The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Green Supply Chain Management Porposal
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Green Supply Chain Management Porposal
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Green Supply Chain Management Porposal
Prepared by
Academic Advisor
Table of Tables
# Subject Page
1 Table (1/1) - Pilot study sample Qualitative description 4
2 Table (1/2) - Research population Qualitative description 18
3 Table (1/3) - Sample distribution and corporate ratios 20
1. Introduction
Modern digital technologies have helped corporations manage suppliers
and consumers more efficiently, contributing to their competitive position, the
new applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), massive flow of data, and artificial
intelligence (AI) have all had an impact on green supply chain management,
technologies have enabled modern digital solutions that allow businesses to
perform in a business environment more efficiently, this has helped to strengthen
the corporation’s role in supplying goods and services and its participation.
The advancements in technology, particularly the emergence of new
technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain technology (BCT), the
influx of data, and machine learning (ML), have had a profound impact on every
aspect of business organization. These technologies have enabled companies to
efficiently interact with their suppliers and customers through modern digital
solutions, as a result, green supply chain management as an organization activity
and a part of “CSR” corporate social responsibility has become more capable,
thereby strengthening the competitive position of entities.
Competitiveness now requires more than just high-quality products or good
prices. It involves delivering products to customers regardless of place, time, or
quantity and meeting their needs and desires, those needs are not limited to
consuming service or product but fulfilling the feel of consumer social
responsibility by guaranteeing to delivery of the service/product in the most
sustainable greener process, (Noiki et al, 2023). the environmental awareness-
driven consumption raised mainly by the escalating deterioration of the
environment, e.g., diminishing raw material resources, overflowing waste sites,
and increasing levels of pollution (Puglieri & Saavedra, 2021).
The pharmaceutical industry is a crucial national security and economic
asset in Egypt. It contributes 9% to the country's GDP, with 83 billion EGP in 2021.
The industrial sector - including pharmaceuticals - makes up to 17% of the
national GDP (IDSC, 2022) Generated by more than 1800 corporate works in the
field differs between manufacturers and distributors, the government has
ambitious plans to increase imports to 21 African countries by 2023 and 54
countries by 2030. The Egyptian government established Gypto to enhance the
national pharmaceutical industry, aiming to manufacture generic drugs and
produce active substances. Pharmaceutical industries are considered export
industries that benefit from 80% logistic public support in air, maritime, and cargo
shipping, according to the industry and trade minister, Neven Gamee (Export
Development Authority, 2020).
The importance of artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry was
emphasized due to its impact on national health and productivity, and alignment
with the MOHESR's 2030 research vision, the research aims to develop a
theoretical framework for the relationship between green supply chain
management practices and AI technologies, in addition to examining how AI
technologies affect corporate green supply chain management performance.
2. Research Definitions
3. Pilot Study
The pilot study is considered exploratory research that enables the
researcher to build the research’s hypothesis (Idrees, 2013). That’s why it’s
recommended to be one of the earliest steps in research, pilot studies are a
crucial element of a good study design that excavates the syndrome and shows
the researcher the rotten tiles.
Pilot study sample Qualitative description
Table (1/1)
Top Middle First line
Management Management Management
Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries 2 4 9 15
Source: prepared by the researcher depending on collected data from the HR sector statements in the case study corporations.
4 Do other departments/ sectors enhance green supply
chain operations? What obstacles do green supply chain practices face and
how have they turned them into opportunities?
4. Literature Review
The researcher utilized past research and studies to shed light on the
research gap and methodology, These studies can be categorized accordingly:
made to support employee innovation, provide AI training, and allocate funds for
advanced AI technologies.
to calculate the optimal wholesale price and product greenness to the altruistic
retailer under symmetric preferences, Wei and the scholars found a significant
impact of asymmetric and heterogeneous preferences on product greenness,
pricing strategy, and supply chain performance with a recommendation to decision
makers to understand such relationship to take informed decisions.
Therefore, as a national security necessity, it is important to conduct research
that examines the relationship between artificial intelligence technologies and
green supply chains and how AI develops corporations to perform greener; a case
study will be applied to the pharmaceutical industry to further explore this area.
5. Research Problem
Previous research has been conducted in the fields of artificial
intelligence technologies and green supply chain management; however, there
has been a lack of contribution far as researchers know- towards the
interdisciplinary connections between these variables in the pharmaceutical
industry. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research that examines how
artificial intelligence technologies would affect green supply chain management.
A case study will be applied to the pharmaceutical industry to further explore this
5.1. What are employees’ (Top management, middle management, Executives)
perceptions toward artificial intelligence technologies’ role in developing
green supply chain management practices according to their demographic
5.2. What are employees’ (Top management, middle management, Executives)
attitudes toward using artificial intelligence technologies to enhance green
supply chain management performance according to their demographic
5.3. What is the role of implementing artificial intelligence technologies on
corporates’ green supply chain management performance?
6. Research Objectives
The research has five objectives that can be represented as follows:
6.1. Developing a theoretical framework for artificial intelligence technologies
and their role in enhancing green supply chain management.
6.2. Identifying corporates’ employees’ perceptions and attitudes toward
artificial intelligence technologies' role in enhancing green supply chain
6.3. Measuring the role of artificial intelligence technologies on green supply
chain management.
6.4. Suggest several recommendations to improve the efficiency of green
supply chain management that will have a positive role in enhancing
corporate social responsibility.
7. Research Hypotheses
In light of the research problem, research objectives, literature review, and
pilot study outcomes that declared the relationship between artificial intelligence
technologies and green supply chain management (Nafei 2021, Wong et al 2021,
Chen et al 2023, Farbod and Hamidieh 2022) and many others, we can form our
research hypotheses as follows:
● H.1.There is a statistically significant effect of employees’ perceptions
(Top management, middle management, Executives) toward artificial
intelligence technologies’ role in developing green supply chain
management practices according to their demographic characteristics.
● H.2.There is a statistically significant effect of employees’ attitudes (Top
management, middle management, Executives) toward using artificial
intelligence technologies to enhance green supply chain management
performance according to their demographic characteristics.
● H.3.There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial intelligence
technologies in developing green supply chain management
performance (green purchasing, green manufacturing, green
distribution, and green reverse logistics) which emerges to 4 sub
o H.3.a. There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial
intelligence technologies in developing a corporation’s green
supply chain management from the green purchasing aspect.
o H.3.b. From a green manufacturing perspective, there is a
statistically significant effect of using artificial intelligence
technologies in developing a corporation’s green supply chain
management performance.
o H.3.c. There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial
intelligence technologies in developing a corporation’s green
supply chain management performance from the green
distribution aspect.
o H.3.d There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial
intelligence technologies in developing a corporation’s green
supply chain management performance from the green
reverse logistics perspective.
8. Research Importance
The current research is related to green supply chain management, which
has received wide attention from researchers. Most of the recent studies have
reflected the importance of green supply chain management in achieving better
participation in corporates’ social responsibilities, better institutional performance,
and maximizing profitability as well as enhancing operational performance. So, the
importance of this research could be concluded in two aspects:
image by adopting GSCM practices “green purchasing, green
manufacturing, green distribution, and green reverse logistics”,
especially in the era where consumers are environmentally aware and
green-oriented (Stoco and De Oliveira, 2021).
Research Model
Figure (1/1)
technologies affect corporates’ ecosystem by examining every AI aspect as
9.1.1. Expert systems: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.
9.1.2. Cloud Computing: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.
9.1.3. Internet of things: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.
9.1.4. Big data analytics: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.
9.2. The dependent variable: (Green Supply Chain Management) This variable
which is one of the important activities of the corporation will be measured
in section two of the questionnaire, Its sub-variables are as follows:
9.2.1. Green purchasing and sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).
9.2.2. The green manufacturing sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).
9.2.3. The green distribution sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).
9.2.4. The green reverse logistics sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).
10.Research Limitations
The researcher found that the research aspects “subjects, place, time
and human” could be wide and complex, so the proper solution was to set
research limitations, those limitations could be as follows:
10.1. Place limitations
The researcher chose only five corporates “Nile Company for
Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries, Kahira Company for Pharmaceutical
and Chemical Industries, Memphis Company for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical
Industries, Misr Company for Pharmaceutical Products, and El Nasr
Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company” for many reasons, that could be
concluded as follows:
10.1.1. Those corporations are the pioneers of pharmaceutical
manufacturing and distribution, for example, Misr Company for
Pharmaceutical Products was established in 1939.
10.1.2. All five corporations are public sector corporations “owned or
managed by the Egyptian government” and have strategic importance
for the national economy.
10.1.3. Those corporations are in the accessible geographic area to the
10.4.3. Seeking solutions and alternatives that develop pharmaceutical
industries in Egypt that would affect Egyptian GDP and play an important
role in such a strategic and national security industry.
10.4.4. The mentioned dimensions fit with the nature of the application field
and the business ecosystem.
11.Research Methodology
Descriptive statistical techniques identify research variable
characteristics using central tendency scales like mean, median, mode,
and standard deviation. These techniques summarize and describe
research case studies without concluding (Eid, 2022). The research
would employ descriptive statistics to determine sample characteristics
and their views on research variables.
11.3. Research population and sample population
11.3.1. Research population:
The research population refers to individuals with shared
characteristics, who are the focus of investigation and data collection
(Eid, 2022). The research population consists of employees from five
corporations. These entities include Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals
and Chemical Industries, Kahira Company for Pharmaceutical and
Chemical Industries, Memphis Company for Pharmaceuticals and
Chemical Industries, Misr Company for Pharmaceutical Products, and El
Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company. Table (1/2) provides a
qualitative description of the research population:
Table source: prepared by the researcher depending on collected data from the HR sector statements in the case study
11.3.2. Research sample:
Due to the sizable research population of 9625 employees in five
corporations, the researcher opts for a stratified random sample
as follows: Sample type: The researcher employed stratified random
sampling to avoid bias and represent all management (top, middle,
and executive) levels. Sample size: The researcher determined the sample size using
the following equation due to the large population size in the
19 Sample withdrawing:
The researcher utilized stratified random sampling to ensure an
unbiased sample representative of all segments in the research
population. The sample was randomly selected while considering
corporate representation and management-level ratios. The
following table (1/3) displays the sample distribution:
20 Sample unit:
The individual with desired characteristics is the sample unit for
the survey. The research focuses on those who work in managerial
levels of top, middle, and first-line management in corporate
12.Research Outline
The research is divided into 5 five chapters as follows:
12.1. Chapter One: Research Methodology: Chapter One provides an
overview of the research, including definitions, a review of existing
literature, a pilot study, a research problem, objectives, hypotheses,
conceptual framework, limitations, methodology, and structure.
12.2. Chapter Two: Chapter Two contains the theoretical study which consists
of three sections. The first section discusses supply chain management,
including its definition, phases, importance, and practices. The second
section focuses on AI technologies, including their definition, dimensions,
importance, and relation with other variables. The third section examines
competitiveness in pharmaceutical companies in Greater Cairo, including
the definition of sustainable performance, its dimensions, importance, and
obstacles to achieving competitiveness.
12.3. Chapter Three: Empirical Framework, Chapter Three discusses research
design and methodology, covering topics such as research population,
sample, variables, data collection plan, statistical techniques, and data
preparation for analysis. The chapter concludes with a summary and
structure of the research. Section (3/2) will focus on analyzing data and
testing hypotheses related to the relationships among research variables,
as well as differences in attitudes towards artificial intelligence
technologies and corporate competitiveness at pharmaceutical companies
in Greater Cairo, Egypt.
12.4. Chapter Four: Conclusion and Recommendations, Chapter four presents
a succinct overview of the principal observations, delineates the principal
repercussions of the inquiry, enunciates the constraints of the
investigation, and ultimately posits various propositions as a Launchpad for
future research.
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