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Concrete Rate27.8.22

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Comparision Concrete Rates

As per PMC AS per AS per MGS/EN/
approved Rates AS per L&T ROB 72B
productivity 3.09 IRUSSOR IRUSSOR ROB GAQ-RFO &
36A i.e Submission 0.75 Chaundauli WDFC CTP-3
Cum per mandays 5.49cum LC43 Khatoli- 302 Ref.Rate 301 Ref.Rate Balance-SEB-
productivity Cum Productivity Majhawar R
based on the case Productivity Mujjaffarnagar MGS/288
0.61 per Man Days dt.10.08.2020
study per Man Days dt.23.11.2020 dt.02.01.2019
Item No. Ref. Description

Rate including Rate including Rate Rate Rate

Rate including Rate including Rate including Rate including Rate including
Cement & Cement & including including including
Unit Cement & Shuttering Cement & Cement & Cement & Cement &
Shuttering Shuttering Cement & Cement & Cement &
INR Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering
INR INR Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering

Foundation/Pile Cap

022040 USSOR M25 Rs/Cum 7136 6934 5543 5450 5410 6748 8590
022040 USSOR M30 Rs/Cum 7200 6999 5607 5514 5492 6748 7051 8650
022040 USSOR M35 Rs/Cum 7267 7066 5674 5581 5573 6219 5252 7734 8711
022040 USSOR M35 Piling Rs/Cum 7515 6977 5548 5492 5809 6133 8954
Sub Structure
Providing and laying in position machine
batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Design Mix Cement Concrete of
specified grade (Cast in-Situ) using 20mm
graded crushed stone aggregate and
coarse sand of approved quality for the
following Reinforced cement concrete
structural elements up to height of 10 m
from foundation top level, including
finishing, using Admixtures in approved
022050 USSOR proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify
workability & other properties without
impairing strength and durability
complete as per specifications and
direction of the Engineer in charge.
Payment for cement, reinforcement,
shuttering shall be paid extra.

022052 USSOR Abutment & Pier/ Wing wall and Return wall
M25 Rs/Cum 10152 9931 8629 8298 6874 8079 8590
M30 Rs/Cum 10218 9997 8694 8363 6955 8161 7494 7630 8650
M35 Rs/Cum 10286 10064 8762 8430 7036 7936 5589 8711
Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection
022053 USSOR Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap,
Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc.
M25 Rs/Cum 10389 10158 8774 8451 6991 8212 8590
M30 Rs/Cum 10455 10224 8840 8516 7073 8294 8195 8650
M35 Rs/Cum 10523 10291 8908 8583 7154 8375 5711 7630 8711
M45 Rs/Cum 11288 11057 9333 9009 7643 8864 9075

022054 USSOR Approach slab at formation level, Dirt

wall/ ballast wall at formation level
M25 Rs/Cum 8523 8312 6994 6753 5764 6065 7739 8590
M30 Rs/Cum 8588 8377 7059 6817 5845 6147 7910 8650
M35 Rs/Cum 8654 8444 7125 6884 6378 6679 5711 8009 8711
M45 Rs/Cum 9386 9175 7546 7305 6867 7168 8104 9075
** Acerage Rate of Concrete including Shuttering 9172 8934 7536 7296 6458 7322 7580 5566 7822 8727
Note Average Lead 37Km X Rs.45 per Cum-KM) 45*37 1665 1665 1665 1665 1665 1665 900 2337
Total Rate 10837 10599 9201 8961 8123 8987 8480 5566 10159 8727
Comparison of Concrete Rates

As per PMC AS per AS per NR NR NR NR

AS per L&T productivity 3.09 IRUSSOR ROB 72B
Submission 0.75 Cum per mandays 5.49cum LC43 Khatoli- Majhawar 301 Ref.Rate WDFC CTP-3 MGS/EN/GAQ-RFO & Balance-SEB-MGS/288 dt.02.01.2019 ROB LC-75 xing no. AVERAGE RATE
ROB LC-43A L-xing no. 30,42
Cum Productivity based on the case Productivity Mujjaffarnagar dt.10.08.2020 R Dt. Dt. 52 Dt. & 45 (SL NO- D TO O)
per Man Days study per Man Days dt.23.11.2020 25.06.2020 Dt.
10.02.2021 20.02.2020 25.06.2020
Item No. Ref. Description

Rate including Rate including Rate
Rate including Rate including Rate including Rate including including inclusive Cement Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
Cement & Cement & Shuttering Cement & Cement & Cement & Cement & of consuptio Rate of Amount of including including including including including
Unit Shuttering Cement & Shuttering cement cement Cement & Cement & Cement & Cement & Cement &
INR INR Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering with all n per cum Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering
lead & lifts
Foundation/Pile Cap

022040 USSOR M25 Rs/Cum 6934 5543 5450 6526 0.34 6069 2063.46 7669 6560
022040 USSOR M30 Rs/Cum 6999 5607 5514 6526 0.35 6069 2124.15 7724 6763
022040 USSOR M35 Rs/Cum 7066 5674 5581 5507 5713 5252 7734 6526 0.36 6069 2184.84 7778 6373 5642 5665 5780 6102
022040 USSOR M35 Piling Rs/Cum 6977 5548 5492 6526 0.4 6069 2427.6 7995 6743
Sub Structure
Providing and laying in position machine
batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Design Mix Cement Concrete of
specified grade (Cast in-Situ) using 20mm
graded crushed stone aggregate and
coarse sand of approved quality for the
following Reinforced cement concrete
structural elements up to height of 10 m
from foundation top level, including
finishing, using Admixtures in approved
022050 USSOR proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify
workability & other properties without
impairing strength and durability
complete as per specifications and
direction of the Engineer in charge.
Payment for cement, reinforcement,
shuttering shall be paid extra.

022051/ USSOR Abutment & Pier/ Wing wall and Return wall
M25 Rs/Cum 9931 8629 8298 6526 0.34 6069 2063 7669 7984
M30 Rs/Cum 9997 8694 8363 7630 6526 0.35 6069 2124 7724 7803
M35 Rs/Cum 10064 8762 8430 6816 6874 5589 6526 0.36 6069 2185 7778 6415 5717 6803
Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection
022053 USSOR Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap,
Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc.
M25 Rs/Cum 10158 8774 8451 6526 0.34 6069 2063 7669 8060
M30 Rs/Cum 10224 8840 8516 6526 0.35 6069 2124 7724 8145
M35 Rs/Cum 10291 8908 8583 7062 7218 5711 7630 6526 0.36 6069 2185 7778 6605 5858 7056
M45 Rs/Cum 11057 9333 9009 6526 0.42 6069 2549 8103 8556

022054 USSOR Approach slab at formation level, Dirt

wall/ ballast wall at formation level
M25 Rs/Cum 8312 6994 6753 7739 6526 0.34 6069 2063 7669 5738 5642 5757 6550
M30 Rs/Cum 8377 7059 6817 7910 6526 0.35 6069 2124 7724 7484
M35 Rs/Cum 8444 7125 6884 6238 6563 5711 8009 6526 0.36 6069 2185 7778 6864
M45 Rs/Cum 9175 7546 7305 8104 6526 0.42 6069 2549 8103 7837
** Acerage Rate of Concrete including Shuttering 8934 7536 7296 6406 6592 5566 7822 7792 6464 5739 5654 5768
Note Average Lead 37Km X Rs.45 per Cum-KM) 45*37 1665 1665 1665 1665 1665 2337
Total Rate 10599 9201 8961 8071 8257 5566 10159 7792 6464 5739 5654 5768
Comparison of Concrete Rates

As per PMC AS per AS per NR NR NR
Submission 0.75 Chaundauli xing no. AVERAGE RATE
Cum per mandays 5.49cum LC43 Khatoli- 301 Ref.Rate ROB LC-75 ROB LC-43A L-xing no.
Cum Productivity Majhawar 30,42 & 45 (SL NO- D TO O)
based on the case Productivity Mujjaffarnagar Dt. Dt. 52 Dt.
per Man Days dt.10.08.2020 Dt.
study per Man Days dt.23.11.2020 22.06.2020 10.02.2021 20.02.2020
Item No. Ref. Description

Rate including Rate Rate Rate Rate

Rate including Rate including Rate including Rate including Rate including
Cement & including including including including
Unit Cement & Shuttering Cement & Cement & Cement & Cement &
Shuttering Cement & Cement & Cement & Cement &
INR Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering
INR Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering Shuttering

Foundation/Pile Cap

022040 USSOR M25 Rs/Cum 6934 5543 5450

022040 USSOR M30 Rs/Cum 6999 5607 5514
022040 USSOR M35 Rs/Cum 7066 5674 5581 5507 5713 5252 6469 5642 5665 5780 5718
022040 USSOR M35 Piling Rs/Cum 6977 5548 5492
Sub Structure
Providing and laying in position machine
batched, machine mixed and machine
vibrated Design Mix Cement Concrete of
specified grade (Cast in-Situ) using 20mm
graded crushed stone aggregate and
coarse sand of approved quality for the
following Reinforced cement concrete
structural elements up to height of 10 m
from foundation top level, including
finishing, using Admixtures in approved
022050 USSOR proportions (as per IS:9103), to modify
workability & other properties without
impairing strength and durability
complete as per specifications and
direction of the Engineer in charge.
Payment for cement, reinforcement,
shuttering shall be paid extra.

022051/ USSOR Abutment & Pier/ Wing wall and Return wall
M25 Rs/Cum 9931 8629 8298
M30 Rs/Cum 9997 8694 8363
M35 Rs/Cum 10064 8762 8430 6816 6874 5589 7720 5717 6543
Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection
022053 USSOR Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap,
Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc.
M25 Rs/Cum 10158 8774 8451
M30 Rs/Cum 10224 8840 8516
M35 Rs/Cum 10291 8908 8583 7062 7218 5711 6605 7164 6752
M45 Rs/Cum 11057 9333 9009

022054 USSOR Approach slab at formation level, Dirt

wall/ ballast wall at formation level
M25 Rs/Cum 8312 6994 6753 6272 5642 5757 5890
M30 Rs/Cum 8377 7059 6817
M35 Rs/Cum 8444 7125 6884 6238 6563 5711 6171
M45 Rs/Cum 9175 7546 7305
** Acerage Rate of Concrete including Shuttering 8934 7536 7296 6406 6592 5566 6932 6199 5654 5768
Note Average Lead 37Km X Rs.45 per Cum-KM) 45*37 1665 1665 1665 1665 1665
Total Rate 10599 9201 8961 8071 8257 5566 6932 6199 5654 5768

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