Rock Mechanics Part 2-Rock Strength and Failure Mechanisms
Rock Mechanics Part 2-Rock Strength and Failure Mechanisms
Rock Mechanics Part 2-Rock Strength and Failure Mechanisms
(ii) Drill concentric EX hole about 600mm, inspect core for the best site for HI cell
(iii) Install HI cell, allow appropriate glue-curing time for the temperature range
(iv) Overcore HI cell, monitoring the strain gauges throughout the overcoring process
Controlled Rock Strength vs.
Failure Rock Stress
Discontinuities in rockmasses ROCK FAILURE Compressive failure
Shear strength of discontinuities
Tensile failure
Shear failure
Dynamic failure
Shear failure of
rock masses or
Introduction to Underground Rock Mechanics 2 February 2005
Stress-induced spalling (‘breakout’)
in a specially excavated horizontal
tunnel at a research mine in Canada.
Essentially, the stresses wrapping
around the tunnel exceed the intact
rock strength, and stress ‘spalling’
σ1 / σ c Conditions
< 0.2 No particular problems
Spalling from surface parallel to σ1.
0.2 – 0.4
Heavier support required.
0.4 – 0.5 Heavy support required. Major spalling.
Very hazardous, and difficult to keep
0.5 – 0.67
open. Support heavy and costly.
Impractical or extremely difficult to
> 0.67
maintain open.
σ1 is the major principal stress, and σc is the UCS from laboratory testing
Controlled Special
Instability Conditions
Rock Infrastructure
Support (crushers, pump
Design stations, etc)
Excavation Mining
Design - Method
Tunneling Selection
Excavation Shafts
Design -
Pillar Design Extraction
Effects of Scale in Rock Engineering
Introduction to Underground Rock Mechanics 2 February 2005 Figure from Hutchinson & Diederich’s, 1996
The Knack ….