DOE ProgressReport Web
DOE ProgressReport Web
DOE ProgressReport Web
Executive Summary........................................................................................................................................ 2
Prioritizing Decarbonization................................................................................................................... 12
Spotlighting Partners.................................................................................................................................. 18
Sector Spotlights........................................................................................................................................... 24
Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Industrial.............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Healthcare.......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Hospitality........................................................................................................................................................... 36
Higher Education............................................................................................................................................ 38
K–12 Schools..................................................................................................................................................... 40
Multifamily.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Financial Allies.................................................................................................................................................. 46
Residential.......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Federal.................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Looking Ahead............................................................................................................................................... 52
Cover photos feature scenes from the 2023 Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit, along with site visits to Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., (leftmost photo) and
Washington D.C. Public Schools (upper row on right).
type, sector, technology, and more. Some of the
are pursuing ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG), energy,
Organizations will reduce scope resources highlighted throughout the pages of this
water, and waste reduction goals, and sharing their proven
solutions with the marketplace. 1 and 2 GHG emissions by at report include:
(QBtu) of energy. This amounts to a savings of more than
$18.5 billion. Partners have also reduced their carbon
dioxide emissions (CO2) by nearly 190 million metric tons,
% Average percent GHG emissions Technical Assistance Webinars. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
savings from base year Technology Campaigns and Research
reduced their water use by more than 16 billion gallons, and
Team Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
diverted more than 1.8 million tons of waste from landfills.
Allies committed to support Design and Construction Resources . . . . . . . . 17
The work of Better Buildings partners impacts nearly every
sector of the U.S. economy, and the benefits of their “ DOE is America’s solutions department, and
the Better Buildings Initiative’s collaborative
partners through financing
Waste Stream Energy Calculator. . . . . . . . . . . 22
innovative efforts can be felt by almost all Americans in and technical support
approach is proof we can develop and deploy Financing Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency
the places they learn, work, and gather together.
the innovative solutions we need to combat Joined working groups on topics and Decarbonization Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
In the past year, Better Buildings Initiative partners:
the climate crisis and secure our clean of emissions reduction planning Industrial Technology Resources . . . . . . . . . . . 26
f Took Action to Meet their Decarbonization
Commitments energy future.
“ and electrification Better Plants Virtual Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Better Climate Challenge partners are sharing emissions Jennifer M. Granholm
reduction progress, and on average, organizations are Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy Shining the Spotlight on Partner Solutions
reducing GHG emissions by more than 20% per year.
Partners are advancing their decarbonization efforts connects partners with peers and experts from National
Sharing partner’s real-world solutions to
by improving energy efficiency, developing emissions Laboratories. Partners exchange best practices while
common challenges amplifies best practices and
reduction frameworks to guide their efforts at the providing critical feedback to DOE that shapes the
encourages replication and innovation. This past
portfolio level, and investing in low-carbon technologies research and development of technical, organizational,
year, DOE highlighted these solutions through
and retrofits. They are also working with DOE technical and financial resources.
site visits, social media, awards, and during the
experts to address decarbonization barriers. 2023 Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit. Visit
f Accelerated the Adoption of Proven Solutions
f Exchanged Insights and Informed Research the Better Buildings Newsroom for the latest
Partners demonstrated their leadership by sharing their
updates and announcements.
The Better Buildings Initiative fosters collaboration successful approaches for reducing emissions, energy,
across building types and sectors. This type of water, and waste. These solutions are available on the In addition, DOE released its most recent video
collaboration amplifies diverse viewpoints, advancing Better Buildings Solution Center for any organization series, the Better Climate Challenge Road
the adoption of new technologies and solutions. to learn from. There are now over 3,000 solutions Show. The first stop was to Nashville, TN, where
Through working groups, peer exchanges, and the available, including more than 100 added in the DOE experts visited partners working to reduce
annual Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit, DOE past year. their emissions by 50% within 10 years.
Click here to access the series.
900+ program partners represent nearly 30 of the country’s Fortune 100 companies,
nearly 20 of the top 50 U.S. employers, 14% of the U.S. manufacturing energy footprint,
and 13% of total commercial building space, as well as more than 90 state and local gov-
ernments spanning the nation.
DOE launched the Better Buildings Initiative in 2011 to help make buildings and facilities more energy
efficient by addressing common barriers and sharing best practices from market leaders across every
sector of the economy. More than 900 organizations now participate in the Better Buildings Initiative.
At least 50% reduction in GHG
These organizations include state and local governments that provide public services, school districts PARTNERS emissions over 10 years
and universities that educate the nation’s students, and nearly 30 Fortune 100 companies that provide
265 +
millions of jobs and fuel economic growth.
The Better Climate Challenge was launched to prioritize GHG emissions reductions at the portfolio At least 20% reduction in energy-use
level. In the first year of reporting results, partners reported data across nearly 850 million square feet of PARTNERS intensity over 10 years
buildings and 2,100 industrial plants. On average, Better Climate Challenge partners are reducing GHG
emissions by more than 20% from their base year.
270 + GOAL:
At least 25% reduction in energy-use
intensity over 10 years
Buildings Square Feet Water Saved (gallons) f Design and Construction Allies
Industrial Facilities Partner Solutions Available Online f High-Impact Technology Field Validations
Market leadership is about demonstrating what’s possible, setting aggressive portfolio-wide Better information means having unbiased insights to make smarter decisions, which in turn
goals, and influencing the development and deployment of cutting-edge technologies. leads to deeper emissions reductions and energy and cost savings.
f Better Buildings Initiative partners are grounding f Partners benefit from a variety of collaborative
DOE’s research, development, and deployment opportunities to share solutions that work across
activities in real-world barriers and opportunities building types. For example, more than 80% of the
through a range of dialogues and exchanges. Better Climate Challenge partners have engaged
in peer exchange activities, like working groups on
f More than 110 partners have met a portfolio-wide
emissions reduction planning and electrification.
energy reduction goal since the start of the program,
8 have achieved an emissions reduction goal, more f Nearly 425,000 visitors have explored resources on
than 15 have met a water goal, and 35 Financial Allies the Better Buildings Solution Center since 2022,
have met a financing goal. with over 1.3 million page views.
f Better Climate Challenge partners also reported data f More than 11,000 attendees joined the Better
across more than 1 billion square feet of buildings Buildings Webinar Series in the past year, which
and 1,500 industrial plants in the first year of averaged more than 400 attendees per webinar.
data reporting.
Partners collaborating at the 2023 Better Buildings, Better National laboratory expert leading a workshop at the 2023
Plants Summit. Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit.
Innovation and emerging technologies are key to building a stronger economy that benefits Workforce development is essential to advance the American job force in step with
from clean energy. technological progress.
86 % 60 % 28 % 26 %
Indianapolis, IN New York, NY 430 million sq. ft. committed
6.5 million sq. ft. committed 23 million sq.ft. committed 2010 base year Greensboro, NC
2019 base year 2019 BASE YEAR 13 plants committed
2014 base year
70 % 55 %
Avon, OH 82.2 million sq. ft. committed
7 facilities committed 2018 base year
2018 base year
27 % 24 %
64 52
% %
HNI CORPORATION DSM NORTH AMERICA 15.6 million sq. ft. committed
Minden, NV 2013 baseline
Muscatine, IA Parsippany, NJ 945 thousand sq. ft. committed
99 Facilities 18 facilities committed 2008 baseline
2018 base year 2016 base year
60 %
32 %
Boston, MA Cleveland, OH
39.2 million sq. ft. committed 46 facilities committed
2018 base year 2017 base year
27 %
Charlottesville, VA Ladson, SC
15.3 million sq. ft. committed 1 facility committed
2010 baseline 2019 base year
Energy Goal Achievers
With total energy use intensity reduction since base year
32 %
30 % KOHL
26 23
Columbia, MA Menomonee Falls, WI
492 thousand sq. ft. committed
2012 base year
112 million sq. ft. committed
2008 base year % STELLANTIS
Auburn Hills, MI
1.9 million sq. ft. committed
17 facilities 2009 base year
2016 base year
31 % 29 %
Atlanta, GA Beaverton, OR
1.6 million sq. ft. committed 10 million sq. ft. committed
2017 base year 2012 base year
Memphis, TN
100 25
Las Vegas, NV 1.2 million sq. ft. committed
61 million sq. ft. committed
2010 base year
2013 base year
Surpassed a goal of $100 million in
Surpassed a goal of $25 million in
financing for energy efficiency and/or financing for energy efficiency and/
renewable energy. It is headquartered or renewable energy. It is head-
in New York, NY. quartered in San Diego, CA.
23 22
Andover, MA
100 25
2009 base year 2016 base year
Surpassed a goal of $25 million in
Surpassed a goal of $100 million in financing for energy efficiency and/
financing for energy efficiency and/or or renewable energy. It is head-
renewable energy. It is headquartered quartered in Richardson, TX.
in Greenwich, CT.
Pittsburgh, PA 54 thousand sq. ft. committed
1.5 million sq. ft. committed 2014 base year
2014 base year
$ 90 $ 25
Surpassed a goal of $90 million in Surpassed a goal of $25 million in
financing for energy efficiency and/ financing for energy efficiency and/
% % HILLSBORO SCHOOL or renewable energy. It is head- or renewable energy. It is head-
quartered in New York, NY. quartered in Los Angeles, CA.
Meadville, PA
1.3 million sq. ft. committed Hillsboro, OR
2008 base year 3 million sq. ft. committed
2014 base year
$ 25 $ 25
Washington, D.C. MILLION
Surpassed a goal of $25 million in
financing for energy efficiency and/ MILLION
Surpassed a goal of $25 million in
financing for energy efficiency
Falls Church, VA 1.9 million sq. ft. committed or renewable energy. It is head- and/or renewable energy. It is
26.5 million sq. ft. committed 2010 baseline quartered in New York, NY. headquartered in Searcy, AR.
2014 base year
f Columbia Association provided a complete action plan significant benefits beyond energy savings and
More than 55 Better Climate Challenge partners and
template which outlines the strategies implemented Average percent GHG emissions allies shared electrification strategies, lessons learned,
emissions reductions, such as productivity, quality,
within energy efficiency, on-site renewable energy, savings from base year and resilience improvements. These additional
and cost-benefit trade-offs. The group also discussed
and power purchase agreements/utility offerings for a benefits can help make the case for higher-cost
effective planning techniques to implement electrification
community center and a fitness club. electrification projects.
Million square feet of building strategies. Key takeaways include the following:
f Stellantis developed an 8-step standardized shutdown Additional Working Groups Launched in 2023
space reported Z For industrial organizations, forklifts and electric heat
procedure to address excess energy consumption pumps for HVAC applications are seen as low-lift f GHG Emissions Reduction Audits and Assessments
during unplanned plant shutdowns outside of normal electrification opportunities, while process heating
production hours. After six months of refining the
Industrial facilities reported f Onsite Renewable Energy and Storage
applications are harder to electrify, but of high
procedure, these sites achieved an additional load interest because of their great potential to reduce f Low-Emission Alternatives to Industrial Thermal Loads
shed of nearly 30%. GHG emissions.
Learning from Peers and Informing RD&D Led by experts from DOE’s National Laboratories,
Technology Research Teams analyze the latest research
f SCIP works with state and local correctional facilities
through a voluntary partnership to target 5% short-
Through the following activities, program partners are able to harness the expertise of DOE’s National Laboratories and development on a range of building technologies term and 20% long-term portfolio-wide energy savings.
and collaborate with peers. Partners also help ground DOE’s research, development and deployment (RD&D) activities with the goal of providing market-ready solutions to Nearly 20 state and local partners represent more than
in real-world challenges and contexts. The tools and resources that partners and DOE’s experts develop together help partners. Technical focus areas include plug and process 280 facilities and about 30% of state prisons. Partners
other organizations across nearly every sector of the economy reach their sustainability goals. loads, renewables integration, space conditioning, energy are developing their final infrastructure improvement
management and information systems, refrigeration, plans as their capstone projects in SCIP.
Technology Campaigns Learning from Partners lighting, market solutions, and building envelopes. Sustainable Wastewater Infrastructure (SWIFt) 2.0
Technology Campaigns aim to accelerate the adoption Featured tools and resources: f SWIFt engages wastewater treatment facilities in a
At the 2023 Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit,
of efficient building technologies by providing technical f Decarbonizing the Commercial Kitchen voluntary partnership to achieve 5% short-term and
partners and professionals from nearly every sector
assistance, resources, and guidance on implementing 25% long-term facility-wide energy savings, learn
in the marketplace met with DOE and national f Connecting Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
best practices. about financing opportunities for infrastructure
laboratory staff to discuss the technologies and to Commercial Buildings
f Building Envelope Campaign: Improves the systems needed to accelerate portfolio-wide emissions upgrades, and implement advanced energy upgrades.
performance of building envelopes in both new reductions. Highlights included the following: Accelerators More than 150 signatory partners represent more than
and existing buildings by setting goals for building 325 wastewater facilities across 43 states. Since 2016,
f An RD&D workshop where partners and DOE Better Buildings Accelerators are targeted, short-term efforts
envelope performance, determining available energy SWIFt partners have achieved, on average, a 7% total
engaged in two-way dialogue on topics such as to address persistent barriers to efficiency, decarbonization,
savings, and providing technical support. In 2022, energy intensity reduction over their baseline, and
HVAC, lighting, appliances and smaller electric and more. They aim to speed up investments and adoption
13 participants were recognized for high performing nearly 131 million kWh in cumulative energy savings.
loads, the circular economy, and industrial of proven approaches by demonstrating what’s possible
building envelopes.
electrification. through the development of case studies, toolkits, and
f Integrated Lighting Campaign: Helps facility owners market research. Nearly 20 Accelerators have been Design and Construction Allies
f Better Climate Challenge workshops with
and managers integrate advanced lighting controls completed to date. Visit the Accelerator landing page The Design and Construction Allies bring together
exercises for partners around emissions reduction
and lighting systems with other building or business on the Solution Center to learn more. industry leading architects, engineers, and construction
systems in their facilities. In 2022, 15 participants were professionals to push the envelope for more energy-
recognized for exemplary projects in lighting. f More than 60 additional sessions and Workforce Development
efficient and lower-carbon building design and
presentations featuring partners with new ideas
f Smarter Small Buildings Campaign: Offers technical f Completed in 2023, Workforce Development performance. To date, this effort has involved nearly 90
and strategies for achieving ambitious emissions
assistance and recognition opportunities to help small- Accelerator participants increased interest in building design and construction professionals from more than 40
reduction and efficiency goals.
and medium-sized buildings adopt rooftop HVAC energy efficiency careers, improved curricula, and participating firms, whose combined portfolio of projects
units (RTUs) to improve comfort, save on energy costs, View or download presentations from the 2023 streamlined career pathways. The Accelerator team generated more than $33 billion in 2022.
and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Summit here. also matched twelve partners to technical assistance
In 2023, the Design and Construction Allies participated
In addition, DOE is working closely with Better providers who helped map curricula, determined skills
f Internet of Things (IoT)-Upgradeable Lighting in two working groups bringing together designers
Climate Challenge partners to understand their needs gaps in existing programs, and aligned skills training
Challenge: Invites end-users and manufacturers to and building owners on the topics of building retrofit
through tailored, direct technical assistance and to certifications. Workforce Development Accelerator strategies and thermal heating design guidance.
be recognized for their participation and creative
targeted working groups to address common barriers. partners were featured at the 2023 Better Building, Participants are informing the development of resources
input regarding the widespread adoption of
Better Plants Summit, as well as in the Better Buildings to implement decarbonization strategies for building
IoT-Upgradeable lighting.
Summer Webinar Series. energy efficiency and electric-based heating systems,
Featured tools and resources:
Packaged Combined Heat and Power (CHP) including the Embodied Carbon Resource Navigator.
f Building Envelope Campaign Resources Page
f Completed in 2023, the CHP Deployment Program To learn more about how these allies are demonstrating
f Product Selection Guidance for Small worked with engagement partners to validate reductions leadership, click here.
Building Control in installation times and project costs for pre-engineered
f Interior Lighting Toolkit and technically validated packaged CHP systems.
In the past year, partners finalized their profiles for
f Smart Energy Analytics Campaign Toolkit
Partners engaged in an emissions reduction planning incorporating packaged CHP, and informed the
workshop at the 2023 Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit. creation of the Packaged Combined Heat and Power
Technology Overview and Market Profile resource.
The City of Chattanooga achieved over 35% energy Waupaca Foundry Inc., the largest iron foundry company
intensity savings at its Moccasin Bend Environmental in the world, reduced portfolio-wide energy intensity by
Campus (MBEC) through a range of innovative energy more than 20% in an especially energy-intensive industry.
efficiency improvements. The city upgraded the campus’s Waupaca installed a waste heat recovery system at the
equalization (EQ) blowers for an expected annual savings melt center which provides 100% of its hot water needs
of 10 million kWh, installed a 10-acre solar array anticipated year-round and 70% of the building’s winter heating
to provide 6,000 megawatt hours (MWh) annually, and requirements, upgraded the compressed air system, and
overhauled its biosolids management system to reduce began using computerized displays from start to finish to
hauling needs and generate a renewable gas product. improve consistency and efficiency.
Parkway School District achieved a 20% reduction in Life Time, Inc. achieved a nearly 40% reduction in energy
annual energy use and annual savings of $100,000 intensity across its portfolio of more than 18 million square
at its South High School in St. Louis. The district feet through electric, natural gas, and water efficiency
installed a central geothermal plant and a 75 kW solar projects. At its club in Chanhassen, MN, Life Time reduced
array, implemented building envelope upgrades, LED energy use by 35% and water use by 60% over the past
lighting retrofits and controls, and completed the retro- decade through LED retrofits, equipment efficiency
commissioning of the school’s HVAC system. improvements, and pool pump upgrades.
development, resilience, decarbonization, and Click here to explore solutions by barrier, building type, from the Low Carbon Pilot that highlights
partner best-practices and serves as a useful Live webinar attendees
renewable energy. sector, technology, and more.
IN THE PAST YEAR carbon buildings.
Average attendees per webinars
f Attend webinars on challenges facing energy
New solutions New webinars
professionals, with experts leading the conversations
on best practices, cost-effective strategies, and 140+ 60+
innovative approaches. Top 5 Partner Solutions
Better Buildings Webinars: Total Attendees
1. Celanese Corporation: Large Chemical Plant
Improves Energy and Environmental Performance
• A powerful, enhanced search platform to more effectively discover the Subscribe to get top partner solutions delivered
most relevant solutions, technologies, and strategies for your organization to your email. 0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
f Presented partner best-practices and lessons learned baseline across 459,000 square feet.
at the 2023 REMADE Circular Economy Conference ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, NM
and Tech Summit. 40% Albuquerque Public Schools, NM surpassed its portfo-
Cumulative Water Savings lio-wide 20% water intensity reduction goal by achieving
Visit the Waste Reduction Network page to learn more. 20
20% 27% reduction from a 2014 baseline across 13 million
square feet.
Achieving a Waste Reduction Goal
GENERAL MOTORS Industrial Non-Industrial
Empire State Realty Trust surpassed its portfolio-wide 20%
General Motors surpassed its 90% waste diversion goal by Diverted Waste Energy Recovery Waste-to-Landfill 10 water intensity reduction goal by achieving 27% reduction
achieving a 91% diversion rate since 2019.
from a 2017 baseline across 9 million square feet.
CommonWealth Partners surpassed its portfolio-wide 20%
0 water intensity reduction goal by achieving 26% reduction
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
from a 2010 baseline across 11 million square feet.
of the Fortune
13% Healthcare...................................................32
Retail, food service, and grocery.................34
of the Top 50 of all U.S. Commercial
100 Companies U.S. Employers Building Space
Hospitality...................................................36 “ This is so exciting, and such a great validation
for the whole team’s hard work!! Thank you also
Higher education.........................................38
for your team’s ongoing support of our work over
K-12 school................................................. 40
State and local government........................42
the last couple of years!
“ Atlanta Housing Authority
“ Thank you so much, you do not realize how
14% 100+ 90+
Financial Allies.............................................46
Residential...................................................48 happy this will make our team. We have put in
of the U.S. Manufacturing Non-Profits and State and
Energy Consumption Footprint Industry Associations Local Governments Federal........................................................50
so much hard work to make this happen!
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | Industrial f Advanced skills are needed to implement, maintain, f In 2022, Better Plants launched the Energy.
Bootcamp Series – a 3-day crash course in
and operate high-efficiency technologies that will
PARTNERS GHG emissions from industrial facilities total 1.91 billion metric tons of CO2e annually.
1 lower emissions. DOE offers In-Plant Trainings industrial energy systems, energy management, and
Organizations in the sector have collaborated with DOE over the past year to address (INPLTs) that provide participants with information industrial decarbonization. Through a combination
the following barriers to decarbonization: and resources to overcome critical barriers to of classroom teaching and hands-on interactive
FACILITIES f Electrifying thermal processes is challenging because of barriers around availability,
adopting energy management and emissions
reduction practices and technologies.
learning, Bootcamps are a useful training tool for
new energy and maintenance managers but are also
infrastructure, and cost. The Industrial Electrification Working Group convened effective refresher courses for seasoned employees.
f Virtual Trainings are online workshops led by
partners to discuss barriers to electrification, leading to the development of the More than 200 participants joined two Bootcamps
DOE and other industry experts. Upon completion
SAVED Electrification Assessment Framework, which includes guidance on electrifying in the past year, focused on energy and
SINCE 2011
of a training, attendees can receive Professional
industrial thermal process loads served by fossil-fuel fired systems. decarbonization respectively.
Development Hours (PDH) certificates.
f It can be difficult for organizations to balance near-term, incremental efficiency f Better Plants hosts annual Technology Days at DOE’s
measures while also trying to take transformational decarbonization actions. The National Laboratories to educate and encourage
14% of the U.S.
Framework for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Planning delineates a partners to engage with the available decarbonization
structure for organizations to develop long-term, portfolio-wide plans to achieve skills, resources, and facilities at the labs – and to
energy footprint
their GHG emissions goals. stay on top of the latest developments in advanced
2.4 QBTU of energy decarbonization technologies.
saved f Corporate financing barriers, high operational costs, and lack of access to data make it
f Through the Industrial Technology Validation
147 million metric tons difficult to achieve emissions reduction goals. The Funding and Incentives Resource
Pilot (ITV), DOE and its National Laboratories
of CO2 saved Hub was designed to connect organizations with available funding opportunities,
validate performance of emerging technologies in
1.8 average annual including those that were created or expanded by the Inflation Reduction Act and the
industrial environments. Results help organizations
energy intensity Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. In addition, DOE’s new Industrial Technologies page
understand the viability of a solution while mitigating
improvement rate was created to help organizations learn about and integrate new, innovative processes
many of the risks associated with being an early
and technologies and get connected with funding opportunities. adopter of emerging technology.
National laboratory expert leading a training for
industrial partners.
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | Commercial Real Estate CRE partners, for their leadership in green leasing. spanning over 10,000 military homes with no required
Brandywine Realty Trust, a Better Buildings Alliance
PARTNERS GHG emissions from commercial real estate (CRE) facilities total 107 million metric tons partner, was recognized for integrating high-
up-front capital investment, reducing grid electricity
consumption by 30%, and water consumption by 35%.
of CO2e annually.4 Organizations in the sector have collaborated with DOE over the past performance leasing and social equity practices into
year to address the following barriers to decarbonization: building operations at its Philadelphia headquarters. Click here to access additional solutions and
FEET f CRE companies face a range of challenges achieving ambitious emissions reduction
resources for organizations in this sector.
goals, including financing, internal stakeholder buy-in, and finding the right
pathway for decarbonization. Best practices shared through peer exchange and CASE STUDY
$490 SAVED working groups have provided a platform for CRE partners to learn about successful
A Playbook for Reducing Emissions
SINCE 2011
pathways to decarbonization from those facing similar barriers. These solutions are
available on the Commercial Real Estate Better Buildings Initiative page. Empire State Realty Trust, a Better Climate Challenge
partner, developed the Empire Building Playbook:
f Many CRE companies that lease office, retail, and multifamily space encounter An Owner’s Guide to Low Carbon Retrofits to
challenges collecting tenant data to measure and mitigate scope 3 emissions. demonstrate how the company reduced carbon
Through the Green Lease Leaders program, DOE and program partners have emissions by more than 50% since the start of
worked to understand how organizations can overcome tenant data access 2022. This playbook provides replicable technical
challenges and published a series of case studies exploring leasing best practices. and economic approaches for reducing the carbon
emissions of high-rise buildings while implementing
f It can be difficult for CRE companies to navigate regional energy grids because of
energy and emissions projects with proven returns
local regulations and varying municipal targets. Better Buildings brought partners
on investment. The Playbook also demonstrates the
together for key virtual peer exchanges to share regional barriers and solutions in
technical and financial feasibility for the Empire State
California, Pennsylvania, New York City, and Washington, DC.
Building to achieve net zero by 2030 to align with
company-wide sustainability goals.
Design and Construction
Ally expert at the 2023 Better Empire State Realty Trust received a 2023 Better
Buildings, Better Plants Summit. Project Award for this work.
Atlantic Health System achieved a reduction of nearly University of Utah Health restructured its sustainability
45% in CO2 emissions through the construction of a team to propel progress towards campus-wide goals of
The healthcare sector CoGen plant at the Morristown Medical Center that achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. By distinguishing
accounts for 8.5% uses natural gas to generate electricity and captures medical operations from maintenance operations,
of U.S. emissions,5 the waste heat to generate steam. the University has fostered increased collaboration
and if the global DaVita leveraged virtual power purchase agreements between Planning Design and Construction staff, main
healthcare sector (VPPAs) to achieve 100% renewable energy for its campus sustainability groups, and a new Corporate
were a country, it U.S. operations by constructing both wind and solar Sustainability Officer.
would be the fifth- farms in Texas. Annually, the two projects combined are The Department of Veterans Affairs demonstrated
largest GHG emitter expected to generate approximately 625,000 megawatt over 50% water savings and $16,900 cost savings at
on the planet.6 hours (MWh) of clean energy. Erie VA Medical Center (VMAC) by replacing outdated
Allina Health used a climate risk vulnerability tool single pass water-cooled condensing units with
developed by the State of Minnesota to understand modern air-cooled condensing units. In addition to the
climate change-related building and community water savings, the retrofit reduced overall maintenance
infrastructure vulnerabilities. Allina Health evaluated costs and provided a more consistent operation of
the extent to which its building portfolio was at risk of the overall system. This successful case study was
weather-related and public health disasters, and then presented at the 2023 CleanMed conference.
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | Healthcare coordinated across teams to ensure undisrupted patient Click here to access additional solutions and
PARTNERS GHG emissions from healthcare facilities total 50 million metric tons of CO2e annually.4
care and ongoing support to the local community. resources for organizations in this sector.
Organizations in the sector have collaborated with DOE over the past year to address
the following barriers to decarbonization:
FEET f It can be difficult for healthcare organizations to balance goals to reduce energy
use with the need to provide patient care. DOE brought together Better Climate UC Davis Measures Energy Use of Medical Imaging Equipment (MIE)
MILLION Challenge sector partners, DOE experts, and Better Buildings Design and The UC Davis Department of Radiology and Medical
$390 SAVED Construction Allies to discuss occupant centric, low-carbon construction Center Energy Team collaborated with the NREL Plug
SINCE 2011 and retrofits. and Process Loads team to conduct a submetering
study to identify opportunities to measure and reduce
f Hospitals need to be resilient to increasing extreme weather events, so patient
MIE energy consumption. The team initially focused
care isn’t disrupted. The sector has been sharing resources and solutions like the
their study on the MRI imaging modality, given that MRI
Efficiency-Resilience Nexus page which highlights on-site renewable energy and
machines are the largest consumers of energy within
beneficial electrification projects as well as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
MIE. The data was collected at the UC Davis Main
Services (CMS) Categorical Waiver that allows health systems to use clean energy
Hospital campus from multiple MRIs and space types
microgrid systems to improve facility resilience and patient care.
to capture energy use during the “Ready-To-Scan” and
f Medical Imaging Equipment (MIE) energy use is substantial and projected to “Low-Power” modes. This data was shared with EPA to
increase with the introduction of new technology to the market and the expanding develop an ENERGY STAR specification for MIE.
installation. The sector has shared best practices to manage, track, and reduce MIE
energy loads and has collaborated with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) Plug and Process Load Technical Research Team to inform the development
Partners in a working session of an EPA ENERGY STAR specification for MIE.
at the 2023 Better Buildings,
Better Plants Summit.
UNIQUE f RFSG organizations face unique challenges implementing renewable energy solutions
SECTOR such as franchisee business models, leasing building space, or diverse building ADDITIONAL HIGHLIGHTS
footprints. Better Buildings published a comprehensive guide on implementing Comprehensive Guide on Community Solar Engagement Strategies
innovative renewables strategies such as community solar, highlighting RFSG leaders’
In coordination with DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies
achievements. Better Buildings also hosted a related community solar webinar
Office (SETO), Better Buildings partners Starbucks
alongside DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO).
Coffee Company and Kohl’s, Inc., along with
f Tracking and reducing refrigerant leaks and resulting GHG emissions is crucial to Walmart, published a comprehensive guide with
achieving portfolio-wide emissions reduction goals because refrigerant leaks represent engagement strategies with community solar solutions
a significant source of emissions in the sector. The program hosted a webinar to reduce GHG emissions. This fact sheet illustrates
featuring organizational best practices and refrigeration resources in partnership how retail companies are acting as anchor tenants and
with EPA GreenChill. offtakers to support community solar projects. Investing
in community solar has become a viable option for large
Representative from The
Wendy’s Company presenting companies looking to help spur the development of
at the 2023 Better Buildings, localized renewable energy, while also making progress
Better Plants Summit. toward their own climate and social equity goals.
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | Hospitality measured the implementation of several networked Infrastructure Resilience and Adaptation (MIRA)
PARTNERS GHG emissions from hospitality facilities total 52 million metric tons of CO2e annually.4
thermostats and helped determine which model best
allowed hotel staff to remotely configure them to
program, receiving significant interest from all sectors
within the commercial space.
Organizations in the sector have collaborated with DOE over the past year to address decrease energy costs while keeping in mind guest
Click here to access additional solutions and
the following barriers to decarbonization: comfort and satisfaction.
MILLION resources for organizations in this sector.
FEET f As hotels continue to recover from periods of low occupancy during the COVID-19
pandemic, it can be a challenge to obtain approval for capital projects with payback
periods longer than two years. The sector team hosted a cross-sector peer exchange CASE STUDY
$300 SAVED and published a resource highlighting the top takeaways and tips for financing
MGM Achieves Energy Reduction Goal and Targets Emissions Reductions
SINCE 2011 decarbonization and ultra-high building efficiency projects.
MGM Resorts International reduced its energy use
f Hospitality organizations face challenges tracking and managing their hotels’ intensity by 23% and progressed towards its Better
water consumption data, along with increasing difficulties brought on by regional Climate Challenge goal by reducing its scope 1 and
droughts exacerbated by climate change. The sector hosted a webinar highlighting 2 GHG emissions by 33%. MGM has achieved this
how partners are leveraging water efficient technologies and tracking water usage progress through the following initiatives:
data, while also introducing EPA’s WaterSense Rebate Finder to help pay for water
f Installed a 100-megawatt (MW) “Mega Solar Array”
efficient technologies.
f Replaced over 1.5 million lights with LEDs
f The influx of voluntary and regulatory reporting means hospitality companies must
f Integrated smart buildings controls and efficient
collect data on the climate-related risks to their assets, including scope 1, 2, and 3
HVAC systems
GHG emissions. The sector hosted a roundtable discussion for partners to share their
f Conducted preventative maintenance and energy
best practices, including the use of ESG reporting frameworks to help prepare for
audits, and utilized energy analytics and fault
future reporting requirements, and conducting a materiality assessment to identify
detection and diagnostics systems audits.
key data points for each organization.
Partners networking at the
2023 Better Buildings,
Better Plants Summit.
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | Higher Education The University of California, Irvine converted its Southern Oregon University (SOU) installed 9 solar
PARTNERS GHG emissions from higher education facilities total 13 million metric tons of CO2e
central plant cooling towers to use recycled water
instead of potable water, helping cut potable water use
arrays with 455kW capacity of solar generation to help
provide clean power around campus. SOU joined the
annually.4 Organizations in the sector have collaborated with DOE over the past year 50% and saving more than 60 million gallons of drinking Better Climate Challenge in 2022.
to address the following barriers to decarbonization: water annually.
f Higher education institutions have a diverse array of building types and systems,
FEET Click here to access additional solutions and resources for organizations in this sector.
such as energy intensive laboratories, commercial kitchens, medical buildings, and
transportation networks. To help address barriers to decarbonization in campuses
$340 SAVED with diverse and energy intensive building portfolios, the sector developed and CASE STUDY
SINCE 2011 convened a peer exchange with healthcare partners on laboratory decarbonization.
Power Purchase Agreement to Double Solar Capacity on Campus
f Institutions are facing increased demands to maintain higher indoor air quality (IAQ) Colorado State University (CSU) utilized a power
standards to ensure healthy and productive spaces for students, faculty, and staff. purchase agreement (PPA) to install 4.25 MW of solar
Due to operational changes in HVAC processes like increased outside air, institutions systems across 20 sites on campus. This two-year
are looking for ways to reduce energy usage while still maintaining these standards. solar project added 20 new installations to roofs and
The sector convened a cross-sector peer exchange to share best practices for patches of open land across the University’s Fort Collins
commercial kitchen electrification, and included a presentation on the indoor air Campus, nearly doubling its capacity and generating
quality benefits of very high efficiency HVAC. The team also disseminated DOE’s enough electricity to power more than 800 homes.
Healthy Buildings Toolkit. CSU’s PPA is a 28-year fixed rate contract that helped
mitigate risk, control long-term utility costs, and assist
f With hazardous weather events increasing in severity and frequency, colleges
in meeting environmental goals. The addition of these
and universities across the country are tasked with planning for resilient campus
solar photovoltaic systems is contributing to CSU’s
operations. The sector team held a joint higher education and healthcare resiliency
Catholic University of America commitment to 100% renewable electricity by 2030 and
peer exchange in addition to holding a commercial sector break out at the 2023
leading a plant tour during carbon neutrality by 2040.
Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit focused on resiliency.
the 2023 Better Buildings,
Better Plants Summit.
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | K-12 Schools district’s most energy intensive schools, expects to reduce consumption by 21% from a 2013 baseline across
UNIQUE 27 buildings.
energy use by 20% and save more than $50,000 annually
PARTNERS GHG emissions from K-12 school facilities total 52 million metric tons of CO2e annually.4 after a real-time energy monitoring system was installed. Parkway School District’s South High School in
Organizations in the sector have collaborated with DOE over the past year to address Indianapolis Public Schools’ Raymond F. Brandes St. Louis, MO, implemented a comprehensive project
the following barriers to decarbonization: Elementary School’s recommissioning initiative is to improve efficiency, resulting in more than 20% annual
275 expected to result in nearly 30% annual energy savings, energy savings and $100,000 annual cost savings. The
FEET f Funding constraints pose a significant barrier for K-12 schools when pursuing energy 40% in water savings, and a combined annual cost project included installation of a central geothermal
and emissions reductions. The newly formed State and Community Energy Programs savings of over $30,000 from improvements including plant and a 75 kW solar array as well as building
(SCEP) Office provides valuable funding opportunities to help schools overcome new setpoints for heating and cooling, additional envelope upgrades, LED lighting and controls retrofits,
$130 financial barriers. These opportunities were shared with K-12 partners through zones added into the building automation system, and and retro-commissioning of the school’s HVAC system.
SINCE 2011 newsletters, technical assistance calls, and during the “Community Strategies for optimized controls throughout the facility. Click here to access additional solutions and
Successfully Accessing Federal Funds for Energy Projects” session at the 2023 Better resources for organizations in this sector.
Buildings, Better Plants Summit. Additionally, the Funding and Incentives Resource
Hub on the Better Buildings Solution Center provides a centralized platform to navigate CASE STUDY
and discover rebates, funding opportunities, and incentives, including those available
Net-Zero Energy Facility
through the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
River Trails School District’s Prairie Trails School
f Determining a pathway to achieve emissions reduction goals is a common challenge was a 2023 U.S. Department of Education Green
faced by Better Climate Challenge partners. Through the Better Climate Challenge Ribbon Schools Honoree for promoting environmental
sustainability in the community. Serving pre-
“Portfolio-level GHG Emissions Reduction Planning” and “GHG Emissions
kindergarten and kindergarten students, Prairie Trails
Reduction Audits and Assessments” working groups, K-12 schools received technical
School became the first net-zero energy facility in Mount
support in identifying specific next steps for evaluating, selecting and executing
Prospect, IL, when renovations were completed in 2021.
emissions reduction projects. Additional technical assistance and peer exchange Prairie Trails is also the nation’s first net-zero energy
opportunities were also presented during the K-12 Schools meetup at the Better school that meets the PHIUS+ Source Zero standard
Parkway School District being Buildings, Better Plants Summit, including the Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign for using 40 to 60% less energy than conventional
recognized by DOE during a and Professional Learning Networks for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Sustainability. buildings. Sustainability features include solar panels,
site visit. a permeable paver parking lot, and an efficient HVAC
system with heat recovery.
RiseBoro Community Partnership’s Passive House- Maloney Properties reduced energy use by nearly
More than 15 certified Woodlawn Senior Living in the Bronx, NY, will 35% and saved over $100,000 at Riley House in Boston,
Better Climate consume up to 60% less energy than a conventional MA. Riley House received phased upgrades over six
Challenge partners housing project and will provide 80 units of affordable years through the Low-Income Energy Affordability
housing for seniors. The design included energy Network (LEAN) Program including lighting, boilers,
are pursuing
recovery ventilation, variable refrigerant flow units, and domestic hot water heater systems, increasing its
ambitious emissions
minimized thermal bridging, solar sensitive massing, ENERGY STAR Score by 46 points.
reduction goals and
and high-performance windows, allowing RiseBoro to Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) has saved roughly
delivering climate
absorb the cost of residents’ in-unit electricity usage. 135,000 kWh annually with a central heat pump water
resilience and
Foundation Communities completed construction of heater (CHPWH) at Bayview Towers, a 100-unit property
health benefits
the LEED™ Gold certified and Austin Energy Green in Seattle, WA. The CHPWH was packaged, skid
while working
Building 4-star-rated Waterloo Terrace, a 132-unit mounted and installed in a few hours. SHA is piloting the
to preserve
permanent supportive housing property for seniors CHPWH as a battery, preheating water during off-peak
affordability. in Austin, TX. The site includes a user-friendly HVAC hours and turning the system off during peak hours,
Better Climate Challenge partner Foundation Communities of Austin, TX designed all-electric 132-unit affordable
system that combines 1:1 packaged terminal heat cutting the energy to near zero during peak hours while
multifamily development Jordan at Mueller to use 30% less energy than a conventional development.
pumps with a centralized energy recovery ventilator, keeping the same level of comfort.
and a 180 kW solar array that avoids 220 metric tons of Mercy Housing installed toilet leak detectors,
CO2 emissions annually.
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | Multifamily Veris Residential has installed more than 100 electric
baseboard flood sensors, and a continuous monitor
on the main water meter at Decatur Place, a 106-unit
PARTNERS GHG emissions from multifamily facilities total 107 million metric tons of CO2e annually. 11 vehicle charging ports across 13 of its 20 multifamily multifamily property serving extremely-low-income
Organizations in the sector have collaborated with DOE over the past year to address properties. The first U.S.-based real estate company households in Denver, CO. These real-time alerts led
the following barriers to decarbonization: to join the Climate Group’s EV100 Initiative, Veris to faster, more targeted maintenance, reducing water
has leveraged utility incentives and state funding consumption at the property by over 30%. Mercy
SQUARE f A fundamental challenge for partners developing portfolio-wide decarbonization
FEET opportunities to install charging ports that reduce Housing expects savings of over $10,000 annually.
plans is balancing smaller, more attainable energy efficiency and electrification resident and operational emissions and strengthen the Click here to access additional solutions and
projects with the need for more resource-intensive transformational electrification marketability of Veris’ properties. resources for organizations in this sector.
MILLION and deep emissions reductions. In the past year, the program provided partners with
$270 SAVED
strategies and step-by-step guides through peer exchanges and resources such as
SINCE 2014
the ABCs of Multifamily Electrification Strategies and Strategies for Achieving Zero CASE STUDY
Energy in Multifamily Buildings.
“ Affordable housing
must be part of a just f Heat pumps are a core technology for decarbonization in multifamily buildings.
Atlanta Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher Program
SECTOR SPOTLIGHTS | Financial Allies measures above code requirements. resources for organizations in this sector.
PARTNERS Financing continues to be one of the top challenges in the marketplace for implementing
Financing Products Financing Technologies
decarbonization projects, energy retrofits, and renovations. Financial Allies support neces-
sary energy efficiency and renewable energy investments by creating innovative financing Financial Allies offer a variety of financial products Financial Ally offerings can support a variety of
BILLION to meet diverse needs for decarbonization in the decarbonization project types including energy efficiency
$32 FINANCED products and demonstrating their approaches through solutions published on the Better
marketplace. Product offerings represent traditional retrofits, renewable energy procurement and generation,
SINCE 2012 Buildings Solution Center.
financing mechanisms like leases, loans, and debt, as well and efficient new building construction. An offering like
In the past year, the following financial services companies became the first to join as products designed specifically for energy efficiency efficiency as a service or an energy savings performance
BILLION and renewable energy projects such as power purchase contract is specialized to efficiency retrofits, power
$4.4 FINANCED the Better Climate Challenge: Ecosave Inc., Kyotherm, Hawaii Green Infrastructure
agreements (PPAs), energy savings performance contracts purchase agreements and energy-as-a-service contracts
SINCE 2022 Authority, Metrus Energy, Renew Energy Partners, Skyven Technologies, and Solaris
(ESPCs), and service contracts including energy or are specialized to renewables and generation, and PACE
Energy Inc. These organizations are working with partners in different sectors to address efficiency as a service. can be specialized to efficient new construction.
the following barriers to financing decarbonization projects:
f New financing resources are needed to tackle the deployment of clean energy finance Total 2022 Financing by Product Total 2022 Financing by Technology
to accelerate decarbonization and unlock pathways to net zero. The Efficiency-as-
a-Service fact sheet was updated to accommodate changes in the finance industry,
including the new inclusion of Energy-as-a-Service. This fact sheet provides a
taxonomy of the market and equips partners to assess different contracts based on
their unique needs and priorities.
f Partners need increased connectivity with Financial Allies and tools, resources, and
events to help them move decarbonization projects forward at scale and speed.
The Show Me the Money webinar provides insights for partners to engage with the Leases Grants ESAs & Service
Efficiency Efficient New Construction Performance
A speaker from Redaptive Financing Navigator and to help them fund their decarbonization goals. Additionally, Loans & Debt Unidentified
Retrofits Construction & Generation
presents at the 2023 Better On-bill financing
the Financial Allies team presented at two SCIP Webinars to promote the Financing PPAs ESPCs
Buildings, Better Plants Reinvestment
Summit. Navigator and Finance and Resilience toolkit. More financing resources and tools are Performance Bonds
of Equity
available here. PACE
f U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm visited Oak f Home Energy Score™ continues to gain momentum
Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee in as new research links the Score to home values and
October, 2022, to learn about the laboratory’s plans for energy efficiency investments. A first-ever study
the second phase of its Department of Energy-funded from DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Advanced Building Construction (ABC) Initiative demonstrated a link between the Score, sale price, and
retrofit project. A live demonstration was given of the mortgage repayment in cities with Score listing policies.
SECTOR SPOTLIGHT | Residential Real-Time Evaluator tool used to generate a digital An American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
twin of the existing building façade and the expected (ACEEE) study found that prospective renters would be
Better Buildings Residential Network members have undertaken work to save consumers money, make homes more location of prefabricated panels for siding retrofits. more likely to choose an energy efficient home if they
comfortable, and improve the health of homes through continued engagement of state and local governments, The tool provides instant feedback to installers on how are shown an energy label, and a third study determined
businesses, utilities, nonprofits, and other stakeholders. to position the panels so that they meet the required that requiring energy audits at the time of sale increases
In the past year, the network organized 21 Peer Exchange calls with some 2,000 participants that shared innovative tolerances, thereby reducing installation time and cost. price premiums for energy efficiency and encourages
The project’s easy-to-install panel design and state-of- energy-saving investments. The scoring tool was
strategies and best practices for energy-efficient homes.
the-art integrated system that includes heat pumps, updated to include new home features and additional
energy recovery units, heat pump water heaters, and recommendations, including high-efficiency cold climate
sensors and controls, is being incorporated into up to heat pumps.
Additional highlights include: twelve duplexes in the local Western Heights affordable Home Energy Score is also gaining traction among
housing community, as well as a local Boys and Girls state and local policymakers. The City of Bend, Oregon,
Energy efficiency upgrades
Club. The upgraded design is expected to reduce began to require the Score in real estate listings July 1,
completed by 470+ Better
residents’ heating and cooling energy bills by 75%. 2023, allowing homebuyers to compare the efficiency
Buildings Residential ORNL is one of seven teams awarded for this second of homes and access information about cost-effective
Network members phase in their ABC retrofit projects where they will be upgrades. Bend joins eight other cities that require the
demonstrating cutting-edge retrofits in real buildings. Score in real estate listings, rental inspections, or major
Home Energy Scores™
f The DOE Building America program and National renovations. In Maine, the legislature passed a law to
generated in 2022, with
Laboratories, research teams, and subject matter establish a home energy scoring system and database
recommendations to reduce
experts conduct research, development, field validation, by June 30, 2024.
energy use by $14 million
and demonstration projects that prioritize retrofit
a year solutions to improve existing homes, and scalable
Secretary Granholm visits the ABC Retrofit Project Team at Oak
Ridge National Laboratories retrofit solutions to equitably decarbonize the U.S.
Home Energy Scores™
housing stock and disseminate best practices and
Completed since 2012
guidance. A key initiative in the Building America
Network members Click here to access additional solutions and
portfolio is Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Technical
resources for organizations in this sector.
Support, which published six technical reports, five
fact sheets, and six Building America Solution Center
(BASC) guides in the past year.
FEMP works with its stakeholders to enable Federal agencies to meet energy
requirements and provide energy leadership to the country. Executive Order 14057
on catalyzing American clean energy industries and jobs through federal sustainability, PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS
which focuses on catalyzing American clean energy industries and jobs through federal f Delivered more than 52,000 hours of accredited f Announced $250 million in funding from President
sustainability, set out a range of ambitious goals to deliver an emissions reduction training through FEMP’s Training Catalog, webinars, Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help federal
pathway consistent with President Biden’s goals, which include: and the annual Energy Exchange technical training agencies implement net-zero building projects
workshop, enabling energy and water management under the Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy
f Reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 50%-52% from 2005 levels by 2030.
professionals to earn more than 2,500 continuing Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) grant program.
f Transitioning to 100% zero-emission vehicle acquisitions by 2035 (including 100% education units (CEUs). New on-demand trainings The AFFECT program seeks applications from
light-duty acquisitions by 2027). included a EV Champion Training on Advanced federal agencies that would use the funding to make
Site Operations, Decarbonization Considerations energy and water efficiency upgrades to new and
f Achieving net zero emissions buildings by 2045 (including a 50% reduction by 2032),
for Performance Contracting, the Performance existing federal buildings and helps them achieve
net zero emissions procurement by 2050, and net zero emissions operations by 2050 Contracting National Resource Center’s Overview net zero through initiatives like electrification, on-site
(including a 65% reduction by 2030). of Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs), clean energy generation, and sustainable design.
and an Indoor Environmental Quality Analysis and
Solutions interactive training.
Showcase Actionable Highlight Technology Solutions American Family Insurance Hackensack Meridian Health* Nike*
Anthem* Hamra Enterprises* Nuveen*
Decarbonization Pathways More than 8,300 people attended the 2022-2023 Better
Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc* Hannaford Oregon Health & Science University
DOE will continue prioritizing working with partners across Buildings webinar series; looking ahead, the newest series
Ascension* Havertys* Paramount Pictures+
the US economy to share their innovative solutions. We will connects organizations with new technology solutions,
Atlantic Health System* Hawaiian Airlines* Parkland Health & Hospital System
also highlight how organizations has successfully planned featuring webinar titles like the following:
AtSite Healthcare Realty Parkway Properties*
and prioritized across their portfolio of buildings, plants f Accelerating Electric Vehicle Adoption
AvalonBay+ Highwoods Properties* Pertoria
and/or homes. New partner solutions will also be featured
f Bridging Building Data Analytics with Fault Detection Baptist Memorial Hospital Desoto Hilton Worldwide*+ Physicians Realty Trust*
on the revamped Better Buildings Solution Center, and
and Diagnostics and Work Order Systems Berkshire Residential Investments Hoover Foods* PNC Financial Services Group*
partners will be featured during site visits and through
f Using Thermal Energy Storage in Commercial Buildings Berlin Packaging* Howard Hughes Corporation Primary Aim, LLC*
social media and news stories throughout the year. The
Best Buy* Hudson Pacific Properties Prologis
next installment of the Better Climate Challenge Road f The (Not So) Shocking Shift Towards Industrial
Briad Wenco* Hyatt Hotels Corporation Promar Corporation*
Show series will focus on Cleveland. In this season, DOE Electrification
will walk through the work happening all over the city to Brixmor Property Group IHG Hotels & Resorts Providence Health & Services
These presentations, and the resources featured in them IKEA Retail U.S.+ Publix
make their buildings and plants more resilient places. Broward Health North
by partners and DOE experts, will be available on the JAE Restaurant Group* Qurate Retail Group*
Better Building Solution Center.
Rely on Partner Input and Feedback Calhoun Management* Jamestown*+ Regency Centers
JBG Smith* Regions Bank
As a partnership designed to drive successful Identify and Highlight Financing Solutions Carnival Corporation
decarbonization, partner feedback is essential. Carlisle, LLC* Jones Lang LaSalle REI
A frequently cited obstacle to decarbonization is Kaiser Permanente RXR Realty+
Collaborating with partners several times a year, both CBRE
financing. DOE will focus on facilitating connections Kayne Anderson Real Estate Schmidt Family Restaurant Group*
one on one and in working groups, helps DOE gather a Century Partners*
between partners and financial services companies with
variety of perspectives on challenges and opportunities. CKE Restaurants Holdings, LLC* Kilroy Realty* Shari’s Cafe & Pies*
the goal of educating partners on the financing options
This feedback informs the way DOE prioritizes its Clarion Partners Kimco Realty Corporation Sheetz, Inc.*
available and addressing the financial and operational
research, development, and deployment resources by Cleveland Clinic*+ Kohl’s, Inc.*+ Shorenstein Properties, LLC*
nuances of specific property types. The goal is to build
focusing DOE’s attention on the specific needs and Colliers Las Vegas Sands Corporation* Sprint*
a robust collection of solutions to address a variety of
gaps experienced by partners. DOE will also continue Columbia Association*+ LaSalle Investment Management+ St. John Properties
financial products and strategies in the context of each
to convene partners in forums that accelerate the CommonWealth Partners* LBA Realty* Staples*
sector These solutions will provide actionable, real-
dissemination of proven best practices, including the 2024 Legacy Capital Maine LLC Starboard Group*
world models of financing decarbonization projects so Corewell Health
Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit in April of 2024 in Legacy Vacation Resorts+
that building owners and organizations seeking financial Cotti Foods Corporation*
Washington, D.C. Lendlease*+
insight can replicate and act on successful project models. DaVita+
Life Time, Inc.*
Focus on Workforce Development Delight Restaurant Group*
Partners with names in bold are
DWS* Link Logistics+
emissions, energy, water, or waste
A skilled workforce is essential for any organization to Loews Hotels & Co.* goal achievers
Eastbay Equities*
achieve ambitious and meaningful emissions reduction Lush Cosmetics Partners with a * have taken the Better
Eddie Cheng Corporation* Buildings Challenge
and energy efficiency goals. Through the Better Buildings Macy’s*
Elevance Health, Inc.+* Partners with a + have taken the Better
Initiative, DOE will support and grow our workforce Marriott International+ Climate Challenge
Elme Communities+*
by developing and offering trainings and educational Mayo Clinic+
Partners with names in italics are new to
Empire State Realty Trust*+ Better Buildings
opportunities, as well as partnering with organizations that
EQT Exeter MetLife Investment Management*+
connect job seekers with opportunities.