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Background—Intra-arterial cerebral angiography is associated with a low risk for neurological complications, but
clinically silent ischemic events after angiography have been seen in a substantial number of patients.
Methods and Results—In a prospective study, diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) before and
after intra-arterial cerebral angiography and transcranial Doppler sonography during angiography were used to evaluate
the frequency of cerebral embolism. One hundred fifty diagnostic cerebral angiographies were randomized into 50
procedures, each using conventional angiographic technique, or systemic heparin treatment throughout the procedure,
or air filters between the catheter and both the contrast medium syringe and the catheter flushing. There was no
neurological complication during or after angiography. Overall, DW-MRI revealed 26 new ischemic lesions in 17
patients (11%). In the control group, 11 patients showed a total of 18 lesions. In the heparin group, 3 patients showed
a total of 4 lesions. In the air filter group, 3 patients exhibited a total of 4 lesions. The reduced incidence of ischemic
events in the heparin and air filter groups compared with the control group was significantly different (P⫽0.002).
Transcranial Doppler sonography demonstrated a large number of microembolic signals that was significantly lower in
the air filter group compared with the heparin and control groups (P⬍0.01), which did not differ from each other.
Conclusions—Air filters and heparin both reduce the incidence of silent ischemic events detected by DW-MRI after
intra-arterial cerebral angiography and can potentially lower clinically overt ischemic complications. This may apply to
any intra-arterial angiographic procedure. (Circulation. 2004;110:2110-2115.)
Key Words: angiography 䡲 ischemia 䡲 magnetic resonance imaging 䡲 complications 䡲 embolism
Received January 27, 2004; de novo received April 6, 2004; revision received May 26, 2004; accepted May 28, 2004.
From the Departments of Neuroradiology (M.B., A.J.B., T.G.-L., L.S.), Neurology (M.K., F.X.W., K.V.T.), and Neurosurgery (R.G., K.R.), University
of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
*Drs Toyka and Solymosi are joint senior authors.
Correspondence to PD Dr M. Bendszus, Department of Neuroradiology, University of Würzburg, Josef-Schneider-Straße 11, D-97080 Würzburg,
Germany. E-mail [email protected]
© 2004 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at http://www.circulationaha.org DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000144301.82391.85
Bendszus et al Heparin and Air Filters Reduce Embolic Events 2211
summarized in Table 1. Exclusion criteria were recent hemorrhage, Vertebral or Head Hunter, Terumo), a standard guidewire (Radifo-
any preexisting anticoagulation, need for interventional angiographic cus, Ø⫽0.035 in, Terumo) and nonionic contrast medium (Imeron
procedures, necessity of a power injector for the aortic arch, age ⬍18 250, Bracco-Byk Gulden) injected manually using a 10-mL plastic
years, emergency angiography, or no consent to participate in the angiographic syringe. All IA-DSAs were performed by one of 5
study. Patients were randomized shortly before the procedure to one experienced board-certified neuroradiologists. The medical indica-
of the 3 groups (conventional technique, heparin, or air filter) by tions for angiography are shown in Table 2. In patients receiving
means of closed envelopes containing the group allocation that were heparin, an intravenous bolus of 50 IU/kg BW (Liquemin, Hoffmann
opened by a person not involved in the study. The study was La Roche AG) was applied over a period of 15 minutes after
approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Würzburg, placement of the transfemoral sheath and before beginning IA-DSA,
and written informed consent was obtained from every patient 24 followed by a maintenance dose of 25 IU · kg BW⫺1 · h⫺1 throughout
hours before the examination. the procedure. Heparin was not reversed at the end of the procedure.
Patients underwent a neurological examination before, immedi- In the air filter group, filters (Intrapur, Braun; filter pore size, 1.2
ately after, and 1 day after IA-DSA. A neurological complication m) were placed between the catheter and both the catheter flushing
was defined as any new cranial nerve, motor or sensory deficit, reflex and the syringe containing the contrast medium. In the control group,
change, pyramidal sign, or mental alteration during angiography or a technique identical to that used in group A or B was used except
within the 24-hour follow-up period. All patients were assessed for for heparin or air filters. For every patient, total fluoroscopy time,
cerebrovascular risk factors, which were defined as previous stroke amount of contrast medium, and the number of catheters used were
or transient ischemic attack, hypertension, diabetes, and carotid recorded. At the end of the procedure, manual compression of the
artery stenosis. MRI was applied before and within 3 days (median, puncture site was performed for 15 minutes, followed by strict bed
1 day) after angiography on a 1.5-T unit (Magnetom Vision or rest and a tight compression bandage for 24 hours.
Magnetom Symphony, Siemens). The MRI protocol included a
T2-weighted double spin echo sequence (TR 2000 ms, TE 20/80 ms) Statistical Analysis
and a diffusion-weighted sequence (EPI, 3 orthogonal-axis diffusion- For statistical analyses, the R environment for statistical computing
weighted images, TR⫽5400 ms, TE⫽103 ms, b⫽0, 500 and 1000 (R 1.8.1, http://www.r-project.org/; sm library version 2) was used.
s/mm2). Blinded to clinical examination and group assignment, 2 Pearson’s 2 test was performed on tabulated contingencies of the
neuroradiologists (M.B. and L.S.) independently analyzed the im- incidence of new lesions on DW-MRI and preexisting vascular
ages with respect to diffusion abnormalities on DW-MRI and encephalopathy on MRI. Because the continuous and ordinal data
preexisting cerebral vascular encephalopathy on T2-weighted images were not normally distributed (Pⱕ0.001, Shapiro-Wilk normality
according to the criteria of Fazekas et al.11 This classification defines test), nonparametric tests were applied as indicated.
and grades vasculopathy as deep and subcortical white matter The sample size calculation was based on previous data revealing
hyperintensities, periventricular hyperintensities, and lacunae. a total of 32 new ischemic lesions in 66 diagnostic angiographies.6
Continuous transcranial Doppler examination (Neuroguard, EME Assuming a reduction in the number of lesions by 50%, a minimum
Nicolet) of the right and left middle cerebral arteries was performed of 50 patients per group would be required to reject the null
through the temporal bone windows starting 5 minutes before the hypothesis at a significance level of P⫽0.05 difference with a power
catheterization until the end of the procedure, applying an embolus of 0.8.
detection software (Embotec, Stac GmbH). The investigation was
run with two 2-MHz probes fixed to the patient’s head. The depth of Results
insonation was between 48 and 55 mm. All data were stored on Of the 1499 patients seen in the study period, 178 met the
digital audio tapes (DAT) for offline analysis, and the evaluation was
performed with the observer blinded with regard to the patient data. inclusion criteria (Figure 2). Twenty-eight patients had to be
According to Markus et al,10 2 patterns of MESs were identified excluded after randomization because of withdrawal of con-
(Figure 1): First, we observed single MESs, which were seen during sent (n⫽5) or for lack of MRI after angiography (n⫽23). The
any phase of IA-DSA, mostly with vessel probing or flushing of the 3 patient groups entering the trial were homogeneous with
catheter (Figure 1A). These were identified according to published respect to age, sex, and history of vasculopathy and were
criteria12 and counted manually. Second, we identified dense show-
ers of MESs, which were observed during injection of contrast balanced as to the presence of lacunae (P⫽0.552,
medium (Figure 1B). Because it was impossible to resolve single H-ANOVA) or diffuse vascular encephalopathy on MRI11
MESs in this pattern, the overall time of the MES shower was (P⫽0.227, H-ANOVA; Table 1). Neither fluoroscopy time
determined in seconds, as described previously.10 (P⫽0.554, H-ANOVA) nor the amount of contrast medium
given (P⫽0.408, H-ANOVA) differed between the study
Procedures groups (Table 1).
In all patients, an established angiographic technique6 was applied,
including the following criteria: transfemoral approach, high- There was no new neurological deficit after any IA-DSA.
pressure (300 mm Hg) continuous catheter flushing with saline Before angiography, there were no lesions on DW-MRI.
unless a guidewire was used, a 4F or 5F standard catheter (4F After angiography, 17 patients (11%) revealed a total of 26
2212 Circulation October 12, 2004
new ischemic lesions. All lesions were suggestive of an graphic lesions (P⬍0.001, 2), and they more often revealed
embolic pattern (ie, cortical or subcortical location and/or in a diffuse white matter hyperintensity (P⬍0.001, 2) and
the vascular territory of perforating arteries, Figure 3). In the periventricular hyperintensities (P⬍0.001, 2) on MRI (Table
control group, 11 patients (22%) developed 17 lesions. In the 1). Patients with preexisting vasculopathy (n⫽49) required
heparin group, 3 patients (6%) revealed 4 new lesions. longer fluoroscopy times and more contrast medium than
Similarly, in the air filter group, 3 patients (6%) exhibited 4 those without vascular risk factors (P⬍0.001, U test).
new lesions (Table 2). Thus, the total lesion count was lower Furthermore, the postangiographic frequency of ischemic
in the 2 treatment groups than the control group (P⫽0.002, lesions correlated positively with the angiographic fluoros-
2). Moreover, the number of patients revealing a new lesion copy time (Kendall’s ⫽0.18, z⫽3.24, P⬍0.001). This asso-
was lower in both the heparin and air filter groups than the ciation was reduced by treatment with either heparin or air
control group (P⫽0.044, 2). There was no interobserver filters (nonparametric ANCOVA testing for equality,
disagreement in the detection of ischemic lesions. P⫽0.009, and parallelism, P⫽0.793). However, the longer
Patients with ischemic lesions more frequently had a the fluoroscopy time, the more the initial benefit of air filters
history of vasculopathy than patients without postangio-
seemed to vanish compared with the group treated with
heparin (nonparametric ANCOVA testing for equality,
TABLE 2. Medical Indication for IA-DSA
P⫽0.014, and parallelism, P⫽0.002). These findings are
Medical Indication Heparin Air Filter Control illustrated by the nonparametric logistic regression plots of
Tumor 7 (1) 4 6 fluoroscopy time versus the probability to develop 1 or more
Arteriovenous fistula 8 (1) 9 (1) 6 (4) ischemic lesions (Figure 4): both air filters and heparin
Aneurysm 13 18 (1) 22 (4)
reduced the probability to acquire an ischemic lesion com-
pared with the control group. This effect, however, was
Extracranial/intracranial stenosis 4 (1) 3 4 (2)
dependent on the fluoroscopy time: At short fluoroscopy
Arteriovenous malformation 11 8 7
times, the protective effect of the air filter appeared more
Vasculitis 3 4 (1) 4 (1) clearly, whereas at longer fluoroscopy times, this effect
Other 4 4 1 diminished and then disappeared, whereas the protective
Values in parentheses represent patients with ischemic lesions on DW-MRI. effects of heparin became more apparent. Even in the heparin
Bendszus et al Heparin and Air Filters Reduce Embolic Events 2213
Figure 2. Trial flow chart. Figure 3. Ischemic lesions on postangiographic MRI: axial
T2-weighted (top left) and orthogonal axis diffusion-weighted
images at same level. MR images of a 66-year-old patient
group, the incidence of ischemic lesions increased with undergoing intra-arterial angiography for suspected vasculitis.
longer fluoroscopy times, but to a lesser degree than in the On T2-weighted images, there is marked hyperintensity of white
control and air filter groups (Figure 4). matter, indicating preexisting vasculopathy (arrowheads). On
DW-MRI, a new, presumably embolic ischemic lesion is present
Catheter exchanges were not performed more frequently in in right lentiform nucleus (arrow).
patients with new lesions on DW-MR (3 catheter exchanges
in 17 patients with lesions versus 5 catheter exchanges in 133
patients without lesions, P⫽0.07, Fisher’s exact test). More-
Over recent years, minimally invasive endovascular proce-
over, the total number of catheters used was not increased in
dures have become increasingly important. Nevertheless, all
the group of patients with ischemic lesions (21 catheters in 17
intra-arterial procedures harbor a certain risk for procedure-
patients versus 141 catheters in 133 patients, P⫽0.79, 2).
related vessel occlusion, with the risk for subsequent tissue
The results of MES detection are shown in Table 3. In six
infarction. DW-MRI is a novel specific and sensitive MR
patients, transcranial Doppler sonography was technically not
technique for detection of acute cerebral ischemia.13 Re-
feasible because of an inaccessible bone window (2 in the
cently, DW-MRI was introduced as a surrogate marker for
heparin group, 1 in the air filter group, 3 in the control group).
subclinical ischemic brain damage not only after IA-DSA6 – 8
The median number of single MESs was lower in the air filter
group than in the heparin group (P⫽0.006, U test) and in the but also after extracranial angiographic procedures9 and such
control group (P⬍0.001, U test). There was no difference nonangiographic interventions as cardiac surgery.14 As the
between the heparin and the control groups (P⫽0.179, U principal finding of this study, we show an independent
test). The overall duration of MES showers was significantly reduction of ischemic lesions from 22% in a control group
reduced in the air filter group compared with the heparin undergoing IA-DSA to 6% by treatment with either heparin
group (P⬍0.001, U test) and with the control group or air filters. This finding underscores the relevance of both
(P⬍0.001, U test), which did not differ from each other thromboembolism and air embolism to the overall ischemic
(P⫽0.280, U test). Dense showers of MESs were observed complications after intra-arterial angiography.
exclusively during injection of contrast medium. The begin- Symptomatic air embolism15 and thromboembolism16 are
ning and end of these MES showers was slightly delayed in recognized complications known to occur after various an-
relation to the contrast injection. Single MESs, however, were giographic procedures, including coronary angiography.
not related to any specific angiographic procedure but rather However, little is known about the frequency of procedure-
were observed during all phases of angiography. Patients related subclinical ischemic tissue damage. An asymptomatic
revealing a new ischemic lesion on DW-MRI had more single elevation of cardiac enzymes has been described in a sub-
MES events (P⫽0.041, U test), whereas the duration of MES stantial number of patients undergoing endovascular cardiac
showers did not differ (P⫽0.201, U test). There were no groin interventions.17 Because postangiographic lesions on DW-
hematomas in the present series of 150 patients. MRI represent structural tissue damage,6,7 our findings may
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