ACF Opening Plenary Programme
ACF Opening Plenary Programme
ACF Opening Plenary Programme
1. Honourable Yasmine Fouad Minister of Environment of the
Arab Republic of Egypt
2. Dr Patrick Omondi (Science Perspective) - SSC Member
and Chair of IUCN Kenya National Committee
3. Malidadi Langa, Chair, Alliance for Indigenous People and
Local Communities.
4. Chiyedza Heri, Ubuntu Alliance, Zimbabwe (Youth and Civil
Society perspective)
10.00 to 11.00 Health break and Seating for the Opening Ceremon y
Brieifing Session:
H. E. Razan Al Mubarak - President of IUCN
Dr. Grethel Rojas Aguilar - IUCN Director General
Mr. Luther Anukur - IUCN Regional Director, Eastern and
Southern Africa
Ms. Nana Toure – IUCN Regional Director, West and Eastern
11.30 to 11.40 Welcome Remarks