Dll-Q3-Jhs-English 10

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Grades 1 to 12 Daily Lesson Teacher LEAH T. TAMAC Learning Area ENGLISH

Teaching Dates February 26-29, 2024 Quarter THIRD
and Time G10 OPAL -M,T,W,TH,F (10:45-11:45 AM)
G10 DIAMOND- M,T,W, TH,F (3:00-4:00 PM)

Session 1 (MONDAY) Session 2 (TUESDAY) Session 3 (WEDNESDAY) Session 4 (THURSDAY) Session 5 (FRIDAY)
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
B. Performance Standard

C. Learning Competencies. An Independent Critique: Evaluating and Analyzing Chosen Selections EN10WC-IIIg-14
Write the LC code for each.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Identify the criteria in composing an independent critique paper
 Share insights about the importance of good criticism and
 Compose an indipendent critique of a chosen selection (The Necklace)

II. CONTENT The process of independent Critique and Analysis


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages Almonte, Liza R. et.al. (First Almonte, Liza R. et.al. (First Almonte, Liza R. et.al. (First Almonte, Liza R. et.al. (First
Edition, 20165). Celebrating Edition, 20165). Celebrating Edition, 20165). Celebrating Edition, 20165). Celebrating
Diversity Through World Diversity Through World Diversity Through World Diversity Through World
Literature-Grade 10-English- Literature-Grade 10-English- Literature-Grade 10-English- Literature-Grade 10-English-
Learner’s Manual Learner’s Manual
Learner’s Manual Learner’s Manual
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from Learning Visual or multimedia materials Visual or multimedia materials Audio recordings or spoken Audio recordings or
Resource (LR) Portal
(videos, articles, infographics, (videos, articles, infographics, content related to the topic spoken content related to
etc.) related to the topic etc.) related to the topic the topic

B. Other Learning Resources Projector or screen for Projector or screen for Audio playback equipment Audio playback equipment
displaying visual content, displaying visual content, (speakers, headphones), (speakers, headphones),
laptops or tablets for research, laptops or tablets for research, whiteboard, markers whiteboard, markers
whiteboard, markers whiteboard, markers

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Briefly revisit the previous Briefly revisit the previous Briefly revisit the previous Briefly revisit the previous
presenting the new lesson.
lesson's key concepts related to lesson's key concepts related to lesson's key concepts related lesson's key concepts
literary analysis. literary analysis. to literary analysis. related to literary analysis.
(Multistructural, Relational) (Multistructural, Relational) (Multistructural, Relational) (Multistructural,
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson. Discuss the importance of Discuss the importance of Discuss the importance of Discuss the importance of
being able to independently being able to independently being able to independently being able to
critique and analyze literary critique and analyze literary critique and analyze literary independently critique
selections. selections. selections. and analyze literary
(Multistructural) (Multistructural) (Multistructural) selections.

C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the Provide examples of well- Provide examples of well- Provide examples of well- Provide examples of well-
new lesson.
crafted critiques and analyses, crafted critiques and analyses, crafted critiques and analyses, crafted critiques and
highlighting the inclusion of highlighting the inclusion of highlighting the inclusion of analyses, highlighting the
evidence and attention to evidence and attention to evidence and attention to inclusion of evidence and
literary elements. literary elements. literary elements. attention to literary
(Relational) (Relational) (Relational) elements.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Introduce the process of Introduce the process of Introduce the process of Introduce the process of
new skills #1
independent critique, independent critique, independent critique, independent critique,
emphasizing the importance of emphasizing the importance of emphasizing the importance emphasizing the
forming well-supported forming well-supported of forming well-supported importance of forming
opinions. opinions. opinions. well-supported opinions.
(Multistructural) (Multistructural) (Multistructural) (Multistructural)
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Explore the literary elements of Explore the literary elements of Explore the literary elements Explore the literary
new skills #2
theme, characterization, and theme, characterization, and of theme, characterization, elements of theme,
symbolism, providing examples symbolism, providing examples and symbolism, providing characterization, and
for analysis. for analysis. examples for analysis. symbolism, providing
(Relational) (Relational) (Relational) examples for analysis.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Provide students with a Provide students with a Provide students with a Provide students with a
Assessment #3.
selection of literature and selection of literature and selection of literature and selection of literature and
assign them to independently assign them to independently assign them to independently assign them to
critique and analyze it, focusing critique and analyze it, focusing critique and analyze it, independently critique
on literary elements. on literary elements. focusing on literary elements. and analyze it, focusing on
(Multistructural) (Multistructural) (Multistructural) literary elements.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts Discuss real-world scenarios Discuss real-world scenarios Discuss real-world scenarios Discuss real-world
and skills in daily living.
where the ability to critique where the ability to critique where the ability to critique scenarios where the ability
and analyze literature and analyze literature and analyze literature to critique and analyze
independently is valuable. independently is valuable. independently is valuable. literature independently is
(Relational) (Relational) (Relational) valuable.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Summarize key concepts, Summarize key concepts, Summarize key concepts, Summarize key concepts,
about the lesson
emphasizing the importance of emphasizing the importance of emphasizing the importance emphasizing the
evidence-based independent evidence-based independent of evidence-based importance of evidence-
critique and literary analysis. critique and literary analysis. independent critique and based independent
(Multistructural) (Multistructural) literary analysis. critique and literary
(Multistructural) analysis.
I. Evaluating learning (EVALUATE) 1. What is the main focus of an What is the primary purpose of What is the primary goal of an What is the primary
independent critique in an independent critique in independent critique in purpose of an
literature? literary analysis? literature? independent critique in
a. To summarize the plot literature?
a. To summarize the text b. To provide an objective
A. Summarizing the analysis a. To summarize the entire
b. To promote the author's plot
plot perspective c. To support the author's
viewpoint b. To provide a subjective
B. Evaluating and analyzing the c. To provide a subjective d. To promote personal opinion
chosen selection opinion opinions
c. To evaluate and analyze
C. Identifying the author's d. To evaluate and analyze chosen selections
biography chosen selections Answer: b
Which term best describes a objectively
D. Describing the setting critique that is influenced by d. To emphasize personal
Answer: d personal biases and opinions? preferences
Answer: B
a. Objective
Which term best describes a
b. Subjective
critical examination that is not Answer: c
2. Why is evidence important in c. Analytical
influenced by personal biases
an independent critique? d. Neutral
or preconceptions? Which term best describes
a critique that is free from
a. Objective Answer: b
A. It makes the critique longer personal biases and
In literary analysis, what does
b. Subjective emotions?
B. It provides support for the term "theme" refer to?
opinions c. Biased a. The author's writing style a. Objective
b. The central idea or message
C. It adds unnecessary details d. Personal of the text b. Subjective
D. It confuses the reader c. The characters' c. Analytical
Answer: a personalities
Answer: B d. The setting of the story d. Emotional
What is the significance of
evaluating and analyzing Answer: b
3. Which literary element chosen selections in a critique? Answer: a
involves the central idea or What is the significance of
message in a literary work? a. To highlight personal providing evidence in an In literary analysis, what
preferences independent critique? does the term
a. To summarize the text "symbolism" refer to?
A. Symbolism b. To showcase the author's b. To strengthen the analysis
intent a. The author's intent
c. To express personal
B. Characterization
preferences b. The use of figurative
c. To assess the effectiveness of
C. Theme d. To disregard the author's language
specific elements
D. Setting d. To summarize the entire text c. The representation of
Answer: b ideas through symbols
Answer: C
Which of the following is an d. The chronological order
Answer: c essential component of an of events
4. What should a student In literary analysis, what does effective critique?
consider when analyzing the the term "tone" refer to? a. Personal bias
author's use of characterization b. Objective analysis Answer: c
in a literary selection? a. The author's attitude c. Ignoring literary devices
towards the subject Why is it important to
d. Promotion of the author's
support your critique with
A. The physical appearance of b. The main idea of the text evidence from the text?
the characters
c. The setting of the story Answer: b a. To summarize the text
B. The author's writing style What does it mean to
d. The chronological order of "contextualize" in the context b. To strengthen the
C. The characters' actions, events of literary critique? analysis and provide proof
thoughts, and dialogue a. To ignore the cultural c. To express personal
D. The length of the literary Answer: a background biases
selection b. To provide a summary of
Which of the following is NOT a the text d. To focus on the author's
Answer: C component of a well-rounded c. To consider the broader background
critique? circumstances and influences
d. To focus solely on personal
5. In the context of literary
analysis, what does symbolism a. Plot summary Answer: b
refer to? Answer: c
b. Personal opinions Which literary device involves Which of the following is
the use of language that NOT a part of an effective
A. The use of vivid language c. Objective analysis critique?
appeals to the five senses?
B. The representation of ideas d. Evaluation of literary devices a. Symbolism a. Objective analysis
through symbols b. Imagery
c. Irony b. Personal opinions
C. The author's biography Answer: a
d. Alliteration c. Emphasis on the
D. The chronological order of What role does evidence play author's intent only
events in an effective critique? Answer: b
Why is it important to d. Evaluation of literary
Answer: B a. It provides a summary of the devices
consider the author's intent in
a critique?
b. It supports and strengthens a. To impose personal beliefs
6. Which step is typically part Answer: c
the analysis b. To ignore diverse
of the process of conducting an
perspectives What does it mean to
independent critique? c. It introduces personal biases c. To enhance understanding consider the cultural
d. It diminishes the objectivity and interpretation context in literary
A. Providing a summary of the critique d. To discourage critical critique?
B. Avoiding any personal a. To ignore diverse
opinions Answer: b Answer: c perspectives
C. Relying solely on intuition What role does the analysis of b. To focus solely on
What is the purpose of
character development play in personal opinions
D. Ignoring the author's use of considering the cultural context
literary critique?
literary elements in an independent critique? c. To enhance
a. It provides a summary of
a. To impose personal beliefs the plot understanding and
Answer: A interpretation
b. It assesses the author's
b. To ignore diverse writing style
perspectives d. To disregard the
7. What is the purpose of c. It evaluates the growth and
author's background
establishing the theme in c. To enhance understanding changes in characters
literary analysis? and interpretation d. It disregards the
importance of setting Answer: c
d. To discourage critical
A. To confuse the reader thinking Answer: c Which literary element
What distinguishes an involves the use of
B. To entertain the audience contradictory words or
independent critique from a
C. To convey the author's Answer: c ideas for emphasis?
book review?
central message a. The inclusion of personal
D. To describe the setting Which literary element involves opinions a. Irony
the use of hints or clues to b. The absence of analysis
Answer: C suggest future events in a c. The focus on summarizing b. Metaphor
story? the entire text c. Foreshadowing
8. Why is it important for d. The emphasis on objective
a. Foreshadowing evaluation d. Imagery
students to independently
critique and analyze literary b. Flashback
selections? Answer: d Answer: a
c. Symbolism
d. Irony Why is it crucial to
A. To memorize plot details acknowledge both
B. To develop critical thinking strengths and weaknesses
skills Answer: a in a critique?

C. To avoid reading literature Why is it important to a. To be excessively critical

acknowledge both strengths
D. To summarize the author's and weaknesses in a critique? b. To maintain objectivity
biography and provide a balanced
a. To be excessively critical assessment
Answer: B
b. To maintain objectivity and c. To ignore the author's
balance intent
9. What should be the primary
focus when analyzing the c. To ignore the author's intent d. To promote personal
symbolism in a literary preferences
d. To promote personal
selection? preferences
Answer: b
A. The length of the selection Answer: b What role does character
B. The author's writing style development play in
What distinguishes an literary critique?
C. The representation of ideas independent critique from a
through symbols subjective review? a. It provides a summary
of the plot
D. The physical appearance of a. The inclusion of personal
the characters opinions b. It assesses the author's
writing style
Answer: C b. The absence of analysis
c. It evaluates the growth
c. The focus on summarizing and changes in characters
10. What real-world scenarios the entire text
demonstrate the value of d. It ignores the
d. The emphasis on objective
independent critique and evaluation importance of setting
analysis skills?
Answer: d Answer: c
A. Writing a summary of a
movie What distinguishes an
independent critique from
B. Reading a book without a subjective review?
analyzing it
a. The inclusion of
C. Engaging in academic and personal opinions
professional settings
b. The absence of analysis
D. Avoiding literature
altogether c. The focus on
summarizing the entire
Answer: C text
d. The emphasis on
objective evaluation

Answer: d
J. Additional activities for application or Offer additional resources or Offer additional resources or Offer additional resources or Offer additional resources
remediation. (EXTEND)
support for students who may support for students who may support for students who may or support for students
need extra help. need extra help. need extra help. who may need extra help.
Assign homework that requires Assign homework that requires Assign homework that Assign homework that
students to critique a literary students to critique a literary requires students to
selection of their choice selection of their choice critique a literary selection
independently. independently. of their choice

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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Subject Teacher Head Teacher IV Principal II

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