Lontong Balap Is One of Traditional Meal From East Java
Lontong Balap Is One of Traditional Meal From East Java
Lontong Balap Is One of Traditional Meal From East Java
Surabaya. According to its name consist oI slices oI lontong (compressed rice), added with
bean sprouts soup, Iried tahu (Iried toIu), lentho, sweet soy sauce, and sambal petis.
Why it is called lontong balap (Balap in English mean Race)? This name emerges Irom the
style oI lontong balap merchant in the past. All merchant used the big bamboo stick
accommodating two clay Irying-pans. Big size measure, it is clear weight shouldered. As a
result, the merchant have to quicken its journey, provoking race. Since then, the term oI
lontong balap was emerged. I like it very much. When I was still in Surabaya, I had it almost
every week Ior breakIast or lunch. I can easily get it. But here, no one is selling it. So I have
to make it by myselI. And my mother gave me the recipe how to make it.
This meal is a perIect dish Ior one who doesn`t eat meat (vegetarian). However, I was very
surprised my hubby likes it. He said when he ate it, it tasted like eating rice with vegetables
and meat.
Category: Vegetables
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 60 minutes
or broth
- 100 g beeI meat
- 3 shallots or halI oI medium red onion
- 2 cloves oI garlic
- 1 block beeI seasoning mixture/beeI bouillon (Maggi or Knorr block)
- Pinch oI pepper
- 250 g oI bean sprouts
- 1 stalk oI celery leaI
- 2 tablespoons oI Iried shallot
- 500 ml oI water
or Lentho
- 100 g oI red soya bean
- 50 g oI tapioca Ilour
- 30 g granted coconut
- 1 teaspoon coriander
- 3 shallots
- 2 cloves oI garlic
- A pinch oI pepper
- salt to taste
or Sambal Petis
- 1 cloves oI garlic
- 5 bird's eyes chillies
- 2 tablespoons oI dried shrimp paste (petis udang)
- 1 tablespoons oI water
- 1 teaspoon oI sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
//itional Ingre/ients
- Lontong (compressed rice), check the recipe here.
- 200 g Iried toIu
- Sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
- 2 tablespoons oI Iried shallot Ior garnish
A. The broth
1. Boiled the beeI meat with 500 ml water until you get the beeI broth. Take out the meat.
2. Blend or grind the shallots, garlic, salt and pepper. Then heat the oil and saute the paste
until Iragrant.
3. Put the Iried paste into the broth; add beeI seasoning mixture/beeI bouillon. Continue
cooking Ior 5 minutes. Then add the celery and the bean sprout. Let it cook Ior Iew minutes.
Don't cook it too long because it would make the bean spout overcooked (too soIt)
B. Lentho
1. Bring to boil red bean. Cook until its soIt enough. When it's cooked, take out Irom the
water and let it cold.
2. Grind or blend the shallots, garlic, coriander, salt and pepper into paste. Then add the red
bean and smashed coarsely.
3. Then add the tapioca Ilour and the granted coconut. Mix well all the ingredients.
4. Form into oval small dough. Fry in deep wok over medium heat until crispy. Remove Irom
the pan. Cut into pieces beIore serve.
C. Sambal Petis
1. Fry the garlic and the chillies. Set aside.
2. Then blend or grind them with dried shrimp paste (petis udang). Add the water and sweet
soy sauce (kecap manis), mix them.
D. Serve
In a plate, cut lontong into small pieces, then add the bean sprout, lentho, Iried toIu and
garnish Iried shallot. Pour the broth, and then drizzle with sweet soy sauce. II you like it
spicy, add the petis sambal.
ado-ado (in Indonesian or Betawi language), also called Lotek (in Sundanese) Ior its
cooked version - diIIered Irom lotek atah or karedok Ior its Iresh and raw version oI the
vegetable covered with peanut sauce and pecel (Javanese language) is an Indonesian dish
comprising a vegetable salad served with a peanut sauce dressing. It is thought to have
originally been a Sundanese dish. It is widely served Irom hawkers carts, stalls (arung) as
well as in restaurants and hotel both in Indonesia and worldwide.
Gado-gado is part oI a wide range oI Indonesian dressing & salad combinations, along with
lotek, pecel and karedok. In many places, to retain authenticity in both the production and
Ilavor, the peanut sauce is made in individual batches, in Iront oI the customers. However,
since the dish has gained popularity (because oI the increase oI Asian-themed restaurants)
Gado-gado sauce is now mostly made ahead oI time and cooked in bulk, although this is
probably more common in Western restaurants rather than in Indonesia. Compared to
Western and Indonesian salads, Gado-gado has much more sauce in it. Instead oI being used
as a light dressing, the vegetables should be well coated in the sauce.
Many stores now oIIer Gado-Gado dressing in dried blocks to which you simply add hot
water, making it easier and cheaper to cook at home.
O c Flaked coco3ut
O c Hot water
O O3io3 -- chopped
O cl arlic -- fi3ely chopped
O ts Pea3ut oil
O c Pea3ut butter
O c Water
O tb Suar
O ts Salt
O ts Chili powder
O ts rou3d i3er SALA
O c Bea3 sprouts
O c Cabbae -- shredded
O oz Bea3 curd -- drai3ed a3d cut -i3to pieces
O tb Pea3ut or veetable oil
O c Potatoes -- cooked, peeled -a3d sliced
O c ree3 bea3s -- cooked
O c Carrots -- cooked & sliced
O Cucumber -- sliced
O Hard-cooked es -- peeled -a3d sliced
%o prepare Dressing, place coco3ut i3 ble3der co3tai3er. Add cup hot water. Cover
a3d ble3d o3 hih speed about seco3ds. Cook a3d stir o3io3 a3d arlic i3 oil
i3 -quart saucepa3 about 5 mi3utes. Stir i3 coco3ut a3d remai3i3 i3redie3ts.
Heat to boili3, stirri3 co3sta3tly. #educe heat. Simmer, u3covered, stirri3
occasio3ally, u3til slihtly thicke3ed, about mi3utes.
%o prepare Sala/, pour e3ouh boili3 water over bea3 sprouts a3d cabbae to
cover. Let sta3d mi3utes. rai3. Cook bea3 curd i3 oil i3 -i3ch skillet over
medium heat, tur3i3 pieces e3tly, u3til liht brow3. #emove with slotted
spoo3. rai3. Cook potatoes i3 same skillet u3til liht brow3. rai3. Arra3e
bea3 sprouts, cabbae, bea3 curd, potatoes a3d remai3i3 i3redie3ts o3 platter.
Pour warm dressi3 over Salad.
1empe enyeL ls Lhe Lyplcal food of Lhe reglon of LasL !ava lndonesla 1hese foods are made
from Lempeh marlnaLed ln broLh wlLh seasonlng salL and corlander 1empe ls Lhen frled and
served wlLh chlll sauce afLer cooklng enyeL name comes from Lhe !ava language whlch
means pulverlzed lL refers Lo Lhls Lempe crushed and pulverlzed wlLh a llLLle sauce before
300 gr Lempe cuL 1 Z cm Lhlck
30 ml waLer
1 Lea spoon of smooLh corlander
a llLLle of salL
a llLLle of cooklng oll
sambals lngredlenL
8 blg chlllboll lL a whlle
10 chlll pepper boll lL for a whlle Loo
1 Lea spoon of grlll shrlmp pasLe (Lerasl)
salL and sugar as u wlsh
2 leaf of oranges leavessllce lL
Pow 1o Make 1empe enyeL
1 puL Lhe Lempe lnLo Lhe waLerglve corlanderand salL as you wlshleL lL absorb for 10
2 heaL Lhe cooklng ollfrled Lempe unLll klnd of goldyor as you wlshdraln lL up
3 make all Lhe sambals lngredlenL smooLh excepL orange leavesafLer everyLhlng flnlshpour
Lhe orange leaves
4puL Lhe Lempe on Lhe plaLepush lL Llll flaLand puL Lhe sambal on Lop of Lhe Lempe
wallaLempe penyeL from lndonesla ls ready Lo eaL
Lheres anoLher reclpes l found on Lhe lnLerneLbuL you can Lry boLh of lL
* 130 grams Lempeh Lhen frled unLll cooked
* 2 large red chllles
* 8 red chlllles
* rlpe 2 Leaspoons shrlmp pasLe
* salL Lo LasLe
* 1 LomaLo and sllced
* 1 Lsp lemon llme
* basll leaves Lo LasLe
* cucumber LasLe
1 use a pesLle and morLar a large red peppers coarse pulverlzed chlll pepper flsh pasLe
and salL Add llme and sllces of LomaLoes and sLlr well
2 1empe penyeL above unLll flaL
3 Serve wlLh basll leaves and sllced cucumber