Margue Rat 2010

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Cell. Mol. Life Sci.

(2010) 67:569–579
DOI 10.1007/s00018-009-0180-6 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences

RNA-seq: from technology to biology

Samuel Marguerat • Jürg Bähler

Received: 23 July 2009 / Revised: 11 September 2009 / Accepted: 8 October 2009 / Published online: 27 October 2009
Ó The Author(s) 2009. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Next-generation sequencing technologies are of RNAs are tightly controlled, and they shape complex
now being exploited not only to analyse static genomes, gene expression networks that ultimately drive biological
but also dynamic transcriptomes in an approach termed processes. These networks need to be robust as well as
RNA-seq. Although these powerful and rapidly evolving highly plastic in order to allow rapid adaptation to envi-
technologies have only been available for a couple of ronmental or genetic perturbations [1]. An in-depth
years, they are already making substantial contributions to understanding of the principles and mechanisms governing
our understanding of genome expression and regulation. these complex gene expression programmes is important to
Here, we briefly describe technical issues accompanying better understand complex diseases such as cancer. For
RNA-seq data generation and analysis, highlighting dif- more than 10 years, microarrays have allowed the simul-
ferences to array-based approaches. We then review recent taneous monitoring of expression levels of all annotated
biological insight gained from applying RNA-seq and genes in cell populations [2, 3]. The ability to analyse entire
related approaches to deeply sample transcriptomes in gene expression programmes has opened new horizons for
different cell types or physiological conditions. These our understanding of global processes regulating gene
approaches are providing fascinating information about expression. Similarly, with the increasing realisation that
transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulation, RNAs transcribed from non-coding portions of genomes are
and they are also giving unique insight into the richness of playing fundamental roles, genome-wide approaches have
transcript structures and processing on a global scale and at provided valuable insights into this aspect of transcripto-
unprecedented resolution. mes. Later generations of microarrays (referred to as ‘‘tiling
arrays’’), which consist of probes designed to interrogate a
Keywords High-throughput sequencing  genome systematically irrespective of any gene annotation,
Transcriptional control  Non-coding RNA  have been instrumental in discovering unknown transcripts
Post-transcriptional control  Gene expression  Splicing  [4]. Applying this technique to several different organisms
Transcriptome  Genome has demonstrated that the complexity of transcriptomes has
indeed been vastly underestimated [5]. This is when next-
generation sequencers have entered the market. These
Introduction platforms allow the rapid and cost-effective generation of
massive amounts of sequence data. Obviously, this break-
Regulation of gene expression is fundamental to link through provides a huge potential to revolutionise the field
genotypes with phenotypes. The synthesis and maturation of transcriptomics. Even though direct sequencing of cDNA
libraries has been achieved before with SAGE [6] and
MPSS [7] approaches, next-generation sequencing (NGS)
S. Marguerat  J. Bähler (&) technologies are more straightforward and more affordable.
Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment,
RNA-seq was thus born [8–11].
UCL Cancer Institute, University College London,
Darwin Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK In this review, we will first provide an overview of the
e-mail: [email protected] strengths and challenges inherent to RNA-seq and will then
570 S. Marguerat, J. Bähler

highlight major biological insights gained from RNA-seq sodium bisulphate [14]. This chemical triggers the trans-
in a wide range of organisms. formation of cytidine into uridine; widespread C–T
transition therefore ‘‘marks’’ the coding strand of each
transcript. Six additional RNA-seq protocols that maintain
RNA-seq data generation and analysis strand-specificity have been published. They differ in how
the adaptor sequences are inserted into the cDNA, which is
The NGS market is currently dominated by three different achieved (1) by direct ligation of RNA adaptors to the
platforms: the FLX pyrosequencing system from 454 Life RNA sample before reverse transcription [15, 16], (2) by
Sciences (a Roche company), the Illumina Genome Ana- addition of the adaptor sequences by template switch
lyser (developed initially by Solexa), and the AB SOLiD during reverse transcription [17], (3) by double-random
system (now Life Technologies). On all three platforms, priming coupled to solid phase extraction [18], (4) by
DNA fragments are sequenced in parallel, producing large direct ligation of the DNA adaptors to single-stranded
numbers of relatively short sequence ‘‘reads’’ or ‘‘tags’’. cDNA [19–21], (5) by reverse transcription of in vitro
The throughput varies from hundreds of thousands of reads polyadenylated RNA fragments followed by intramolecular
for the FLX system to hundreds of millions of reads for the ligation [22], or (6) by incorporation of dUTP during sec-
Illumina Genome Analyser and AB SOLiD systems. Read ond strand synthesis and digestion with uracil-N-
lengths range from 30–100 bp for Illumina and SOLiD to glycosylase [23]. These methods are likely to differ in
200–500 bp for FLX. It is important to note that these potential biases introduced in the data, and careful com-
technologies are evolving at a tremendous pace, with ever- parisons will be highly interesting.
increasing numbers and lengths of sequence reads. The NGS technologies exploit light that is emitted when the
three major systems differ significantly in the approaches correct base (or oligonucleotides in case of SOLiD) mat-
used to produce massive amounts of sequences. An in- ches the template being sequenced and is incorporated into
depth discussion of the technical and methodological the sequencing reaction. Thus, NGS raw outputs are image
aspects of these next-generation sequencers is beyond the records of the light emitted by every single parallel
scope of this review and can be found elsewhere [12, 13]. sequencing reaction at every sequencing cycle. These raw
Despite their technological differences, the three major image files represent terabytes of data and require sub-
platforms rely on similar work flows for the production and stantial storage resources. The images are then processed in
analysis of sequencing libraries (Fig. 1). First, the sample order to extract numerical signals for every base at every
nucleic acids have to be sheared in order to reach a size synthesis event from all the parallel reactions. These sig-
compatible with sequencing (typically \500 bp). Second, nals are used for base calling. Improving the quality and
DNA adapters containing unique sequences are attached at reliability of signal extraction and base calling has led to
both ends of the sheared DNA molecules. These adapters significant increases in the quality and throughput of NGS
subsequently allow the DNA fragments to be singled out, data [24–26].
either on beads or on a slide (‘‘flowcell’’), to then be After image and signal processing, NGS data consist of
sequenced in parallel. a list of short sequences together with their base call
The library preparation is a key step of RNA-seq, qualities. These data are fundamentally different from
because it determines how closely the cDNA sequence data microarray data. With hybridisation-based techniques, the
reflect the original RNA population. In the classic NGS scanner returns signal intensities for each probe on the
protocols, which have been developed for the analysis of array. In the case of RNA-seq data, the number of reads
genomic DNA, adapters are ligated onto shared double- mapping to any given region of the genome makes up the
stranded DNA fragments. In order to allow the analysis of signal. Besides providing single base pair resolution,
transcriptomes by NGS, these protocols have been adapted sequencing allows the maintaining of total control on
to the sequencing of cDNA. The most straightforward which reads are included in the final analysis and hence
approach is to simply synthesise double-stranded cDNA, to contribute to the expression signals. Thus, RNA-seq data
which the adapter can then be ligated. This robust protocol are countable and digital in nature. The generation of
has been attractive, because it applies the procedures reliable RNA-seq data therefore relies heavily on proper
developed by the manufacturer for the analysis of genomic mapping of sequencing reads to corresponding reference
DNA, and it has been widely used in the original RNA-seq genomes or on their efficient de novo assembly. Mapping
studies. A substantial drawback of this approach, however, NGS reads with high efficiency and reliability currently
is the loss of information on transcriptional direction, faces several challenges. First, the computing resources
because the adaptor is ligated to double-stranded cDNA. required to map huge numbers of small reads within a
An elegant study has managed to maintain strand infor- reasonable time can be limiting. However, tremendous
mation simply by pre-treating the RNA samples with effort has been invested during the last couple of years to
RNA-seq: from technology to biology 571

Fig. 1 Flowchart of a typical

RNA-seq experiment

develop algorithms that allow mapping of millions of small Once the sequencing reads have been filtered and
reads using limited computing resources and time [27–33]. mapped (or assembled), it is possible to compute an
The second challenge arises from the relatively high error expression score for every base in the genome and thus
rate of NGS data, meaning that non-perfect matches have obtain transcriptome maps at the best possible resolution.
to be considered when mapping reads back to a genome. The true resolution of this approach, however, depends on
This issue is particularly relevant when single nucleotide the amount of sequence coverage and therefore on the
polymorphisms (SNPs) are of interest to detect allele-spe- amount of sequences generated. Sequence coverage can be
cific expression in RNA-seq data. To distinguish a limiting factor, especially when large genomes are ana-
sequencing errors from SNPs requires higher sequencing lysed, due to costs and machine time required.
depths such that correct base calls at each position can be
made, even in heterozygous samples, because each base is
sequenced multiple times. Analysis protocols have been Applying RNA-seq to probe the breadth and depth
developed for the detection of genetic variation at a rea- of genome transcription
sonable sequencing depth and hence at affordable costs
[34]. Library preparation and/or sequencing procedures can The use of NGS technologies for the analysis of RNA has
also introduce systematic biases and artefacts such as over- been pioneered by researchers working with small regula-
amplification of GC-rich regions and generation of dupli- tory RNAs, possibly because this field has benefited less
cate sequences [35]. A third challenge, which is also one of from microarrays as the usual size of small RNAs is too
the most exciting feature of RNA-seq data, is to identify short to be captured adequately with the limited resolution
reads containing post-transcriptionally modified or rear- provided by microarrays. Sequencing of short regulatory
ranged sequences which cannot be mapped directly to the RNAs has resulted in important and exciting papers which
reference genome. This feature will be discussed in more has been extensively reviewed elsewhere [46, 47]. Whole
detail below. Finally, for cases when no good quality ref- transcriptome studies using RNA-seq have emerged soon
erence genome is available, direct de novo assembly of after. To date, transcriptomes have been sequenced for over
RNA-seq data into contigs may be useful. Several assem- a dozen organisms including human [14, 16, 18–20,
blers optimised for short sequence reads have been recently 48–55], mouse [17, 23, 56–58], budding yeast [22, 23,
developed [36–45]. 59–62], fission yeast [63], worm [64], fruit fly [65],
572 S. Marguerat, J. Bähler

non-model organisms [66, 67], several plants [15, 68–71] Another characteristic of RNA-seq data is their high
and prokaryotes [21, 72, 73]. Unlike the genome, the sensitivity, allowing the detection of the expression of
transcriptome dynamically changes in response to the substantially more transcripts in a given cell type compared
environment or to intrinsic programmes, and many studies to what could be detected by microarrays. RNA-seq studies
have reported transcriptome sequences for several cell also contribute to an increased list of the transcripts
types or physiological conditions. expressed in all organisms studied, most of these newly
The countable, almost digital, nature of RNA-seq data defined transcripts being non-coding. A high coverage
makes them particularly attractive for the quantitative RNA-seq study of the fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces
analysis of transcript expression levels. Nearly every RNA- pombe) transcriptome during vegetative growth revealed
seq study published to date has addressed this question, and that over 94% of this genome is actively transcribed at
they agree that RNA-seq data are highly quantitative and some level, including genes required only under specialised
give reliable measurements of transcript levels in one or physiological conditions [63]. This finding could reflect a
more conditions. The dynamic range of these data is the- small percentage of cells in the population expressing a
oretically only limited by the sequencing depth and has different transcriptional programme [72], or it could reflect
been reported to span at least 5 orders of magnitude [58]. a certain amount of basal background transcription. The
This dynamic range is well beyond the range achieved by latter would be compatible with the suggestion that as
microarrays and close to the estimated range of transcript much as 90% of all RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) initiation
frequencies in the cell. A few studies also looked at the events represent transcriptional noise and raises the ques-
ability of RNA-seq to measure differential gene expression tion of the biological relevance of an almost ubiquitous
[51, 57, 61]. These studies agree in saying that RNA-seq noisy transcription [76].
performs at least as well as microarrays provided an ade- RNA-seq has also been used to dig deep into eukaryotic
quate sequencing depth. RNA-seq has the advantage transcriptomes and reveal an intriguing new feature of
though that, besides differential transcripts levels, levels of eukaryotic transcription at promoters. Cryptic unstable
different splice variants or of transcripts with different transcripts (CUTs) are small RNA Pol II transcripts found
UTR length can be assessed at the same time (see below). in the budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which are
Producing enough reads for accurate quantification of targeted for degradation by the exosome complex imme-
lowly expressed transcripts, however, can still be quite diately after synthesis [77]. While the mechanisms
expensive for large transcriptomes. In a variant of RNA- regulating their processing have been extensively studied,
seq, only small tags at the 30 ends of transcripts are the prevalence of CUTs in the yeast genome has remained
sequenced. This assay permits the measurement of even unknown. Two studies have determined the genome-wide
lowly expressed transcripts with a limited amount of distributions and structures of CUTs [78, 79], using NGS to
sequencing reads [57, 74]. sequence a SAGE library enriched for CUTs or high-den-
Besides this quantitative aspect, RNA-seq studies are sity tiling arrays, respectively. Interestingly, CUTs seem to
enabling researchers to refine transcript annotation, pro- be well-defined transcriptional units arising mostly from
viding for instance accurate maps of transcript start and end nucleosome-free regions (NFRs). NFRs are characteristic
sites. This feature is of particular help for dense prokary- of eukaryotic genomes and can be found mainly in the
otic genomes, allowing confident discrimination between promoters and terminators of genes [80]. A fraction of
single gene transcriptional units and operons encompassing CUTs are overlapping the 50 ends of genes, suggesting a
several genes [72]. The analysis of transcript structures is potential regulatory function. However, CUTs are most
also fundamental for the study of complex diseases such as frequently transcribed in divergent orientation from the
cancer. Genomic re-arrangements or mutations can gener- promoters of genes, suggesting that they could be by-
ate aberrant fusion transcripts which, if stably expressed, products of Pol II-dependent transcription [78, 79]. These
can lead to pathologies. Such gene fusions have been data suggest that bidirectional transcription is a widespread
shown to be commonly associated with different types of characteristic of eukaryotic promoters. In budding yeast,
tumours [75]. Direct sequencing of transcriptomes, coupled stable transcripts arising from bidirectional transcription
with analysis pipelines allowing the detection of sequence can also be detected, suggesting that this phenomenon is
re-arrangements and abnormal transcript structures, are not restricted to cryptic transcripts [79]. Interestingly, these
powerful tools which permit direct detection of such fusion transcripts show extensive overlaps with annotated genes.
events. Several studies have already provided proofs of A possible regulatory role of bidirectional transcription
principle that this approach is suitable for discovering new remains to be determined, but some data suggest that
aberrant transcripts [19, 50]. Thus, this technological divergent transcripts could act as transcriptional ‘‘links’’
breakthrough will hopefully fuel our understanding of between neighbouring genes and potentially regulate their
complex diseases. co-expression [79]. Bidirectional transcription seems to be
RNA-seq: from technology to biology 573

a conserved characteristic as it can also be detected in based on the genomic sequence alone. Techniques allowing
multicellular eukaryotes. Transcripts similar to yeast CUTs global characterisation of post-transcriptional sequence
have been detected after inactivation of the exosome in alterations and rearrangements are therefore required. High-
human cells. These so-called ‘‘promoter upstream tran- density tiling arrays are only partially suited for the analysis
scripts’’ (PROMTs) are mostly transcribed from promoters of post-transcriptional structural changes as their probe
of active genes in both directions [81]. As in yeast, stable design is unable to capture sequences that either are not
transcripts mapping to both strands of promoters can also encoded in the genome, as in the case of editing, or are not
be detected in metazoans [16, 82–84]. A similar class of adjacent in the genome, as in the case of splicing. These
short transcripts, 20–90 nucleotides in length, has been limitations could in principle be circumvented by designing
found in mouse ES cells, up- and downstream of the additional sets of probes for the array, but this requires high
transcription start sites (TSS) [82]. Interestingly, these quality annotation. RNA-seq, on the other hand, is partic-
short divergent transcripts are not enriched in terminator or ularly well suited for the study of mRNA processing, as it
intergenic regions. Analysis of histone marks around these generates transcript sequence data from a library indepen-
transcripts has revealed that marks associated with tran- dently of the organism’s genome sequence. In case of RNA
scription elongation are present on the gene sequences but splicing, for instance, where tiling arrays require the design
not in the antisense direction, suggesting that productive of special sets of probes, sequencing relies only on an
elongation occurs mostly downstream of the TSS. In this appropriate mapping strategy able to retrieve reads con-
context, it is possible that these short RNAs mark regions taining non-adjacent sequences (Fig. 2a). Several strategies
of Pol II pausing [82]. A similar picture could be detected have been developed for this purpose. In one approach, the
in human fibroblasts where nascent RNAs have been set of reads which does not map properly to the reference
sequenced using NGS technology, providing an overview genome can successively be mapped against a reference
of the distribution of Pol II engaged in transcription at a sequence library containing all known or predicted exon–
given time [16]. This study concludes that a large amount exon junctions. Sequencing reads mapping across exon–
of Pol II is paused shortly after initiation. In addition, exon junctions (often called ‘‘trans-reads’’) are diagnostic
engaged Pol II has been detected in divergent direction for post-transcriptional rearrangements. While quite
relative to genes. However, the lack of sequencing reads straightforward and flexible, this approach is limited when
further upstream indicates that divergent Pol II does not it comes to discovering new, un-annotated splice junctions.
productively elongate transcripts [16]. These findings Alternatively, a reference sequence library of all possible
suggest that regulation of transcript elongation participates splice junctions instead of all known splice junctions could
in the control of gene expression. In summary, bidirec- be used for mapping. This approach would permit discovery
tional transcription at promoters seems to be a widespread of new splicing events. In another approach, sequencing
phenomenon conserved across evolution. Further investi- reads are either mapped allowing gaps in the alignment or
gation will now be required to understand what portion of split in two before mapping both halves back separately to
these divergent transcription events represents useless by- the reference genome. The reads, whose two halves do not
products of transcription initiation and what portion plays map next to each other, point to a post-transcriptional
regulatory roles. rearrangement or splicing event. This approach is poten-
tially extremely powerful as it does not rely on any genome
annotation. However, it requires sufficiently long sequenc-
Applying RNA-seq to interrogate post-transcriptional ing reads to be confidently mapped even if split in two.
gene regulation In addition to mapping the sites of post-transcriptional
rearrangements, trans-reads provide a quantitative mea-
Post-transcriptional regulation is a fundamental part of gene surement of the levels of different transcript isoforms.
expression, which may well match transcriptional control in Furthermore, the amount of trans-reads at a given exon–
importance and sophistication. It includes the control of exon junction relative to the amount of reads spanning the
alternative splicing and polyadenylation, RNA editing, corresponding exon–intron junctions provides a measure of
RNA degradation and translation. With the possible the splicing efficiency at this junction. This feature has been
exception of translational control, these processes involve exploited to sample splicing efficiencies across all introns
the modification of transcript sequences or structures. The and genes under different conditions in fission yeast [63]. A
sequences of the processed RNA molecules can therefore fourth strategy takes advantage of so-called paired-end
differ substantially from the corresponding genome sequencing. NGS sequencers have been up-graded to allow
sequences. Our understanding of the sequence motifs gov- sequencing both ends of each DNA fragment in the library.
erning post-transcriptional control improves steadily but In this case, the data consist of two sequencing reads per
does not yet allow prediction of mRNA processing events DNA fragment. The distance between the two reads is
574 S. Marguerat, J. Bähler

known as it equals the fragment size of the library. This common [48]. This finding indicates that tissue specific
development has been critical for making it much easier, for alternative splicing is an almost universal mode of tissue-
example, to map short reads in low complexity regions [85]. specific gene regulation. Extreme ‘‘switch-like’’ behav-
For the analysis of post-transcriptional rearrangements by iours, where two isoforms are mutually exclusive in two
RNA-seq, the paired reads that map much closer or farther distinct tissues, have also been detected [48]. In these
apart to each other than the insert size of the library can cases, alternative splicing can produce different proteins in
point to rearrangements. While being compatible with short different contexts. Interestingly, ‘‘switch-like’’ exons are
reads and not relying on any prior knowledge about the characterised by conserved regulatory motifs [48]. Differ-
regulatory motifs or genome annotation, this fourth ent spliced isoforms can also occur together in the same
approach does not provide direct base pair mapping of the tissues. An interesting study has applied RNA-seq to ana-
junction. An advantage of the first three strategies described lyse the transcriptome of single mouse cells [56]. The
above is that the exact splice junction or rearrangement authors report 335 genes that display multiple isoforms in a
point coordinates can be identified. single blastomere, indicating that alternative splicing can
Analysis of alternative splicing by RNA-seq has been also increase the diversity of the transcriptome of a single
performed recently on several human tissues [48, 49, 56] cell during embryonic development. Similar analyses per-
and cell lines [48, 55]. The ability to globally sample every formed in fission and budding yeasts have provided
possible splice isoform has uncovered a much larger interesting insights into how simpler unicellular eukaryotes
amount of alternative splicing in human tissues than pre- exploit alternative splicing as a mode of post-transcrip-
viously estimated. Considering different tissues, as many as tional regulation [59, 63]. In fission yeast, intron retention
95% of the human multi-exon genes have been found to seems to be the main event detected during sexual differ-
undergo alternative splicing, with exon skipping being the entiation. This finding has confirmed and extended
most frequent form of regulation [48, 49]. These results observations from smaller-scale studies [87]. In addition,
considerably increase previous estimates, which have global splicing efficiencies and transcript expression levels
suggested that about two-thirds of human genes are dif- seem to be positively correlated during vegetative growth
ferentially spliced [86]. Importantly, for 92% of genes, the and sexual differentiation, suggesting coordination
second most frequent isoform has a relative frequency between transcription and splicing [63]. A recent RNA-seq
above 15%, indicating that in most cases several isoforms study in budding yeast has uncovered many alternative
of the same transcript reach substantial levels of expression isoforms showing differential expression between vegeta-
[48]. Isoforms differ mostly between tissues, while tive growth and response to heat-shock [60]. Interestingly,
between individual variations are two- to threefold less some of these isoforms are possibly coding for proteins of

Fig. 2 Detection of post-transcriptional modifications and rearrange- measure of splicing efficiency. b Reads containing poly(A) tracts
ments by RNA-seq. a Reads spanning exon–exon junctions give which are not encoded in the reference genome are diagnostic of
positive evidence for splicing events (trans-reads in red). Comparing polyadenylation events. c Reads containing sequence polymorphisms
the number of trans-reads for a selected junction to the number of compared with the reference genome are potential polymorphisms or
reads spanning its corresponding exon–intron junctions (blue) gives a editing sites
RNA-seq: from technology to biology 575

different lengths. Taken together, these data show that Several CLIP-seq (also called HITS-CLIP, for high-
regulation of splicing is also used by unicellular eukaryotes throughput sequencing CLIP) studies have analysed the
to control and diversify gene expression. Finally, bioin- binding patterns of human splicing regulators in different
formatics tools helping to extract the respective expression cell types and tissues [96–98]. For example, analysis of the
levels of different transcript isoforms from RNA-seq data binding patterns of the neuron-specific splicing factor Nova
are becoming available and will help to refine the global has demonstrated that its binding to introns determines
picture of alternative splicing in eukaryotes [88, 89]. the outcome of alternative splicing while its binding to
A related mechanism by which transcript diversity can 30 -UTRs can regulate alternative polyadenylation [97]. RIP
be increased is the use of alternative polyadenylation sites. and CLIP-seq have also been used to characterise Ago-
RNA-seq is particularly well suited to study polyadenyla- RNA complexes in mouse, human and fission yeast [99–
tion as it allows direct sequencing of the junctions between 101]. The Ago protein binds small RNAs to form a core
poly(A) tails and the rest of the transcript (Fig. 2b). This RNA silencing complex. Sequencing the populations of
approach permits the disentangling of several isoforms microRNAs (miRNAs) and mRNAs bound to Ago proteins
with alternative polyadenylation sites in a single sample. in the mouse brain has allowed direct identification of in
For example, human cells show a strong correlation of vivo expressed miRNAs and their potential target tran-
alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation scripts [99]. RIP-seq with Ago has led to the discovery of a
between tissues, suggesting coordination between these new class of small RNAs in humans, originating from
two processes [48]. Interestingly, alternative introns and 30 small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNA) which can function like
untranslated regions (UTRs) are sharing common regula- miRNAs [100].
tory motifs, suggesting that they also share regulatory Ribosomes are riboprotein complexes mediating the
factors [48]. translation of RNA transcripts into proteins and are prob-
Transcriptome diversity can also be increased by editing ably the most abundant RNA-binding proteins in the cell.
of mRNA transcripts. This process involves deamination of Studying the amount and position of ribosomes bound to
adenosines into inosines, which are then read as guano- transcripts globally can provide important information
sines. Editing is critical for brain function in mammals and about regulation of translation. To this end, total cellular
linked to several diseases [90]. However, the extent of this RNA is fractionated based on the amount of associated
phenomenon has remained elusive. Direct sequencing of ribosomes (‘‘polysome profiling’’) [102]. This technique
transcriptomes is the method of choice to understand how has provided information on basic properties of the trans-
prevalent is this mode of post-transcriptional regulation lation process. NGS technologies with their ability to detect
(Fig. 2c). Indeed, a pioneering RNA-seq analysis of human the exact sequence of short RNA molecules have now
brain and other tissues has revealed hundreds of new enabled a transition from genome-wide polysome profiling
editing sites, many of which are located in non-coding to genome-wide ribosome foot-printing [22]. Similarly to
RNAs [91]. the CLIP method outlined above, this approach is based on
Information about protein–RNA interactions is funda- the isolation of short RNA fragments occupied by ribo-
mental for the understanding of regulatory networks somes and hence protected from degradation by an
governing the different layers of post-transcriptional con- endonuclease. It permits not only the measurement of the
trol. Predicting protein–RNA binding sites is difficult not number of ribosomes associated with different transcripts
least due to the relatively low sequence conservation of but their exact positions along the RNA molecules. This
RNA binding motifs. Protein–RNA interactions can be method, termed ‘‘ribosome profiling’’, has been applied to
mapped directly, however, using approaches similar the budding yeast grown under two different physiological
chromatin immunoprecipitation technique used to identify conditions [22]. The ability to detect the distribution of
protein–DNA interactions [92]. This approach is achieved ribosomes on transcripts at maximum resolution has
in two ways: (1) RNA-binding proteins are immunopre- revealed that the density of ribosomes is not uniform across
cipitated together with their intact target transcripts (RIP) transcripts. All transcripts contain a region of constant
[93], or (2) RNA-binding proteins are crosslinked to the length at their 50 ends showing a high density of ribosomes
RNAs they interact with and treated with RNAse before [22]. This observation could explain the previously pub-
immunoprecipitation (CLIP for crosslinking immunopre- lished phenomenon that short transcripts tend to be much
cipitation) [94]. This second approach limits the analysis to more densely packed with ribosomes than large transcripts
RNA fragments protected by the binding protein and is [103, 104]. The amount of ribosomes found in introns and
reminiscent of a footprint. The immunoprecipitated RNAs 30 -UTRs is less than 1% of the ribosome density seen in
need eventually to be identified using either single-gene open reading frames (ORFs), indicating that retained
[94] or genome-wide methods [95]. NGS technologies introns are rarely translationally active. Moreover, many
have been successfully applied to these approaches. small ORFs (uORFs) are detected in the 50 -UTRs of genes,
576 S. Marguerat, J. Bähler

but their functional relevance remains elusive. The ribo- researchers is to creatively exploit the opportunities pro-
some density in these uORFs is significantly higher than in vided by those rapidly evolving technologies. Even more
other regions of the 50 -UTRs, indicating that pervasive powerful sequencing approaches are already on the hori-
translation occurs upstream of the ORF [22]. Surprisingly, zon. For example, ‘‘next-next-generation’’ sequencers such
a substantial amount of these uORFs are using non-AUG as the Helicos system, which can sequence millions of
start codons, thus unexpectedly increasing the scope of single molecules in parallel, are entering the market and
peptides that can be translated from a given transcript. seem to be suited to analyse RNA [109]. Truly, progress is
limited mainly by our imagination, and exciting times are
certainly ahead.
Conclusions and outlook
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Luis López-Maury,
Rachel Imoberdorf, Vera Pancaldi, Martin Převorovský, and Brian
Next-generation sequencing technologies are revolutionis- Wilhelm for critical reading of the manuscript. Research in our lab-
ing genomics research and beyond by enabling the much oratory is funded by Cancer Research UK and by PhenOxiGEn, an
more rapid and cost-effective generation of massive EU FP7 research project.
amounts of sequences compared to traditional Sanger
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
sequencing. This technological breakthrough provides an Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which per-
opportunity for regular research institutes and departments mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
to engage in ambitious projects which so far have only been medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
conceivable for large genome centers. The impact of NGS
technologies for the analysis of gene regulation is particu-
larly high. Within only two years, RNA-seq has reached a
point where recent state-of-the-art technologies such as References
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