Cognitive Levels

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ISSN: 04532198

Volume 62, Issue 03, April, 2020

Cognitive Levels as Measure of Higher-Order Thinking

Skills in Senior High School Mathematics of Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Gener S. Subia1, Margarita C. Marcos2, Lorinda E. Pascual3, Arlene V. Tomas4, Minnie M. Liangco5

Graduate School, Wesleyan University- Philippines1

College of Engineering, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology2,3,
High School Department, Tarlac Agricultural University4
College of Education, Pampanga State Agricultural University5

Abstract—The study assessed the cognitive levels of 364 Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) graduates in Senior High School Mathematics composed of General Mathematics,
Probability and Statistics, Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus as to Bloom's remembering, understanding,
applying, analyzing and evaluating domains. It utilized a descriptive research design using researchers-made-
examination as the main instrument of the study. The overall cognitive levels of the respondents were at the
average level in remembering, understanding, and applying; but below average in analyzing and evaluating,
particularly in probability and statistics, pre-calculus and basic calculus. These findings showed that the
respondents did not reach the level of higher-order thinking skills in their mathematics subjects. Improvement
is very vital since the students need higher-order thinking skills to hurdle higher-level tertiary mathematics
Keywords—Cognitive levels, higher-order thinking skills, science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM), senior high school graduates

1. Introduction
Existing difficulties in Mathematics of students such as failures in the classroom, low achievement, low
competencies were experienced all over the world ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] and [8]). Even those who
were entering tertiary education were observed not ready and not prepared for higher and complex
mathematics courses ([9], [10], [11] and [12]). These issues and concerns show that cognitive abilities in
Mathematics of students were low and their higher-order thinking skills were questioned. Thus, this study
wanted to find out how senior high school graduates of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM), who were currently enrolled in engineering courses, approached and solved problems in General
Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus using an examination based on
Bloom's Taxonomy to assess their cognitive level. The findings of the study gauged how ready are the
respondents are in the rigors of tertiary engineering mathematics. In the study conducted by [13], “diagnostic
testing can prove to be useful in assessing learners’ mathematical preparedness by identifying learners’
mathematical areas of weakness, which have hindered their mathematics learning and performance”.

Mastery of a topic is the basic and pre-requisite skill for understanding other concepts (Rohaeti, 2014) as cited
by [8]. With this, it can be deduced that prior skills and knowledge in the mathematics of students in the lower
grade level need to be measured so as to have a smooth changeover of teaching and learning. Skills such as
accurately calculate the value of simple expressions with or without calculator, to calculate the area of a simple
shape, to estimate results, to translate a simple real-life problem into mathematical language and to assess the
Subia, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University

reality of any results, to differentiate between solving equations and simplifying expressions leading to grossly
wrong answers to simple problems, to understand the meaning of a simple graph or determine the value of a
function either analytically from the function or visually from its graph, etc.[14]. It should be pointed out that
these skills are basic practical skills necessary for any profession-not just for a technical profession. It should
also be emphasized that this is not a problem of a few incoming students, but that of the majority of students-
even among those entering students in technical sciences and the result is unacceptably long first study cycles
and high dropout rates.

Leongson (2003) as cited by [15] stated that “Filipino students excel in knowledge acquisition but fare
considerably low in lessons requiring higher-order thinking skills and this disappointing condition is evident
in the performance of students in national and international surveys on mathematics”. According to [16],
assessment tools such as tests or examinations are vital in the teaching-learning process and are used primarily
for gauging and enhancing student learning that is why it should be well constructed. Mathematics Teachers
and Engineers who are teaching the subject should, therefore, consider regulating their examinations by
assuring that it is valid and reliable. Likewise, they should consider the cognitive domain of their learners to
promote higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) advocated by Dr. Benjamin Bloom (1956) which was revised in
2001, by Krathwol and Anderson (Bloom's partner and student).

The cognitive domain involves the development of mental skills and the acquisition of knowledge at
hierarchical levels. From knowledge which is the lowest level, then comprehension, application, analysis,
synthesis and evaluation. However, in 2001, Krathwol and Anderson revised the taxonomy and the revised
version was now accepted in many educational institutions in the country including the Department of
Education and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) (see Fig.1.).

Fig 1. Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy and its Revised Edition

There were authors who ventured on cognitive domains of learning ([13], [14], [15], [16] and [17]) but none
of these existing studies focused on measuring the cognitive levels in General Mathematics, Probability and
Statistics, Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus of the first batch of K+ 12 graduates of the STEM senior high
ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 03, April, 2020

school in the Philippines. Teachers and administrators may get insights on the mathematics competencies of
the students and may discover the strengths and weaknesses of students in senior high school mathematics
and in engineering mathematics. Knowing the weaknesses of the students may serve as baseline data for them
to focus on instructional and motivational strategies that can lead to a better facility of learning. Henceforth,
this study.

2. Methodology
This study utilized a descriptive research design. According to the author in [18], "descriptive research is a
fact-finding study with adequate and accurate interpretation of data and describes with emphasis what actually
exists such as the current condition of the phenomenon". The samples of the study who were chosen
purposively [19] were 364 senior high school graduates who were freshmen enrolled in Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering courses of the three state technological Universities in Region
3 in the Philippines. The common engineering courses offered in these institutions were the criterion in
selecting them. The researchers-made examination was the main instrument utilized in this study. It was a 60
multiple choice-test composed of topics taken in Senior High School mathematics subjects such as: General
Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus. The cognitive levels identified were
remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing and evaluating. The competencies in senior high school
mathematics prescribed by the Department of Education (Dep.Ed.) were considered in constructing the test
items. The internal consistency method of establishing test reliability was employed using Cronbach's alpha
formula. The computed reliability coefficients of the tests were 0.891 for General Mathematics, 0.836 for
Probability and Statistics, 0.843 for Pre-Calculus and 0.821 for Basic Calculus. Frequency, percentage, means
and weighted means were utilized to analyze the result of the test.

3. Results and Discussion

1. Cognitive Levels of Respondents

1.1. General Mathematics

Table 1 presents the cognitive level of the respondents in general mathematics. It can be noticed from the table
that their cognitive levels in remembering, understanding, analyzing and evaluating were average; while it
was high in applying. It can also be noticed from the table that the respondents had an increasing pattern of
cognition from remembering to applying. However, their cognitive level, although still within the average
range, had dropped a little in domains requiring higher-order thinking skills, such as analyzing and evaluating.
This means that the respondents had typical ability to recall information and understand the meaning of what
was already known in general mathematics; however, they would tend to find it a little harder to methodically
examine mathematical concepts as well as make a judgment and solve problems about it. Furthermore, it could
be gleaned from the table that the respondents’ level of cognition in terms of applying was “High”. This
implies that they would tend to find it easy to apply mathematical knowledge in new situations.

Table 1. Cognitive Level of the Respondents in General Mathematics

No. of Correct
General Mathematics Items Frequency Percent Level
1 215 364
2 174 364
Remembering 55.08 Average
3 141 364
4 272 364
Subia, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University

5 164 364
6 258 364
Understanding 57.62 Average
7 186 364
8 231 364
9 300 364
Applying 10 297 364 77.01 High
11 244 364
12 254 364
Analyzing 47.66 Average
13 93 364
14 235 364
Evaluating 45.74 Average
15 98 364
Legend: 0 to 20%-Poor; 21 to 40%-Below Average; 41 to 60%-Average; 61 to 80%-High; 81 to 100%-Very High

According to one group of student respondents “We believe that the easiest levels in the exam in general
mathematics are the remembering, understanding and applying, since once you know the formulas to a certain
topic and how to use it you’re going to have your answer. You’ll just have to know the flow on how to solve
it.” This finding implies further that the respondents have already acquired the basic skill to understand
concepts in General Mathematics. According to Rohaeti (2014), as cited by [8], mastery of a topic is the basic
and pre-requisite skill for understanding other concepts. With this, it can be deduced that prior skills and
knowledge in General Mathematics were acquired by the students in their lower grade levels.

1.2. Probability and Statistics

Table 2 shows the cognitive levels of the respondents in probability and statistics. It can be observed from the
table that the respondents were average in remembering, understanding, and applying; while below average
in analyzing and poor in evaluating. The findings indicate that the respondents would tend to have the average
skill to recall information they learned in probability and statistics, to comprehend the meaning of this
information, and to utilize such in performing and solving problem-related to probability and statistics.
However, as their skill levels in analyzing and evaluating were respectively below average and poor, it could
be deduced that they would tend to find difficulty in examining mathematical situations in probability and
statistics, more so in making judgments and decisions based on such information.

Table 2. Cognitive Level of the Respondents in Probability and Statistics

Probability and No. of Correct
Items Frequency Percent Level
Statistics Responses
1 232 364
2 179 364
Remembering 46.29 Average
3 76 364
4 187 364
5 89 364
6 214 364
Understanding 41.48 Average
7 129 364
8 172 364
9 214 364
Applying 10 144 364 43.77 Average
11 120 364

ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 03, April, 2020

12 122 364 Below

Analyzing 37.09
13 148 364 Average
14 38 364
Evaluating 20.47 Poor
15 111 364
Legend: 0 to 20%-Poor; 21 to 40%-Below Average; 41 to 60%-Average; 61 to 80%-High;81 to 100%-Very High

With the above-mentioned findings, there was a reason to believe that, as far as probability and statistics are
concerned, the spiral curriculum of K to 12 failed to develop higher-order thinking skills among its first batch
of graduates in Region 3. According to Leongson (2003) as cited by [15], “Filipino students excel in
knowledge acquisition but fare considerably low in lessons requiring higher-order thinking skills and this
disappointing condition was evident in the competency of students in national and international surveys on

1.3. Pre-Calculus
It can be observed from the data in Table 3 that the cognitive skills of respondents in remembering,
understanding and analyzing were of average level, but below average in terms of applying and evaluating.
The abovementioned findings suggest that the respondents' capacity to remember and understand data, as well
as to apply the same in new situations was also average and typical. They would tend to hurdle even pre-
calculus tasks they might find. However, they would tend to find difficulty and exert more effort when the
pre-calculus task would require them to systematically observe the constitution or structure of important
concepts and problems in the subject or if they would have to judge and make a decision out of such; because
contrary to what was anticipated of the graduates of K to 12 Senior High School, their skill to apply and
evaluate complicated problems had not been fully developed. The findings further implied that the cognitive
skills of the respondents in solving basic problems and in making judgments and predictions regarding real-
life situations pertaining to pre-calculus were weak. This was also an indication that students would need to
share their thinking and understand that there are many approaches to solving complex problems.

Table 3. Cognitive Level of the Respondents in Pre-Calculus

No. of Correct
Pre-Calculus Items Frequency Percent Level
1 227 364
2 272 364
Remembering 58.24 Average
3 212 364
4 137 364
5 164 364
6 185 364
Understanding 51.72 Average
7 196 364
8 208 364
9 152 364
Applying 10 191 364 36.90
11 60 364
12 195 364
Analyzing 44.92 Average
13 132 364
Evaluating 14 61 364 25.96

Subia, 2020 Technology Reports of Kansai University

15 128 364
Legend: 0 to 20%-Poor; 21 to 40%-Below Average; 41 to 60%-Average; 61 to 80%-High; 81 to 100%-Very High

According to [17], "middle-level Math students would also need to develop the ability to transform math
problems into symbolic expressions representing the problem and to be able to make justifications to support
mathematical arguments. They would likewise need to make conjectures and build a logical progression of
ideas to support them. Furthermore, they would need to communicate concisely and use precise vocabulary
and symbols to justify their conclusions".

1.4. Basic Calculus

Table 4 displays the cognitive level of the respondents in basic calculus. It can also be observed from the table
that the cognitive level of the respondents was average in remembering, understanding and applying; whereas
below average in analyzing and evaluating. The findings point out that the respondents had a common ability
to recollect data and information they learned in basic calculus and to comprehend the meaning of this
information. Moreover, they had an average ability to solve basic problems in the subject.

Conversely, when their ability to examine methodically and to come up with judgments of important concepts
and problems in basic calculus were analyzed based on the MET results, their competency level was found to
be lower than the minimum level expected of the graduates of the K to 12 senior high schools. The above
findings imply that as to their cognitive level in basic calculus, the respondents did not meet expectations
especially in developing higher-order thinking skills. This further implies that students would likely have
problems learning the overall nature of the subject.

The author in [20] enumerated the following problems why many students were experiencing difficulty
understanding Calculus: “bad preparation of the students in primary and secondary levels, particularly in
mathematics; wrong teaching methods (mechanical reasoning in the study of Mathematics); prioritization of
Mathematics study through the realization of multiple exercises instead of emphasizing the understanding of
the main concepts, principles and properties of mathematics by explaining why these concepts, principles and
properties are important; lack of qualified teachers and/or the use of updated methods for the teaching of
Modern Mathematics, demotivating students in the study of the subject; lack of interest in studying of
mathematics by most of the students due to their misunderstanding of its main concepts, properties and
principles; insufficient time dedicated by the students for the study of mathematics; and use of non-appropriate
books in teaching the subject".

Table 4. Cognitive Level of the Respondents in Basic-Calculus

No. of Correct
Basic-Calculus Items Frequency Percent Level
1 102 364
2 257 364
Remembering 51.37 Average
3 144 364
4 245 364
5 209 364
6 115 364
Understanding 44.99 Average
7 230 364
8 101 364

ISSN: 04532198
Volume 62, Issue 03, April, 2020

9 94 364
Applying 10 276 364 57.97 Average
11 263 364
12 146 364 Below
Analyzing 40.52
13 149 364 Average
14 91 364 Below
Evaluating 23.21
15 78 364 Average
Legend: 0 to 20%-Poor; 21 to 40%-Below Average; 41 to 60%-Average; 61 to 80%-High; 81 to 100%-Very High

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

The respondents have an average level of remembering, understanding and applying and below average in
analyzing and evaluating. This result implies that the senior high school Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) graduates did not reach the higher-order thinking skills level in their senior high
school mathematics. Based on the finding it is recommended that high school mathematics teachers may teach
Probability and Statistics, Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus the way it may be easily learned and understood
by their students. They may consider applying effective strategies for each subject that will make the students
engaged in the teaching and learning process. They may prepare activities and tests that will develop the
higher-order thinking skills of their students. Likewise, senior high school students may consider asking
questions when they did not understand topics in mathematics taught by their teachers. They may request for
tutorial classes if they are having difficulty understanding the topic. They may also consider surfing the net
for tutorials in the subject they find to be tough to learn. Lastly, studies related to the mathematics skills and
abilities of engineering freshmen with larger samples may be undertaken by future researchers to further
strengthen the findings of this study.

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