Clase #5
Clase #5
Clase #5
Nicolás Toro-García a, Yeison Alberto Garcés-Gómez b & Fredy Edimer Hoyos-Velasco c
a, b
Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales, Colombia. [email protected], [email protected]
Escuela de Física, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. [email protected]
Received: October 07th, 2014. Received in revised form: February 12th, 2015. Accepted: July 02nd, 2015.
This paper shows the behavior of a three-phase power converter with resistive load using a quasi-sliding and a chaos control techniques
for output voltage regulation. Controller is designed using Zero Average Dynamic (ZAD) and Fixed Point Inducting Control (FPIC)
techniques. Designs have been tested in a Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) system based on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for dSPACE
platform. Bifurcation diagrams show the robustness of the system. Chaos detection is a signal processing method in the time domain, and
has power quality phenomena detection applications. Results show that the phase voltage in the load has sinusoidal performance when it
is controlled with these techniques. When delay effects are considered, experimental and numerical results match in both of stable and
transition to chaos zones.
Keywords: Power measurement, Power quality, Power electronics, Complexity theory, Chaos, Power Inverter.
Palabras clave: Medida de potencia, Calidad de la Potencia, Electrónica de Potencia, Teoría Compleja, Caos, Inversor de Potencia.
sense, non-smooth transitions occur when a cycle interacts This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
with a boundary of discontinuity in the phase space in a non- the proposed system. Section 3 describes the mathematical
generic way, causing periodic additions or sudden chaos model of the system. Section 4 describes the control
transitions [4]. One of the most relevant aspects in the techniques. Section 5 presents the obtained results, and
bifurcation analysis of non-smooth systems is the absence of finally, section 6 presents the conclusion.
the double periodic sequences that are observed in smooth
systems [3]. Due to characteristic behavior of non-smooth 2. Proposed system
systems, in many cases, it is not possible to apply analysis
techniques for smooth systems without modifications or Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the system under study.
adequate adjustments [1]. This system is divided into two major subgroups, hardware and
Converters use power electronics for efficient software. Hardware includes electrical circuits and electronic
transformation and rational use of electricity from the devices, and software includes signals acquisition and
generation sources to its industrial and commercial use. It has implementation of control techniques. The software is
been estimated that 90% of electrical energy is processed implemented in a dSPACE platform.
through power converters before the final use [5]. Power Hardware is composed of a Three–phase power converter
converters must provide a certain level of output voltage, with resistive load, which is rated to 1500W, 600 V DC and
either in task regulation or tracking, and they must be able to v
reject changes in load and primary supply voltage levels. A 20 A DC. For the measure of variables, c (capacitor
complete and detailed analysis of the operation and voltage), a series resistance was used and for the
configuration of different power converters can be found in i
measurement of L (inductor currents) HX10P/SP2 current
[6, 7]. One of the most desirable qualities in these devices is sensors were used. Converter switches were driven by PWM
efficiency in the performance by using switching devices outputs of the controller card; these signals are coupled via
generating the desired output with low power consumption.
fast optocouplers (6N137).
In general, the deterioration of power quality is due to
Software is developed using the control and development
non-stationary disturbances (voltage sags, voltage swells,
impulses, among others) and also due to stationary card dSPACE DS1104, where ZAD and FPIC control
disturbances (harmonic distortion, unbalance and flicker) [8- techniques are implemented. The sampling rate for all variables
11]. In addition, the chaotic dynamics in the system under is set to 4 kHz. The state variables vc and i L are stored at 12
study generate non-periodic solution currents that are bits; the duty cycle (d) is handled at 10 bits. Parameters of buck
reflected on the source side, affecting other sensitive loads
converter ( C , L , rS , rL ) and ZAD-FPIC–controller ( K S , N , FS, R
connected to the point of common coupling.
) are entered to the control block by the user, as constant
Controller designed in this work combines Zero Average
Dynamics (ZAD) and Fixed Point Inducting Controller parameters. K S is the bifurcation parameter. For each sample the
(FPIC) strategies, which have been reported in [18]. Design controller calculates in real time the duty cycle and the
corresponds to a three-phase low power inverter (1500 W) equivalent PWM signal to control the gate.
with a three phase resistive load using a dSPACE platform
for the control. Numerical and experimental bifurcations are 3. Mathematical model
obtained for the ZAD-FPIC-controller [22-24], by changing
the parameter values. Obtained numerical and experimental Fig. 2 shows a basic diagram of the system. Buck power
bifurcation diagrams match. Development and application of converter is used to feed the resistive load. Eq. (1) is obtained
the FPIC control technique are presented in [14,15,17,18]. for the system model.
This technique allows the stabilization of unstable orbits in a
simple way.
Toro-García et al / DYNA 82 (192), pp. 52-59. August, 2015.
S4 1 S1
S5 1 S2 (4)
S6 1 S3
State variables are the capacitor voltage ( vc ) and the
Si {0,1} inductor current ( i L ). These equations can be expressed in a
for i 16 compact form as x Ax Bu with x1 vc and x2 i L . E
Denotes the converter power supply and depending on the
This equation can be expressed in a compact form as: control pulse voltage E or E is injected to the system
through a PWM signal.
x Ax BU (2) By considering continuous conduction mode (CCM) and
according to centered PWM (Fig. 4), the control signal is
where the state variables are: defined as follows:
vc x1 , i L x2 , vc x3 , i L x4 , vc x5 , and i L x6 1 if kT t kT dT / 2
a a b b c c
u 1 if kT dT / 2 t kT T dT / 2
A is a block diagonal matrix, so that the system consists
1 if kT T dT / 2 t kT T
of three uncoupled subsystems that may be treated
independently. Fig. 3 shows the equivalent circuit per phase. Solution of the system (3) for kT t kT dT / 2 is given by:
Figure 3. Electrical circuit for the buck converter (equivalent per phase)
Source: The authors.
Toro-García et al / DYNA 82 (192), pp. 52-59. August, 2015.
The control strategies presented in this section are The dk satisfying zero average requirements is:
developed for the per phase equivalent circuit. So for the
three phase system the control must be applied for each phase 2s1 (x(kT )) Ts (x(kT )) (9)
independently, taking into account that the reference voltage s (x(kT )) s (x(kT ))
will be phase shifted according to the corresponding circuit
phase. From (3), (4) and (8) we obtain:
4.1. Derivation of the discrete time iterative map of the s1 (kT ) (1 aks )x1 (kT ) bks x2 (kT ) x1ref ksx1ref
converter s (kT ) (a a2 ks bcks )x1 (kT ) (b abks bdks )x2 (kT ) bks
x1ref ks
As reported in [19-[21], one of the possibilities for E
s (kT ) (a a2 ks bcks )x1 (kT ) (b abks bdks )x2 (kT ) bks x1ref ks
computing the duty cycle is to define a surface and to force it
to be zero in each iteration. The surface per phase is defined (10)
as a piecewise-linear function as (Fig. 5) given by:
with a 1 , b 1 , c 1 , d (rs rL )
s1 (t kT )s if kT t t1 RC C L L
s (t kT dk )s if t1 t t 2
The duty cycle is given by (11).
spwl (t) 2 2
d 1 if Dk T
s3 (t kT T k )s if t 2 (k 1)T
2 dk Dk / T if 0 Dk T
0 if Dk 0
where the variables are described in (8) with We have experimentally measured and noticed that there is a
ks Ks* LC a positive constant. period of delay in the control action. In this case, the control
action is taken from the data acquired in the past sampling time,
and then we compute the duty cycle as:
Toro-García et al / DYNA 82 (192), pp. 52-59. August, 2015.
dk (k) N d*
dkFPIC (13)
N 1
dk (k ) is calculated as (12) and d* is the duty cycle
(x1 (kT ) x1ref )
calculated in steady state . From (9) we have:
rs rL L
T T[(1 )x ( (r r )C) x1ref LCx1ref ] Figure 7. Chaotic Solution for the Three–phase converter with resistive
d Dk |x1 (kT )x1ref
* R 1ref R s L (14) load
2 2E
Source: The authors.
5. Numerical and experimental results Figs. 6 and 7 show the experimental behavior for the
Three–phase power converter, using the same parameters and
In this section numerical and experimental results are controller, but with different initial conditions. Reference
shown using K S and N as bifurcation parameters, in addition Voltages for phases a, b, c (upper signals); phase voltages (
the system behavior under frequency and voltage amplitude va , vb , vc ) and phase currents ( i a , i b ) (middle signals) are
variations are illustrated graphically. Parameter values used shown in these Figures.
in simulations and experiments are listed in Table 1; initially In Fig. 6 the system exhibits a periodic solution and in
the reference voltage has a peak of 32V and 40Hz of Fig.7 a chaotic solution. This fact shows the coexistence of
frequency. For the simulation in SIMULINK model the fixed attractors or solutions in the system. When the solution is
step size (fundamental sample time) in the configuration periodic, the controlled voltage follows the voltage reference
parameter was setting in 1 / 4Fs . by the control action unlike the chaotic solution, where the
output voltage is lower than the reference and it has an
Table 1 irregular fashion, in this regime the phase currents have a
Units for Magnetic Properties higher peak. Sometimes the system toggles between two
Parameter Value solutions while it is running, this happens when the solution
rS : Internal resistance of the source 4Ω is near to the border of two regions of attraction.
Results obtained in simulation and experiments for
E : Input voltage 40 V
periodic solutions are shown in Fig. 8. The simulation was
L : Inductance 1.6 mH
executed taking into account a 3T (0,75ms) delay in the duty
rL : Internal resistance of the inductor 0.9 Ω cycle application. Under this condition simulation and
C : Capacitance 368 uF experimental results match. Controlled voltage vC follows
reference voltage for all phases with a maximum error of 2V.
N : FPIC control parameter 7
Fig. 9 shows the bifurcation diagrams for the output error
Fc : Switching frequency 4 kHz
and duty cycle of controlled system with KS and N like
Fs: Sampling frequency 4 kHz
bifurcation parameters, obtained via model simulation using
1T _ p : 1 Delay time 0.25 ms Simulink of Matlab. For K S 1,5 with N 2 and N 1, 5 with
K S : Control parameter 5 K S 3 the system presents a qualitative behavior change.
Source: The authors. Before K S 1,5 and N 1, 5 the system is in chaotic regime
Toro-García et al / DYNA 82 (192), pp. 52-59. August, 2015.
Toro-García et al / DYNA 82 (192), pp. 52-59. August, 2015.
Toro-García et al / DYNA 82 (192), pp. 52-59. August, 2015.
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