IET Science Measure Tech - 2024 - Safaei - A New Method For Surge Arrester Placement in High Voltage Substations
IET Science Measure Tech - 2024 - Safaei - A New Method For Surge Arrester Placement in High Voltage Substations
IET Science Measure Tech - 2024 - Safaei - A New Method For Surge Arrester Placement in High Voltage Substations
DOI: 10.1049/smt2.12208
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© 2024 The Author(s). IET Science, Measurement & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
mathematical techniques and fuzzy logic to solve this problem TABLE 1 Typical line surge impedance with single and bundled
[15]. In this case, the computational burden increases con- conductors [22].
siderably. In [16] and [17], the reliability indices in operating System rated No. of conductors Typical surge
conditions have been considered. Also, the number of SAs and voltage (kV) in bundle impedance (Ω)
their locations are determined based on reliability indices, but in 3–150 1 450
these papers, the effect of cumulative lightning stress on insu-
151–325 1 400
lation risk (IR) as a result of the non-self-restoring insulation
326–400 2 350
behavior of transformers has not been taken into account [18].
The Weibull distribution is the best statistical distribution that 400–800 3 or 4 320
can describe the stochastic behavior of the IR for a transformer > 800 6 or 8 300
under voltage stresses [19, 20]. Many studies have not consid-
ered Weibull distribution, and stochastic behavior has usually
been described using a normal or uniform distribution, as is
be used [22]:
done for line insulators [21].
dV D
In this study, the optimal placement of SAs is presented by VC .B = VSA + 2 × ×
modeling a real high-voltage substation. To this end, the effect dT v . (2)
VC .B ≤ VC .BW
of switching over-voltage is included using the hybrid Monte
Carlo-lightning limiting parameter (MC-LP) method for evalu- The following equation calculates the energy absorption of
ating all stresses that can affect high-voltage substations due to SA [16]:
lightning BF. Consequently, the computational burden remark-
(V − VP )
ably decreases since transient simulations are conducted only w = O.V × VP × 2𝜏 × N , (3)
for strikes within the risk zone. Structural data of the sub- Z
station and its connected lines are received, and an accurate
where 𝜏 is the travelling time of the wave, Vp is the protective
approximation of insulation risk is provided to determine the
level of the SA, VO.V is the over-voltage without an SA, N is
appropriate locations for the SAs. The proposed algorithm in
the number of discharge currents through the SA, and Z is the
the present study has been developed in the MATLAB environ-
surge impedance. The surge impedance of transmission lines is
ment, and the modeling and simulation of the studied substation
described in Table 1 [22].
and transmission lines (TLs) are implemented in EMTP-RV.
ln Rt
FIGURE 1 Protection zone of the SA [22]. Vt m Tt a = Vs m Ts m , (5)
ln Rs
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rc = 8 × I p0.65 . (10)
FIGURE 4 Circuit model of the lightning wave (CIGRE model) [28].
4.4 TL model
4.3 Lightning waveform model Three models, including π-model, distributed model, and
frequency-dependent model [27], can be used for modeling
The CIGRE current source model is very close to the real TLs in EMTP. Because of the distributed properties of TLs,
lightning waveform, considering the peak lightning current a frequency-dependent (FD) line is used to model the TLs to
and lightning wave shape [15]. Hence, we use a CIGRE cur- achieve actual simulation results. In this study, J. Marti’s FD
rent source in parallel with a resistor as the lightning channel model is used to model the TLs. As the input data, electrical
impedance. The impedance of the return-stroke channel is parameters of lines can be inserted into the line data of FD lines
assumed to be one kΩ [10]. The variation of the channel [28].
impedance from 400 Ω to 1 kΩ, often used in the sim- In this study, the origins of travelling waves on incoming lines
ulation, leads to little difference in the estimated flashover are back flashovers. When the transmission line is shielded and
rate. the resistance of its tower footing is high, the back flashover
Figure 4 shows a typical lightning current waveform. In this occurs. In such cases, the lightning strike to a shield wire or
figure, Ip , tf , th , and Sm are the peak amplitude, front time, tail tower may elevate the tower’s potential well beyond that of a
time and the maximum of the current steepness, respectively. phase conductor.
The value of Ip gives the maximum current attained in the wave-
form. The front time is the time a lightning current takes to
reach from zero to peak value. The tail time is the sum of the 4.5 SA modeling
front time and the time that the current falls to 50% of its peak
value. The lightning waveform based on the CIGRE current Because of the dynamic behavior of SAs, they cannot be sim-
source is modelled according to Figure 4. ulated using nonlinear resistors. The IEEE WG 3-4–11 group
The electro-geometric model (EGM) is applied to estimate proposed the model shown in Figure 6, including the nonlinear
the reliability of lightning protection systems on overhead resistances A0 and A1 , which are separated by an RL low-
power lines. Based on this theory, the required parameters are pass filter. This model is based on estimated SA height and the
as follows: alignment/height of phase conductors/guard wire, number of columns of ZnO disks [6].
dimensions of the ground structure, striking distances of nearby In this model, the nonlinear V-I characteristics (Figure 7) are
ground, guard wire, and phase conductors [28]. modelled with two nonlinear resistances A0 and A1 separated
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TABLE 6 Current rise rate and peak amplitude of statistical distributions TABLE 7 IEC pollution severity classification [33].
Site severity based Leakage distance
σln(I) (pu) ρ (pu) σln(S) (pu) Sm (kA/µs) Im (kA) ESDD (mg/cm2 ) on pollution (inch/kV L-G)
depends on the polarity of voltage, the configuration and the where CFOs represents the standard insulation strength of the
conductivity of the pollution layer; Obenaus model with Rizk insulator, δ denotes the relative air density calculated P is the
ac reignition conditions has proved to be accurate and adapt- ambient pressure and h is absolute water vapor density. with
able to a reasonable range of station post insulators, where the respect to standard conditions of 101.3 kilopascals pressure and
assumption of uniform pollution resistance per unit length is standard ambient temperature in Kelvin. The correction fac-
more valid. The flashover on an insulator with a polluted sur- tor g for critical flashover V50% across the minimum discharge
face starts with the initiation of an arc at a region of high local path length (dry arc distance) L is [34]:
electrical stress and ends its propagation with increasing speed
along a layer of semiconducting pollution [33, 34]. V50%
g= . (24)
The ac flashover on a polluted surface is considered as an arc 500KV ⋅ L ⋅ 𝛿 ⋅ kov
in series with a residual resistance. The circuit equation for this
Empirical exponents, m and to describe the changing effect of
model is as follows [34]:
atmospheric corrections, based on the predischarge coefficient
g [34]:
Vm = A.x.Im−n + Im .R p (x), (18)
Δg = ||g − 1.1
where Vm is the peak value of applied voltage (V), A and n are 0, 1.4279 + ,
wm = max
arc constants, x is the local arc length (cm), Im is the peak value Δg ⋅ (−4.0689 + Δg ⋅ (4.5352 − Δg ⋅ 1.9693 ))
of leakage current (A), and RP (x) is the residual resistance (Ω) (25)
of pollution layer from the arc root at x to the ground electrode. {
w, g < 1
w = min (wm , 1 ) m = . (26)
1, g ≥ 1
4.11.2 Altitude and humidity
Contamination test results are usually obtained at nearly
The IEC 60815-2 standard stipulates that the correction fac- 100% relative humidity with values of V 50% less than about
tor at higher altitudes is more critical for lightning impulse than half of the 540 kV/m impulse flashover level. Here, CFOs
pollution performance, so increasing the insulation strength represents the standard insulation strength of the insulator, δ
considering the altitude correction factor would suffice. The denotes the relative air density calculated P is the ambient pres-
IEC 60071–2 standard recommends the safety factor Ks = 1.05 sure and h is absolute water vapor density. with respect to
for external insulation [14]. The correction factor for height is standard conditions of 101.3 kilopascals pressure and standard
calculated in Equation (19). ambient temperature in Kelvin. The coefficient “m” equals 1
for dry conditions, and in humid environments, it ranges from
0.29 to 0.5. Given the predominantly dry nature of the studied
Ka = e 8150 , (19) area, the value of “m” has been approximated to unity [34]. The
current knowledge of the air humidity influence shows a yet to
where m is 1 for coordination lightning impulse withstand volt- be researched interdependence to the leader length [14]. Thus,
age and H is the altitude above sea level (in meters), m is a factor in some publications, the influence of air humidity is neglected.
as: Hence, further aspects of air humidity will not be a topic in this
( ) paper. Albeit, the authors strongly endorse more precise studies
1.25CF Os CF Os and plan to conduct those in the course of the futures research.
m= − 0.2 , (20)
500S 500S The required rated withstand voltage Urw for equipment
under standard atmospheric conditions can be calculated by cor-
where S is Insulator strings length. recting the coordination withstand voltage of equipment Ucw
Humidity, relative to air density, has a more complex effect on from Equation (27) [35].
the breakdown voltage of air (flashover voltage of the insulator).
KS .Ucw
Specifically, after dew formation, it leads to an increase in the Urw =
insulation strength of the suspension chain. Whereas, before the (Kd .Ka )m , (27)
Kd ∼ 𝛿 m
dew point, which depends on air pressure, the coefficient for the
reduction of strength is calculated from the following relation where Kd is the air density correction function that is presup-
[14]: posed to be equal to the relative air density (δ) and the value of
m is 1.
CF OHumidity−Air Density = 𝛿 m kwov CF Os , (21)
impulse values for outdoor insulation are accordingly measured TABLE 8 The sample empirical results of icing conditions.
in wet tests, while for lightning impulses only dry tests are Approximate
made [36]. Ice ground-level
Rain is very effective for cleaning the upward-facing surfaces accretion ice Sample value
of insulators but the efficiency for the bottom surface varies level accumulation B in (22) of a in (22) c in (22)
with intensity and quantity [34].The dc breakdown strength of Very light <2 mm ESSD 12.7 −0.36
insulators in wet conditions can be considerably lower than the Light <12 mm CFO decreased 14%
minimum observed flashover gradient of 400 kV/m for either
Moderate 12–20 mm CFO depends on icicle bridging formation
polarity of insulators in dry conditions. Under rain conditions,
Heavy >20 mm ISP 1196 −0.37
the negative polarity flashover of 170–400 kV/m tends to be
lower than positive polarity at 300–500 kV/m, depending on
the insulator type and orientation, rain conductivity, intensity,
and duration. A factor of 0.87 ± 0.12 was suggested by the
CIGRE Working Group 33.07 for the ratio between dry and
wet ac flashover of insulator strings. The IEC wet test gives a
The algorithm proposed for optimum SA placement is shown in
ratio of dry to wet flashover that is relatively constant at about
Figure 11. As shown in this figure, at first, the structural data of
0.7 for longer string lengths [34].
the substation are received and implemented in EMTP. In the
next step, MC simulation is started by applying random sam-
ples of lightning current to the closet tower to the substation.
4.11.4 Icing effect
A total of 30 N flashovers are generated in each iteration (N
is the average yearly flashovers), and for transient state simula-
The impact of ice accretion on insulation strength and flashover
tion, only flashovers in the S-I range are applied to EMTP. For
voltage depends on various factors, including the distribution of
the last five towers of the substation, simulations are repeated
the electric field, wetness and contamination level of the ice sur-
and the value of IR is recorded. Also, for the SAs with differ-
face, the number and location of air gaps formed by ice icicles
between the insulating chains, environmental conditions, and
the shape and dimensions of the ice layer on the insulation. In
standard environmental conditions, insulators are designed not
only to provide adequate clearance between parts at different
potentials but also to create the maximum creepage distance for
the passage of the minimum leakage current. However, the for-
mation of a standard ice layer on the suspension chain alters its
insulation strength. The standard insulation strength equation
under icing conditions is as follows:
CFO = a B c , (28)
ent distances from the transformer (maximum up to 10 m), the TABLE 10 Coefficients m and n of the transformer [19].
algorithm is repeated and finally, the location for installing the Coefficient m a k
SA with the minimum IR is chosen.
Value 12 0.39 30
FIGURE 12 A part of the EMTP-RV environment; (a) substation and (b) transmission line (Shahid Salimi).
FIGURE 13 Transformer transient voltage waveform on phase A protected by SA at a distance of three meters away from the occurrence of a BF failure on
the 400 kV line (I = 150 kA, S = 40 kA/µs).
based on the method presented in ref. [11]. At the same time, the obtain the V-T characteristic. This figure is plotted using the
number of simulations is significantly reduced in our method. transient simulation based on EMTP in MATLAB.
Figure 15 illustrates the instantaneous values of Vm Ta in each As shown in Figure 16, the value of the Vm Ta index for
time step from Figure 13; these values are then integrated to the over-voltage stresses of different lines is extracted. Then,
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for optimal SA placement.
reduction in
amplitude using the Proposed
proposed method method Method in ref. [11] Line
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