Wood Et Al - Real-Time Investigation of Tuberculosis Transmission Developing The Respiratory Aerosol Sampling Chamber RASC
Wood Et Al - Real-Time Investigation of Tuberculosis Transmission Developing The Respiratory Aerosol Sampling Chamber RASC
Wood Et Al - Real-Time Investigation of Tuberculosis Transmission Developing The Respiratory Aerosol Sampling Chamber RASC
Foundation Investment ID 26123 (WAB CJC AJH we observed the real-time production of large numbers of airborne particles including Mtb,
CER). as confirmed by microbiological culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) genotyping.
Competing Interests: WAB and CJC are employed Moreover, direct imaging of captured samples revealed the presence of multiple rod-like
by Zeteo Tech LLC. AJH is employed by RTI Mtb organisms whose physical dimensions suggested the capacity for travel deep into the
International. CER is employed by Aerosol Exposure
Dimensions. Belonging to these commercial entities
alveolar spaces of the human lung.
does not alter the authors’ adherence to PLOS ONE
policies on sharing data and materials.
In pioneering experiments over half a century ago, Wells and Riley confirmed the airborne
transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) [1,2]. Moreover, Wells proposed the concept
of an infectious quantum, a unit of infection capable of causing disease in 68.3% of susceptible
animals [1]. Key conclusions of these experiments—in particular, that there are low numbers of
infectious quanta and transmission is driven by a small subset of smear-positive patients—have
remained largely unchallenged. Subsequent data from similar animal studies appear to reinforce
these findings [3,4], although the experimental formats may have been characterized by even
lower sensitivities than the initial work of Wells and Riley owing to the need for higher levels of
diluting ventilation in modern health facilities [5]. In contrast, advances in molecular technol-
ogy have enabled the detection of large numbers of Mtb DNA copies circulating in the air of TB
treatment facilities [6,7,8]. Moreover, recent research [9] examining the exposure potentials of
healthcare workers in a South African TB clinic demonstrated the utility of personal exposure
sampling followed by PCR analysis as an effective tool to determine the risk of Mtb aerosol
exposure. Importantly, these observations implicated the close proximity of health workers to
patients—which resulted in concentrated exposure over shorter distances—as a possible reason
for the inability of fixed-location aerosol sampling to detect aerosols in the same setting. Fur-
thermore, the readily measureable breathing zone exposure described in this study strongly sup-
ports more extensive efforts to characterize the nature and sources of Mtb exposure and air
transmission routes in different environments. Such knowledge is critical to inform the most
robust mitigation recommendations for both occupational and residential settings; however it is
heavily reliant on the development of practical tools to enable a more thorough understanding
of the factors which determine Mtb particle production and transmission.
In clinical studies, there is a continued reliance on conventional bacteriology of sputum sam-
ples as a surrogate for infectiousness. Notwithstanding the practical benefits associated with a
population that is easily sampled and analyzed, the dependence on sputum obscures critical
uncertainties about the factors which ensure successful transmission of Mtb bacilli from one
individual to another. These include the number of infectious particles produced, the number of
bacilli within an infectious particle, the anatomical origin and composition of infective droplets,
and the physiological adaptations which enable airborne transmission and viability of Mtb. Crit-
ically, for a disease which is driven by the host immune response [10], there is also incomplete
knowledge about the mechanical, physiological, and immunopathological processes which
underlie the production of infectious aerosols. Addressing these questions is not a simple under-
taking, and requires the ability to observe in real time the release of Mtb particles by an infected
patient, and to integrate this information within a complex dataset describing the host, bacterial,
and environmental parameters which contribute to successful transfer of infecting bacilli to a
new recipient. In other words, developing a systems biology of TB transmission.
Towards this end, we designed a small personal clean room in which airborne Mtb could be
isolated in a clinical setting. Here, we detail the development and characterization of this
Respiratory Aerosol Sampling Chamber (RASC), and present initial data suggesting its poten-
tial to accommodate newly diagnosed TB cases for enumeration and morphological characteri-
zation of Mtb particles. Our ultimate goal is to utilize this information to generate models
predicting risks of TB exposure in specific environmental conditions, and to apply these mod-
els in developing practical interventions—clinical, operational, and infrastructural—to curb TB
transmission in a region characterized by an elevated force of infection [11].
Bioaerosol Characterization
The RASC was equipped with a suite of continuously operating particle sensors to characterize
aerosols with a temporal response of a few seconds. Central to the real-time measurement of
aerosol particle concentration and particle size distribution was an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer
Fig 1. The Respiratory Aerosol Sampling Chamber (RASC). (A) Photograph of the RASC (with the door open) on site in a community TB clinic (1)
aerodynamic particle sizer (2) Filter samplers (3) Andersen impactor (4) Mixing fan (5) CO2, temperature and RH (6) PM10 impactor (7) Chair for participant.
(B) Block diagram depicting the fluidic and electronic configuration of the RASC. Thick connecting lines indicate airflow and aerosol paths; thin lines indicate
electronic connections. All air leaving the RASC is HEPA filtered.
Fig 2. The in-built APS characterizes the particle size distribution spectrum within the RASC. (A) Typical background particle spectrum before and
after air wash. Note the 10-fold decrease in particle counts across all size ranges following the air wash. Total count from a typical five seconds of sampling.
(B) Artificial dry release of fluorescent polystyrene latex (PSL) microspheres. The APS instrument groups all particles with an aerodynamic diameter less
than 0.523 μm in the number bin on the far left of each chart. Note that the 1μm release (b) contained approximately ten times more particles in the release.
Total count from ten seconds of sampling at the peak of particle concentration. (Inset) corresponding SEM images of the released particles.
(APS Model 3321, TSI, Shoreview, MN USA) and a Laser Scattering Particle Counter (Model
3016, Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions, Medford, Oregon USA). These two instruments worked
in concert to characterize the aerosol particle environment in the RASC. The APS provided
high-resolution aerodynamic (as opposed to physical) particle size distributions in the particle
size range 0.7 μm to 20 μm. We assumed, based upon known deposition sites in the distal alveoli
of the lungs, that the modal size of Mtb-infected sputum droplets emitted by patients would be
centered within this range. Therefore, the measure of aerodynamic sizing was expected to
mimic the way aerosols are sized and transported through the human respiratory system. The
laser scattering particle counter provided lower resolution measurement of physical particle size
but was particularly useful for the study of submicron-sized particles with a minimum size of
0.3 μm. In general, the information obtained from the APS was considered more likely to be rel-
evant to the predicted behavior of particles in the lungs; however, the correlation between mea-
surements on the two instruments (APS and laser scattering particle counter) provided rich
data on the bio-aerosols generated by the patient during occupation of the RASC.
a final concentration of 20 μg/mL. For the pilot TB studies, the Andersen impactor contained
solid 7H10 agar (Difco) plates supplemented with 0.2% glycerol and oleic acid/albumin/dex-
trose/catalase (OADC) complex.
PCR genotyping of the Mtb RD9 region was performed by amplifying genomic DNA from
putative Mtb CFU using the primer set RD9/qRTF (5’-tgagtggcgatggtcaacac-3’)
and RD9/qRTR (5’-gatggcgttcggaaagaaac-3’).
For analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), samples were air-dried on aluminium
foil and imaged without coating using a Zeiss/Leo 1450 Scanning Electron Microscope
equipped with a lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) cathode. Images were captured in secondary
electron mode at 10 kV.
Aerosol characterization of the RASC
In advance of patient testing in the RASC, it was important to characterize the behavior of parti-
cles in the chamber and demonstrate that accurate results could be obtained from both artificial
and live aerosol releases. For artificial release, fluorescent polystyrene latex (PSL) microspheres
(Sigma-Aldrich Corp, St. Louis, MO and Polysciences Inc., Warrington, PA) were “dry” aerosol-
ized into the chamber. The resulting size distribution graphs (Fig 2B) confirmed accurate cali-
bration of the APS system for the three bead sizes: 0.5 μm, 1.0 μm, and 2.0 μm. Quantitative
SEM methodology (Fig 2B) indicates that the actual bead sizes were 0.47 μm, 0.91 μm and
1.74 μm. After PSL beads were introduced into the RASC, they were observed by the APS within
6 seconds and were well mixed within 20 seconds of release. Analysis of the APS size-bins asso-
ciated with the 2 μm beads indicated that the count of PSL beads relative to background clutter
prior to release was approximately 50. This ratio was defined as the “signal to clutter ratio” and,
for the 1 μm beads, the ratio was calculated as approximately 250.
For live aerosol release, we utilized a fluorescent reporter mutant of M. smegmatis mc2155,
since the non-pathogenic mycobacterial model organism is of equivalent size and morphology
to M. tuberculosis [15]. Suspensions of the exponentially growing M. smegmatis::gfp reporter
strain were aerosolized into the RASC at several different concentrations to test the capacity of
the system to characterize bioaerosols of mycobacteria accurately. Two different protocols
were used to aerosolize M. smegmatis::gfp: an adapted micro paint sprayer that was fed by high
pressure HEPA-filtered air to create a “wet” aerosol with heavy particle clustering; and an ultra-
sonic, vibrating orifice nebulizer (Model DPD-1b, BioProcess Diagnostics, Albuquerque, NM)
that fed aerosol through a heated tube to create a “dry” aerosol. The aerosol was considered
“dry” if its aerodynamic size distribution was unchanged over time scales of 10–20 s after exit-
ing the drying tube. The two different release protocols had differential effects on the particle
size distribution (Fig 3). Wet release skewed the particle size distribution to larger particles
with a secondary maximum at a cluster size near 2 μm. In contrast, the dry release resulted in a
particle size distribution with a single maximum near 0.8 μm, which was indicative of much
smaller amounts of agglomeration and clustering.
We also used chalk dust (Visolite Tracer Compound PN 100–0164, BHA Group, Inc., Kan-
sas City, MO) to characterize the loss of particles over time owing to surface deposition as a
function of particle size (data not shown). Following release of chalk dust into the RASC, the
peak was observed at 1 μm, but there were significant numbers of particles up to 10 μm in size.
In 6 minutes following dust aerosolization, both total particle counts and the 1 μm particle
counts decreased at a rate of approximately 4% per minute. Slightly less than 10% of this loss
could be attributed to the APS sampling, which permanently removed particles from the cham-
ber at a rate of 5 litres per minute. The 5 μm particle loss rate was 9% per minute.
Fig 3. The effect of aerosol hydration on particle size distribution. The graph shows APS measurements of “wet” and “dry” releases of M. smegmatis::
gfp. (see text for details).
Fig 4. Isolation and visualization of viable mycobacteria in the RASC. (A) M. smegmatis::gfp growth on solid 7H10 agar plates from the Six-Stage Viable
Andersen Cascade Impactor after wet release of 200 μl diluted culture into the RASC (30 000, 3000 and 300 colony forming units—CFU). The columns
indicate the particle sizes captured on each plate across the 6 stages of the impactor, and the rows indicate the estimated total number of CFU passing
through the impactor. Each release was repeated three times and the mean and SD for each plate are presented below the typical growth pattern distribution
seen in the particle release. In all the releases the sampling was run for 5 minutes at 28 l/min resulting in the potential total capture of 3000, 300 and 30 CFU
respectively. (B) SEM (left) and fluorescent microscopy (right) of M. smegmatis::gfp isolated on a PM10 impactor following experimental release.
Table 1. Sampling rates of the capture devices and the periods in which they are used.
The air being removed from the sampling space is replaced through large HEPA filters. The laser scattering particle counter and CO2, temperature and
humidity monitor run at low flow rates and the exhaust air is returned to the sampling space. During the patient sampling the liquid impingers were not
Fig 5. Particle production as a function of respiration in a clinical TB patient. CO2 concentration (solid line and left ordinate) and particle counts (dots
and right ordinate) in the 1–2.5 μm size range for a TB patient.
concentrations within the RASC: as the patient exhaled and coughed over the first non-sam-
pling 30 min period, the CO2 and particle count built up; subsequently, the counts plateaued,
ultimately reaching an approximate steady state as the samplers evacuated the sample space;
and, finally, the counts dropped rapidly as the chamber was exhausted with a high-volume
sampler. From a preliminary analysis of data collected, the temperature increased by 5.9
degrees during the whole sampling period (24.0 to 29.9°C, n = 19) and the humidity increased
by 10.9% from the start of the sampling to the bacterial and imaging sampling and then
reduced by 11.9% during the PCR sampling (52.7% through 63.6% to 51.7%, n = 19).
It is evident that the aerosol particle data (such as those shown in Fig 5) will become most
important when correlations between particle counts and disease status can be drawn by com-
parisons across multiple patients. The preliminary patient samples are too few to enable any
definitive inferences; nevertheless, these early results enabled a key observation from the very
first patient tested in the RASC: a single putative Mtb bacillus is visible in an SEM image
obtained under high magnification of a 10 μm by 10 μm region of the lower plate of the Dekati
sampler (Fig 6). In the full image, multiple similar rod-like organisms were clearly visible (data
not shown). The presence of Mtb in the chamber was confirmed by culture of a colony isolated
on plate 5 of the Andersen impactor, and preliminary genotyping through PCR amplification
of the RD9 locus which differentiates Mtb and M. canettii from other mycobacteria within the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex [16].
A number of other particles were visible on the Dekati plate (Fig 6), and these likely arose
from the respired air from the patient, especially since the particulate background in the cham-
ber was quite low. Most of these particles were characterized by a surrounding “halo”, an
Fig 6. Isolation of Mtb from a TB patient. SEM image of patient sample impacted on the lower plate of the PM10 impactor. The dimensions and
morphology of the rod-shaped structure (denoted by *) are consistent with the presence of Mtb bacilli in the untreated TB patient. There is also evidence of
multiple “splats” of unknown identity (one example is denoted by **) which might comprise organic matter derived from patient lung or respiratory tract. Note
the “halo” structures (dark shadows) surrounding each particle.
observation which suggested the intriguing possibility that this feature was caused by dried liq-
uid that might contain complementary biomarkers of Mtb infection. Again, however, more
samples—from bothTB patients and control, non-TB active individuals—will need to be pro-
cessed before a definitive correlation can be dawn between halo formation (and composition)
and TB disease status.
Mtb survival during the airborne phase of its life cycle is an understudied area of research. In
contrast to prior studies which have focused on culture of aerosols created immediately follow-
ing periods of forced coughing [17,18], the RASC enables study of more aged airborne organ-
isms that have been selected or adapted for environmental survival.
The RASC was developed to enable quantitation and characterization of the bio-aerosols
emitted during normal breathing and coughing of TB patients in future clinical studies, and to
incorporate the resulting information into a refined model of TB transmission. Critically, this
long-term goal requires that the performance levels of the sampling sub-systems within the
RASC be calibrated to ensure reproducibly robust bio-aerosol detection, quantification, and
isolation. The results presented here suggest that the RASC is performing as intended and can
be usefully applied in collecting and characterizing patient-generated aerosols, and for assess-
ing changes in the nature and content of respired aerosols over time. The air mixing in the
RASC is designed to replicate air currents that occur in normal indoor environments, and
which decrease particle settling compared to still air. Information that can be acquired in the
RASC therefore includes the number, size distribution (physical and aerodynamic), and mor-
phology of aerosolized particles.
Infection of a new human host by Mtb depends on the generation of a source aerosol popu-
lation that is defined both by the number of bacilli and the phenotypic and genomic character-
istics of the organisms that are emitted from the infected individual into the environment. In
addition, it is important to consider the evolution of the emitted particles as a function of parti-
cle size and morphological structure since these parameters alter how they travel and are trans-
formed in the environment [19]. Particularly important in this context are the processes by
which the aerosol particles dry (with environmentally variable kinetics) into derivative
(smaller) particles of size and morphology that have been shown to promote travel deeper into
alveolar spaces in the lungs of the recipient [20].
We did demonstrate the novel ability to image individual airborne rod shaped organisms.
However, we are currently unable to definitely identify these as Mycobacteria or other contami-
nating organisms. The general morphology of individual mycobacteria is a rod shape, approxi-
mately 0.2–0.5μm in cross-sectional diameter and 1–4μm in length [21]. However, bacillary
dimensions are known to vary according to whether observed in sputum and bronchoalveolar
lavage (BAL) fluid or in TB cavities: organisms found in sputum and BAL are significantly lon-
ger, whereas the lengths of bacilli harvested in cavities are more reminiscent of stationary
phase bacilli in vitro [22]. Under certain growth conditions, colonies can also appear in groups
as elongated “cord” structures [23]. It seems plausible, therefore, that some proportion of the
emitted aerosol produced by the infected donor may retain the elongated features of the micro-
organisms in the airways depending on the composition of the airway fluid in which they are
ejected. This is also likely to be a function of the region of the lungs of origin, as it is known
that the periphery is largely composed of surfactant whereas the ciliated airways possess mucus
containing glycolipids and glycoproteins. The presence of inflammatory cells, immune media-
tors, and general debris associated with infection almost certainly contributes to a complex sce-
nario which cannot easily be predicted and requires direct experimental evidence.
Once in air, drying of the aerosol will proceed at a rate dictated by ambient temperature and
humidity (Appendix 2, S2 File). The impact of exposure for individuals breathing nearby in
either residential or occupational settings will therefore vary in both space and time, and must
be heavily influenced by particle morphology at the time of inhalation. With regard to the
influence of other key single particle features such as shape and agglomerate density, there are
known phenotypes that might promote a rod shaped presentation (referred to as “cording” in
Koch’s original description of Mtb [24]) that would further enhance the tendency for periph-
eral lung deposition [25].
Our preliminary results suggest that RASC sampling has the potential to give qualitative
information about particles and organisms which have been exhaled and remained airborne. A
standardized protocol, together with the ability to monitor the proportion of sampled air as a
function of total exhaled air, should enable quantitative assessments of particle and organism
production rates from infected individuals. Importantly, the potential to acquire quantitative
data suggests the additional opportunity for inter-personal variation to be assessed and for
intra-personal variability to be determined in repeated investigations, including after initiation
of treatment.
Transmission within TB endemic populations can be modeled [26] from the measured vol-
ume of air rebreathed from others which is determined by socio-environmental factors [27,28],
the proportion of rebreathed air derived from prevalent TB infected individuals in that popula-
tion, and the surviving pathogen concentration of exhaled air from an infected individual [5].
Quantitative assessments of pathogen load in exhaled air may allow more accurate modeling of
those individuals and factors which are driving the elevated rates of TB disease which charac-
terize high-burden settings such as our own [29].
Supporting Information
S1 File. Appendix 1 describing the mathematical relationship between CO2 production,
resultant CO2 levels, and effect of sampling rates in the RASC.
S2 File. Appendix 2 describing the drying of the aerosol at a rate dictated by ambient tem-
perature and humidity.
Academic and technical support was provided from The Tuberculosis Aerobiology Advisory
Group (TAAG) funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: RW CM CEB WAB CJC AJH CER TJS JB JW AM
VS VM DFW. Performed the experiments: RW CM WAB CJC AM VS. Analyzed the data: RW
CM WAB CJC CI NM JW AM VS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: RW CB
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