes of
Definitions: Gypsum board, used in place of plaster. foundations.
Drywall construction is the application of walls
without the use of mortar or plaster. wallboard. Functions: Prefabrication techniques are used in
Characteristics: Plasterboards are composed of a the construction of apartment blocks, and housing
plaster core encased in, and firmly bonded to, developments with repeated housing units.
paper liners to form flat rectangular boards (CEN Prefabrication is an essential part of the
2004a). The properties of these materials, industrialization of construction.
particularly the gypsum, can be modified to meet
specific requirements, such as fire resistance, Rafter
humidity resistance, impact resistance, etc.
Definitions: One of a series of structural roof lightweight and costs slightly less. Plywood is very
members spanning an exterior wall to a center ridge durable but tends to cost a bit more and is heavier.
beam or ridge board.
Characteristics: Typically, it runs from the ridge or Functions: Roof sheathing provides lateral support
hip of the roof to the wall plate of the external wall. to the roof frame. It transfers forces down the rafters
and trusses and helps distribute weight evenly
Functions: Rafter is a structural component that is across the entire roof to prevent it from sagging or
used as a part of a roof construction. rafters are laid bowing. Roof sheathing also acts as a foundation
in series, side by side, providing a base to support, for shingles and helps to stop leaks.
roof decks, roof covering, etc.
Reinforced Concrete Definitions: The movable part of a window– the
Definitions: Concrete strengthened with steel rods. frame into which panes of glass are set in a window
Characteristics: Structures made from reinforced or door.
concrete are stable and durable. Characteristics: The sash is the glazed part which
slides vertically to open, allowing ventilation and
Functions: Reinforced concrete is used for cleaning.
construction on a large scale, such as bridges,
dams, piers, tall buildings and stadiums. It is most Functions: The window sash is that part of the
commonly used in domestic construction for the window you move up or down when opening or
footings and foundations of smaller everyday closing the window. The sash provides stability to
dwellings. the window, and it allows its key function. Usually,
you can find window sashes on double-hung
Ridge Board windows or casement windows.
Definitions: A horizontal board set on edge at which
rafters meet. Scuttle Hole
Characteristics: A ridge board connects the upper Definitions: A small opening either to the attic or to
ends of the rafters forming the apex of the triangle. the crawl space.
Characteristics: it often has a removable
Functions: A ridge board is a non-structural cover. This hole is covered with a piece of material,
member that serves as a prop for opposing rafters typically drywall, called the hatch.
to rest against and connect to. Ridge boards can
only be used in roofs with slopes from 3 in 12 up to Functions: Scuttle holes to provide attic
12 in 12. access were commonly used in older homes. Most
scuttle attic hatches are located in a part of a house
Ridge Pole that's unobtrusive but easy to get to. You'll often
Definitions: A thick longitudinal plank to which the see access hatches in places such as hallways and
ridge rafters of a roof are attached. And also, a walk-in closets, where a ladder can be placed to get
beam laid along the edge where two sloping sides to it.
of a roof meet at the top.
Characteristics: the highest horizontal timber in a Shakes
roof against which the upper ends of the rafters are Definitions: Hand cut wooden shingles. A shake is
fixed. split by hand from lumber logs using special crafting
Functions: provides an attachment for the upper Characteristics: The Cedar Shake & Shingle
ends of rafters. rooftree, ridge. beam - long thick Bureau defines a shake as wood roofing that is split
piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in on one or both sides.
Functions: When these are used for covering the
Riser top of a house, the result is a shake roof. Shakes
Definitions: The upright piece of a stair step, from are the most popular and are typically crafted into
tread to tread. shape by hand, although some are manufactured
Characteristics: The inlet, or riser, is a vertical with power equipment.
conduit whose top edge acts as a weir.
Septic Tank
Functions: are added to the casting to provide Functions: Holding tank for sewage solids used to
reservoirs to feed this shrinkage. break down into smaller particles before it flows into
a drain field and is eventually absorbed into the
Roof Sheathing ground. A septic tank is a small sewage treatment
Definitions: Sheets, usually made of plywood, which system for homes with no connection to local
are nailed to the top edges of trusses or rafters to sewage pipes.
tie the roof together and support the roofing
materials. Characteristics: Septic refers to the bacteria that
Characteristics: Roof sheathing is usually made of decomposes the waste inside the tank.
either oriented strand board (OSB) or plywood.
Both materials are made of wood, but OSB is more
Functions: Its job is to hold the wastewater long intervening sheathing to form the exposed surface
enough to allow solids to settle down to the bottom of the outside walls of frame buildings.
forming sludge, while the oil and grease floats to Characteristics: The word siding implies wood units,
the top as scum. or products imitative of wood, used on houses.

Sheathing (see wall sheathing) Functions: Siding protects your house from
Definitions: The first covering of boards or material inclement weather such as rain, snow and wind,
on an outside wall or roof prior to installing the while also helping to keep your home properly
finished siding or roof covering. Structural sheathing insulated. The second function and purpose of
is what we most commonly see when driving past a siding is to give your house great curb appeal,
construction site. which is very important if you plan on selling your
Characteristics: It is attached to the exterior wall home in the future.
framing, which braces the wall against both positive
and negative forces. Sill Plate
Definitions: The lowest member of the house
Functions: The most common material used for framing which rest on top of the foundation wall.
structural sheathing is plywood, OSB board or Also called a mud sill.
waferboard. Characteristics: A sill plate or sole plate in
construction and architecture is the bottom
Shim horizontal member of a wall or building to which
Definitions: A thin tapered piece of wood used for vertical members are attached.
leveling a building element.
Characteristics: The most important properties of Functions: In most homes, the sill plate is the first
shims are their ability to separate and adjust the piece of wood in the entire house. The purpose of
spacing between items in construction. this element is to keep the house to the foundation.
Functions: a shim is a tapered wedge used for Slab
making slight adjustments to home elements, such Definitions: A concrete floor placed directly on an
as door frames and windows, to make them plumb earth or gravel base-usually approximately four
and level. A shim is a thin and often tapered or inches thick.
wedged piece of material, used to fill small gaps or Characteristics: A slab is a structural element,
spaces between objects. Shims are typically used made of concrete, that is used to create flat
in order to support, adjust for better fit, or provide a horizontal surfaces such as floors, roof decks, and
level surface. Shims may also be used as spacers ceilings. A slab is generally several inches thick and
to fill gaps between parts subject to wear. supported by beams, columns, walls, or the ground.

Shingles Functions: To provide a flat surface. To act as

Definitions: Pieces of wood, asbestos or other sound, heat and fire insulator. It provides a covering
material used as an overlapping outer covering on shelter or working flat surface in buildings. Its
walls or roofs. primary function is to transfer the load by bending in
Characteristics: Shingles are installed in three one or two directions.
overlapping layers without felt interleaving.
Functions: shingle, thin piece of building material, Definitions: A strip of wood laid over a concrete
usually with a butt end thicker than the other. floor to which a finished wood floor is nailed or
Shingles are widely used as roof covering on glued.
residential buildings and sometimes for siding. They Characteristics: The sleepers which are made up of
are of stock sizes and various materials—including steel or cast iron are known as metal sleepers.
wood, asphalt, and slate. Gauge adjustment, Track circuiting, Damage by
white ants and corrosion
Definitions: Boards with rebated overlapping edges. Functions: hold the rails strongly and to maintain
Characteristics: They are overlapped to create uniform gauge, transfer the load from rails to the
channels and visible gaps. shiplap is a style of ballast or ground, reduce the vibrations coming
wooden wall siding characterized by long planks, from rails and offer longitudinal and lateral stability.
normally painted white, that are mounted
horizontally with a slight gap between them in a Soffit
manner that evokes exterior shiplap walls Definitions: The visible underside of structural
members, such as staircases, cornices, beams, roof
Functions: Shiplap was used to provide the overhangs or eaves.
sheathing between the exterior and the framing. Characteristics: A soffit is an exterior or interior
architectural feature, generally the horizontal, aloft
Siding underside of any construction element.
Definitions: Boards of special design nailed
horizontally to vertical studs with or without Functions: the basic mission of soffit is to protect
rafters from the elements.
Soil Stack support for your finish (surface) flooring. Used
Functions: Vertical plumbing pipe for waste water. alone, most finish flooring materials are not strong
Characteristics: The bottom of a soil stack furnishes enough for the dead weight of furniture, cabinetry,
an exit to either a sewer or a septic tank. appliances and other household objects plus the
live weight of people and pets.
Functions: The vertical piping that terminates in a
roof vent and carries off the vapors of a plumbing Swale
system. Definitions: A wide, shallow depression in the
ground to form a channel for water drainage.
Sole Plate Characteristics: Swales are natural or man-made
Definitions: A horizontal timber which serves as a linear depressions (or ditches), usually grass
base for the studs in a stud position. covered, with shallow-sloping sides.
Characteristics: A sill plate or sole plate in
construction and architecture is the bottom Functions: Today, swales not only convey
horizontal member of a wall or building to which stormwater but also help to treat runoff to reduce
vertical members are attached. pollutants. Like ditches, swales collect stormwater
from roads, driveways, parking lots and other hard
Functions: A Sole Plate is supplied when the
customer requires a stable foundation to anchor the
motor. The vertical timbers (the posts and the Tile Field
studs) are fixed into the sole plate, which plays a Definitions: Open-joint drain tiles laid to distribute
vital role in supporting the whole frame. septic tank effluent over an absorption area, or to
provide subsoil drainage in wet areas.
Stringer Characteristics: Slip resistance, Surface abrasion
resistance, and subsize etc.
Definitions: A long, horizontal member which
connects the uprights in a frame, or supports a floor Functions: Tiles in building construction are thin
or similar structure. Also, one of the enclosed sides plates or elements used to cover surfaces like
of a stair supporting the treads and risers. roofs, floors, and walls.
Characteristics: vertical support board or structural
member that runs along each side or center of the Toenail
staircase Definitions: Driving nails at an angle into corners or
other joints. Toenailing is a method often used to
Functions: A steel stringer is the vertical support fasten wall studs to the sole plate, as illustrated. If
beam, that functions as the stairway's structural you have trouble keeping the stud in position while
foundation, think of it like the backbone of your nailing, lay a 2x4 spacer block behind it.
stairs. These can run along each side or the centre Characteristics: Toenailing or skew-nailing is the
of the staircase, with treads and rises being fixed driving of a nail at a roughly 45-degree angle to
into it. fasten two pieces of wood together.

Studs Functions The main function of toenails is likely for

Definitions: In wall framing, the vertical members to protection, compared to enhancing grip or the fine
which horizontal pieces are nailed. Studs are motor functions the fingernails have. The tops of the
spaced either 16 or 24 inches apart. toes are vulnerable to injury and, as we've all
Characteristics: A stud is a vertical framing member learned the hard way, stubbing.
which forms part of a wall or partition. Also known
as wall studs, they are a fundamental component of
frame construction and are typically made of timber. Tongue and Groove
Definitions: a joint made by a tongue on one edge
Functions: Studs form walls and may carry vertical of a board fitting into a corresponding groove on the
structural loads or be non-load-bearing, such as in edge of another board.
partition walls, which only separate spaces. Characteristics: Tongues and grooves come in a
They hold in place the windows, doors, interior variety of profiles or shapes,including square
finish, exterior sheathing or siding, insulation and grooves, U-grooves, V-grooves, trapezoidal-
utilities and help give shape to a building. grooves, and Z-grooves or stepped joints, singly
and as multiples, the latter for supporting higher
Subfloor loads.
Definitions: Sheets of plywood that are nailed
directly to the floor joists which receive the finish Functions: A tongue and groove joint is a type of
flooring. woodworking joint that simplifies the installation
Characteristics: floor layer that supports the finished process of wood boards and materials. Its main
floor and provides strength and durability purpose is to easily fit groove boards and joints
together with minimal stress or effort involved.
Functions: A subfloor is a structure attached to your
floor joists which provides Tread
Definitions: The horizontal part of a stair step.
Characteristics: Individual characteristics Weather Stripping
are unique aspects of a particular shoe or tire that
result from use, not the manufacturing process. Definitions: Metal, wood, plastic or other material
installed around door and window openings to
Functions: Stair treads aren't only great at prevent air infiltration.
improving safety, but they also protect the stairs Characteristics: U.V. stabilized resins ensure
from the daily traffic. extended field life when exposed to sunlight, Yarn
denier weight control within +/-5%, Ultrasonic
Truss welding ensures that fiber, fin and backing materials
Definitions: A combination of structural members are integrated into a single component and
which usually are arranged in triangular units to Compression set resistance of <10%.
form a rigid framework for spanning long distances Functions: You can use weatherstripping in your
without a mid-support. home to seal air leaks around movable building
Characteristics: A truss consists of typically (but not components, such as doors or operable windows.
necessarily) straight members connected at joints, For stationary components, caulk is the appropriate
traditionally termed panel points. Trusses are material for filling cracks and gaps.
typically (but not necessarily) composed of triangles
because of the structural stability of that shape and Infiltration.
design. Definitions: Infiltration is an indicator of the soil's
ability to allow water movement into and through
Functions: Trusses are popular for bridge the soil profile.
building because they use a relatively small amount Characteristics: The infiltration capacity is the
of material for the amount of weight they can maximum rate at which water can be absorbed by a
support. They commonly are used in covered given soil per unit area under given conditions.
bridges, railroad bridges, and military bridges.
Functions: Infiltration allows the soil to temporarily
Valley store water, making it available for use by plants
Definitions: The depression at the meeting joint of and soil organisms. The infiltration rate is a
two roof slopes. measure of how fast water enters the soil, typically
Characteristics: Valleys represents low areas of expressed in inches per hour.
land surrounded by elevated landforms such as
mountains, hills, or plateaus. Weep Hole
Definitions: Asmall hole in a masonry wall which
Functions: Rivers enabled easier movement and permits water to drain.
also provided resources like water, good soils, and Characteristic s: Weep holes are small, evenly-
food such as fish. spaced holes along the bottom section of your wall.

Wainscoting Functions: The Masonry Design Manual describes

Definitions: The lower three or four feet of an weep holes as, 'Openings placed in mortar joints of
interior wall, when lined with paneling, tile or other facing materials at the level of flashing, to permit
material different from the rest of the wall. the escape of moisture, or openings in retaining
Characteristics: The richness and warmth of interior walls to permit water to escape.
wood paneling is a highly characteristic aspect of
the Tudor and Elizabethan styles of decoration in

Functions: The main function of wainscoting is to

protect walls from damage such as foot marks and
scuffs and from door handles banging into the wall
and making a dent.

Wall Sheathing
Definitions: Sheets of plywood, gypsum board or
other material nailed to the outside face of studs as
a base for exterior siding.
Characteristics: Paper-faced gypsum and unfaced
gypsum/cellulose core-reinforced sheathing

Functions: Sheathing is the supporting structure

that acts as a cover for the surfaces of a building.
The main function of sheathing is to provide a
surface where other materials can be applied to,
either on either floors, roofs, or walls of structures. It
also provides additional structural integrity to

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