Entrepreneurship Crossword Puzzle

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Grade: 7

Subject: EMS My Cyberwall

Module: What is an Entrepreneur?

Exercise 8. Entrepreneurship Crossword Puzzle

Complete the crossword by nding the answers to the clues. Type the letters into the blocks using
capital letters to spell the words.

6 7



Across Down
Across Down

4. The process of changing raw materials into 1. There are certain _____ that an entrepreneur
nished goods is known as ____. needs to be successful.
6. It helps if the entrepreneur has previous 2. The aim of running a business is to make a
business ____. ____.
8. A good entrepreneur can spot _____ and act 3. Business owners must try to look after
on them. themselves and manage ____.
9. A business needs _____ to attract customers. 5. A person who owns and runs their own
10. Successful entrepreneurs set themselves business and assumes risk for the potential of
____ and then strive to achieve them. pro t.

11. _____ are often thrown in the way of the 7. Entrepreneurs help the economy by reducing
entrepreneur. _____.

Version: 03 Jul 2023 © Copyright My Cyberwall - www.mycyberwall.co.za

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