Abile Case Demand Notice
Abile Case Demand Notice
Abile Case Demand Notice
To, Dated:
3. THAT in the month of July, 2023, You, Mr. Anil Kumar Sinha
and Mr.Aditya Raj, the noticees, showed interest in receiving the
services after agreeing to the terms and conditions of the website
SHIVANGI LAMBA Ch. No.-13, S-Block, Delhi High
Court, New Delhi- 110003.
Office - WZ 38 A, Sharda Puri, Ramesh
Delhi High Court Nagar, New Delhi- 110015.
4. THAT on 17th July, 2023 you, the notices started working with
my client and gave them a few bulk orders for shipment. It was
agreed that you, the noticees, will always pay in advance before
the orders get shipped.
12. THAT You assured my client that the said cheque need
not be encashed and promised to make the payment by February,
2024. My client considering your past record, good conduct and
the relationship granted you some more time as per your request.
14. THAT on 1st March, 2024 after repeated requests You, the
noticee asked my client to get the cheque encashed. You had
also promised my client that said cheque would be honoured on
its presentation as per my client’s need.
SHIVANGI LAMBA Ch. No.-13, S-Block, Delhi High
Court, New Delhi- 110003.
Office - WZ 38 A, Sharda Puri, Ramesh
Delhi High Court Nagar, New Delhi- 110015.