Environmental Health Officer - Food Safety

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Job Description

Date June 2015

Post Title Environmental Health Officer

Post No. PE017 / PE026 / PE036 / PE1013-1

Grade Grade 9

Section Environmental Health (Food Safety)

Service Area Regeneration and Regulatory Services

Responsible To Principal Environmental Health Officer (Food Safety)

Job Purpose

Under the supervision of the Principal Environmental Health Officer (Food Safety), to carry out appropriate duties in
respect of the enforcement of relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice, and in accordance with Council
policies and practices, at commercial premises, land and other premises in the city, so as to provide an efficient and
effective service.

Key Results Areas

1. To undertake programmed and routine inspections of commercial premises (including ships vessels when
necessary), in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations & codes of practice, and within written procedures
where appropriate so as to ensure their compliance in respect of food safety, health and safety and relevant

2. To carry out programmed and routine inspections of premises subject to licence or other relevant activities.

3. To investigate and carry out follow up procedures in respect of complaints made concerning any aspect of the work
of the section, including food safety, waste, statutory nuisances, water, health and safety or other relevant statute.

4. To assist in the promotion of health education and student training, including food hygiene and other appropriate

5. To carry out monitoring and sampling, as and when required, in respect of food, water or other matters as

6. Generally to carry out all appropriate administrative functions, respond to all matters and maintain proper records in
accordance policies & procedures; also to include the use of information technology.

7. To undertake surveys as and when required, in respect of food safety or other relevant matters.

8. To attend meetings of Council Members, working parties, project groups, outside bodies or any other similar group
as and when required.

9. To investigate food poisoning outbreaks and infectious disease notifications.

10. To liaise with other staff of the Service Area and to undertake the presentation of information in relation to the
continuing professional development programme of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.

11. To take reasonable care of own and others safety; to co-operate with managers/ supervisors in complying with
statutory health and safety duties; to report incidents, accidents, faults etc.

12. To prepare case material and submit reports when necessary to the Head of Law and Standards for legal
proceedings to be initiated. To attend a Court of Law or an Industrial Tribunal to give evidence.
Qualifications and Experience

Diploma in Environmental Health or Degree in Environmental Health

Registered with the Environmental Health Officers Registration Board (or able to achieve this within 6 months of
Demonstrate experience of inspection of all risk category food premises and evaluation of HACCP systems under the
Food Safety Act 1990 Code of Practice, to meet the requirements of the Food Law Code of Practice Wales.
Officers are required to achieve and demonstrate competancy, as defined by the Food Law Code of Practice Wales,
within an appropropriate period following starting in post.
Officers are required to undertake training and development activities to meet the CPD requirements of the Food Law
Code of Practice Wales.

Supervisory Responsibilities

None. The post holder will occasionally be required to supervise the work of student Environmental Health Officers
gaining experience within the Council.

Supervision Received

Responsible to the Principal Environmental Health Officer (Food Safety)

Principal Contacts

All members of the Environmental Health section

Other officers of the Council
Council Members

Special Conditions

Working hours

Depending on the nature of the work being carried out, this can necessitate the post holder working outside normal
office hours, including evenings and weekends, for which the equivalent time off in lieu will be given.

Appearance while on duty

As the role will mean representing the Council on official business, there is a requirement for the post holder to adhere
to a smart appearance when on duty.

Transfer between teams

The post holder will be required to work within other Environmental Health teams from time to time, as instructed by the
Environmental Health Manager.

This job description sets out the main duties of the post at the date when it was drawn up. Such duties may vary from
time to time without changing the general character of the post or the level of responsibility entailed. Such variations are
a common occurrence and cannot of themselves justify a reconsideration of the grading of the post.
Job Requirement
Date June 2015

Post Title Environmental Health Officer

Service Area Regeneration and Regulatory Services

How Tested
Essential (E) /
Requirement (Application Form / Interview)
Desirable (D)
(S) = used at Shortlisting
Education / Qualifications / Knowledge

1.1 Diploma in Environmental Health or Degree in E Application Form / (S)

Environmental Health.

1.2 Member of the Chartered Institute of D Application Form

Environmental Health.

1.3 Registered with the Environmental Health Officers E Application Form / (S)
Registration Board.

1.4 Competant in the use of HACCP D Application Form / (S) / Interview


2.1 Demonstrate experience of inspection of all risk E Application Form / (S) / Interview
category food premises under the Food Safety Act
1990 Code of Practice.

2.2 Experience of issuing Hygiene Improvement, D Application Form/Interview

Prohibition and/or Remedial Action Notices under
Food Hygiene legislation.

2.3 Experience in the detention and/or seizure of food D Application Form/Interview

under the Food Safety Act 1990.

2.4 Experience of auditing HACCP systems in food D Application Form/Interview


2.5 Inspection of approved food premises under D Application Form/Interview

European Directives

2.6 Investigating suspected food poisoning/infectious D Application Form/Interview


2.7 Inspection of premises under the provisions of the D Application Form/Interview

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

2.8 Issuing of Statutory Notices under the Health and D Application Form/Interview
Safety at Work Act 1974
Aptitudes and Skills

3.1 Able to work without direct supervision E Application Form/Interview

3.2 Able to meet targets and deadlines E Application Form/Interview

3.3 Able to manage effectively own work load E Application Form/Interview

3.4 An effective team member, but retaining the ability E Application Form/Interview
to act on personal initiative

3.5 Able to communicate effectively (both verbally and E Application Form/Interview

in writing) with colleagues, managers and external
clients within a wide range of commercial premises

3.6 Possess good IT skills including the use of MS E Application Form/ (S) / Interview
based windows based software packages.

3.7 Able to deal with members of the public in a E Interview

professional manner and exercise discretion and

Personal Attributes

4.1 Reliable; discreet E Interview

4.2 Professional manner; smart appearance E Interview

4.3 Good general mobility, confident manner, E Interview

articulate and persuasive
Able to achieve results through negotiation E Interview

4.5 Committed to further training and personal E Interview


4.6 Mature attitude and persona; able to deal with E Interview

enforcement of legislation with firmness and tact

Willingness to assist colleagues when necessary E Interview


5.1 Able and willing to work evenings and weekends if E Application Form / (S) / Interview

5.2 Hold a full, current, UK driving licence E Application Form / (S) / Interview

5.3 Able to undertake site visits within the city E Application Form / (S) / Interview

5.4 Able to undertake visits in inclement weather and E Application Form / (S) / Interview
unpleasant working conditions.

5.5 Able to undertake duties requiring manual E Application Form / (S) / Interview
dexterity, physical flexibility and carrying of
moderate loads.

Equal Opportunities

6.1 Understand and demonstrate a willingness to E Interview

promote positively the Equal Opportunities Policy
of Newport City Council.

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