The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Green Supply Chain Management Porposal

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The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing

green supply chain management

An Applied Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt

A research proposal to apply for a Master of Business

Administration degree

Prepared by

Muhammad Ahmad Goda

Sadat City University


Academic Advisor

Professor Ammar F. Mousa

Table of Contents
# Subject Page
1 Introduction 1
2 Research Definitions 2
3 Pilot Study 3
4 Literature Review 6
65 Research Problem 10
6 Research Objectives 11
7 Research Hypotheses 11
8 Research Importance 12
9 Research Variables & Model 13
10 Research Limitations 14
11 Research Methodology 16
12 Research Outline 21
13 References 22

Table of Tables
# Subject Page
1 Table (1/1) - Pilot study sample Qualitative description 4
2 Table (1/2) - Research population Qualitative description 18
3 Table (1/3) - Sample distribution and corporate ratios 20
1. Introduction
Modern digital technologies have helped corporations manage suppliers
and consumers more efficiently, contributing to their competitive position, the
new applications of the Internet of Things (IoT), massive flow of data, and artificial
intelligence (AI) have all had an impact on green supply chain management,
technologies have enabled modern digital solutions that allow businesses to
perform in a business environment more efficiently, this has helped to strengthen
the corporation’s role in supplying goods and services and its participation.
The advancements in technology, particularly the emergence of new
technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain technology (BCT), the
influx of data, and machine learning (ML), have had a profound impact on every
aspect of business organization. These technologies have enabled companies to
efficiently interact with their suppliers and customers through modern digital
solutions, as a result, green supply chain management as an organization activity
and a part of “CSR” corporate social responsibility has become more capable,
thereby strengthening the competitive position of entities.
Competitiveness now requires more than just high-quality products or good
prices. It involves delivering products to customers regardless of place, time, or
quantity and meeting their needs and desires, those needs are not limited to
consuming service or product but fulfilling the feel of consumer social
responsibility by guaranteeing to delivery of the service/product in the most
sustainable greener process, (Noiki et al, 2023). the environmental awareness-
driven consumption raised mainly by the escalating deterioration of the
environment, e.g., diminishing raw material resources, overflowing waste sites,
and increasing levels of pollution (Puglieri & Saavedra, 2021).
The pharmaceutical industry is a crucial national security and economic
asset in Egypt. It contributes 9% to the country's GDP, with 83 billion EGP in 2021.
The industrial sector - including pharmaceuticals - makes up to 17% of the
national GDP (IDSC, 2022) Generated by more than 1800 corporate works in the
field differs between manufacturers and distributors, the government has
ambitious plans to increase imports to 21 African countries by 2023 and 54
countries by 2030. The Egyptian government established Gypto to enhance the
national pharmaceutical industry, aiming to manufacture generic drugs and
produce active substances. Pharmaceutical industries are considered export
industries that benefit from 80% logistic public support in air, maritime, and cargo
shipping, according to the industry and trade minister, Neven Gamee (Export
Development Authority, 2020).

The importance of artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry was
emphasized due to its impact on national health and productivity, and alignment
with the MOHESR's 2030 research vision, the research aims to develop a
theoretical framework for the relationship between green supply chain
management practices and AI technologies, in addition to examining how AI
technologies affect corporate green supply chain management performance.

2. Research Definitions

2.1. Green Supply Chain Management

Green Supply Chain Management has its roots in both environment
management and supply chain management literature, in other words, green
supply chain management integrates a sustainable environmental mentality
while designing, purchasing, manufacturing, materials managing, marketing,
and distributing / delivering corporates’ final product / service as well as
reverse logistics (Bag et al 2022, Stoco et al 2021, Nosrati and Khamseh
2020), and to be mor specific green supply chain management could be
defined as an “Integrating environment thinking into supply chain
management, including product design, material sourcing and selection,
manufacturing processes, delivery of the final product to the consumers, and
end-of-life management of the product after its useful life" (Eid and EL Sakty,
2022). Most scholars reached a consensus that GSCM encompasses “green
purchasing, green production, green distribution and green reverse logistics”
are activities diligently practiced by organizations that embrace the concept
of environmental sustainability, often referred to as the "green" approach
(Ali & Shoaib, 2023).

2.2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be identified as “activities that are
purposely performed to imitate human and animal cognitive functions by
machines that run by algorithms without pre-education” (Sun et al, 2022),
Researchers didn’t settle down for what so-called AI technologies but
commonly it includes “Expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms,
intelligence agents, machine learning, big data analytics, cloud computing
and internet of things” technologies (Nafei, 2021 and Saleha et al, 2023).

3. Pilot Study
The pilot study is considered exploratory research that enables the
researcher to build the research’s hypothesis (Idrees, 2013). That’s why it’s
recommended to be one of the earliest steps in research, pilot studies are a
crucial element of a good study design that excavates the syndrome and shows
the researcher the rotten tiles.

3.1. Pilot study goals

It’s important to demonstrate a pilot study to find answers to the
following questions:
3.1.1. What are the critical applications and artificial intelligence
technologies that have a great role in supply chain management?
3.1.2. How to measure the role of AI technologies on the corporates’ supply
chain management performance?

3.2. Pilot study methodology & population (count, demographics)

3.2.1. Pilot study population:
To collect the needed data the researcher conducted board and
one-to-one interviews with a pilot study sample of sixty-five (65)
employees representing fourteen (14%) of the total four hundred
sixty (460) employees a sample from the total research population
nine thousand six hundred twenty-five (9625) employees from the
five pharmaceutical corporates that would be case study which
located in Greater Cairo during the period between July and August
2023 (Viechtbauer et al,2015), Those sixty-two (62) employees
represents all the managerial levels and the different sectors in the
case study corporates, the following table (1/1) shows the qualitative
description for the pilot population as follows:

Pilot study sample Qualitative description
Table (1/1)
Top Middle First line
Management Management Management
Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries 2 4 9 15

Kahira Company for Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industries 1 3 7 11

Memphis Company for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries 1 5 7 13
Misr Company for Pharmaceutical Products 2 5 7 14
El Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company 2 3 7 12
Total 8 20 37 65

Source: prepared by the researcher depending on collected data from the HR sector statements in the case study corporations.

3.2.2. Pilot study method:

To collect accurate data from the business field, the researcher
conducted board and one-to-one interviews, the interviews were
mainly to cover two aspects of how corporates interact with it, and
the two aspects could be shown as follows: Artificial Intelligence technologies: What advanced and integrated are the AI technologies
that the corporation is using? Are employees familiar with “expert systems, neural
networks, genetic algorithms, and intelligence agents”
technologies? How far does the corporation integrate green supply chain
management practices with AI technologies? How have AI technologies helped the corporation to
overcome supply chain shortages during COVID-19? Green Supply chain management: What actual practices are applied regarding green supply
chain and if they are practicing those functions under
other labels? Are corporations committed to GSCM strategy special
from “green purchasing, green manufacturing, green
distribution, and green reverse logistics” aspects?

4 Do other departments/ sectors enhance green supply
chain operations? What obstacles do green supply chain practices face and
how have they turned them into opportunities?

3.2.3. Pilot study outputs

After performing interviews and collecting questionnaires from the
pilot study sample, the researcher obtained the following results: There is a lack of awareness and understanding of artificial

intelligence as a concept and technology, and its role in
outperforming green supply chain management, where 74% of
the pilot study sample never heard of or failed to identify AI
concepts and technologies. According to the opinion of 92% of the pilot study sample and
the descriptive investigation of corporates’ IT infrastructure, the
inadequate physical and digital infrastructure impedes the
implementation of artificial intelligence technologies and their
advantages, especially in the GSCM field. 60% of the pilot study sample stated that “IT employees possess
insufficient and antiquated technical knowledge, particularly in
the field of AI”. Centralized decision-making in “purchasing, raw material, and
services sourcing, pricing, etc.” leads to a decline in the quality
of green supply chain management as per 20% of pilot study
sample responses. About 60% of the pilot study sample replies agreed that the
failure to automate supply chain activities such as stock,
inventory, purchasing, and distribution can negatively impact
production operations. 68% of the pilot study sample replies especially the first-line
managers attributed corporates’ underperformance to the
outdated antiquated training courses that employees receive,
with full agreement from IT and supply chain sectors.

4. Literature Review
The researcher utilized past research and studies to shed light on the
research gap and methodology, These studies can be categorized accordingly:

4.1. Artificial Intelligence Technologies literature review:

Artificial Intelligence is considered to be the 4th industrial revolution
and the gate to human’s new era where they can use powers that exceed their
mental abilities; therefore, it is not surprising that numerous scholars,
professionals, and practitioners alike engage in the examination and exploration
of situations that impact the domain of artificial intelligence, (Li et al 2022)
proposed a model that analyzes AI capability, corporate creativity, and knowledge
sharing. One of many findings confirmed the positive moderating effect (.861) of
corporate cohesion on AI capability and knowledge sharing. (Younis and Adel,
2020) made a model to assess the AIS-CHRM-KSQ (artificial intelligence strategy,
creativity-oriented HRM, and Knowledge-Sharing Quality) relationship and its
effect on IIWB (Individual Innovative Work Behavior) and OEP (Organizational
Effective Performance) of AI-powered businesses from seven sectors of an
emerging economy. The research found a positive relationship between AIS,
CHRM, and KSQ with significant detailed measurements of the interrelationship
between every aspect of the model. The empirical findings of this study can
benefit strategic leaders and managers of different functional areas.
(Nafei, 2021) investigated how Artificial Intelligence affects
Telecommunication companies using Big Data. The study identified that various
aspects of AI, including expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and
intelligence agents, can improve performance (2.72) through decision-making,
problem-solving, cost reduction, and information provision. The research
recommends introducing AI to the business community in Egypt, delegating more
AI components, and involving it in corporate roles to maximize customer
satisfaction. (Al Masry and AlAgha, 2021) aimed to propose a strategic
development proposal to enhance organizational immunity in the light of artificial
intelligence technologies in the field of communication technology, Results
showed a significant relationship (.849) between the level of technologies of
artificial intelligence and the dimensions of organizational immunity, the research
recommends strategic management to integrate AI into university education and
increase its involvement, (Idris, 2021) discovered a substantial correlation (1.8)
between AI dimensions and corporate decision-making. Recommendations were

made to support employee innovation, provide AI training, and allocate funds for
advanced AI technologies.

4.2. Green Supply Chain Management literature review:

Green supply chain management (GSCM) and environmentally
sustainable corporates’ strategies gained the attention and scholars’ interest at the
beginning of the 21st century but extensively during the last decade, it took two
main lines, the first one was operational where it examines and theorize how GSM
could be operated, in another hand the second line where it shows how GSM as a
concept and mentality is beneficiary for the environment, consumers and
corporates, from an operational perspective we can find (Heydari et al, 2021) who
were looking for the optimal point where supply chain members can all be
profitable using hybrid greening cost and revenue sharing “HGRS'' contract/ model,
Heydari et al established three models enable supply chain managers to offer more
green products with lower prices, making environmentally aware customers more
satisfied, other researchers (Stoco and De Oliveira, 2021) proposed criteria for the
selection of green suppliers by applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP),
Stoco and De Oliveira made this model depending on the GSCM literature review
and consulting eight experts in the foundry sector to define the criteria then
developing matrices, formulas, and tables that been used in the model. (Nosrati
and Khamseh, 2020) built another GSCM stochastic programming model based on
the structural reliability theory, Nosrati and Khamseh aimed to draw a guideline
that establishes a reliable green supply chain so they made a model considering
factories, warehouses, suppliers, and recycling centers locations and the flow
between those compartments and penalizing any unauthorized carbon emissions
and damages that came up from any compartment, The results demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed model in improving the reliability of the supply chain
while minimizing costs and considering environmental factors such as carbon
emissions and recycling.
The second line of GSCM literature follows how GSCM practices and
mentality will help the corporates (Bag et al, 2021) explore the effect of eco-
innovation on GSCM and SMEs’ performance, Bag and his college found a positive
association between eco-innovation and GSCM practices with providing insights
into the factors influencing the adoption of sustainable practices and the potential
benefits of eco-innovation and GSCM for improving SMEs' performance. From a
demand perspective (Wei et al, 2021) tried to explore how asymmetric and
heterogeneous preferences may affect product greening by providing 8 equations

to calculate the optimal wholesale price and product greenness to the altruistic
retailer under symmetric preferences, Wei and the scholars found a significant
impact of asymmetric and heterogeneous preferences on product greenness,
pricing strategy, and supply chain performance with a recommendation to decision
makers to understand such relationship to take informed decisions.

4.3. Artificial Intelligence and Green Supply Chain Management literature

A sweeping stream of studies focused recently on the relationship between
AI technologies and how it affects green supply chain practices, And to make it clear
AI technologies were very supportive in terms of supporting decision-making for
supply chain management activities in general and sustainable green supply chain
management activities especially, (Chen et al, 2023) tried to examine the issue of
disruption recovery control in manufacturing supply chains during large-scale
supply disruptions caused by emergency product change, Chen and the scholars
made a two-layer optimization model based on hybrid ant colony optimization
(HACO) algorithm and pheromone techniques, Chen et al model would help
corporates to outperform green supply chain with less risk, environmentally
hazardous and more profitability for all supply chain members. another model
proposed by (Wong et al, 2021) as a result of their research exploring technical
sustainability in the adoption of cloud-based blockchain technology integrated with
machine learning technology in green supply chain management practices, which
has been less explored compared to environmental, economic, and social
sustainability Wong and the scholars made a case study on real-time detection of
maritime risk management which concluded a proposed model that offers scalable,
available, secure, and serverless computing features for the BCT that helps decision
maker reducing risks and guiding cargo ships to safer routes.
On the other hand (Shashi, 2023) tried to explore strategies used by supply
chain managers in pharmaceutical corporates to digitize integrated supply chain
systems to increase sustainability and profitability by applying the theory of
constraints, Shashi - after identifying the three main themes “constraints, digital
technology enablers and sustainable supply chain systems - provided a roadmap
model for supply chain managers to follow in their digitization efforts with referring
to the potential positive social change of improving the delivery and quality of
pharmaceutical products while maintaining environmental, social, and economic
sustainability. (Farbod and Hamidieh, 2022) investigated the impact of
implementing green supply chain practices on economic performance through
neural network models and structural equations, Farbod and Hamidieh's research
highlights the positive effects of green supply chain practices on economic
performance with an informative model that can help investors and decision-
makers in term of adopting GSCM practices and strategies.

Research Gap & Participation

As shown in the literature review related to the research subject we can
relate to some perspectives as follows:
a) Many scholars participated in the AI research field (Younis & Adel 2022, Li et
al 2022, Nafei 2021, AlMasry & AlAgha 2021 and Idris 2021), and as far as the
researcher knows they didn’t investigate the interrelationship between AI
technologies and green supply chain management activities, or even apply in
the applied field.
b) A multitude of researchers enriched the green supply chain management field
(Heydari et al 2021, Stoco and De Oliveira 2021, Nosrati and Khamseh 2020,
Bag et al 2021, Wei et al 2021) who mostly discussed green supply chain
management operations and corporates, social and economic benefits.
c) Many scholars focused on the relationship between AI technologies and green
supply chains (Shashi 2023, Chen et al 2023, Farbod and Hamidieh 2022, and
Wong et al 2021) but most of their efforts were systematic literature reviews
or models for one technology of artificial intelligence and how it would affect
green supply chain management.
but most of their efforts were systematic literature reviews or missing a
triangle side either applying in the health care field not in the pharmaceutical
industry examining one artificial intelligence technology or exploring the
supply chain management, not green/ sustainable supply chain management.

Previous research has been conducted in the fields of artificial intelligence

technologies and green supply chain management; however, there has been a
lack of contribution-as far as researcher knows- towards the interdisciplinary
relation between AI and GSCM variables from many aspects, either these
researches study one sub variable from AI technologies (Expert systems,
neural networks, genetic algorithms, intelligence agents, machine learning,
big data analytics, cloud computing and internet of things) on one or many of
GSCM sub-variables (green purchasing, green production, green distribution,
and green reverse logistics) or in term of applying on the pharmaceutical
industry as application field.

Therefore, as a national security necessity, it is important to conduct research
that examines the relationship between artificial intelligence technologies and
green supply chains and how AI develops corporations to perform greener; a case
study will be applied to the pharmaceutical industry to further explore this area.

5. Research Problem
Previous research has been conducted in the fields of artificial
intelligence technologies and green supply chain management; however, there
has been a lack of contribution far as researchers know- towards the
interdisciplinary connections between these variables in the pharmaceutical
industry. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research that examines how
artificial intelligence technologies would affect green supply chain management.
A case study will be applied to the pharmaceutical industry to further explore this
5.1. What are employees’ (Top management, middle management, Executives)
perceptions toward artificial intelligence technologies’ role in developing
green supply chain management practices according to their demographic
5.2. What are employees’ (Top management, middle management, Executives)
attitudes toward using artificial intelligence technologies to enhance green
supply chain management performance according to their demographic
5.3. What is the role of implementing artificial intelligence technologies on
corporates’ green supply chain management performance?

6. Research Objectives
The research has five objectives that can be represented as follows:
6.1. Developing a theoretical framework for artificial intelligence technologies
and their role in enhancing green supply chain management.
6.2. Identifying corporates’ employees’ perceptions and attitudes toward
artificial intelligence technologies' role in enhancing green supply chain
6.3. Measuring the role of artificial intelligence technologies on green supply
chain management.

6.4. Suggest several recommendations to improve the efficiency of green
supply chain management that will have a positive role in enhancing
corporate social responsibility.

7. Research Hypotheses
In light of the research problem, research objectives, literature review, and
pilot study outcomes that declared the relationship between artificial intelligence
technologies and green supply chain management (Nafei 2021, Wong et al 2021,
Chen et al 2023, Farbod and Hamidieh 2022) and many others, we can form our
research hypotheses as follows:
● H.1.There is a statistically significant effect of employees’ perceptions
(Top management, middle management, Executives) toward artificial
intelligence technologies’ role in developing green supply chain
management practices according to their demographic characteristics.
● H.2.There is a statistically significant effect of employees’ attitudes (Top
management, middle management, Executives) toward using artificial
intelligence technologies to enhance green supply chain management
performance according to their demographic characteristics.
● H.3.There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial intelligence
technologies in developing green supply chain management
performance (green purchasing, green manufacturing, green
distribution, and green reverse logistics) which emerges to 4 sub
o H.3.a. There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial
intelligence technologies in developing a corporation’s green
supply chain management from the green purchasing aspect.
o H.3.b. From a green manufacturing perspective, there is a
statistically significant effect of using artificial intelligence
technologies in developing a corporation’s green supply chain
management performance.
o H.3.c. There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial
intelligence technologies in developing a corporation’s green
supply chain management performance from the green
distribution aspect.
o H.3.d There is a statistically significant effect of using artificial
intelligence technologies in developing a corporation’s green

supply chain management performance from the green
reverse logistics perspective.

8. Research Importance
The current research is related to green supply chain management, which
has received wide attention from researchers. Most of the recent studies have
reflected the importance of green supply chain management in achieving better
participation in corporates’ social responsibilities, better institutional performance,
and maximizing profitability as well as enhancing operational performance. So, the
importance of this research could be concluded in two aspects:

8.1. Academic importance:

8.1.1. Studying artificial intelligence's role in developing green supply chain
management activities in Egypt.
8.1.2. Provide statically proven relative weight for every technology of AI
technology and how it affects the GSCM performance in the Egyptian
pharmaceutical industry, AI makes the pharmaceutical industry more
sustainable and greener which enhances its corporate social
8.1.3. The research illuminates the use of artificial intelligence technologies
in green supply chain management. This knowledge can guide decision-
makers in designing green supply chains and promoting awareness
among supply management members. The goal is to foster greater
cohesion and allocate resources to support the corporations’ social

8.2. Practical importance:

8.2.1. The research applied in the field of the pharmaceutical industry in
Egypt which aside from its national security importance sector is
estimated with 83 billion EGP market Value (IDSC, 2022) and is
responsible for employing 7% of the workforce.
8.2.2. The research participates in enriching GSCM culture and emphasizes
the disparity in performance between companies that have
implemented GSCM practices and those that have not.
8.2.3. The research presents findings regarding the significant role of AI
technologies “Expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms,
intelligence agents” in augmenting corporate social responsibility and

image by adopting GSCM practices “green purchasing, green
manufacturing, green distribution, and green reverse logistics”,
especially in the era where consumers are environmentally aware and
green-oriented (Stoco and De Oliveira, 2021).

9. Research Variables & Model

Based on the literature review, the research will propose a conceptual research
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

AI technologies Green supply chain

● Expert systems.
● Neural networks. ● Green purchasing.
● Genetic algorithms. ● Green manufacturing.
● Intelligence agents. ● Green distribution.
● Green reverse logistics.

Research Model
Figure (1/1)

According to this model, research variables will be determined as follows:

9.1. The independent variable (Artificial intelligence technologies) where the

researcher depended on (Nafei, 2021) questionnaire with minimal
modifications to fit the research’s goals and application field, the researcher
will measure the individual’s perception and attitude toward it by sentences
(XX) in section one of the questionnaire, in addition to measuring how AI

technologies affect corporates’ ecosystem by examining every AI aspect as
9.1.1. Expert systems: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.
9.1.2. Cloud Computing: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.
9.1.3. Internet of things: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.
9.1.4. Big data analytics: this sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX) in addition to measuring how it affects green supply
chain management.

9.2. The dependent variable: (Green Supply Chain Management) This variable
which is one of the important activities of the corporation will be measured
in section two of the questionnaire, Its sub-variables are as follows:
9.2.1. Green purchasing and sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).
9.2.2. The green manufacturing sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).
9.2.3. The green distribution sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).
9.2.4. The green reverse logistics sub-variable would be measured by XX
statements (XX).

10.Research Limitations
The researcher found that the research aspects “subjects, place, time
and human” could be wide and complex, so the proper solution was to set
research limitations, those limitations could be as follows:
10.1. Place limitations
The researcher chose only five corporates “Nile Company for
Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries, Kahira Company for Pharmaceutical
and Chemical Industries, Memphis Company for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical
Industries, Misr Company for Pharmaceutical Products, and El Nasr

Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company” for many reasons, that could be
concluded as follows:
10.1.1. Those corporations are the pioneers of pharmaceutical
manufacturing and distribution, for example, Misr Company for
Pharmaceutical Products was established in 1939.
10.1.2. All five corporations are public sector corporations “owned or
managed by the Egyptian government” and have strategic importance
for the national economy.
10.1.3. Those corporations are in the accessible geographic area to the

10.2. Human limitations

In this research, we are focusing only on the employees at the
corporations that represent top, middle, and first-line management.

10.3. Time limitations

This research will be conducted during XX the preparation of the
master’s thesis.

10.4. Subject limitations

The research conducted in the field of AI technologies and GSCM

covers many aspects, the researcher focused on Artificial intelligence
technologies “AI” and its dimensions “Expert systems, neural networks, genetic
algorithms, intelligence agents” as an independent variable, and Green Supply
Chain Management and its dimensions “green purchasing, green
manufacturing, green distribution, and green reverse logistics” as a dependent
variable and how this relation would affect the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt
for the following reasons:
10.4.1. The importance of integrating AI technologies with green supply
chain management practices and its role in enhancing corporate social
responsibilities must be ensured.
10.4.2. Spread awareness among the members of the green supply chain
management to achieve a higher degree of harmony among them, as
well as dedicate the time and resources available to the corporation in
supporting its competitiveness.

10.4.3. Seeking solutions and alternatives that develop pharmaceutical
industries in Egypt that would affect Egyptian GDP and play an important
role in such a strategic and national security industry.
10.4.4. The mentioned dimensions fit with the nature of the application field
and the business ecosystem.

11.Research Methodology

11.1. Research data sources

To answer the research questions posed in the introduction, the following
methodological approach will be used:
11.1.1. Primary resources where the researcher reviewed academic
journals, books, whitepapers, and online articles, to form an overview of
AI-enabled GSCM's present state, potential benefits, challenges, and
solutions for execution will be provided by literature research.
11.1.2. Secondary resources where the research used qualitative research
to enhance comprehension of the subject matter. This will entail
interviewing pertinent personnel from corporations that have
integrated AI-enabled GSCM, to gain knowledge of their experiences
and using a questionnaire instrument. Data will be gathered through
multiple-choice closed-ended questions.
11.1.3. The collected data will be analyzed to answer the research questions
and presented in a report. The research will utilize an analytical
descriptive approach to interpret and describe the supply chain, AI
technologies, and corporate competitiveness. Relationships between
variables will also be analyzed and interpreted.

11.2. Data Analysis Techniques

There are two main methods of analyzing data: qualitative and
quantitative. Researchers can use these techniques separately or together to
gain insights from various data types (Myers, 2019). Based on the research
nature and variables, we will utilize SPSS software to employ appropriate data
analysis techniques:
11.2.1. Descriptive statistical techniques:

Descriptive statistical techniques identify research variable
characteristics using central tendency scales like mean, median, mode,
and standard deviation. These techniques summarize and describe
research case studies without concluding (Eid, 2022). The research
would employ descriptive statistics to determine sample characteristics
and their views on research variables.

11.2.2. Statistical techniques The Cronbach's alpha coefficient is commonly used to gauge
the consistency and reliability of study variables; it will be utilized in
this research to assess managers' attitudes toward AI technologies
and their perception of the connection between AI technologies,
supply chain management practices, and corporate
competitiveness. F-test and T-test would be used to measure the statistical
significance level for the relationship between Artificial Intelligence
(independent variable) and Competitive Advantage (dependent
variable). The study employs factor analysis to examine the connections
among independent, dependent, and mediator variables, as well as
sub-variables. It also streamlines the correlation matrix of the
variables by removing unrelated variables and sub-variables. Kruskal-Wallis test or “one-way ANOVA rank” would be used to
identify the statistically significant differences between sample
groups “top, middle, and first-line management”. Mann–Whitney test or “U test” would be used to identify the
statistically significant differences between two sample groups
“Male and Female”. Multiple regression analysis (MRA) and correlation coefficient
analysis will be utilized to assess the strength and type of
relationship between variables (Salkind et al., 2020) in this research
MRA will be employed to measure the relationship between
Artificial Intelligence (independent variable) and Green Supply
Chain (dependent variable) for analysis, explanation, and prediction

11.3. Research population and sample population
11.3.1. Research population:
The research population refers to individuals with shared
characteristics, who are the focus of investigation and data collection
(Eid, 2022). The research population consists of employees from five
corporations. These entities include Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals
and Chemical Industries, Kahira Company for Pharmaceutical and
Chemical Industries, Memphis Company for Pharmaceuticals and
Chemical Industries, Misr Company for Pharmaceutical Products, and El
Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company. Table (1/2) provides a
qualitative description of the research population:

Research population Qualitative description

Table (1/2)
Top Middle Non-
Manag Manag Manag Total
ement ement erial emplo
emplo emplo emplo yees
yees yees yees
Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical 56 157 224 1777 2214
Kahira Company for Pharmaceutical and Chemical 45 135 189 1278 1647
Memphis Company for Pharmaceuticals and 54 153 217 1563 1987
Chemical Industries
Misr Company for Pharmaceutical Products 49 138 209 1479 1875

El Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company 51 149 211 1491 1902

Total 255 732 1050 7588 9625

Table source: prepared by the researcher depending on collected data from the HR sector statements in the case study

11.3.2. Research sample:
Due to the sizable research population of 9625 employees in five
corporations, the researcher opts for a stratified random sample
as follows: Sample type: The researcher employed stratified random
sampling to avoid bias and represent all management (top, middle,
and executive) levels. Sample size: The researcher determined the sample size using
the following equation due to the large population size in the

n = N (Z^2.σ^2)/ (N. e^2 + (Z^2. σ^2))

● n = Sample size.
● N = Population size = 9625.
● Z = Standard Error limits with a 95% confidence level, 95% of all sample
means will be expected to lie within a confidence interval of ± 1.96
standard errors of the sample, which is the common SE in marketing
research (Eid, 2022).
● = research population standard deviation = 0.55 (Idrees, 2013).
● e = margin of error = 0.05


n = 9625 ((1,96)2. (0,55)2) / (((9625. (,05)2) + ((1,96)2. (0,55)2 )).

n = 11185.05850/(24.062+.01162)
n = 443.4189
Sample size 444 individuals.

The sample would be increased by the researcher to account for missing

and biased feedback and to reduce sampling malfunction. The new
sample size will be 460.

19 Sample withdrawing:
The researcher utilized stratified random sampling to ensure an
unbiased sample representative of all segments in the research
population. The sample was randomly selected while considering
corporate representation and management-level ratios. The
following table (1/3) displays the sample distribution:

Sample distribution and corporate ratios

table (1/3)
Top Middle
Manage Comp line
Manag Manag
ment any Manag
ement ement
Employ samp ement
sampl sampl
ees le sampl
e e
Nile Company for Pharmaceuticals and Chemical
437 106 14 38 54
Kahira Company for Pharmaceutical and
369 79 10 29 40
Chemical Industries
Memphis Company for Pharmaceuticals and
424 95 12 34 49
Chemical Industries
Misr Company for Pharmaceutical Products 396 90 11 31 47
El Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company 411 91 11 33 47
Total 2037 460 58 165 237
Table source: prepared by the researcher depending on collected data from the HR sector statements in the case study

20 Sample unit:
The individual with desired characteristics is the sample unit for
the survey. The research focuses on those who work in managerial
levels of top, middle, and first-line management in corporate

12.Research Outline
The research is divided into 5 five chapters as follows:
12.1. Chapter One: Research Methodology: Chapter One provides an
overview of the research, including definitions, a review of existing
literature, a pilot study, a research problem, objectives, hypotheses,
conceptual framework, limitations, methodology, and structure.
12.2. Chapter Two: Chapter Two contains the theoretical study which consists
of three sections. The first section discusses supply chain management,
including its definition, phases, importance, and practices. The second
section focuses on AI technologies, including their definition, dimensions,
importance, and relation with other variables. The third section examines
competitiveness in pharmaceutical companies in Greater Cairo, including
the definition of sustainable performance, its dimensions, importance, and
obstacles to achieving competitiveness.
12.3. Chapter Three: Empirical Framework, Chapter Three discusses research
design and methodology, covering topics such as research population,
sample, variables, data collection plan, statistical techniques, and data
preparation for analysis. The chapter concludes with a summary and
structure of the research. Section (3/2) will focus on analyzing data and
testing hypotheses related to the relationships among research variables,
as well as differences in attitudes towards artificial intelligence
technologies and corporate competitiveness at pharmaceutical companies
in Greater Cairo, Egypt.
12.4. Chapter Four: Conclusion and Recommendations, Chapter four presents
a succinct overview of the principal observations, delineates the principal
repercussions of the inquiry, enunciates the constraints of the
investigation, and ultimately posits various propositions as a Launchpad for
future research.

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