Statistics of Electrical Breakdown Field in HfO2 and SiO2 Films From Milimeter To Nanometer Length Scales
Statistics of Electrical Breakdown Field in HfO2 and SiO2 Films From Milimeter To Nanometer Length Scales
Statistics of Electrical Breakdown Field in HfO2 and SiO2 Films From Milimeter To Nanometer Length Scales
Downloaded 20 Aug 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at:
Dielectric materials with higher permittivity than SiO2 defects, it is common to measure the statistical distribution
are being investigated as gate insulators in metal-oxide- of Ebd for very small 共nanoscale兲 surface areas. For this,
semiconductor 共MOS兲 devices1 and for metal-insulator-metal conductive-atomic-force microscopy 共C-AFM兲 electrical
共MIM兲 capacitors used in dynamic random access memory2 measurements have been successfully used as a local electri-
and rf applications.3 In the case of MOS devices, a thicker cal probe for thin SiO2.6–8 In particular, the local breakdown
dielectric layer 共2 – 3 nm兲 can be used to prevent electron properties of Si/ SiO2 at nanometer scales have been the
tunneling, but the overall capacitance must be kept the same subject of several extensive studies.9–12 Recently, time-
as 1 – 1.5 nm thick SiO2. Due to these demanding require- dependent dielectric breakdown 共TDDB兲 measurements on
ments, new high-K oxide materials such as HfO2, ZrO2, SiO2 / 4H-SiC with C-AFM showed good agreement with
and HfSiO are being explored as alternatives.4 Decreasing measurements performed on “standardized” SiO2 / Si capa-
device dimensions also require more detailed understanding citors.13 Comparable agreements of the dielectric breakdown
of electrical breakdown at the nanoscale. Unfortunately, kinetics have been observed with Pr2O3 on Si, and it was
breakdown fields in high-K materials have generally been demonstrated that C-AFM was a reliable approach for char-
shown to be lower than in SiO2.5 In this letter, we compare acterizing TDDB events.14
the statistical distributions of breakdown electric field 共Ebd兲 In the present study, macroscopic breakdown tests were
for different dielectrics 共SiO2 and HfO2兲 using macro- carried out on two dielectric films: 3 nm SiO2 共thermally
scopic IV 共current versus voltage兲 tests on standardized ca- grown兲 on Si 共2 ⫻ 1019, n type兲 and 4 nm HfO2 共atomic layer
pacitors 共艌100 m2兲 with nanoscale measurements using deposition兲 on TiN using TiN / SiO2 / Si and TiN / HfO2 / TiN
conductive-atomic-force microscopy 共C-AFM兲 under UHV. standardized capacitors, respectively.15 Electrical measure-
IV curves and Ebd were measured with both methods for ments were made with a four-point probe station and
different oxide thicknesses 共1.2– 6 nm兲 on p- and n-type Si Hewlett-Packard 4192 picoampere meter on 68 different ca-
共MOS structures兲 as well as TiN/oxide/TiN stacks 共MIM ca- pacitors 共areas from 100 to 80 000 m2兲, distributed ran-
pacitors兲. High defect densities 共1015 cm−2兲 and large fields domly over a full 200 mm Si wafer.
共40 MV/ cm兲 suggest that breakdown in high-K materials at C-AFM electrical measurements were performed with an
the nanoscale occurs via bond breaking rather than punctual Omicron AFM/scanning tunneling microscopy system under
defects such as vacancies and interstitials. UHV conditions 共⬍10−9 torr兲 with conductive diamond tips
Electrical breakdown measurements on high-K materials 共B doped兲.16 The AFM tip served as the top electrode for the
typically show much lower fields 共Ebd兲 than for SiO2 of com- “test” capacitor and voltage was applied to the substrate with
parable thickness.5 This observation is usually explained by the tip at virtual ground 共i.e., the tip was connected to an
the presence of a larger local electric field on chemical bonds in-vacuum current preamplifier referenced to ground兲. Elec-
when the dielectric constant is high. However, the statistical trical contact between sample and stage was assured with
mean value of Ebd is seen to increase substantially when the indium solder, and all samples were outgassed at 250 ° C for
surface area for testing decreases. This latter effect can be 3 h at ⬍10−8 torr. IV measurements were carried out on a
explained by the probability of finding a defect which leads 9 ⫻ 9 grid in contact mode 共normal force= 20 nN兲 with the
to breakdown: larger surface area mean higher overall prob- XY scanning of the AFM tip stopped. Reproducibility of the
ability. In order to investigate the inherent density and role of tip-surface electrical contact was investigated with respect to
contact force; above a particular threshold 共20 nN兲, IV traces
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and Ebd were seen to be contact-force invariant.
Present address: Deptartment of Chemical Engineering, University of Figure 1 shows a topographic image 共1.5⫻ 1.5 m2兲 of
California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080. a 2 nm thick SiO2 layer after a 9 ⫻ 9 grid of breakdown test
measurement dispersion. In these evaluations, breakdown Here, S is the capacitor surface area, S0 is a reference surface
voltage was defined as the point when the IV slope became area, and  and E0 共or V0兲 are the Weibull parameters. Tak-
infinite 共arrow on Fig. 2兲. Similar macroscopic IV tests 共not ing the reference surface S0 = 104 m2, one can determine
show兲 were conducted on the same films using standardized V0 and  using other surface areas 共100 and 2500 m2, re-
capacitors in the MOS or MIM configurations discussed spectively兲. Once the Weibull parameters are known from
earlier. macroscopic testing, the corresponding tip-surface contact
Figure 3 shows a comparison of the cumulative break- area for the C-AFM measurement can be determined
down probability versus voltage for the macro- and AFM- 共10± 5 nm2兲. This value is quite reasonable, as estimated
based measurements of 4 nm HfO2 on TiN. Capacitor areas from scanning electron microscopy 共SEM兲 images of the tip
end and AFM topographic images of Si nanocrystals. In the
for macrotesting ranged from 100 to 104 m2. As expected,
latter case, 10 nm structures with spacings of 20– 100 nm
the mean breakdown voltage is much larger 共⬃5 times兲 for
could easily be resolved with the diamond-coated tip used
the AFM test compared to the 104 m2 capacitor. The cumu- for IV testing. In addition, Olbrich et al. measured tip radii
lative probability 共P which represent the likelihood that huge on the order of 10– 20 nm at the apex by SEM.16
currents will flow at a particular applied voltage兲 variation The aforementioned analysis was applied to different di-
with breakdown voltage 共Vbd兲 or field 共Ebd兲 can be fit with a electrics 共SiO2 and HfO2兲 to evaluate whether a single
Weibull distribution, Weibull scaling law can explain breakdown results from the
macro- to nanoscales. Figure 4 shows another Weibull plot
for SiO2 and HfO2 where the data for all surface areas are
compared. In this case, individual Weibull plots 共i.e., Fig. 3兲
are condensed to a “cumulative” probability of breakdown
for each film by linearizing Eq. 共1兲 and taking probability
ratios 共P1 and P2兲 for different surface areas 共S1 and S2兲,
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