Niger Slow Onset Report - 2019 - 82773280
Niger Slow Onset Report - 2019 - 82773280
Niger Slow Onset Report - 2019 - 82773280
P 108-16 C
No matter of choice:
displacement in a changing climate
This thematic series explores the scale, patterns, drivers and impacts of internal displacement associated with slow-onset
environmental change and disasters to inform policies and practices for managing and reducing displacement risk
This study was coordinated by Chloe Sydney. It would not have been possible without the support of local
enumerators Mamane Sani Seini, Samira Aboubacar Namao, Moustapha Moumouni and Samiratou Idi Abou-
bacar. We would also like to thank NRC Niger, the United Nations Development Programme, the Early Warning
System Coordination Unit, and the National Food Crisis Prevention and Mitigation Mechanism for facilitating
the research in Maradi. This research was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Federal Foreign
Office of Germany.
| Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
| Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
|| Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
| Stressors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
|| Food insecurity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
|| Climate change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
|| Population growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
|| Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Niger has the world’s lowest human development index ment. Cyclical rural-to-urban migration is a core poverty
ranking, indicating below-average life expectancy, poor reduction strategy in many parts of the world, and far
education levels and low per-capita income.3 The bulk from a new phenomenon.11 Seasonal migration driven
of the country’s economy is dependent on rain-fed agri- by poverty in Niger stems from an interaction of envi-
culture, and periods of drought and associated drops in ronmental and economic factors, and is not generally
crop yield fuel recurrent food security crises.4 considered displacement. Such movements, however,
referred to locally as “exodus”, are no matter of choice.
The World Bank’s Groundswell report on internal climate
migration warns that “the poorest and most climate-vul- Vulnerable farmers with limited assets are exposed
nerable areas will be hardest hit”, and the sub-Saharan yearly to food insecurity, which increases during periods
Sahel region is already feeling the impacts.5 Rainfall of drought and leaves them with no option but to seek
has decreased by more than 20 per cent since the early temporary employment elsewhere to ensure their
1970s in what has been referred to as “one of the households’ survival. Rather than a positive strategy to
most dramatic long-term changes in climate observed optimise and diversify income, it is a response to exis-
anywhere in the world”.6 tential threats to which no remedies exist in situ.12 It is,
in essence, forced displacement in the form of distress
Niger suffered severe droughts in 1973 and 1984, and migration.13
unreliable rainfall continues. A significant forage deficit
in 2018 led to thousands of school dropouts as pasto- With demographic growth and climate change
ralists’ children were forced to follow their parents in expected to contribute to further yield losses, and
search of pasture.7 Drought also disrupts traditional given the absence of sustainable adaptation mecha-
patterns of transhumance, leading pastoralists to under- nisms to strengthen communities’ resilience and coping
take unusual movements. When drought leads to severe capacities, such population movements are likely to
livestock loss, some are forced to abandon their way of continue.14 To better understand their forced nature,
life altogether and adopt sedentary lifestyles, which for IDMC conducted a study in Niger’s Maradi region as
pastoralists represents a form of displacement.8 the basis for this report, which addresses the following
Among farming communities, demographic growth
is fragmenting land ownership, and ever smaller plots 1. What is the relationship between mobility,
are increasingly unable to meet households’ needs. drought and socioeconomic factors such as
Population expansion is also contributing to deforest- employment and food security?
ation, which in turn leads to land degradation and 2. What is the tipping point for distress migration?
desertification, undermining both crop and livestock When does mobility become unusual or perma-
production. Climate change and deteriorating land nent?
quality may reduce crop yields by half in some regions 3. What strategies do governments and affected
of Africa by 2050.9 Given that the continent’s popula- communities put in place to mitigate the impacts
tion is predicted to double by the same time, this has of drought?
particularly worrying implications for food security.10 4. Who is displaced and what support do they
To reduce pressure on limited household resources and 5. What constitutes a durable solution in situations of
alleviate food insecurity, many young people migrate irreversible change?
seasonally from rural to urban areas in search of employ-
Mayahi Isawane
Dan Saga
Niamey Maradi
Development Programme (UNDP) to This points, as in other countries,
better understand drought displace- to the need for data to be better
ment in Niger and improve ways of consolidated and harmonised for
accounting for it. The aim was to increased interoperability.
assess the existing data ecosystem
IDMC has been monitoring in order to understand what type of In order to bridge these data
displacement associated with information was available and what gaps, we are working closely
conflict and violence in Niger for else was required. The workshop with government and UN agen-
many years, but it has not yet been focused on numerous indicators cies, local and international NGOs
able to compile estimates for that associated with drought displace- and farmers’ unions to develop
associated with drought. ment, including food insecurity, live- a common understanding of the
lihood opportunities and climatic main indicators associated with
The slow-onset nature of drought variations. drought displacement, and a
displacement makes it difficult to model that would explain some of
monitor. Given the lack of systematic No single organisation collects the triggers, dynamics and inter-
data collection and disaggregation, it data on drought displacement in actions between the indicators.
is also hard to differentiate between Niger, but the workshop revealed We envision a more robust, coor-
displacements triggered drought that most of the information dinated and data-driven process of
and conflict, which are inherently needed already exists. It is just not collection and verification, which
interlinked in many regions. consolidated into one database. should then enable us to monitor
Nor is the available data always displacement associated with
We organised a joint workshop in easy to access. Not all of it, for drought in Niger.
Niamey in July 2019 with the UN example, has been digitalised.
Size of herd
6 - 10
Sheep 11 - 20
21 - 50
0 20 40 60 80 100
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Lean season Harvest
Urban migration of farmers Rainy season
Pastoralists in the South Pastoralists in the North
Wives of pastoralists sell dairy products while their husbands are away on transhumance
Nearly half of the survey respondents who grow crops Much more
said they had produced less or much less than usual
at their last harvest (see figure 5). More than half of More
the Maradi region was experiencing stress-level food
insecurity as of June 2019, pending the next harvest.24
The region also fares badly in terms of nutrition. Around Less
18 per cent of the population is estimated to have poor
food consumption, the highest figure in the country.25 Much less
Purchase food on credit
Borrow food from friends or relatives
Reduce number of meals per day
Limit portion size at meals
Adults eat less to save food for children
Rely on less preferred and cheaper foods
Consume next season's seed stock
Skip entire days without eating
Send children to eat with neighbours
Send household members to beg
Ealt wild food or immature crops
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Almost 70 per cent of respondents who had left their The lack of land in the south has pushed people to
areas of origin said their livelihoods had previously migrate north, where they have established farming
depended on the weather, but just over half said this villages in previously pastoral areas “drawn by vast and
was still the case in their current location. This appears vacant land with good soil fertility”.33 Hamza, who
to reflect a shift in livelihood strategy. is originally from the south of Dakoro department,
moved north to the village of Azagor for this reason.
POPULATION GROWTH The phenomenon is not new, and was discussed in one
study dating back to 1965.34
Population growth in Niger is among the highest in the Population growth has also led to water shortages in
world, at over three per cent a year, and more than half some areas. The population of Dan Saga is thought
of the population is under 15.30 31 The survey respond- to have doubled in the past 40 years, and scarcity has
ents had an average of 6.7 children, and 15 of them had pushed up water prices significantly. A 25 litre jerrycan
10 or more. Ibrahim has three wives and 25 children. costs around 15 francs ($0.03) in most villages, but in
Dan Saga the price is 50 francs ($0.09).
The “increasing fragmentation of smaller farm parcels”
as a result of population growth has heightened food
insecurity in southern Maradi.32 As the head of the land
and property commission in Isawane put it: “There are
a lot of people and limited fields.” Djibson in Adarawa
now finds it ever hard to produce enough to eat. “There
used to be more fields, but they have become houses,”
he said.
EXODUS AS OBLIGATION origin, households whose crop yields are not enough to
meet their needs and are unable to afford to buy food
have little choice but to move to ensure their survival.37
According to the deputy director for agriculture in
Maradi: “The drought of 1984 pushed high numbers Many Nigeriens believe opportunities to generate
of people to migrate from north to south, even into income to be better abroad, and so cross the border into
Nigeria. It’s from then onwards that the town really Libya or Nigeria despite insecurity. “We warn people not
experienced population growth. It also marked a shift to go to countries where there is a lot of insecurity, but
in behaviours in the whole region. People who grow they say ‘why would we stay, we would die of hunger’,”
crops realise that their production is insufficient and said the civil registrar in Isawane, to which hundreds of
migrate to urban centres during the dry season. There migrants who found the situation in Libya untenable
they engage in odd jobs, small seasonal businesses, have returned.
until the return of the rains, and then they go back and
survive on the income they were able to accumulate
until the next harvest.”
Pastoralists are still able to move their livestock outside Figure 9: Tropical livestock units 41
the usual transhumance periods, so long as they follow Animal TLU conversion rate
designated corridors that keep them away from farm-
Cow 0.8
land (see map below). In times of drought, however,
they may be forced to seek out different routes and Sheep 0.15
narrower corridors, and these unusual movements often
bring them into conflict with farming communities. Goat 0.15
Camel 1
Unusual movements caused by the 2017 drought led
to children dropping out of school. “This was a direct Horse 1
impact of the drought. They followed their families … Donkey 0.5
the whole area was abandoned to go further south
in search of pasture,” said the permanent secretary
of the National Food Crisis Prevention and Mitigation Below these thresholds, survival requires increasing
Mechanism. More than 10,500 children in the regions access to land for farming or other alternative liveli-
of Agadez, Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder are estimated to hoods.42 Najaah and her formerly pastoralist family
have dropped out of school as a result of the drought.39 settled in Azagor two years ago. They used to own
hundreds of animals, but the gradual depletion of their
Droughts can also push pastoralists to abandon their herd left them with little choice but to farm. Families
traditional lifestyle altogether, as happened as a result of without access to land often split up. Some move to
livestock losses following the 1984 drought.40 According urban areas, some become agricultural workers and
to the head of Niger’s early warning system, so many some look after others’ livestock.
animals died that many pastoralists had to leave in
A map of Issawane commune in the town hall showing designated transhumance corridors
Just under a fifth of all research participants said live- “Pastoralists are hostile to change. They want to keep
stock sales were a source of income. Many respondents their animals even if they are going to lose them,” he
owned fewer animals than in previous years, having said. “We would like to see pastoralists reduce their
been forced to sell their animals to make ends meet. number of animals ahead of a drought, perhaps selling
Among respondents who did not own any livestock but a third to buy food and another third to have cash in
had done in the past, more than 90 per cent said they the bank. They could keep a third for breeding, and
had been forced to sell their animals. Jihane used to have this way they wouldn’t be hit so hard by the drought.
10 goats, but she eventually sold them all to be able They’d have money and stocks of grain to fall back on.”
to buy enough to eat. Selling reproductive females is
considered a coping strategy of last resort, and is tracked
nationally as an indicator of vulnerability.47
| New farming techniques for each growing season rather than using stock saved
from previous harvests may also be a barrier. “Farmers
Some research participants said they had been able need to understand the usefulness of enhanced seeds,”
to increase their crop yields compared with previous said the secretary general of Azagor commune. “They
years despite the trying conditions, mainly through grow quicker, provide better value for money and enable
the increased use of both natural and manufactured you to use smaller areas.”
fertilisers. Previous studies in Niger show that the use
of manure can increase millet yields by 50 per cent and Irrigation also helps to improve yields. One village we
inorganic fertilisers by 110 per cent.49 But fertiliser use visited on the outskirts of Maradi town had an irrigated
is still relatively rare among small-scale farmers.50 The perimeter, which enables three to four harvests a year.
average for the country as a whole is estimated at 0.4 Louali said he was able to make a living all year round,
kilogrammes per hectare of arable land, compared with and that he no longer needed to leave the village to
5.5 in neighbouring Nigeria and a global average of 140.51 feed his family. “Here we can’t really talk about drought
because we have irrigation”, said Djibson. Irrigation is
The mayor of Isawane, meanwhile, recently bought not uncommon in the south-western department of
enhanced seeds in the hope of increasing his yields. Madarounfa, but opportunities in the drier parts of
“We have to find strategies to survive”, he said. A Maradi are limited.53
number of key informants also noted the potential of
using enhanced seed as an effective response to climate Across sub-Saharan Africa as a whole only three per
change impacts. Irradiation has already been used to cent of cultivated areas are irrigated, and alternative
alter plants’ DNA and produce higher yields of sorghum water management systems are needed to mitigate scar-
and cowpea in Namibia, a seed-coating that holds water city.54 Techniques such as micro-catchment harvesting,
during germination has helped to grow grass in Saudi in which rainfall is captured for later use, and furrows to
Arabia and seeds coated in bio-pesticides are showing maximise rainwater infiltration around crop roots, could
promise in Kenya.52 have a transformational effect.55 More than a quarter
of households affected by drought in Niger could be
The potential of enhanced seeds is, however, still poorly made more resilient through the adoption of improved
understood, and the fact that they have to be bought cropping technologies.56
Given high vulnerability and limited capacity in rural National efforts are made to support vulnerable house-
areas of Niger, annual exodus has emerged as a means holds and provide alternatives to poverty-driven migra-
of adapting to increasing exposure to drought and asso- tion, but the measures lack a long-term perspective.
ciated food insecurity. It is a coping strategy, but it is Rather than responding each year to recurrent food
not a choice.64 Neither does it appear to have positive crises, opportunities exist to break the cycle, whether
long-term impacts. Rather, households remain trapped through new farming techniques or the diversification
in poverty.65 The same is true of unusual movements of of livelihoods.67
Even in the absence of irrigation, enhanced seed provides
Without measures to reduce vulnerability and increase farmers with more reliable yields, and destocking
communities’ capacity to cope in a changing climate, ahead of drought minimises livestock breeders’ losses.
displacement will continue. In the absence of effective Increased awareness of alternative and sustainable live-
investments, this is likely to lead to permanent change as lihood practices, combined with effective investment
people abandon their traditional way of life altogether.66 in rural development, has the potential to maximise
people’s resilience to the effects of a changing climate,
and so to minimise displacement.68