Emirates Ticket 1
Emirates Ticket 1
Emirates Ticket 1
Ticket & receipt Scan the bar code or use the ticket number above at
the self check-in points in the airport.
Your ticket is stored in our booking system. This receipt is your record Check with your departure airport for restrictions on the carriage of
of your ticket and is part of your conditions of carriage. For more liquids, aerosols and gels in hand baggage and check your visa
information you can read the notices and conditions of contract. requirements.
You might need to show this receipt to enter the airport or to prove Please check our Dangerous Goods information to find out what you
your return or onwards travel to immigration. can and can’t bring on board. Some substances and certain items are
restricted, like portable electronic devices, spare batteries or smart
Check in at the airport. At most If you're checking in bags, drop Go through airport security at Arrive at the boarding gate 45
airports you need to arrive 3 hours them at the Emirates check- least 60 minutes before your minutes before departure. The
before departure, but it can be in counters no later than 90 flight. gates close 20 minutes before
up to 4 hours to complete all the minutes before your flight. the flight leaves.
travel requirements. Please check
the best time to arrive for your
journey below.
Flight Check-in at Departure
29Dec2023 30Dec2023
EK 544
23:50 02:50 Departing DXB, Dubai International Airport
Terminal 3
Seat Status Arrival
Confirmed 30Dec2023
08:15 Arriving MAA, Chennai International Airport
Anna International Termina
Coupon validity: not before 30Dec2023 / not after 30Dec2023 Baggage 25Kgs
Enjoy discounted rates when you Earn Miles on every flight and Explore the world in every bite of Kids get top flight treatment with
purchase extra baggage online. enjoy a world of benefits. our regionally inspired meals. packs, special meals and more.
© Emirates. All rights reserved Emirates Experience | Check-in Online | Manage a Booking | Baggage | Contact us Page 1 of 3
Ticket number: 176 2367725856
Scan the bar code or use the ticket number above at
the self check-in points in the airport.
Fare information
Fare Equivalent fare Taxes / Fees / Charges (TFC) Total fare (Incl. TFC) Form of payment
Fare calculation
Additional information
Baggage allowance
Passenger type Route Baggage allowance
If you go over the baggage allowance you may be charged. If you purchase extra baggage on emirates.com, you could get a discount. Alternatively you can pay for any extra baggage
charges at check-in. For more information please visit our baggage section.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has a very strict, zero-tolerance, anti-drugs policy. All airports within the UAE conduct thorough searches using highly
sensitive equipment. Possession of any amounts of illegal drugs by travellers entering or transiting the UAE will be subject to punishment.
Premium Economy:
One piece of carry-on baggage is permitted with maximum dimensions: 55 x 38 x 22cm (22 x 15 x 8 inches) and maximum weight: 10kg (22lb).
Note: If you're boarding in India, your carry-on baggage may not exceed 115cm or 45.3 inches (length + width + height).
Infants in all cabin classes are permitted one checked-in bag: maximum weight 23kg (50lb) with total dimensions (length + width + height) not exceeding 115cm (45 inches)
and one carry-on bag for inflight food and disposable items (weight not to exceed 5kg (11lb) and maximum dimensions: 55 x 38 x 22cm (22 x 15 x 8 inches).
© Emirates. All rights reserved Emirates Experience | Check-in Online | Manage a Booking | Baggage | Contact us Page 2 of 3
Ticket number: 176 2367725856
Scan the bar code or use the ticket number above at
the self check-in points in the airport.
Inflight entertainment
Ticket number:176 2367725856
the self check-in points in the airport.
© Emirates. All rights reserved Emirates Experience | Check-in Online | Manage a Booking | Baggage | Contact us Page 3 of 3