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7053 MRO Cat 94p Internal 19/9/05 9:46 AM Page 42


Non-Structural Adhesives Structural Adhesives

Non-structural adhesives bond materials for Structural adhesives bond the load – bearing parts
insulation, cushioning and panelling, rubber, fabric, of a product. Usually these are metal, but wood, glass
leather, wood, cardboard, and other substrates used and rigid plastics can also be structurally bonded.
in non load-bearing applications.

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Products

Aerosol Adhesives As an alternative to mechanical or fusion fastening,
Only a touch of a finger prepares, bonds, cleans, Scotch-Weld products provides greater design latitude,
or handles a variety of other jobs creating a formulation cleaner lines, material substitution, less machining,
to work on paper, plastic, cardboard, foam, metal and lighter weight, more durability, and often less cost.
more. 3M introduced the first industrial-grade aerosol The Scotch-Weld range includes one-part heat-curing
adhesive over 35 years ago. epoxies, two-part room
With a high heat resistance temperature curing epoxies,
and controlled spray pattern this acrylics and urethanes, and
range helps minimise overspray, formulations for bonding steel,
clean-up, and unused adhesive. aluminium, copper, low surface
energy plastics, rubber, glass,
wood, masonry and more.
3M™ Jet-melt™
Jet-melt adhesives create fast 3M™ Scotch-Weld™
and effective bonding solutions Instant Adhesives
for assembly and packaging. Engineered to improve The Scotch-Weld Instant Adhesives are single
productivity and minimize waste, the advanced component, high strength cyanoacrylate adhesives
Polygun™ design also ensures greater user comfort which are fast bonding with the right combination
and ease of application. The advantage of Jet-Melt of strength, cure time and viscosity. These products are
Adhesives is that they are 100% solid and solvent free. economical to use as they require only drops of
adhesive to provide strong bonds to many metals,
plastics, and rubbers.

3M™ Jet-Weld™ Adhesive System

Hot melt speed and structural strength performance
in the palm of your hand. The one-component,
moisture–curing formulation eliminates metering, mixing
and curing equipment. The main advantage is that the
fast initial set and handling strength is within as few as
15 seconds.

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Adhesives Selection Guide

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Structural Adhesives

DP-100 DP-110 DP-190 DP-2701 DP-46011 DP-810 DP-8005
Colour Clear Clear Grey Black Off White Tan Translucent
Overlap Shear Strength PSI 1,500 2,000 2,500 2,500 4,500 4,200 2,000
Work Life (mins) 4 9 90 70 60 8 3
Time to Handling Strength 20 mins 20 mins 6-12 hrs 48 hrs 2-5 hrs 10 mins 2-3 hrs
Polyester (PET) Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair Excellent
Polystyrene (PS) Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair Good
Polycarbonate (PC) Fair Poor Excellent Fair Fair Good Fair
ABS Fair Fair Good Fair Fair Good Good
Acrylic (PMMA) Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Excellent
Vinyl (PVC) Fair Fair Good Poor Fair Excellent Excellent
Aluminium Good Fair Good Good Excellent Excellent Good
Cold Rolled Steel Fair Fair Good Fair Excellent Good Poor
Brass/Copper Fair Fair Poor Excellent Good Poor Poor
Stainless Steel Fair Good Good Fair Excellent Excellent Good
Glass Poor Poor Fair Fair Poor Good Good
Oily Metal Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Excellent Poor
Polypropylene (PP) Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Excellent
Polyethylene (PE) Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Excellent
Phenolic Poor Poor Poor Poor Excellent Poor Poor
Santoprene Rubber Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Excellent
Fibred Plastic (FRP) Fair Good Poor Poor Good Excellent Excellent
Nylon Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Poor Poor

Industrial Aerosol Adhesives

73 74 75 76 77 80 90
Spray Pattern Particle Lace Particle Lace Particle Lace Lace
Colour Clear Light Orange Clear Translucent Clear Yellow Translucent
Type of Bond Permanent Permanent Repositionable Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent
Temp Resistance 50°C 49°C 49°C 71°C 43°C 93°C 71°C

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Thermoset Structural Adhesives

Tensile Open Set ABS Aluminium 1,2 EPDM Fabric/ FRP Glass/ Leather Neoprene
Strength Time Time Rubber Felt/ Ceramic Rubber
TE-100 4,200 psi 2 min 1 min Good Poor Poor Excellent Fair Poor Excellent Poor
TE-200 4,000 psi 4 min 2 min Excellent Poor Poor Excellent Poor Poor Excellent Poor
TS-230 3,300 psi 4 min 2.5 min Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Good
Nitrile Nylon Painted Polyacrylic Polycarbonate Polyolefins 3 Polysytrene PVC Steel 1 SBR Wood
Rubber Metal1
TE-100 Good Poor Poor Fair Good Poor Excellent Good Poor Good Excellent
TE-200 Good Poor Poor Good Excellent Poor Excellent Excellent Poor Good Excellent
TS-230 Excellent Fair Excellent Excellent Excellent Poor Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Good

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3M™ Super Spray Adhesive 77

Aerosols • High coverage, fast, aggressive tack, and

3M™ Foam Fast Spray Adhesive 74 a long-bonding range.
• Adhesive bonds flexible urethane or latex • Versatile — securely bonds most lightweight
foam together or to wood, metal and many materials, plus it has low soak-in for
plastics. long-lasting bonds.
• Bonds on contact yet has a 15 minute • Excellent for jobs in display and furniture —
bonding range. it bonds thin decorative film, foils and fabrics.
• Controlled variable 25mm to 75mm misting • Bonds gaskets in water pumps, and attaches
and spray. insulation to sheet metal.
• Gives fast tack with foam tearing strength • Attaches wiring diagrams, very versatile adhesive.
and a soft, non-dimpling glue line.
Size Colour
• General upholstery foam bonding, to bond
small foam shapes by knife edge bonding, boxing, 467g Clear
and edge turning.

Size Colour 3M™ Neoprene Contact Adhesive

489g Yellow • The first true neoprene contact adhesive.
• Very strong with a 400 psi shear strength.
• Sprays right where you want it — up to the
3M™ Repositionable Spray Adhesive 75 edge, not over.
• Adhesive bonds many lightweight materials. • Position parts 30 minutes after applying
• Adheres in seconds, yet has an extra-long tack adhesive.
range that allows you to reposition materials. • Plasticizer and high temperature resistant
• Excellent for production line work where parts to 93°C.
are held in place temporarily for final assembly. • Fast drying and fast bonding, a durable, high
• Holds patches during stitching or patterns strength adhesive.
while cutting. • Can be used for all types of rubber bonding
• Bonds paper, cardboard, acetate, foil, fabrics except EPDM.
and plastic sheeting. Will not bleed through, • Bonds most supported vinyl and leather.
stain or wrinkle most materials. • Adheres stainless steel panels, stiffeners, metal kick
plates and most plastics, laminates and wood
Size Colour
276g Clear Size Colour
539g Yellow
3M™ High Tack Spray Adhesive 76
• Quick tacking adhesive is the strongest
one surface aerosol adhesive in our line. 3M™ Hi-Strength Spray Adhesive 90
• Bonds many hard to hold materials such • Great initial strength that builds up to 230 psi
as polyethylene and polypropylene. shear strength.
• Also bonds SBR rubber, fabric, felt, • Excellent for many decorative laminates
cardboard, cork, foil and plastic to because it dries in 1 to 2 minutes.
themselves and to wood, metal and glass. • Also a great adhesive for particle board,
• A strong, one surface adhesive with high polyethylene, polypropylene and SBR rubber.
temperature resistance. • The variable spray width and precise spray
• Non-misting, precise spray control, does not control lets you spray adhesive where you
cavitate expanded polystyrene foam. want it.
• Used to bond carpet, door skins and fabric in van • Bonds decorative laminates to tables,
conversions; insulation in aircraft interiors and cabinets, and shelving, kick plates to desks,
specialty cabinets; and to attach nameplates, pool and plastic sign lettering to wood.
table fabrics, swimming pool liners and pipe insulation. • Adheres polyethylene and polypropylene to wood,
metal and more.
Size Colour
Size Colour
515g Translucent
500g Translucent


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3M™ Jet-Melt™ Adhesive 3748

Adhesive Cleaner • Great for bonding many plastics
3M™ hIPA Clean 300 including polyethylene and
• An isopropyl alcohol (IPA) spray that cleans polypropylene.
surfaces prior to the application of a 3M tape • Excellent for making printed wiring
or adhesive. board components rigid and many
• Safe to use. other electronic applications.
• Leaves no residue. • Resists heat, good non-conducting electrical
• Cleans surfaces prior to bonding. properties, and it is non-corrosive.

Size Comments
5kg EC Setting #4

3M™ Adhesive Cleaner and Solvent 700 3M™ Jet-Melt™ Adhesive 3762
• Versatile general use solvent in aerosol form. • Rapid setting adhesive has excellent
• Ideal for cleaning heavily contaminated “hot tack” properties making it great
surfaces prior to bonding, removal of adhesive for closing cartons and bonding
residue, or dismantling previously bonded corrugated paper products.
articles. • Also works on lightly waxed cartons.
• Leaves no residue. • Also used to put up signs and make
point of purchase displays.

Size Comments
Size 5kg EC Setting #3

3M™ Jet-Melt™ Adhesive 3762 LM

Scotch-Weld™ Adhesive Cleaner 100 • This low application temperature adhesive
Bulk version of 700 Adhesive Cleaner and Solvent. has excellent “hot tack” properties.
• Great for bonding corrugated boxes
Size and paper products, foam packaging
corners, beadboard and many other
1 litre heat sensitive products.
5 litre • A low viscosity adhesive that has a
25 second bonding range means
production speed.

Hot-Melt Bonding — Jet-Melt™ Size Comments

Adhesives 5kg EC Setting #1

3M™ Jet-Melt™ Adhesive 3738

• Excellent multi-purpose adhesive. 3M™ Jet-Melt™ Adhesive 3764
• Great for assembling furniture, plastic • This very strong adhesive is great
audio and video components, cartons, for bonding many types of plastics,
and sand core bonding and assembly glass, wood, acrylic, polyolefins,
in foundries. polystyrene, polyester and
• 50 second bonding range makes large jobs easier. polycarbonate.
• Good electrical properties. • Resists damage from impacts at
both high and low temperatures.
Size Comments
Size Comments
5kg EC Setting #4
5kg EC Setting #4


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3M™ Jet-Melt™ Adhesive 3789 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Thermoset

• This hot melt adhesive is great for Adhesive TE-031

bonding flexible and rigid plastics. • Applies easily like conventional hot-melt
Also works for bonding some vinyls, adhesives then cure to give tough,
leather and wood. high-strength bonds.
• Has a shear strength of 570 psi and • Can effectively bond to a wide variety
a tensile strength of 520 psi. of substrates including wood, fibre
• Impact resistant. reinforced plastics (FRP), and most
• Not recommended for polyolefins. plastics to themselves and to metal.
• Extrudable grade with fast set time, especially suited
Size Comments for bonding a wide variety of plastics including
5kg EC Setting #5 polystyrene and polyacrylic.

3M™ Jet-Melt™ Adhesive 3792 LM 295.7ml
• A clear hot melt adhesive for
product assembly.
• Great for attaching upholstery to 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Thermoset
furniture, matting pictures and crafts.
• Features a long 40 second bonding Adhesive TE-100
range and has good heat resistance. • Applies easily like conventional
• Adheres well to fabric, many plastics, hot-melt adhesives then cures
and wood. to give tough, high-strength bonds.
• Low application temperature of 129°C. • Can effectively bond to a wide variety
of substrates including wood, fibre
Size Comments reinforced plastics (FRP), and most
plastics to themselves and to metal.
5kg EC Setting #1 • Extrudable grade with medium set time and low
viscosity, especially suited for wood.
• Bonds selected plastics. Yields thin glue lines.

Hot-Melt Bonding – Applicators Size

3M™ Polygun™ Applicators
• Portable, lightweight applicators used
to dispense 3M™ Jet-Melt™
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Thermoset
• Use TCQ with adhesives requiring EC Adhesive TS-200
Setting 2-5. • A one-component, 100% solids,
• Use LTQ with adhesives requiring EC Setting 1. moisture curing urethane material.
• An extrudable grade with a fast set time
Type and long open time.
• Bonds a variety of substrates, including
wood and plastics to themselves,
LTQ to metal and to glass.

Hot-Melt Bonding – Scotch-Weld™
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Thermoset 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Thermoset
Adhesive TE-030 Adhesive TS-230
• Applies easily like conventional hot- • Applies easily like conventional hot-melt
melt adhesives then cure to give tough, adhesives then cures to give tough,
high-strength bonds. high-strength bonds.
• Can effectively bond to a wide variety • Effectively bonds to a wide variety
of substrates including wood, fibre of substrates including wood, fibre
reinforced plastics (FRP), and most plastics to reinforced plastics (FRP), and most
themselves and to metal. plastics to themselves and to metal.
• Extrudable grade with fast set time, especially suited • A sprayable/extrudable grade with long set time,
for bonding wood. suited especially for bonding a wide variety of plastics
• Bonds selected plastics. including polystyrene and polyacrylic.
• Bonds aluminum and glass to plastic and wood.
295.7ml Size


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3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Instant

Instant Adhesives
Adhesive CA-9
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ • Slow set time of 20 to 70
Instant Adhesive CA-4 seconds allows parts to be perfectly
• Fast setting instant adhesive aligned.
that reaches handling strength • Ideal for wire tacking and
in 5 to 40 seconds. coil terminating.
• It has many uses and is • Great for metal, plastic and rubber.
especially good for bonding cured rubber and plastic. • Bonds resist shock and impacts.
• Also great for metal. • A cyanoacrylate adhesive.
• A cyanoacrylate adhesive.
Size 28.35g

3M™ Scotch-Weld™
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Instant Adhesive CA-40
Instant Adhesive CA-5 • A very fast drying instant
• This slower setting instant adhesive adhesive for those difficult to
is great for gap filling while bonding bond materials such as EPDM
rough and uneven surfaces. rubber, aluminum and flexible
• Works very well on metal, rubber, vinyl.
ceramic and plastic. • Reaches handling strength in 1 to 30 seconds.
• A cyanoacrylate adhesive. • A cyanoacrylate adhesive.

28.35g 28.35g

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Instant

Instant Adhesive CA-7 Adhesive CA-40H
• This instant adhesive has an • Slow set time so it’s difficult to
extremely fast set time of 1 to bond materials such as EPDM
30 seconds. rubber, aluminum and flexible
• Flows into close fitting vinyl can be properly aligned.
pre-assembled parts using a wicking action. • High viscosity keeps run off
It is super strong with a shear strength of 2000 psi. to a minimum and improves
• Great for metal, plastic and rubber. void filling properties.
• Bonds resist shock and impacts. • Resists soap and isopropyl alcohol.
• A cyanoacrylate adhesive. • A cyanoacrylate adhesive.

28.35g 28.35g

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Instant

Instant Adhesive CA-8 Adhesive CA-50 Gel
• Fast set time of 5 to 40 seconds. • Non-sag gel consistency makes
• Excellent adhesion on metal, this instant adhesive ideal for
plastic and rubber. vertical applications.
• Bonds resist shock and impacts. • Very slow setting time
• A cyanoacrylate adhesive. of 1 to 2 minutes allows time
to reposition parts.
• Less sensitive to acid surfaces.
• A cyanoacrylate instant adhesive.


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3M™ Scotch-Weld™ 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Two-Part Epoxy

Instant Adhesive CA-100 Adhesive DP-190

• Excellent for metal. • A grey, flexible epoxy adhesive
• Bonds aluminum with a shear generates bonds of 2500 psi shear
strength of 2500 psi. strength and good peel strength.
• High viscosity allows it to fill • Great for bonding rubber, metal,
gaps. wood, most plastics and masonry
• Shock and impact resistant. products.
• Excellent peel strength. • This adhesive has a 90 minute work life and reaches
• A cyanoacrylate adhesive. handling strength in 8 to 12 hours.
• Has good impact and shock resistance.
28.35g Size Colour
50ml Grey

Structural 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Two-Part Epoxy

Adhesive DP-270
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ • A black, electrical grade epoxy
Two-Part Epoxy for potting and bonding electronic
Adhesive DP-100 • 70 minute work life.
• Has a 3 to 5 minute work life and • Non-corrosive to copper.
develops handling strength in • Handling strength in 8 to 12 hours.
approximately 15 minutes. • Rigid epoxy.
• Low viscosity allows easy pouring and is ideal for
filleting and potting. Size Colour
• Overlap shear strength up to 1500 psi.
• Dries rigid. 50ml Black

Size Colour
50ml Clear 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Two-Part Epoxy
Adhesive DP-460
• A very high performance
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ epoxy adhesive.
• Great for bonding a wide variety
Two-Part Epoxy Adhesive of materials with outstanding
DP-100 NS Translucent reliability and durability.
• Great for vertical surface • This product is toughened to provide extremely high
applications. peel strength and a shear strength of 4500 psi.
• Has a 6 minute work life and develops handling • Has a 60 to 80 minute work life.
strength in approximately 15 minutes. • Handling strength in 8 to 12 hours.
• Overlap shear strength up to 1500 psi.
Size Colour
Size Colour
37ml Off-White
50ml Translucent

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Two-Part

3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Adhesive DP-810
Two-Part Epoxy Adhesive • Scotch-Weld DP-810 is a very fast curing,
DP-110 toughened two-part acrylic adhesive.
• A fast setting, flexible epoxy. • It features uncommonly high peel and shear
• Great for bonding metal, ceramic and many plastics. strength on oily steel, aluminium, many
• It has a 9 minute work life yet has handling strength in plastics, glass and painted surfaces.
30 minutes.
• This adhesive has excellent peel strength and shock Size Colour
and impact resistance. 50ml Tan
200ml Tan
Size Colour
50ml Grey
50ml Translucent



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