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Science (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the
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Fig. 3. Authorship structure, novelty, and conventionality. Team- distinct (solo versus pair P = 0.016, pair versus team P = 0.001, team
authored papers are more likely to incorporate tail novelty but without versus solo P < 0.001). In contrast, each team size shows similar distribu-
sacrificing a central tendency for high conventionality. Papers introduce tions for median conventionality [(B), K-S tests indicate no statistically
tail novelty (a 10th-percentile z score less than 0) in 36.2, 39.9, and 49.7% significant differences]. These findings suggest that a distinguishing feature
of cases for solo authors, dual authors, and three or more authors, re- of teamwork, and teams’ exceptional impact, reflects a tendency to incor-
spectively (A). K-S tests confirm that the distributions of tail novelty are porate novelty.
Fig. 4. Novel and conventional combinations in the production of 85th to 95th percentile of median conventionality, after which the relationship
science. (A to C) The interplay between tail novelty, median conventionality, reverses. Third, larger teams obtain higher impact given the right mix of tail
and hit paper probabilities shows remarkable empirical regularities. First, high novelty and median conventionality. Nonetheless, at low levels of median
tail novelty papers have higher impact than low tail novelty papers at (i) any convention and tail novelty, even teams have low impact, further emphasizing
level of conventionality and (ii) regardless of authorship structure. Second, the fundamental relationship between novelty, conventionality, and impact in
increasing median conventionality is associated with higher impact up to the science.
Teams were neither more nor less likely than science draws on primarily highly conventional between extending technology with atypical com-
single authors or pairs of authors to display high combinations of prior work, with an intrusion of binations of prior ideas while embedding them in
median conventionality. Figure 3B indicates no combinations unlikely to have been joined to- conventional knowledge frames may be critical to
significant statistical difference in the median gether before. These patterns suggest that novelty human progress in many domains. Future research
z-score distributions (K-S tests indicate solo ver- and conventionality are not factors in opposition; questions also arise from our findings. Science is
sus pair P = 0.768, pair versus team P = 0.417, rather, papers that mix high tail novelty with high dynamic, with research areas shifting and new
team versus solo P = 0.164). Teams thus achieve median conventionality have nearly twice the pro- fields arising. Although we find that the regulari-
high tail novelty more often than solo authors. pensity to be unusually highly cited. ties relating novelty, conventionality, and impact
Yet, teams were not simply more novel but rather These findings have implications for theories persist across time and fields, understanding how
displayed a propensity to incorporate high tail about creativity and scientific progress. Combi- research trajectories shift and how new fields are
novelty without giving up a central tendency for nations of existing material are centerpieces in born are questions that measures of novelty and
high conventionality. theories of creativity, whether in the arts, the sci- convention may valuably inform. At root, our work
In our final analysis, we examined the inter- ences, or commercial innovation (2–4, 6–10, 16). suggests that creativity in science appears to be a
play between citation, combination, and collabo- Across the sciences, the propensity for high- nearly universal phenomenon of two extremes. At
ration using regression methods (Fig. 4). Papers impact work is sharply elevated when combina- one extreme is conventionality and at the other is
were binned into 11 equally sized categories of tions of prior work are anchored in substantial novelty. Curiously, notable advances in science
median conventionality. A separate regression conventionality, not novelty, while mixing in a left appear most closely linked not with efforts along
was run for each category of median conven- tail of combinations that are rarely seen together. one boundary or the other but with efforts that
tionality and each team size, with field fixed In part, this pattern may reflect advantages to reach toward both frontiers.
effects. The supplementary materials detail the being within the mainstream of a research trajec-
regression methodology and present additional tory, where scientists are currently focused, while References and Notes
confirmatory tests (figs. S7 to S10). being distinctive in one’s creativity. Combinations 1. Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research,
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tail novelty papers had higher impact than low edge” theory, which emphasizes the growing 2. H. S. Becker, Art Worlds (Univ. of California Press,
tail novelty papers, an impact advantage that oc- knowledge demands on scientists (4, 17, 21). New Berkeley, CA, 1982)
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less of authorship structure. Second, peak impact lion per year across 251 fields, encouraging spe- 4. B. Jones, Rev. Econ. Stud. 76, 283–317 (2009).
occurred in the 85th to 95th percentile of median cialization and challenging scientists’ capacity to 5. B. F. Jones, S. Wuchty, B. Uzzi, Science 322, 1259–1262
conventionality, an exceptionally high level. This comprehend new thinking across domains. The (2008).
peak and its position appeared irrespective of finding that teams preserve high conventionality 6. J. Schumpeter, Business Cycles (McGraw-Hill, New York,
tail novelty/no tail novelty or authorship struc- yet introduce tail novelty suggests that teams help
7. A. P. Usher, A History of Mechanical Invention
ture. These generic features suggest fundamental meet the challenge of the burden of knowledge (Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1954).
underlying rules relating combinations of prior by balancing domain-level depth with a capacity 8. M. L. Weitzman, Q. J. Econ. 113, 331–360 (1998).
work to the highest-impact science. for atypical combinations. 9. M. Schilling, Creat. Res. J. 17, 131–154 (2005).
Finally, Fig. 4 indicates that at virtually all This methodology considered paper and jour- 10. B. Uzzi, J. Spiro, Am. J. Sociol. 111, 447–504 (2005).
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mixes of tail novelty and median conventionality, nal pairings but can be applied at the level of 12. S. Wuchty, B. F. Jones, B. Uzzi, Science 316, 1036–1039
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Thus, whereas teams incorporated the highest im- ing the examination of combinations of prior 13. D. Stokols, K. L. Hall, B. K. Taylor, R. P. Moser, Am. J.
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tended to obtain higher impact for any particular creativity and scientific impact. Beyond science, 15. J. A. Evans, J. G. Foster, Science 331, 721–725 (2011).
mix (Fig. 4). Nonetheless, despite teams’ advan- links between novelty and conventionality in suc- 16. R. Collins, The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global
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