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2024-07-27 17 - 38 - 50.766 - 1
2024-07-27 17 - 38 - 50.766 - 1
Ms. G. Sravanthi
Assistant Professor
• Mongolier Brothers flew first hot-air
balloon in 1783
• Ben Franklin saw first balloon flight and
immediately saw the military potential
• First used for military purposes by the
French in 1794 at Maubege
• Union and Confederate forces employed
balloons during the American Civil War
4Balloons (Cont)
• Adolphus V. Greely, the grandfather of
military aviation in US, revived interest in
military capability of balloons in 1891
– 1892 -- Greely balloon used to direct artillery fire
during the Battle of San Juan Hill
• Interest in balloons dropped quickly with the
development of heavier-than-air vehicles
• Steerable balloons -- ofte alled Aiships
• 1884 -- first successful flight in a dirigible
• Ferdinand Von Zeppelin -- person most readily
identified with dirigibles
– Zeppelins first flown in 1900
– Germans used to bomb England in WW I
– Germans used to fly observation cover for their
surface fleet in WW I
• Vulnerable to winds and ground fire
6The Early Years of Flight
• Uses of Balloons and Dirigibles
– Reconnaissance
– Artillery spotting
– Bombing (extremely limited prior to WW I)
– Morale Booster/Mail/Escape Means
– Air transport of supplies
7Early Pioneers of Flight
• Otto Lilienthal -- studied gliders and first to
explain the superiority of curved surfaces
• Percy Pilcher -- built airplane chassis
• Octave Chanute -- Developed a double winged-
glider/wrote history of flight to1900
• Samuel P. Langley -- First to secure government
support to develop an airplane
– Failed twice to fly from houseboat in 1903
– Congress withdrew monetary support
8Orville and Wilbur Wright
• First to fly a heavier-than-air, power-driven
machine -- 17 December 1903
– Flight traveled 120 feet and lasted 12 seconds
• Approached flying scientifically and
• Used experience of Lilienthal, Pilcher and
• Built a glider in Dayton in 1899
– Moved to Kitty Hawk, N. Carolina in 1900
9Reatios to the Wight’s Ietio
• US government was very skeptical at first
– Not iteested eause of the Lagle’s failues
• Britain and France were very enthusiastic
• President Roosevelt directed the Secretary of
War, W. H. Taft, to investigate the Wright
Bothes’ ietio i 9
• Dec.1907 -- Chief Signal Officer, BG James Allen,
issued Specification # 486 calling for bids to
build the first military aircraft
10Signal Corps Specification
# 486
• Established the requirements for the first military
aircraft. Aircraft must be able to:
– Carry 2 persons
– Reach speed of 40 mph
– Carry sufficient fuel for 125 mile nonstop flight
– Be controllable in flight in any direction
– Fly at least one hour
– Land at take-off point, without damage
– Be taken apart and reassembled in one hour
– No Military Operational Requirements Specified
11Specification # 486 (Cont)
• 41 proposals were received, only 3
complied with specifications
• US Army signed contract with Wright
Brothers on 10 Feb 1908
• Wright Brothers delivered the first military
aircraft on 20 Aug 1908
• US Army accepted the first operational
aircraft on 2 Aug 1909
12The Early Years of Flight
Closing Remarks
• Until WW I balloons, dirigibles and aircraft
were primarily reconnaissance vehicles
• Early on, the flying machines were not seen
as weapons of war
• Few believed the flying service was ready to
be a separate air force
• The potential uses of the airplane would
evolve considerably during WW I
• Early Uses of Lighter-than-Air Flying
• Heavier-than-Air Flying Machines
– The U“ A’s Reatio to the Wight Bothes’
– The A’s Reuieets fo the Fist Milita
• Early Uses of Airpower
14History of FlightAviation Through the Ages
1000B.C to 1250A.D
• Man's observations of the earth around him aroused his
curiosity and often inspired him to attempt the impossible.
How did man's lack of knowledge of the physical laws of
nature sometimes bring him tragedy?
• The Greek myth of Daedalus and his son Icarus was written
around 1000 B.C. The myth states that after Daedalus built
the labyrinth the king of Crete threw him in it to test it. He
and his son Icarus escaped by building wings of wax and
flying away. However Icarus flew too high and the wax in
his wings began to melt. His wings collapsed and he
plunged to his death in the sea.
• Kites flown around the year 400 B.C. in China were
ancestors of modern aviation and the airplane. In the year
1020 A.D. Oliver of Malmesbury put on a pair of wings and
leapt from the top of an abbey. He landed very hard and
broke his legs. Luckily he survived the crash. Many others
attempted to fly with "wings" but all failed, sometimes
fatally.Aviation Through the Ages
1250 to 1750
The key to their success was to learn how to control the plane.
How were they able to accomplish this task?
• In 1914 World War I broke out. At first planes were used mostly
for reconnaissance, but later planes developed into biplane and
triplane fighters and bombers. Experiments were done with even
more sets of wings, but most failed. The main fighters of the war
were the British Sopwith "Camel," its cousin, "The Snipe," and
the famous German Fokker Df.I which was flown by the infamous
Red Baron. Aerial tactics and strategies were developed during
the middle of the war. Germany developed many fighter tactics
that are still in modified use today. The compass was an
important instrument to these early fighters. How do they work?
How has the technology changed over the decades?Aviation Through the Ages
1900 to 1935
• After the war General Billy Mitchell became an
advocate for military aviation. He and his pilots
achieved many firsts in the field of aviation during
these golden years. But the Europeans were leading
the race in commercial flight. It wasn't until Ralph
Pulitzer offered a trophy to promote high-speed flight
and began a national craze for air races that the
American public began to take notice.
• In 1918, the Post Office Department started airmail
service in the United States. The first Mailwing was
built by Pitcairn Aviation, Inc. In 1926, Congress
passed the Air Commerce Act. This established an
Aeronautics Branch within the Department of
Commerce. They were authorized to license planes
and pilots and provide standards for commercial
flight. And in 1927, Charles Lindbergh completed the
first transatlantic flight. He instantly became a world
• Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across
the Atlantic in 1928.Aviation Through the Ages
1935 A.D to 1950 A.D
• New technologies developed throughout the course
of World War II. The motto was if you commanded
the skies you could win the war.
• World War II implemented almost exclusively
monoplanes. Both sides of the war manufactured
literally thousands of fighters and bombers. The
main Allied planes included the British Supermarine
Spitfire Mk.IV, the American P-51 Mustang, the
American C-4U Corsair, the American B-17, and the
American B-29 Superfortress. The Grumann F6F
Hellcat was first used in 1943 and became the
premier carrier fighter plane. The main Axis planes
were the Bf109, the Junkers Ju-22, and the Stuka
dive-bomber. The mainstay of the Japanese forces
was the feared Mitsubishi Zero-sen. Our hangar
also includes the North American T28 B and the AT-
6 Texan, other planes from this period.Aviation Through the Ages
1935 A.D to 1950 A.D
• The major air battle of WW II was
the Battle of Britain. For days the
much larger German Luftwaffe
attacked the British Isles, but the
small number of British Spitfires
always seemed to know exactly
where and when the German
bombers would be attacking and
how large of a force.
The reason for this was a relatively
new technology called radar
allowed the British ground
stations to detect and identify the
size, speed, distance, and
trajectory of the German bombers
and send their Spitfires on perfect
intercept missions.Aviation Through the Ages
1935 A.D to 1950 A.D
• Instrumentation was crude in
comparison to today's technology. In
the early days pilots relied on
landmarks and sometimes even pre-
set bonfires to guide them along their
way. What were the early
instruments like and what were their
functions? How has instrumentation
evolved through the ages?
• In the late 1940's, the military had
developed the jet engine and began
changing over to jet fighters. This
resulted in faster and better
performing craft. New aviation
records were set. In 1947, Chuck
Yeager broke the sound barrier.Aviation Through the Ages
1950 A.D to 1975 A.D
• The Nighthawk (F-117A) first flew in 1981 and began combat in 1989. This jet
was designed to avoid detection and mount precision attacks. It is the first
stealth combat aircraft in the world. It has a top speed of 593 mph (955 kph) and
is loaded with 5,000 lbs. of weapons. The choice of weaponry varies from laser-
guided bombs, air-to-air missiles, or air-to-surface missiles. Two types of
weapons can be carried at one time. The outside of the Nighthawk is coated
with a special material that absorbs some of the radar signals that strike it. It
protected by 24 hour security with armed guards all around it. Authorized
personnel must pass a palm print test to get near the aircraft.Aviation Through
the Ages
1975A.D to 2000A.D
• The CL-415, or "Firebird," is a very
important aircraft. This aircraft is
amphibious, which means it can be
operated from land or water. It was
developed by Canadair to stop raging
forest fires. However, it is also useful for
search and rescue missions, especially
on the sea. It can search for survivors
for up to seven hours before refueling.
It can scoop water into its tanks.
Through doors in the bottom of the
aircraft it drops water on the fire.
• The age of computers continues to
impact the aviation field. Today's
technology is exciting and it seems as if
"the sky's the limit" as we look into the
future.Aviation today and tomorrow
• Boeing 787
designed completely on
the computer
• will carry 250 - 290
passengers on routes of
8,000 to 8,500 nautical
• The airplane will use 20
percent less fuel for
comparable missions
than today's similarly
sized airplane. It will also
travel at speeds similar to
today's fastest wide
bodies, Mach 0.85.
Airlines will enjoy more
cargo revenue capacity.Martin Aircraft - Maryland
• 1937 Mini-Mariner,
the flying prototype
of the WWII flying
boat bomber
A PBM-3 Martin Mariner in flight
Martin PBM-5A Mariner.
This was the only amphibious version
of the Mariner.Basic Properties of the
AtmosphereEssential Points
1. Heat, Temperature and Temperature Scales
2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum
3. Composition of the Atmosphere
4. Layers in the atmosphere are defined by
temperature profiles
5. How pressure varies in the atmosphere
6. Principal weather instruments
7. Eath’s adiatio udgetHeat and Temperature
• Temperature: Average energy of molecules or
atoms in a material
• Heat: Total energy of molecules or atoms in a
• Can have large amount of heat but low
• Can have high temperatures but little heat
1. Heat, Temperature and
Temperature ScalesHeat and Temperature
• The eath’s outeost atosphee is
eteel hot ut its heat otet is
• The surface of the moon can reach 250 F in
sunlight and -200 F in shadow, but the vacuum
around the Apollo astronauts contained no
• It takes time for things to warm up and cool
1. Heat, Temperature and
Temperature ScalesTemperature Scales
• Fahrenheit
– Water Freezes at 32 F
– Water Boils at 212 F
• Centigrade or Celsius
– Water Freezes at 0 C
– Water Boils at 100 C
• Two scales exactly equal at -40