Functional Design Explained - David Sankel - CppCon 2015

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David Sankel - Stellar Science
[email protected]
CppCon 2015

Math Engineering

Are the following two C++ programs the same?

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Are the following two C++ programs the same?

#include <iostream> #include <iostream>

int main( int argc, char** argv ) int main( int argc, char** argv )
{ {
std::cout << “Hello World\n”; std:: cout << “Hello World\n”;
} }

David Sankel Stellar Science 4

Are the following two programs the same?

#include <iostream> #!/usr/bin/env python

int main( int argc, char** argv ) print(“Hello World”)

std::cout << “Hello World\n”;

David Sankel Stellar Science 5

Are the following two programs the same?

int f( int c ) int f( int c )

{ {
if( false ) int j = 5;
return 45; j += c;
else return j;
return c + 5; }

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Essence of Programs
Ideally we would like:
• Strong equivalence properties
• Something written down
• A set of rules we can apply to any program

Any ideas of what would be a good essence language?

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How about math?



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Denotational Semantics
Developed by Dana Scott and Christopher Strachey in late 1960s

Write a mathematical function to convert syntax to meaning (in


μ⟦e₁ + e₂⟧ = μ⟦e₁ ⟧ + μ⟦e₂⟧ where eᵢ is an expression

μ⟦i⟧ = i where i is an integer

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What is the meaning of this?

int f( int c )
if( false )
return 45;
return c + 5;

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Function Meaning
We could represent a int f( int c )
function as a set of pairs
if( false )
As in: return 45;
return c + 5;
{ …,(-1,4), (0,5), (1,6),…}

Or as a lambda equation: λc. c + 5

Or something else: f(c) = c + 5

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Function Meaning
What about this?
int f( int c )
for(;;) ;
return 45;

…,(-1, ⊥),(0,⊥),(1, ⊥),…

⊥ is “bottom”

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The Next 700 Programming
P. J. Landin wrote in 1966 about his programming language
ISWIM (If you See What I Mean)

f(b+2c) + f(2b-c)
where f(x) = x(x+a)

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Why not drop the C++
nonsense and go Haskell?
Quicksort 160,000 ints




Haskell C++

Haskell variant with optimizations: 0.41s

C++ variant without optimizations: 0.16s
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Languages and Machines

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Semantics Discovery
• Discover the mathematical essence of
a problem and derive an
• Conal Elliott, various applications of
semantics discovery throughout career.
• See ‘Denotational design with type
class morphisms’.

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• Math augmented with some extra constructs can represent
the essence of code.
• Write programs in math.
• C++ straddles more levels of abstraction than any other
• Discover essence of problem using math and derive

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Functional Design
1. Discover the mathematical essence of the problem and write
it out.
2. Derive an efficient implementation in C++ that has the
interface discovered in #1.

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Algebraic Data Types
• Mathematical fundamentals of base types.
• Two types, 1 and 0
• Two ops, ⊕ and ⊗, to compose them

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0 Type
0 is the type with no values

struct Zero {
Zero() = delete;

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1 Type
1 is the type with one value

struct One {};

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Given types ‘a’ and ‘b’, the product of ‘a’ and ‘b’ (a ⊗ b) is a type
whose values have an ‘a’ and a ‘b’.

using AAndB = std::pair<A,B>;

using AAndB = std::tuple<A,B>;

struct AAndB {
A a;
B b;

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Is this an implementation of a ⊗ b?

struct AAndB {
std::unique_ptr<A> a;
std::unique_ptr<B> b;

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A ⊕ B is a type whose values are either a value of type ‘A’ or a value of type

struct AOrB {
bool hasA;
union {
A a;
B b;
} contents; // ‘a’ when ‘hasA==true’
// otherwise ‘b’.

using AOrB = boost::variant< A, B >;

using AOrB = std::variant< A, B >; // hopefully

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Function Type
A → B is a type whose values are pure functions with an input
type A and an return type B.

using FunctionAB = std::function<B (A)>;

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μ⟦ syntax ⟧ = mathExpression
The meaning of “syntax” is the math expression

μ⟦ expression ⟧ : mathExpression
The type of “expression” is the math expression

μ⟦ int ⟧ = ℤ
μ⟦ 3 ⟧ : ℤ
μ⟦ 3 ⟧ = 3

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Some Examples
μ⟦ boost::optional<e₁> ⟧ = μ⟦ e₁ ⟧ ⊕ 1

μ⟦ std::pair<e₁,e₂> ⟧ = μ⟦ e₁ ⟧ ⊗ μ⟦ e₂ ⟧

μ⟦ double ⟧ = ℝ

or maybe

μ⟦ double ⟧ = ℝ ⊕ 1⊕ 1⊕ 1
where the extra states are -∞, +∞, and NaN

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What is a movie?

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What is a movie?
μ⟦ Movie<e> ⟧ = ℝ → μ⟦ e ⟧

μ⟦ always<e> ⟧ : μ⟦ e ⟧ → μ⟦ Movie<e> ⟧
μ⟦ always<e>(a) ⟧ = λ t. μ⟦ a ⟧

μ⟦ snapshot<e> ⟧ : μ⟦Movie<e>⟧ → ℝ → A
μ⟦ snapshot<e>(movie, time) ⟧ = μ⟦ movie ⟧ ( μ⟦ time ⟧ )

μ⟦ transform<A,B> ⟧ : (μ⟦A⟧ → μ⟦B⟧) → μ⟦Movie<A>⟧ → μ⟦Movie<B>⟧

μ⟦ timeMovie ⟧ : μ⟦ Movie<double> ⟧
μ⟦ timeMovie ⟧ = λ t. t

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Grey flux movie
auto greyFluxMovie = transform(
[]( double timeInSeconds ) -> Image {
double dummy;
double greyness = std::modf( timeInSeconds, &dummy );
return greyImage( greyness );
, time );

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What is a stream?

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What is a stream?
Let ‘Action’ be some side-effecting operation.

μ⟦ sink<e> ⟧ = μ⟦ e ⟧ → Action
μ⟦ source<e> ⟧ = (μ⟦ e ⟧ → Action) → Action

template< typename T >

using sink = std::function<void ( const T & )>;

template< typename T >

using source = std::function<void ( sink<T> ) >;

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Example source/sink
source<char> consoleInput = []( sink<char> s ) {
int inputChar;
while( (inputChar = std::cin.get()) != EOF ) {
s( static_cast< char >( inputChar ) );

sink<char> consoleOutput = []( char c ) {

std::cout.put( c );

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Connecting Sources and Sinks
μ⟦ connect<e> ⟧ : μ⟦ source<e> ⟧ → μ⟦ sink<e> ⟧ → Action
μ⟦ connect<e>( so, si ) ⟧ = μ⟦ so ⟧( μ⟦ si ⟧ )

template< typename t >

void connect( source<t> so, sink<t> si ) {
so( si );

int main( int argc, char** argv ) {

connect( consoleInput, consoleOutput );

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Transforming Streams
μ⟦ sink<e> ⟧ = μ⟦ e ⟧ → Action

μ⟦ transform<a,b> ⟧ = μ⟦ Sink<b> ⟧ → μ⟦ Sink<a> ⟧

= μ⟦ Sink<b> ⟧ → (μ⟦ a ⟧ → Action)
= μ⟦ Sink<b> ⟧ → μ⟦ a ⟧ → Action

template< typename a, typename b >

using transform = std::function<void ( sink<b>, a ) >;

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Application of Transforms
μ⟦ transform<a,b> ⟧ = μ⟦ sink<b> ⟧ → μ⟦ a ⟧ → Action

μ⟦ applyToSink<a,b> ⟧
: μ⟦ transform<a,b> ⟧ → μ⟦ sink<b> ⟧ → μ⟦ sink<a> ⟧

μ⟦ applyToSource<a,b> ⟧
: μ⟦ transform<a,b> ⟧ → μ⟦ source<a> ⟧ → μ⟦ source<b> ⟧

μ⟦ so >> t ⟧ = μ⟦ applyToSource<a,b> ⟧( t, so );
μ⟦ t >> si ⟧ = μ⟦ applyToSink<a,b> ⟧( t, si );
μ⟦ so >> si ⟧ = μ⟦ connect<t> ⟧( so, si );

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Tranformers Continued…
transformer<char, std::string> getLines = //…
transformer<std::string, char> unWords = //…

source<string> inputLines = consoleInput >> getLines;

sink<string> wordOutput = unwords >> consoleOutput;
InputLines >> wordOutput;

transformer<char,char> linesToSpaces = getLines >> unwords;

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What is command line

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What is command line
μ⟦ CommandLineProcessor<a> ⟧ = ListOf String → μ⟦ a ⟧ ?


μ⟦ Parser<a,b> ⟧ = ListOf μ⟦ a ⟧ → μ⟦ b ⟧

μ⟦ CommandLineProcessor<a> ⟧ = μ⟦ Parser<String,b> ⟧

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Command Line Parsing
struct HelpFlag{};
struct UserFlag{
std::string user;

auto flagP = mix(

args(“--help”, HelpFlag()),
args(“--user“ >> stringP,
[]( std::string username ) { return UserFlag{username}; })

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Command Line Parsing
struct ListAccounts {};
struct ListJob {
int jobId;

struct CommandLineParse {
std::vector< boost::variant< HelpFlag, UserFlag > > globalFlags;
boost::variant< ListAccounts, ListJob > mode;

auto parser = flagP

>> (args( “listAccounts”, ListAccounts() ) ||
(args( “listJob” ) >> “--jobId” >> intP( []( int id ) { return ListJob{id};}));

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• Highly Flexible
• Highly Composible
• Type safe
• Simple

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1. Discover the essence

2. Derive the

• Beautiful API’s
• Screaming Speed

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