A Study On Role of Primary Health Care in Rural Area in Cheruvathur Panchayath-Merged
A Study On Role of Primary Health Care in Rural Area in Cheruvathur Panchayath-Merged
A Study On Role of Primary Health Care in Rural Area in Cheruvathur Panchayath-Merged
The concept of Primary Health Centre (PHC) is not new in India. The Bhore
Committe in 1946 gave the concept of a PHC as a basic health unit to provide as
close to the people as possible, an integrated curative and preventive health care to
the rural population with emphasis on preventive and promotive aspects of health
care .
The health planners in India have visualized the PHC and its sub-centre (SCs)
as the proper infrastructure to provide health services to the rural population . The
central council of Health at its first meeting held in January 1953 had
recommended the establishment of PHCs in community development blocks to
provide comprehensive health care to the rural population. These centre were
functioning as peripheral health service institutions with little or no community
involvement. Increasingly , these centres came under criticism , as they were not
able to provide adequate health coverage , partly , because they were poorly staffed
and equipped and lacked basic amenities.
The 6th Five year plan (1983-88) proposed reorganization of PHCs on the
basis of one PHC for every 30,000 rural population in the plains and one PHC for
every 20,000 population hilly, tribal and backward areas for more effective
coverage. Since then,23,109 PHCs have been established in the country (as of sep
PHCs are the corner store of rural health services a first part of call to a
qualified doctor of the public sector in rural areas for the sick and those who
directly report or referred from sub – centres for curative , preventive and
promotive healthcare . It act as a referral unit for 6 sub – centres and refer out
cases to community health centres ( CACs-30 bedded hospitals ) and higher order
public hospitals at sub-districts and district hospitals . It has 4-6 indoor beds for
patients .
PHCs are not spread from issues such as the inability to perform up to the
expectation due to : i) non-availability of doctors at PHCs ; ii) even if posted
doctors do not stay at the PHC ; iii) inadequate physical infrastructure and
facilities; iv) insufficient quantities of drugs ; v) lack of accountability to the public
and lack of community participation ; vi) lack of set standards for monitoring
quality cute etc.
Standards are a means of describing the level of quality that health care
organization are expected to meet or aspire to key aim of these standards is to
underpin the delivery of quality services which are fair and responsive to clients
needs , which should be provided equitably and which deliver improvements in the
health and well being of the population . Standards are the main driver for
continuous improvements in quality . The performance of health care delivery
organization can be assessed against the set standards . The National Rural Health
Mission (NRHM) has provided the opportunity to set Indian Public Health
Standards (IPHS) for health centre functioning in rural areas .
The nomenclature of a PHC varies from state to state that include a Block
level PHCs ( located at block HQ and covering about 100,000 population and with
varying number of indoor beds ) and additional PHCs/New PHCs covering a
population of 20,000-30,000 etc.. The standards prescribed in this document are for
a PHC covering 20,000 to 30,000 population with 30 beds for providing
specialized services.