Capital Goods Procurment Manual
Capital Goods Procurment Manual
Capital Goods Procurment Manual
April 2020
Oromia Capital Goods Finance Business Share Company (OCGFBSCO) 2019
Title page
PREAMBLE ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
PART I.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 SHORT TITLE ................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................2
1.3 SCOPE OF THE MANUAL ............................................................................................................................5
1.4 OBJECTIVE OF THE MANUAL ...................................................................................................................5
1.5 BASIC PRINCIPLES AND PROCUREMENT RULES .................................................................................5
1.5.1 Basic Principles .....................................................................................................................................5
1.5.2 BASIC PROCUREMENT RULES ..........................................................................................................6
1.6 CODE OF ETHICS .........................................................................................................................................7
PART II ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
2. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROCUREMENT PERFORMERS, ........................................ 8
2.1 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS......................................................................................................................8
2.2 THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EXECUTIVE MANAGING DIRECTOR .....................................................8
2.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PROCUREMENT UNIT ..............................................................................9
2.4 CAPITAL GOODS PROCUREMENT ENDORSING COMMITTEE ............................................................................10
PART III............................................................................................................................................................. 14
3. PROCUREMENT PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 PREPARATION OF PROCUREMENT PLAN ....................................................................................... 14
3.2 IDENTIFICATION AND PACKAGING OF PROCUREMENTS .......................................................... 15
3.3 SELECTION OF PROCUREMENT METHOD...................................................................................... 15
3.5 CONTENT OF A PROCUREMENT PLAN ............................................................................................ 16
3.6 APPROVAL AND AMENDMENT OF PROCUREMENT PLAN .......................................................... 17
PART IV ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
4. PROCUREMENT METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATION ............................................................... 18
5 PROCEDURE OF NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING .................................................................. 18
5.4 PRE-REQUISITE ...............................................................................................................................................19
5.5 INVITATION TO BID .........................................................................................................................................19
5.6 BIDDING DOCUMENT .....................................................................................................................................20
5.7 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS ..............................................................................................................................21
5.8 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF CAPITAL GOODS ............................................................................................23
5.9 BID FORM AND PRICE SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................................24
5.10 GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT .................................................................................24
5.11 SETTING OF CRITERIA FOR BID EVALUATION .............................................................................................25
5.12 SETTING OF BID FLOATING PERIODS ..........................................................................................................26
5.13 SALE OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................27
Oromia Capital Goods Finance Business Share Company (OCGFBSCO) 2019
Whereas Oromia Capital Goods Financing Business S.C hereafter refer to as OCGFB S.C.
Whereas existing Capital Goods Leasing Operational Manual was approved in 2014 G.C that
have been used for long years;
Whereas, there is a need to set up, promote and develop strong and viable capital goods finance
Business in Ethiopia so as to contribute for economic growth;
WHEREAS, to achieve better transparency, efficiency, fairness and impartiality in capital goods
procurement and to enable the utilization of the limited budget spent on Capital Goods
procurement in a manner that ensures greater economy and efficiency by addressing problems
encountered in the course of implementation of the Capital Goods Procumbent Manual
determining the procedures of Capital Goods procurement of the Oromia Capital Goods
Financing Business S.C during the years in which it was enforce;
WHEREAS, to ensure that Capital Goods in which a significant amount of the company budget
is invested, utilized in such a manner as to enable the company device maximum benefit
therefrom and modernize the administration thereof, it is necessary to introduce an integrated
capital goods administration;
The manual will serve as a road map for the procurement activity and will be carried out within
the context of government policies and procedures. In doing so, it will play a great role in
ensuring organizational and operational efficiency as well as avoiding ambiguity in discharging
one's responsibilities.
The manual, also, enables the company to maintain reliable policies and procedures in
procurement at all levels. It has a clear focus on the objectives to scale up and support ongoing
efforts of the company to improve quality of purchase of Capital Goods for MSMEs and enhance
existing capacity of the company to become dynamic, demand-driven, quality conscious,
efficient and forward looking, responsive to rapid economic and technological developments
occurring at local and international levels.
In general this procurement manual, therefore, provides the essential information and brief step-
by-step procedures for procurement of the Capital Goods stated above in line with the objectives
of company’s growth and in consideration of MSMEs and stakeholders’ needs and expectations.
This policy may be cited as “Oromia Capital Goods Finance Share Company
Procurement policy/manual”.
In this procurement manual unless the context requires otherwise:
a) “Agency” means Public Procurement Agency
iii. “Growing-Medium Enterprise” means those enterprises that are graduated from
Small Enterprises and fulfill the criteria given to set the status and level of Growing-
Medium Enterprises
m) “Procurement” means obtaining Capital Goods that shall be requested by MSMEs
through purchasing, hiring or obtaining by any other contractual means;
n) “Proclamation” means the Ethiopian Federal Government Procurement and
Property Administration Proclamation No. 649/2009.
o) “Procurement Committee” means a team composed of staffs from different
directorates of the company and responsible for handling all company’s procurements
including Capital Goods for MSMEs, fixed assets, consumable materials and services
that shall be requested by different work units of the company;.
p) “Procurement Officer” means an individual in Capital Goods Procurement and
Property Administration Directorate who shall handle procurement activity of the
Company independently.
q) “Repeat Orders” means procurement of the same Capital Goods from the same
source without competition at the lowest original price of the last tender;
r) “Supplier” means a person, firm or an organization who undertakes to supply
Capital Goods.
s) “Technical Specification” means the Quality and Standard requirement that could
provide a correct and complete descriptions of the Capital Goods, to be procured by
the company which is used for the purpose of procuring quality goods as per the
demand of the requesting party and for the purpose of creating conditions of fair and
open competition among all candidates
t) ‘Total price’ means the value that quoted by the supplier as its sales price for the
item to be procured which the company is expected to pay for the specific
u) “Value for Money” means best return for each Birr spent in terms of quality,
timeliness, reliability, after sales service, upgradeability, price, source, and the
combination of whole-life cost and quality to meet the company’s objectives.
a. Keeping Records
The company shall maintain records and documents regarding its Procurement for a
period of ten years from the date of concluding capital goods procurement proceeding
which will contain:
i) Description of the items of capital goods to be procured,
ii) Invitation to bid,
iii) Names and addresses of suppliers who submitted bids, proposals or quotations,
names and addresses of the winner,
iv) Evaluation criteria applied, summary of evaluation and comparison of bids,
proposals and quotations received,
v) Information on any decision to suspend or cancel proceedings after having been
initiated and,
vi) The reasons to use that particular procurement procedure other than open bidding.
The record concerning any proceeding shall on request, and once the proceedings have
resulted in a contract or have otherwise been terminated, are made available to candidates
who participated in the proceedings. However except when ordered to do so by a
competent court and subject to the conditions or such an order, the company shall not
i) Information if disclosure would be contrary to law, would impede law
enforcement, would not be in the public interest, would prejudice legitimate
commercial interest of the parties or would inhibit fair competition,
ii) Information relating to the examination and evaluation of bid proposals or
quotations and the actual content of bids, proposals or quotations should be kept
b. Non-Discrimination
Without prejudice to Article 5.2 of this Manual, suppliers shall not be excluded from
participation in the procurement on the basis of nationality, race or any other criteria not
having to do with their qualifications.
c. Form of Communication
i. Communications between suppliers and the company shall be in writing.
Communications in any other form shall be referred to and confirmed in writing.
ii. Subject to necessary safeguards with regard to authenticity and confidentially, and
when technical conditions so permit, the company may determine which Electronic
communication to be used in addition to or instead of writing.
2. Duties and Responsibilities of Procurement Performers,
Company’s procurement management will be the responsibilities of different levels authorized
body in the company. Accordingly, the following are authorities with respect to approval or
evaluation of procurement of Capital Goods as provided in this manual.
a) Board of Directors
b) The Executive Managing Director or his authorized representative
c) Capital Goods Procurement and Property Administration Directorate Team.
d) Procurement Committees at Head office including the BoDs, and Procurement
Committee at Branch offices
e) Branch Managers,
2.2.1 The Executive Managing Director shall have the following responsibilities:
a) Executive Managing Director authorized to approve the capital goods whose
value birr 3,000,001.00 up to 5,000,000.00
b) Ensures that this manual is properly implemented;
c) Ensures that the company achieves value for money in its procurement of
Capital Goods,
d) Review and approves or rejects any proposal recommended by the
Procurement Committee within his/her approval authority limit;
a) That the identified procurement needs of the company are in harmony with
its work program.
b) That there is no other better alternative to procurement to satisfy each
c) That the procurement plan is prepared in such a way as to enable bulk
d) That other special requirements arising from the nature of the company are
2.4.3 Ascertain that the bidding document prepared by the procurement unit satisfies the
following requirements:-
a) That it is inconformity with the standard bidding document prepared by the
Agency for each type of procurement.
b) That the technical specification complies with the conditions stipulated in the
Proclamation & this policy.
c) That the evaluation criteria are non-discriminatory, transparent and
d) That it contains all the necessary forms and conditions which the proclamation
and this directive require to be stated depending on the type of the
procurement, and other matters of fundamental importance.
2.4.4 Consider and approve Bid evaluation reports of procurements the value of which
exceeds the threshold specified in article 11/2 of this policy for each type of
procurement, by ascertaining that the following conditions are satisfied:-
a) That the evaluation was conducted in accordance with the bidding document,
b) That the evaluation was carried out in compliance with the provisions of the
proclamation and this policy,
c) That the detailed evaluation leading to the recommendation given in the
evaluation report and the overall process of capital goods procurement would
result in ensuring value for money for the company.
2.4.5 Implement the provision of article 5/26 of this policy.
2.4.6 Any decision given by the committee on evaluation report submitted to it should be
2.4.7 Advise the head of the company on ways of ensuring compliance with the
Proclamation, this policy and other legal documents regulating the conduct of capital
goods procurement.
2.4.8 Submit to the CEO of the company reports on procurements made, problems
encountered and solutions suggested.
2.4.9 Give clarification concerning its decisions made on any procurement proceedings
within its Jurisdiction when required to do so by the company, the BoDs’ and other
appropriate body.
2.4.10 Members of the Procurement Endorsing committee at Head office shall be appointed
by the Executive Managing Director which may constitute the following:
i) A management member to be elected by the EMD ….Chair Person
ii) Three staff members from each directorate assigned by EMD ……Member
iii) One of the technical officer …………………………Member& secretary
2.4.11 Roles and responsibilities of a chairperson & a secretary of a Procurement Endorsing
Committee and the meeting procedure of such committee are provided in annex 2 of
this policy
2.4.12 All Members of the Procurement Committee shall:
i) be renowned for their eternal behavior,
ii) have never been subject to disciplinary actions,
iii) Have knowledge about international bids too
iv) Have knowledge and experience required and to carry out procurement and
particularly the knowledge about Capital Goods.
2.4.13 Decisions in the Procurement Endorsing committee shall be taken by majority vote
with the chairman having the casting vote in the event of a tie,
2.4.14 Dissenting (nonconforming) opinion of a member shall be recorded in the minutes
2.4.15 The Procurement Endorsing Committee at the head office and shall be changed
whenever required.
2.4.16 Endorse the procurement of capital that its single value is above birr 50,000.00 and
all different items procurements that are bought in bulk or in different purchase
method when total value of the items are greater than 50,000.00 as well .
2.4.17 Select the appropriate procurement methods from the options that are approved and
stated here in this manual in consultation with the procurement requesting MSMEs
or and concerned internal work unit (Procurement unit);
2.4.18 Procurement Endorsing Committee shall evaluate the bids in accordance with this
policy and propose selection for decisions of the Executive Managing Director or to
his authorized representative
2.4.19 The Procurement Endorsing Committee might also use technical experts to evaluate
the technical aspects of any bid. These experts can be any of the following:-
a. From within the committee itself,
b. Experts from the company who have direct knowledge of the Capital
c. From other specialized government institution
d. A consultant or a private company specializing in these aspects.
2.4.20 All authorities, any member of the Procurement Endorsing committee or Ad-hoc
committee member responsible for opening, evaluation or approval of bids or any purchase
request shall be jointly and severally liable for any damages caused so that by negligence;
intentional act or act of omission arising from their official responsibility.
3. Procurement Plan
3.1Preparation of procurement plan
3.1.1 The company shall be required to prepare a procurement plan supported by action plan
enabling them to execute in due time, the procurement necessary to implement their
work program.
3.1.2 The procurement plan shall be prepared in such a way as to enable the attainment of
the following objectives:-
a. To ensure compliance with principles of capital goods procurement stated in article
6.6 of the operational policy of the company.
b. To achieve the work program of the company.
c. To ensure economy and efficiency in the operation of the company by discouraging
piecemeal purchase.
d. Exercise prudence and make the necessary preparation to forestall problems that
might be encountered in the execution of procurement.
e. Make necessary preparations by realizing that risks may encounter in procurement
processes in the future.
f. Avoid routine purchases to make the company’s operation timely and cost efficient,
thus, preferably and if possible arrange for bulk procurement
g. Maintain best quality of capital goods with a reasonable price
3.1.3 The annual procurement of Capital Goods shall be conducted based on the demands
and requests of MSMEs which could not be known in advance, the company shall set
budget and prepare procurement plan of Capital Goods by identifying sectors that to be
financed during the budget year with consistency of operational plan. The identification
of the sectors shall be made by assessing the available market and demands of the
Capital Goods.
3.1.4 The company shall set budget for Capital goods to be purchased within the budget year,
3.2.2 In determining its annual procurement needs arising from its various departments, the
company has to adhere to the following procedures:-
a) require end users in the company to submit their annual procurement needs,
b) Identify the need submitted by end users by type of procurement, quantity, quality
and source.
c) Identify capital goods to which the company gives priority and special attention.
d) ascertain that there are adequate suppliers for the needs
e) Determine the cost estimate for each type of capital goods procurement by
reference to survey conducted by the company or price information obtained from
other sources.
3.3.2 In preparing its procurement plan, a company has to insure that the plan is inclusive
of all of its identified procurement needs and the appropriate procurement method is
selected for each procurement
4. Procurement methods and their application
4.1 Approved methods of procurement
4.1.1 Unless otherwise provided in this manual, the company shall use open bidding as the
preferred procedure of procurement for the items that its value fall above the per
forma ranges.
4.1.2 Depending on the nature of supply and essentiality of the Capital Goods to be
purchased and as the circumstances may justify, the company shall use the following
procurement methods:-
a) Open bidding:
b) Restricted bidding:
c) Single source /Direct Procurement
d) Request for quotations , and
e) Two-stage biddings:
4.1.3 The company may use preferred procurement methods other than open bidding if and
only if it is justified in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this
Manual and operational policy of the company.
5.2 Pre-requisite
Company has to ascertain that the following conditions are satisfied when using national
competitive bidding:-
5.2.1 Ascertain that the required objects of procurement can only be procured from local
suppliers and the value of the procurement is below the threshold established for
international competitive bidding in article 6/2 of this policy, or
5.2.2 The required object of procurement is available only locally not withstanding that the
cost of the procurement exceeds the threshold established in article 6/2 of this policy.
i. The place and deadline of submission of bids, and the place, date and hour of
the bid opening
j. If bidders are required to submit sample the place where samples are to be
delivered and if appropriate the time when and the place where the samples
will be openly shown, as well as, an indication that samples are to be returned
to unsuccessful bidders or not,
k. Reserved right of the company to increase or decrease quantity of the items to
be purchased by 25% without altering the price offered by the bidder in the
original bid,
l. A statement that the bidders shall not alter or amend, that they shall not with
draw their bid after the bid opening,
m. Criterion for evaluation and points to be given for each criterion and award of
the contract,
n. Reserved right of the company to reject all or part of the bids at any time prior
to the notification of award, bids
o. Other matters that the company deems necessary for bidders to know.
5.3.4 The invitation to bid shall be prepared in the language in which the bid proceeding is
to be conducted as provided in article 5/16 of this policy.
5.4.4 Prior to the bid announcement, the company shall prepare its bid documents
specifying clearly. The bid document consists of
a) Instruction to bidders,
b) Bid form, and where applicable a standard form for bid security or performance
c) Form of contract,
d) General or special conditions of contract,
e) Specification of the Capital Goods or services to be procured,
f) List of consumable goods or bill of quantities (where applicable),
g) Number of copies to be submitted with the original bid,
h) Purchase price of the bid document,
i) Response, delivery or completion time,
j) Evidence to be provided by bidders to demonstrate their qualification, financial
capacity and registration in suppliers’ list,
k) Any other detail not incorporated in the above.
5.6.1 The company shall be required to draw up detailed technical specification Capital
Goods procurements in accordance with the lessees preference
5.6.2 A technical specification of capital goods shall be prepared in accordance with the
need of lessees and in such a manner that it allows wider competition on the basis of
performance, function, technical or design characteristics depending on the type of
the procurement.
5.6.3 The technical specification shall be used to verify the conformity of the supply with
the stated technical requirement.
5.6.4 The technical specification of capital goods shall be drawn up by the procurement
unit which has identified the need or by the staff of the company who have adequate
knowledge of the procurement in question. The company may seek the advice and
assistance of experts outside the company or hire consultants.
5.6.5 A specification shall not prescribe a particular capital goods provider. However,
where it is difficult to draw up a specification giving an accurate description of the
requirement, where the procurement is for spare parts for a particular item of
proprietary plant or equipment, or where there is known to be only one manufacturer
or provider of the capital goods in question, the name of the manufacturer and the
term “Or Similar” may be incorporated in the specification.
5.6.6 The technical specification should be prepared in such a manner that it incorporates
use values needed to satisfy the current and future demand of the company and lessee
in question and should avoid the inclusion of non-value adding features.
5.6.7 When preparing technical specification, the company may incorporate standards set
by Ethiopian Quality and Standard Authority or by other similar institutes depending
on the type of procurement and as appropriate
5.6.8 Technical specification shall form part of the bidding document and shall be
sufficiently detailed and comprehensive to provide a complete and exact basis for the
formulation of bids by those suppliers wishing to participate in the bid.
5.8.3 Without prejudice to article 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 above, the special conditions of contract
drawn up by the company shall contain the following, notwithstanding that it may
vary from one type of procurement to another.
a. A clear indication of the duties and responsibilities of the company and the
bidder as a prospective supplier, and legally sustainable and attainable
obligations of the company.
b. provisions for the important terms of the contract such as time of delivery,
packing, responsibility for transportation, price adjustment, payment, delivery
and inspection, security and others as the case may be.
5.12.5 The company has the duty to handle and examine carefully, samples supplied by
candidates; however Bidders shall not be paid compensation for samples lost or
destroyed in the examination process because of their nature. Samples that are not lost
or destroyed shall be returned to unsuccessful bidders. If samples are not claimed by
unsuccessful bidders within 6 months, they shall be forfeited to the company.
5.12.6 Unless the company decides otherwise, a sample supplied by the successful bidder
shall stay with the company until the completion of the procurement process to be
used for checking conformity during delivery.
5.12.7 The sample test or evaluation shall be confidential
before the closing date is not sufficient for bidders to prepare adjusted bid documents
on the basis of such modification.
5.13.6 Where a company deems it to be appropriate, it may convene a meeting of bidders
who purchased a bidding document for clarification and discussion on the bidding
document or modification thereto, and such discussion shall be minuted.
5.13.7 Copies of the minute shall be delivered to the candidates who purchased the bidding
document to enable them prepare their bid documents by incorporating the content of
the modification.
5.17.2 The amount of bid security the company may require shall be in the range of 0.5% to
2% of the total estimated capital goods price, which the company has to fix and
indicate in the invitation to bid and the bidding document. However, the bid security
to be fixed by the company shall not exceed 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand) birr.
5.17.3 when fixing the amount of bid security as provided in article 5.16.2 above, the
company shall take the following points into account:-
a) The volatility of the price of the required capital goods of procurement.
b) the availability of adequate number of candidates to participate in the bid,
c) That the bid security required of candidates doesn’t discourage them from
participating in the bid.
d) that the bid security urges the successful bidder to sign the contract
e) That the bid security is sufficient to compensate the damage the company may
sustain as a result of the successful bidder refusing to sign the contract.
5.17.4 The bid security may at the bidder’s option be in the form of cash, cheque certified
by a reputable bank, bank guarantee or letter of credit.
5.17.5 Notwithstanding the provision of article 5.16.4 above, local suppliers engaged in
supplied capital good may provide bid security in the form of conditional insurance
5.17.6 The validity period of bid security provided by bidders should extend for at least 28
days after the expiration of bid price validity.
5.17.7 The bid security furnished by foreign bidders from a bank outside of Ethiopia has to
be unconditional and certified or counter guaranteed by local banks.
5.17.8 The commission or omission of the following acts by any bidder may result in the
forfeiture of bid security to the company:-
a) Withdrawing from a bid after the dead line for submission of bids stated in
the bidding document or before the expiration of the price validity period
indicated in the bid document.
b) Refusing to sign the contract or to furnish the performance security after
b) To the extent that it doesn’t interfere with the bid opening process and there is
enough space, any representative of mass-media or any other interested observer
may attend the bid opening ceremony
c) As far as possible, a representative of internal audit staff and legal service officer
of the company shall be present during the bid opening.
d) At least 3 employees from the procurement unit shall participate in the bid
opening process and to the extent possible, representatives from directorates of
the company benefiting from the procurement may attend the bid opening
5.19.2 For bid documents required to be submitted in one envelope, the company
shall open each bid and read out the name of the bidder, the bid price for the
contract and rebate offered by that bidder and the bidder’s conditions for such
rebate, the amount and kind of bid security, and any other information enabling
bidders to know their relative position in the bid concerned.
5.19.3 Where bid documents are required to be submitted in two envelopes:-
a) The envelope containing the technical proposal shall first be opened in the
bid opening process and the name and other salient points of the bid shall
be read out.
b) The envelopes containing the financial proposals of all bidders shall be put
into one large envelope unopened. The large envelope containing the
financial proposals shall be properly sealed and labeled with the bid
identification number and a statement indicating that the envelopes therein
contain financial proposals written on it and employees of the company
executing the bid opening proceeding putting their respective signatures on
it. The large envelope containing the financial proposals shall remain
sealed and kept carefully under the custody of the procurement unit or any
other unit entrusted with the custody of the envelope until the second bid
opening preceding.
against the result of the technical evaluation under article 16.18.3 (d), the
bid security and the financial envelopes shall not be returned to the
unsuccessful bidders pending final decision on such complaints.
5.19.4 The procurement unit of the company shall record the minutes of the bid
opening. Such minutes shall contain the names of the bidders, their bid price
and any other salient points raised in the bid opening proceeding. The minutes
and the original bid documents shall be signed by employees conducting the
bid proceeding. Bidders present during the bid opening shall sign the
attendance sheet.
5.19.5 Any bid document not opened and read out during the bid opening proceeding
shall not be considered for further evaluation.
5.19.6 No bidder shall be disqualified from a bid at the time of bid opening
5.19.7 The date for opening of bids and the last date for the submission of bids shall be the
5.19.8 Bids shall be opened at the time specified in the bidding documents.
5.19.9 The bid opening date may be extended at the initiative of the company or in writing
where the bidders request for such extension 5 days before the opening date stating
the reasons for extension and the company shall extend the opening date if the reason
for the request for extension is acceptable to it,
5.19.10 If the request for extension is accepted, as per the extension bid, the opening date
shall be announced using the media the first bid was announced,
5.19.11 The reason for extension shall be recorded by the company.
b. The company may put a bid for detailed evaluation under the following
i. Where the bid does not meet the minimum quality and other essential
requirements set forth by the company and, therefore, is found to be
non-responsive at first sight;
ii. Where the bidder is not willing to accept corrections of Arithmetical
errors made pursuant to Article 5.19.1.c
iii. Where the bidder does not furnish the bid security or is not willing to
furnish the performance bond required by the company;
iv. Where the bidder does not produce evidence of facts that need to be
proven in connection with the procurement.
c. Notwithstanding the provision of article 16.19.1.a above, a company may
correct Arithmetical errors detected during preliminary evaluation of bid
documents. The company shall promptly notify the bidder in writing of such
corrections. If the bidder does not agree to such corrections, the bidder shall
be dropped out of the bid proceeding. Where there is discrepancy of unit and
total price in the bid document, unit price shall prevail,
d. The company may accept a bid as complete notwithstanding that such bid
contains elements representing certain variance with the bidding document, in
so far as such elements do not alter the conditions of contract and other
essential requirements forming the fundamental aspect of the bidding
document, or bears minor errors or deviations which can be corrected without
affecting the essence of the bid. However, such deviations shall, as far as
possible, be expressed in monetary terms to be taken account of in the
Evaluation of bids.
e. Depending on the complexity of the Capital Goods, the company can establish
special bid committee for the technical evaluation or shall use the existing
Procurement committee for the technical evaluation ,
5.20.2 Evaluating bids and selecting the successful bidder.
1. The company shall conduct detailed evaluation of bids it receives at the initial
stage of the bid proceeding, on the basis of the requirements set forth in the
bidding document. The company may not evaluate bids against other criteria
than those stated in the bidding document.
2. The company shall conduct the evaluation by applying either of the following
methods; as indicated in the bidding document:
a. In respect of bids submitted in one envelope, by selecting the bidder offering
the lowest evaluated bid from among bidders submitting responsive
technical proposals.
b. In respect of bids submitted in two envelopes, by selecting the bidder
scoring the highest point in the total sum of results of the technical and
financial evaluation conducted on the basis of criteria applied to determine
the functional value of the capital goods procurement.
3. In conducting detailed evaluation of bids, the unconditional discount offered by
bidders shall be considered.
4. If necessary, verification may be done in post qualification to ascertain whether a
bidder has the legal competence to transact with the company, or possesses the
necessary financial and technical qualification stated in the bidding document.
5. Unless otherwise stated, price offered by bidders in respect of capital goods
procurement executed by means of international competitive bidding and the
evaluation thereof shall not include any taxes (without custom duty and VAT).
6. Where two bidders get equal merit points in the evaluation, preference shall be
given to local capital goods (products) in accordance with article 25/3 of the
7. Without prejudice to Article 5.19.2.(6) above, the company may require bidders
scoring equal merit points in the evaluation to submit further proposals on
certain aspects of the bid with a view to identifying the successful bidder. For the
purpose of singling out the successful bidder from among bidders getting equal
points in the evaluation,
a) the number of evaluation criteria shall not be more than three and shall be
such that can be expressed in figures;
b) The criteria shall be stated in the bid data sheet of the bidding document.
c) Bidders scoring equal merit points shall be notified of that fact and such
bidders are invited to submit final proposals in accordance with the
requirements stated in the bidding document.
d) The final proposals submitted by the bidders scoring equal points shall, as
far as possible, be opened and read out in their presence. The proposals
shall be evaluated and the bidder submitting the better proposal shall be
declared the successful bidder.
e) Where by reason of the bidders scoring equal merit points not submitting
final proposals they are invited to submit, or by reason of the evaluation
result of the final proposals submitted by the bidders being still equal, the
successful bidder cannot be singled out, the successful bidder shall be
determined by casting lot in the presence, as far as possible, of the bidders
8. To the extent that the criteria the Company applies to select the successful bidder
is known, it shall be stated in the bidding document that the quantity of capital
goods to be supplied could increase or decrease by 20% without the unit price
offered for such goods or the terms and conditions stated in the bidding
document being changed.
9. The company shall complete and disclose bid evaluation results to bidders
concerned before the expiration of price validity period offered by such bidders.
However, if the Company cannot complete the evaluation within such period, it
shall require the bidders to extend their bid price validity period pursuant to
article 5.15.4.
10. Where an invitation to bid attracts only one bidder, the Company may sign
contract with that bidder if the proposal submitted by such bidder is satisfactory
to the Company and the price offered by the bidder is comparable to or less than
the market price of the required capital goods of procurement; it being necessary
to make sure that the failure of the bid to attract bidders is not due to the fact that
the content of the bidding document is restrictive of open competition.
11. The company shall prepare an evaluation report, containing a summary of the
examination and evaluation of bids,
12. The company shall announce local bid evaluation result in the form of a report giving
justification for acceptance or rejection of bids within seven (7) days after the bid is
5.21 Preference
5.21.1 Pursuant to Article 25 of the proclamation, with the exception of request for
quotation and single source procurements, preference shall be granted in any
capital goods procurement to locally produced goods, to small and micro
enterprises established under the relevant proclamation.
5.21.2 The preference to be granted to capital goods as per article 5/20/1shall be
effective where it is certified by a competent auditor that no less than 35% of
the total value of such products is added in Ethiopia. For the purpose of this
sub-sub article, value added in Ethiopia shall be calculated by deducting from
the total value of the product in question, the cost , exclusive of indirect taxes,
of imported raw materials and other supplies used in the production of such
product abroad in connection with the production of that product.
5.21.3 For small and micro enterprises established under the relevant law,
a. Preference shall be given by a margin of 3% when such enterprises
compete with local suppliers in national competitive bidding.
b. In lieu of bid security, performance security or advance payment
guarantee, a letter of guarantee written by a competent body organizing
and overseeing small and micro enterprises shall be accepted.
c. They shall be entitled to obtain bidding documents free of charge by
producing their certificate of registration.
5.27.2 Suppliers shall submit advance payment security in an amount equal to the
advance payment they receive in the form of a certified cheque or
unconditional bank guarantee at their option from a reputable bank, together
with their request for advance payment as per the contract.
5.27.3 Notwithstanding the provision of Article 5.26.2 above, local manufacturers of
capital goods may submit conditional advance payment security from reputable
insurance company.
5.27.4 Without prejudice to the provision of article 5.20.3(b) hereof, in respect of
small and micro-enterprises, a company may, where appropriate, require the
opening of special bank account into which the advance payment may be
deposited, which shall be withdrawn by join signature of the representative of
the company and the supplier for payment of capital goods procurement arising
from the performance of the contract.
5.27.5 Where in accordance with article 5.26.3, the advance payment security
provided by a supplier in the performance of a capital goods procurement of
contract is conditional, or in respect of advance payment made in favor of a
small and micro-enterprise in accordance with article 5.26.4, the company shall
enter into special agreement with the supplier or the small and micro-enterprise
as the case may be, for the use of the advance payment. Such agreement inter
alia includes the following:-
a) That the advance to be paid to the supplier or the small or
microenterprise in accordance with the agreement shall be deposited in
a special bank account to be opened for this purpose in the name of the
supplier or the small or micro-enterprise.
b) That the advance to be deposited in the account to be opened as per (a)
above can only be with drawn by joint signature of the company and
the supplier
5.28.4 The liability of the supplier for delay in performing his/its obligation under the
contract shall be as follows:-
a. He/it shall pay a penalty of 0.1% or 1/1000 of the value of undelivered
item for each day of delay,
b. The cumulative penalty to be paid by the supplier shall not exceed 10%
of the contract price.
c. If the delay in performing the contract affects its activities, the company
may terminate an agreement by giving advance notice to the supplier,
without any obligation to wait until the penalty reaches 10% of the value
of the contract.
5.28.5 The company has to carefully consider the obligations and liabilities it may
have to assume under a contract; it may not sign a contract involving
obligations that it cannot fulfill.
5.28.6 Subject to article 5.27.7 of this policy, unless an exceptional situation arises,
the successful bidder has to sign a contract with the company within 15 days of
notification of award.
5.28.7 The company shall not sign a contract before seven working days from the date
bidders are notified of the result of their bid or of any complaint against the bid
5.28.8 The contract document should be signed and stamped by both parties at the presence
of witness,
5.28.9 The contract is governed by the laws of the land,
6.3 The company shall use international bid to purchase Capital Goods or services that are not
available in the required quantity at local market or the international Bid shall be issued
when the quality of the Capital Goods or services to be purchased from international market
are preferred in terms of quality,
6.4 If the Bidders for capital goods procured with international bid are not manufacturers of the
capital goods to be procured they are required to bring certificate of evidence that shows the
supplier is agent of the manufacturer if required by the company.
6.5 Bidders participating in procurement of capital goods made by means of international
competitive bidding have to produce manufacturers authorization if a company requires
them to do so, unless they themselves are manufacturers of such goods,
6.6 In addition to the procedure of national competitive bidding set forth in article 5 of this
policy, capital goods procurements made by means of International Competitive bidding
shall comply with the following procedure:-
a) The bid advertisement and the bidding documents shall be prepared in English,
b) The bid advertisement shall be published in a newspaper that has wide circulation and
accessible to foreign bidders, the bid advertisement shall be posted on the company’s
website if the value of the procurement is above the threshold stated in article 6.2 of
this policy.
c) Bidders must be given adequate time to prepare bid documents in response to the
invitation to bid in accordance with article 5.9 of this policy.
d) The schedule of requirements to be prepared shall comply with national standard and
be internationally acceptable.
e) Bid prices offered by foreign bidders shall be quoted and bid securities required of
such bidders shall be furnished in a freely convertible currency used for payment in
international commercial transactions.
f) Where a foreign bidder uses local inputs to satisfy the required capital goods
procurement under the contract, the portion of the portion of the total contract price
representing such local expenditure shall be expressed in birr in the price schedule of
the bidder price representing such local expenditure shall be expressed in birr in the
price schedule of the bidder.
8.2.3 Since the purpose of the first stage is to draw up detailed schedule of requirements
based on proposals from candidates, the bidding document prepared by the
company for the first stage shall state the requirements of the company in general
terms and incorporate the necessary description and questionnaires.
8.2.4 The technical proposal submitted by candidates during the first stage shall be
opened in the absence of the candidates in the manner stated in the invitation to
8.2.5 The first stage evaluation shall focus on examining the proposals submitted by
candidates at the first stage to identify the schedule of requirements necessary and
the bidders qualifying for the second stage bidding. During the first stage
evaluation, the company may also hold discussion with all, some or one of the
candidates as necessary. The discussion to be conducted accordingly shall aim at
creating better understanding of and develop the proposal/proposals submitted by
the candidates.
8.2.6 The bidding document to be proposed for the second stage bidding shall as far as
possible comply with the procedure of competitive bidding set forth in article 5&
6 of this policy.
8.2.7 Invitation shall be sent to the candidates whose proposals have been accepted in
the first stage bidding to participate in the second stage bidding. Such bidders
shall be required to furnish bid security.
8.2.8 The company shall send to such bidders or require them to collect person the
bidding document prepared for the second stage bidding.
8.2.9 The invitation to bid sent to the candidates pursuant to article 8.2.7 above shall
state clearly the requirements they have to fulfill to obtain the bidding documents.
9. Pre-qualification bid
9.1 Where, in view of the particular nature of the capital goods procurement, the company
finds it necessary to prequalify bidders, it may invite national or International
prequalification bids as the case may be.
9.2 Capital goods procurements requiring prequalification bids should satisfy at least one of
the following criteria:-
9.9 The result of the pre-qualification evaluation approved by the appropriate authority of the
company shall be disclosed at the same time to all bidders participating in the bid
regardless of whether such bidders have prequalified.
9.10 A company may not sign a contract with a bidder declared to successful, if the
information given by such bidder in regard to its qualification, in its prequalification bid
is found to be wrong, or if it is established, with reasonable degree of certainty, that it no
longer possesses the capability on the basis of which it pre-qualified, and hence, cannot
perform the contract on the expected level.
9.11 The preparation of the bidding document to be sent to the respective addresses of the
pre-qualified bidders or to be collected by such bidders in person and the rest of the
capital goods procurement process shall be carried out in accordance with the national or
international competitive bidding procedure established by the proclamation and this
10.5.1 Invitation to open bid for the procurement must have been published at least
twice, and the invitation must have attracted no bidder, or the bidder or
bidders responding to the second invitation to bid must have failed to meet the
technical requirements set forth by the company for that procurement
10.5.2 There must have been no factor associated with the invitation to bid, or
amount of bid security, bidding document or any other element of the
procurement process, restraining candidates from participating in the bid.
10.5.3 The company must have believed that inviting suppliers engaged in the field
pertaining to the object of procurement to participate in the procurement by
restricted bidding attracts such suppliers to participate in the procurement.
10.5.4 The company must, as far as possible, have established through inquiry that
the suppliers engaged in the field have no ulterior reason for not wanting to
participate in open bid for the procurement, which is illegitimate or prejudicial
to the interest of the company.
10.6 Without prejudice to the provisions of sub articles 10.1 through 10.4 of this article, the
procedure of national competitive bidding set forth in article 5 of this policy shall apply
to procurements made by means of restricted bidding.
11.3.2 In addition ,if the MSMEs cannot identify supplier and negotiate for price by
themselves and if delegates the company to procure on behalf of them, the
company can purchase the capital Goods of the range of the stated amount on
behalf of the MSMEs through collecting pre forma.
11.3.3 For the procurement between birr 3,000,001.00 up to birr 3,500,000.00, the
company with lessee to buy through collecting at least three per forma from
known suppliers of machineries. The MSMEs should agree with the price and
specification of the machineries before the company effect the payment.
11.3.4 Whereas, where the committee cannot find three per forma for the
procurement under this range (amount) and also confirm this condition
(inability to find three per forma) through the committee minute, the company
may use direct procurement buy through one per forma in the situation when
only one per forma is collected.
11.4 In any procurement of capital goods made by means of request for quotation, not less
than three candidates, as far as possible, shall be selected from the suppliers’ list in
compliance with the following rules to ensure fairness in the selection:
a) Unless the interest of the company requires otherwise, the same supplier or
suppliers shall not be selected repeatedly, so that other suppliers in the suppliers
list may have the opportunity of competition to sale to the company.
b) The company has to establish a system to prevent possible acts of connivance in
offering and accepting price in the process of capital goods procurement by
request for quotation and carry out price verification regularly in accordance
with article 11.8 below.
11.5 Each candidate shall be allowed to quote a firm price which may not be changed. No
negotiation shall be allowed between the company and the candidate on the price quoted
by the candidate.
11.6 The successful supplier shall be selected on best price basis, by comparing supplies
meeting the quality characteristics of the company’s requirements as described in the
11.7 For the purpose of evaluation, prices offered by suppliers in response to a request for
quotation shall not include Value Added taxes.
11.8 For the purpose of price verification in regard to procurements made by means of
request for quotation, company shall refer to the current price list posted on the
Agency’s website and to the price survey carried out by the procurement unit of the
company and accepts the lowest price in respect of an item as the prevailing market
price of that item.
11.9 In procurement made by request for quotation, the Proforma, a supplier presents to the
company and the letter of purchase order sent by the company to that supplier
constitutes a contract between the company and the supplier. Hence, it is not necessary
for the company and the supplier to sign a contract.
11.10 Company may not split procurements merely to take advantage of provisions
governing procurements by request for quotation.
c) Within limits defined in this procurement policy, for new Capital Goods consisting of
the repetition of similar capital goods which conform to a basic business of which an
initial contract has been awarded on the basis of open or restricted bidding;
d) When the head of the company has determined that the need is one of pressing
emergency in which delay would create serious problems and therefore injurious to
the performance of company;
e) Where situations arise in which shopping becomes necessary to meet the special
procurement needs of company.
f) For purchase of capital goods made under exceptionally advantageous conditions
which only arise in the very short term. This provision is intended to cover unusual
disposals by firms, which are not normally suppliers. It is not intended to cover
routine purchases from regular suppliers.
g) The company may use direct procurement if this method is not with a view to avoid
possible competition or in a manner which would constitute a means of
discrimination among candidates:
12.3 The company shall ensure that this method is not resorted to with a view to avoiding
possible competition or in a manner which would constitute a means of discrimination
among candidates.
12.4 When the company engages in direct procurement it shall prepare a description of its
need and any special requirement as to quality, quantity, terms and time of delivery and
shall be free to negotiate on price and conditions of offer with the sole candidate. Any
agreement reached to conduct procurement shall be confirmed by contract signed by
both parties,
12.5 The salient points to focus in the negotiation of contracts for direct procurements shall
be approved by the Executive Managing Director of the company and communicated to
the negotiators,
Contract Administration
13 Implementing procurement contracts
13.1 Unless faced with a situation preventing or postponing the execution of contract, the
company has to implement any procurement of capital goods contract they have signed
with suppliers promptly.
13.2 The company has to fulfill conditions established in a contract to expedite the
implementation of the contract as provided in article 13.1 above. These conditions may
include the following:-
a. If the contract provides for advance to be paid to the supplier, effect such
advance payment to the supplier against advance payment guarantee in
accordance with the provision of this article.
b. Open letter of credit (L/C) promptly in respect of a procurement requiring the
issuance of letter of credit in favor of a supplier.
c. Fulfill such other conditions as are stipulated in the contract.
13.3 The company has to identify the duties of a supplier under a contract and insure that the
supplier performs such duties in due time.
13.4 The company has to record the date on which the actual implementation of the contract
has begun upon fulfillment of precondition set forth in the contract for the actual
implementation of the contract and, if necessary, notify this to the supplier.
15 Completion of a Contract
15.1 The company has to ensure that the performance of a procurement contract is completed
with the terms and conditions of such contract being complied with and other
transactions incidental to such contract being finalized.
This involves ensuring that:-
a) The supplier has delivered the capital goods to be supplied under the contract.
b) Proper follow up is maintained and appropriate decision is taken in regard to
securities and warranties.
c) For all payments made to the suppliers, the corresponding obligations owed by such
suppliers to the company are satisfied and all payments due to the suppliers under the
contract are effected.
d) All rights of the company arising from the contract and involving third parties such
as Insurance companies, transporters, custom Authority, transistors, Banks are
satisfied and the company has performed its obligation towards such third parties,
15.2 The company shall settle pending accounts with the suppliers and third parties involved
in the performance of the contract.
Miscellaneous provisions
16.Records of Capitals Goods Procurement
16.1 The company shall maintain records of procurements listed in article 23 of the
proclamation and other pertinent documents.
16.2 The time for which such records shall be kept corresponds to the time to be stipulated
in the financial Administration Regulations to be issued pursuant to article 73 of the
financial administration proclamation of the federal government, proclamation no
17. Registration of Suppliers
The company registers the suppliers who supply of capital goods in the supplier list in its
data base.
18. Reserved Right of the Company
The company shall reserve the right to reorder procurement of Capital Goods from the
supplier selected as per the bid process before or within six (6) months after the signing of
contract. However, the reorder amount shall not exceed 25% of the original quantity with no
change in price stated in the original bid document.
Ethics in Capital Goods procurement
22. Professional ethics expected of persons engaged in Capital Goods
Any employee or person of the company in a position of responsibility involved in
capital goods procurement shall observe the following and other rules of ethics:-
22.2 Where a company receives information from any source that an employee or a
person in a position of responsibility engaged in capital goods procurement is
involved in a conflict of interest in the exercise of his duty,
22.2.3 Where the company ascertains as per article 18.2.2 above, that the person
whom the allegation concerns is in fact involved in a conflict of interest
in connection with his duty:-
a. It shall remove the person from that procurement process
influences or has the potential to influence their action or decision in the exercise
of their duty. For the purpose of this sub-article, such persons shall observe the
following ethical precepts:-
Without prejudice to article 22.4(e) below:-
a. Not to accept gift which has monitory value especially from a supplier
or a candidate to the company or.
b. Not to accept offer of employment for himself or his family.
c. Not to accept special discount or service in his private transaction with
the person who is a supplier to the company or candidate.
d. Not to accept an invitation, which is likely to influence his action or
decision in relation to his duty; however, he may accept invitation
which does not involve travel or an invitation in which the inviter has
no business relation with the company.
e. Notwithstanding the provision of article 22.4 (a) above, such person
may accept items which are freely distributed for the purpose of
promotion or advertisement and not for sale.
22.5 Any employee or person in a position of responsibility has the obligation to
notify to the appropriate body, any act of corruption intended or perpetrated. For
the purpose of this article:-
a) It is necessary to make sure that the allegation is supported by evidence.
b) Isolate oneself from any act facilitating or assisting the intended act of
22.6 An employee or a person in a position of responsibility has to keep in secret any
confidential information of the company, candidates or suppliers which he came
to know of on account of his duty. For this purpose,
a) no information shall be disclosed to any third party which is likely to
restrict competition or helps bidders to derive unfair advantage or which is
detrimental to the interest of the company except by order of a competent
court or by special permission of the head of the company.
Procedure of Review of complaints presented to the company
24. The right of complaint of a candidate or a bidder
A candidate or a bidder aggrieved or is likely to be aggrieved on account of a company inviting a
bid not complying with the provisions of the proclamation or this policy in conducting a bid
proceeding may present complaint to the head of the company or to the secretariat to have the
bid proceeding reviewed or investigated.
d. A company may open the envelopes containing the financial proposals after
5 working days from the date of notification of the result of the technical
evaluation to the bidders. However, if a complaint is presented to the BoD in
due time against the decision of the Executive Managing Director of the
company on the complaint previously lodged by a bidder concerning the
technical evaluation, The company shall keep the envelopes containing the
financial proposals unopened until the board gives its final decision on the
e. A procurement proceeding in respect of which a complaint is lodged shall be
reviewed only in accordance with the proclamation, this policy and the
bidding document.
A supplier who is aggrieved by the decision of the company or Board of Directors of any
other, administrative organ may take the matter to the competent court.
Repealed Directives and Effective Date
29.Repealed policy
The Oromia Capital Goods Finance Business Share Company Capital Goods
procurement policy issued in July, 2014 and the amendments thereto are hereby repealed
and replaced by this policy
31.Effective Date
This policy shall enter into force on this ….. date of ….. 2020
Addis Ababa May 2….., 2020
Sadat Nasha
Chairperson of BOD
h. Return to the bidder without opening any such bids that are received after the bid
i. Cast votes in meetings of the Procurement committee.
The stamp of the bidder shall be affixed to the document (Insert the validity period of the bid
security days, weeks, months or years) and sealed.
a) Not to withdraw from the bid proceeding after the expiration of the period of bid
submission set forth in the bidding document or within the validity period of my bid
stated in my bid document, or
b) To sign a contract before the expiration of the validity period of my bid, in compliance
with a written notification of award which may be sent to me by the company if I am
the successful bidder, or
c) To provide performance security when I am advised by a notification of award to sign a
contract and furnish performance security,
d) To comply with other requirements stated in the bidding document.
e) To pay the stated amount of the bid security within five days from the date of receipt
of a written request from the Public Body, should I fail to fulfill any of the obligations
stipulated in a-d above,
This bid security shall remain valid for ________ days after the end of the validity period
of the bid. Any claim made in connection with this security thereafter shall not be
Name Insert the full name of the person signing the bid security form
Signature (Insert the signature, name and title of the person signing this document), or If
the person signing this document is an agent, (Insert the full name of such person)
Date (Insert date of signature)