McGuire 2012

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Microb Ecol (2012) 63:804–812

DOI 10.1007/s00248-011-9973-x


Fungal Community Composition in Neotropical Rain

Forests: the Influence of Tree Diversity and Precipitation
Krista L. McGuire & Noah Fierer & Carling Bateman &
Kathleen K. Treseder & Benjamin L. Turner

Received: 30 May 2011 / Accepted: 20 October 2011 / Published online: 12 November 2011
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Plant diversity is considered one factor structur- fatty acid analysis to evaluate correlations between micro-
ing soil fungal communities because the diversity of bial community composition, precipitation, soil nutrients,
compounds in leaf litter might determine the extent of and plant richness. In soil, the number of fungal taxa
resource heterogeneity for decomposer communities. Low- increased significantly with increasing mean annual precip-
land tropical rain forests have the highest plant diversity per itation, but not with plant richness. There were no
area of any biome. Since fungi are responsible for much of correlations between fungal communities in leaf litter and
the decomposition occurring in forest soils, understanding plant diversity or precipitation, and fungal communities
the factors that structure fungi in tropical forests may were found to be compositionally distinct between soil and
provide valuable insight for predicting changes in global leaf litter. To directly test for effects of plant species
carbon and nitrogen fluxes. To test the role of plant richness on fungal diversity and function, we experimen-
diversity in shaping fungal community structure and tally re-created litter diversity gradients in litter bags with 1,
function, soil (0–20 cm) and leaf litter (O horizons) were 25, and 50 species of litter. After 6 months, we found a
collected from six established 1-ha forest census plots significant effect of litter diversity on decomposition rate
across a natural plant diversity gradient on the Isthmus of between one and 25 species of leaf litter. However, fungal
Panama. We used 454 pyrosequencing and phospholipid richness did not track plant species richness. Although
studies in a broader range of sites is required, these results
K. L. McGuire (*) : C. Bateman suggest that precipitation may be a more important factor
Barnard College, Columbia University, than plant diversity or soil nutrient status in structuring
3009 Broadway(
New York, NY 10027, USA
tropical forest soil fungal communities.
e-mail: [email protected]
C. Bateman
e-mail: [email protected] Introduction

N. Fierer Soil fungi are integral components to nutrient cycling in forest

University of Colorado,
ecosystems [1], but little is known about the ecological factors
Boulder, CO, USA
e-mail: [email protected] that structure their diversity and distribution in tropical rain
forests. While several recent studies in tropical rain forests
K. K. Treseder have used DNA sequencing technologies to assess microbial
University of California,
diversity [2–5], our knowledge of tropical soil fungi is mostly
Irvine, CA, USA
e-mail: [email protected] limited to sporocarp surveys and community profiling data
[6–8]. Most molecular-based investigations of soil fungi have
B. L. Turner been performed in temperate and boreal systems (e.g.,
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,
[9–11]), but the unique attributes of tropical ecosystems mean
Apartado 0843-03092,
Balboa, Ancon, Republic of Panama it might not be possible to generalize findings from higher
e-mail: [email protected] latitudes to soil microbes in tropical forests [12].
Fungi in Tropical Soils and Leaf Litter 805

Lowland tropical rain forests often contain hundreds of differently to plant diversity and precipitation compared to
tree species per hectare [13, 14], which may have important fungi in mineral soil. Following field collection, samples
implications for soil fungi involved in litter decomposition. were immediately frozen at −20 °C. In addition to microbial
Leaf structure, chemistry, and elemental stoichiometry vary analyses (see following section), soils were analyzed for pH
markedly across plant taxa, and the quantity and quality of in a 1:2 water ratio using a glass electrode and Mehlich P,
plant-derived organic inputs can influence decomposition Ca, K, Mg, Al, Fe, Mn, and Zn using inductively coupled
rates [15–18]. Fungi degrade a large portion of the plant- plasma atomic emission spectroscopy [31]. To generate C/N
derived compounds [19], so the diverse mixtures of leaf ratios, total C and N were analyzed using dry combustion.
litter on the forest floor of tropical rain forests may enable To directly test for effects of plant species richness on
the coexistence of diverse fungal taxa via resource fungal diversity and function, we experimentally re-created
partitioning [20, 21]. Spatial differentiation and resource litter diversity gradients in 2-mm nylon screen litter bags
partitioning has been demonstrated for several groups of (20×20 cm) with 1, 25, and 50 species of plant leaf litter.
fungi [22–24], indicating that resource heterogeneity may Leaf litter was collected in traps on Barro Colorado Island
be important for supporting diverse fungal assemblages. over a period of 6 months (emptied every week), air-dried,
Nonetheless, field and laboratory experiments evaluating and identified to species when possible. Plant species were
links between plant diversity, fungal diversity, and ecosys- randomly selected from a pool of 72 species (supplemen-
tem function have yielded mixed results [1, 25, 26]. tary docs) and placed in three separate combinations for
Furthermore, the few studies that have been performed in each treatment. For single species treatments, we selected
tropical ecosystems have been conducted in experimental, Doliocarpus sp. (Dilleniaceae), Trichilia tuberculata
montane, or agricultural systems (e.g., [27–29]). Therefore, (Meliaceae), and Alseis blackiana (Rubiaceae) because
the applicability of those results to diverse lowland rain these species were abundant in litter traps and are well
forest is unknown. represented in a 50-ha permanent forest research plot that
In this study, we evaluated the effects of plant litter has been intensely studied since 1980 [32]. Leaf litter was
diversity on fungal diversity and function using a series of manually broken into pieces for every treatment in order to
plots in tropical rain forest across the Isthmus of Panama fit all species combinations into the litter bags. Litter bags
that varied in tree diversity [30]. Findings from the natural were filled with 15 g of leaf litter for each treatment and
diversity gradient were integrated with experimental manip- placed on the mineral soil surface in three sites in the
ulations of plant diversity in a litter decomposition primary rain forest on Barro Colorado Island outside of the
experiment. We tested the hypotheses that (1) fungal 50-ha research plot. All three of the litter decomposition
diversity and microbial biomass would be positively sites were of the same soil type (AVA soil; Typic Eutrudox
correlated with natural gradients in plant diversity and (2) [33]) and had similar mean annual precipitation. After
fungal diversity would be correlated with experimental 6 months, bags were collected and weighed to determine
manipulations of leaf litter diversity, mimicking patterns the effect of plant litter diversity on mass loss rates.
found across the natural plant diversity gradient.
Microbial Analyses

Methods DNA was extracted from 0.25 g sub-samples of the composite

soil and litter samples in each plot and from each litter bag
Field Work using the Powersoil DNA extraction kit (MoBio, Carlsbad, CA,
USA). Three DNA extractions from each sample were pooled
To assess the effects of natural variations in plant diversity, to obtain a better representation of the microbial community
we examined soil fungal diversity and microbial biomass in [34]. General fungal primers targeting the fungal 18S rRNA
pre-existing plots in Panama that contained between 63 and gene [35] were modified and successfully implemented to
165 tree species ha−1. All plots were 1 ha in size and amplify the general fungal community using a barcoded
characterized as old growth, primary forest [30]. These pyrosequencing procedure described previously [36–39]. The
plots also varied in mean annual precipitation and several forward primer consisted of the 454 Life Sciences Primer B
soil properties (Table 1), so all quantified biotic and abiotic attached to the SSU817f primer with an “AG” linker sequence
factors were included in the final analyses. From each plot, (GCCTTGCCAGCCCGCTCAGAGTTAGCATGGAA
15 composite soil cores (0–20 cm) were collected from TAATRR-AATAGGA). The reverse primer contained the 454
random locations within each plot. At the same point of soil Life Sciences Primer A, a unique 12 base-code barcode for
core collection, the leaf litter (O horizons) from the forest each PCR product, with an “AC” sequence linking it to the
floor was also collected, as we expected that fungi in SSU1196r primer (GCCTCCCTCGCGCCATCAG-12 bp bar-
freshly fallen and partially decomposed litter might respond code ACTCTGGACCTGGTGAGTTTCC). The 12-bp bar-
806 K. L. McGuire et al.

Table 1 Data for plots used in

microbial analyses that naturally Plot ID
varied in plant diversity and
other biotic and abiotic factors 7 B3 B1 B6 9 32
(plant data from Pyke et al. [30])
Annual ppt (mm) 2,438 2,579 2,589 2,589 2,889 3,293
# Species 93 99 84 76 107 165
Fisher’s alpha 39.21 41.59 31.41 23.1 41.6 81.35
Shannon (H′) 3.96 3.97 3.53 2.66 3.91 4.52
pH 4.5 6.4 6.3 5.6 4.9 5.8
P (mg Pkg ) 2.1 1.5 3.6 7.0 1.5 1.3
Al (mg Al kg−1) 745.5 791.7 1,302.8 1,396.3 886.5 968.4
Total bases (Ca+K+Mg) 387.9 3,285.7 2,111.2 1,046.5 2,297.0 2,057.9
All data for plant communities
were derived from woody spe- NH4 (mg Nkg−1) 0.3 1.7 2.4 2.3 4.8 2.5
cies ≥10.0 cm dbh. Soils NO3 (mg Nkg−1) 1.8 2.9 2.3 2.5 1.0 1.6
analyses were derived from C/N ratio 6.7 8.0 8.5 8.9 5.1 10.4
mineral soil cores (0–20 cm)

code allowed us to pool together all of the amplicons for Technologies). Total PLFAs were used as an index of living
sequencing with sequences ultimately assigned to individual microbial biomass. The mean for both PLFA extractions
samples. Amplifications were done according to a previously was used in the calculations for each sample.
described protocol [36] using 0.25 μl of each primer
(30 mM), 3 μl of DNA template, and 22.5 μl Platinum Statistical Analyses
PCR SuperMix (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Fungal
amplicons were sequenced on a Roche 454 Gene Sequencer To determine the relationships between fungal community
at the Environmental Genomics Core Facility at the University composition (fungal phylotypes and total biomass), plant
of South Carolina (Columbia, SC, USA) running the titanium species richness, soil chemistry, and mean annual precipi-
chemistry. tation across the 1-ha plots, Spearman rank correlation
Following pyrosequencing, sequences were processed analyses were performed using SPSS (SPSS v. 17.0 for
through the Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology Mac, Chicago, IL, USA). Compositional differences in
(QIIME) pipeline [40]. In QIIME, sequences were quality fungal communities across soil and litter horizons were
checked, aligned, and grouped into phylotypes at a 97% analyzed by analysis of similarity (ANOSIM). Data were
sequence similarity cutoff. While 97% sequence similarity rarified to 1,000 sequences prior to downstream analyses.
is an arbitrary delineation of fungal taxa, other ecological Proportional counts of rarified phylotypes were then
studies use this and similar cutoff values (e.g., [2, 11, 41]). square-root transformed minimizing the influence of rare
One phylotype representative from each group was chosen, taxa. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots were used
and a phylogenetic tree was constructed with the FastTree to visualize similarity in fungal community composition
algorithm [42]. The closest taxonomic identity for each across plots (Primer v6).
representative phylotype was determined by BLAST For the litter bag decomposition experiment, a general
comparison against sequences contained within the SILVA linear model was used to evaluate the effects of litter
database [43] and GenBank. diversity on fungal richness. Spearman rank correlation
Microbial biomass was measured on plot samples of soil analyses were used to test for relationships between fungal
and leaf litter using phospholipid fatty acid analysis richness, plant litter richness, and decomposition rate (k).
(PLFA). PLFA was not performed on litter bag samples,
as there was insufficient material. For PLFA analyses, two
samples (2 g each) of both organic and mineral soil were Results
lyophilized from each plot [44]. Lipids were extracted from
each sample with a single-phase, phosphate-buffered, Plot Analyses
CHCl3–CH3OH solvent and separated from neutral and
glycolipid fractions by silicic acid column chromatography. Four hundred fifty-four pyrosequencing yielded a total of
Phospholipids were transesterified to fatty acid methyl 57,560 sequences with 9,733 phylotypes and an average of
esters and quantified by mass spectrometry [45, 46] using 1,598 sequences per sample. Seventeen percent were non-
an Agilent 6980N gas chromatography system (Agilent fungal eukaryotes and 0.4% could not be identified to
Fungi in Tropical Soils and Leaf Litter 807

Table 2 Results of Spearman

ranked correlations for fungal Plant richness Precipitation
taxa and microbial biomass in Spearman’s ρ Spearman’s ρ
litter, mineral soil, and both
horizons combined Total fungal phylotypes (litter) 0.40 0.10
Total fungal phylotypes (soil) 0.39 0.75*
Total fungal phylotypes (litter+soil) 0.41 0.57*
Total microbial biomass (litter+soil) 0.38 0.10
Litter Total fungal orders 0.30 −0.20
Total fungal families −0.30 0.00
Total microbial biomass 0.31 0.09
Soil Total fungal orders 0.52 0.74*
N=12; one soil and one litter Total fungal families 0.37 0.90**
sample were analyzed per plot
Total microbial biomass 0.54 0.99**
*p<0.05; **p<0.01

domain. Prior to statistical analyses, non-fungal and of 945 sequences per sample and 367 unique phylotypes per
unclassifiable sequences were removed, leaving an average sample (soil and litter samples were counted separately).

Figure 1 Nonmetric multidi-

mensional scaling plots show- a
ing compositional separation of
fungal communities across litter
(O horizons; N=5) and mineral
soil (N=6) horizons for plots (a)
and all samples including litter
bags (b) (N=36)

808 K. L. McGuire et al.

Across plots, the total number of fungal phylotypes (soil+ A.

litter) was not significantly correlated with plant species 60 a

richness but was significantly correlated with mean annual

Percent mass remaining

precipitation (Table 2). When analyzed separately, soil and
litter fungi responded differently to precipitation; total soil 40 b
fungal phylotypes increased significantly with increasing b

mean annual precipitation, whereas precipitation had no 30

significant effect on litter fungi (Table 2).
When separated out by soil vs. litter horizons, ANOSIM
showed that fungal communities were distinct across horizons 10
(Fig. 1; R=0.96, p<0.001). In soils, there were significantly 0 10 20 30 40 50
more fungal sequences from the Chytridiomycota (Fig. 2; F Number of plant species
(1, 10)=16.1; p=0.003) and Glomeromycota (F (1, 10)=15.8;
p=0.003). By contrast, litter samples contained significantly B. 80
more Ascomycota (F (1, 10)=9.9; p=0.01). Total Basidiomy-
cota sequences did not differ significantly among soils
(F (1, 10)=1.5; p=0.2). 60

Percent mass remaining

Total microbial biomass (per gram of dry matter) showed
similar patterns across horizons as pyrosequencing results:
Microbial biomass was significantly correlated with mean 40
annual precipitation in soil samples (ρ=0.81, p<0.03), but
not with plant richness or stem number (Table 2). Microbial
biomass was not significantly correlated with any of the 20

plant metrics or precipitation in litter or when data for soil

and litter samples were combined. In soils, the mole
percentage of the 16:1ω5c PLFA, an indicator of arbuscular
Trichilia Doliocarpus Alseis
mycorrhizal biomass [47, 48], was significantly correlated
with mean annual precipitation (ρ=0.81, p=0.03) and tree Figure 3 Percent mass remaining in leaf litter bags (N=26) for all species
species richness (ρ=0.78; p=0.04). The mole percentage of treatments (a) and for single species treatments (b) after 6 months (mean
± SE). Different letters above error bars indicate significance at p<0.05
fungal biomass in litter was significantly correlated with the
number of tree stems (ρ=0.77; p=0.04), but not with any
other plot metric. Total microbial biomass per gram of dry samples (F (1, 10)=46.9, p<0.001), and the mole percent-
matter was significantly higher in litter compared to soil age of fungal PLFAs was also significantly higher in litter

Figure 2 Relative abundances 0.70

of fungal phyla found in litter *
(N=5) versus soil (N=6) frac- Litter
tions of 1-ha plots. For each 0.60 Soil
sample, abundances were calcu-
lated as the proportion of
sequences in each fungal 0.50
phylum. Asterisks indicate
Proportion of sequences

significance at p<0.05




0.00 *
Ascomycota Basidiomycota Chytridiomycota Glomeromycota Zygomycota
Fungi in Tropical Soils and Leaf Litter 809

versus soil samples (F (1, 10)=29.6, p<0.001), resulting in communities. There was also no relationship among plant
higher fungal to bacterial ratios in litter (F (1, 10)=23.0, p< richness and fungal richness in the 1-ha forest plots, indicating
0.001). that relationships among fungal diversity and the plant species
Soil elemental analyses (Table 1) revealed that in soil in these forests are complex with no clear pattern of
samples, total microbial biomass was positively correlated correlation. Rather, our results from 454 pyrosequencing
with total inorganic N (ρ=0.77, p=0.04) but none of the showed that soil fungal richness was positively correlated with
other elemental data. NH4 was positively correlated with increasing precipitation, but not with increasing tree species
total fungal phylotypes (ρ=0.77, p=0.02) and total fungal richness or soil nutrients. However, since we only analyzed
families (ρ=0.83, p=0.02). C/N ratios were positively samples from six 1-ha plots, results should be interpreted with
correlated with total fungal orders (ρ=0.94, p=0.002). caution, as more intensive sampling across the precipitation
gradient may reveal different correlates of soil fungal
Litter Bag Experiment communities.
The fact that there was not a clear relationship between
After 6 months, decomposition of leaf litter in single fungal diversity and plant diversity is counter to expect-
species bags was significantly slower than decomposition ations, particularly in the litter decomposition experiment.
in 25 (p=0.03) and 50 species treatments (Fig. 3a; p=0.02). Based on our results, the observed increase in decomposi-
However, there was no difference in decomposition rates tion rates from one to 25 litter species in the litter bag
between 25 and 50 species treatments (p=0.96). There was experiment did not appear to result from parallel increases
also no difference in decomposition rates among single in fungal richness. Numerous studies have reported additive
species litter bags containing only Doliocarpus sp., Trichi- and synergistic effects of litter mixing in decomposition
lia, or Alseis (Fig. 3b). experiments [1, 49], and microbial community composition
Fungal richness was not significantly correlated with has been suggested as a plausible mechanism for these
plant litter diversity. In single species treatments, fungal patterns [25, 50]. However, relationships between plant
communities decomposing Doliocarpus sp. litter were diversity, microbial diversity, and ecosystem function have
significantly clustered (Fig. 4; R=0.94), but there were no been highly variable across studies [51, 52], and we only
detectable patterns in fungal communities for other single found significant relationships between litter diversity and
species litter bags. decomposition at the low end of the plant litter richness
continuum. Other experiments have found similar results, in
which a decelerating relationship between decomposition
Discussion rates and increasing microbial or plant litter species was
observed [53–55]. This type of relationship between
We found little support for the hypothesis that increasing the diversity and function implies some level of functional
number of leaf litter species decomposing on the forest floor overlap among decomposer microbes in their breakdown of
will result in greater diversity and abundance of fungal plant materials [53]. More detailed chemical analyses of the

Figure 4 Non-metric multidi-

mensional scaling plot of fungal
communities in single species
litter bag treatments (N=9).
There was no overall difference
in fungal communities between
the three litter types; however,
fungal communities in bags with
Doliocarpus litter were more
similar to each other (ANOSIM
p<0.05) when samples were
coded as Doliocarpus vs.
810 K. L. McGuire et al.

plant litter we used in the decomposition experiment may experiment. Collecting and export permits were granted from the
Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente of Panama. Jenny Talbot and Angela
reveal that the plant species were more similar chemically
Nguyen assisted with C and N measurements, and Steve Allison and
than would be expected taxonomically [56]. Focusing on Donovan German helped with extracellular enzyme assays and data
the litter chemistry, rather than the plant species composi- interpretation. We also thank two anonymous reviewers for helping to
tion per se, should be a priority for future studies. improve the quality and clarity of the manuscript. This work was funded
by NSF Ecosystems (DEB-0640666) and the Kearney Foundation.
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