General Assembly: United Nations
General Assembly: United Nations
General Assembly: United Nations
General Assembly Distr.: Limited
10 October 2023
Original: English
Seventy-eighth session
Third Committee
Agenda item 24 (b)
Social development: social development, including questions
relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing,
persons with disabilities and the family
Resolution 70/1.
Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for
Development, 2 and noting the acknowledgement therein of the role of cooperatives in
the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and in relation to financing for development,
Recalling its resolution 77/281 of 18 April 2023, entitled “Promoting the social
and solidarity economy for sustainable development”, in which it recognized that the
social and solidarity economy encompasses enterprises, organizations and other
entities that are engaged in economic, social and environment al activities to serve the
collective and/or general interest, which are based on the principles of voluntary
cooperation and mutual aid, democratic and/or participatory governance, autonomy
and independence and the primacy of people and social purpose ove r capital in the
distribution and use of surpluses and/or profits, as well as assets,
Recognizing the important contribution and potential of all forms of
cooperatives to the follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development and the
Fourth World Conference on Women, including their five-year reviews, the United
Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III),
the World Food Summit, the Second World Assembly on Ageing, the International
Conference on Financing for Development, the World Summit on Sustainable
Development and the United Nations summit for the adoption of the post -2015
development agenda,
Recognizing also that cooperatives can make important contributions towards
and benefit from improved global food security through their role as stakeholders in
national pathways of transformation toward sustainable, resilient and inclusive food
Noting that, globally, there are about 3 million cooperatives, and 10 per cent of
workers worldwide are either employed by a cooperative or are worker-owners within
a cooperative,
Recognizing that cooperatives may contribute to the economic status of women,
as well as to their capacity-building, including education and training in key skills,
and promote the social and economic development of all persons, including young
people, older persons and persons with disabilities,
Noting with appreciation the potential role of cooperative development in the
improvement of the social and economic conditions of Indigenous Peoples and r ural
Noting the proposal contained in the report of the Secretary-General entitled
“Our Common Agenda” to convene a world social summit in 2025, to be discussed
and agreed upon by Member States, including its modalities, title, objectives, sc ope
and possible outcomes, and emphasizing that the possible summit’s outcome should
have a social development approach and give momentum towards the implementation
of the 2030 Agenda,
Welcoming the efforts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations to showcase the role of agricultural cooperatives, including in improving food
security and nutrition, particularly in rural areas, promoting sustainable agricultural
practices, improving the agricultural productivity of farmers, including by providing
capacity-building and training, and facilitating access to markets, savings, credit,
insurance and technology, and in so doing strengthen sustainable food systems,
1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General; 3
Resolution 69/313, annex.
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and to raise public awareness of the linkages between cooperatives and sustainable
development, especially in the areas of social inclusion, decent employment creation,
poverty eradication in all its forms and dimensions, inequality reduction, gender
equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and peacebuilding;
11. Invites Governments, relevant international organizations, the specialized
agencies and local, national and international cooperative organizations to continue
to observe the International Day of Cooperatives annually, on the first Saturday of
July, as proclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution 47/90;
12. Invites Governments, in collaboration with the cooperative movement, to
develop programmes aimed at enhancing the capacity-building of cooperatives,
including by strengthening the organizational, management and financial skills of
their members, while respecting the principles of gender equality and the
empowerment of women and girls, and to introduce and support programmes to
improve the access of cooperatives to new technologies;
13. Encourages Governments to take appropriate measures to adopt or
develop legislation and policies that provide women with equal access to land and
support women’s cooperatives and agricultural programmes and enable women’s
cooperatives to benefit from public and private sector procurement processes and
increase trade;
14. Requests the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the relevant United
Nations and other international organizations and national, regional and international
cooperative organizations, to continue to render support to Member States, as
appropriate, in their efforts to create a supportive environment for the development
of cooperatives, integrating cooperative values, principles and business models into
educational programming, including school curricula, as approp riate, providing
assistance for human resources development, technical advice and training and
promoting an exchange of experience and best practices through, inter alia,
conferences, workshops and seminars at the national and regional levels, within
existing resources;
15. Also requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at
its eightieth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.
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