Best Practices Foundation
Best Practices Foundation
Best Practices Foundation
Best Practices Foundation is a Bangalore-based non-governmental and non-profit registered society
started in 1999.
Best Practices Foundation envisions widespread identification and institutionalisation of best practices in
the fields of development, particularly in livelihoods, governance, gender equity and women
empowerment. To fulfil this mandate, BPF aims to become an agile, knowledge-based innovation agency
and a network hub for the institutionalisation of best practices through multi-sector partnerships.
• Conducting action-research in partnership with the development community and government.
• Developing training courses for grassroots organisations and NGOs.
Institutional strengthening (SHG and federation strengthening)
Gender and social inclusion
Alliance Building and creating learning and advocacy platforms
• Undertaking evaluations to assess impact of CSR initiatives, interventions by development
agencies, and to help government and NGOs design programmes for improved sustainability.
• Documenting and disseminating best practices through impact assessments, evaluations and
toolkits which enable practitioners and governments to replicate innovations.
Development programs often ask the poor to invest time, capital, learn how to manufacture a specific
product and then leave them to struggle with markets and through the initial challenges of starting a
business. BPF has created a major livelihoods innovation called MOVE.
MOVE – Market Oriented Value Enhancement. It is a practical, replicable, adaptable, and profitable
approach for improving the livelihoods of landless, asset-poor, and often semi-literate or illiterate
populations by imparting business concepts and enabling them to establish successful micro enterprises.
This ‘learning by doing’ has been specially designed so that illiterate and semi-illiterate populations can
understand business concepts and participate actively in the training. 12 Modules were created to
implement MOVE.
The goal is to help trainers digitize the recording of baseline and inline data for each cycle. An all-in-one
solution for trainers to learn modules, train trainees, engage in post module activities and leverage
standardized assessments which then can be stored for end-of-cycle grading.
The solution should also allow helpdesk personnel and trainers to view FAQs recorded from earlier and
existing training (filtered via baseline data for precise answering). It should also work as a knowledge bank
and document repository which can be utilized during FAQs for business-related queries during the
business development phase.
Additional Considerations
Technology Baseline
Excel is being used for storing the baseline as well as the inline or post cycle data. Once the data is cleaned
it is fed to SPSS for generating analysis results.