Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Vidya Surwade
Associate Professor, Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar, Medical College & Hospital, Rohinee, Delhi
19. Burden of Overweight and Obesity Among Secondary and Senior Secondary
Students of New Delhi Municipal Council Schools........................................................................................... 100
Thilagar M, Poornima Tiwari
33. Healthy Literate Working Dynamic Life Expectancy for India and
Some of its Major States......................................................................................................................................... 170
Nazmina Hussain, Barnali Thakuria
36. Correlation of D-Dimer Level with Severity of Pneumonia, Hospital Stay and
Mortality in Case of Covid-19 Infection: A Retrospective Study
an a Tertiary Care Hospital................................................................................................................................... 188
Rajashree Pradhan, Sajeeb Mondal, Somsubhra Chattopadhyay,
Sharmistha Debnath
38. Scoping Review on Brain Mapping Leadership and Talent Engagement...................................................... 199
Rapeerat Thanyawatpornkul, SupalakKhemthong, Winai Chatthong
40. Study of Evaluation of Maternal Side Effects and Neonatal Outcome after
Treatment with Nifedipine at Tertiary Care Hospital....................................................................................... 210
Ruchita Vajpai, Swati Gagare, Prashant Kharde
44. Falls among Elderly in a Rural Community: Incidence and Determinants .................................................. 228
Sanjay TV, Ramu P, Madhusudan M, Nandhini RC
55. Evaluation of Vitek2 and Colistin broth disk elution test in comparison
with Micro broth dilution for Susceptibility testing of Colistin among
Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacterales. ........................................................................................................... 290
Sujatha S R, Deepashree Rajasekhar, Satyasai. Badveti,
Krishna Karthik Manthravadi
64. Fertility Preservation in Young Breast Cancer Patients: a Concept Analysis................................................ 339
Hyeon gyeong Yoon, Joomin Lee
69 Sleep quality and predictors of sleep disturbances among adult patients admitted
in a selected hospital, Mangaluru......................................................................................................................... 371
Amala Sibichan, Albeena Binu, Aleena Anil, Alphonsa Mathew, Amitha K Joy
How to cite this article: Adarshjot Kaur Toor, Preeti Padda, Jasleen Kaur, Sanjeev Mahajan et al Impact of
Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Health of Health Care Workers from a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Northern
India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress (DAS) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
among health care workers
Methods: The present study was conducted over a period of six months (June 2020-November 2020) during which mental
health status of health care workers was assessed using semi-structured self-reporting study tool which included two
standardized and validated tools (DASS-21 and IES-R). Sociodemographic profile and occupational history were also
recorded. Health care workers of all categories who gave a written informed consent were recruited using non probability
convenience sampling technique. Minimum sample size required was this study was calculated to be 440, using 4PQ/
L2 where, power was assumed to be 80%, absolute precision of 5%, and P as 50%, after adding non-response rate of 10%.
Data was compiled and analyzed using EpiInfo07 software.
Results: Out of a total of 822 participants included in the study, 12%,13% and 16% were found to have symptoms of
depression, anxiety, and stress with the odds being higher in females. The prevalence of PTSD was 18%. Those with
education above intermediate and directly involved in COVID 19 related work and patient care were found to be at higher
risk of depression, anxiety, stress and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Conclusions: There is a need for a psychological support system for health care workers along with appropriate
administrative action to ensure shift rotation, rest and appropriate working hours. Further, in-depth knowledge of
prevention and control of the disease is necessary.
Keywords: COVID-19, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Health care workers
Dr. Preeti Padda
Associate Professor
Department of Community Medicine
Government Medical College, Amritsar (Punjab, India).
Email id: [email protected]
Phone No.: +919781018838
and it resulted in economic slowdown adding to Assuming power of study to be 80% and an
psychological distress of population.5 absolute precision of 5%, sample size was calculated
using N= (Za/2)2 (P[1-P])/ d2, where P was taken
The morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19
to be 50% for attaining maximum sample size;
increased and HCWs are facing an uphill task in
therefore, it was planned to recruit a minimum of 440
providing services. Increased risk of contracting the
participants after adding a non- response rate of 10%
disease due to the work environment as well as innate
to the calculated sample size of 400. Non-probability
desire for a positive outcome in every patient also
convenience sampling technique was used to enroll
acts as stressor in HCWs.6-8 Increasing stress levels
the study participants.
decrease the immunity thereby increasing the risk
of contracting the disease which also stands true for The semi-structured, self-reporting study tool was
COVID-19.9 used which consisted of three sections.
The disease course and outcome due to COVID-19 Section I: Sociodemographic details (age, gender,
is associated with uncertainty and low predictability. educational status, marital status and living with
This impacts the mental health of the patients and family) and occupational details (department,
caregivers, but rates of poor mental health have been whether directly involved in COVID-19 related work
higher among HCWs.10,11 The rates are even higher or not).
among frontline workers in comparison to non-
Section II: DAS-21 scale consisted of 21 items to
frontline HCWs which has not been explored. It is
assess the symptoms of DAS on a likert scale (ranging
essential to understand the mental health effects of
from 0-3) with 7 items each allotted to one subscale
the disease in order to counter them and ensure good
(3Х7=21). After adding item specific scores for each
mental health.12-14
subscale, they were multiplied by 2 to get final scores.
Available literature shows that poor coping, The cut offs and the degree of severity for each
maladjustment and emotional disturbances have also subscale was taken as per standards.18
risen due to the pandemic.15,16 This highlights the fact
Section III: IES-R scale, which is a 22 item scale used
that not only physical but mental and social health
for recording PTSD, where each item is assessed on a
also need to be taken care of.17
likert scale (0 to 4); three subscales namely, intrusion
In view of this, the present study was carried out (8 items), avoidance (8 items) and hyperarousal (6
to assess the prevalence of depression, anxiety and items) are also assessed. Total score ranged from 0-88,
stress (DAS) and post-traumatic stress disorder where 24 was the cut-off while any individual having
(PTSD) among HCWs of our institution with the a score of 33-38 was considered to be suffering from
aim of understanding their mental health status and PTSD, while those with scores between 24-32 had
needs. partial or some symptoms of PTSD whereas, those
with scores of >39 suffered from a severe form of
Materials & Methods PTSD.19
This cross-sectional study was conducted over a period
After developing it was pilot tested for assessing
of six months (June 2020 to November 2020) in the
its completeness, sentence formation, punctuation,
Department of Community Medicine, Government
instructions, linguistic quality and aptness of duration
Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab, India. Being a
required for filling the questionnaire. This assessed
tertiary care institute, it acted as a state referral centre
face validity of the tool before it could be used in the
for seven districts (Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Jallandhar,
Hoshiarpur, Pathankot, Kapurthala & Tarn Taran}.
Staff members who gave a written informed Methodology
consent were included in the study. Any study Training sessions on COVID-19 were organized
participant with a known history of psychiatric for the staff of medical college during which data
illness, intake of oral drugs causing mood disorders, collection was done. The participants were explained
alcohol dependence or illicit drug use was excluded about the objectives of study and were asked to fill in
from the study. the most appropriate responses for each item of the
80 84
Indian Journal
70 of Public Health Research & Development 3
Figure 1: Distribution of study participants according to severity of Depression, Anxiety & Stress
scales. They were requested not to leave any question 90
participant. 48
40 60
Data analysis/ statistical analysis 30 50
Primary outcome for the present study was28 30 37
20 23
psychological problems in terms of DAS and PTSD 20
among HCWs. 10 10
17 17 17 17
10 10 0
10 10
12 5
The data were compiled and analyzed 0 using Depression Anxiety Stress
mean scores of IES-R subscales. p < 0.05 on 2: Distribution
both of studyinparticipants
sides shown figure 2. according to severity of PTSD (IES-R scores)
was considered to be statistically significant.
diploma holders (355;43%). 13% (110/822) and 10% anxiety (OR= 2.52; 95% CI =1.59-3.98) as well as 2.94 times higher odds of suffering from stress (OR=
The grading as per the severity of DAS is shown in anxiety (OR= 2.52; 95% CI =1.59-3.98) as well as 2.94
figure 1. times higher odds of suffering from stress (OR= 2.94;
95% CI =1.92-4.54) (table 1). Having an education of
more than intermediate (OR=4.95; 95% CI=2.88-8.52)
were found to be strongly related to PTSD.
Table 1: Univariate logistic regression analysis showing association of depression, anxiety, stress and
PTSD with sociodemographic profile of HCWs
Being directly involved in COVID-19 related work and working in clinical department were found to be
associated with DAS. Strength of association is shown in table 2.
Table 2: Univariate logistic regression showing association of depression, anxiety, stress and PTSD with
occupational profile of HCWs
Variable Stress Anxiety Depression PTSD
Yes No Yes No Yes (n=96) No Yes No
(n=129) (n=693) (n=107) (n=715) (n=726) (n=146) (n=676)
Clinical 96 434 88 442 62 356 117 413
(18.6%) (82%) (17%) (83%) (15%) (85%) (22%) (78%)
Non- Clinical 33 259 19 273 34 370 29 263
(reference) (11%) (89%) (7%) (93%) (80%) (92%) (10%) (90%)
OR (95% CI) 1.74 (1.14-2.65) 2.86 (1.70-4.8) 1.89 (1.22-2.95) 2.5 (1.7-3.9)
The factors found to be associated with avoidance, hyperarousal and intrusion (IES-R subscales) were age
group, sex and involvement in COVID-19 related work (table 3).
Table 3: Linear regression analysis showing various factors associated with avoidance, hyperarousal
and intrusion.
Variable Avoidance Hyperarousal Intrusion Total
Age group
>18-30 0.5±0.7 0.3±0.5 0.3±0.5 8.71±10.45
31-40 0.7±0.8 0.6±0.7 0.4±0.6 12.85±14.14
41-50 0.6±0.7 0.5±0.6 0.4±0.6 11.38±12.93
51-60 0.7±0.8 0.6±0.7 0.6±0.7 14.07±14.84
>60 0.4±0.6 0.2±0.6 0.2±0.5 6.05±11.54
p=0.06 p=0.000 p=0.001 P=0.005
Male 0.46±0.65 0.34±0.52 0.29±0.49 15.77±14.82
Female 0.87±0.8 0.69±0.74 0.59±0.68 8.15±11.18
p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 P=0.000
Marital status
Married 0.7±0.8 0.6±0.7 0.5±0.6 12.76±14.14
Separated/widowed/di- 0.6±0.7 0.4±0.6 0.3±0.5 9.93±11.49
p=0.2 p=0.03 p=0.1 P=0.01
Involved in Covid-19 related work
Yes 1.1±0.9 0.8±0.8 0.8±0.7 19.93±15.83
No 0.5±0.6 0.4±0.5 0.3±0.5 8.36±10.67
p=0.000 p=0.000 p=0.000 P=0.000
Staying with family
Yes 0.7±0.8 0.5±0.7 0.5±0.6 13.2±17.4
No 0.6±0.8 0.6±0.8 0.6±0.8 12.3±13.6
p=0.35 p=0.84 p=0.89 P=0.60
Discussion found to be 12%, 13% and 16% in our study which was
The current study was conducted to assess the lower than the range of prevalence rates of depression
prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among HCWs (12.2%-50.4%), anxiety (13.0%-44.6%) and stress
and explore the factors associated with it. The overall (29.1%-71.5%) among HCWs reported from different
prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress was parts of the world.10,20-22 This lower prevalence could
be explained by the fact that our study was not
conducted during the peak of COVID-19 outbreak disease which further adds to the fear of morbidity
and lockdown imposed was also partially removed. and mortality associated with the disease if they
contract the same.
Among those having symptoms related to DAS,
10%, 16% and 4% had extremely severe symptoms Organisation of COVID-19 related training for
whereas majority had mild symptoms (48%, 35% enhancement of their occupational competency can
and 65%) which were similar to the results reported go a long way in relieving the stress and increasing
by a multicentric study conducted in India and job confidence.
Singapore.23,24 PTSD was found to be 18% (146/822)
Source of Funding: Self
as all had experienced a pandemic situation and
complete lockdown for the first time in their lives. Conflict of interest: None
Female gender, having intermediate & above Ethical Clearance: Ethical clearance of the current
education, working in clinical and para clinical study was obtained from Institutional Ethical
departments were found to be associated with Committee vide letter number GMC/Principal/
increased risk of having DAS and PTSD. Further being IEC/2020/GMCIEC02049 dated 25/6/2020
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How to cite this article: ADP Perera, HTN Fernando, AMCR Attanayake, DDI Samanwattage, HWUS Jayasinghe
et al The association between works related musculoskeletal body discomfort and ergonomic risk level among
female sewing machine operators in Sri Lanka. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Work related musculoskeletal discomfort can occur in any region of the body. It affects sewing machine
operator’s activities of daily living and quality of life directly or indirectly. Poor ergonomics is a major contributor to
work related musculoskeletal discomfort that develops over time. It is important to find out the association between work
related musculoskeletal body discomfort and ergonomic risk level among female sewing machine operators of selected
garment factories in western province, Sri Lanka.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was preceded, with a study population of one hundred and thirty-seven
(137) female sewing machine operators within the age of 18-50 years at selected garment factories in the western province
of Sri Lanka.
Conclusion: Of the total sample, 72.99% operators presented with musculoskeletal discomfort. Qualitative and quantitative
data were obtained using a pre-validated questionnaire; Cornell musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire and Rapid
Entire Body Assessment (REBA). The mean age of study population was 33.55±1.64years. The highest prevalence of
discomfort was reported in neck (53.94%) and lower back (69.2%) regions. The mean ergonomic risk level was 8.42±0.16
which is 50.36% in study population. The majority of the sewing machine operators were in high ergonomic risk level
in western province of Sri Lanka and the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders was more in the lower back and neck
regions where the ergonomic interventions should have implemented.
Keywords: Work related musculoskeletal body discomfort, ergonomic risk level, REBA, sewing machine operators
Female sewing machine operators in garment Index (BMI) was calculated using mean height and
factories usually sit for more than 6 hours continuously weight values measured.
for a minimum of 6 days per week. Without adequate
The section1 of the form was consisted demographic
breaks they work in a non-ergonomically fitted
data with work related factors of the participants
work station. Literature has proved that most of the
and section 2 was consisted with Standard Cornell
female sewing machine operators are suffering from
musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire(CMDQ).
health issues such as work-related musculoskeletal
The CMDQ is a 54-items questionnaire which has a
discomforts 5-7 .
body chart and questions on musculoskeletal ache,
As health care professionals, it is essential to pain, or discomfort occurrence in 18 body parts over
understand the work-related musculoskeletal the past week. It is calculated in accordance with the
discomfort regarding their occupational history. CMDQ scoring guidelines8.
Therefore, the current study was conducted to evaluate
Rapid ergonomic Body Assessment (REBA) was
the prevalence of the work-related musculoskeletal
used to assess ergonomic risk level. It was included
discomfort and ergonomic risk level among sewing
all body regions and considered the static force or
machine operators which is still lacking in the apparel
load score coupling score and activity scores with
industry of Sri Lanka. This study also revealed the
postural score are to achieve the final score 9. Data
association between work-related musculoskeletal
were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Product and
discomfort and ergonomic risk level which is
Service Solution) software version 26.0.
important to make suitable adaptations to prevent
and minimize the ergonomic risk level among sewing Results
machine operators.
A majority of the participants, 100 out of 137 (72.99%)
Materials and Methods complained that they have been experiencing
The current study was designed as a descriptive, musculoskeletal body discomfort in various parts
cross-sectional study. One hundred and thirty seven of their body which indicated that there was
(137) female sewing machine operators in two large high incidence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal
scale garment factories (Kaluthara and Colombo) Discomfort.
were recruited using simple random sampling, Ergonomic risk level distribution was presented in
according to the inclusion criteria as female sewing Figure 1 under REBA category (medium risk, high
machine operators in the age category of 18 - 50 years, risk and very high risk). Based on REBA score, it is
minimum of 6 working hours, minimum working revealed that the workers are under high ergonomic
period of 6 months and participants who granted risk for musculoskeletal discomfort. No work
written informed consent. Exclusion criteria of the posture received negligible and low ergonomic risk.
study considered as participants who did not grant The results shown that only 40.88% (n=56) workers
the written informed consent, participants who were in medium risk where action level 2 i.e. further
have undergone surgeries in the spine and scoliosis investigation and change are needed, and 50.3%
and diagnosed with previous illness and diseases in (n=69) workers were in high ergonomic risk where
the musculoskeletal system and pregnant. Ethical action level 3 i.e. immediate interventions are needed.
clearance was obtained from the Ethics Review The finding shown that 8.8% (n=12) are in very high
Committee, Faculty of medicine, Kotelawala Defense risk category.
University, Sri Lanka.
Distribution of prevalence of total discomfort score
Pre-tested Interview-administrated assessment of the study population presented in the Table 1. The
form was used to collect data about work related Hundred of the subjects experienced discomfort in
musculoskeletal discomforts and demographic at least one body region in the 12 months prior to
data. Height and weight were measured using a questionnaire completion (72.99%). The work related
stadiometer 282 (Seca GmBH and Co kg, Hamburg musculoskeletal discomforts of those participants
and Germany) and a weighing scale named Tanita were evaluated according to the total discomfort
HD 318 digital weighing scale (Tanita Co-operation, score of CMDQ. It was concluded that participants
Tokyo, Japan). Three measurements were taken at the felt discomfort mostly in the neck (53.94%), lower
same time and the mean was calculated. Body Mass back (42.18%) and the right shoulder (2.79%) while
Percentage (%)
upper back (0.%) and left thigh (1.62%).
Body region
the group with WRMSD (N=100) and group without Foot-left 3 3 4 36 0.03
WRMSD (N=37). There is no significant difference
Table 2: The difference between Works related
between mean ergonomic risk level of participants musculoskeletal body discomfort employees with
with WRMSD and mean ergonomic risk level of Ergonomic risk level
participants without WRMSD (p>0.05).
Variable Participants Participants P
The distribution between prevalence of work- with WRMSD without value
related musculoskeletal body discomfort according group WRMSD group
to body region and ergonomic risk level among N=100 N=37
participants was evaluated in Table 3. Majority of the Mean + SD Mean + SD
participants who experienced neck pain in very high- Ergonomic 8.56± 1.91 8.05± 2.08 0.183
risk category (n=14) while there were 8 participants in risk level
high risk and 3 participants in medium risk category.
There were equal number of the participants who P< 0.05, group with WRMSD VS group without
experienced lower back pain in very high risk WRMSD, Independent sample T test
and high-risk category (n=10) while there were 3 A one way ANOVA test was conducted to identify
participants in medium risk category. Majority of the association between the body regions discomfort
the participant who experienced right shoulder joint complained by the participants and the ergonomic
discomfort were in very high risk category (n=5). risk level (Table 5). Results showed that there was
Table 1: Distribution of prevalence of total no statistically significance difference between the
discomfort score of the study population ergonomic risk level and work related musculoskeletal
body discomfort (P ≥0.05).
Percentage (%)
Body region The current study results have shown that 72.9% of
the employees have experienced the Work-Related
Musculoskeletal Discomfort (WRMSD) in the past
twelve months. Similar to present study, De Silva et
Neck 44 39 37 62771 53.94
al., also explained that the prevalence was 15.5% for
Shoulder-right 15 16 14 3248 2.79
having musculoskeletal problems in garment factory
Shoulder-left 6 8 7 336 0.28
workers in Sri Lanka in 2013 10. Moreover Jahan et al.,
Upper back 7 6 6 234 0.20
in 2015 stated that the prevalence of Work-Related
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 11
Musculoskeletal Discomfort among the Bangladeshi The results of current study indicated that female
workers was about 60.7% 11 . Many research studies sewing machine operators felt most work-related
revealed that sewing machine operators were discomfort in the neck (53.94%), lower back (42.18%)
more prone to have work related musculoskeletal and right shoulder (2.79%). Similar to present study,
discomforts10,11. The prolonged exposure to Jahan et al., in 2015 has stated that the workers had
ergonomic risk factors such as force, repetition, static musculoskeletal pain in neck - 36.7%, lower back
load, awkward posture, contact stress and short - 22.2% and shoulder - 18.9%11. Several past studies
recovery time leads to Work-Related Musculoskeletal have shown that the female sewing machine operators
Discomfort12. The Work-Related Musculoskeletal had most work-related discomfort in the neck and
Discomfort incurred vast human, social and economic the lower back regions similar to the present study
losses. 9, 12-14
. Differences between studies over the years of
industry work and demographic differences may
Table 3: Distribution of Ergonomic Risk Level
and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Discomfort cause a variance in the prevalence of studies.
According to Region among study population Ilson, evaluated that neck region has high risk of
REBA Categories developing issues and discomfort than other regions
in the body 15. Further he stated that operating a sewing
Region Very
Medium High machine as an occupational risk for neck disorders.
Risk Risk Several studies revealed that neck has the highest
prevalence of musculoskeletal discomfort among
Neck 3 8 14
sewing machine operators and the major complaint
Shoulder-Right 0 4 5 is neck pain 12, 16-18 . The sewing machine operators
Shoulder-Left 0 2 4 have to work long hours in same in corrected static
postures with bent neck to achieve their production
Upper Back 1 4 0
targets. And also poor ergonomically designed work
Upper Arm-Right 0 2 0 environment, lack of intervals and lack of knowledge
Upper Arm-Left 1 1 0 regarding good ergonomic practices are main reasons
for the neck discomforts among sewing machine
Lower Back 3 10 10
operators. According to Kanniappan, in 2022 females
Forearm-Right 0 2 0 have higher prevalence of having neck discomforts
Wrist-Right 0 2 2 than males19. The job involves monotonous, highly
repetitive tasks performed in a sitting working posture
Wrist-Left 1 2 1
with upper back curved and head bent over the
Hip/Buttock 1 3 1 sewing machine lead for occurring musculoskeletal
Thigh-Right 0 1 1 complaints in neck.
Thigh-Left 0 3 0 Lifting heavy objects at work’ was identified as a
Lower Leg-Right 0 1 0 cause of lower back MSD was particularly high. And
also the poorly designed chairs, non-work activities,
Lower Leg-Left 0 0 1 and physical problems such as past injuries, as causes
Foot-Right 1 0 1 of lower back problems. Garment workers may
Foot-Left 0 1 3 experience a decline in back and hip pain if they are
provided height-adjustable task chairs that can swivel
Table 4: The association between the body regions 11
. It is also noted that improperly designed equipment
discomfort complained by the participants (n=137) cause the aches and symptoms around the neck, nape
and the ergonomic risk level.
and waist, and to the problems with the muscle and
Mean skeleton systems 20. A Recent study showed that the
F Sig.
Square physical burdens lead to problems at the left shoulder,
Between Groups 2.18 0.937 0.531 the neck, the back and in the lower extremities of
Within Groups sewing machine operators19. These problems either
arise from or become more pronounced when lifting
Total the weights, bending the head and body forward,
and by the less recovery periods while working for ergonomic interventions in the workstations.
extended periods in a seated position.
Conflicts of Interest
In present study interpreted the mean of ergonomic
risk level was 8.42±0.16.The group of subjects exposed The author(s) declare that they have no competing
to high level of risk required immediate intervention interests.
to reduce the exposure among the sewing machine Source of funding: Self
operators. Similar to present study, several
studies concluded that there was high risk level of References
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another study has recently interpreted a significant Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health ,2012;
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Musculoskeletal Discomfort and ergonomic risk 4. Jackobs, K: Ergonomics for Therapists. United States:
factors among sewing machine operators in the Mosby Elsevier.2008.
Sri Lankan textile industry21. There were limited
5. Henry, L., Jafarzadeh Esfehani, A., Ramli, A., Ishak, I.,
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musculoskeletal discomfort among sewing machine Plantation Occupation,Asia Pacific Journal of Public
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cast construction workers 22 showed similar findings
6. Chandra. J, Manisha, Rajib, Sunanda, Trissa, Rahima:
and another study with nursings professionals 23
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among the
showed contrast findings compared to the present
Bangladeshi Garments Workers,SMU Med. J ,2015;
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of command over a person’s own capacities (as
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This study also found that the majority of sewing
machine operators in western province were in high 10. Silva, M. & Lankathilake, Kantha. Living conditions
ergonomic risk level (50.36%) though, it has no impact in boarding houses and health status among female
on work related musculoskeletal discomfort. It is industrial workers in Katunayake free trade zone, Sri
Lanka. International Journal of Community Medicine
recommended to carry out future studies with larger
and Public Health. 2016; 1503-1509. 10.18203/2394-
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11. Jahan, Nusrat & Das, Manisha & Mondal, Rajib & Paul, 19. Kanniappan V, Palani V. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal
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How to cite this article: Agnita Kundu, Sampurna Kundu et al Concern over career is the primary reason for poor
mental health among students. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
COVID-19 is the cause of a lot of concern around the world. Apart from the obvious physical distress it has contributed
significantly to elevation of mental health issues. Students who mostly have not been vaccinated are doing online
classes with severe restriction on their social lives. Survey was done with students from school, college and university
to determine their mental health status. Their mental health was evaluated with the DASS-21 questionnaire that was
distributed and collected online. The students were found to have become vulnerable to stress, anxiety and depression.
Their mental health status was found to be poor with university students being most affected. Upon Correlation studies
with relevant questions on online education and consequent change in their mode of studies and interaction with family
and friends, it was found that university students’ concern over their career led to their poor mental health
Corresponding Author:
Sampurna Kundu
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi-110067, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 15
This unprecedented situation in a students’ did worsen during lockdown 15. However, there is
life led to many changes in their life. The mental not enough study on mental health of students due to
health of students was assessed and was found to pandemic and consequent lockdown in India. . This
be affected adversely. The students underwent a article takes a look at how the continuous lockdown
gamut of emotions collectively during this pandemic and online classes have affected the mental health
that hardly any student of any generation has faced of the students across the stages of our education
before. By asking the right questions it is possible to after 18 months from the start of the lockdown. Our
ascertain what affected the students’ mental health education system has three distinct stages. At the
most during the pandemic. This data can be used later onset there is Montessori schools, who were also
for the betterment of the students. taking online classes. However those students being
too small were kept out of the survey. Beyond that
Literature Survey: Studies have been done in
we have the school students ranging from nursery to
different countries in the world to see the effect of the
class 12 (students from class 9 onwards were included
pandemic and consequent lockdown on the mental
in the survey). Usually, a student then progresses to
health of the students. From a high school students
college and finally to university for postgraduation.
perspective in USA it is seen that adolescent students
Many students also opt for vocational courses. The
were specially prone to anxiety as they were missing
responsibility, worries, anxiety faced by each stage of
the social support of the school 4. Studies were done in
the students are different. Their reaction to pandemic,
Poland, where it was deduced that early intervention
lockdown also depends on their socio economic status.
is needed to prevent the psychological breakdown
Many students from poor families and rural areas
of students 5. A survey done on students of Delhi
were not able to afford a phone and sometimes they
showed that students were undergoing stress and
also do not have easily accessible internet connection.
anxiety due to the disease and its consequent loss in
The students who were able to do the classes properly
social life 6,7. The mental health issues were prevalent
have also been restricted to their houses. Active life
and even more apparent among LGBT, transgender
of playing, interaction with friends and teachers has
groups. 8. Similar study was also done in students of
been diminished. This has taken a toll on the mental
India, Bangladesh and Pakistan and was shown that
health of the students.
student s suffered from anxiety and stress because of
fear of contracting the disease 9,10. At present vaccination of the general populace is
being carried out all over the world to contain the
Students were facing all the problems that their
disease. WHO has approved of the Pfizer/BioNTech
families were facing due to unemployment or death
vaccine for use in children from 12 to 18 years of
or ill health due to COVID. The families of COVID
age, which is being used in many countries in the
warriors were especially prone to this 11. Moreover
world 16. Below 12 years no conclusive trials have
the students, were now privy to all the problems of
been done. In India vaccines are now available for
the families without the mode to escape from it in
children between 12 to18 years. Covaxine is used to
schools or sharing with friends which is putting a
vaccinate chidren between 15 to 18 years of age 17 and
strain on the relationships within the family 12. The
for children between 12 to 15 years the vaccine used is
students were also worried about their job prospects,
Corbevax manufactured by Biological E 18.
their lack of expertise in real classroom situation,
lack of experience that many used to get from intern Justification for the study: Even though the COVID
positions. Students taking their lives for not being restrictions are now over and most of the education
able to do classes is doing the rounds of social media institutes have opened, the study is still relevant
. The students of the government schools, who were as it tried to find out what affects the young minds
mostly from poor families were the worst affected 14. of the students the most. During the pandemic
All of these were leading to mental health problems and lockdown the students underwent a range of
in students. Continuous studies of mental health as experiences and emotions that they may never have
different stages of the lockdown and comparison experienced otherwise. They have experienced a
of mental health studies done before and after the lifetime in this 2 years, hence this lockdown however
lockdown has been done to see the effect of this unfortunate has opened up a possibility of studying
unprecedented phenomenon on our lives One such the young minds and exploring what affects them
study done in Switzerland showed that mental health most. The article takes a look at the mental health of
the students and also asks some pertinent questions circulated for data collection, with invitation for
causing these mental health issues. COVID-19 has participation through social media platforms, from
been a great equaliser for students of all backgrounds. 10th to 20th June, during the Covid-19 second wave
The students all faced similar situations and issues, lockdown in India. The survey was conducted in
hence the study done at 18 months after the lockdown English language, and informed consent was obtained
(when the students have experienced this new life prior to the starting of survey and were informed
for some period) has the potential to eliminate the about the purpose of the study. The total number of
background inequalities and determine what are the participants in this study is 395.
most pertinent concerns for a student.
Table 1: Phases of lockdown during Covid-19 in
India Individual characteristics: The sample characteristics
of the participants included age, gender, residence
Phase of Date Activities allowed (for
Unlock educational institutions) type, education level, type of education institution,
stream of education, and average monthly family
1 30.5.2020 Closed income of the participants.
2 29.6.2020 Closed Effect of Online mode of Education: These questions
3 29.7.2020 Closed included- Do you miss interacting with your friends?;
Do you miss interacting with your teachers?; Do you
4 29.8.2020 50% teaching and
feel that it is going to have an effect on your career?;
non-teaching and non-
Do you think you are learning as much as before?; and,
teaching staff permitted
to come to institutes Do you like that examinations are getting cancelled/
outside containment delayed?.
zones. Students may Mental health assessment: Mental health of the
come for guidance participants was assessed using the Depression,
voluntarily and upon
Anxiety and Stress Scale with 21-items (DASS-21)
parent’s consent.
(Figure 1). These are measured on a 4-point Likert
5 30.9.2020 Schools may reopen in a scale that ranges from 0 (did not apply to me at all) to
graded manner after 15th
3 (apply to me very much). Further, the mental health
October upon permission
scores can be classified as : Depression – Normal (0-
of the state government
or Union territories. 9), Mild (10-13), Moderate (14-20), Severe (21-27),
Attendance is voluntary Extremely Severe (28+); Anxiety- Normal (0-7), Mild
and subject to parental (8-9), Moderate (10-14), Severe (15-19), Extremely
consent. Severe (20+); and, Stress- Normal (0-14), Mild (15-18),
6 30.9.2020 State government Moderate (19-25), Severe (26-33), Extremely Severe
allowed to take decision (34+).
on reopening of
educational institutes. Data analysis
Descriptive statistics were employed for assessing
the data, followed by bivariate analysis and data
Methodology: visualization. Cronbach’s alpha was used for
testing the reliability of the DASS-21 scale. Scores
Study Design and participants for depression, anxiety and stress were computed
The present study is cross-sectional and based on an and also a composite mental health index has been
online survey with quantitative approach. The survey constructed to assess the overall mental health status
was conducted in the online mode, keeping in mind of students. A generalized linear model regression,
the COVID-protocols. Information was gathered with logit link function belonging to binomial family,
regarding the mental health status of students of and the model is adjusted for the covariates that
schools, colleges and universities. Google forms were
20.25 20.76
Results 15.95
20.52±3.59) SCHOOL 21.28 12.77 21.28 14.89 29.79
Rural 68(17.22)
UNIVERSITY 17.35 4.08 15.31 19.39 43.88
family income Rs.20,000/- SCHOOL 29.79 6.38 19.15 4.26 40.43
Rs. 20,001/- to
174(44.05) 1 Figure 1: Mental
Figure 1: Mental health statushealth status
of a. all students; and of a. allacross
b. students students;
school, college and
80,000/- 2 university
3 and b. students across school, college and
Rs.80,001/- to 4 Overall, the sampled students are mostly depressed, anxious and stressed (Figure 1a.). More
Rs. 1.50,000/- 5 students had normal level of depression and anxiety than stress. Higher percentage of
6 students were extremely severely depressed than stressed. The majority of university students
more than Rs. Overall, the sampled students are mostly depressed,
52(13.16) 7 are observed to be extremely depressed (40.43%) and anxious (43%), whereas maximum
1,50,000/- 8 anxious
school students and stressed
are extremely (Figure
stressed (29.79%). More
The maximum studentsstudents
are found to
Education level School 47(11.9) 9 had
be mostlynormal level
having a normal mental ofhealthdepression
status (Figure 1b.). and anxiety than
90.00 85.11
90.00 90.82
83.60 83.67
students appear to be least affected by the lockdown
situation of the pandemic. It was also observed that
70.00 students of university suffered more depression and
60.00 anxiety, though stress level of all students were the
50.00 same. Anxiety happens due to worrying over future
and depression comes from past experiences 21. As
40.00 36.17
30.00 26.80
21.60 22.45
university students have appreciable past experiences
as well as concern for the near future hence anxiety
and depression is more for them. Similar conclusions
Miss interacting with Miss interacting with Feel that it is going to Think you are learning Like that examinations were also drawn from a survey conducted with the
your friends your teachers * have an effect on your as much as before ** are getting
career cancelled/delayed * University students in Spain 22. The school students
School College University
due to their age and security of parents and family
2 Figure 2: Effect
Figure 2: Effect of the onlineof the
mode online
of education mode
through of education
relevant questions and less responsibility are at a better mental state in
through relevant
Regression Analysis
questions this uncertain times.
5 The regression model was run that showed all the indicators of DASS-21 questionnaire can
For further investigation we correlated the answers
6 Regression Analysis
capture the anxiety, depression and stress measure significantly well (p<0.01). Unit increase
of the questions to their state of mental health. It
7 in age caused a significant increase in depression (OR: 1.958; p<0.01), stress (OR: 1.947;
8 The regression
p<0.01), anxiety (OR: 1.021;model
p<0.01)and was runhealth
overall mental thatscoreshowed all the
(OR: 1.830; p<0.05). was seen that the strongest correlation is found for
9 indicators
Females were found ofto DASS-21
be more likely toquestionnaire canmales
have poor mental health than capture
(Depression-the the question that talks about their career. Hence for
OR: 1.170; p<0.05; Anxiety- OR: 1.239; p<0.10; Stress- OR: 1.152; p<0.05; Composite
university students as there are at the threshold of
anxiety, depression and stress measure significantly
Mental Health Score- OR: 2.5; p<0.10). With increasing average monthly family income the
12 well
mental (p<0.01). Unit thus
health status improved, increase in agevulnerability
indicating economic causedisarelated significant
to poor their career, they are suffering maximum anxiety and
13 increase in depression
mental health (Composite Mental Health (OR:
Score- OR: 1.958; p<0.01),
1.011; p<0.10). stress
In comparison (OR:
to school depression. 90% of university students also answered
14 students, the college and university students were significantly more likely to suffer from
1.947; p<0.01), anxiety (OR: 1.021; p<0.01)and overall positively when they were asked whether it is going
15 depression, anxiety, and stress. Students who felt that their careers are going to be
16 mental
affected were health score
more likely to have poor(OR: 1.830;
mental health p<0.05).
(Depression- OR: 2.609;Females
p<0.01; to affect their career (figure 2).It is interesting to
17 were found to be more likely to have poor
Anxiety- OR: 2.418; p<0.05; Stress- OR: 1.876; p<0.10; Composite Mental Health mental
Score- note that 90% of them also said they miss interacting
health than males (Depression- OR: 1.170; p<0.05;
OR: 2.142; p<0.05).
with their friends and teachers. However the poor
Anxiety- OR: 1.239; p<0.10; Stress- OR: 1.152; p<0.05; 9 correlation of it with mental state shows that it is not
Composite Mental Health Score- OR: 2.5; p<0.10). influencing their mental health. The 90% of university
With increasing average monthly family income students also stated that they are not learning
the mental health status improved, thus indicating adequately, however that is also not affecting the
economic vulnerability is related to poor mental mental health state. It can be concluded that for the
health (Composite Mental Health Score- OR: 1.011; students the impact that COVID will have on their
p<0.10). In comparison to school students, the college career bothers them maximally leading to high level
and university students were significantly more of depression and anxiety. Career development has
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How to cite this article: Ajay Khade, Jyoti Wahane et al Critical Analysis of Case Based Learning as a Teaching
Learning Method in Medical Education. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Various teaching-learning methods are used in imparting medical education. Case Based Learning (CBL) is one of the
teaching-learning methods in which clinical cases are used for teaching. It was first used by Dr James Smith, pathologist,
in 1912 in Edinburg, wherein the students correlated the clinical records of patients with the post mortem findings. The
use of CBL in teaching medical students was extensively searched in PubMed search engine. Full text articles related to
CBL studies conducted in medical colleges were included. 6 relevant articles were selected and a critical analysis was
done. Most of the studies compare CBL with didactic lecture and found to be more effective. These studies are limited to
one college and sample size is small. CBL correlates the theory with practice. The students learn many skills like critical
thinking, higher order thinking, self-directed learning and working in a team. Thus, the learner will become a successful
Indian Medical Graduate (IMG).
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Ajay Khade
Professor (Pharmacology)
Datta Meghe Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra
e-mail : [email protected]
Contact No. 8019324493
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 23
James Smith Professor of Pathology at university of A cross-sectional study was conducted by Sangam
Edinburgh in 1912.The students correlated the clinical et 200, 1st MBBS students of a private medical
history of patient along with signs and symptoms college in A.P. The students were exposed to CBL
with the post mortem findings and this was verified and didactic lecture on a topic in Gross Anatomy i.e.,
from patient’s clinical records. According to Axilla and Front of Thigh. Later, crossover was done.
Thistlewaite, the goal of CBL is to make use of Students were divided into 5 groups of 20 each. Pre
authentic clinical cases in order to prepare students and posttest on MCQ s were conducted. Improvement
for clinical practice and CBL links theory to practice in test score was observed. This study is conducted in
as the knowledge learned is applied to the cases by a small sample size limited to 1st MBBS students of a
making use of inquiry-based learning as a method4. private medical college and 2 topics of Gross anatomy.
The students come to know what is being practiced In fact, the topics on which CBL can be conducted be
clinically or real-world situation. The method of identified and a large sample size will be required to
delivery can be live presentation by a computer or validate the advantage of CBL6.
web based.
Patrick compared CBL and didactic lecture
Objectives in Pharmacology and evaluate students and faculty
perception of CBL in 140, 2nd MBBS students. Pre-
To critically review the literature related to case-based
session and post-session test of 15 MCQs was
learning and analyze it.
conducted. The CBL was conducted for Tuberculosis.
Material And Methods The long-term outcome is not assessed and the sample
size is small. A large study is required to validate the
A literature search with PubMed database was
advantages of CBL. Many topics in Pharmacology can
conducted. The use of CBL in medical education was
be clinically correlated e.g., Hypertension, angina,
searched. Keywords used were CBL and medical
anemia, malaria, etc. Even the topic of Tuberculosis
education. The full text articles related to CBL study
can be horizontally integrated with Pathology and
in medical colleges were included while the studies
Microbiology and students can learn the disease
conducted in dental, other allied subjects were
excluded. condition in a holistic manner7.
Gartmeier et al. screened 19 CBL videotapes of
Critical Analysis
Internal medicine and Surgery to analyze teacher’s
Gupta conducted a CBL study in neurophysiology question and student’s responses. It was found that
among 100 first year MBBS students.2 CBL sessions medical teachers asked closed questions reasoning
were conducted. Didactic lecture followed by a type. This study was conducted among medical
pretest (5 MCQ) was given to the students. These students in Munich Germany. The study is limited to
students were divided into 9 groups. A clinical case questions and responses asked in CBL in Medicine and
was allotted by facilitator which was followed by Surgery. It highlights the importance of questions i.e.;
group discussion, presentation, open discussion open and reasoning questions gives student freedom
and posttest. Student’s perception about the CBL to reflect and clinical thinking will be stimulated8.
was assessed by a questionnaire. Similar 2nd CBL
The study of Singhal is limited to CBL in
session was conducted after 15 days. It was found
Microbiology conducted among 100, 2nd professional
that post test scores significantly increased on both
MBBS students.4 clinical cases on Staphylococcus,
CBL and student’s perception was positive. The
Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Hepatitis A virus were
present study included only 89 students. The topics
allotted one week before. The groups were crossover
in neurophysiology is not mentioned. It is not clear
after 2 CBL session. Post test was conducted after
the significance of conducting didactic lecture session
the session and repeat after 6 weeks. Feedback
when the study does not compare CBL session and
questionnaire was sought from students as well as
didactic lecture. The pretest score was conducted after
faculty. There was improvement in scores significantly.
didactic lecture and compared with posttest score
The study is limited to bacteriology topic conducted
after CBL. The pretest SCORE might be influenced by
in small sample size among 50 students in one group.
learning in didactic lecture5.
The better post test score after 6 weeks emphasizes
the retention of the concepts learned in CBL9.
The CBL is one of the teaching-learning method. Further, a study can be conducted to compare the
The uniqueness about CBL is that the students can CBL for individual subject and CBL that is taught in
apply the knowledge learned to the real-life cases. an integrative manner. Pretest and Post test scores
Ultimately the student is expected the same once he of both modalities will be compared by conducting
completes the course. But the students are initially MCQ based test. Additionally, feedback regarding
trained by means of CBL. This helps to better correlate CBL will be sought from the students and faculty.
the things learned in theory with the clinical aspect Prior conducting the study, a workshop will be
which was otherwise not possible. This does not organized by the medical education department in
demean the importance of didactic lecture. Didactic the college regarding the conduct of CBL. It will be
lecture has its own importance. But certain topics in a Faculty development program so that CBL can be
subject can be taught by means of CBL. This will be in better implemented.
tune with vision 2015 document of Medical Council of
India which stressed the need of IMG to become more
competent and better skilled. The cognitive skills Thus, many studies of CBL are conducted in different
will be enhanced if CBL methodology is used. The subjects but the sample size is small. CBL is a unique
analytical thinking, critical thinking or higher order form of teaching learning modality that links theory
thinking will be developed which will bring a change with practice. The students can learn and remember
in behavior pattern. This is nothing but learning. the concept efficiently. CBL also helps to develop
The problem-solving skills will be developed as many skills amongst the students which can make
the students discuss the clinical case. CBL is learner them a better Indian Medical Graduate.
centric and promotes active and self-directed learning.
Students learn how to make the best use of resources. Conflict of Interest: NONE
This is because of the fact that when a clinical case
is allotted to the students, they will make best use Source of Funding: Self
of resources like books, library, internet together
the information pertaining to the clinical case. Since Ethical Clearance:NA
CBL is a group activity, the student learns leadership References
quality, communication skill, working in a team. This
1. Competency Based Undergraduate Curriculum for
in turn will be helpful to incite professionalism in the
Indian Medical Graduates 2018. Available at https://
students. One of the roles attributed to IMG is lifelong Accessed June 3rd, 2022.
learner. CBL can lead the pathway towards achieving
this role.
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 25
2. Learning Objectives. In Tejinder Singh, Piyush Gupta, 8. Gartmeier M, Pfurtscheller T, Hapfelmeler A et al.
Daljit Singh, editors. Principles of Medical Education. Teacher questions and student responses in case-
5th ed. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2021. p. 40-41 based learning outcomes of a video study in medical
education. BMC Med Educ 2019; 19:455
3. Mclean SF: Case-based learning and its application in
medical and healthcare fields: A review of worldwide. 9. Singhal A. Case-based learning in Microbiology:
J Med Educ and Curr Dev 2016; 3:39-49 Observations from a North West Indian Medical
college. Int J App Basic Med Res 2017;7: S47-51
4. Thistlewaite JE, Davies D, Ekeocha S, et al. The
effectiveness of case-based learning in health 10. Vora MB, Shah CJ. Case-based learning in
professional education. ABEME systematic review: pharmacology: Moving from teaching to learning. Int J
BEME Guide No.23, Med Tech.2012,34:6, e421-44 App Basic Med Res 2015;5: S21-3
How to cite this article: Ajit Mogalgiddi, Bukya Kalyani et al Use of Social Networking Site and prevalence of
Depression among Medical Students in Vikarabad, Telengana. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Humans are social creatures that require the company of others in order to thrive in life. As a result,
although being socially connected with other people might help to reduce stress, anxiety, and melancholy, a lack of social
connection can put one’s mental health at danger.
Objective: To study and establish correlation between the use of Social Networking sites and depression among medical
students in a single center study.
Methods: A cross-sectional research was done among 200 medical college undergraduate students. A systematic
questionnaire was used to obtain data about medical students’ individual characteristics and use of social media sites.
The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale were used to assess anxiety and depression. The prevalence was calculated as a
percentage, and the association was assessed using the Mann-Whitney U-test.
Results: Association between frequency of use of SNS and Depression is more in students who use 1-3 times in a day 20%
and in the students who used atleast 1hr it is 19.23% ,in students who use 4-7 times is 15.38% whereas in students who
use 8-23 times it is 17.54%. The students who were awake early morning and used SNSs often was more 25% than those
who were awake sometimes (15%) and never (18%) similarly the students who spent late nights in using SNSs was more
among who were often awake late night (25%) than those who were awake late night Sometimes (14.6%) and never (19%).
Conclusion: The current study found that SNS use was nearly ubiquitous among study participants, with the majority of
them being heavy SNS users. A large percentage of medical students show a strong preference for SNSs. Intense usage of
social media sites, especially use at unusual hours, was shown to be strongly (although not statistically significant) linked
to depression. Despite the fact that the problem is still relatively new, it is significant enough to warrant attention. To solve
the complicated relationship between social media use and mental health concerns, further study is needed.
Keywords: Addiction, Depression, Social Networking Sites , Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Ramadugu Shashikumar
Professor and HOD, Department of Psychiatry, Mahavir Institute Of Medical Sciences, Vikarabad.
Email: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 27
as sleep disturbances and depression.[4] A correlation and/or Students using medication for any psychiatric
between online social networking and mental health illness were excluded from the study.
has been highlighted in recent studies. Because social
networking sites are becoming increasingly popular Study tools:
among today’s youth, any postulated mental illnesses 1. Structured Questionnaire for assessment of
linked to them might constitute a severe public health the use of SNSs.
hazard, possibly resulting in a global cyber-epidemic. 2. Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale.
The most worrying aspect is that most users are
already addicted to social media and are unaware of The section of a questionnaire for assessing the
its detrimental effects.[5] use of SNS and its effect on daily life was pretested
in a similar population and validated with the
According to a recent meta-analysis, 75% of help of psychiatrists, public health specialists, and
medical students use social media on a daily basis, sociologists. For assessing the use of SNSs, the
including compulsive/compensatory use, and India participants were asked whether they have any
is no exception.[6] It is generally known that medical account in any of the SNS and instant messaging
students experience much higher levels of stress, application. If yes, they were asked to state how many
which has an impact on their academics, physical times in a day, on average, they visited the site (s)
wellbeing, and psychological wellbeing. As a result,
in the last 7 days. They were also asked to state the
medical students are not impervious to depression
average duration they spent on each visit in the last
and anxiety.
7 days. They were also asked whether they wake up
In India, evidence on the extent of SNS usage and early or went to bed late to spend time in SNSs. Their
its relationship to medical students’ mental health is perceived ability to spend a day without SNSs was
limited. The current study was undertaken to analyze also enquired. Effect of spending time in SNS on their
the pattern of SNS usage, the prevalence of depression, self-confidence and their satisfaction with use were
and their association among undergraduate assessed. Zung self-rating depression scale was used
medical students in a Medical College in Vikarabad, for assessing depression.
Telengana, based on the data available.
Method of data collection:
Material and Methods The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics
Committee of the Medical College. After taking
Study design, setting and duration: informed consent, the structured questionnaire in
A cross-sectional study was conducted among the English was given to the selected students to gather
undergraduate medical students who were enrolled information regarding their sociodemographic
in college during 2016 and 2019 academic years in a characteristics such as age and gender. The pattern
Medical College in Vikarabad, Telengana enrolling of use of SNS and its effect on their daily lives was
150 students per year between June and August 2020. assessed along with screening of depression.
Sample size and technique: Statistical analysis: SPSS 22 software was used for
statistical analysis and the data was presented in the
The available literature showed that the proportion
form of tables and graphs.
of medical students using SNS ranged from 67% to
75%.[6] Considering the proportion of students using Observation and Results
one or more accounts of SNSs as 67%, observing the
confidence level of 95%, the relative precision of 10%, Characteristics of study subjects
the final sample size was 189 which was rounded off The final analysis was performed with a filled-in
to 200. The number of enrolled students was same in questionnaire of 200 medical students enrolled in
each batch (year-group), 100 students from each batch Mahavir Institute of Medical Sciences, Vikarabad,
were selected through simple random sampling as Telengana. More than half of the students aged 21–23
per Attendance Register of the College. As per the years while the mean age (± standard deviation) of
diagnosis of psychiatric diseases and/or psychotropic the sample was 21.6 (±1.8) years. Female students
drugs may alter the use of social networking sites, (54.7) outnumbered the male students (45.3)
students with clinically diagnosed psychiatric illness
Use of Social Networking Sites One-fourth (11.3%) students were either not sure
100% of the students used Social Networking Site. or expressed their inability to spend a day without
More than half of the students used less than three SNSs. Around 36.6% reported that they could spend
Social networking sites (54.7) and two fifths used more a day without SNSs at particular times. Only 63.3%
than three Social networking sites (45.3). “WhatsApp” felt satisfied with the use of SNSs and another 36.3%
is the most commonly used SNS (95.9%) followed were not satisfied.
by “Facebook” (89.4%) and “Instagram” (30.5%). Table 2 : Association between Use of SNS and
Communication with the friends and families was the Depression
most common (59.0%) reason for using SNSs which Variable Category n With p
was followed by entertainment (43.1%) ,education depression
and professional activities (31.4%). Depression Normal 124
Table 1 : Distribution of study participants severity
according to Use of Social Networking Sites Mild 26
Variables Categories n (%)
No of SNS 0.1640
Frequency of use per Atleast hourly 26(17.3%) use
<3 82 11 (13.4%)
8 -23 times in a day 57 (38.0%) >3 68 15 (22.05%)
4-7 times in a day 52 (34.6%) Duration 0.9669
1-3 times in a day 15 (10.0%) of SNS use
Duration of use per Always open 13 (8.7%) (hrs)
day <2 hrs 33 5 (!5.15%)
4-23 hrs 33 (22.0%) 2-4 hrs 71 13(18.30%)
2-4 hrs 71 (47.3%) 4-23 hrs 33 5 (15.15%)
< 2hrs 33 (22.0%) Always 13 2 (15.38%)
Used early morning Often 4 (2.7%)
Frequency 0.9639
Sometimes 40(26.6%) of SNS use
Never 106(70.7%)
Atleast 1 hr 26 5 (19.23%)
Used late night Often 24 (16.0%)
1-3 times in 15 3 (20%)
Sometimes 89 (59.3%)
a day
Never 37 (24.6%) 4-7 times in 52 8 (15.38%)
Stated ability to Unable 24 (16.0%) a day
spend a day without 8-23 times 57 10 (17.54%)
accessing SNSs
in a day
Not sure 17 (11.3%) Used early 0.8429
Sometimes 54 (36.0%) morning
Certainly 55 (36.6%) Never 106 19 (18%)
Often 4 1 (25%)
Less than one third (17.3% )of the students, had
Sometimes 40 6 (15%)
accessed SNSs at least once in an hour, while most
Used late 0.4697
of them (38.0%) accessed at least 8 - 23 times in a
day. Around one-tenth students (10.0%) accessed
Never 37 7 (19%)
SNSs 1–3 times in a day, rest were an occasional user.
Often 24 6 (25%)
Around 47.3% of the students accessed SNSs for at
Sometimes 89 13 (14.6%)
least 2 - 4 hours in a day and 8.7% students remained
Able to 0.8774
active on SNSs through out the day. One-fifth of the
spend a day
students(26.6%) in this were sometimes waking up
early and less than half of students (16.0%) often accessing
went to bed late night to spend time on SNSs and SNS
another 59.3% were active for sometime during night. Not sure 17 3 (17.64%)
Variable Category n With p Students who were sure that they could spend a
depression day without SNS were likely to score less on Zung
Certainly 55 9 (16.66%) self rating depression scale,the difference was not
Sometimes 54 11 (20%) statistically significant (p=0.8774).
Unable 24 3 (12.5%) Discussion
Prevalence Of Depression While social media’s communication capabilities
As per Zung Self Rating Depression scale 17.3% have positively impacted the lives of young adults all
students had Mild Depression. over the world, it also has the potential to negatively
impact young people’s development and wellness.
Association between Use of Social Networking Site The debate is on whether social media and instant
and Depression messaging apps are the reasons that cause mental
Association between use of social networking illnesses, or if increased case detection and societal
site and depression was more in the students who concern are the variables that contribute to an increase
accessed more than three SNS 22.05%, than who in the number of cases of mental disorders among
accessed less than three SNS 13.41%. Similarly, adolescents and teenagers.
students who accessed SNS for 2 - 4hrs scored more
Use of social networking sites:
on Zungs Self Rating depression scale 18.3%, students
who were always active scored 15.38% and students Face-to-screen interaction is considerably more than
who were less than 2hrs active scored 15.15%. face-to-face interaction, attributable to the growing
popularity of social networking sites. Which can
Association between frequency of use of SNS and contribute to despair, loneliness, and anxiety when
Depression is more in students who use 1-3 times in individuals around you are performing better jobs,
a day 20% and in the students who used atleast 1hr or it can assist depressed people who are socially
it is 19.23% ,in students who use 4-7 times is 15.38% isolated connect, take suggestions, and join online
whereas in students who use 8-23 times it is 17.54%. support groups.
The students who were awake early morning and
used SNSs often was more 25% than those who were In the current study, the use of SNS was ubiquitous
awake sometimes (15%) and never (18%) similarly among undergraduate medical students, with more
the students who spent late nights in using SNSs was than two-fifths of them utilizing three or more SNSs.
more among who were often awake late night (25%) WhatsApp was the most popular platform, followed
than those who were awake late night Sometimes by Facebook, with >90.0 % of study participants
(14.6%) and never (19%). using both, corroborating previous research in India.
Although the percentages of respondents who use
The Zung self-rating depression scale score was Facebook and WhatsApp were greater than in prior
greater among students who used more than three studies,[7] rates similar to those identified in our
SNSs than among students who used less than three survey have been recorded among adolescents. In
SNSs, although the difference was not statistically India[8], US,[9] medical students in Australia,[10] and
significant (p = 0.1640). Similarly, students who used UK.[11]
SNSs for 2-4 hours scored better than those who used
them for 2 hours, 4 hours, or 23 hours, although the In terms of SNS use, the medical students in this
difference was not statistically significant (p=0.9669). research were heavy users, with almost one-third of
Similarly, students who used 1–3 times per day the students using SNSs at least once per hour and
scored better than those who used at least an hour, nearly 60.0 percent using SNSs at least once every
4–7 times per day, although the difference was not day. This points to substantial and regular usage
statistically significant (p=0.9639). Students who among the participants, which is consistent with Goel
spent time in SNS early in the morning or late at night et al. and Hall et al.’s research.[12]
were more likely to have a higher Zung self-rating
The usage of social networking sites and the
depression scale score, although the difference was
probability of depression:
not statistically significant. (Early morning p=0.8429
),(Late night p= 0.4697). Affective disorders like depression have been
shown to have a bidirectional relationship with the
6. Guraya SY. The usage of social networking sites 12. Hall M, Hanna LA, Huey G. Use and views on social
by medical students for educational purposes: A networking sites of pharmacy students in the united
Meta-analysis and systematic review. N Am J Med kingdom. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77:9.
Sci. 2016;8:268–78.
13. Keyes CL. Mental illness and/or mental health?
7. Adithya KH, Ali K, Mahadevamurthy M. Use of Investigating axioms of the complete state model of
Social Media Among Dental Students of Farooqia health. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2005;73:539–48.
Dental College, Mysore: A Study. Bangalore, India;
14. Baxter AJ, Scott KM, Vos T, Whiteford HA. Global
2013. Presented at International Conference on open
prevalence of anxiety disorders: A systematic review
access scholarly communication reincarnated: A
and meta-regression. Psychol Med. 2013;43:897–910.
futuristic approach at Bangalore. 7].
15. Neira CJ, Barber BL. Social networking site use: Linked
8. Goel D, Subramanyam A, Kamath R. A study on the
to adolescents’ social self-concept, self-esteem, and
prevalence of internet addiction and its association
depressed mood. Aust J Psychol. 2014;66:56–64.
with psychopathology in Indian adolescents. Indian J
Psychiatry. 2013;55:140–3. 16. Hwang JM, Cheong PH, Feeley TH. Being young
and feeling blue in Taiwan: Examining adolescent
9. Statista: The Statistical Portal. Reach of Leading Social
depressive mood and online and offline activities. New
Media and Networking Sites Used by Teenagers and
Media Soc. 2009;11:1101–21.
Young Adults in the United States as of February,
2016. 2016. Available from: 17. Ybarra ML, Alexander C, Mitchell KJ. Depressive
com/statistics/250172/ symptomatology, youth internet use, and
online interactions: A national survey. J Adolesc
10. Gray K, Annabell L, Kennedy G. Medical students’
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use of facebook to support learning: Insights from four
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11. White J, Kirwan P, Lai K, Walton J, Ross S. ‘Have you
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seen what is on facebook?’ The use of social networking
software by healthcare professions students. BMJ
Open. 2013;3 pii: e003013.
How to cite this article: Amaresh P. Patil, Yogeshkumar S Awareness about Tobacco use among Auto- Rickshaw
Drivers in Belagavi, North Karnataka. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Auto – rickshaws are most commonly used mode of transportation in cities where metros or application-
based cab aggregators (ABCA) are either non-existent / not available. Auto rickshaw drivers (ARD’s) are under constant
physical and mental pressure due to various factors most importantly illiteracy, poverty, lack of awareness about hazards
of addictions which lead to various habits majority being tobacco use. Studies have found that overall prevalence of
tobacco use among ARD’s is very high compared to general population.
Objectives: To know level of awareness about tobacco use among ARD’s in Belagavi, North Karnataka.
Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted among 600 regular ARD’s of Belagavi City Corporation between
January to December 2016. Estimated sample size was 600. Two ARD’s who were last in queue were selected from 300
major auto rickshaw stands. Questionnaire was adopted from Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) questionnaire. Data
was collected by personal interview after getting informed consent. Data compilation and analysis was done using SPSS
software. Study was approved by Institutional Ethics Committee of J. N. Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi.
Results: Most (88.66%) of the participants knew that tobacco in any form caused serious illness. Cancers (72.66%) were
the most commonly known illnesses. Most of the participants supported law prohibiting smoking in indoor work places
(99%) and favored increase of taxes on tobacco products (94.5%).
Conclusion: Although the awareness regarding hazards of tobacco has increased in recent days, actual practice remains
a challenge.
Corresponding author:
Dr. Amaresh P. Patil
MBBS, MD, DNB, PG Diploma in Environmental & Occupational Health, MNAMS
Research Officer, Women’s & Children’s Health Research unit,
J. N. Medical College, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER)
Belgaum-590010, Karnataka, INDIA
E-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 33
maintained vehicles. On the road for most of their day, b. Permanent residents of Belagavi city from the
they suffer due to the poor quality and availability of past one year.
hygienic water and sanitation facilities in the country,
Auto rickshaw drivers driving on part time basis
leading to further health issues.
were excluded.
Auto rickshaw drivers are under constant physical
and mental pressure due to irregular shifts, continuous Sampling procedure
variation in fuel prices, long waiting hours, illiteracy, As per the information form the Regional transport
poverty, lack of knowledge about hazards of tobacco office, the city had around 300 major auto rickshaw
and other socioeconomic factors which lead to various stands and among each stand two auto rickshaw
habits majority being tobacco use. [1-4] drivers who were last in the queue were selected
purposively for the study. This was to have ample
Tobacco use imposes a huge burden of disease in
amount of time for the participant to be interviewed
India and is a major global public health problem. The
for the study, which could not have been done if
tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health
someone else from the queue were selected as they
threats the world has ever faced, killing more than 8
had to discontinue the study if their auto rickshaw
million people a year. More than 7 million of those
was hired meanwhile.
deaths are the results of direct tobacco use while
around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers Study tools
being exposed to second-hand smoke. [5]
Questionnaire was adopted from the Global Adult
In the Indian context, tobacco use implies a varied Tobacco Survey (GATS) questionnaire [11] and
range of chewing and smoking forms of tobacco customized as per the requirements of the study.
available at different price points, reflecting the
varying socio-economic and demographic patterns of
consumption. [6] Investigator made visits to all the 300 major auto
rickshaw stands within the limits of Belagavi City
Cigarette smoking in any form harms nearly Corporation and participants were identified
every organ of the body, causes many diseases, and according to the sampling procedure. These
reduces the health in general. [7-8] It causes diminished participants were explained about the purpose of the
overall health, increased absenteeism from work, study and after the written informed consent, they
and increased health care utilization and cost. [7] were interviewed in the auto rickshaw stands or any
There are many diseases that are caused, increased or convenient place nearby using pre-designed and pre-
exacerbated by use of tobacco. [9] tested questionnaire adopted from GATS. [11].
Author intends to find the level of awareness about The participants were given free chance to
tobacco use among auto rickshaw drivers in Belagavi, discontinue from the study at any given point of time
a northern district of Karnataka. for any privacy, confidential or work related issues.
Materials and Methods Care was taken to make sure that the participants did
not have any hindrance in their work.
Study design
Data analysis
This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study
The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics
conducted on registered auto rickshaw drivers plying
and Chi-square test using the SPSS software. A value
in Belagavi city, in the period of January to December
of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
2016. Sample size was calculated to be 597 & rounded
off to 600 based on the estimated prevalence of 84% [10] Results
and absolute error of 3%. The inclusion criteria were All the participants were male with age ranging
as follows: between 18 to 70 years and an average age of 39.71
a. Registered, regular auto - rickshaw drivers ± 11.07 years. Mean years in the present occupation
aged above 18 years. was 15.80 years ± 10.11 years and participants worked
over a mean length of 9.43 ± 1.82 hours per day.
Majority of them (89.83%) were married, 371 [Table 1] Most of the users (54.69%) were advised
(61.83%) stayed in nuclear families and 346 (57.67%) to quit by a health care professional in the last one
resided in pucca house. year. Among the users, 227 (60.86%) had attempted to
quit usage in the last one year and more than half of
Among the participants, 373 (62.17%) were using
them (54.63%) could sustain it for few months before
tobacco in one or the other form. Cigarettes (87.05%)
resuming usage. Self-motivation (90.75%) was the
were the most commonly smoked form while gutkha
strongest driving force to quit. Majority of the users
(54.93%) was the commonest smokeless form.
planned to quit within next one month (28.69%).
Majority of the users had initiated their habit before
20 years of age (46.38%). Mean age at initiation was [Table 2] Most of the participants (88.66%) knew
23.22 ± 8 years for smoke form and 23.36 ± 7.99 years that tobacco in any form caused serious illnesses.
for smokeless form. Mean duration of use was 15.31 Cancers (72.66%) were the most commonly known
± 10.29 years. More than half of the participants illnesses caused by tobacco.
(54.96%) used tobacco within an hour of waking up.
[Table 3] Most of the participants supported the
Almost three fourths of those using tobacco never did
law prohibiting smoking in indoor work places (99%)
it in front of their children (74.8%).
and favored increase of taxes on tobacco products
Characteristics n Percentage
Cancers 436 72.66
Heart disease 56 9.33
Impotence 15 2.5
Premature aging 6 1
Respiratory disease 160 26.66
Gastritis/ acidity 39 6.5
Others 37 9.91
Parents 12 3.21
Others 12 3.21
* Multiple participants reported more than one illness
** Multiple tobacco users used tobacco products at more than one place
# Multiple users were motivated by more than one group for use of tobacco
Characteristics n Percentage
Tobacco users (%) Non users (%) Total (%)
Opinion on law prohibiting smoking in Support 373 (100) 221 (97.36) 594 (99.0)
indoor work places and public places Not sure 0 06 (02.64) 06 (01.00)
Favour 349 (93.57) 218 (96.04) 567 (94.50)
Opinion about increasing taxes on
Oppose 24 (06.43) 03 (1.32) 27 (04.50)
tobacco products
Not sure 0 06 (2.64) 06 (01.00)
Favour 334 (89.54) 191 (84.14) 525 (87.50)
Opinion on law prohibiting
Oppose 39 (10.46) 18 (07.93) 57 (09.50)
advertisements of tobacco products
Not sure 0 18 (07.93) 18 (03.00)
Yes 310 (83.11) 216 (95.16) 526 (87.67)
Are you aware about harmful effects of
No 63 (16.89) 05 (02.20) 68 (11.33)
second hand smoke
Not sure 0 06 (2.64) 06 (01.00)
Warning labels led to thinking about Yes 339 90.89
quitting No 34 9.11
In the last one month have you asked Yes 38 10.19
your children or anyone less than 18
years to buy tobacco products? No 335 89.81
This comparatively higher prevalence among days owing to mass negative advertisements, scary
auto rickshaw drivers can be attributed to various images and videos of serious health hazards which
occupational factors coupled with low levels of are continuously displayed in cinema halls, social
education, poverty, lack of knowledge about hazards, media, television advertisements and etc.
other socioeconomic factors and many unknown
In this study, around 72% of the participants knew
that tobacco in any form caused one or the other
Smokeless form was the predominant form of cancers and this was around 87% in study done in
tobacco use. Similar findings have been observed in Belgaum. [18] In general, knowledge regarding cancers
multiple studies done among similar subgroups and has increased owing to mass media advertisements
consistent with the GATS survey done among adult
In the present study, almost all the participants
Indian male. [10, 17, 19-20] This is also particularly true in
(99.0%) supported the law which prohibits smoking
auto rickshaw drivers as their hands are preoccupied
in indoor work places and public places. Whereas
in driving and hence smoking while driving would be
only 68% of the participants in the Gwalior study
cumbersome whereas chewing can be continued even
were aware about existence of such law. [10] Despite
while driving.
high level of knowledge about the law, actual
Majority (54.69%) of the users were advised to implementation is a bigger question.
quit tobacco by any health care provider in last one
Limitations and Recommendations
year. There is still a lot of potential to counsel each
& every user every time they encounter a health care Apart from recall bias, those auto rickshaw drivers
professional, which will have a deeper impact in plying exclusively during night might have been
reducing the use. missed from the study. Based on the study, we
recommend that work place tobacco cessation model
Around 61% of the study participants had tried
should be established for this group and tobacco
to quit the use in last one year. In the study done
cessation activities should be targeted at younger
in Nepal, 75.8% of long route bus drivers had tried
auto rickshaw drivers to address the early initiators
quitting [21] whereas in the Gwalior study, only 28.47%
to prevent future addictions & health hazards. There
tried to quit. [10] This difference in quit attempts can be
is a dire need for strict implementation of the tobacco
attributed to the difference in various socioeconomic
control legislations.
factors, educational level, knowledge regarding
hazards and the personality traits of the users as all Ethical clearance- Approved from Institutional
of these play an important role to quit. Majority of Ethics Committee of J. N. Medical College, KLE
those who attempted a quit could hardly sustain it University, Belagavi
for few months before resuming the use. This can be Source of funding- Self funded
attributed to various religious events (like Ramadan,
Diwali), strong peer pressure, addiction and physical Conflict of Interest - Nil
dependence along with ignorance. Self-motivation
was found to be the most common approach (90.75%)
by the participants to even attempt quitting. This can 1. Kaul S, Gupta AK, Sarkar T, Ahsan SK, Singh NP.
Substance abuse and depression among auto-rickshaw
be augmented by providing education and raising
drivers: A study from the national capital region of
the level of knowledge, providing emotional and
Delhi, India. Indian J Med Spec. 2019;10(3):143-8. doi:
mental support to those willing to quit. A study 10.4103/INJMS.INJMS_64_19.
conducted in Canada concluded that many smokers
may be unaware of effective cessation methods and 2. Singh SP, Misra SK, Chaudhary SS, Katyal R, Singh A,
most underestimate their benefit. Further, this lack Joshi HS. Heath status of auto rickshaw drivers plying
in Agra city, MedPulse. Int Med J. 2015;2(4):221-8.
of knowledge may represent a significant barrier to
treatment adoption. [22] 3. Melwani V, Priya A, Toppo M, Sethia S, Khan A,
Melwani S. Study to assess the socio-demographic
In the present study, around 89% of the participants profile, health status and working conditions of auto
knew that use of tobacco caused one or the other rickshaw drivers in Bhopal. Int J Community Med
serious illness. Similar findings were seen in Gwalior Public Health. 2018;5(4):1323-6. doi: 10.18203/2394-
study (89%). [10] Knowledge has increased in recent 6040.ijcmph20180971.
Anil Kumar Reddy Y1, Montosh Chakraborty2, Vidya Desai Sripad3, Sathianarayana4,
Joy A Ghoshal5, Mukesh Tripathi6
Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh,
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh,
Additional Professor, Department of Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh,
Assistant Professor, Department of Community and Family Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh,
Professor, Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh,
Professor, Department of Anesthesia, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh
How to cite this article: Anil Kumar Reddy Y, Montosh Chakraborty, Vidya Desai Sripad, Sathianarayana,
Joy A Ghoshal, Mukesh Tripathi. Students’ Perspectives on Simplified Breakout Room Approach during Video
Proctored Online Assessment in COVID 19 Lock down. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: The lockdown in COVID 19 pandemic mandated the normal academic schedule in virtual mode including
e-assessments. Since the summative assessments are a mix of both selected response approach and constructed response
approach, a new method of e assessment under video surveillance by break out room approach has been tried in this
study and the student’s response with regard to the different aspects of this technology will be evaluated.
Methods: The students were asked to appear for the exams under video surveillance by zoom video conference. The
instructions and the check lists were rolled out accordingly for both the students and teachers. The students appeared for
the examination under video surveillance such that one invigilator monitors 10 students along with a guardian secondary
invigilator present by their side. A questionnaire based survey regarding the conduct of examination was conducted
amongst the students. The data was analysed by descriptive statistics. P value < 0.05 is taken as statistically significant.
All statistical analysis was performed by using the statistical software package SPSS version 21.
Results: Analysis of student’s feedback revealed that 90% are agreed that proctored clarified their queries. Majority of the
students (96%) are happy with overall experience with break out room approach in video proctored online assessment.
Conclusion: The conduct of online assessment by break out room approach is a new methodology tried in this period of
pandemic lockdown and will be evaluated for its acceptance by the students so that it can facilitate the upgradation of
e-assessment methodologies.
*Corresponding Author:
Dr. Montosh Charkraborty,
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Guntur District,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Pin Code: 522 503
Email Id: [email protected]
19 pandemic when the virtual platforms of online days before the examination to allay their fears and
teaching came to the rescue. We started with home the following checklist was provided to keep them
based academic assessments by selected response prepared for the examination:
approach right from the declaration of 1st lockdown • Do I have a laptop with front camera or smart
phase in our country and tried to maintain the routine phone with front and back cameras?
assessment schedule with the help of virtual platform.
But the necessity of subjective assessments was felt • Do I have a smart phone with updated
soon as the summative assessments are a right mix Firefox/safari/chrome browsers?
of both selected response and constructed response • Do I have/upgraded to 1.5 GB data/day plan
assessments. Also, the constructed response system with at least 1 Mbps upload & download
is more popular in the evaluation of all sections of speeds?
cognitive domain.3 • Did I install the Google Classroom and
Online exams can be proctored either in person ZOOM Video Conference apps on my
in a controlled exam centre or by using artificial mobile/laptop?
intelligence.4 But it usually requires a learning • Did I keep registration number as name in
management system along with a technical back up ZOOM app/software?
for support which is a costly affair in a developing
• Do I have login credentials and am able to
country like ours.5 The in person proctoring for a
login to all the above-mentioned Apps?
large group of students seems difficult and students
are apprehensive of the support for their queries • Did I identify an appropriate, well-lit, noise-
during the conduct of exams.6 The chances of cheating free place in the house with my writing table
by using internet driven sources in such home based and chair for typing answers comfortably?
online assessments requires elimination to maintain • Did I understand the question paper model
the academic integrity.7 As there is a growing concern and exam duration for each subject/paper?
among teachers about online assessment and the • Have I kept sufficient number of A4/A3/
impact of its results for accountability, monitoring Legal sized papers to write for section B and
their views on students perspective will be an C along with other stationary requirements?
important task.8
• Proctoring requirement: Students must
Here we present our experience of navigating a new understand that being visible for invigilation
terrain of conducting a home based online academic (proctoring) throughout the duration of
subjective assessment of medical students in a tertiary the exam is a mandatory. Students who do
care medical institute under video proctoring by NOT follow this rule will be marked under
using break out room approach and the students malpractice. By appearing for the exams, a
perspectives with regard to the same which has not student declares that (s) he understands these
been described in the literature before. The technique guidelines and has clarity clearly that their
involves the hand written subjective assessments to proctoring session will be video recorded and
eliminate internet driven malpractices and controlled will be used only to identify malpractices if
invigilation by primary and secondary (in-person) any during the exam.
invigilators for better monitoring and elimination
The invigilators were supposed to have the
of their apprehensions and queries with regard to
following materials ready for Invigilation:
conduct of exams.
• Laptop
Subjects & Methods:
• Earpiece with the mike
Study type: • Print out of Document for the Methodology
An online hand written subjective academic of examination
assessment of 2nd semester students was planned • Print out of the list of Contact numbers of
using break out room approach. The module was students and guardians
explained to the students in detail and their queries • Print out of Invigilator report document
were attended to. A mock test was conducted 2
Outcomes of innovation: As the world moves into
different phases of lockdowns, the online academics
and assessment is here to stay. The idea of evolving
a better assessment platform in the virtual platform
is to be as near to assessment in physical presence or
even better.9 The innovative idea of subjective online
assessment by break out room approach is a step
towards this direction. Due to the involvement of
multiple factors in this regard, the review of students
regarding various facets of this approach is necessary
to establish its credibility. Systematic feedback is a
Figure 1:1: Conduct
Conduct ofbyexams
of exams break outby breakStudents’
approach: out approach:
Figure 1: Conduct of exams by break out approach: Students’ perspectives basic condition for the operation and development of
Students’ perspectives
any complex system.10
Inspite of the fact that 66% of the students (n=50)
appreciated the practice session for the breakout
room approach, an equal amount of students (58%)
were still nervous for the examination (Fig 1). It
might be due to the incumbent fear of performance
in the examination which is quite common even in
the exams in physical presence. The technology finds
a wider acceptance amongst students as 94% (n=50)
have termed it user friendly. The clarification of
Figure 2: Students’ experience of attending exams
Figure 2: Students’ experience of attending exams by break out room approach doubts in the conduct of examination was successfully
Figure 2: Students’ experience of attending exams by break out room approach
by break out room approach attended to due to the availability of both primary
and secondary invigilators (proctor) customised for
students. Validity and reliability of online assessment
should be established to ensure students’ achievement
of the learning objectives.11 Breakout room approach
with small group of students in each has the ability
to solve any technical obstacle met during the online
Page of99
96% of the students (n=50) liked the conduct of
the examination by break out room approach with
22% terming it as very good. The opinion becomes
Figure 3: Mode of summative exam as preferred by significant on the ground that the students have
Figure 3:
Figure 3: Mode
Mode of summative exam as preferred by
by students on
on the
students on the basispreferred
of present experience.
students experience.
been attending regular unproctored, online MCQ
assessments and have seen and experienced the
regular modes of online assessment. Alsadoon H
(2017), revealed that procedures implemented during the
online including briefing on examination procedure by
peers minimise the chance of cheating and unauthorized
With the experiences garnered about the various
modes of assessments, 82% have opined to conduct
the summative examinations in online mode in the
present scenario of COVID 19 pandemic (Fig 3). Most
Figure 4:
Figure 4: Strengths
Strengths and
Figure and weaknesses
4: weaknesses
Strengths of
of conduct of
of exams
exams by
and weaknesses
conduct by breakout
breakout approach: Students’ of them (72%, n=50) have exerted their trust on the
of exams by breakout room approach: Students’
Perspectives. break out room approach as compared to other modes
1 Discussion:
1 Discussion:
2 Outcomes of innovation: As the world moves into different IJPHRD / Volume
phases 13 Issue
of lockdowns, the 4online
/ October-December 2022
2 Outcomes of innovation: As the world moves into different phases of lockdowns, the online
3 academics and assessment is here to stay. The idea of evolving a better assessment platform in the
3 academics and assessment is here to stay. The idea of evolving a better assessment platform in the
4 virtual platform is to be as near to assessment in physical presence or even better.9 The innovative idea
4 virtual platform is to be as near to assessment in physical presence or even better.9 The innovative idea
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 43
of online assessment. Availability of customised 3. McAllister D, Guidice RM. This is only a test: A
proctor for a small group of students to clarify their machine-graded improvement to the multiple-choice
doubts (70%, n=50) and user friendly technology and true-false examination. Teaching in Higher
(10%, n=50) seems to be the most important factors Education. 2012 Apr 1;17(2):193-207.
for the students to prefer this approach (Fig 4). 14% of 4. Kolowich S. Behind the Webcam’s Watchful Eye,
the students (n=50) have not liked the breakout room Online Proctoring Takes Hold. Chronicle of Higher
approach, internet issues being the most important Education. 2013 Apr 15.
slayer. Since the students are spread pan India, digital 5. Lajoie SP, Hmelo-Silver CE, Wiseman JG, Chan
divide can be the reason for performance divide.7 LK, Lu J, Khurana C, Cruz-Panesso I, Poitras E,
Simplified breakout room approach for conduction Kazemitabar M. Using online digital tools and video
of online home based video proctored assessments to support international problem-based learning.
provides students and teacher’s easy-to-use, valid, Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning.
and reliable assessment system. It may significantly 2014 Jun 18;8(2):60-75.
contribute to solving certain crucial problems of 6. Ray ME, Daugherty KK, Lebovitz L, Rudolph MJ,
online assessment today. With the focus and thrust Shuford VP, DiVall MV. Best practices on examination
on digital India programmes, the divide is bound to construction, administration, and feedback. American
reduce leading to wider acceptance of this mode of journal of pharmaceutical education. 2018 Dec 1;82(10).
online assessment.
7. Moore R, Vitale D, Stawinoga N. The Digital Divide
The conduct of online assessment by break out room and Educational Equity: A Look at Students with Very
approach is a new methodology tried in this period of Limited Access to Electronic Devices at Home. Insights
pandemic lockdown and has been accepted well by in Education and Work. ACT, Inc.. 2018 Aug.
the students because of its characteristic inclusive and 8. Wu H. Molnár G.(2018a). Interactive problem solving:
customised approach. assessment and relations to combinatorial and
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Financial support: Nil
9. Goh PS, Sandars J. A vision of the use of technology
Conflicts of interest: There are no conflicts of
in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic.
interest MedEdPublish. 2020 Mar 26;9(49):49.
Acknowledgement: The authors would like to 10. Csapó B, Molnár G. Online diagnostic assessment in
thank all respondents who participated in the study. support of personalized teaching and learning: The e
Dia system. Frontiers in psychology. 2019 Jul 3;10:1522.
Ethical Clearance: The study was approved by the
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IEC-20. of e-learning and online assessment during the
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medical education: COVID-19 crisis and beyond. SN Saudi Electronic University. Turkish Online Journal of
comprehensive clinical medicine. 2020 Nov;2(11):1992- Educational Technology-TOJET. 2017 Jan;16(1):147-53.
How to cite this article: Annapareddy Raja Karan Reddy, Dr. Bagammagari Raghuram Reddy et al Study
On The Conversion Of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Owing To Per Operative Complications. Volume 13 |
Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Laparoscopic surgery has advanced to the point that it is being performed even for malignant conditions
in the current healthcare era. Conversion to open technique is a major morbidity of laparoscopy as it loses its supremacy
over open technique once the conversion takes place.
Objectives: To study the Conversion of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy owing to per operative complications.
Methods: There were a total of 100 patients that matched the criteria for inclusion. A comprehensive medical history
was obtained, as well as a detailed medical examination was done. Blood tests were performed as part of the admissions
process. All of the patients underwent a liver function test. Ultrasonography of the abdomen and upper GI endoscopy
were done on all patients. Patients with suspected pancreatic/common bile duct pathology underwent CECT abdomen.
Patients with increased alkaline phosphatase and dilated CBD/associated CBD pathology underwent MRCP. In all cases,
consent was obtained for conversion if necessary.
Results: Out of 100 cases, 13 cases were converted to open cholecystectomy. In majority of the cases, dense adhesion was
the reason for conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cholecystectomy in 38.46%. Arterial injury and difficult
anatomy around calout’s was the reason for conversion in 23% of the cases each. Hepato biliary injury and technical
difficulty was the reason for conversion in 7.69% of the cases each.
Conclusion: Recognizing when a patient is at higher risk for conversion can help with preoperative counselling
and resource allocation in the operating room, can improve safety by limiting the time it takes to convert to an open
cholecystectomy, and can identify patients who would benefit from a planned open approach.
Corresponding author:
Dr. Bagammagari Raghuram Reddy
Professor, Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Gandhi medical college and
hospital, Hyderabad Telangana
Email: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 45
to traditional open cholecystectomy. Laparoscopic done on all patients. Patients with suspected
cholecystectomy, on the other hand, has its own set of pancreatic/common bile duct pathology underwent
drawbacks and complications.3 CECT abdomen. Patients with increased alkaline
phosphatase and dilated CBD/associated CBD
Conversion to open method is a key complication
pathology underwent MRCP. In all cases, consent
of laparoscopy, as it loses its hegemony over
was obtained for conversion if necessary.
open technique after conversion.4 As laparoscopic
cholecystectomy has gained more expertise and The patients who have been converted to the
the learning curve has been surmounted, the open technique are the emphasis of this study. They
indications for laparoscopic cholecystectomy were further analysed in terms of the reasons for
have been broadened, approaching those of open converting to the open method owing to per-operative
cholecystectomy.5 complications.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy complications Statistical Analysis: The SPSS 22 software was used
have been considerably reduced. However, due to for statistical analysis and the data was presented in
technical difficulties or intraoperative complications, the form of means and percentages.
a significant number of patients will have to be
transitioned to open surgery.6 The important thing Observation and Results
to remember about conversion is that it should never Table 1: Distribution based on laparoscopic
be viewed as a complication, but rather as a valid cholecystectomy cases
surgical decision. Parameters No. of patients Percentage
Materials and Methods Male 48 48%
Study Design: Hospital-based cross-sectional Female 52 52%
study Mean Age group 42.98 + 20.02 yrs
Study Setting: Department of General Surgery, Obese 18 18%
Gandhi Medical College and hospital Pre-operative diagnosis
Duration of study: January 2021 to June 2021 Chronic
74 74%
Sample size: 100 patients undergoing laparoscopic
Acute cholecystitis 16 16%
Cholecystectomy 13 cases converted to open
Cholecystectomy Low albumin 1 1%
Elevated WBC
2 2%
Inclusion Criteria: count
Elevated alkaline
• All symptomatic gallstone disease patients 1 1%
• Gallstone disease with no symptoms in type Elevated bilirubin 2 2%
2 diabetics
Pericholecystic fluid
4 4%
• Gallbladder polyps on usg
How to cite this article: Bagammagari Raghuram Reddy, Annapareddy Raja Karan Reddy et al A Clinical Study of
Hollow Viscus Injuries in Abdominal Trauma. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Blunt abdominal trauma results in injury to the bowel and mesenteries in 3—5% of cases. The injuries are
polymorphic including hematoma, seromuscular tear, perforation, and ischemia. They preferentially involve the small
bowel and may result in bleeding and/or peritonitis. The main diagnostic challenge is to promptly and correctly identify
injuries that require surgical repair.
Objectives: To study the incidence, management and outcome of Hollow Viscus Injuries in Abdominal Trauma
Methods: A comprehensive history was obtained from 50 patients attendants, including the patient’s demographic
characteristics, the type of injury (whether blunt or penetrating), the symptoms with which the patient presented, and the
time elapsed from injury to admission. All patients underwent baseline tests such as haemoglobin, platelet count, blood
urea, blood glucose levels, serum electrolytes, and blood grouping. Ultrasound and CT scans of the abdomen were not
performed on all patients. Patients whose x-rays or clinical examinations were inconclusive had USG and CT scans.
Results: Male predominance was observed with 72% and females were 28%. The male: female ratio was 2.57:1.Out of the
50 cases with these kinds of injuries 56% of the cases underwent primary closure of perforation. 20% cases had resection
and anastomosis. 14% of the cases had Omental patch closure of perforation and 10% cases with serosal tear underwent
simple repair
Conclusion: Many predictors of morbidity and mortality have been identified, and treatment delays have been identified
as a strong indication of morbidity that has a substantial impact on the post-operative path.
Corresponding author:
Annapareddy Raja Karan Reddy
Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Gandhi medical college and hospital, Hyderabad Telangana.
Email: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 49
Despite modern tools and technologies such as Patients whose x-rays or clinical examinations were
ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan, and endoscopy, inconclusive had USG and CT scans.
the nature of the injury, a clear clinical history,
Statistical Analysis: The SPSS 22 software was used
a comprehensive clinical examination, and basic
for statistical analysis and the data was presented in
radiographs can aid in identifying many patients
the form of means and percentages.
with hollow visceral injuries with decent accuracy.
Any delay in diagnosis will increase morbidity and Observation and Results
mortality in the long-term.6
Table 1: Distribution based on Gender
As a result, a general surgeon should be able to
Gender No. Of patients Percentage (%)
clinically detect and treat trauma, particularly those
Male 36 72%
involving abdominal hollow visceral injuries, which
Female 14 28%
are becoming increasingly common. In this study,
efforts were undertaken to study about the prevalence Male predominance was observed with 72% and
of abdominal trauma, the numerous intra-abdominal females were 28%. The male: female ratio was 2.57:1.
organs injured in penetrating and blunt abdominal Table 2: Distribution based on age group
injuries, and their varied outcomes. Age group (yrs) No. Of Percentage
Materials and Methods patients (%)
<20 11 22%
Study Design: Hospital-based cross-sectional
21-30 17 34%
31-40 13 26%
Study Setting: Department of General Surgery, 41-50 4 8%
Gandhi Medical College and hospital >50 4 8%
Duration of study: July 2021 to December 2021 Total 50 100%
The majority of the patients belonged to the age
Sample size: 50 Patients with Hollow abdominal
group of 21 – 30 years with 34%, followed by 31 to
viscus injury
40 yrs age group with 26%, <20yrs age group had
incidence of 22%, the least no. of patients belonged
Inclusion Criteria:
to the age group of 41 – 50 yrs and >50 years of age
• All patients hospitalised with abdominal group with 8% each.
pain, either blunt or penetrating, who have
hollow viscus injuries (contusion, serosal tear Road traffic accidents was the most prevalent
or perforation) on clinical or radiographic caused of hollow abdominal viscus injury in 60% of
examination or intraoperative findings. the cases, followed by fall from height in 24% of the
cases, Train accidents and stab injuries accounted for
Exclusion Criteria: 8% of the cases each. The significant injury associated
in trauma was Polytrauma with 26% followed by
• Patients with abdominal pain owing to
orthopedic injuries constituting 24%, Head injuries in
trauma who did not have radiological or
15% and the least being the thoracic injuries seen in
intraoperative indications of hollow viscus
8% of the patients.
injuries were excluded from the study.
Table 3: Distribution based on time taken for
A comprehensive history was obtained from surgery after hollow viscus injury
50 patients attendants, including the patient’s
demographic characteristics, the type of injury Hours No. of patients Percentage (%)
(whether blunt or penetrating), the symptoms with 0-12 33 66%
which the patient presented, and the time elapsed 12-24 15 30%
from injury to admission. All patients underwent 24-48 1 2%
baseline tests such as haemoglobin, platelet count, >48 1 2%
blood urea, blood glucose levels, serum electrolytes, The majority of the patients around 66% were
and blood grouping. Ultrasound and CT scans of operated within 12 hours of the injury. Around 30%
the abdomen were not performed on all patients. were operated with 24 hrs of the injury. Around 2% of
the cases each were operated between 24 to 48 hrs and Competent clinical judgement, rapid decisions,
more than 48hrs after the injury due to conservative good and appropriate surgical procedures, and
management as the risk was more complicated. adequate postoperative care are all required for the
successful management of traumatic hollow viscus
Table 4: Distribution based on type of management
injuries. Regardless of how far technology has
No. of Percentage progressed, a trained surgeon’s competence is by
patients (%) far the most important aspect in managing a hollow
Primary closure of viscus injury.10
28 56%
perforation In brief, abdominal trauma is a significant category
Omental patch closure of severe injuries that a surgeon encounters in the
7 14%
of perforation emergency room. The clinical appearance of these
Repair of serosal tear 5 10% injuries varies widely depending on the site and
severity of the injury, and also differentiates between
Resection and blunt and penetrating injuries. It might range
10 20%
anastomosis from a seemingly normal look after a blunt injury
Commonest repair methods performed for to a collapsed and lifeless state after hypotensive
gastrointestinal injuries include primary closure of shock. Other solid organ damage may complicate
perforation, omental patch closure of perforation, matters at times. When dealing with hollow viscus
serosal tear repair and resection and anastomosis. injuries that are coupled with other severe injuries,
Out of the 50 cases with these kinds of injuries 56% of the management modality should prioritise life-
the cases underwent primary closure of perforation. threatening injuries first, followed by other injuries.
20% cases had resection and anastomosis. 14% of the Even though most studies suggest that penetrating
cases had Omental patch closure of perforation and abdominal trauma increases the risk of hollow viscus
10% cases with serosal tear underwent simple repair injuries, this study reveals that blunt abdominal
Table 5: Distribution based on mortality of patients trauma causes the majority of hollow viscus injuries,
based on reporting to the hospital after injury highlighting the need of effective trauma care.11
Mortality No. of patients Percentage In all cases of blunt abdominal trauma, a hollow
Presentation <24 hrs 3 6% viscus injury should be assumed. For accurate
diagnosis and to avoid delays in appropriate
Presentation >24 hrs 6 12%
surgical intervention, multiple clinical examinations
The mortality rate for patients admitted more than with thorough monitoring and repeat imaging are
24 hours after the injury was significantly greater than required in uncertain patients. The mode of repair is
those admitted within 24 hours of the trauma. determined by the condition of the patient, degree of
contamination with intestinal contents, concomitant
Discussion injuries, and overall condition. Above all, it is
Primary repair, or resection and anastomosis dependent on the surgeon’s clinical expertise as well
without a diversion colostomy, is preferable for as the trauma centre’s facilities.
individuals with colonic or intraperitoneal rectal
injuries.7 In individuals with extraperitoneal rectal
injuries, proximal diversion colostomy alone may be Although early diagnosis of gastrointestinal injuries
adequate. Because of the increased risk of anastomotic from blunt abdominal trauma might be difficult
leak, patients with stomach rupture should have a in some circumstances, it is critical because of the
gastrectomy and an intra-abdominal drain placed potential for life-threatening complications. The
at the location of the esophagojejunal anastomosis patient’s age, anatomical location, and time of
rather than no drainage. Drains are not recommended manifestation are probably the most important
for other gastrointestinal injuries after repair.8 The prognostic markers. Many predictors of morbidity
abdominal wall may need to be temporarily closed and mortality have been identified, and treatment
after an exploratory laparotomy for trauma so that a delays have been identified as a strong indication of
second look surgery may be performed later.9 morbidity that has a substantial impact on the post-
operative path.
Ethical Clearance: The Ethical clearance was 6. Elton C, Riaz AA, Young N, Schamschula R,
obtained from the institutional ethics committee of Papadopoulos B, Malka V. Accuracy of computed
Gandhi Medical College and hospital prior to the tomography in the detection of blunt bowel and
commencement of the study. mesenteric injuries. Br J Surg 2005;92(8):1024—8.
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abdominal trauma: utility of 5-minute delayed CT with
a reduced radiation dose. Radiology 2006;238(2):473—
How to cite this article: Biswajit Das, Subhasish Singh et al Residual Cardiovascular Risk – A Concept in Evolution.
Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
The commonest cause of mortality worldwide is cardiovascular disease.The contemporary evidence based therapy targets
known risk factors like LDL cholesterol,hypertension and hyperglycemia.Still,the current treatment protocols prevent
only half of the CVD deaths.Scientific research is constantly providing newer options to mitigate unfavourable outcomes
in those with persistent risk.This review discusses the multiple potential targets of therapy and the drugs available to fill
this unmet need.
Corresponding Author:
Dr Subhasish Singh
Assistant Professor, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha.
Address:Department of Cardiology, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha.
Email id: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 53
had a continuous association with risk of CAD with GLP-1RA act as ligands to the widely distributed
a relative risk(RR) of 1.16 for every 3.5 times rise in GLP-1 receptors but when in islets of Langerhans
Lp(a).The findings were replicated in subanalyses stimulate insulin and inhibit glucagon.Gastric motility
of coronary death and nonfatal MI.This continuous, is retarded and anorectic effect is also noted leading
independent and specific correlation was shown to to weight loss.An anti-inflammatory effect has also
be limited to vascular outcomes.14The biracial ARIC been identified.A total of 55,000 odd patients studied
study found Lp(a) levels to be positively associated over six CV outcome trials showed an improvement
with CAD and ischemic stroke.Xu et al investigated in outcome including CV mortality,nonfatal MI and
the impact of Lp(a) on severity of CAD and found nonfatal stroke.
that Lp(a) was independently correlated with
intermediate to high SYNTAX score.15An analysis of Inflammation
data from about 4000 patients revealed a statistically Apart from controlling LDL-C ,HMG-CoA reductase
significant relation between Lp(a) and coronary inhibitors have numerous other mechanisms of action
artery calcification(CAC) with a causal link between including inhibition of inflammation.Multiple trials
the two.Also,the LPA SNP rs 10455872 was associated incriminate inflammation as etiological in ASCVD
with higher Lp(a) and CAC.In so much as CAC by revealing that reduced inflammation results in fall
provides a measure of atherosclerotic burden and of subsequent CV outcomes.The pathophysiology
future CV events,this particular SNP may by raising of atherosclerosis starts with deposition of apoB
Lp(a) contribute to development of atherosclerosis.16 rich lipoproteins in the subendothelium of blood
Lp(a) levels positively correlate with plaque volume vessels.They are subjected to multiple structural
and unfavorable plaque composition in patients of changes (such as glycation and oxidation) leading
ischemic heart disease. In ACS patients subjected to the genesis of foam cells.The oxidised LDL inflict
to PCI,a synergistic effect of GRACE risk score and damage by endothelial cell injury,promotion of
Lp(a) level was observed in prediction of adverse adhesion molecules and localised inflammation
outcomes.This could help select the candidates for via accumulation of white blood cells.Theintensity
aggressive reduction of Lp(a).17 of this inflammation is strongly dependent on the
apoBsubtype,the effect of which is again influenced by
Diabetes other factors like liver triglyceride content or genetic
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is animportant etiological susceptibility.Oxidised LDL is also proinflammatory
agent for CVD but apart from metformin,no by promoting formation of intracellular crystalline
conventional antidiabetic has been shown to confer cholesterol and damage-associated molecular pattern
cardiovascular benefit.The newer drugs,namely molecules.The biochemical consequence of these
SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1RA,have been shown molecular processes is a rise in blood levels of hs-
to improve cardiovascular outcomes independent CRP and IL-6 which have been proven by numerous
of their glucose-lowering effect.While SGLT2i studies to be an efficient marker of future ASCVD.The
primarily improve heart failure prognosis,GLP- ubiquitous presence of mild,long term inflammation
1RA protect against atherosclerosis related events. in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis provides a
Multiple trials substantiate the protective effect of promising target for prevention and treatment of
SGLT2i on MACE,heart failure hospitalisation and ASCVD.
mortality in high risk diabetics.While CANVAS and
The connection between inflammation and
EMPA-REG demonstrated 14% decrease in clinical
dyslipidemia was first uncovered by the landmark
endpoint,DECLARE TIMI 58 and VERTIS CV showed
statin trials wherein use of statin was associated
no benefit.18Irrespective of diabetic status,upto 35%
with fall in hsCRP which in turn was correlated
fall in hospital admission for HF was noted.Also,the
with improved CV outcomes. The change in LDL-C
renoprotective effect was demonstrated as a 40-60%
and hsCRP was comparable and had an additive
reduction in fall of GFR,ESRD or mortality due to
salutary effect on clinical events. Amongst patients
renal causes.EMPA-REG also revealed a 40% fall in
taking statins,a sizeable one-third have heightened
CV death.Contemporary societal guidelines consider
hsCRP with lipid targets achieved. Notably, the
SGLT2i as preferable in diabetics with HFrEF or CKD.
potent hypolipidemic PCSK9 inhibitors have been
Adverse effects include increased susceptibility to
consistently found to be ineffective in lowering hsCRP.
genital ingections and diabetic ketoacidosis.
In further support of the inflammation hypothesis,
hsCRP was found to be a predictor of future events The inflammasome acts by stimulating caspase-1
even in patients whose LDL-C levels were reduced to activity resulting in increased production of IL-1β
less than 20 mg/dl with statins. which serves to attract inflammatory cells, primarily
macrophages and T cells.It also promotes IL-6/IL-18
Consequently,multiple potential targets of
generation and thereby, increases hepatic production
therapy have been identified and explored.The IL-1β
of proinflammatory proteins like CRP, fibrinogen and
antibody,canakinumab,was tested in a trial of post-
plasminogen.The persistent low grade inflammation
MI patients with raised hsCRP(inspite of maximal
sustains the evolution of atherosclerosis from foam
statin therapy).The drug halved the hsCRP and IL-6
cells to fatty streaks to the full blown obstructive
levels and also,lowered the overall major adverse
clinical events by 15% and an even more impressive
25% in patients achieving hsCRP concentration below Inflammation has also been proposed to be a
2 mg/dl.This was comparable to the benefit accrued controller of lipid metabolism in the liver.VLDL
in prominent PCSK9 inhibitor trials.Methotrexate,on particles rich in apo-C3 and Lp(a) particles rich in
the other hand,proved to be a disappointment.A oxidised phospholipids can promote inflammation.
study on post MI patients or diabetics with Raised TNF-α results in augmented lipogenesis,efflux
multivessel coronary artery disease who were of VLDL into circulation and lesser apoB breakdown.
already receiving all recommended drugs showed Teleologically,increased circulating lipids in response
that weekly methotrexate provided no clnical(5 year to inflammation serves to provide sufficient energy
MACE) or biochemical(hsCRP reduction) benefits.A for efficient tissue healing.However,over the
recent upsurge in interest in colchicine is the result long term,it may prove detrimental by fostering
of the COLCOT study.4755 post-MI patients were development of metabolic syndrome or diabetes.The
randomised to 0.5 mg daily dose of colchicine or concept of thromboinflammation entails a two way
placebo.A 23% and 48% reduction in ischemic relationship between thrombosis and inflammation.
ASCVD events was noted in patients enrolled within Inflammation promotes thrombosis by increasing
30 days or 3 days of MI,respectively. These results platelet activation,fibrinogen,PAI-1 and tissue factor.
were replicated on a cohort of stable angina patients Conversely,thrombosis also stimulates inflammation.
in the LoDoCo2 study wherein the verum group had The influence of lipids on platelet function has
a 31% lesser relative risk of MACE over a follow up been increasingly elucidated by lipidomics. Many
of about two and half years. However, the correlation lipid moieties like oxidised LDL and Lp(a) increase
with inflammation could not be established as no thrombosis.Rosuvastatin putatively retards
inflammatory parameters were measured in these thrombosis by decreasing platelet membrane
studies. cholesterol and reducing tissue factor,factor VII
and factor X.Laboratory evidence indicates that
The NLRP3 inflammasome has emerged as a crucial
the PCSK9 molecule facilitates platelet dysfunction
and possibly,exclusive pathway in the inflammatory
and thrombosis.Lab mice with PCSK9 deletion had
genesis of atherosclerosis.Canakinumab acts by
decreased incidence of vascular thrombi and those
modulating IL-1β without any effect on IL-1α whereas
with increased expression had higher thrombin-
colchicine is nonselective as it prevents microtubule
antithrombin and lower protein C.To add another
assembly.It also inhibits caspase-1 thereby reducing
dimension,lipoproteins also modulate inflammation
IL1β level.Methotrexate prevents conversion of
and thrombosis by yet undefined mechanisms.
5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide
(AICAR) to formyl-AICAR by the enzyme ATIC Therefore,dyslipidemia and inflammation are
leading to accumulation of adenosine,a potent anti- both etiologically associated with atherosclerosis.
inflammatory.Yet,it showed no benefit in clinical The dynamics of their mutual interaction are not
trials,indicating that atherosclerosis is mediated by fully clear but definitely,the long term probability
the NLRP3 inflammasome.In consonance with this of MACE is more accurate when both are taken into
hypothesis , multiple lipid molecules like oxidised account.Ridker et al in a study of 4786 stable but high
LDL and apoC3 modulate the NLRP3 complex by risk patients revealed that IL-6 and LDL-C together
multiple pathways including upregulating toll-like was thrice more accurate in predicting MACE than
receptors,increased potassium efflux and enhanced either parameter alone.The HR of the highest quartile
oxidative damage. relative to the lowest was 6.4 whereas the same
value for hsCRP and LDL-C was 4.9.For individual increased risk of MACE.The corresponding figure for
parameters,the HR was 1.79 for hsCRP,2.11 for IL-18 was 15% inspite of no change in IL-18 levels.A
IL-6 and 2.38 for LDL-C.Considering that all trial number of NLRP-3 inflammasome inhibitors that
participants were on standard therapy,these data decrease both IL-1β and IL-18 are under investigation
highlight the sizeable residual risk in a high risk but its potential widespread immunosuppressive
population.Also,it underlines the importance of actions warrant caution . In CANTOS,a significant
both factors( inflammatory and dsylipidemic) to increase in life-threatening infections was noted
this residual risk.In consequence,the importance of possibly due to direct inhibition of IL-1β and
a holistic principle targeting both these components hence,selective targeting of IL-6 appears to be a
is in order because use of PCSK9 inhibitors or anti- more prudent approach.Investigative IL-6 inhibitor
inflammatory agents individually decreased MACE molecules are tocilizumab(monoclonal antibody
by a meagre 20-30% leaving a large burden of against IL-6 ) and sarilumab(monoclonal antibody
residual risk.In the absence of trial data,it remains against IL-6 receptor).RESCUE is an ongoing study
to be seen if a combination of both ,on a background of ziltivekimab(IL-6 monoclonal antibody) in CKD,a
of conventional therapy,proves to be synergistic or group of patients where colchicine is contraindicated.
even superadditive in their efficacy to prevent future
Of equal importance is the identification of
appropriate high risk patient population who will
The selection of candidate drugs for such a study benefit the most from aggressive therapy.The preferred
is an important decision.PCSK9 inhibitors are suitable biomarker for patient selection is yet to be pinpointed.
by way of their neutral effect on hsCRP but the cost In CANTOS,hsCRP was used as the discriminator
is prohibitive.A combination of bempedoic acid and whereas in COLCOT,hsCRP was measured in a small
ezetimibe is as efficacious as moderate dose statins percentage of patients.The median concentration of
and its effect on clinical endpoints still unknown. 4 mg/l was comparable to CANTOS but whether it
Inclisiran,a small interfering RNA,is an option as it could be generalized to the entire trial is questionable.
halves PCSK9 synthesis and requires injection every In contrast,CIRT found median hsCRP to be much
6 months.The NLTP-3 inflammasome is the lynchpin less(1.5 mg/l).CANTOS showed that reduction in
of the inflammatory component of atherosclerosis clinical events was maximal(25%) in patients with
but as compared to the gamut of hypolipidemics on-treatment hs-CRP less than 2 mg/l.The correlation
available,canakinumab and colchicine are the was stronger for IL-6 with a 32% reduction for those
only two drugs proven to have clinical benefit. with level less than 1.65 ng/l.19
No comparative study between the two has been
Other contentious matters include threshold
undertaken and would be beset with many practical
for starting treatment and duration of therapy.
hindrances including striking difference in cost and
The duration of therapy neeed to extract maximum
route of administration.Colchicine with its oral route
clinical benefit is undetermined.Also,a rebound of
of administration,previous safety data,fast action
clinical events after treatment discontinuation cannot
and low cost is clearly the front runner for any trial.
be excluded.A secondary analysis of CANTOS was
Its myriad actions beyond the NLRP3 inflammasome
performed to measure the total number of CV events
include a fall in multiple other inflammatory mediators
since initiation of therapy.Divergent from primary
like myeloblastin,CEA-related CAM8,azurocidin
trial results,a marked decrease of total events was
and myeloperoxidase.It also increases concentration
seen in all patients,irrespective of drug dosage.The
of beneficial factors like fibroblast growth factor
drug was found to confer protection even without
and insulin-like growth factor binding protein.
significant fall in hsCRP or IL-6.The COLCHINE-
However the superior clinical efficacy as compared to
PCI study revealed that prePCI intake of 1.8 mg of
canakinumab is still unproven.
colchicine reduced immediate increase in IL-6 and
CANTOS participants underwent measurement hsCRP without any effect on clinical events over 30
of both IL-6 and IL-18 before and after starting day followup.These data point towards need for long
canakinumab and were followed up for a mean term therapy to obtain clinical benefit.
of 3.7 years.An impressive 43% reduction of IL-6
Optimum timing of initiation of therapy is
notwithstanding,each tertile rise in IL-6 ,measured 3
undetermined.Canakinumab has been tried in
months after drug initiation,was associated with a 42%
patients with history of MI at least 30 days prior to 3. Bhatt DL, Steg PG, Miller M, et al. Cardiovascular
initiation but colchicines has been found useful in risk reduction with icosapent ethyl for
both post MI and stable CAD patients.Bouabdallaoui hypertriglyceridemia.NEnglJMed. 2019;380:11–22.
et al showed that clinical benefit was significantly 4. Dubé J. B., Boffa M. B., Hegele R. A., Koschinsky M. L.
higher when colchicine was started within 3 days as 2012. Lipoprotein(a): more interesting than ever after
compared to 4-7 days after MI. 50 years. Curr. Opin. Lipidol. 23: 133–140
Apart from drugs,the old school doctrine of 5. Utermann G. Lipoprotein(a). In: Scriver CR, Beaudet
lifestyle modification continues to be an effective AL, Sly WS, Valle D, eds. The Metabolic and Molecular
strategy.a combination of weight loss, abstinence Bases of Inherited Disease. 2001 ed. New York, NY:
from smoking, regular exercise and diet modification McGraw-Hill Professional; 2006:2753-2787
has been shown to reduce hsCRP to less than 2mg/l 6. Boffa M, Marcovina SM, Koschinsky ML (2004)
in upto 40% of CAD patients.A putative mediator is Lipoprotein(a) as a risk factor for atherosclerosis and
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exercise and diet restriction. The compound impedes Clin Biochem 37: 333–343
the formation of the NLRP-3 inflammasome and 7. Yeang C, Witztum JL, Tsimikas S. Novel method
hence,production of IL-1β and IL-6.Carbohydrate for quantification of lipoprotein(a)-cholesterol:
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2020 Mar 27. doi:10.1186/s12881-020-01003-3
M.Sc., Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, Serampore College, 9 William Carey Road, Hooghly, West Bengal-712201, India.
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Serampore College, 9 William Carey Road, Hooghly, West Bengal-712201, India.
Post Graduate Department of Physiology, Hooghly Mohsin College, University of Burdwan, West Bengal: 732101, India.
How to cite this article: Chaitali Bose, Julekha Sultana, Oly Banerjee, Sidhhartha Singh, Sandip Mukherjee,
Alak Kumar Syamal et al Comparative Assessment of two behavioural risk factors (Physical Inactivity and
Unhealthy Diet) among obese Bengali women in rural and urban areas of West Bengal, India. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
This study was aimed to assess dietary pattern and unhealthy dietary factors and to determine the prevalence of
physical inactivity among obese Bengali women in rural and urban areas of West Bengal. This study was conducted in
Hooghly district of West Bengal, India and 150 female subjects of 20-50 years age group were recruited for the study
considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. Different physical, anthropometric and socio-demographic variables were
documented and dietary information was collected using questionnaire. Global Physical Activity Questionnaire was used
to collect information about physical activities. Daily energy comes mainly from carbohydrate in the diet of both groups.
Consumption of animal protein and dairy products, fruits, visible fat and sugar were significantly higher in urban group
whereas dietary fibre, green leafy and other vegetables, pulses and nuts intake was significantly high in rural group.
Physical inactivity prevalence was 64.0% in rural and 78.7% in urban and there was significant differences between rural
and urban group regard to all the anthropometric indices.
In summary, the behavioural risk factors are undoubtedly apprehensive and anthropometric indices are pointing out
towards associated possible metabolic risks which were poorer in urban group than rural. Further clinical investigation
along with proper intervention measure is indispensible.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Alak Kumar Syamal
Associate Professor
Post Graduate Department of Physiology, Hooghly Mohsin College, University of Burdwan, West Bengal : 732101
Email : [email protected]
global deaths 71.0% is accountable to NCDs2,3. Disease suffering from chronic diseases or are on certain
burden of NCDs is rising by leaps and bounds every medications. Total 150 (n) obese females were selected
year in India as well. As per WHO report 2014, India from both rural (n1=75) and urban (n2=75) areas. Data
contributes two- third of all deaths from NCDs occur were collected during January 2017 to January 2018.
in south East Asia region of world health organization.
Dietary Information
The behavioural risk factors (unhealthy diet;
24 hour recall method on multiple, non-consecutive
physical inactivity; tobacco and alcohol consumption)
days was done avoiding days of fasting or feasting.
interact with one’s genetic make-up and lead to
Dietary diversity on week days or on weekends also
metabolic changes and provide the complex aetiology
considered. Mean consumption of different nutrients
behind the commencement of NCDs4. The scenario
and foods under various food groups were calculated
of NCDs among Indian is quite distressing. Age
using Diet Cal software (which used nutritive values
standardized prevalence of obesity, hypertension
of Indian foods).
and hyperglycaemia have raised by 22.0%, 10.0%
and 9.0% respectively among both sexes (age group Physical Activity
≥18 years) within four years i.e. 2010-2014. So, Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ)
India which is facing ‘double burden of diseases’ developed by WHO (2012)7 and was standardised and
(both non-communicable and infectious diseases), validated in nine countries8 was used in the study to
time to time monitoring and surveillances on the collect information on physical activities of subjects.
behavioural and metabolic risk factors among Metabolic Equivalent (MET) scores was calculated
people residing in different states or regions of the and used for physical activity classification.
country, are utmost important for making health care
policies and programmes. Further, 54.4% Indians Anthropometric Measurement
are physically inactive5 and it is more prevalent in Body weight, height, waist circumference (WC)
urban than rural and among women than men; and and hip circumference (HC) were measured using
urban people are more hypertensive than rural7. So standardized protocols and instruments9. Body
Indian women, who have been kept in the centre of Mass index (BMI), ratio of waist circumference to
Sustainable Development Growth (2015-30) need hip circumference and waist circumference to body
more surveillances to lessen their burden of NCDs. height i.e. Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) and Waist to
West Bengal also follows the similar trends as Height Ratio (WHtR) were respectively calculated
prevalence of overweight or obesity in female has as well. Cut off of BMI, WC and WHR as normal for
risen from 11.4% (NFHS-3, 2005-6) to 19.9% (NFHS- Indian women were considered according to Bhalerao
4, 2015-16) and in every cases urban women were et al (2014)10. WHtR>0.5 is seen as strong predictor of
more prevalent than rural6. So, this study was aimed cardio-metabolic risk in obesity11.
to assess dietary and physical activity pattern among
Statistical Analysis
obese women in both the selected rural and urban
parts of West Bengal to make a comparison between Descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviation
these two groups. (S.D.) was done and to compare the mean values
between the groups two tail, unpaired t-test was
Materials and Methods performed. P<0.05 was considered as significant.
Study Population
This study was a community based cross sectional
study of urban and rural areas of Hooghly district Dietary Profile
in West Bengal. As inclusion criteria, all the females
were Bengali (Hindu), permanent residents in those Mean intake of calorie/day by rural subjects is
households, age group were 20-50 years and with 1941.5±168.9 kcal and urban is 2027.4±166.3 kcal and
a body mass index (BMI) between 25-30 kg/m2 and this difference is significant (Table 1). In contrast,
free from any clinically diagnosed NCDs; also, they mean daily dietary fibre intake is significantly higher
never consumed any form of tobacco or alcohol. in rural females than their urban counterparts.
As exclusion criteria, those, who were physically, However, no significant difference was observed
mentally challenged or non-ambulatory; already between rural and urban groups regarding the mean
consumption of whole and refined cereals and the root
Table 2. Sample distribution on total energy expenditure on low/ moderate/ vigorous activity/week
Table 2 also has depicted that among the subjects in both the areas prevalence of physical inactivity in
particular domains were also assessed and it was found that among rural subjects, most was inactive in
recreational domain (69.3%) and lowest percentage of inactivity was seen in travel domain (50.6%). On the
other hand among urban female subjects mostly was inactive in occupational domain (76.0%) and least in travel
domain (58.7%). Age group-wise distribution indicated that subjects belong to the 36-50 yrs of age group was
more inactive than the age group of 20-35 yrs in both the areas (Figure 1B).
Mean time/ day spend on various domains with vigorous to moderate intensity activity was also calculated
(Table 3). No significant differences were found regard to mean time spent on vigorous work and recreation
but differences were significant in terms of travel and moderate intensity occupational work domains. Urban
obese subjects spend more time on sitting than rural and the difference was significant (p=0.03).
Table 3. Mean time spend on different activities/day (Mean ±S.D.) and level of significance
Anthropometric Profile
Anthropometric indices of urban obese female subjects had significantly higher values than their rural
counterparts (Table 4). Body weight and BMI which indicates generalised obesity among both urban and rural
females. WC and WHR value were also significantly higher in urban group. WHtR was 0.57±0.02 for rural and
0.58±0.02 for urban group and was significantly different (p=0.04).
Table 4. Anthropometric profile of rural and urban samples (Mean ±S.D.)
Variables RURAL URBAN Level of significance <0.05
Body weight (kg) 69.5±5.05 71.6±5.9 0.01
BMI(kg/m2) 27.4±1.4 28±1.6 0.008
WC (cm) 91.7±3.4 93±3.4 0.02
WHR 0.89±0.02 0.9±0.02 0.001
WHtR 0.57±0.02 0.58±0.02 0.04
7. World Health Organization. Global physical activity 14. Anjana RM, Pradeepa R, Deepa M, Datta M, Sudha
questionnaire (GPAQ) analysis guide, Geneva: World V, Unnikrishnan R. Prevalence of diabetes and
Health Organization, 2012; 1-22. Available from: prediabetes (impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance) in urban and rural India: Phase
Analysis_Guide.pdf I results of the Indian Council of Medical Research–
INdiaDIABetes (ICMR–INDIAB) study. Diabetologia
8. Bull FC, Maslin TS, Armstrong T. Global physical
2011; 54:3022-3027.
activity questionnaire (GPAQ): nine country reliability
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Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, College, of Medicine & SagoreDutta Hospital, Kamarhati, Kolkata-700058
Associate Professor, Department of Oncopathology, Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital, Kamarhati, Kolkata-700058
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine &SagoreDutta Hospital, Kamarhati, Kolkata-700058
How to cite this article: Debabrata Maitra, Sharmistha Chatterjee, Sharmistha Debnath, Dipta Kanti Mukhopadhyay,
Somsubhra Chattopadhyay et al Assessment of Appropriateness of Doing CT Scan for Investigating Headache in a
Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Headache is one of the most common presenting symptoms encountered in day to day clinical practice.
A computed tomography is often the most common imaging modality to diagnose the underlying causes of headache,
majority of which turns out to be normal. The objective of this research is to study the morbidity patterns in the CT scan
reports of patients presenting with headache in the population attending a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India.
Method: The study was a retrospective analysis of all the CT scan reports performed in a tertiary care government hospital
performed for diagnostic evaluation of headache referred from different clinics and included all patients regardless of the
age during the time period December 2018 to November 2019.
Results: All the patients were classified into two groups traumatic and non- traumatic depending on the history. Out of
a total 1142 patient evaluated, 649 patients (56.83%) did not yield any positive findings on CT scan, i.e. the reports were
normal. In fact, a routine CT scan is not advised for all headache complaints even by the ACR (American College of
Radiology) appropriateness criteria. The difference between the number of patients with normal CT scan and abnormal
CT scan in both the groups was statistically significant (p< 0.05).
Conclusion: In concordance with the previous similar studies, it may be concluded that in evaluation of headache, CT
scan should be advised only in selected cases as recommended by ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Headache or any other
guidelines that may be developed for this purpose.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Somsubhra Chattopadhyay
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
College of Medicine &SagoreDutta Hospital, Kamarhati, Kolkata- 70005
M: 9836145175
E Mail: [email protected]
out to be normal. 3,6 The objective of this research is to The CT scan findings were classified into
study the morbidity patterns in the CT scan reports of 26 categories: Normal, Mild diffuse cerebral
patients presenting with headache in the population atrophy, Diffuse cerebral atrophy, Periventricular
attending a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India. ischemic changes, Lacunar infarcts, Focal gliosis,
Encephalomalecic changes, Chronic ischemic changes,
Materials & Methods Sub acute infarct, Intracranial haemorrhage, Intra-
The study was aretrospective analysis of all the axial calcification, Hydrocephalous, Neoplasm, Intra-
CT scan reports performed in the Department of axial lesion other than neoplasm, Extra axial lesion,
Radiology College of Medicine and SagoreDutta Mega cisterna magna, Extra axial collection, Infection,
Hospital (CoMSDH), Kamarhati, Kolkata – a tertiary asymmetrical dilatation of lateral ventricle, Osteoma,
care government hospital and Medical College, from Contusion, Scalp hematoma , Extra axial calcification,
December 2018 to November 2019. It was basically a Metastasis, Deviated nasal septum, Sinusitis.
secondary data analysis carried out on the information
The data thus collected was compiled and tabulated
retrieved from the CT scan reports of the patients who
and checked for consistency and outliers. The
underwent CT scan of head for diagnostic evaluation
proportions of CT scan with and without abnormality
of headache referred from different clinics and
are expressed in percentages. The distribution of the
included all patients regardless of the age.
morbidity patterns among the abnormal CT scan
The study was carried out in accordance with the according to different population groups are also
guidelines of the Institutional Ethics Committee expressed in percentages.
(Registration No. ECR/1210/Inst/WB/2019 issued
under Rule 122 DD of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, Results:
1945) at the College of Medicine and SagoreDutta A total of 1142 patient’s CT scan reports were evaluated
Hospital. in our study.Out of them 32.2% (n=368/1142) of the
patients were males, the rest 67.8% (n= 774/1142)
CT scan reports of all patients referred for CT
were females. The mean age of the patients was 37.92
scan of head for evaluation of headache at CoMSDH
with a standard deviation of 16.67. The median age
for a period of 1 year was included in the analysis.
was 36. From the histories obtained from these 1142
A structured checklist was used for the analysis and
patients, who’s CT Scans were evaluated, the patients
the information collected was based on the following
were classified under two groups, namely traumatic
27.4 % ( n=313/1142) and non-traumatic 72.5%( n=
Individual: Age in completed years/ Gender/ 829/1142). In the non-traumatic category, 54.28 %
History of trauma in completed days/other associated of patients (n=450/ 829) had normal findings on CT
symptoms like vomiting/loss of consciousness/ scan. In the traumatic category, 63.5% (n=199/313)
vertigo. of the patients showed no abnormal findings on CT
Radiological: The CT scans were carried out on scan. Out of the total 1142 patients included in the
16-slice spiral CT scanner (GE MEDICAL SYSTEM, study, 649 patients (56.83%) did not yield any positive
OPTIMA CT540) in Department of Radiology CMSDH. findings on CT scan, i.e. the reports were normal.
5 mm contagious slices were taken from foramen The results obtained on statistical analysis are
magnum to the vertex, which were reconstructed into summarised in the following tables (Table 1 -3):
1mm slices both in soft tissue and bone window.
According to the results of the Chi-square test given In a similar study reported from Nigeria, the authors
above, the difference between the number of patients opined that the yield of significant abnormalities
with normal CT scan and abnormal CT scan in both on CT scans did not justify the huge number of CT
the groups was statistically significant (p< 0.05). Scans performed for the diagnosis of headache. 4 An
analysis of about 2500 patients with headache from
Discussion: Chandigarh reported a poor yield of positive findings
A careful consideration of the above table (Table 1) too. 5
throws up some interesting results. Majority (almost
CT scan is almost routinely prescribed for
57%) of the patients with complaints of headache, who
investigation of chronic headache and has quite a
went for a CT scan, came back with normal reports.
few advantages. It is easily and widely available in
Even among patients in the traumatic category, a
many places, easy to perform and inexpensive. But,
sizeable portion of the patients (about 63.5%) showed
many studies have shown the futility of routinely
normal findings on CT. Our findings have been
prescribing Computed tomography to all patients
corroborated by other studies conducted in various
with chronic headache. In most of these cases, either
parts of India and abroad also. But, the proportion
no serious intracranial pathology was found, or the
of patients with abnormal findings in our study was
CT scan findings did not significantly alter the clinical
higher than other studies. It has been further noted
or therapeutic jurisdiction. So, our findings are in
that even those who had abnormal findings on CT
agreement with other studies where similar findings
scan, most of them were deviated nasal septum and
have been reported. Whenever there has been an audit
sinusitis and not any significant intracranial lesions.
of CT Scans prescribed for headache, the findings
Our study has included the findings of the visualized
have been interestingly similar. In fact, a routine CT
paranasal sinuses which can be a potential cause of
scan is not advised for all headache complaints even
headache in patients and evaluation of paranasal
by the ACR 6 appropriateness criteria. 7
sinuses was not reported in the previous studies. 4,5
How to cite this article: Deepa Kumari, Chandresh Aggarwal, Sachin Agarwal, Sarita Gupta, Geetanjali Jaiswani et al
Management of Tympanic Membrane Perforation With Cartilage Tympanoplasty in Relation to Temporalis Fascia Graft
Technique. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
An Observational Study was undertaken at Department of Otorhinolaryngology,. The aim of this study was to observe
the outcome of cartilage tympanoplasty for tubotympanic type of CSOM. All the patients attending ENT OPD at SIMS
within the age group of 11-60 years, irrespective of sex with tubotympanic CSOM either unilateral or bilateral were
included in this study. In our study of 80 patients, 40 patients had graft uptake after disease clearance and 8 had failure
of graft uptake without chronic otorrhoea and 2 had failure with chronic otorrhoea. Through this study we concluded
that cartilage tympanoplasty for tubotympanic type of CSOM is an excellent technique for complete removal of disease
especially frominaccessible areas of middle ear cleft.
Keywords: Tympanoplasty, Temporalis fascia, Endoscopic Tympanomastoidectomy, Pure tone audiometery, Impedence
Corresponding author :
Dr Deepa Kumari
Resident, Department of Ent, Saraswathi Institute Of Medical Sciences, Hapur
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 71
In our study complete visualization of the tympanic Degree of hearing improvement is from 10-14dB in
membrane without any manipulation was possible in 36% of cases and 15-19 dB in 34% of the cases and
50% of the cases and visualization after manipulation 20-25 dB in 2% of the cases and 25- 30 dB in 1% of the
was possible in 34% of the cases. However partial cases at the end of the study period. When the degree
visualizationeven after manipulation was seen in 17% of hearing improvement was compared at 1, 3 and 6
cases. months follow up it was observed that endoscopic
tympan mastoidectomy had a positive effect on post
18 patients showed perforation in more than one
operative degree of hearing improvement (p value<
quadrant and out of these 11 patients (22%) showed
medium size while 7 patients (14%) showed total
perforation. Discussion
In 55% of the cases the diseased ear showed retracted The management of CSOM is one of the most
pars tensa with the TM. 14% patients showed same challenging tasks in otologic surgeryas the chances of
side central perforation and 31% showed normal TM. residual disease and the morbidity of the conventional
On the contralateral side retraction was noticed in procedures involved in treatment are high. With
40% of the cases, perforation in9% and about 51% had incorporation of endoscopes in theotologic field much
normal TM. of the recidivism and morbidity of the procedures has
been reduced.
Out of 50 cases B/L sclerosis was noted in about
31% and U/L sclerosis on the affected side in 37%. As stated by Takahashi (2000) middle ear pressure is
B/Lly Pneumatised mastoid was noted in 26%. The maintained by two routes, the Eustachian tube and the
cavitary mastoid diagnosed in only 6%. middle ear mucosal gas exchange. Ventilation through
Eustachian tube is quick and active mechanism that
Pure CHL implies > 25db air conduction loss and helps in adapting to transient fluctuations in middle
A-B gap > 20db and in the mixed variety the bone ear pressure. The middle ear mucosal gas exchange
conduction loss > 25db and A-B gap > 20db. In our is passive and constant phenomenon, that functions
study 66% showed Pure conductive hearing loss and even during sleep v/s the Eustachian tube which
33% showed mixed hearing loss. closes during sleep, helps in continuous maintenance
The disease was seen extending to the attic and of middle ear pressure .In our present study apart
aditus as well in 26% of the cases,spreading further to from the eradication of disease and reconstruction
mastoid antrum in 26 % of the cases and involving of the middle ear much importance has been given
both the posterior mesotympanum and aditus ad to the preservation of middle ear cleft mucosa and
antrum was seen in 40% of the cases. restoration of ventilation of middle ear and mastoid.
On the basis of extent of the disease different Jacob and sade (1992) stated that csom ears usually
surgical procedures were used, 100% cortical possess poorly pneumatised or non pneumatised
mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty. temporal bones, in our study about 67% of our patient
had sclerosed mastoid, that reduces the middle ear
While assessing the post-operative graft uptake it buffering capacity.
was observed that successful graft uptake was seen
In our study we have not used silicon sheets in any
in 94% cases while graft uptake was unsuccessful
of the patients instead we usedcartilage in the middle
in 6% cases after 6 months of follow up. At routine
ear to augment the myringoplasty versus Takashi in
follow ups of 1, 3 and 6 months it was observed that
2000 who used tympanostomy tube in patients and
the chances of graft uptake decreased as the post op
0.5mm silicon sheets in the tympaniccavity and found
time period increased (p<0.05).
no significance in the recovery of mastoid aeration
While assessment of post op chronically discharging with tympanostomy tubes.
ear it was observed that only 2% of the cases had
Advantages of the cartilage tympanoplasty is that it
chronic discharge at 6 month follow up period. The
helps in restoration of the middle ear air space enabling
above table shows that chronically discharging ear
the drainage of blood clot and other collection from
is negatively associated with post operative time
attic, aditus, antrum, anterior epitympanum via the
period(p<0.005). As time progresses the rate of
middle ear into the Eustachian tube to the pharynx.
The tympanic membrane gets perforated when
So far in our 6month follow up we have not 2. Committee on Conservation of Hearing of the
encountered any residual, recurrent disease just 1 American Academy of Ophthalmology and
chronically discharging ear, also the healing time Otolaryngology. Standard classification for surgery
(period for complete epithelization of cavity) was of chronic ear infection. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck
also less in 27+/-10 days compared to Takahashi 2000 Surg 1964;81:204-5
where it was 31.5+/-19days. All our procedures were 3. Sunil S Nichlani et al. Reconstruction of the Tympanic
done exclusively with endoscopes where the need Membrane with Partial Tragal cartilage Graft Versus
for bone removal for accessing is less compared to Temporalis Fascia Graft. Bombay Hospital Journal,
the Takahashi (2000) procedures which were done vol.52, No.2, 2010
exclusively with microscopes, excessive bone and 4. Heermann J, Heermann H, Kopstein E. Fascia and
mucosal. cartilage palisade tympanoplasty. Arch Otolaryngol
1970; 91:228–41.
5. Heermann J. Auricular cartilage palisade tympano-
The success of Tympanoplasty in terms of graft
,epitympano-, antrum- and mastoid-plasties. Clin
uptake and hearing improvement is better in patients Otolaryngol 1978;3:443–6
with lesser duration of disease, less pre- operative Air
bone gap and with medium sized perforations when 6. Mirko Tos.:Cartilage Tympanoplasty: Classifications of
comparedto subtotal perforations. methods—techniques--Results :Edition I, Thieme,2009
How to cite this article: Dipankar Maiti, Nethravathi.V, et al Lilliputian Hallucination-An Exceptional Psychiatric
Symptom. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
As in normal cases in Psychiatry we have seen so many types of hallucination like tactile, auditory, visual, gustatory. But in
this review article reader will get to know about a very rare &and unique type or category of hallucination i.e., Lilliputian
Hallucinations. The AIWS is a clinical presentation of distorted body images and/or objects surrounding the subject
experiencing the syndrome. Several medical conditions have been accompanying to this unique type of hallucinatory
disease condition, the exact cause of which is yet unknown. AIWS can also be described as a set of symptoms with
alteration of body image. An amendment of visual perception is found in that way that the sizes of body parts or sizes
of external objects are professederroneously. The causes may be epilepsy, stroke, brain tumor, Head trauma, Migraines,
Infection etc. The exact treatment modality is still not unknown.The finest way to treat this condition is simply by helping
the patient become more comfortable. For example, if the problem is caused by migraines, the treatment of the migraine
itself may be the best way to assuage Alice in Wonderland Syndrome symptoms.
Keywords: Alice in Wonderland syndrome, Todd’s syndrome,dysmetropsia,temporal lobe epilepsy, Epstein-Bar virus
Corresponding Author:
Dipankar Maiti
Nursing Tutor,Sushrutha College of Nursing, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, India
Email Id: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 75
• Micropsia – seeing images smaller than • MRI, CSF analysis, andEEG all normal.
normal However, visual evoked potentials may be
• Achromatopsia – inability to perceive colour
The below picture shows different scanned photos of
• Teleopsia – seeing farther than normal
MRI in case of AIWS affected patients-
• Pelopsia – seeing nearer than normal
• Micropsia: Objects seems much smaller than
they really are
• Macropsia: Objects seems much larger than
they are in real life
• Teleopsia: Objects seem further away than
they are
• Pelopsia: Objects looks closer than they are
• Partial/total body macro/micro-matognosia
noted was the fruition of tiny Lilliputian hallucinations Conflict of Interest- Have no conflict of interest
into gigantic Brobdingnagian hallucinations (size relevant to this article
of 10 feet) on treatment with the combination of
The authors affirm that the research was conducted
steroids. The illumination of the visuals could not
in the absence of any profitable or monetary
fit dysmegalopsia or visual imagery. His tedious
relationships that could be interpreted as a potential
blood investigations and CT scan of the brain were
conflict of interest.
within the normal bounds. A diagnosis of organic
depression with psychotic indications was made by Ethical Clearance - Not required
consultation–liaison psychiatry team and in progress
on oral escitalopram up to 20 mg and risperidone up
to 4 mg/day. Within a week of treatment, the size 1. Naarden T, ter Meulen BC, van der Weele SI, Blom
of hallucinations abridged back to tiny people (from JDi. Alice in wonderland syndrome as a presenting
manifestation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Frontiers
10 feet to 2 feet) while conserving the shape of them
in Neurology. 2019;10(MAY):473.
and completely resolved by the end of 2 weeks. His
depression amended at the time of releasing from the 2. Lanska DJ, Lanska JR. The Alice-in-Wonderland
department backed by MSE and drop in the Hamilton Syndrome. Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Depression Rating Scale which scores from 18 to 6.12 [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2022 Apr 29];42:142–50.
Available from:
Conclusion FullText/475722
Lilliputian hallucination is a very rare as well as 3. Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Stefan Bittmann MA.
exceptionalcategory of mental disorder but can be Alice in Wonderland syndrome: A rare neurological
observed and scared by seeing various social media manifestation with microscopy in a 6-year-old child.
footages in you tube, Facebook and other sites. So, Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences [Internet]. 2014 Oct
we, authors have tried to cover the allied information 1 [cited 2022 Apr 29];9(3):303. Available from: /pmc/
regarding the rarely known disorder. We expect articles/PMC4302569/
that the readers will get enough information as well 4. Blom JD. Alice in Wonderland syndrome A systematic
as interest about this special and unique type of review. Neurology: Clinical Practice. 2016 Jun
hallucination. 1;6(3):259–70.
10. Panpruang P, Wongwandee M, Rattanajaruskul N, 12. Sutar R, Patra S, Siddiqui F, DIwan S, Rajan A. A
Roongsangmanoon W, Wongsoasu A, Angkananard rare case report of Lilliputian and Brobdingnagian
T. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome-Like Seizure hallucinations in a case of pemphigus vulgaris.
and Refractory Supraventricular Tachycardia. Case Indian Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2020 Jul 1
Reports in Neurology [Internet]. 2021 Nov 2 [cited [cited 2022 Apr 29];62(4):435–6. Available from:
2022 Apr 29];13(3):716–23. Available from: https:// Fulltext/2020/62040/A_rare_case_report_of_
11. Chatterjee SS, Khonglah D, Mitra S, Garg K. Gulliver’s
world: Persistent lilliputian hallucinations as
manifestation of Charles Bonnet syndrome in a case of
cataract and normal pressure hydrocephalus. Indian
Journal of Psychiatry [Internet]. 2018 Jul 1 [cited 2022
Apr 29];60(3):358. Available from: /pmc/articles/
B Sandhya
Assistant Professor, Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Niloufer Hospital For Women And Children,
Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
How to cite this article: B Sandhya et al Effect of Vaginal pH on Efficacy of Prostaglandin Gel for Labour Induction.
Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Inducing Labour Is A Procedure Intended To Trigger Artificial Contractions Of The Uterus That Generally
Involve Progressive Erasure And Dilation Of The Cervix. This Will Hopefully Lead To The Birth Of A Baby Through The
Vaginal Route.
Objective: To Assess The Effect Of Vaginal Ph On Efficacy Of Prostaglandin Gel For Labour Induction
Methods: A Total Of 200 Women With An Unfavourable Cervix Were Enrolled In This Retrospective Study. In Group I,
There Were 100 Cases With Vaginal Ph Of ≤4.5 And In Group Ii, 100 Cases With Vaginal Ph Of > 4.5. Patients With Minimal
Change In Bishop Score, Received Up To 3 Doses Of Prostaglandin Gel Intracervically, 6 Hours Apart. Women Who Had
No Change In Bishop Score At The End Of Induction With 3 Doses Of Prostaglandin Gel, Were Further Reassessed.
Results: In Terms Of Maternal Age, Parity, Gestational Age, And Initial Bishop Score, There Was No Significant Difference
Between The Two Groups. Prior To Induction Of Labour, The Average Bishop Score Was 3.6±0.9 In Group I And 4±1.0 In
Group Ii. Out Of 200 Cases, 33% Cases Required Oxytocin Infusion In Group I And 13% In Group Ii.
Conclusion: Parity Has A Major Impact On The Pre-Induction Of The Bishop Score And The Ph Itself Has A Vaginal
Influence. Knowing The Pre-Induction Vaginal Ph May Also Be A Helpful Method For Determining The Outcome Of
Pge2 Induction.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Bushra Fatima
Assistant Professor, Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Niloufer Hospital For Women And Children,
Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 81
By Vaginal Ph. Various Potential Causes Include Parameters: Cervical Dilation, Cervical Deletion,
Changes In Prostaglandin Uptake And Metabolism.5 Cervical Continuity, Cervical Location, Foetal
Station. A Score Of 0-2 Or 0-3 Was Given To Each
The Influence Of Vaginal Ph On The Efficiency Of
Part. The Highest Possible Score Was 13 And <5 Is
Intracervical Prostaglandin Gel Administration In
Unfavourable If Induction Is Necessary.
Preinduction Cervical Ripening Is Ambiguous, And
There Is A Paucity Of Research On The Topic. That’s All Women Were Induced With The Initial Dose
Why This Study Was Undertaken. Of Intracervically Placed Prostaglandin Gel (0.5 Mg).
The Patient Was Advised To Stay Reclusive For A
Materials and Methods Period Of 30 Minutes After Application. A Repeat
Study Design: Random Prospective Observational Score From The Bishop Was Done After Initial 6
Study Hours Of Cervical Maturation. All Participants Were
Exposed To The Uniform Intrapartum Care Regimen.
Study Population: Both Pregnant Women Aged 18-
Those Women With Minimal Change In Bishop
35 Who Had Been Admitted Into Safe Confinement
Score, Received Up To 3 Doses Of Prostaglandin Gel
In The Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology
Intracervically, 6 Hours Apart. Women Who Had No
And Were Between 37 And 42 Weeks Of Gestation
Change In Bishop Score At The End Of Induction
Were Enrolled. All Participants Had A Diagnostic Or
With 3 Doses Of Prostaglandin Gel, Were Further
Obstetric Indication For Labour Induction.
Reassessed. Women Who Had Any Improvement In
Sample Size: 200 Women Divided Equally Into 2 Bishop Score But Are Not In Sufficient Labour Got
Groups Oxytocin Infusion For Improvement. The Shift In
Bishop’s Score Over 6 Hours, Induction-Active Step
Inclusion Criteria:
Interval, Induction-Interval Of Delivery, Mode Of
• Pregnant Women With Singleton Pregnancy
Delivery And Neonatal Outcome Is Recorded For
With Foetus In Vertex Presentation >37
Both Groups.
Weeks Of Gestation With Unfavourable
Bishop’s Score ≤5 Were Included. Statistical Analysis: Spss 22 Software Was Used
For Statistical Analysis. The Data Was Presented In
Exclusion Criteria: The Form Of Means And Percentages. P<0.05 Was
• Women With Following Conditions Such Considered Statistically Significant.
As Cephalopelvic Disproportion, Ruptured
Membranes, Suspected Chorioamnionitis, Observations and Results
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge, Parity >4, Table 1: Distribution Based On Baseline
Previous Lscs Or H/O Uterine Surgery, Characteristics
Severe Iugr, Severe Pre-Eclampsia, Abruptio
Characteristics Group - I Group - p-value
Placenta And Abnormal Nst Were Excluded
(mean ± II (mean
From The Study
SD) ± SD)
Prior To The Commencement Of Study Informed Maternal age 26.5±4.5 25.7±4.1 0.911
Consent Form Was Obtained. Once The Patient Who (in years)
Required Induction Was Admitted In Labour Room, Gestational age 39.3±0.9 38.8±1.4 0.954
Vaginal Ph Was Measured Prior To Per Vaginal (in weeks)
Examination. A Speculum Analysis Was Performed
Vaginal pH 4.1±0.2 5.1±0.3 <0.001
To Each Participant; And The Ph-Value Of The
Initial Bishop score 3.6±0.9 4.0±1.0 0.884
Vaginal Was Measured Using A Wide And Narrow
Ph Paper. The Participants Were Classified Into Two The Age Group Ranged From 18 To 35 Yrs And
Subgroups As Group I And Group Ii Depending On The Mean Age In Group I Was 26.5 Years And Group
Their Vaginal Ph. Group I Comprised Patients With Ii Was 25.7 Years. The Majority Of Patients Were
Vaginal Ph ≤4.5 And Group Ii Included Vaginal Ph Having 37 To 41 Weeks Of Gestational Age The Mean
>4.5 And Discrepancies Within Groups With Regard Gestational Age Was 39.3 Weeks In Group I And
To Menstrual Age, Parity, Gestational Age Were 38.8 Weeks In Group Ii. There Was No Statistically
Recorded. After Ph Measurement, The Bishop Score Meaningful Correlation Between The Two Classes
Was Calculated On The Basis Of The Following With Regard To Maternal Age, Gestational Age,
Parity And The Original Bishop Scores. Around 60% Outcome Group - I Group - II P-
In Group I And 37% In Group Ii Had A Pre-Induction value
Bishop Score Of 4. The Mean Bishop Score Before
Augmentation 33.3% 13.3% -
Labour Induction Was 3.6±0.9 In Group I And 4±1.0 required (%)
In Group II.
Induction- Active 390 420 0.771
Table 2: Comparison Of Vaginal ph With Various phase interval in (240–630 (300–720)
Factors minutes
Maternal Age Group - I Group - II (Median time, (Q1
≤25years (n, %) 49(49%) 46(46%) to Q3)
>25years (n, %) 51(51%) 54(54%) Induction delivery 510 580 0.976
interval in minutes (390–855) (312–870)
Parity (Median
Primi 68 (68%) 62(62%)
Q1 to Q3)
Multi 32 (32%) 38(38%)
Number of induc- In Group II, Bishop’s Score Changes Over 6 Hours
tions After The Start Of The First Intracervical Prostaglandin
Gel Were Significantly Higher Than Those In Group I
One 53(53%) 70(70%)
(23 Vs 10 Cases. No Significant Correlation Has Been
Two 27(27%) 23(23%)
Identified Between Vaginal Ph And Induction-Active
Three 20(20%) 7(7%) Step Interval, Induction-Delivery Interval. Out Of
Induction-Active 200 Cases, 33% Cases Required Oxytocin Infusion In
phase interval Group I And 13% In Group II.
≤6 hours 40(40%) 60(60%)
Table 3: Neonatal Outcome.
>6 hours 60(60%) 40(40%)
Neonatal Group - I Group - II P - value
Mode of delivery
Vaginal delivery 90(90%) 87(87%)
Birth weight
LSCS 10(10%) 13(13%) 3.05±0.5 3.06±0.4 0.996
(in kgs)
No Significant Correlation Has Been Identified 5min APGAR
Between Vaginal Ph And Maternal Age. Patients 0 0 -
score < 7
With A Higher Vaginal Ph (>4.5) Required Higher NICU
Number Of Inductions Compared To Patients With admission 7(7%) 10(10%) 0.466
Lower Vaginal Ph, But This Observation Was Not (n %)
Statistically Significant. Majority Of The Patients In
Both Groups Required Only One Dose Of Pge2 To The Average Birth Weight, Apgar Score At 5
Initiate Labor. The Number Of Vaginal Deliveries Minutes, Need For Nicu Admission Outcomes Were
Was Comparable In Both Categories, 90% In Group Nearly Similar In Both The Groups. Total 17 Babies
I And 87% In Group Ii. The Caesarean Section Was Required Nicu Care, Of Which 7 Were From Group I
Comparable In Both Groups (10% Vs 13%). There And 10 From Group Ii. Most Common Indication For
Was No Substantial Variation Between Groups In The Nicu Admission Was Respiratory Morbidity In Both
Mode Of Delivery. The Groups. All Babies Were Discharged Within A
Week. No Perinatal Morbidity In Both The Groups.
Table 3: Comparison of Labour Outcomes
Outcome Group - I Group - II P-
value There Was No Statistically Significant Difference
Bishop score 10(1-9) 23(2-9) 0.023 In Bishop’s Score Changes Between The Two Groups
changes over 6 Following The First Dosage Of Prostaglandin Gel.
hours (Median There Was No Statistically Significant Correlation
Between The Number Of Gels Required To Ripen
Q1 to Q3)
The Cervix And Vaginal Ph. The Duration From
Induction To Active Labour, Rupture Of Membranes, The Effectiveness Of Prostaglandin Gel In Cervical
And Vaginal Delivery Did Not Differ Substantially Maturation And Labour Induction. However, Our
Between The High And Low Vaginal Ph Groups. In Research’s Observational Evidence Indicates That
Individuals With Varied Vaginal Ph, There Was No Vaginal Ph Is Unlikely To Impact The Effectiveness
Significant Variation In Mode Of Delivery. Of Prostaglandin Gel.
Few Previous Studies Have Shown Contradictory Ethical Clearance: The Ethical Clearance Was
Results.6,7 A Study Of The Influence Of Vaginal Ph Obtained From The Institutional Ethics Committee
On Intracervical Prostaglandin Gel Administration Prior To The Commencement Of The Study.
Found That Individuals With High Vaginal Ph Had
Conflict Of Interest: Nil
A Considerably Higher Bishop’s Score Prior To
Induction And Had Higher Vaginal Delivery Rates.8 Source Of Funding: Self
9. Ramsey Ps, Ogburn Pl, Harris Dy, Heise Rh, Ramin 11. Singh U, Mehrotra S, Gupta H, Dhakad A, Jain V. 2011.
Kd. 2002. Effect Of Vaginal Ph On Efficacy Of The A Prospective Double Blind Trial Investigating Impact
Dinoprostone Gel For Cervical Ripening/ Labor Of Vaginal Ph On Efficacy Of Prostaglandin Gel For
Induction. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Cervical Ripening And Course Of Labour. Journal Of
Gynecology 187: 843–846. Obstetrics And Gynaecology 31:217–219.
10. Ramsey P, Ogburn P, Harris D, Heise R, Dimarco C, 12. Kudagi B.l, Sailajai L, Kumari Rp, Babu Cr Et Al. A
Ramin K. 2003. Effect Of Vaginal Ph On Efficacy Of Comparative Study Of Intracervical Misoprostol With
The Controlled-Release Dinoprostone Vaginal Insert Intracervical Dinoprostone Gel For Induction Of Labor
For Cervical Ripening/Labor Induction. The Journal In Pregnancy. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 2013;6 (2):174-
Of Maternal-Fetal And Neonatal Medicine 13:250–253. 178.
How to cite this article: Bhavna Dhanji Gagal, Atul A. Modesara Ophthalmic Manifestations in Blood Dyscrasias -
An Observational Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Aim: The present study was conducted to study the spectrum of ophthalmic manifestations in blood dyscrasias and to
assess the prevalence of ocular manifestations between acute and chronic blood malignancies.
Material and Methods: The Present observational study was conducted on a total of 200 patients diagnosed with blood
dyscrasias at the Department of Ophthalmology, tertiary care hospital, Bhuj, during the study period of 2 years. Detailed
history and examination were conducted, and findings were noted. All relevant haematological investigations were also
Results: Out of 200 patients, anemia was the most common diagnosis observed in 70 (35%) cases, followed by sickle cell
anemia 54 (27%). Out of 70 patients with anemia, the majority of cases, i.e. 33, had iron deficiency anemia followed by
13 and 5 cases with megaloblastic and aplastic anemia, respectively. Retinal Veinous Tortuosity was the most common
finding in Thalassemia. In contrast, Veinous Fullness and Tortuosity and sub - conjunctival bleeding were the most
common finding in patients with leukemia and coagulation disorders, respectively.
Conclusion: The ocular changes of blood dyscrasias are not uncommon as is proved by various clinical and pathological
studies. These changes in the eye are due to the hemorrhagic effect of the blood disorders or due to the infiltration of the
ocular tissues by malignant cells. Ophthalmic manifestations are commonly observed in patients with blood dyscrasia.
Keywords: Anemia, Blood dyscrasias, Retinal Veinous Tortuosity, Sub - conjunctival bleeding
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Atul A. Modesara
Associate Professor,
Department of Ophthalmology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Science, Bhuj, Kutch, Gujarat
and mucous membranes, where blood dyscrasias Science, Bhuj were included in the study for the
can sometimes produce visible symptoms, the retina duration of 2 years. Sample size was 200 patients
presents our best early diagnostic opportunity. Indeed, diagnosed with blood dyscrasias.
significant ocular manifestations are not uncommon
Ethical approval was taken from the institutional
in these disorders and vision related issues may be the
ethical committee and written informed consent was
presenting symptom.6 However, since patients may
taken from all the participants.
often present without symptoms, a review of retinal
signs associated with blood dyscrasias is warranted. Inclusion criteria: All the patients diagnosed with
blood dyscrasias, including anaemia, thalassaemia,
Changes in the retina are the most common clinical
leukaemia and bleeding disorders; belonging to an
manifestation of Leukemic involvement of the eye.
age group of fewer than 70 years and giving consent
These manifestations include vascular sheathing and
for the complete ophthalmic examination.
tortuosity, pallor, haemorrhages and exudates, cotton
wool spots and neovascularization at the periphery Exclusion criteria: whereas pregnant females;
of the disc.7 The presence of ocular involvement is patients with the known ocular disorder; with a
associated with poor prognosis in acute childhood history of any ocular trauma due to RTA/head
leukaemia.8 Coagulative disorders such as Purpuras injury/ocular injury and not giving consent for the
can present with haemorrhages involving the whole study.
of the retina and vitreous in young girls, especially Detailed history regarding sociodemographic
those who suffer from Idiopathic thrombocytopenic variables such as age, gender, socioeconomic status
purpura.9 Sickle cell disease can present with lid etc., was obtained and entered the questionnaire.
edema, conjunctival sickling sign, iris atrophy, and
Clinical history regarding the blood dyscrasias,
iris neovascularisation and angioid streaks. In the
presence of ocular symptoms, time since diagnosis,
sickle cell, Thalassemia exudative and haemorrhagic
chemotherapy received, and other relevant information
changes have been found in the retina.10 Notably,
was obtained from all the study participants and
the incidence of proliferative retinopathy is highest
documented. The examination of the eyes was
in patients with HbSC or S-beta Thal, while patients
carried out at the bedside or in the eye department.
with HbSS have a 3% incidence of proliferative
Visual acuity was recorded using Snellen charts,
and refractive error was assessed. Anterior segment
Various reports indicate that there exists a examination was done using a slitlamp. Intrao-ocular
link between haematological abnormality and pressure was measured using schiotz tonometer and
ocular manifestations.8 Ocular manifestations applanation tonometer. Fundus examination was
of thrombocytopenia included papilloedema, done by slit-lamp biomicroscopy, binocular indirect
extraocular muscle palsies and visual field defects, ophthalmoscopy. Fundus Fluorescein angiography
which usually result in concomitant CNS findings. and fundus photography were done wherever
Retinal findings consist of hemorrhages, vascular indicated. Additional procedures including Fundus
occlusions and serous detachments. Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) and OCT, B- SCAN
of the eyes, central nervous system examination was
The present study was conducted to study the
done in cases suggested.
spectrum of ophthalmic manifestations in blood
dyscrasias and to assess the prevalence of ocular Further, all relevant hematological investigations
manifestations between acute and chronic blood like Hb%, TLC, DLC, peripheral smear, reticulocyte
malignancies. The study also aimed to correlate count, serum iron studies, bleeding and coagulation
ophthalmic findings in anaemia, thalassaemia, profile, serum iron studies were done in all the cases.
leukaemia, lymphomas and other bleeding disorders. Other routine investigations like serum electrolytes,
urine routine microscopy, blood sugar profiles
Material and Methods
were ordered wherever indicated. And appropriate
Patients with blood dyscrasias referred for complete hematological/ histopathological investigations
ophthalmic examination from the Department like bone marrow studies were ordered whenever
of Medicine and Paediatrics to Department of indicated.
Ophthalmology, Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical
In this study, 18 cases with leukaemia were Ethical approval was taken from the institutional
enrolled, of which chronic leukaemia was found ethical committee and written
more in number than acute leukaemia. About 75% of
Informed consent was taken from all the
subjects had venous fullness and tortuosity, 50% of
patients had flame-shaped hemorrhage with white
centres, however, 16.6% had neovascularisation on Source of funding - Nil
the disc and cotton wool spots in the general fundus, Conflict of Interest: None declared
and 16.6% had bilateral papilloedema. Retinopathy
in leukemia was observed in 56% of Kataria et al17 References
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D. Ramesh
Associate professor, Department of General surgery, Osmania general hospital, Hyderabad
How to cite this article: D. Ramesh et al A Comparative Study of Hernioplasty With Suction Drain and Without
Suction Drain in Inguinal Hernias at Tertiary Care Hospital. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Inguinal hernia occurs in about 15% of adult population and inguinal hernia repair is one of the most
commonly performed surgical procedure. In the era of minimal invasive surgery, hernia repair has seen a paradigm shift
from open to laparoscopic technique.
Objectives: To assess the outcome of drain placement Vs no drain use, in patients undergoing open mesh repair of
inguinal hernias.
Methods: This is a prospective study comprising of 50 patients of inguinal hernia over a period of 23 months. The patients
were randomized into 2 groups – With and without the use of drains. The patients underwent open inguinal hernia mesh
repair by a standardized method. The outcome of seroma formation, hematoma formation, infection at surgical site, and
duration of hospital stay was recorded and analyzed.
Results: In the present study 16% of cases in drainage group and 20% in non-drainage group developed post operative
wound infection. P value is insignificant. The mean post operative hospital stay in drainage group was 9.7 days and in
non-drainage group was 6.7 days.
Conclusion: The early post operative complications like seroma, hematoma, wound infection rates are similar in both
drainage and non-drainage groups. So, it appears that suction drain usage can be restricted in Lichtenstein’s tension free
mesh repair in simple inguinal hernias unless hernia is complicated or there is extensive dissection
Corresponding Author:
B. Moksha prasuna,
Associate professor, Department of General surgery, Osmania general hospital, Hyderabad
neuralgia following Lichtenstein meshplasty complications are comparable. In our present study
represents the mosting vexing complication in the the mean hospital stay in case of drainage group is
inguinal region. In some cases, the post operative 9.1days whereas in non-drainage group is 6.7days
pain can be debilitating requiring re-exploration
In a previous study, post operative hospital stay is
and divising of the nerves. In the present study
2.9 days in drainage group and 1.48 days in the non-
only immediate post operative pain was evaluated.6
drainage group which is statistically significant.10
32% of patients in the drainage group complained
of pain whereas 8% of patients complained of pain Conclusion
in non drainage group. P value being less than 0.05, The early post operative complications like pain,
difference was significant. In a previous study, mean post operative stay in hospital is increased in
there was no significant difference in pain following Lichtenstein’s with drainage group. The early post
Lichtenstein mesh hernioplasty with and without operative complications like seroma, hematoma,
drains(95%vs90%). Here p value is insignificant.7 wound infection rates are similar in both drainage
Hematoma: Bleeding from either artery or vein and non-drainage groups. So, it appears that suction
may result at all anatomic levels during an inguinal drain usage can be restricted in Lichtenstein’s tension
hernia repair resulting in hematoma formation. In our free mesh repair in simple inguinal hernias unless
study 0% and 4% of patients developed hematoma in hernia is complicated or there is extensive dissection
drainage and non-drainage group respectively. The Ethical Clearance: The ethical clearance was
difference was insignificant (p value >0.05). obtained from Osmania Medical College and General
Seroma: In the present study 12% of patients Hospital prior to the commencement of the study.
in drainage group developed seroma and 12% of Conflict of Interest: Nil
patients in non-drainage group developed seroma.
Source of Funding: Self
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operative superficial wound infection. None of the 54-55.
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wound drainage. In a previous study presence of risk surgery: a multicenter study. Italian PRINOS Study
factors for wound infection based on surgery are the Group. Ann Ital Chir. 1996;67(1):13-9.
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herniorrhaphy. Med Sci J Islamic Azad University.
of today, duration of mean hospital stay after surgery 2011;21(1):44-9.
may be the determining factor when the rates of other
D. Ramesh
Associate professor, Department of General surgery, Osmania general hospital, Hyderabad
How to cite this article: D. Ramesh et al A Study of Enhanced View Total Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic Hernioplasty
(E-tep) For Inguinal Hernia In Tertiary Care Hospital. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Generally, TAPP and TEP has been done, but it gives both technically less space to surgery and there is a
need to suture the mesh. In our new study we get more space to operate and no sutures required.
Objectives: To study enhanced view total extraperitoneal laparoscopic hernioplasty (e-tep) for inguinal hernia
Methods: The data for this prospective study was obtained from 21 patients undergoing Laparoscopic hernioplasty
(21 from E-TEP) in Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana between November 2019 to May 2021 inclusive
of a follow up period of 6 months. Consent for the procedure was obtained. E-TEP procedure were performed using
Polypropylene mesh.
Results: Minor complication rate was 26.66% for ETEP group. There was one case of converted from ETEP to TAPP
method. The recurrence in E-TEP is zero. The hospital stay in E-TEP was 2.27 days.
Conclusion: ETEP is the best method of hernioplasty for a primary inguinal hernia. However largescale study and long
term follow up studies are required.
Corresponding Author:
B. Moksha prasuna
Associate professor, Department of General surgery, Osmania general hospital, Hyderabad
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 97
Five laparoscopic techniques are currently Table 1: Distribution based on Age Distribution.
available for repairing an inguinal hernia: totally
Age Distribution Number(n) Percentage
extraperitoneal (TEP) repair, extended view totally
(yr) (%)
extraperitoneal (ETEP), transabdominal preperitoneal
21-30 6 28.57%
(TAPP), intra-peritoneal on lay mesh (IPOM), and
reduction of the sac with or without closure of the 31-40 3 14.2%
ring.5 It is our philosophy that surgeons interested 41-50 4 19.04%
in a laparoscopic approach should be skilful in all of 51-60 3 14.2%
the available techniques to accommodate the needs 61-70 3 14.2%
of all patients and to be able to convert to a different
>70 2 9.52%
technique when necessary.
Total 21 100%
Materials and Methods
The cumulative prevalence of inguinal hernia
Study design: Prospective observational study. in males is 28.56% for age 21-30yrs,14.2% for age
Study setting: Upgraded department of general 31-40yrs,19.04% for age 41-50yrs ,14.2% for age 51-
surgery, Osmania general hospital. 60yrs,14.2% for age 61-70yrs, 9.52% for age >70yrs.
Inguinal hernias occurs eight time as often in men as
Duration of study: 18 months. in women and consequently approximately 90% of all
Sample size: 21 inguinal hernias repair performed in male patients.
Table 2: Distribution based on Side and type of
Inclusion criteria:
1. All age groups in males.
Side of Hernia Number(n) Percentage (%)
2. All inguinal hernias include. Rt. Side 12 57%
a) Direct & indirect Lt. Side 9 43%
b) Complete and incomplete Type of Hernia
How to cite this article: Thilagar M, Poornima Tiwari et al Burden of Overweight and Obesity Among Secondary and
Senior Secondary Students of New Delhi Municipal Council Schools. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Introduction: Obesity is an emerging global public health problem of concern. Importantly, 50 to 80 percent of obese
children grow up to be obese adults, and all adult obesity issues are exacerbated if obesity begins in childhood. This study
was done to assess the prevalence of obesity among adolescents and the influence of the risk factors causing obesity.
Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study of 244 students of grade 9th to 12th in schools under NDMC. WHO BMI
growth charts were used to categorize the BMI. Statistical analysis was using licensed SPSS software version 21.0.
Results: The mean BMI among the participants was found to be 19.8 kg/m2 (SD+3.89). Majority (153, 62.7%) had a
normal BMI, 29(11.9%) were overweight and 7(2.9%) were obese. The prevalence of obesity/overweight among study
participants was lower in vegetarians. Students who skip their meals daily were at increased risk of being obese as
compared to those who skip rarely or never and the results were statistically significant (AOR 3.165 CI 1.173 – 8.544 p=
0.023).The mean physical activity score of the overweight/obese was 2.21(SD±0.804) as compared to the mean score of
2.27(SD±0.745) among the non-obese/overweight.
Conclusion: The result of this study indicates that the overweight and obesity is highly prevalent among adolescents.
There was an significant association between type of diet, skipping of meals, religion, mother’s education and overweight/
Corresponding author:
Dr. Thilagar M,
Post Graduate student, Dept. Of Community Medicine, VMMC & Safdurjung Hospital, New Delhi,
e-mail id: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 101
Against this background, this study was conducted data and dietary practices such as type of diet,
in New Delhi to assess the prevalence of obesity skipping of meals, coffee/tea intake, intake of fruits
among adolescents and the influence of the risk and vegetables, junk foods and soft drinks was
factors causing obesity. We had also determined the obtained. Then briefing about the self-administered
modifiable factors and preventive measures of obesity physical activity questionnaire was given and doubts
at the end of the study. were clarified. The students were given 15 mins of
time to fill the questionnaire. Finally anthropological
Materials and Methods measurements were taken along with physical
The study was conducted in New Delhi school examination and at the end of the session, all the
students of 9th to 12th grade and aimed to find out the students were made aware of ill effects of consuming
prevalence of obesity along with factors associated junk foods and the importance of physical activity and
with it. healthy food intake. If the student were categorised
under obesity or overweight he/she was given proper
Study Design, Sampling:
health education, dietary recommendation and was
The study was a school based cross-sectional study advised for medical management if it was needed.
carried out among adolescents including 9th to 12th
WHO BMI growth charts were used to categorize
grade students in the schools under New Delhi
the students. These growth curves are closely aligned
Municipal Council from November 2019 to April
with the WHO Child Growth Standards at 5 years,
2021. Pretesting, modification of the questionnaire
and the recommended adult cut-offs for overweight
and ground work for data collection was done within
and obesity at 19 years. It fills the gap in growth
this period. The study population was selected
curves and provide an appropriate reference for the
using simple random sampling. According to the
5 to 19 years age group.4 The operational definitions
study conducted by Melissa H Stigler in Delhi the
combined prevalence of overweight and obesity was used in the study are enlisted: BODY MASS INDEX:
16.6%.3 So, taking the prevalence as 16.6%, the sample a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the
square of the person’s height in metres (kg/m2).4.
size according to the formula 4pq/l2 and taking
OVERWEIGHT: Students with BMI cut-off greater
the relative error of 20%, was 536. Due to COVID
than +1SD (Equivalent to BMI 25kg/m2 at 19 years) will
pandemic, the sample size was recalculated and
be classified as overweight.4 OBESITY: Students with
reduced by taking the absolute error of 5%, the sample
BMI cut-off greater than +2D (Equivalent to BMI 30
size was calculated to be 244. Out of the nine senior
kg/m2) will be classified as obese.1 Socio-demographic
secondary schools with co-education, one school was
data were analysed based on Kuppuswamy socio-
randomly selected using lotter method and complete
economic status scale 2021. SKIPPING OF MEAL:
enumeration was done with all the available students.
“Meal skipping is the omission or lack of consumption
The study included all school students of grade 9th to
of one or more of the traditional main meals (breakfast,
12th and excluded students whose parents did not give
lunch or dinner) throughout the day”5. JUNK FOOD:
consent and those who were not contactable during
The term ‘Junk food’ was coined in 1972 by Michael
the entire data collection period.
Jacobson, director of Center for sciences. Junk
Data Collection and Measurement: food are those which contains high level of refined
After initial rapport building, briefing was given to sugar, white flour, trans fat, polyunsaturated fat
all the class teachers about the study and its purpose. salt and numerous food additive such as mono
The consent forms was distributed to all the students sodium glutamate(MSG) and tartrazine, and lacking
for getting consent signed from the parents. The in protein, vitamin and fibre.6 Type of junk food:
students submitted the duly signed /thumbprint Various types of junk food is available in market
form to the class teacher. The forms was collected by out of which the most popular and locally available
the investigator on the next visit. junk food includes samosa, kachori, pakoda, chips,
namkeen, cake, pastry, pizza, burger, French fries,
The school arranged a classroom for conducting noodles, corn flakes, soup powder, chaat, gol guppa
one-to-one interview, self-administered questionnaire and chowmein were included in the questionnaire.
on physical activity, anthropological measurements Physical activity questionnaire: The Physical Activity
and examination for signs of nutritional deficiency. questionnaire for Adolescent (PAQ-A) has been
First the interview regarding the sociodemographic designed by Kowalski, Crocker, & Kowalski7. Each of
the 9 (PAQ-A) questionnaire items is scored between The mean BMI of participants was found to be 19.8
1 (low) and 5 (high physical activity). The mean score kg/m2 (SD+3.89). Majority (153, 62.7%) had a normal
of all items gives the overall PAQ score. PAQ-A has BMI, only 29(11.9%) were overweight and 7(2.9%)
high validity and reliability and captures the child’s were obese. Almost one-fourth 55(22.6%) were either
physical activity during the last 7 days. thin or severely thin(Figure 1).
The mean BMI of participants was found to beIJPHRD
19.8 kg/m SD+3.89).
/ Volume Majority
13 Issue 4 /(153,
October-December 2022
62.7%) had a normal BMI, only 29(11.9%) were overweight and 7(2.9%) were obese. Almost
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 103
under multivariate logistic regression adjusted for The association between consumption of vegetables
gender, mother’s education, type of diet and skipping in a typical week and the prevalence of overweight
of meals, the results were not significant for Muslims and obesity was studied, and the results were not
and Christians in relative to Hindu participants(Table statistically significant, but prevalence of overweight
2). Similarly, in a study done by Gautam et al at and obesity was high (19.5%) in those who took
Karnataka, the prevalence was more among Muslims vegetables 1 to 2 times/week and was comparatively
(26.8%) followed by Christians (25.5%).8 Obesity was less (13.4%) in those who took vegetables daily. In
shown to be less common among Hindus, possibly our study, the association between consumption of
due to the Hindu nutritional culture, which places fruits and prevalence of overweight and obesity was
a greater emphasis on vegetables rather than meat. also not statistically significant, whereas other Indian
Nevertheless, other factors also may come into play. studies report lesser prevalence of obesity with higher
The prevalence of overweight and obesity depending intake of fruits. The association between consumption
on the socio-economic status was also studied and of junk foods and prevalence of overweight and
the results were not statistically significant. This obesity was studied and the results were not
may be because very less number of participants statistically significant(Table 1). Also in a study
fall under upper and lower middle (i.e. 1.2% and done in Kurukshetra by Goel et al in the year 2013,
5.3% respectively) compared to the upper middle there was no association found between junk foods
class(93.4%) and also there were no students coming and obesity/overweight prevalence. 12 In our study,
under lower and upper lower socio-economic groups. the association between consumption of soft drinks
and the prevalence of overweight and obesity was
From our study, it was observed that the mother’s
studied and the results were found to be statistically
education was significantly associated with the
insignificant. The importance of physical activity
prevalence of obesity/overweight(Table 1). The
was studied in relation to prevalence of overweight
students whose mother with primary education
and obesity. The mean physical activity score of the
( aOR-0.172, p=0.035) were less likely to be obese
overweight/obese was 2.21(SD±0.804) as compared
compared to illiterate mothers(Table 2). Similar
to the mean score of 2.27(SD±0.745) among the non-
kind of findings were observed in a study conducted
obese/overweight. Also there was no significant
by Tomar et al at Madhya Pradesh in the year 2014
difference observed between the mean physical
among 184 that over-weight and obese were higher
activity score among boys and girls in our study. A
in children of illiterate mothers and the age group of
Dehradun based study by Bhargava et al in the year
students were between 14-17.10 This can be explained
2013 found a significant association between the lack
by the fact that educated mothers tend to be more
of physical activity and overweight and obesity in
cautious about the diet of their children comparing
school-going children.13
the illiterate mother. The association between
skipping of meals and prevalence of obesity/ Conclusion
overweight was studied but there was no significant
The result of this study indicates that the overweight
difference with or without skipping of meals. In our
and obesity is highly prevalent among adolescents.
study, the prevalence of overweight and obesity
There was a significant association between
was more among adolescents who were on mixed
prevalence of overweight/obesity and religion where
diet i.e. 30(20.8%) than adolescents on vegetarian
Muslims and Christians tend to be obese in relative
diet (Table 1,2). Sivakumar et al. conducted a similar
to Hindus. The students of literate mothers are less
study in Kerala and observed that the majority of
likely to be overweight/obese as compared to the
overweight and obese children (16.10 percent) ate
student of illiterate mothers. The type of diet was
a non-vegetarian diet, which is consistent with our
also significant with the prevalence of overweight/
findings.11 The most important difference between
obesity, participants with mixed diet are more likely
vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet is that the former
to be obese compared to vegetarians. There was a
contains large amount of dietary fibre. Furthermore,
significant prevalence of overweight/obesity among
non-vegetarian meals are high in cholesterol, which
the participants who skip their breakfast daily. There
could explain why the mixed diet participants had a
association between overweight/obesity and rest
higher prevalence.
of the variables like gender, socioeconomic status,
coffee/tea intake, fruit and vegetable consumption, 6. Bhaskar R. JUNK FOOD: IMPACT ON HEALTH.
junk food and soft drink consumption, physical JDDT. 14May2012 [cited 23Sep.2021];2(3).
activity. Although not statistically significant there 7. Kowalski KC, Crocker PR, Donen RM. The physical
was an increase in prevalence of overweight/obesity activity questionnaire for older children (PAQ-C) and
among participants. adolescents (PAQ-A) manual. College of Kinesiology,
University of Saskatchewan. 2004 Aug;87(1):1-38.
Ethical Approval:
8. Gautam S, Jeong HS. Childhood obesity and its
Ethical clearance was obtained from Institute Ethics
associated factors among school children in Udupi,
Committee of Vardhman Mahavir Medical College Karnataka, India. Journal of lifestyle medicine. 2019
& Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Each eligible Jan;9(1):27.
student was explicitly explained about the purpose of
9. Kumar AP, Faisal MG. Prevalence and determinants of
the study by the investigator and an informed written
overweight and obesity among affluent adolescents in
consent was obtained from the parent/guardian,
Vijayawada city, Andhra Pradesh, India. International
prior to inclusion. The privacy of subjects and
Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2015
confidentiality of information was also maintained. Mar 1;4(3):408-14.
Source of Funding : Self 10. Tomar SP, Kasar PK, Tiwari R. Study of lifestyle
Conflict of Interest : Nil determinants of overweight and obesity among school
going adolescents in urban Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
References India. International Journal of Community Medicine
and Public Health. 2017 Feb;4(2):554.
1. Inge TH, King WC, Jenkins TM, Courcoulas AP,
Mitsnefes M, Flum DR, et al,The effect of obesity in 11. Sivakumar CP, Joseph J, Manjula VD. Dietary correlates
adolescence on adult health status. Pediatrics. 2013 of overweight and obesity among adolescents during
Dec 1;132(6):1098-104. the current nutrition transition: A cross sectional
study in Kerala. Int J Community Med Public Health.
2. Sahoo K, Sahoo B, Choudhury AK, Sofi NY, Kumar
R, Bhadoria AS. Childhood obesity. Causes and
consequences. J Family Med Prim Care 4 (2): 187–192. 12. Goel S, Kaur T, Gupta M. Increasing proclivity for junk
food among overweight adolescent girls in district
3. Stigler MH, Arora M, Dhavan P, Shrivastav R, Reddy
Kurukshetra, India. Age (in years). 2013;16:17.
KS, Perry CL. Weight-related concerns and weight-
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2011 Dec;8(1):1-6. Uttarakhand. Journal of family medicine and primary
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indicators/bmi-for-age. DOA: 12/09/2020
How to cite this article: Kamlesh K. Patel, Manish Ramavat, Nimesh Bhojak, Palak J. Vora et al Attitude of
Healthcare workers towards Disaster Management practices in a Hospital of Gujarat. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Background: Effective management of a disaster requires preparedness and appropriate attitude of healthcare workers.
Attitude of the healthcare workers will impact their response during any emergency situation coping. This study was
conducted to assess overall attitude towards disaster management among the healthcare staff of 650 bedded hospital in
North Gujarat region.
Methodology: This is a cross sectional survey study carried out on 201 healthcare staff of the hospital under study. The
data was collected through an online questionnaire consisting the demographic details of the participants and followed
by questions regarding the attitude of participants toward disaster management and disaster management practices in the
hospital. Data was coded and analysed with MS Excel and SPSS.
Result: From the responses we received, it was conclude that 45.8% staff of the study hospital have taken the training
for disaster management and 44.8% staff have faced disaster during their work experience at the hospital. Among the
respondents, majority are students (56.2%), nursing staff (25.4%), doctors (11.9%) and others (6.5%). Looking to their
perception, 39.3% staff believes that the disaster preparedness in the hospital is sufficient, 22% says it is insufficient while
38.8% have neutral response.
Conclusion: Attitude of health care workers towards disaster management is very important as it impacts their response
during any emergency situation. Study showed the awareness regarding the disaster occurrence and vulnerability of the
hospital and health care workers’ attitude requires improvement. Which can be positively impacted by trainings, mock-
drills, making them aware about their roles during a disaster and disaster policy related information.
Correspondence Author:
Dr. Palak J. Vora
Email: [email protected]
Department of Hospital management, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, Gujarat, India PIN-384265.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 107
practices of disaster preparedness should be a part of Likert scale from 1 = disagree to 5 = strongly agree.
routine functioning of the hospital which allows the
The study was carried out on the staff during
hospital to provide standardized care and efficient
the period of 5th may to 15th June 2021. The data as
resource utilization during the disaster.3
collected through online questionnaire consisting the
There have been a lot of researches conducted demographic data and questions regarding disaster
across the globe about assessing the knowledge, management. The questionnaire sent to 400 staff,
attitude and practice regarding disaster management among which 201 responded. Both male and female
and disaster preparedness4–7 among different gender responded nearly equal percentage. Majority
healthcare workers like physician, nursing staff, of participants fall in the age group of 21-30 years of
emergency staff etc.8–10 Factors impacting the disaster age group.
preparedness11–13 which showed the staff requires
We selected doctors, nursing staff, medical
adequate knowledge, ability to take the decision
and nursing students, administrative staff, other
quickly7 during any critical condition, knowing the
paramedical staff working in the hospital including
disaster plan, effective communication within the
staff of isolation wards and ICU departments also.
hospital, ethical issues9 and attitude to take a lead for
effective Disaster management. Perception regarding Data was collected and statistical analysis was done
disaster preparedness of a healthcare worker is with the help of MS excel and SPSS V.20. Descriptive
influenced by training, experience, and support12. statistics and frequency analysis were done. Reliability
Proper education regarding disaster management, of data was checked with Cronbach’s alpha test as
knowing their role during emergency might improve shown in Table 2.
the disaster preparedness by improving coordination Table 1: Details of the participants
among the healthcare workers8.
Demographics Category Frequency
Currently world is facing the complex disaster (Percentage
of SARS Cov-2 virus pandemic, even though the (%)
number of cases have been showing the variations,
Male 99(49.3%)
the hospitals need to be more resilient not only to Gender
fight with impact of Covid-19 pandemic but also as Female 102(50.7%)
a part of preparation for upcoming challenges also.14 <20 years 05(2.5%)
Improving the overall attitude of health care worker 21-30 years 166(82.6%)
towards disaster preparedness is also important along Age 31-40 years 26(12.9%)
with strengthening the healthcare system, improving 41-50 years 04(2%)
communication and technological aspects.
>50 years 00(0%)
This study has been conducted to understand School 11(5.5%)
overall attitude towards disaster management among
Educational Diploma 33(16.4%)
the healthcare workers of a 650 bedded hospital in
Qualification Graduation 142(70.6%)
North Gujarat region.
Post- Graduation 15(7.5%)
Method: OT 13(6.5%)
This is a cross sectional survey study. The self – OPD 23(11.4%)
constructed questionnaire was prepared and sent ICU 41(20.4%)
through online mode i.e. Via Google form. Pilot Wards 36(17.9%)
survey was conducted to test the questionnaire. Isolation ward 6(3%)
Informed consent was obtained in first part of the Work Emergency 5(2.5%)
questionnaire itself. Other part consists of participant Department
details including name, age, gender, work department, (Labour room/
educational qualification, history of facing disaster, DEIC/Covid
training status about disaster management etc. Third 77(38.3%)
part of questionnaire consists of questions regarding Dental/
attitude of participants towards managing the Physiotherapy)
disasters. All the questions were based on five-point
Demographics Category Frequency (45.8%) had taken training for disaster management.
(Percentage 44.8% participants have faced disaster and 13.9% staff
(%) are not sure about they have faced any disaster or not.
Doctor/ Attitude towards disaster management includes
consultant knowing their responsibility during disaster, the
Nursing staff 51(25.4%) importance of mock drills, willingness to attend fire
Administrative safety training, feeling that the hospital is having
Designation 2(1%)
staff sufficient preparedness for disaster, occurrence of
Paramedical disaster etc. Are included in the calculation. Total
Staff 16 questions were taken in consideration which had
Others 2(1%) responses in five-point Likert scale from 1 (disagree)
Students 113(56.2%) to 5 (strongly agree). Descriptive statistic of studied
items is described in Table no.3
<1 year 122(60.7%)
1-5 years 46(22.9%) 47.3% staff (n =95) had neutral, 24.9% staff had
5-10 years 23(11.4%) negative and 22.4% had positive attitude towards
disaster management and preparedness. This
>10 years 10(5%) survey was conducted during the ongoing Covid-19
No 109(54.2%) pandemic.
Received Yes 92(45.8%) Table 2: Alpha Reliability of data
Unmarried 152(75.6%) Cronbach’s Alpha [ Number of items
Marital status Married 49(24.4%) Alpha reliability]
Separated 00(0%)
0.8205 16
Yes 90(44.8%)
Faced Disaster No 83(41.3%) The data was validated with Cronbach’s alpha
Not sure 28(13.9%) which was 0.8205, which showed the data was reliable
and it is having good internal consistency.
Among the respondents, ~ 60% had less than 1-year
experience of working in the hospital. 92 respondents
There have been limited researches about disaster preparedness among healthcare workers in India emphasizing
on educating health worker, better resource allocation, training, capacity building, psychological preparedness,
communicating effectively and developing effective training tools for training of the healthcare worker and
infrastructure development in India.15-18
Hospital staff working in the hospital should know the susceptibility or vulnerability of a hospital for type of
disasters possible to occur, so they can be prepared in advance for coping up the emergency situation. Regular
fire safety trainings, mock drills will keep health care workers prepared for unexpected crisis. Knowing their
roles during disaster management practice and previous experience will aid the better management of disaster.
Hospital should have updated disaster management plan and policy and health care worker working in the
hospital should be aware of them.
Table 4: Responses of questions regarding disaster management practices
Items Studied 1 (Strongly 2 (Disagree) 3 (Neutral) 4 (Agree) 5 (Strongly
Disagree) Agree)
Do you think disaster occurs only 14 21 (10.4%) 73 (36.3%) 25 68 (33.8%)
due to natural causes (7%) (12.4%)
Perceived requirement of disaster 13 (6.5%) 3 8 13 (6.5%) 164 (81.6%)
management policy (1.5%) (4%)
I should know about disaster 6 6 7 22 (10.5%) 160 (79.6%)
management policy (3%) (3%) (3.5%)
Our hospital is safe from disaster 62 (30.8%) 38 64 15 (7.5%) 22 (10.9%)
(18.9%) (31.8%)
Nothing can be done for the 47 61 (30.3%) 45 24 (11.9%) 24 (11.9%)
disaster (23.4%) (22.4%)
I should know about disaster 7 (3.5%) 1 10 24 (11.9%) 159 (79.1%)
management committees (0.5%) (5%)
Do you think mock drill helps in 4 6 27 (13.4%) 42 (20.9%) 122 (60.7%)
effective disaster management (2%) (3%)
Perceived requirement of mock 3 (1.5%) 6 19 (9.5%) 33 (16.4%) 140 (69.7%)
drill for all staff (3%)
Perceived Requirement fire safety 4 4 7 13 (6.5%) 173 (86.1%)
training for all staff (2%) (2%) (3.5%)
Perceived requirement for regular 3 (1.5%) 5 10 28 (13.9%) 155 (77.1%)
DM training (2.5%) (5%)
management is very important as it impacts their 6. Al-Wathinani AM, Alakeel A, Alani AH, Alharbi
response during any emergency situation. Looking M, Almutairi A, Alonaizi T, et al. A cross-sectional
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positive attitude, 24.9% health care staff had negative healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia. Int J Environ Res
Public Health. 2021;18(3):1–21.
attitude, and 47.9% staff were having neutral response.
The Study showed the awareness of healthcare workers 7. Alzahrani F, Kyratsis Y. Emergency nurse disaster
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Declaration: This research is a part of a major most common domains of the core competencies of
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Gudla Vasantha
Assistant Professor, Department of ophthalmology, Government Medical College, Nizamabad.
How to cite this article: Gudla Vasantha et al Study of Complications and Outcomes of Phacoemulsification
Cataract Surgery. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: It’s unknown if surgical complication rates and long-term visual acuity results differ between patients who
had phacoemulsification cataract surgery.
Objective: To study the complications and outcomes of phacoemulsification cataract surgery
Methods: Out of numerous cataract surgeries performed at the hospital, around 50 patients had developed intra-operative
and post-operative complications for phacoemulsification. The operations were carried out under local anaesthetic. The
intraoperative problems, as well as the operational step in question, were recorded. Visual acuity and a full anterior and
posterior segment evaluation were reported postoperatively.
Results: Male predominance was observed with 54% and females were 46%. The male: female ratio was 1.17:1. The mean
age was 52.34 + 6.71 yrs. Majority of the cases around 92% had visual outcome of 6/12 or Better Around 6% had visual
outcome of < 6/12 but ≥ 6/60 and 2% had visual outcome of < 6/60.
Conclusion: Although the risk of problems from cataract surgery using the phacoemulsification technique is lower,
anticipating of these risks, as well as preparation and preventative measures, may help to reduce the risk of difficulties.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Gudla Vasantha
Assistant Professor, Department of ophthalmology, Government Medical College, Nizamabad.
Email Id:- [email protected]
an intraocular lens because of this. The eye’s lens Table 1: Distribution based on Gender
provides a significant amount of focusing power.7
Phacoemulsification is usually done at an outpatient
Gender Frequency Percentage
surgical centre, and there is no need to stay in the Male 27 54%
hospital. Local anaesthetic or topical anaesthesia are Female 23 46%
used during cataract surgery.
Total 50 100%
Materials and Methods Male predominance was observed with 54% and
Study setting: Department of Ophthalmology females were 46%. The male: female ratio was 1.17:1.
Sample size: 50 patients with complications for Table 2: Distribution based on Age group
Age Frequency Percentage
Inclusion Criteria: 41 -50 6 12%
51 – 60 25 50 %
• Consecutive phacoemulsification cataract
surgeries. 61 – 70 18 36%
>70 years 1 2%
• Age between 40 years to 75 yrs.
Majority of the patients belonged to the age group
Exclusion Criteria: of 41 to 50 yrs with 50% frequency, followed by
• Age < 40 years or > 75 years 36% belonging to the age group of 61 to 70 yrs, 12%
belonged to the age group of 41 to 50 yrs and 2%
• Mature and Hypermature cataract
belonged to the age group of >70 yrs. The mean age
• Inability to give informed consent was 52.34 + 6.71 yrs.
• Previous intra ocular injury, inflammation or
Table 3: Distribution based on Visual outcome
surgery after management
Out of numerous cataract surgeries performed Visual outcome Frequency Percentage
at the hospital, around 50 patients had developed after management of
intra-operative and post-operative complications for complications
phacoemulsification (after 1 month)
Uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension, 6/12 or Better 46 92 %
and active infection in any part of the body. Details < 6/12 but ≥ 6/60 3 6%
about the patient’s demographics and medical history < 6/60 1 2%
were obtained. Blood pressure was taken, and regular Total 50 100%
blood and urine tests were performed. Each patient
had a full anterior segment examination, posterior Majority of the cases around 92% had visual
segment examination, intraocular lens powering, and outcome of 6/12 or Better Around 6% had visual
intraocular pressure measurement performed prior to outcome of < 6/12 but ≥ 6/60 and 2% had visual
surgery. outcome of < 6/60.
2. Shah R. Anesthesia for cataract surgery: Recent trends. 8. Randleman JB, Srivastava SK, Aaron MM.
Oman J Ophthalmol. 2010;3(3):107. Phacoemulsification with topical anesthesia
performed by resident surgeons. J Cataract Refract
3. Ahmad N, Zahoor A, Motowa S, Jastaneiah S, Riad
Surg 2004;30:149-154.
W. Satisfaction level with topical versus peribulbar
anesthesia experienced by same patient for 9. Aravind Haripriya, David F. Chang, Mascarenhas
phacoemulsification. Saudi J Anaesth. 2012;6(4):363–6. Reena, Madhu Shekhar, Complication rates of
phacoemulsification and manual small-incision
4. Naeem B-A, Raja A, Bashir R, Iftikhar S, Akhtar KN.
cataract surgery at Aravind Eye Hospital, Cataract
Comparison of Peribulbar Vs Topical Anaesthesia for
Refract Surg 2012; 38:1360–1369.
Phacoemulsification. 2007;11(2):79–82.
10. Mehta R, Punjabi S, Bedi N, Nagar CK. Comparison
5. Singh P, Jadon A, Singh B. Single Injection versus
of peribulbar anesthesia and topical anesthesia on
Double Injection Peribulbar Anaesthesia in Eye Camp
outcome of phacoemulsification. Int J Res Med Sci.
Surgery: a Comparative evaluation of Akinesia and
Anaesthesia. Internet J Anesthesiol. 2012;18(2):2–6.
11. Zulfiqar-ud-Din Syed, Tariq M Malik, Aamir M Malik,
6. Joseph B, Thampi B, Joosadima A, Bhaskaran J,
Dilshad Alam Khan, Umar Ejaz AFP. Peribulbar Versus
Raghavan R. Comparison of topical versus peribulbar
Topical Anesthesia for Cataract Surgery; Patient’s
anaesthesia for manual small incision cataract surgery
Satisfaction. Pak J Ophthalmol. 2014;30(2):63–7.
with intraocular lens implantation. Int J Res Med Sci.
How to cite this article: Hanitha Rajasekar, Elangovan et al Perspective approach to Nutritional anemia among
Medical students using Health Belief Model: A cross sectional study in Tamil Nadu. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Introduction: Anemia is one of the major public health problem more commonly encountered in both developed as well as
developing countries1. Various causes for anaemia are nutritional deficiencies, infectious diseases and chronic blood loss.
Nutritional anemia is the most widespread nutritional disorder in the world affecting 500 million to 1 billion individuals4.
The most vulnerable population for nutritional anaemia is Adolescents aged 10-19 years. Most of the anemia initiatives
are directed towards maternity and early childhood, there is not much attention shown towards adolescent population.
This study was conducted to throw light on attitude towards nutritional anemia among undergraduate medical students
by using Health belief model.
Study Methodology: This study was conducted in a private medical college at Chengelpet district of Tamil Nadu. 122
students from first year were selected by using universal sampling method. A self administered questionnaire comprising
of two parts was used to collect data, first part was general information about the participants and second part were
questions under five factors of Health benefit model.
Result:Mean value of perceived benefit was 3.2+1.54, perceived barrier was 1.7+0.47, perceived self efficacy was 2.69+1.14
interpersonal influence was 2.45+0.73 and situational influence was 2.26+1.2. Nearly 82.8% had perceived benefit on
highest scale, 76.2% had perceived barrier on a moderate scale and 52.5% had perceived self efficacy on a moderate scale.
Conclusion: The study participants with high self efficacy were able to overcome the barriers and perceive benefit of
reduced risk in acquiring nutritional anaemia.
Corresponding Author:
Hanitha Rajasekar
Senior resident
Department of Community Medicine, haarath Medical college and Hospital, Bharath Institute of higher education and research,
Selaiyur, Tamil Nadu.
Contact No. : +91 9551177736
E-mail – [email protected]
anaemia are nutritional deficiencies, particularly influences and situational influences. Health Belief
iron deficiency, folate and vitamins B12, infectious model is a theoretical model used to guide health
diseases, chronic blood loss and hemoglobinopathies3. promotion and disease prevention programs. The
Some trace elements like copper and zincfound in the Key elements of Health Belief Model primarily focus
structures of enzymes that act on iron metabolism are on individual beliefs about health conditions and
also associated with anemia. Copper may contribute predicts individual health-related behaviours. The
to anemia through reductions in erythropoietin (EPO) model defines the key factors that influence health
thus increasing oxidative stress and reducing RBC life behaviours as an individual’s perceived threat to
span2. Nutritional anemia result when concentrations sickness or disease (perceived susceptibility), belief
of hematopoietic nutrients which are involved in RBC of consequence (perceived severity), potential
production or maintenance are insufficient to meet positive benefits of action (perceived benefits),
the demand2.It is the most widespread nutritional perceived barriers to action, exposure to factors that
disorder in the worldaffecting 500 million to 1 billion prompt action (Perceived barriers), and confidence
individuals4. The most vulnerable population for to succeed (self-efficacy)7. To facilitate response from
nutritional anaemia is Adolescents aged 10-19 years the participants, the questions were standardised
and they constitute about 21% of India’s population to a five point Likert scale ranging from 0 (strongly
which in absolute numbers translates to 253 million. disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). The content validity
Adolescents suffer from nutritional anemia because of of questions were evaluated by panel of experts from
social factors like erratic lifestyle, structural poverty, field of preventive medicine, nutrition and Paediatrics
social discrimination, negative social norms, and poor and their comments were also incorporated. Before
eating habits5.In 2012, the World Health Assembly starting this study the questionnaire was also pilot
(WHA) approved a Comprehensive Implementation tested among 15 higher secondary school students in
Plan on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition Kancheepuram district. Mean value of each sub-scale
that identified six global targets related to priority was evaluated by dividing total points by number
nutrition outcomes to be achieved by 2025. Following of items in the sub-scale. Depending on the scores in
this initiative in 2014, Member States approved the each sub-scale attitude towards each factor among the
Global Nutrition Monitoring Framework (GNMF) study participants was categorised as mild, moderate
on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition that and severe. The data collected was entered in excel
included six global targets6. Most of the anemia sheet and statistical analysis was done by using IBM
initiatives are directed towards maternity and SPSS software. The scores in each sub-scale of health
early childhood and there is not much attention benefit model was expressed by mean value and
shown towards adolescent population. This study Pearson correlation was used to find the association
was conducted to throw light on attitude towards between each of the sub-scales.
nutritional anemia among undergraduate medical
students by using Health belief model Result
This study was done to evaluate the attitude of
Study Methodology adolescents towards nutritional anemia and to
This study was conducted in a private medical college understand their needs to overcome a major health
in Chengelpet district of Tamil Nadu. Total number issue like anemia. Anemia unlike any other disease
of students studying first year were 250 and among does not have major symptoms unless there is severe
them 122 students were selected by using universal decrease in Hemoglobin and remains unnoticed
sampling method. The study was initiated among the especially in adolescent age group because of the other
study participants after explaining in detail about the social factors more common during this age group.
purpose of study and getting an informed consent Medical undergraduate students were selected since
to participate in the study. A self administered they are the future of healthcare and it is important
questionnaire comprising of two parts was used to address their positive outcome towards any health
to collect data, first part was general information ailment. Among 122 participants selected majority
about the participants like name, age, sex and second were girls 64.8% and the remaining were boys 35.2%.
part were questions under five factors of Health As mentioned earlier 5 factors in health belief model
benefit model namely perceived benefits, perceived was used and their mean values were obtained by
barrier, perceived self efficacy, interpersonal using Likert scale from 0-4 for each questions in
function as a causal chain, It is referred to as serial study participants were having more self confidence
mediation, for example, campaign exposure could to perceive benefit in order to overcome the health
increase self-efficacy, self-efficacy could influence ailment.
perceived barriers, and perceived barriers could
Hamideh Mohaddesi15 studied effect of intervention
predict behavior9. This study takes into account the
based on health belief model on the change in
demographic, socio-psychological, and structural
nutritional behaviour of pregnant mothers with
variables which affect an individual’s perceptions of
iron deficiency anemia referred to health centres
dietary change and thus indirectly influence his or her
and the results showed that there was no significant
ability to sustain new eating behaviors10.
difference between the two intervention and control
In a study done by Mirzaei Hamed et11 on groups in terms of the health belief constructs and
Application of Health Belief to promote preventive nutritional behavior before the intervention. It was
behaviour against iron deficiency anemia among also suggested that based on independent t-test, the
female students, the students were divided into mean scores of knowledge, model constructs, self-
intervention and control group and education on efficacy and nutritional behavior after intervention
iron deficiency was given. The study suggested that were significant compared to the control group (P
following education there was a significant difference <0.001). In our study self efficacy had significant
in the mean score of perceived susceptibility, severity, association with perceived benefit and interpersonal
benefits, barriers, perceived self-efficacy, practice influences. Marshall H Becker16 in his study on
guidance and health performance and this was prediction of dietary compliance by using Health
found to be statistically significant. In present study Belief Model which was a prospective experimental
association between the factors of health belief model design evaluated the ability to predict and explain
was analysed inorder to guide the health care workers mothers’ adherence to a diet prescribed for their obese
to focus on the factor which will provoke beneficiary children. The result of this study suggested significant
effect in the participants. Khadije Baharzadeh12 correlations between each major dimension of the
study on health belief model to promote preventive Model and the outcome measures, and findings
behaviors against iron deficiency anemia among from multiple regression analyses also supported the
pregnant women was also an interventional study usefulness of the Model as a whole.
in the form of health education. The highest score
belonged to the structure of perceived susceptibility Conclusion
63.12 before intervention and 97.1 after intervention Health Belief Model is a psychological model that
and this was found to be statistically significant. In attempts to explain and predict health behaviors by
our study nearly 82.8% had perceived benefit on a focusing on the attitudes and beliefs of individuals10.
highest scale and the mean value of this factor was The study concludes that 82.8% of participants had
15.7. Naseh Ghaderi13 study on effect of education perceived benefit on highest scale, 76.2% had perceived
on anemia preventive behaviours among Iranian girl barrier on a moderate scale and 52.5% had perceived
students by using HBM was a quasi experimental self efficacy on a moderate scale. It also suggested
study conducted among 128 students. This study had that the study participants with high self efficacy will
highest score for perceived benefit before and after be able overcome the barriers and perceive benefit of
intervention which was similar to our study. reduced risk in acquiring nutritional anaemia.
be of primary concern and everyone in the chain of life 10. Health Belief Model[Internet].[cited 3 May 2020].
cycle including the adolescents should understand Available from;
their responsibility to lead a healthy life. 11. Mirzaei Hamed, et al.Application of Health Belief
Ethical clearance: Obtained for IHEC (Institute of Model to promote preventive behaviours against
iron deficiency anemia among female students of
Human Ethics Committee, CHRI)
high school Fereydan city: A quasi-experimental
Source of funding: None study..Journal of Health Education and Health
Conflict of Interest: Nil
12. Khadije Baharzadeh1, Tayyebe Marashi2, Amal Saki3,
References Ahmad Zare Javid4, MarziehAraban.Using of health
1. Nipura A.Vibhute et al. Prevalence and awareness of belief model to promote preventivebehaviors against
nutritional anemia among female medical students in iron deficiency anemia amongpregnant women.
Karad, Maharashtra, India: A cross-sectional study.J Journal Research & Health.2017; 7(2): 754- 762.
Family Med Prim Care. 2019 Jul; 8(7): 2369–2372. 13. Naseh Ghaderi et al.Effect of education based on the
2. Camila M. Chaparro. Parminder S. Suchdev.Anemia Health Belief Model (HBM) on anemia preventive
epidemiology, pathophysiology, and etiology in low- behaviors among iranian girl students.International
and middle-income countries.Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019 Journal of Pediatrics.5(6):5043-5052
August ; 1450(1): 15–31. 14. Marziye Reisi et al.Investigating of Mothers’ Behavior
3. Anemia[Internet].[cited 28 April 2020].Available Based on the Health Belief Model about Using Iron Supplementation in 6 to 24- Month Old Children in
Shahrekord City, Iran.British Journal of Medicine &
4. Hercberg S, Rouaud C.Nutritional anemia. Child Trop. Medical Research.2015;5(9): 1140-1146
15. Hamideh Mohaddesi, Parivash Alizadeh Rashakani,
5. Vani Srinivas, Ranjit Mankeshwar.Prevalence and Alireza Didarloo, Hamidreza Khalkhali.Effect of
determinants of nutritional anemia in an urban area Intervention based on Health Belief Model on the
among unmarried adolescent girls: A community- change in nutritional behaviour of pregnant mothers
based cross-sectional study.International Journal of with iron deficiency anemia referred to Urmia Health
Medicine and Public health.2015;5(4) Centres.Pharmacophore.2017;8(6S);Pages 6
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Health Commun. 2015; 30(6): 566–576.
How to cite this article: Jayeshkumar C. Sadhu, Nishant Solanki et al Clinical Profile of Unilateral Disc Edema:
A Cross-sectional Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background and Aim: Optic disc swelling is due to arrest or obstruction of axoplasmic flow at the lamina cribrosa.
It may be due to various pathological conditions like ischemia, infiltration, inflammation, compression, metabolic and
toxic damage. In this study, the clinical profile of each case of unilateral disc edema was analysed in relation to age of
presentation, gender, systemic association, risk factor and prognosis.
Material and Methods: The present study was done in the department of ophthalmology, medical college and hospital.
The patients with the unilateral disc edema were included in the study. Visual acuity was measured using Snellen’s acuity
chart and converted to logmar for the purpose of statistical analysis. Intraocular pressure was recorded. Colour vision
was recorded using ishihara chart. Routine blood investigations were done. Radiological imaging was done.
Results: Females are affected more commonly compared to males in the study group. The commonest cause for unilateral
disc edema is nonarteritic AION and the next common cause is optic neuritis. Compressive disc edema, inflammatory disc
edema and neuroretinitis are the other conditions causing unilateral disc edema. In this study 60 % of the persons showed
disc pallor on follow up and 40 % of person showed normal fundus. 66.67 % of patients of NAION had disc pallor on
follow up. MRI BRAIN in NAION showed small vessel ischemic changes in 6.67% of persons which indicates the ischemic
change were also noted in brain.
Conclusion: If a patient with unilateral disc swelling presents to neuroophthalmology clinic, NA-AION and ON should
be considered first in the differential diagnosis. Other causes of disc edema should not be missed.
Keywords: Compressive disc edema, Intraocular pressure, Ophthalmology, Optic disc swelling
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Jayeshkumar C. Sadhu,
Department of Ophthalmology,
Shri M.P.Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar, Gujarat
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 123
hemorrhages, infarcts leading to soft exudate and Intraocular pressure was recorded. Direct and
hard exudates may be seen.6-8 Indirect Ophthalmoscopy was done. Colour vision
was recorded using ishihara chart. Routine blood
In the long course, after several months, the
investigations were done. Radiological imaging
hemorrhages and hard exudates may resolve and
was done. Follow up was done at regular intervals.
the hyperemia is replaced by milky gray appearance
Various parameters were checked on follow up to
due to gliosis. The presence of optociliary shunt, neo
check the Improvement in visual activity.
vascular membrane with subretinal hemorrhages
and serous fluid are also not uncommon. The final Data collected were entered in Excel Spread
fate of any optic nerve disease is atrophy. The type sheet and analyzed using STATA statistical
of atrophy in any disc edema is secondary with dirty software package release 11. We used the two sided
yellow colour disc with ill defined disc margin with independent-samples t test to compare means
surrounding vascular sheathing. Once the atrophy across dichotomous variables (i.e. men v. women);
develops, the optic nerve does not swell.9, 10 the one-way ANOVA test for comparison of means
across multilevel variables. Simple calculations like
In most cases the vision can be preserved with
Percentages, Proportions and Mean values were
appropriate and prompt treatment. If the disc
derived. A type I error of 0.05 was considered in all
edema is left untreated it can lead to permanent and
irreversible blindness due to optic atrophy.11 In this
study, the clinical profile of each case of unilateral Results
disc edema was analysed in relation to age of
Total of 60 cases diagnosed with unilateral disc
presentation, gender, systemic association, risk factor
edema were included in the study with each case of
and prognosis.
unilateral disc edema were analysed in relation to
Materials & Method age of presentation, gender, systemic association, risk
factor and prognosis. The mean age of presentation of
The present study was done in the department of
NAION is 51 years and the mean age of presentation of
ophthalmology, medical college and hospital. The
optic neuritis is 30 years. This indicates the association
study was done was for the period of one year. The
of systemic disease with NAION as it affects the age
ethical committee was informed about the study and
group between 40 to 50 years and the association of
the ethical clearance certificate was obtained prior to
demyelination with optic neuritis as it affects the age
the start of the study. Both male and females were
group between 20 to 30 years. In general females are
included in the study.
affected more commonly compared to males in the
‘The age range of the included patients was from 20 study group.
– 65 years. The patients with the unilateral disc edema
It is evident from the study, the commonest cause
were included in the study. The exclusion criteria for
for unilateral disc edema is nonarteritic AION and the
the study as follow: Patient with bilateral presentation
next common cause is optic neuritis. Compressive disc
and papilledema and patient with age < 20 years.
edema, inflammatory disc edema and neuroretinitis
The patients reported to the ophthalmology are the other conditions causing unilateral disc edema.
department were registered for the study. The All the cases in our study had unilateral affection of
patients were informed about the study, and the the disease.
written informed consent was obtained prior to the
In this study, Fundus examination of uninvolved
start of the study. The patients who did not provided
eye showed normal fundus in 50% of cases. Other
the informed consent were excluded from the study.
50% of cases showed some findings which helped in
The included patients were evaluated and followed
diagnosing the condition. ‘At risk’ crowded disc was
up during the study period.
seen in 6.67% of persons, hypertensive and diabetic
The detailed history of the present illness was changes were noted in 10% of cases.
recorded. Visual acuity was measured using Snellen’s
There is no specificity of the eye involved. Both eyes
acuity chart and converted to logmar for the purpose
are equally affected in the study group. In this study
of statistical analysis. Slit lamp bio microscopy of
60 % of the persons showed disc pallor on follow up
anterior segment, fundus with +90D lens was used.
and 40 % of person showed normal fundus. 66.67 % of
AION 24 8 Conclusion
COMPRESSIVE OPTIC 2 4 If a patient with unilateral disc swelling presents
NEUROPATHY to neuroophthalmology clinic, NA-AION and ON
should be considered first in the differential diagnosis. 7. Rosen ES: Photographic Studies on the Fundus of the
Other causes of disc edema should not be missed. A Human Eye: The University of Manchester (United
detailed history taking, visual field, color-vision and Kingdom), 1969.
imaging tests should be performed for each and every 8. Hayreh SS: Pathogenesis of optic disc edema in raised
case of unilatreal disc edema. Regular follow-up intracranial pressure. Progress in retinal and eye
examination would be necessary for all cases to look research 2016, 50:108-44.
for visual recovery and recurrence.
9. Scott IU, Ip MS: Retinal Venous Occlusive Disease.
Ethical approval was taken from the institutional Albert and Jakobiec’s Principles and Practice of
ethical committee and written Informed Consent was Ophthalmology 2022:3019-61.
taken from all the participants. 10. Chitra G: Clinical Profile of Idiopathic Intracranial
Hypertension in a Tertiary Eye Care Centre in South
Sources of funding: Nil.
India. Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, 2016.
Conflict of interest: None declared
11. Luneau K, Newman NJ, Biousse V: Ischemic optic
References neuropathies. The neurologist 2008, 14:341-54.
1. Hata M, Miyamoto K: Causes and prognosis of 12. Jung JJ, Baek S-H, Kim US: Analysis of the causes of
unilateral and bilateral optic disc swelling. Neuro- optic disc swelling. Korean Journal of Ophthalmology
Ophthalmology 2017, 41:187-91. 2011, 25:33-6.
2. Figueira L, Fonseca S, Ladeira I, Duarte R: Ocular 13. Preechawat P, Bruce BB, Newman NJ, Biousse V:
tuberculosis: Position paper on diagnosis and treatment Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in patients younger
management. Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia than 50 years. American journal of ophthalmology
(English Edition) 2017, 23:31-8. 2007, 144:953-60.
3. Abdelhakim A, Rasool N: Neuroretinitis: a review. 14. Secades JJ, Lorenzo JL: Citicoline-pharmacological and
Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 2018, 29:514-9. clinical review, 2006 update. Methods and findings in
experimental and clinical pharmacology 2006, 28:1-56.
4. Trobe JD: Papilledema: the vexing issues. Journal of
Neuro-ophthalmology 2011, 31:175-86.
How to cite this article: Madhavi.Mavani1, Nayna Solanki2, Shilpin Solanki3, Hiral Solanki4 et al A Study
of Effectiveness of Videolaryngoscopy and Conventional Laryngoscopy in Adult Patients for Orotracheal
Intubation. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Aim: Present study was carried out to evaluate and compare the laryngeal view and intubation by direct laryngoscope
using macintosh blade with video laryngoscope in adult patients requiring endotracheal intubation.
Material and Methods: This prospective study was carried out at our institute - GUJARAT CANCER SOCIETY MEDICAL
COLLEGE, HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTER. Total 100 adult patients for elective surgery under general anaesthesia
were included in this study. Patients were randomly divided in two groups. Each group included 50 patients. Group A:
Videolaryngoscopy, Group B : Conventional Laryngoscopy. Hemodynamic changes and SpO2 were noted and recorded
during the procedure at various intervals.
Results: Cormack Lehane glottis view is better with videolaryngoscope than conventional Macintosh laryngoscope and
is significant statistically. The mean tracheal intubation time was higher, in Group B as compared to Group A. But the
differences were statistically not significant. The mean rate of failure to intubate was almost similar among both the
groups. The difference was statically not significant. No statistically significant difference was observed in mean arterial
BP between the two study groups, at any point time.
Conclusion: video laryngoscope offers a better laryngeal view, minimum external maneuvers, less attempts for intubation
and provides better hemodynamic response during laryngoscopy and intubation as compare to direct laryngoscopy with
Macintosh blade.
Corresponding Author:
Dr Hiral Solanki,
Department of Anaesthesia, SVP hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Tel: 98253 82822
E-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 127
Direct laryngoscopy (DL) relies on the formation Group B : Conventional Laryngoscopy ( Macintosh
of a “line-of-sight” between the operator and the Blade)
laryngeal inlet, success depends on proper head
positioning and consistent anatomy. When the above Inclusion Criteria
conditions are not met, for example in poor tissue • Informed consent of patient.
mobility, restricted mouth opening, or large tongue,
the failure rate of intubation with conventional direct • Age ≥ 18years
laryngoscopy increases.1,2,3 • Patients scheduled for elective surgeries
requiring oral tracheal intubation.
The King Vision videolaryngosope is a fully
portable and wireless video laryngoscope with high • Mouth opening ≥ 2 or 2 and half fingers.
blade angulation allowing best visualization of • Mallam Patti Grade 1 and 2
larynx indirectly through small portable flat screen
• ASA grade 1 and 2.
monitor. Laryngoscopy and intubation is noxious
stimulus which results in sympathetic response Exclusion Criteria
leading to hypertension and tachycardia, which
can in turn produce adverse cardiovascular events, • Patient refusal
especially in patients with cardiac comorbidities. The • Emergency surgeries.
hemodynamic response is due to the oropharyngeal • Age ≤ 18 years
stimulation produced by laryngoscopy and
• Mallam Patti Grade 3 and 4
larymgotracheal stimulation due to tube insertion.
Videolaryngoscopes do not require the alignment • Patient with airway pathology. (Oral,
of oral, tracheal and laryngeal axes for glottic Pharyngeal, Laryngeal Carcinoma)
visualization and hence may cause less oropharyngeal • Patients with nil mouth opening
stimulation and airway trauma. Pre Operative Assessment
So present study was carried out to evaluate and It was done one day before the surgery. Any
compare the laryngeal view and intubation by direct significant past, family and personal history were
laryngoscope using macintosh blade with video taken. General physical examination was done,
laryngoscope in adult patients requiring endotracheal vitals and investigations were noted. A meticulous
intubation. airway assessment was done to exclude patients with
difficult airway by giving attention to Inter Incisor
The king Vision videolaryngosope is a fully
gap, Modified Mallampati airway classification, Neck
portable and wireless video laryngoscope with high
movements, Thyromental distance, Sternomental
blade angulation allowing best visualisation of larynx
distance and examination of dentition.
Patients were kept NBM for 6 hours prior to surgery.
Material and Methods
This prospective study was carried out at our
Patient preparation
institute - GUJARAT CANCER SOCIETY MEDICAL On the day of surgery, the patients were taken to the
COLLEGE, HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTER. operating room, 18 G intravenous cannula inserted
Ethical permission was obtained from the ethical and I.V. fluid started. Multipara monitor was attached
committee of GCSMCH & RC. Informed written and baseline pulse rate, blood pressure and SpO2
consent was obtained from each patient and the were recorded. All patients were pre-oxygenated for
procedure was explained to the patients. 3 min before induction.
Total 100 adult patients of either Sex, Age ≥ 18 Premedication: Inj. Ondansetron 4 mg I.V.
years, having ASA grade I/II posted for elective Inj.Glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg I.V.
surgery under general anaesthesia were included in
Inj. Fentanyl 2µg/kg I.V.
this study. Patients were randomly divided in two
groups. Each group included 50 patients. Induction: Inj. Propofol 2 mg/kg I.V.
Intubation Monitoring:
Procedure was performed by a senior anesthetist who • Pulse/min
has experience of 2 years. Endotracheal tubes; Size
• Blood pressure in mmHg
7.0–7.5 mm tracheal tubes for females and size 8.0–
8.5mm in males were used. • EtCO2
Group A (n=50): patients were intubated using • ECG monitoring
King Vision video laryngoscope. CHANNELLED
• SPO2
• Hemodynamic changes (Pulse rate and blood
Group B (n=50): patients were intubated using
pressure) and SpO2 were noted and recorded
direct laryngoscope with Macintosh blade.
during the procedure (Laryngoscopy and
Intubation) at various intervals.
Procedures of Video Laryngoscopy and Direct
laryngoscopy ■ Pre op- Baseline
All patients were kept in supine position with head ■ Before laryngoscopy and intubation
in neutral position in group A and in sniffing position
■ After laryngoscopy and intubation
in group B.
■ 0,5,10 ,15 minutes after intubation.
In group A After adequate depth of anaesthesia, King
Vision laryngoscope with proper size CHANNELLED Statistical Analysis
blade (no.3/4) premounted with appropriate size The socio-demographic parameters were compared
slightly lubricatd endotacheal tube was introduced between the two study groups, using frequencies
in the midline, superior to the tongue and advanced and percentages for categorical variables, mean and
towards the larynx until the epiglottis was visualized. standard deviation for quantitative variables. The
On visualization of the cords, Cormack- Lehane grade statistical significance was assessed by independent
(CLG) was noted. Proper size of ET tube was inserted sample student t-test. IBM SPSS Version 26 and © 2018
from the angle of the mouth to the trachea. Graph Pad Software was used for stastical analysis.
In group B, direct laryngoscopy was performed with
Macintosh blade in a usual way with head in sniffing
position. The blade tip is inserted into the valleculla. This clinical study comprised of 100 adult patients.
The Cormack- Lehane grade (CLG) was noted. The They were divided into two groups. Each group
maneuvers required facilitating the intubation like included 50 patients.
external laryngeal manipulation, use of stylet or Table 1: Demographic Data
bougies were noted. After successful intubation, the
patients were mechanically ventilated for the surgical VARIABLE GROUP A GROUP B P-VALUE
procedure and anaesthesia was maintained with AGE (YEARS) 0.58
42 15.3 43 12.5
sevoflurane in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen
GENDER (M:F) 21:29 26:24 NA
in a 1:1 ratio with muscle relaxant as per requirement
of the surgery. WEIGHT (KG) 0.108
58 10.6 56 6.2
Total time taken for intubation:- 1.36 0.48 1.36 0.48
( I/II)
During the procedure, time was noted by an assistant MOUTH 1.00
from introducing the laryngoscope into the mouth till 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0
the appearance of firstsquare wave capnography on MALLAM PATTI 0.008
EtCO2 monitor and bilateral chest movement during 1.3 0.46 1.2 0.38
manual ventilation, this time was considered as the
total time taken for intubation. The predictors of difficult intubation were also
10. Jones BM1, Agrawal A, Schulte TE. Assessing the 16. Platts-Mills TF1, Campagne D, Chinnock B, Snowden
efficacy of video versus direct laryngoscopy through B, Glickman LT, Hendey GW. A comparison of
retrospective comparison of 436emergency intubation GlideScope video laryngoscopy versus direct
cases. J Anesth. 2013 Dec; 27(6):927-30. laryngoscopy intubation in the emergency department.
Acad Emerg Med. 2009 Sep; 16(9):866-71.
11. Griesdale DE1, Liu D, McKinney J, Choi PT.
Glidescope® videolaryngoscopy versus direct 17. Van Zundert A1, Maassen R, Lee R, Willems R,
laryngoscopy for endotracheal intubation: a systematic Timmerman M, Siemonsma M, Buise M, Wiepking M. A
review and meta-analysis. Can J Anaesth. 2012 Jan; Macintosh laryngoscope blade for videolaryngoscopy
59(1):41 reduces stylet use in patients with normalairways.
Anesth Analg. 2009 Sep; 109(3):825-31.
12. Boedeker BH1, Berg BW, Bernhagen M, Murray WB.
Direct versus indirect laryngoscopic visualization 18. Kanchi M1, Nair HC, Banakal S, Murthy K, Murugesan
in human endotracheal intubation: a tool for virtual C. Haemodynamic response to endotracheal intubation
anesthesia practice and teleanesthesiology. Stud in coronary artery disease: Direct versus video
Health Technol Inform. 2008; 132:31-6. laryngoscopy. Indian J Anaesth. 2011 May; 55(3):260-5.
13. Akihisa Y., Maruyama K., Koyama Y., Yamada 19. Ke J1, Xu Q. [Comparison the applications of tracheal
R., Ogura A., Andoh T, Comparison of intubation intubation with GlideScope video laryngoscope and
performance between the King Vision® and Macintosh Macintosh direct laryngoscope in snoring patients].
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crossover manikin study. Anaesth 2014; 28:51-7. Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2013 May; 27(9):468-70.
14. Murphy LD, Kovacs GJ, Reardon PM, Law 20. El-Tahan MR1, Doyle DJ, Khidr AM, Abdulshafi M,
JA.Comparison of the King Vision video laryngoscope Regal MA, Othman MS. Use of the King Vision™
with the Macintosh laryngoscope. Anaesth 2014; video laryngoscope to facilitate fibreoptic intubation
47:239-46. in critical tracheal stenosis proves superior to the
GlideScope®.Can J Anaesth. 2014 Feb; 61(2):213-4.
15. Qazi Ehsan Ali; Syed Hussain Amir; ShaistaJamil;
Sarfaraz Ahmad. Airtraq and King Vision video
laryngoscope as an intubating aid in adult patients.
Acta Anaesth. Belg 2015; 66: 81-85.
How to cite this article: Madhusudan H Gadhvi, Bhavesh M Nayak, Manish G Maheshwari et al Comparative
Analysis to Assess Pregnancy Related Issues among Women over 35 Years of Age. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Background and Aim: Advanced maternal age (AMA) is seen by patients and healthcare professionals, to be correlated
with poorer outcomes to pregnancies. This is largely because of the higher incidence of chronic medical conditions among
older women. The present study has been conducted to reckon the strength of the association between maternal age and
obstetric issues pertaining to women.
Material and Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, tertiary care
institute of India. A total number of patients included in the study were 280 which were divided into two groups based
on age of patients. Group A consists of 200 pregnant women aged < 35 years and group B consists of 80 pregnant patients
aged ≥35 years. Routine antenatal examination along with some additional lab investigations like KFT; LFT etc. were
Results: The difference in number of cesarean sections, assisted pregnancies and early pregnancy loss between group A
and group B was statistically significant. We found a significant difference between group A and group B with respect to
early pregnancy loss, C-section, antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum complications (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Advanced maternal age is linked with disastrous pregnancy issues. Without any doubt, extreme maternal
age invites a catastrophe of pregnancy related complications that include antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum
complications. Natural conception becomes all the more challenging and hence the role assisted pregnancies comes into
Introduction has fallen 61% from 1991. Maternal age has become
Maternal age at childbearing has dramatically all the more important factor to determine the
shifted in the last decades due to a broad range of severity of complications associated with pregnancy.
social and cultural determinants. In Italy the mean However, there is no universal definition of advanced
age at delivery rose from 25.2 years in 1981 to 31.7 reproductive age in women, in part because the
in 2015.1,2 This trend toward delayed childbearing effects of increasing age occur as a continuum, rather
is reported worldwide (e.g. USA or China)3-5, and than as a threshold effect. Fertility clearly declines
comes, in parallel, with a decline in pregnancies at with advancing age, especially after the mid-30s, and
a younger age, so that these are increasingly rare in women who conceive are at greater risk of pregnancy
developing countries. The teen birth rate in the USA complications.1
Corresponding Author:
Dr Madhusudan H Gadhvi
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Banas Medical College & Research Institute, Palanpur, Gujarat
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 133
The risks related to pregnancy in those over 35 the study were evaluated for different parameters at
years old, especially primiparity, can be understood outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology.
from two perspectives: first, the actual medical risks, Routine antenatal examination along with some
and second, the acceptability of the risks as defined additional lab investigations like KFT; LFT etc. were
through social discourse among different groups performed. All women who qualified the inclusion
within society.6,7 Medical risks are related to an ageing criteria were asked for monthly follow-up till 28
reproductive system and an ageing body, whereas weeks and then fortnightly follow was advised to
social discourse prescribes the way in which older these patients up to 36 weeks and thereafter weekly
pregnant women are regarded as mothers, and when follow-up was recommended to them.
it is “considered” that women “should have” children.
It has been said that pregnant women and healthcare Statistical analysis
providers understand the risks differently: pregnant The recorded data was compiled and entered in a
women evaluate the risks subjectively, through their spreadsheet computer program (Microsoft Excel
own experiences, whereas healthcare providers assess 2007) and then exported to data editor page of SPSS
the risks in an apparently more objective way.6 version 15 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). For all
tests, confidence level and level of significance were
Advanced maternal age (AMA) is seen by patients
set at 95% and 5% respectively.
and healthcare professionals, to be correlated with
poorer outcomes to pregnancies. This is largely Results
because of the higher incidence of chronic medical Table 1, show that there were 200 women aged< 35
conditions among older women. Women of AMA years and 80 women aged ≥35 years. The difference
are often treated as if they are in need of the level of in number of cesarean sections, assisted pregnancies
care necessary for any high-risk pregnancy; and they and early pregnancy loss between group A and group
are treated differently even if there is no scientific B was statistically significant. Evidently, out of 200
basis for different treatment and there are no medical women in group A, (35%) had cesarean section, (6%)
problems evident.8 women had early pregnancy loss and (2.5%) had
There are multifaceted factors that encourage assisted conception. On the other hand, in group B
women to delay pregnancy process which includes out of 80 patients, (38.7) patients had cesarean section,
financial goals, longer life expectancy, higher (16.2%) had early pregnancy loss and (11.2%) women
education, pursuit of career and sometimes due to had assisted conception.
miscalculations women halt the pregnancy process
We observe that out of 200 women in group A,
and subsequently invite major complications like;
74 had antepartum complications, of them (12%)
chromosomal abnormality, miscarriages, ectopic
had preterm delivery, (10%) had induced labour,
pregnancies and congenital anomalies, pre-
(7.5%) had hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, (7%)
eclampsia, gestational diabetes, intrauterine growth had gestational diabetes mellitus and (0.6%) had
restriction and antepartum hemorrhage.9-13 There placenta previa. However, in B out of 80 women, 60
are some studies that have explored the association developed antepartum complications, of them (20%)
between maternal age and pregnancy outcome. had hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, (23.75%)
Cesarean sections, instrumental assisted deliveries had preterm delivery, (8.75%) had induced labour,
are more commonly adopted procedures among (8.75%) had gestational diabetes mellitus and (1.2%)
these women.14 developed placenta previa. Statistically, found that
Material and Methods both groups differ significantly from one another
with respect to each and every antepartum, intra and
The present study was conducted in the Department
postpartum complication except for induced labour
of Obstetrics and Gynecoogy, tertiary care institute of
and vaginal trauma.
India. A total number of patients included in the study
were 280 which were divided into two groups based We observe that both the groups are statistically
on age of patients. Group A consists of 200 pregnant comparable with respect to NICU admission with
women aged < 35 years and group B consists of 80 a p=0.15 which means that the proportion of NICU
pregnant patients aged ≥35 years. Women who meet admissions in both the groups is comparable.
inclusion criteria and agreed to willfully participate in
Table 1: Comparison of various parameters In all developed countries, the deep social and
economic transformations of recent decades have led
Variables Group A Group B P
to higher life standards together with a deferment of
(200) (80) value
parenthood.2,3,16 This phenomenon is due to multiple
No % No %
determinants: global aging of population with an
Assisted 5 2.5 9 11.2 0.05* increasing prevalence of women aged between 35
conception and 45 years, the change in social customs with a rise
Early 12 6 13 16.2 0.001* in divorces and second marriages, improvements to
pregnancy women’s educational and professional outlooks as
loss well as the diffusion of contraception. The availability
Cesarean 70 35 31 38.7 0.02* of contraception has made women protagonists of
section their childbearing options. Asked to explain the
* indicates statistically significance at p≤0.05 main determinants of their pregnancy plan, a survey
group of women mentioned educational and career
Table 2: Comparison of antepartum, intrapartum
and postpartum complications between the groups achievements, financial goals and emotional stability,
illustrating how individual readiness seems to be an
Variables Group A (200) Group B (80) P essential factor in guiding childbearing options.16,17
No % No % value
Out of a total of 280 women patients, 200 were<
Antepartum complications 35 years and 80 women were ≥35 years. So, the
Hypertensive 15 7.5 16 20 0.003* classification of patients with respect to age threshold
disorder of of 35 year was made. The patients were divided in
pregnancy two groups; group A consists of 200 women with
Gestational 14 7 7 8.75 0.05* age< 35 years and group B consists of 80 women with
diabetes age ≥35 years. The difference in number of cesarean
mellitus sections, assisted pregnancies and early pregnancy
Placentia 1 0.5 1 1.2 0.003* loss between group A and group B was statistically
previa significant. Evidently, out of 200 women in group A,
Preterm 24 12 19 23.75 0.001* (35%) had cesarean section, (6%) women had early
delivery pregnancy loss and (2.5%) had assisted conception.
Induced 20 10 7 8.75 0.9 On the other hand, in group B out of 80 patients,
labour (38.7) patients had cesarean section, (16.2%) had early
pregnancy loss and (11.2%) women had assisted
Intrapartum and postpartum complications
conception. Contemporary to the research, Pawde et
Vaginal 7 3.5 7 8.75 0.25
al reported that women with 35 years of age and above
had significantly higher rates of assisted conception
Postpartum 4 2 11 13.75 0.001* (12.6%) compared to (3.5%) in women with 35 years
hemorrhage old which in consonance to our observation, similarly
* indicates statistically significance at p≤0.05 they reported higher rates of early pregnancy (18.9%)
in women with 35 years of age and beyond compared
Discussion to (10.5%) in women with< 35 years of age.17 Several
In the Western world, the average age at which authors have reported the similar kind of observations
first time mothers give birth is continually rising.15 with regard to early pregnancy loses and assisted
Complications and risks associated with pregnancy conceptions.16,17
among women of AMA have been addressed in
Several authors have reported the similar kind of
numerous studies from different viewpoints, mostly
observations with regard to early pregnancy loses
focusing on the medical risks associated with higher
and assisted conceptions.16,17 We analyzed patients
maternal age. The purpose of this research was to
for antepartum intra and postpartum complications
profile how women over 35 years and the associated
and observed that 74 had antepartum complications,
pregnancy-related risks have been described in
of them (12%) had preterm delivery, (10%) had
previous research.
induced labour, (7.5%) had hypertensive disorder of
pregnancy, (7%) had gestational diabetes mellitus and conception becomes all the more challenging and
(0.6%) had placenta previa. However, in B out of 80 hence the role assisted pregnancies comes into play.
women, 60 developed antepartum complications, of
Ethical approval was taken from the institutional
them (20%) had hypertensive disorder of pregnancy,
ethical committee and written Informed consent
(23.75%) had preterm delivery, (8.75%) had induced
was taken from all the participants.
labour, (8.75%) had gestational diabetes mellitus and
(1.2%) developed placenta previa. In tune with our Source of funding : Nil
observations, most of the authors have also reported Conflict of Interest : None declared
higher incidence of hypertensive disorders in women
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Mandeep Kour1
Senior Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences, Bathinda, Punjab
How to cite this article: Mandeep Kour et al Diabetic Retinopathy and Typical Retinitis Pigmentosa. Volume 13 |
Issue 4 | October-December 2022
A 39-year-old woman with typical retinitis pigmentosa (RP) for 9 years and a positive family history of night blindness
was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM). She developed proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) during the course
of disease. She was promptly managed with pan retinal photocoagulation (PRP). PDR developing in a case of typical
RP is extremely rare and has not been reported in the literature to date. Recognition of this rare, vision threatening
complication, points out a definite need to further look deep into the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy.
Corresponding author
Dr mandeep Kaur
Senior resident
E-mail: [email protected]
Mob: 9464780122
Automated perimetry with a Humphrey field have shown a negative coincidence of DR and RP. They
analyser revealed bilateral constriction of visual suggested that attenuation of the blood vessels and
field, which was correlating with the finding of RP the presence of early posterior vitreous detachment
. Fluorescein angiography was carried out, which prevented the progression to proliferative stage.1
revealed the presence of multiple point hyper- Arden et al, in their detailed survey of patients with
fluorescent areas in the perifoveal region of both eyes DM and RP, showed that there was no evidence of
with leak in the late phase and blocked fluorescence proliferative changes in the retina in patients with RP.
caused by the bony spicule pigmentation in the They explained that the possible loss of rods decreased
mid-periphery. In addition, there was also, in the the severity of hypoxia and production of vascular
left eye, hyper-fluorescence at the disc, which endothelial growth factor, thereby preventing the
increased in the mid to late phase suggestive of changes of diabetic retinopathy from developing in
definite neovascularisation at the disc. Fluorescein patients with RP.4 Spalton et al5 explained the role of
angiography confirmed the clinical diagnosis of inflammation due to degeneration of photoreceptors
proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) in the left and retinal pigment epithelium in the development of
eye with neovascularisation of the disc along with retinal oedema.
presence of microaneurysms and thickening of
There are anecdotal reports of retinal vascular
the macula not involving the centre, and mild non-
abnormalities previously described in RP patients and
proliferative diabetic retinopathy in the right eye.
include a Coats-type RP, sub retinal exudation, retinal
The systemic investigations revealed an detachment, and neovascularisation of disc and
uncontrolled hyperglycaemic status with fasting periphery. In all these reported cases, loss of receptor
blood glucose of 240 mg% and glycated hemoglobin cells, RPE dysfunction, altered metabolic environment
8.4%. The patient’s blood urea was 23 mg% and of the retinal vasculature and capillary non perfusion
serum creatinine was 0.9 mg%. Her biochemical and were identified as possible causes. These cases were
haematological investigations were unremarkable not associated with diabetes mellitus.6 7 Hotta and
except for uncontrolled hyperglycaemia. Hotta8 described an isolated case of diabetic macular
oedema in an RP patient that was managed with
The patient was promptly managed with pan
trans-Tenon’s retrobulbar triamcinolone infusion.
retinal photocoagulation (PRP) of the left eye in three
sittings, and strict glycaemic control. At the end of Our patient was a case of typical retinitis
1 year follow-up, the patient had a stable disease in the pigmentosa with characteristic fundus appearance.
left eye post PRP. The right eye showed progression The form of inheritance in this patient is unlikely
of the diabetic retinopathy to proliferative stage, to be of an X linked recessive nature considering
with appearance of neovascularisation, which was that she was a female. The possibility of autosomal
confirmed by fluorescein angiography . The patient dominant or recessive inheritance remains, although
was managed with PRP of the right eye in three we could not perform genetic tests because of
sittings. logistic and financial constraints. The case under
discussion was a known case of RP with uncontrolled
After 2 years follow-up, the patient has stable
hyperglycaemia. She did not have evidence of anterior
disease in both eyes post PRP with absence of leak
segment inflammation on slit-lamp examination. On
in the fluorescein angiography . Visual acuity was
detailed fundus examination, there was no evidence
maintained at 20/40 in both eyes.
of vitreous floaters/opacities, retinal vascular
Discussion sheathing, retinal holes, tears, retinal telangiectasia
Diabetic retinopathy and retinitis pigmentosa are two or subretinal exudation. Her biochemical and
common conditions not shown to coexist in the same haematological investigations were unremarkable
individual. In a large population based study, Chen et except for the uncontrolled hyperglycaemia. The
al2 clearly showed that retinitis pigmentosa reduces presence of microaneurysms and new disc vessels
the risk of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Tarr et in addition to presence of uncontrolled DM led us
al3 have given a detailed description of the various to consider PDR in this case. Arden4 suggested that
interconnecting pathways and key contributors to the the degree of functional retina at the time of onset of
development of diabetic retinopathy. Sternberg et al DM could influence the development of DR in cases
of RP, which can be considered in our case as well, 4. Arden GB. The absence of diabetic retinopathy in
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How to cite this article: Manju Sharma, Anju Mittal, Sangeeta Jain Sharma, Atul Kumar, Akshay Sharma,
Yatin Kumar6. A Study on the Spectrum of Thyroid Abnormalities in Liver Disease and Its Correlation with
Liver Function. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Introduction: liver diseases are associated with endocrine disturbances and secondary dysfunction of endocrine organ
which apparent hormonal imbalance. This study aims to find out the correlation between the levels of FT3, FT4, TSH and
severity of liver disease in Chronic Liver Disease patients.
Materials and Method: A total of 100 subjects with Chronic Liver disease satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria
visiting medicine OPD and admitted in IPD of Muzaffarnagar Medical College during the period of 18 months was taken
for study which was a Cross Sectional Observational Study.Thyroid function tests which includes FreeT3, FreeT4, TSH
was done for all patients and tests such as Anti-TPO antibodies, USG neck, Doppler thyroid, FNAC thyroid was done
wherever indicated The liver function tests including total and direct bilirubin, total protein and albumin, AST and ALT,
APTT, PT, INR was done for all patients and USG abdomen and Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy was done wherever
Results: The mean duration of liver disease in our study population was 5.92 ± 4.61 years (range 1-26 years). The mean
FT3 levelwas 2.3059 ± 0.8883 p Mol/L. The mean FT4 level was1.1689 ± 1.0806 ng/dL . The mean TSH level was 3.3198 ±
1.0173 m IU/mL The mean total bilirubin was 8.445 ± 4.3438 mg/dL .
Conclusion: Thyroid dysfunction forms important part of spectrum of Chronic liver disease. Patients with liver disease
should be evaluated for thyroid dysfunction periodically.
Corresponding Author:
Manju sharma
Assistant Professor
Muzaffarnagar Medical College, 207, Rambagh Road, Muzaffarnagar, UP - 251001
E-Mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 141
Liver diseases are associated with endocrine College . Inclusion criteria: 1. Patients with clinical,
disturbances and secondary dysfunction of endocrine biochemical and radiological evidence of Chronic
organ. This results in signs of apparent hormonal Liver Disease. 2. Patients who himself or his/her
imbalance [4,5]. Thyroid hormone is necessary for relatives gave consent 3. Above 18 years.Exclusion
normal growth, development, energy balance, criteria: 1. Patients with diabetes. 2. Pregnant subjects.
and metabolism of the individual. It plays a role 3. Patient with prior h/o thyroid disease. 4. Patient
in determining the height of the individual by receiving drugs that may interfere with thyroid
determining the skeletal growth [6]. It is also essential hormone metabolism and function. 5. Patients with
for neural tissue growth and development, lung any other chronic illness. 6. Below 18 years of age.
maturation, maintenance of hepatocytes [7], renal Sample size calculation- Confidence Interval:95% (Z),
tubular cells, cardiovascular function regulation and Precision of study :15% of P(d) Prevalence(P) : 61% [15]
hemodynamics. The risk of cardiovascular mortality .
Formula :4×P(1-P)/d2 Sample size :100 . Informed
and atrial fibrillation is higher in individuals with consent was taken from the subjects who were
subclinical hypo or hyperthyroidism [8]. Thyroid included in the study. Socio- demographic details
hormones influence hepatic lipid homeostasis was recorded. Thyroid function tests which includes
through stimulation of free fatty acid delivery to liver FreeT3, FreeT4, TSH was done for all patients and
and increase in beta oxidation of fatty acid. Through tests such as Anti-TPO antibodies, USG neck, Doppler
these mechanisms, thyroid hormones affect hepatic thyroid, FNAC thyroid was done wherever indicated.
fat accumulation which leads to Non-Alcoholic Fatty The liver function tests was done for all patients and
Liver Disease [9]. Individuals with hypothyroidism are tests such as USG abdomen and Oesophago-gastro-
1.5-2 times more likely to have Chronic Liver Disease duodenoscopy was done wherever indicated. The
. Liver plays an important role in maintaining the relationship between the levels of Free T3, FreeT4, and
level of thyroid hormone. Thyroid gland secretes TSH with severity of liver disease in patients having
Thyroxine (T4) and Tri-Iodo Thyronine (T3) with T4 chronic liver disease was analysed using appropriate
at the rate of 90 microgram/day and T3 at the rate statistical tests. Study tools Self-made questionnaire
of 6.4 microgram/day. 100% of the total T4 and 20% containing questions on socio-demographic details,
of the total T3 is secreted by thyroid gland [11]. Liver age, gender, education, socio economic status, age
contributes about 30-40% of peripheral conversion of of onset, duration of illness, smoking, alcoholism,
T4 to T3 [12] . The thyroid hormone is inactivated by exposure to risk factors, family history of thyroid
D3 deiodinase in liver [13] . 80% of T3 and 97.5% of disorders, drug history was sought. All relevant
rT3 is produced by deiodination in peripheral tissue. investigations were noted. Child-Pugh-Turkot score
Liver plays an important role in thyroid hormone to classify the degree of cirrhosis. It ranges from 5 to
metabolism [14,15] This study aims to find out the 15.
correlation between the levels of FT3, FT4, TSH and
Statistical analysis- After completing the data
severity of liver disease in Chronic Liver Disease
collection, data was entered and analysed using
MSExcel and epi info. Quantitative variables were
Aims and Objectives expressed in mean and standard deviation. Qualitative
variables were expressed in fractions, percentage and
proportion. The data of the quantitative variables
Thyroid functions in patients with liver disease.
was analysed by using chi-square test and qualitative
OBJECTIVE To assess the severity of liver dysfunction
variables by using appropriate ‘t’ test.
in relation with interpretation of thyroid functions
MATERIALS AND METHODS : A total of 100 Results
subjects with Chronic Liver disease satisfying A hospital based cross-sectional study was done on
inclusion and exclusion criteria visiting medicine chronic liver disease patients admitted in department
OPD and IPD of MMCH, during the period of 18 of General Medicine in Muzaffarnagar medical
months was taken for study.(2020-21) .After clearance college and hospital, Muzaffarnagar.
from ethical committee ref no MMC/IEC/2020/70
Mean duration of liver disease The mean duration
dated 27/01/2020 the research work was started
of liver disease in our study population is 5.92 ±
in Muzaffarnagar medical college. Cross Sectional
4.61 years (range 1-26 years). Free T3 The mean FT3
Observational Study in Muzaffarnagar Medical
level in patients included in our study is 2.3059 ± FREE T4 AND CPT Class
0.8883 p Mol/L (range 0.14-5.7 p Mol/L). Free T4 Among the study population, 27 patients (27%) had
The mean FT4 level in our patients included in the reduced FT4, 69 patients had normal FT4(69%) and 4
study is 1.1689 ± 1.0806 ng/dL (range 0.45-12.2 had increased FT4 (4%). Among the CPT-A patients,
ng/dL). TSH The mean TSH level in the patients 1 patient (25%) had reduced FT4, 3 (75%) had normal
included in our study is 3.3198 ± 1.0173 m IU/mL FT4. Those patients with CPT class B, 09 (20.93%)
(range 0.4-5.11 m IU/mL). Total bilirubin The mean patients had reduced FT4, 31 patients (72.09%) had
total bilirubin in the chronic liver disease patients in normal FT4 and 3 (6.98%) had increased FT4. In CPT
our study is 8.445 ± 4.3438 mg/dL (range 1.4-20.8 ) class C patients, 17 (32.07%) patients had reduced
Of the various etiologies studied, alcohol and other FT4, 35 patients (66.03%) had normal FT4 and 1 (1.9%)
hepatotoxic drugs accounts for 81% of liver disease. had increased FT4. P value is found to be 0.5217 and is
19% of liver disease is caused by viral etiology Of the statistically insignificant.
100 patients, 97 (97%) had signs of liver cell failure.
Correlation: TSH AND CPT
29% and 19% of the patients had upper GI bleed
and hepatic encephalopathy respectively. 59% had FIG 1
hepatosplenomegaly, 53% of our patients had CPT
Class C (advanced, decompensated liver disease) and
43% of the patients had CPT Class B (moderate liver
disease) and 4% had CPT Class A (well compensated
liver disease)
Correlation: FREET4 AND CPT been reported. This is proposed to be due to varied
etiology and severity. This is in consistent with the
FIG 3 study by Sandeep Kharb et al [18], K.V.S. Hari Kumar
et al [19] , G Deepika et al [1]. This is in consistent with
Punekar et al [20] , and Joeimon JL et al [21] , El-Feki MA
et al , Antonelli A et al [22] . In the study by Punekar et
al [20] , 20% patients had increased TSH and in the study
by Joeimon et al [21], 21.6% patients had increased TSH.
But this finding does not correlate with the studies
by Patira NK et al [23] and Mobin A et al [24] in which
62%, 2.63% patients had increased TSH. Among the
study population, 84 patients (84%) had reduced FT3
and 16 had normal FT3 (16%). This is in correlation
with the studies by Punekar et al [20] , and Mobin A
et al [24] where 71% and 76.3% of the patients showed
FT4 level is found to be negatively correlated with reduced FT3 levels respectively. This finding also
Child-Pugh-Turcott score with correlation co-efficient goes in consistency with D Costa L et al [25], Saleem
of -0.212 but it is found to be statistically insignificant WM et al [26] , Kayacetin E et al [27] , El Sawy AA et al
with P value 0.315042.
. Among the study population, 27 patients (27%)
had reduced FT4, 69 patients had normal FT4(69%)
Discussion and 4 had increased FT4 (4%). This result goes in
In our study 100 patients with chronic liver disease correlation with Punekar et al [20] and Kayacetin E et
were enrolled after getting informed consent from al [27]. This study shows that significant decrease in
the subjects. Thyroid function tests which include FT3, insignificant change in FT4 and mild increase in
FreeT3, FreeT4, TSH were done for all patients. The TSH levels. This is in agreement with Hussein Awad
liver function tests were done for all. Liver cirrhosis- Mousa et al [29], who found that a significant decrease
was diagnosed based on standard clinical features. level of T3 and an insignificant change in TSH and
After diagnosis, was classified according to standard T4 levels. Takahashi et al [30] concluded that serum
Child-Pugh score. Free T3 (FT3) levels reduced in CLD. These findings
do not go with the study conducted by G Deepika et
The mean duration of illness in our study al [1] showed that there was a significantly increased
population is 5.92 ± 4.61 years (range 1-26 years). The TSH and slightly decreased T3 and T4 levels. These
mean FT3 level in patients included in our study is findings are not in agreement with Mohamed Abdel-
2.3059 ± 0.8883 p Mol/L (range 0.14-5.7 p Mol/L). Fattah ElFeki et al [31]. Several lines of evidence suggest
The mean FT4 level in our patients included in the a reduced dopaminergic tone as a consequence of the
study is 1.1689 ± 1.0806 ng/dL (range 0.45-12.2 ng/ accumulation of false neurotransmitters, which might
dL). The mean TSH level in the patients included be responsible for raised basal TSH concentrations, as
in our study is 3.3198 ± 1.0173 m IU/mL (range 0.4- dopamine has been shown to exert an inhibitory effect
5.11 m IU/mL). These results are in consistency with in the regulation of TSH secretion [22] . Antonelli, A., et
study by Punekar et al [16] . The mean total bilirubin al [22] result is consistent with our study who found that
in the chronic liver disease patients in our study is the level of TSH was significantly higher in patients
8.445 ± 4.3438 mg/dL (range 1.4-20.8 mg/dL). This is with chronic hepatitis C. In our study, Increase in T4
in consistent with the study of Bianchi et al [17] . In our has been observed in patients with acute and chronic
study population, patients had exposure to various liver disease is due to increase in Thyroxine Binding
hepatotoxic factors such as hepatotoxic drugs, alcohol, Globulin levels, which is synthesized as acute phase
indigenous medications, viral causes. Of these, the reactant. It can be stated that in the initial state of
majority includes hepatotoxic drugs, and alcohol. acute liver diseases the T4 production increases
Of the 100 patients, 97 patients (97%) had signs of and subsequently as liver function is worsen it will
liver cell failure. 29%). In this study, 22% patients (25 be reduced due the higher and low concentration
patients) with CLD have hypothyroidism. . Among of TBG. In our patients, none had reduced TSH to
thyroid hormone abnormalities, hypothyroidism was suggest hyperthyroidism. TSH level is found to be
more frequently seen, and hyperthyroidism has also
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
negatively correlated with Child-Pugh-Turcott score hormone, such as thyroid-binding globulin (TBG),
with correlation co-efficient of -0.062 but it is found Transthyretin, and albumin. It is also the major site
to be statistically insignificant with P value 0.119086. of thyroid hormone peripheral metabolism such as
This is not in agreement with Oren R et al [32] who conjugation, biliary excretion, oxidative deamination
found a significant negative correlation was found and the, extra thyroidal deiodination of thyroxin
between thyroid-stimulating hormone blood levels (T4) to tri-iodo-thyronine (T3) and to reverse T3. The
and both functional and synthetic liver function tests. thyroid hormone is also important to normal hepatic
In our patients, none had increased FT3 to suggest function and bilirubin metabolism
hyperthyroidism. P value is found to be 0.0008 and
As liver abnormalities worsen the T3 production
is statistically significant. FT3 level is found to be
from T4 is also reduced. It is believed this reduction
negatively correlated with Child-Pugh-Turcott score
of T3 which mainly correspond to even lower basic
with correlation co-efficient and it is found to be
metabolism rate, can be useful due to preventing
statistically significant with P value 0.007797. This
energy consumption. Free T3 concentration
is in agreement with Fariborz Mansour-Ghanaei et
corresponding with the state of liver disease and it
al , Patira NK et al reported that there is a negative
seems the serum T3 concentration directly related to
correlation was found between Child-Pugh scores
liver abnormalities progress. In conclusion, thyroid
and serum T3 level. Also concluded that serum T3
dysfunction forms important part of spectrum of
concentration is a good index of hepatic function,
Chronic liver disease. Patients with liver disease
decreasing by the severity of liver damage. This goes
should be evaluated for thyroid dysfunction
in agreement with Hussein Awad Mousa et al [29], M
Borzio et al who evaluated thyroid function in 33
patients with liver disease and found that T3, FT3 and Bibliography
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Mohammed Asrar M1, Jassim Usman2, Abhishek Shetty V3, Anna Sophia Pietsch4,
Imthiaz Ahammed5
PG, Orthopaedics, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
Assistant professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
Associate professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
Intern, Orthopaedics, Charité- Medical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Professor and Hod, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
How to cite this article: Mohammed Asrar M, Jassim Usman, Abhishek Shetty V, Anna Sophia Pietsch,
Imthiaz Ahammed et al Functional Outcome of Rotating Platform Versus Fixed Platform of Total Knee
Arthroplasty- A Comparative Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has shown to be a successful and reliable procedure for older, debilitated
patients with knee osteoarthritis. TKA’s indications were widened to include younger and more active patients after its
initial success.
Objectives: To compare the functional outcome of rotating vs fixed platform of total knee arthroplasty
Methods: All patients who are fit to undergo total knee arthroplasty like advanced stages of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
arthritis in age group of 50-70 years . We compared the functional outcome between rotating platform versus fixed
platform of Total Knee Arthroplasty. Clinical and radiological follow-up was performed at 1, 3, 6 months and 1year after
the operation. Pre-operative and follow-up ratings according to Knee Society Scoring system were obtained for all the
patients. In addition, a visual analogue scale was used to specially assess the severity of the pain
Results: In group A and group B there were 6 males (30%) and 14 females (70 %). In both the groups the mean post
operative range of movements were significantly improved for the follow-up at every 3months with the mean ROM of
120° achieved at 1year follow-up. The ROM has significantly improved from 90° at 3rd month follow- up to 120° at 1year
follow-up. The mean KSS knee and functional score were gradually improved in post operatively in 3rd, 6th and 1year
follow-up compared to the pre operative KSS score.
Conclusion: The post-operative range of motion and the Knee Society functional score were similar in both groups. There
was no significant statistical difference between the two groups of Total Knee Arthroplasty in terms of post-operative
range of motion and functional outcomes.
Keywords: Total knee arthroplasty, KSS score, rotating platform, fixed platform
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Abhishek Shetty V
Associate Professor
Department of Orthopaedics, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
Email: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 147
The wear of the bearing surface is linked to long- osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in age
term TKA survival, which has been extensively group of 50-70 years.
documented in the orthopaedic literature. TKA
wear patterns differ from total hip arthroplasty wear Exclusion Criteria:
patterns in that delaminating and pitting occur. The • Patients with rheumatoid arthritis and
shear force causes bigger particles to form. However, patients undergoing revision arthroplasty,
significant submicron polyethylene debris is still requiring tibial component augmentation
formed, which can cause osteolysis.3 or a femoral component augmentation or a
This can cause the implant to loosen and eventually constrained prosthesis were excluded.
fail. Engineers and orthopaedic surgeons have We compared the functional outcome between
long sought a “better” knee design with longer rotating platform versus fixed platform of Total
survivorship despite strong long-term survival. The Knee Arthroplasty. Clinical and radiological follow-
mobile-bearing knee was designed to take advantage up was performed at 1, 3, 6 months and 1year after
of the reduced stress found in conforming designs, the operation. Pre-operative and follow-up ratings
minimising polyethylene wear while reducing according to Knee Society Scoring system were
implant stress and lessening the danger of tibial obtained for all the patients. In addition, a visual
component loosening.4 analogue scale was used to specially assess the
Furthermore, the mobile design was thought severity of the pain
to more nearly resemble natural knee kinematics. Statistical Analysis: The SPSS 22 software was
However, while selecting the most appropriate used for statistical analysis. The data outcome was
implant for his or her patient, the orthopaedic surgeon presented in the form of tables with means and
must be wary of the likelihood of a market push as percentages.
new and “better” implants are introduced. Total knee
arthroplasty (TKA) is a popular procedure for treating Observation and Results
severe osteoarthritis of the knee joint.5,6 Table 1: Distribution based on Gender and age
The objective, on the other hand, was to see if
patients who received a rotating platform implant Gender Group A Group B
had a better functional result than those who had
fixed bearing implants. The goal of this study is to Male 6(30%) 6(30%)
produce an evidence-based evaluation that compares Female 14(70%) 14(70%)
fixed bearing with mobile–bearing TKA in terms of
survival and clinical outcomes. Total 20 20
Patients were included if they were eligible for Mean + S.D 63.75 ± 6.138 yrs 62.75 ± 7.860 yrs
treatment with a complete knee replacement system
In group A and group B there were 6 males (30%)
with either fixed or movable bearings and had given
and 14 females (70 %).
written informed consent. After receiving approval
from the hospital’s Ethical Committee, the current In group A, The mean age was 63.75 ± 6.138 years.
study will be carried out at Yenepoya medical college
In group B, The mean age was 62.75 ± 7.860 years.
hospital. A well-structured and well-prepared case
The clinical history, physical examination findings, Gender Group A Group B
and investigation findings will all be included on a
proforma. B/L 9(45%) 3(15%)
In Group A patients, the mean post operative range of movements were significantly improved for the follow-
up at every 3months with the mean ROM of 120° achieved at 1year follow-up. The ROM has significantly
improved from 90° at 3rd month follow- up to 120° at 1year follow-up. The mean KSS knee and functional score
were gradually improved in post operatively in 3rd, 6th and 1year follow-up compared to the pre operative KSS
score. The KSS Knee score corresponds to the patient’s objective score and hence there is an improvement in the
objective score and patient’s were relieved of symptoms.
Table 4: Statistics of Group B
Post_ Post_op Post_op_ Knee_ Knee_ Knee_ Fun_ Fun_ Fun_
op_3M 1year 3M 6M 1yr 3M 6M 1Yr
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
N Valid 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Missing 50 97.00 109.50 122.00 60.05 66.25 72.00 73.75 83.25 91.50
Mean Median 100.00 110.00 120.00 60.00 67.00 71.50 75.00 80.00 90.00
Minimum 90 100 110 49 50 57 55 70 80
Maximum 110 120 130 69 78 84 80 90 100
90.00 102.50 120.00 59.00 63.50 69.25 70.00 80.00 90.00
75 100.00 110.00 120.00 60.00 67.00 71.50 75.00 80.00 90.00
IQR 100.00 110.00 130.00 64.75 68.00 75.00 80.00 90.00 100.00
10 7.5 10 5.75 4.5 5.75 10 10 10
In Group B patients, the mean post operative range of movements were significantly improved for the follow-
up at every 3months with the mean ROM of 120° achieved at 1year follow-up.The ROM has significantly
improved from 97° at 3rd month follow-up to 122° at 1year follow-up. The mean KSS knee and functional score
were gradually improved in post operatively in 3rd ,6th and 1year follow-up compared to the pre operative
KSS score. The KSS Knee score corresponds to the patient’s objective score and hence there is an improvement
in the objective score and patient’s were relieved of symptoms.
Since P value >0.05 for Post op ROM 3M,6M,1Year in terms of overall knee score, postoperative range of
there is no significant difference between Group A motion, or survival rate.
and Group B. P value>0.05 Knee Score 3M,6M,1year
In both groups, 90% had excellent or good
there is no significant difference between Group A
outcomes. In both groups, some patients experienced
and Group B.
stiffness. Following a fall, one patient had a patellar
P value>0.05 Fun Score 3M,6M,1 year there is no tendon rupture, which was subsequently repaired.
significant difference between Group A and Group B. In revolving platforms, no spin off or dislocation has
Despite the fact that their designs are different, Post
In total knee arthroplasties, both mobile-bearing and
et al. observed that both mobile-bearing and fixed-
fixed-bearing prostheses were compared in terms
bearing implants exhibited comparable kinematic
of performance and survival, with overall revision
patterns in terms of posterior femoral translation and
rates of about 1% per year for both types of implants.
tibiofemoral rotation in experimental research. They
In terms of clinical function or longevity, no prior
proposed that the movable tibial insert stops moving
controlled comparison has been able to establish any
at <90° degrees of flexion and that the prosthesis
benefit for a mobile-bearing complete knee prosthesis
thereafter functions effectively as a fixed-bearing
over a fixed-bearing total knee prosthesis.7,8 The
goal of this study was to compare the individual
performance of fixed-bearing versus mobile-bearing Delport et al. observed similar findings.10 The
knee replacements in the same clinical context while current study’s clinical findings are in line with the
controlling for characteristics including age, weight, findings of these experimental trials. Both the fixed-
and activity level. bearing and mobile-bearing groups showed similar
postoperative ranges of motion, suggesting that their
The senior surgeon conducted all of the procedures.
in vivo kinematics are similar.
Patients were blinded to the kind of implant used
in each knee when doing the clinical evaluation. With every movable bearing, dislocation is a
As a result, patient-related bias was reduced. Both possible problem. Knee replacement is no exception,
arthroplasties yielded similar clinical outcomes. and the LCS prosthesis is no exception. In our series,
Based on the size of the series, there was no benefit of some individuals in both groups had knee stiffness.
the mobile bearing knee over the fixed-bearing knee Following a previous fall, one patient’s patellar
tendon ruptured. In rotating platform knees, there is 3. Delport HP, Vander Sloten J, Bellemans J Comparative
no spin off or dislocation of the knee. gravimetric Wear Analysis in mobile versus fixed-
bearing posterior stabilized total knee prostheses. Acta
With the figures provided, there was no significant Orthop Belg 2010; 76: 367-73.
difference in the rates of survival between the two
4. Kettlekamp DB, Pryor P, Brady TA. Selective use of the
prostheses. Because of the limited number of patients
variable axis knee. ClinOrthopRelat Res 1979; 3:301-2
analysed and the short duration of the investigation,
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mobile-bearing design over the fixed-bearing design performance of mobile versus fixed bearing total knee
could be proven. prostheses: a randomised controlled trial. Knee Surg
Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Aug; 20(8):1450-5.
Conclusion 6. Hanusch B, Lou TN, Warriner G, Hui A, Gregg P.
The post-operative range of motion and the Knee Functional outcome of PFC Sigma fixed and rotating-
Society functional score were similar in both groups. platform total knee arthroplasty. A prospective
Because of the short term research of one year, there randomised controlled trial. Int Orthop. 2010 Mar;
was no significant statistical difference between the 34(3):349-54.
two groups of Total Knee Arthroplasty in terms 7. Luna JT, Sembrano JN, Gioe TJ. Mobile and fixed-
of post-operative range of motion and functional bearing (all-polyethylene tibial component) total knee
outcomes. The long-term follow-up will evaluate arthroplasty designs: surgical technique. J Bone Joint
whether either group has an increased rate of wear Surg Am. 2010 Sep; 92 Suppl 1 Pt 2:240-9.
or loosening. 8. Woolson, S., Epstein, N. and Huddleston, J. (2011).
Ethical Clearance: The ethical clearance was Long-Term Comparison of Mobile-Bearing vs. Fixed-
obtained from the Yenepoya Medical College Bearing Total Knee Arthroplasty. The Journal of
Arthroplasty, 26(8), pp.1219-1223
institutional ethics committee prior to the
commencement of the study 9. Post ZD, Matar WY, van de Leur T, Grossman EL,
Austin MS. Mobile- bearing total knee arthroplasty:
Conflict of interest: Nil
better than a fixed-bearing? J Arthroplasty. 2010 Sep;
Source of Funding: Self 25(6):998-1003
How to cite this article: Aakanksha Agarwala, Manab Deka et al Socio-Demographic Determinants of
Non-Communicable Diseases in Assam, India. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Located to the south of the eastern Himalayas along the Brahmaputra and Barak River valleys, Assam is the
gateway to north east India. Covering an area of 78,438 km sq., the state is inhabited by a multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic
and multi-religious society. In the present study we intend to throw some light on the prevalence of non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) in this most important state of north-east.
Method: The main objective was to examine the effect of socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle behaviour, household
status and contextual characteristics among adults (aged 30 and above) of Assam. We used data from Indian Human
Development Survey (IHDS II). Logistic regression was applied to attain the study objective.
Conclusion: Age and gender; education, smokeless tobacco consumption were found to be significantly associated with
the presence of NCDs. A lot of research has been carried out to understand the prevalence of NCD in India, but the
effect of various factors remains somewhat unexplained at the state level. There is need of more in depth studies to solve
the ever-growing burden of NCDs at the state level. The present study and its findings could be effectively utilized to
consider conducting similar studies for other Indian states as well.
individuals, families and communities, and threatens Choudhury et al2, 2009, studied the influence of
to overwhelm health systems. The socioeconomic socio economic and demographic factors on the
costs associated with NCDs make the prevention and risk of chronic diseases in Guwahati,Assam.The
control of these diseases’ imperative. authors carried out logistic regression to examine the
relationship between different risk factors and NCDs
A number of studies on NCDs have since been
and hence identified the significant factors affecting
carried out worldwide, the basis of most of which
the same.
is identification of risk factors-modifiable (or
behavioral) and metabolic. Majority of NCDs are due Deka, et al3, 2012 put forward Bayesian approach to
to lifestyle and behavior, and therefore, be prevented outline the probability of an individual being afflicted
to a great extent. The rise of NCDs have been driven by chronic disease. The data source used in this study
by primarily four major risk factors: tobacco use, was a primary one collected through a household
physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and survey conducted in Guwahati, the state capital as
unhealthy diets.According to WHO, in 2014 there well as largest city of the state of Assam.
were 346 million smokeless tobacco users – 7% of the
Mishra P, Mini GK and Thankappan KR4, 2014,
world’s population. 80% of these users resided in the
carried out a survey to assess the prevalence of NCD
South-east Asian region, and were at an increased risk
risk factors among Mishing tribes in Assam using the
of oral cancers.
WHO STEPs approach. A total of 332 individuals
In India too, researchers have attempted modeling of the Mishing tribe (men 54%) aged 25-64 year
of chronic diseases at various levels. A lot of similar were selected from Tinsukia district by multistage
research has been carried out on NCDs for entire cluster sampling. Using the WHO STEPs approach
India. But when we look into the state scenario, lesser information was collected on demographics, STEP
number of studies have been conducted for individual 1 variables (tobacco, alcohol, physical activity, diet)
states and for the state of Assam, we came across only and measured STEP 2 variables (weight, height,
very few numbers of such studies. Hence in our study waist circumference and blood pressure).The authors
we intend to throw some light on the prevalence concluded that Tobacco use, alcohol use and unhealthy
of NCDs in this most important state of north-east diet habits were high among men and women in this
India. Assam is the second largest northeastern population and were major NCD risk factors.
state in terms of area, covering an area of 78,438 km2
Medhi et al5, 2015, carried out a cross-sectional
(30,285 sq miles). The state is bordered by Bhutan
study among elderly individuals (≥60 yr) in two
and Arunachal Pradesh to the north; Nagaland,
randomly selected wards of Dibrugarh urban area of
Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur to the east;
Assam. Pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect
Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, and Bangladesh to the
data on self-rated health (SRH), sociodemographic
south; and West Bengal to the west. As per the Census
and other information. The findings indicated that
2011, the total population of Assam is 3.12 crores.
diabetes was a significant contributor of poor SRH
India’s gateway to the northeast, Assam is inhabited
among elderly individuals. The authors emphasized
by a multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic and multi-religious
the need for developing urgent strategies for
society. Lowry et al1 (1996) have opined that the effect
preventing/postponing diabetes in the population in
of socio-economic and demographic factors on health
order to improve quality of life at old age.
outcomes particularly prevalence of NCDs may result
from a variety of social and individual factors that Singh PK, Singh L, Dubey R et al6., 2019, used
vary by social class and adoption of lifestyle behavior multilevel logistic regression analysis to examine
that are associated with prevalence of NCDs. This is the effect of individual, household and contextual
another reason for choosing to study about Assam characteristics on chronic diseases among older Indian
and investigating the relationship between NCDs and adults. The authors highlighted the need to consider
the various variables or factors affecting it. more contextual variables to examine chronic health
status among the growing older population of India.
Literature Review
A number of studies on NCDs have been carried out Materials and Mehods
worldwide, however not much significant research The study utilized data from the second round of the
has been done on the state Assam, the gateway to Indian Human Development Survey (IHDS;2011-
northeast India. 12) conducted by the National Council of Applied
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 153
Economic Research, New Delhi and University of (47%). A significant percent had never attended any
Maryland. IHDS II is a nationally representative multi- school (28.5%). 66.5% were Hindus, followed by 31%
topic survey of 42152 households in 1503 villages and Muslims, and around 2% belonging to other religions.
971 urban neighborhoods across India. We extracted Nearly 50% respondents belonged to general
the data for Assam to carry out our analysis. This data category, followed by around 17% in OBC and SC
set consisted of 4651 individuals. Since the prevalence category each; 13% belonged to ST category. Overall
of chronic disease among individuals below age 30 prevalence of NCDs in state was 4%.
was insignificant, we carried out the analysis only
Table 1: ariables in the research
on those aged above 30. Hence the reduced sample
size was 2123, out of which 1094 were males and 1029 VARIABLES FREQUENCY VALID %
females. IHDS asked about the presence of chronic SEX
morbidity among all household members. Three set male 1094 51.5
of responses were recorded “yes”,”no” and “cured”.
female 1029 48.5
Our study considered the response ‘yes’ and ‘cured’
to define that the member was diagnosed with chronic AGE GROUP
morbidity or suffering from the disease during the 30-44 1016 47.9
time of the survey. 45-59 745 35.1
We carried out logistic regression to examine 60 & above 362 17.1
the relationship between various socio economic, CURRENT
demographic, contextual level variables and different MARITAL
risk factors with chronic diseases. Socio demographic STATUS
characteristics (age, sex, marital status and education), married 1785 84.1
lifestyle behavior (tobacco and alcohol use) 5.7
unmarried 120
household status (social group, religion) were taken
widow/ 217 10.2
as the independent variables. Each respondents’
marital status was categorized as married, widowed/
separated/divorced and unmarried.Education was
measured as highest level attained-never attended, EDUCATION
below primary, below secondary and secondary or never attended 606 28.6
higher. The respondents’ use of tobacco (smoked below
cigarette, chewed gutka/tobacco, drink alcohol) primary(1-4) 186 8.8
was categorized as never, sometimes and daily user. below
Hindu, Muslim, Christian and others (Jain, Sikh and secondary(5-8) 328 15.5
others) were 4 broad categories of religion and caste
secondary and 998 47.1
groups were categorized into General, OBC, SC, ST above(>=9)
and others.
The dependent variable in our analysis is Hindu 1411 66.5
individuals suffering from NCDs (no/yes).
Muslim 660 31.1
Result and Discussion Others 52 2.4
Descriptive Statistics
General 1072 51.2
Table 1 shows the sample description of the present
OBC 375 17.9
study. Our analysis was carried out on 2123
respondents out of which 51.5% were males and SC 373 17.8
48.5% females. Nearly 48% belonged to the age group ST 274 13.1
30-44, followed by 35% in the group 45-59 and 17%
elderly, i.e., aged 60 and above. Majority of people
had attained secondary level education or beyond
It was seen that there is a significant association never consumed smokeless tobacco stood at 20%
between socio-demographic characteristics age, fewer chance of having any chronic illness.
gender and chronic illness. We observed that as
We also observed a significant association between
compared to females, males have 20% less chance of
education level of an individual and prevalence of
being afflicted by a chronic morbidity. Similar results
NCD. However, it was seen that those who attained
were obtained by Patra S, Bhise M7 (2016). According
education below the secondary level(OR 0.089) had
to their study, prevalence of NCD was higher among
lesser chance of being afflicted as compared to those
women as compared to men among the Indian states
who were more educated, which is an unexpected
Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal; whereas among
and surprising result and needs further in-depth
the union territories Daman and Diu showed the
investigation to reveal possible factors responsible for
widest gap in the prevalence of NCDs between men
and women. Sharma S, Vishwakarma D, etal8.(2019)
in their study also concluded that there exist marked Conclusion
gender differences in NCD prevalence among the Our present study is an attempt to fill the void that
adults in India. In contrast to studies conducted in the exits when it comes to studying about the prevalence
past few years, many recent studies claim that women of NCDs in the state of Assam. It provides insight into
in India possess more burden of NCD compared to the association between various socio demographic
men. NCDs affect women inequitably. They have characteristics, lifestyle behaviors, household status
been the leading cause of death among women and chronic illness among the adults of Assam.
globally for at least the past three decades and are Our findings suggest that characteristics like age,
now responsible for two in every three deaths among sex, education, smokeless tobacco consumption
women each year. This burden is expected to increase had significant effect on prevalence of chronic
substantially in the coming decades, especially in diseases. However, no association was observed
Low- and Middle-income Countries (WHO). between characteristics like marital status, caste,
Individuals below age 60 had less chance of having religion, alcohol consumption and presence of non-
any chronic illness as compared to those aged 60 communicable disease.
and above (OR 0.134). This finding is at par with Chronic diseases are largely preventable diseases.
many similar studies conducted in the past. With the While age, sex and genetic susceptibility are non-
ageing population, the older are likely to face various modifiable, many of the risks associated with age and
health conditions and disease risk. According to the sex are modifiable. Such risks include behavioral factors
Longitudinal Ageing Survey of India also, prevalence (e.g., diet, physical inactivity, tobacco consumption);
of single morbidity and multi-morbidity conditions biological factors (e.g., hypertension, overweight etc.)
increases with age. 75% of the elderly people suffer and finally societal factors which include a complex
from one or the other chronic disease. It was found mixture of interacting socio-economic, cultural and
that the prevalence of multi-morbidity conditions other environmental parameters. Thus, prevention
among the elderly i.e. aged 60 and above was much and early diagnosis should be the prime concern of
higher in the states/UTs of Kerala Chandigarh, the hour, seeking participation from multiple sectors
Lakshadweep, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. of government, industry, medical field and society.
Lifestyle characteristic (chewing tobacco/gutka) Fundings: None
was noted to be significantly associated with the
prevalence of NCD. The likelihood of chronic illness Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest was
was lower among those adults who chewed tobacco/ reported by the authors.
gutka sometimes as compared to those who did so Ethical Clearance: No ethical clearance/approval
on daily basis. It is worth mentioning that Singh PK, was needed for this study.
Singh L, Dubey R et al6(2019) also obtained similar
results while analyzing data for entire India. They
concluded from their study that older adults who
How to cite this article: Nahas R, Jassim Usman, Abhishek Shetty V, Imthiaz Ahammed et al Hemiarthroplasty in Unstable
Intertrochanteric Fractures in Elderly: A Prospective Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Grossly comminuted intertrochanteric fractures in osteoporotic bones are highly unstable and difficult to
treat. Hemiarthroplasty is a popular choice because it provides stability and enables for immediate complete weight
Objectives: The goal of this trial was to see how effective cemented hemiarthroplasty was at treating proximal femoral
fractures in older people with severe osteoporosis.
Methods: Thirty patients who had bipolar hemiarthroplasty for unstable intertrochanteric fractures were studied
prospectively. The posterior (Moore’s) technique was used to treat all of the patients with cemented bipolar prostheses.
The average time of follow-up was 12 months. The modified Harris hip score was used to evaluate the patients.
Results: Abductor weakness was present in 5 of the individuals. At the 12-month follow-up, 21 cases (70%) had bad
results, while three cases (10%) had poor results. The average length of stay in the hospital was 10.9 days. Excellent to fair
results were observed in 24 patients, as measured by the modified Harris hip score.
Conclusion: In older individuals with significant osteoporosis, the therapy of unstable intertrochanteric fractures differs
from the treatment of other proximal femoral fractures. Internal fixation is not as effective as cemented hemiarthroplasty
in treating these fractures. This approach has a clear advantage in terms of early full weight bearing and recovery. Hips
that have undergone cemented hemiarthroplasty are stable and mobile. Weight bearing can begin earlier than with other
treatment approaches, avoiding any recumbency-related problems.
Keywords: Intertrochanteric fracture, primary bipolar hemiarthroplasty, Harris hip score, Moore’s technique
Corresponding Author:
Dr Abhishek Shetty V.
Associate Professor
Department of Orthopaedics, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka
30 elderly and physiologically elderly patients Boyd and Griffin Type II intertrochanteric fracture
with comminuted trochanteric fractures who met the was sustained in 24 patients, Boyd and Griffin Type III
inclusion criteria were studied prospectively. intertrochanteric fracture was sustained in 4 patients,
and Boyd and Griffin Type IV intertrochanteric Table 5: Distribution based on Complications
fracture was sustained in 2 patients.
Complications Frequency Percentage
Table 3: Distribution based on singh index Superficial infection 2 6.66%
Singh index Frequency Percentage Abductor weakness 5 16.66%
Grade 1 2 6.67% Limb shortening 13 43.33%
Grade 2 9 30% Bed ridden 0 0%
Grade 3 14 46.66% The most common complication in our study is
Grade 4 3 10% post-operative shortening of the Limb.
Grade 5 2 6.67% Discussion
Grade 6 0 0% Internal fixation with a dynamic hip screw is the
The majority of the patients in our study have Grade treatment of choice for stable intertrochanteric
3 or less osteoporosis according to Singh’s index. fractures. However, the situation is different when it
comes to treating an unstable fracture. Internal fixation
Three patients died within eight months of surgery, of unstable fractures has a failure rate of up to 56%.
out of a total of thirty. The remaining 17 patients In physiologically normal individuals, early weight
were followed up on at six weeks, three months, six bearing following various modalities of internal
months, and twelve months after surgery. repair of communited trochanteric fractures. In
The mean time from injury to surgery was 12 days. elderly and osteoporotic individuals, fixation failure
All the cases were treated with cemented bipolar and unsatisfactory outcomes are prevalent. Because
prosthesis. Tension band wiring of greater trochanter it offers stability and allows for early total weight
was done in 3 cases to hold the fragments together. bearing, hemiarthroplasty is a common operation.
Calcar reconstruction using cement was done in 15 The bulk of the problems related with internal fixation
cases. are eliminated when prosthetic replacement is used.
Hemiarthroplasty was originally only used to treat
The mean day of full weight bearing was on the
failed intertrochanteric fracture repairs.
6th post operative day. Postoperatively two patients
had superficial infection which was treated with I.V. Stern and Goldstein, who used the Leinbach
antibiotics. prosthesis to treat 22 intertrochanteric fractures,
found that early ambulation and rehabilitation to pre-
13 patients had shortening of the operated limb,
injury status was a substantial advantage.6 Grimsurd
of which 11 had less than 2 cms, so they were given
et al showed a minimal incidence of complications in
a heel raise. They walked with the help of a cane,
39 patients with unstable intertrochanteric fractures
1 patient had shortening more than 2 cm, he had a
treated with cemented bipolar hip arthroplasty. There
limp.5 patients (25%) had abductor weakness at 12
were no issues like pressure sores, pneumonia, or
months of following.
deep vein thrombosis in our trial since the majority of
Table 4: Distribution based on HARRIS hip score our patients were mobile right after surgery.7
Kiran kumar et al found that 20% of patients had
HARRIS HIP Score Frequency Percentage
a shortening of less than 2cm, whereas 10% of cases
Excellent 7 23.33% had a shortening of more than 2cm. Eight of the cases
Good 6 20% in our research had a shortening of less than two
centimetres, whereas one had a shortening of more
Fair 11 36.66% than two centimetres.8
Poor 3 10% According to our findings, we had good to
The functional results were graded according to extraordinary results 75% of the time. As a result,
Harris Hip Scoring System. In our study, 7 patients the outcomes of hemiarthroplasty in the treatment of
had excellent results, 6 patients had good results, 11 intertrochanteric fractures are highly promising.
patients had fair results, 3 cases had poor result. In Post-operative death rates varied from 5.4 % to 48.8
our study ,15 cases (70%) had excellent to fair result. %. The prosthetic group has a slightly higher mortality
rate than the internal fixation group, according to the Conflict of interest: Nil
majority of comparison studies.9,10
Source of Funding: Self
Kesmezacare et al, observed a 48.8% post-op
mortality rate in patients treated with endoprosthesis
after a mean of 6 months.11 Only two patients out of 1. Kannus P, Parkkari J, Sievanen H, Heinonen A, Vuori
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cause of post-operative death and morbidity, they 2. Koval KJ, Zuckerman JD. Hip fractures are an
predicted, is treatment delay. increasingly public health problem. Clin Orthop
The mean number of days spent by the patient in
the hospital in the postoperative period was 12 days. 3. Rockwood PR, Horne JG, Cryer C. Hip fractures: A
At the end of 12 months 4 patients walked without future epidemic? J Orthop Trauma1990;4:388-393.
any support, 11 patients walked with the help of a 4. Laros, G. S. and Moore, J. F.: Complications of fixation in
cane, 4 patients complained of occasional anterior intertrochanteric fractures, Clin. Orthop.1994;101:110.
thigh pain on long distance walking, which was
5. Jensen, J. Steen, Tondevold, E. & Sonne-Holm.:
relieved on taking rest and analgesics , 3 patients died Unstable trochanteric fractures. A comparative analysis
due to unrelated causes. There was no incidence of of four methods of internal fixation. Actaorthop.
deep vein thrombosis, pneumonia, pressure sores sand.1980;51,949-962.
or cardiovascular complication in the early post
6. Stern MB, Anger man A: Comminuted Inter trochanteric
operative period.
fractures treated with a Leinbach prosthesis. Clin
Bipolar Stem was fitted in valgus position in 3 cases orthop.1987 May (218): 755-780.
, varus position in 2 patient, whereas the position 7. Chris Grimsrud,Raul J.Monzon,Jonathan Richman
of the stem was centre (normal) in 25 patients. and Michael D.Ries:Cemented Hip Arthroplasty
Cement filling was adequate in 22 cases, whereas it is With a Novel Cerclage Cable Technique for Unstable
inadequate in 4case. Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures.J Arthroplasty
There was no prosthetic dislocation, stem loosening,
acetabular erosion or periprosthetic fracture after a 8. Kiran Kumar GN , Sanjay meena, Vijaya Kumar ,
period of 12 months follow up in our series. Manjunath S, Vinaya raj MK.: Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty
in Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures in Elderly: A
Conclusion Prospective Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic
When standard approaches were employed, Research 2013;7(8):1669-71.
this therapy resulted in good pain-free mobility, 9. Tronzo RG. The use of an endoprosthesis for severely
uncomplicated rehabilitation, and a quick return communited intertrochanteric fractures. Orthop Clin
to functional level. The adaptability of the bipolar North Am1974;5:679-681.
prosthesis is demonstrated by its ability to function 10. Pho RW, Nather A, Tong GO, Korku CT.
in a variety of settings. This demonstrates the Endoprosthetic replacement of unstable, communited
technique’s effectiveness. Extended immobilisation, intertrochanteric fracture of the femur in the elderly. J
long rehabilitation, significant residual abnormalities, Trauma1981;21:792-797
and revision procedures were all minimised with
11. Kesmezarcar H, Ogut T, Bilgili MG, Gokay S,
bipolar hemiarthroplasty. In older patients with
Tenekecioglu Y.: Treatment of intertrochanteric
femur intertrochanteric fractures, the surgery fractures in the elderly patients. Internal fixation
enhanced mobility, hastened recovery to pre-injury (or) hemiarthroplasty. Acta Orthop Traumatol Tur
levels, increased quality of life, and provided a long- 2005;39:287-294.
term solution.
12. Sancheti et al.: Primary hemiarthroplasty in elderly
Ethical Clearance: The ethical clearance was unstable osteoporotic intertrochanteric fracture. Indian
obtained from the Yenepoya Medical College J orthop 2010;44(4):428-434.
institutional ethics committee prior to the
commencement of the study
Assistant Professor, Osmania medical college and Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad
How to cite this article: Nalini Jayanthi. B1, Sujatha Asadi2 et al A Study of Clinical Profile of Patients with Traumatic
Cataract. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Traumatic cataracts cause a significant amount of vision loss and blindness in the general population,
particularly in underdeveloped nations. It’s associated with a variety of ocular injuries.
Objectives: To study the clinical profile of traumatic cataract patients.
Methods: A total of 50 patients who satisfied the inclusion criteria were recruited for the study, and a comprehensive
history was obtained. A thorough slit lamp examination was performed using a torch light under diffuse lighting.
Results: In majority of the patient’s total cataract was done in 86% of the cases. Among the associated ocular damage,
corneal injury was seen in 62% of the patients, And associated ocular complication was Lens matter in anterior chamber
reported in 22% of the cases, Uveitis in 8% of the cases and Glaucoma was reported in 6% of the cases.
Conclusion: Traumatic cataracts result in considerable vision impairment, psychological distress, and a major financial
burden. To avoid vision loss in traumatic cataract patients, a better knowledge of these injuries is required. Appropriate
health awareness education, as well as early prevention, is required among the population.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Nalini Jayanthi. B
Assistant professor of Ophthalmology, Govt. Medical college Nalgonda
Email id: [email protected]
profile for proper treatment. The purpose of this Table 2: Distribution based on type, cause and
study was to look at the clinical characteristics of duration of trauma
individuals who had traumatic cataracts.
Type of trauma Number of cases Percentage
Materials and Methods Blunt 13 26%
Type of Study: Retro prospective Cross-sectional Penetrating 37 74%
Cause of trauma
Study Setting: Department of Ophthalmology.
Rod/ stick 27 54%
Sarojini Devi eye hospital
Stone 7 14%
Study Duration: 2 years, 2019 to 2021
Glass 2 4%
Inclusion Criteria:
Wired fence 10 20%
• Traumatic cataract patients
Ball 4 8%
• Exclusion Criteria:
Total 50 30
• Those unwilling to participate in the study.
Duration of
A total of 50 patients who satisfied the inclusion trauma
criteria were recruited for the study, and a < 1 week 2 4%
comprehensive history was obtained. A thorough slit
< 1 month 16 32%
lamp examination was performed using a torch light
under diffuse lighting. Where applicable, intraocular < 1 year 25 50%
pressure was measured using Goldmann applanation >1 year 7 14%
Total 50 100%
Statistical analysis: The data was analysed using
SPSS 22 software and the outcome was presented in In majority of the cases, it was penetrating
the form tables with percentages. trauma reported in 74% of the cases and
blunt trauma was seen in 26% of the cases.
Observation and Results Most common cause of trauma was due to rod/stick
Table 1: Distribution based on demographics in 54% of the cases, followed by wired fence in 20%
of the cases, stones in 14% of the cases, ball in 8% of
Gender No of patients Percentage the cases and glass in 4% of the cases. Majority of the
Male 34 68% patients around 50% presented within a year after
Female 16 32% trauma, 32% of the cases presented within a month of
Age group (years) trauma, 14% took more than a year after trauma for
11-20 6 12% cataract and only 4% of the cases presented within a
week of trauma.
21-30 14 28%
31-40 13 26% Table 3: Distribution based on type of cataract
41-50 12 24% Type of cataract No of patients Percentage
51-60 5 10% Total cataract 43 86%
Male predominance was seen with 68% and females Soft cataract 3 6%
were 32%. The male: female ratio was 2.1: 1. Subcapsular
2 4%
Majority of the patients belonged to the age group
Rosette cataract 2 4%
of 21 to 30 yrs with 28% followed by 31 to 40 yrs with
26%, 24% belonged to the age group of 41 to 50 yrs Total 50 100%
age, 12% belonged to the age group of 11 to 20 yrs and In majority of the patients total cataract was done in
the least belonged to the age group of 51 to 60 yrs. The 86% of the cases, soft cataract was done in 6% of the
mean age was 34.17 + 4.37 yrs. cases, subcapsular and rosette cataract was done in
4% of the cases each.
Table 4: Distribution based on associated ocular The kind of damage and the form of the cataract
damage were also found to have statistical relevance. In this
Associated Ocular No of study, Majority had total cataract surgery, while Shah
Percentage et al observed soft cataract in the majority of cases.10
Damage patients
Corneal injury 31 62% The most common related ocular morbidity was
Iris injury 16 32% corneal involvement. These findings backed with
Vitreous haemorrhage 2 4% previous research that found corneal impairment to
be the most prevalent related injury. According to
Associated Ocular
Memon et al., 2012, the interval between damage and
cataract surgery had no effect on the ultimate visual
Lens matter in anterior 11 22% result of traumatic cataract patients, and that these
patients, if treated appropriately, had a satisfactory
Uveitis 4 8% visual prognosis.
Glaucoma 3 6%
Trauma can be reduced with awareness and
Total 30 100%
caution. Because corneal involvement is one of the
Among the associated ocular damage, corneal most prevalent morbidities associated with traumatic
injury was seen in 62% of the patients, Iris injury was cataract, the need of early reporting and proper
seen in 32% of the cases, Vitreous haemorrhage was follow-up, particularly those suffering from traumatic
seen in 6% of the cases. cataract, must be emphasised.
6. Gilbert C, Muhit M. Eye conditions and blindness 9. Menon M N, Narsani AK, Nizamani NB. Visual
in children: priorities for research, programs, and outcome of unilateral traumatic cataract. Journal of
policy with a focus on childhood cataract. Indian J College of physicians and surgeons Pakistan 2012;
Ophthalmol. 2012;60:451–5. 22:497-500.
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Nazima Alauddin
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Patnam Mahender Reddy Institute of medical sciences,
Chevella, Ranga Reddy district. Telangana.
How to cite this article: Nazima Alauddin et al Assessment of Various Etiological Factors of Puberty Menorrhagia.
Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Puberty menorrhagia is characterized with lengthy bleeding that occurs between menarche and the age
of 19. From menarche to menstruation, it takes 5-8 years for a regular menstrual cycle to develop, and during this time,
teenagers may have menstrual irregularities. Puberty menorrhagia poses a significant challenge to the gynecologist when
it is associated with serious systemic complications like anemia and hypoproteinemia.
Objectives: To analyze the various causes for puberty menorrhagia
Methods: A total of 82 Adolescent girls attending outpatient department were selected after meeting the inclusion criteria.
Informed consent from parents/guardian and consent from patient and consent from adolescent if she is above 18yrs of
age. Identification of underlying cause and prevalence rates. Diagnosis will be made based on the investigations.
Results: The mean age 14.92 + 2.16. Severe anemia was seen in 41.46% of the cases, moderate anemia was seen in 43.90%
of the cases and Mild anemia was seen in 14.63% of the cases. The ultrasound findings were normal in 88% of the cases,
PCO was detected in 10% of the cases, Intramural fibroid was seen in 2% of the cases. Anovulatory cycle were seen in
79.26% of the cases, PCOS was the most common etiology in 9.75% of the cases, Hypothyroidism was diagnosed in 8.53%
of the cases, Uterine fibroids were diagnosed in 2.43% of the cases.
Conclusion: Puberty menorrhagia is an aggravating condition that can escalate into serious complications and necessitate
a blood transfusion. The majority of instances are caused by anovulatory cycles with immature hypothalamo-pituitary-
ovarian-endometrial axis. The present child obesity epidemic may exacerbate the symptoms of polycystic ovarian
syndrome, emphasizing the necessity of early and accurate diagnosis with a focus on lifestyle change.
blood supply and architectural supports, resulting in Adolescent girls attending outpatient department
partial disintegration and irregular shedding. Anemia were selected after meeting the inclusion criteria.
is a possible side effect of puberty menorrhagia. As a Informed consent from parents/guardian and
corollary, it is critical to confirm the correct diagnosis consent from patient and consent from adolescent if
before initiating any therapy.5 she is above 18yrs of age. Identification of underlying
cause and calculation of prevalence rates. Diagnosis
Materials and Methods was made based on the investigations.
Study design: Random Prospective Observational
study Statistical Analysis
Study site: Hospital based Study, Outpatient Statistical analyses were done using SPSS 22 software.
department of OBG Data was presented in the form of mean and
Study Population: Adolescent girls attending
hospital OPD Observation and Results
A total of 82 patients with Puberty menorrhagia were
Inclusion criteria
included for the study.
• All Adolescent girls attending OPD of Gynecology
Table 1: Distribution based on Age group and BMI
department with complaints of prolonged heavy
bleeding Age group
Frequency Percentage
(In years)
Exclusion criteria
11 - 13 22 26.82%
• Adolescent girls with obstetric causes of bleeding 14 - 16 39 47.56%
• Adolescent girls with genital structural 17 - 19 21 25.60%
Sample size: 82 <18.5 20 24.39%
18.5 – 24.9 51 62.19%
25.0 – 29.9 11 13.41%
Young girls with prolonged heavy bleeding from age
of menarche till 19 years of age are recruited after Total 82 100%
taking informed consent from their parents and If the The majority of the patients around 47.56%
girl is above 18years of age, consent was taken from belonged to the age group of 14 to 16 yrs., followed by
her. 11 to 13 yrs. age group with 26.82% and 17 to 19 yrs.
Detailed history was taken including, bleeding age group with 25.60%. The mean age 14.92 + 2.16.
disorders, drug intake, menstrual, Age of Menarche, Around 62% of the patients had a normal BMI,
Regularity of Cycles in past and present, Duration of 24.39% were underweight and 13.41% of the patients
Flow, Passage of Clots, No. of Pads Used per day and were overweight. The mean BMI was 20.85 + 3.36
per cycle, Dysmenorrhea and Last Menstrual Period
was noted. Detailed general physical examination Table 2: Distribution based on Hemoglobin and
TSH levels
was also done
Hemoglobin (g/dl) Frequency Percentage
<5 34 41.46%
1. Complete Blood Picture
5.0 – 8.0 36 43.90%
2. Blood Grouping and Typing
8.1 – 10.0 12 14.63%
4. Thyroid Assay 0.5 to 5.0 74 90.24%
5. USG of Abdomen and pelvis with Full Bladder if >5.0 8 9.75%
10. Mandal RC, Bhar D, Mahapatra C et al. Etiological 12. Koranne PS, Wahane AR. Puberty menorrhagia in
factors and management of puberty menorrhagia in a modern era: analysis in a tertiary care centre. Int J
rural medical college of South Bengal: A prospective Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2014;3:622-6
study. Int J Health Sci Res. 2015; 5(12):81-88.
How to cite this article: Nazmina Hussain, Barnali Thakuria et al Healthy Literate Working Dynamic Life
Expectancy for India and Some of its Major States. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
The absence of disease or disability, good level of education and active involvement in society are considered as essential
dimensions for a long and fulfilling life. To assess these concepts, we propose a new indicator the Healthy Literate Working
Dynamic Life Expectancy that associates health, literacy level and employment status along with the changing mortality
scenario in India and some of its major states for the census year 2011 based on the rates of change of probabilities of death
over the previous 10 years i.e.2001. Since dynamic life table considers the mortality changes prevailing in a population,
therefore it might provide a more realistic and accurate picture of the healthy, literate and working population under
consideration. The analysis reveals higher values of healthy literate working dynamic life expectancy at birth for India
and all the major states as compared under usual consideration. Further, different inequalities and a number of particular
cases are obtained from the above proposed index.
Corresponding author:
Nazmina Hussain
Research Scholar, Department of Statistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 171
and unambiguously allow for the likelihood of further then the expression for healthy literate working life
changes in mortality rates. Although the requirement expectancy (HLWLE) as developed by Thakuria18,
of dynamic life table is particularly important for which represents the expected number of years
analyzing the changes in mortality rates for India12-13, remaining healthy as well as literate and working life
one can also have a thought to measure the life simultaneously of an individual at age x is given by
expectancy under dynamic scenario with addition to
the three most important socio demographic factors 1ϖ
viz health, literacy and working. hlwe0 = ∑ P * L (3.1)
x l n hlwx n x
x x
Empirical evidences suggests that health, literacy
Where n Lx denotes the total number of years lived
and working play a significant role in reducing
mortality rates, which in turn is associated with
an increase in life expectancy14-17. Hence, if we by a cohort in the age group [x, x+n) and ω represents
compute dynamic literate working life expectancy the highest age category i.e., 80+.
by considering simultaneous changes in mortality,
morbidity, literacy and working, then the resultant Now, for constructing dynamic life table as per the
indicator would expect to give an absurd value, method given by Denton and Spencer, we need two
which might not be acceptable in real situation. period life tables for a particular region. The most
Consequently, to compute dynamic literate working recent period could be taken as the reference period.
life expectancy one can consider only the changing Similarly, the required expression for healthy
mortality scenario prevailing in a population and the literate working dynamic life expectancy, denoted by,
current level of health, literacy and working. With hlwe0 is 1 ϖ
= then∑derived as follows:
xx l n Phlwx * n Lxy
this, the paper mainly concentrates on the dynamic xx y
extension of period life table and attempts to develop
1 ϖ
a new indicator viz. healthy literate working dynamic hlwe0 = ∑ P * L
xx l n hlwx n xy
life expectancy (HLWDLE) in order to portray the xx y (3.2)
affects of health, literacy and working on mortality
0 in
1 ϖ
hlwe =
xx l
∑ P
Wn h e r e* n Lxy (the dynamic analogue of L x column)
by ignoring the literate proportions in equation Similarly, if there is no continuation in the rates of
(3.2) gives healthy-working dynamic life expectancy change of probabilities of death, then all the above
(HWDLE) and by ignoring the healthy proportions inequalities will reduce to ordinary life expectancies.
we get the literate-working dynamic life expectancy
An important point to be noted here is that as the
(LWDLE). Likewise, ignoring the proportions of both
quantity of factors implicated in the life expectancy
literacy and working persons in the proposed index,
reduces, there is an increase in the corresponding
we get healthy dynamic life expectancy (HDLE) at
value of the index which is quite obvious.
various ages under current health scenario but under
changing mortality pattern. In a similar manner, we Application
can obtain literate dynamic life expectancy (LDLE) and As stated in the objective, here we tried to estimate
working dynamic life expectancy (WDLE). Moreover, healthy literate working dynamic life expectancy
if all the three factors health, literacy and working are (HLWDLE) for India and some of its major states
ignored in equation (3.2), then we get dynamic life for both sexes for the census year 2011. For this,
expectancy at various ages. Furthermore, if there is the age specific proportions of healthy, literate
no continuation in the rates of change of probabilities as well as working persons together needs to be
Particular Cases:
of death, then all the above indicators will reduce to combined with the dynamic life table. The Sample
ordinary life Theexpectancies. Thus,
proposed indicator is athe above discussion
generalized one in the senseRegistration
that from equation
System3.2, (SRS) based abridged life tables
clearly illustrates that the proposed indexIf viz.
numerous particular cases can be persued. the proportion
healthy of of working persons are not
India and its selected states for the period 2009-
considered in equation (3.2) then we get healthy-literate dynamic life expectancy (HLDLE) at
literate working dynamic life expectancy (HLWDLE) 2013 and
various ages under current health and literacy state but under changing 1999-2003
mortality pattern. are considered for the purpose.
is seemed
Again to
by be a more
ignoring the generalized equation (3.2) gives The
literate proportions healthy-working
required dynamic
information regarding the literate and
life expectancy (HWDLE) and by ignoring the healthy proportions we get the literate-
working dynamic life expectancy (LWDLE). Likewise, ignoringworking population
the proportions of both by age and sex, for India and
literacy and working persons in the proposed index, we get healthyall the major
dynamic states, are provided by the population
life expectancy
One can
(HDLE)derive various
at various agesinequalities as shown
under current health below:
scenario but under changing mortality pattern.
In 0a similar manner, we can
census, which is the main source of demographic data
obtain 0literate dynamic life expectancy (LDLE) and working
0 0
hlwe ≤ hle ≤ he ≤ e
dynamic life expectancy (WDLE). Moreover, if all the three factors
working xx
are ignored xx
in equation
in India.
health,For the and
xx then we get dynamic life expectancy at various ages.
factor health, since we do not have
morbidity data, as such for the present study, data on
Furthermore, if there is no continuation in the rates of change of probabilities of death, then
0 0 0 0 disability were taken from the table C20 of the 2011
hlwe ≤ hle ≤ le ≤ e
all the above indicators will reduce to ordinary life expectancies. Thus, the above discussion
xx illustrates
xx that thexx proposed
xx index viz. healthy literate Census
India. life
Using the above information, one
expectancy (HLWDLE) is seemed to be a more generalized one. can thus calculate the healthy proportions, literate
0 0 0 0
≤ hlexx ≤ wexx ≤ exx
proportions and working proportions by age and sex
wise respectively. However, Census of India do not
One can derive
as shown below: provide information on healthy, literate and working
≤ lwexx ≤ lexx hlwe
≤ exx hle 0
hexx exx
0 0 0
persons simultaneously. As such, we have attempted
xx xx
as the previous period. Various other social indicators, viz, healthy literate dynamic life expectancy, healthy
working dynamic life expectancy, literate working dynamic life expectancy, healthy dynamic life expectancy,
literate dynamic life expectancy and working dynamic life expectancy are also presented in the same tables.
Looking into the constraints of time and space, the estimates are presented only at birth. Moreover, literate and
healthy life expectancy is usually calculated at age zero while working life tables are generally constructed
from age 15 onwards but in the present study to maintain the uniformity we have calculated all the indicators
mentioned above from age zero onwards.
Table 1: Values of HLWDLE at birth and various other indicators along with period and
dynamic life expectancy at birth (MALES)
Period Dynamic Dynamic Period Dynamic
STATES hlwe0 0
hlwe 0
00 Difference hle 0
00 hwe 0
00 lwe 0
00 he0
00 le0
00 we0
00 e0
0 e00 0 Difference
India 29.06 30.96 1.90 46.80 41.79 31.94 68.70 48.27 43.18 65.83 70.90 5.07
Jammu & Kashmir 25.88 26.77 0.89 42.31 40.33 27.89 68.66 44.01 42.27 70.56 71.74 1.18
Himachal Pradesh 35.34 35.36 0.02 51.46 41.62 36.46 67.35 53.04 43.04 68.96 69.57 0.61
Punjab 29.14 29.62 0.48 45.97 39.97 30.54 68.44 47.36 41.26 69.10 70.57 1.47
Haryana 28.36 27.79 -0.57 42.81 34.97 28.57 59.31 43.93 35.99 65.81 60.86 -4.95
Rajasthan 27.48 27.86 0.38 41.02 40.16 28.81 64.35 42.48 41.79 65.37 67.07 1.70
Uttar Pradesh 25.93 25.68 -0.25 38.63 36.79 26.40 59.60 39.65 37.86 62.54 61.17 -1.37
Bihar 25.69 26.97 1.28 40.13 43.50 27.87 68.43 41.40 45.0 67.34 70.58 3.24
Assam 27.49 29.20 1.71 42.37 40.15 29.84 63.25 43.26 41.06 61.94 64.56 2.62
West Bengal 30.7 32.29 1.59 50.47 41.89 33.26 70.95 52.04 43.19 68.46 73.10 4.64
Odisha 28.7 31.51 2.81 48.58 41.39 32.87 69.96 50.93 43.29 63.78 73.45 9.67
Madhya Pradesh 27.23 28.75 1.52 41.61 40.96 29.66 63.89 42.88 42.36 62.29 65.89 3.60
Gujarat 32.12 34.06 1.94 51.07 42.48 34.91 70.29 52.40 43.59 66.02 72.14 6.12
Maharashtra 33.84 37.15 3.31 57.28 44.57 38.53 75.77 59.41 46.28 69.37 78.58 9.21
Andhra Pradesh 24.96 26.49 1.53 42.25 41.01 27.46 69.26 43.79 42.64 65.50 71.96 6.46
Karnataka 30.41 31.78 1.37 47.25 41.95 32.65 67.70 48.53 40.96 66.37 69.53 3.16
Kerala 35.44 37.47 2.03 66.23 39.29 38.66 77.27 68.57 40.56 71.80 79.91 8.11
Tamil Nadu 32.88 34.96 2.08 54.32 43.22 35.72 73.29 55.48 44.19 68.16 74.84 6.68
Table 2: Values of HLWDLE at birth and various other indicators along with period and dynamic life expectancy
at birth (FEMALES)
Period Dynamic Dynamic Period Dynamic
Difference Difference
STATES hlwe 0
0 hlwe 0
00 hle0
00 hwe 0
00 lwe 0
00 he 0
00 le 0
00 we 0
00 e00 e00 0
India 9.84 10.36 0.52 35.80 19.97 10.60 73.55 36.68 20.50 69.28 75.74 6.47
Jammu & Kashmir 6.06 6.12 0.06 27.51 14.87 6.29 71.30 28.34 15.45 73.96 74.52 0.56
Himachal Pradesh 20.94 21.33 0.39 42.44 33.62 21.77 73.95 43.33 34.61 73.06 76.34 3.28
Punjab 7.15 7.35 0.20 40.81 12.16 7.51 74.29 41.73 12.46 73.43 76.22 2.79
Haryana 5.75 5.81 0.06 33.41 10.64 5.93 66.42 34.08 10.88 70.91 68.12 -2.79
Rajasthan 9.46 9.71 0.25 24.49 27.21 9.92 70.08 25.14 28.15 69.99 73.67 3.68
Uttar Pradesh 5.10 5.43 0.33 27.29 14.38 5.55 69.40 27.88 14.75 65.25 71.18 5.93
Bihar 5.69 5.97 0.28 25.20 17.34 6.11 70.71 25.77 17.78 68.02 72.50 4.48
Assam 8.68 9.29 0.61 35.11 17.31 9.46 70.75 35.84 17.72 65.08 72.67 7.58
West Bengal 7.80 8.09 0.29 41.63 13.18 8.27 75.17 42.65 13.50 71.56 77.25 5.69
Odisha 9.81 10.25 0.44 33.75 18.94 10.54 69.43 34.85 19.60 65.88 72.45 6.58
Madhya Pradesh 10.38 10.92 0.54 29.03 25.61 11.14 69.05 29.66 26.27 65.52 71.02 5.50
Some Important Observations Gender Gap in HLWLE at birth in India and Major States
1. The highest dynamic HLWLE at birth during
Uttar Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
West Bengal
Madhya Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
2. The lowest dynamic HLWLE at birth during
a 10-year interval is in Uttar Pradesh for both
the sexes with 25.68 years for males and 5.43
years for females. Figure 1: Gender disparity in Healthy Literate Working Dynamic Life Expectancy at birth
Figure 1: Gender disparity
for India in states,
and its major Healthy2011. Literate
3. Among all the indicators, the values of
Working Dynamic Life Expectancy at birth for
healthy literate life expectancy (HLLE) at India and its major states, 2011.
birth are found to be highest for India as
well as for all the selected states under study 40 Gender Gap in HLWLE at birth in India and Major States
Healthy Literate Working Life Expectancy at birth
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Jammu & Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
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Professor, Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Kalaburagi, Karnataka
How to cite this article: Nilofer Naaz, Shantkumar Nigudgi et al Evaluation of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
Yojana (PM-JAY) Utilization in a teaching hospital of Kalaburagi City, Karnataka. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Introduction : Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY is the largest health assurance scheme in the world which aims at providing a
health cover of Rs.5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to over 10.74 crores poor and
vulnerable families. A timely assessment at various hospitals will help to evaluate the impact of this public health policy.
Aim : 1. To assess the utilization of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) insurance scheme in Basaveshwar
teaching and General hospital Kalaburagi city, Karnataka.2. To assess the reasons for rejection of certain claims.
Settings and design: This is an observational study conducted at Basaveshwar teaching and general hospital which is a
800 bed tertiary care empaneled private hospital attached to M R medical college, Kalaburagi.
Methods and material: Duration of study is 10 months (January to October -2021). Data was collected using semi-
structured questionnaire from the designated Arogya Karnataka office in the hospital. After the entry of data, the
descriptive statistics was presented in frequency tables and graph.
Results: From January to October -2021, 1791 patients claimed the PM-JAY benefits. April being the highest due to second
wave of Covid-19, 327 patients claimed PM-JAY insurance. Few claims were rejected for various reasons. NCD burden
was seen during the study. Conclusion: Creating awareness among the needy population is necessary, modification in
the hospital infrastructure claim processing also plays a key role.
Corresponding author:
Dr. Shantkumar Nigudgi
Sedam Road, M.R medical college, Kalaburagi-585105, Karnataka, India
E-mail - [email protected]
Telephone number – 9741294261
January to May 484 patients claimed the PM- Consultant fees, etc.
JAY insurance, April being the highest due to • Anesthesia, Blood Transfusion, Oxygen, O.T.
second wave of Covid 327 patients claimed Charges, Cost of Surgical Appliances, etc.
PM-JAY insurance.
• Medicines and Drugs.
• Non-Covid insurance claims from month of
January to October 2021 were 1437. • Cost of Prosthetic Devices, implants.
• Total Claims from January to October 2021 • Pathology and Radiology tests.
were 1791 including both Covid and Non- • Food to patient.
Covid Cases. • Pre and Post Hospitalization expenses:
• Total Number of Rejected Claims from Expenses incurred for consultation, diagnostic
January-2021 to October-2021 were 72. tests and medicines before the admission of
Reasons for Rejection were - Diseases which the patient in the same hospital, and up to 15 days
could not be treated by the hospital, certain of the discharge from the hospital.
beneficiaries card limit was exhausted due to Table 1. Total number claims from January
previous admissions during the same year. 2021 – October 2021
• Another finding was that Non Communicable
PM-JAY Jan – May June - Oct Rejected
diseases claims were maximum in the
Claims (2021) (2021) Claims
Department of Medicine accounting to 55%
of the total Cases which shows the presence Non-Covid 484 953 -
of NCD burden among the people from low Covid 354 0
socioeconomic strata as well.
Total 838 953 72
• Stroke, hypertension, Diabetes, Respiratory
illnesses were among the NCDs commonly Grand Total Jan-Oct 838 + 953 = 72 Page |7
2021 1791
A proper coded list as per the Arogya Karnataka OTHERS 8%
guidelines is made by the hospital to categorize the OBS/GYN 17%
eligibility for these claims. The 100 % Claims package PEDIATRICS 16%
for BPL card holders includes: SURGERY 12%
• Registration charges. ORTHO 5%
• Bed charges (General Ward). MEDICINE 42%
Declaration of patient consent - The authors certify
3% that they have obtained all appropriate participant
consent forms.
Renal Diseases
8% Financial support and sponsorship - Nil.
Conflicts of interest - There are no conflicts of
55% interest.
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[internet]. Patna: ADRI. p. 40; 2019p. Available Community Health. 2020;32(1):124-5. doi: 10.47203/
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How to cite this article: Nishant Solanki, Jayeshkumar C. Sadhu et al Comparative Analysis of Optical Coherence
Tomographic Study of Macula in Preoperative and Postoperative Diabetic Patients Undergoing Small Incision
Cataract Surgery. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background and Aim: Macular oedema (ME) occurs in a variety of pathological conditions and accounts for different
degrees of vision loss. Early detection of ME is therefore critical for diagnosis and management. Optical Coherence
Tomography (OCT) is particularly useful and accurate for measuring retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and
macular thickness. This study is undertaken to evaluate the quantitative changes in macular thickness using spectral
domain optical coherence tomography in diabetic patients undergoing cataract surgery pre and post operatively and its
relation with diabetic retinopathy.
Material and Methods: Study participants included 100 diabetic patients irrespective of presence or absence of retinopathy
who underwent cataract surgery. Each eye underwent fundus examination with indirect ophthalmoscopy and OCT of
macula i.e.,preoperatively and at postoperatively at day 1, 1 week, 4 weeks and at 12 weeks. Best-corrected visual acuity
(BCVA) was recorded at each visit.
Results: Visual acuity improved postoperatively at 4th and 12th week after small incision cataract surgery to 6/12 and 6/9
in majority of the patients. Post operatively 1 month 75% patients achieved vision of 6/6– 6/12. Mean values of central
subfield macular thickness at preoperatively was 268.9 µm which increased to 278.2 µm at postoperative day 1, 281.6 µm
at postoperative 1 week, 286.1 µm at postoperative 4 weeks and 297.2 µm at postoperative 12 weeks.
Conclusion: There was no difference in median macular thickness between the groups, and no cases in either group had
an increase in macular thickness to reach this threshold. diabetic macular edema generally worsens after cataract surgery,
and that the worsening of macular edema is more prominent in eyes with DR.
Keywords: Best-corrected visual acuity, Cataract, Macular oedema, Optical Coherence Tomography
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Nishant Solanki
Department of Ophthalmology, Shri M.P.Shah Government Medical College, Jamnagar, Gujarat
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 183
occurrence of intra-operative complications and also surgery pre and post operatively and its relation with
experience of the surgeon.2 diabetic retinopathy.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) was Material and Methods
introduced in 1991 and since then it has become an
It was a prospective comparative study on 110 patients
invaluable tool in the diagnosis and management
for the duration of 1 year. Ethical approval was taken
of different retinal disorders. OCT is a method
from the institutional ethical committee and written
of analysing the in-vivo retinal architecture. It is
informed consent was taken from all the participants.
particularly useful and accurate for measuring retinal
nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness and macular The exclusion criteria were those with intraocular
thickness.3 OCT uses light reflectance signal from the pressure >21mmHg, previously diagnosed glaucoma,
retina to measure its thickness. Macular oedema (ME) high refractive errors – more than 5D of spherical
occurs in a variety of pathological conditions and equivalent refraction or 3D astigmatism, macular
accounts for different degrees of vision loss. Early diseases and very poor signal strength (<2) of OCT.
detection of ME is therefore critical for diagnosis All Type 2 diabetic patients irrespective of duration
and management. OCT has been routinely used in of diabetes of age group 55-75 years with senile
measuring retinal thickness for the evaluation of immature cataract with varying levels of retinopathy
ME caused by diseases such as age-related macular
including absence of retinopathy underwent
degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, central serous
uncomplicated small incision cataract surgery done
retinopathy, hereditary retinal degenerations, retinal
by an experienced surgeon were included in the
vein occlusion, after cataract surgery, epiretinal
membrane (ERM) and uveitis.
Preoperative evaluation
Cataract surgery is known to cause increased
levels of inflammatory mediators. Clinical studies are 1. Visual acuity testing for distance and near
inconclusive as to the effect of cataract surgery on the using Snellen’s distant chart and near vision
onset of diabetic macular oedema (DMO).4 Macular chart respectively.
oedema (ME) occurs in a variety of pathological 2. Refraction and correction where ever
conditions and accounts for different degrees of vision required.
loss. Early detection of ME is therefore critical for 3. External ocular examination
diagnosis and management. A higher incidence of ME
after cataract surgery is reported to occur in eyes with 4. Slit lamp bio microscopic examination done
diabetic retinopathy (DR), and worsening of ME often with dilated pupil
occur after surgery in eyes with pre-operative diabetic 5. Tonometry using applanation tonometer
macular edema (DME).5 In diabetic macular edema 6. Lacrimal patency test
(DME), ME is induced by hyperglycemia-induced
7. Keratometry
oxidative stress, deposition of advanced glycation
end products (AGES), impaired blood flow, hypoxia, 8. A-scan and Intraocular lens power calculation
pericyte loss, endothelial cell loss, up regulation of by SRK-2 formula
vesicular transport, down regulation of glial cell– 9. Fundus examination with indirect
derived neurotropic factor and inflammation. Where ophthalmoscopy with 20D Lens after
as in Pseudophakic cystoids macular edema (PCME), dilatation.
which is thought to be caused by Pro-inflammatory
The level of diabetic retinopathy was recorded as
cytokine release.
No, mild, moderate, and severe non proliferative;
OCT is a method of analysing the in-vivo retinal or proliferative, as described in the early treatment
architecture. It is particularly useful and accurate for diabetic retinopathy study. Other investigations
measuring retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness included: RBS, FBS, PPBS, HBA1C. Optical coherence
and macular thickness. This study is undertaken tomography testing was done preoperatively and
to evaluate the quantitative changes in macular repeated at the POD day1, POD1 week, and 4th and
thickness using spectral domain optical coherence 12th week postoperative visits. Best-corrected visual
tomography in diabetic patients undergoing cataract acuity (BCVA) was recorded at each visit. Fundus
photographs of retina were taken with CANON CF-1 macular edema is seen in 4 patients. Preoperatively
Digital retinal camera. Optical coherence tomography 93% patients had a vision of 6/60 or lesser. Over all
testing was performed and images were generated visual acuity improved postoperatively at 4th and
with the use of Macular cube 512*128 in 6 mm 12th week after small incision cataract surgery to 6/12
square grid according to the manufacturer protocol and 6/9 in majority of the patients. Post operatively
as described in the user’s manual. CIRRUS software 1 month 75% patients achieved vision of 6/6– 6/12.
identifies the Fovea location automatically by looking By Postoperative 3 months 90% patients achieved a
for the reduced reflectivity below the retina. We can vision of 6/6 – 6/12. Mean central subfield macular
also change the Fovea location manually which will thickness on OCT in diabetic patients of all grades of
update the data table and the ETDRS grid thickness DR is increased with higher statistical significance at 1
measurements. Macular Thickness OU Analysis and 3 months post operatively compared to 1st week
provides interactive scan images, as well as the postoperatively. The central subfield means thickness
Fundus image with a scan cube overlay for both eyes in all patients irrespective of diabetic retinopathy
together and includes: increased 17.4µm and 29µm at 1 month and 3 months
follow up. A statistically significant increase could be
1. Colored thickness maps.
detected in central subfield macular thickness though
2. OCT Fundus image, including the identified the increase was mild. (P<0.05) Mean Pre op CSMT
fovea location with a red dot. of all patients is 266.8±17.2µm. Mean Central subfield
3. The ETDRS grid maps with normative data. thickness increased to 284.12±41.8 at 1 month and
4. A table containing central subfield thickness, to 297.1±54.8 µm at 3 month follow up with P-value
average thickness and volume Measurements 0.001* among all the diabetic cases. In this study,
for the entire cube taken. level of diabetic retinopathy was associated with
increased foveal thickening. The study group with
Statistical analysis no diabetic retinopathy developed increases in foveal
The recorded data was compiled and entered in a thickening, of 15.3 um and 21.4 um at 4th and 12th
spreadsheet computer program (Microsoft Excel week after surgery, respectively. Among patients
2007) and then exported to data editor page of SPSS with no diabetic retinopathy developed thickening
version 15 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). For all from a preoperative mean value of 256.2±12.4 to
tests, confidence level and level of significance were 278.3±13.4µm at 3rd month of follow up with a
set at 95% and 5% respectively. P-value of 0.04*.
Alastair K Denniston, Usha Chakravarthy et al14 2. Minassian DC,Mehra V. 3.8 million blinded by cataract
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factors are highly individual to the patient. Upto 3-5
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edema in patients with diabetic retinopathy but most Idoate S, Rigo J, Figueroa MS, et al. Preoperative
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How to cite this article: Rajashree Pradhan, Sajeeb Mondal, Somsubhra Chattopadhyay, Sharmistha Debnath et al
Correlation of D-Dimer Level with Severity of Pneumonia, Hospital Stay and Mortality in Case of Covid-19 Infection:
A Retrospective Study an a Tertiary Care Hospital. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Introduction: Worldwide there was a pandemic of novel corona virus infection in which one of the major concern was the
risk of thrombosis and the mortality associated with it.
Aim: In this study our aim was to observe the changes in D-dimer levels during disease progression and its correlations
with severity of Pneumonia, duration of hospital stay and mortality of COVID-19 patients.
Materials & Methods: In this study we reported the clinical, radiological and pathological laboratory results of 432 cases
of confirmed COVID-19 infection. In these patients their clinical presentation, concentration of D-dimer, coagulation
parameters, CBC, severity of Pneumonia on HRCT, hospital stay and higher mortality were retrospectively analyzed.
Result: All the statistical variables were expressed in % and compared withx2 test. Out of the 432 cases in 45 cases (10.41%)
the D-dimer values were >2.4µg/ml and in 15 cases the value were very high (3.47%). When correlated these patients
found to have severe degree of pneumonia, longer hospital stay and higher mortality rate in comparison to patients with
D-dimer level of <2.4 µg/ml.
Conclusion: D-dimer level could be used as an early marker for the clinical classification, risk stratification and improved
management of COVID-19 patients.
Corresponding Author:
Dr Sharmistha Debnath
Associate Professor, Department of Onco Pathology, Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal.
Mobile: 9836145175.
E mail: [email protected].
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 189
Most of the patients have a favourable prognosis but committee (IEC) of our institute. In this retrospective
some rapidly progress to severe and critical cases study the data collected involves no potential harm
with respiratory distress syndrome, coagulation to the patients and there was no link between the
dysfunction ,multi-organ failure etc. 8,9 The reported researcher and the patients.
overall case fatality rate (CFR) for COVID-19 by now
was 2.3% but in cases of aged individuals (70-79 Clinical Classification of the patients :
years) had an 8% CFR and in cases of aged 80 years All the COVID-19 patients are clinically categorized
and older had a 14.8% CFR. 10 It has been reported into four groups, mild, moderate, severe and critical.
that about 50% of the patients had increased D-dimer 1) Mild cases - Mild clinical symptoms of fever
levels and abnormal D-dimer levels are associated with no features of Pneumonia in imaging.
with poor prognosis.4,9 It has been reported that
2) Moderate cases - Fever, respiratory symptoms
markedly elevated D-dimer levels were observed in
like cough and there is features of Pneumonia
non-survivors. 11
in imaging and Spo2 more than equality 90%
One of the key issues in this outbreak of COVID-19 in room air.
infection is very high number of patients presenting to
3) Severe cases - They have severe respiratory
hospitals and health centres leading to overwhelming
distress, RR> 30 breaths/min, the oxygen
of human & mechanistic capacity available specially
saturation is < 90% at resting state in room air
the need for critical care support. For this reason risk
and on imaging >50% lesion in the lung.
stratification of the COVID-19 patients is absolutely
helpful for better management of patients. 9,4 Therefore 4) Critical cases - These patients have any of the
early and effective predictors of clinical outcomes are following.
urgently needed for risk stratification. Respiratory failure with requirement of mechanical
The aim of our study was to compare the D-dimer or shock or multi-organ failure that require
level with that of the severity of Pneumonia, with monitoring in the CCU.
inflammatory and coagulation markers and duration The outcome of illness were divided into four
of hospital stay along with mortality in COVID-19 categories -
1. Hospital discharge.
Materials and Methods 2. Improved
Study design 3. Exacerbation.
This is a retrospective study done in a tertiary care 4. Death.
hospital (CMSDH, Kolkata) of West Bengal.
Laboratory investigation
Duration Laboratory interventions were done at the following
The study was conducted from 30th June 2020 to 30th point of time and the data were analysed.
June 2021.
First - Within 24 hours of admission into the
General Covid Ward the following assays were done.
Blood samples were collected for - CBC, D-dimer,
Inclusion Criteria - The patients having a positive PT/APTT.
result of SARS-CoV2 by RT-PCR are included in the
Routine biochemical tests were sent to the Central
Laboratory of our hospital.
Exclusion Criteria - Patients with absent/negative
SARs-CoV-2 RT-PCR test are excluded from the ECG and HRCT of thorax were simultaneously
study. done.
The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Second - After initial evaluation then all the Blood
tests and HRCT repeated after 5-6 days and again
evaluated for the outcome as follows - -> All the data were retrospectively analyzed from
the records in the Radio-diagnosis department of our
1. Hospital discharge.
2. Improved.
-> Categorization of covid Pneumonia basing on
3. Exacerbation.
CTSS were as follows Mild( Score < 7 or = 7}, Moderate
4. Death. ( Score 8- 17) and Severe ( > 18 or = 18).
Out of these only in improved cases the laboratory Results
assay repeated while they continued to stay at the
general Covid ward. All the categorical variables were expressed as
number(%) and compared by x2 test.
The third laboratory assay: We used IBM SPSS software version 20.0 for
It is done in CCU segment of our hospital. The statistical analysis.
laboratory assay includes those patients which P values <0.0001 were considered statistically
are very critical at the initial time of assay and significant Association of D-dimer level with severity
immediately shifted to CCU and also those patients of Covid Pneumonia on HRCT of thorax were studied.
which were exacerbated in the general Covid ward
and then shifted to CCU. D-dimer levels were correlated with hospital stay
and mortality.
The following parameters were evaluated.
D-dimer levels also correlated with the levels of
1. CBC (Complete blood count) done from inflammatory markers and coagulation parameters.
peripheral venous blood by automated cell
counter 5 part (Sysmex Xs-800i) and were Table 1: Basic clinical parameters of Covid-19
studied for increased leukocyte counts as a patients at the time of admission
surrogate marker of Pneumonia. n= 432
3. D-dimer levels & coagulation parameters 60-80 136 ( 53.9%) 100 (55.5%)
(PT-INR, APTT) were estimated by fully 40 -59 90 ( 35.7%) 74 (41.1%)
automated coagulation analyzer STA satellite
Max, stago, France by utilizing CL89050422. 20-39 18 (7.1%) 06 ( 3.3%)
The results of this study showed that elevated D-dimer 8. Han W, Quan B, Guo Y, Zhang J, Lu Y, Feng G, et al.
level at the time of admission could effectively predict The course of clinical diagnosis and treatment of a
the severity of Pneumonia and mortality in patients case infected with coronavirus disease 2019. Vol. 92,
with Covid-19 infection. Journal of Medical Virology. John Wiley and Sons Inc.;
2020. p. 461–3.
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How to cite this article: Ranjita Santra, Nabanita Barua, Jayanta Dutta, Pramit Ghosh et al A Study on Adherence
of Anti-Glaucoma Medications in Adults – An Observational Hospital based Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Introduction: Glaucoma is chronic progressive optic neuropathy which causes irreversible visual filed loss. Antiglaucoma
medication is the mainstay of treatment due to recent advances in the field. Due to increased life expectancy and availability
of newer investigation technology for early diagnosis of glaucoma, duration of treatment is long. Strict adherence is
required to prevent progression.
Aim: We aim to assess factors affecting adherence in a tertiary care setting.
Materials and Methods: 40 diagnosed cases of glaucoma, who were using on medication at least for 6 months, were
enrolled in the study after proper consent. All patients were asked about nature of drug intake based on standardized
questionnaire. Data were analysed using epi-info7 software.
Results: 40% study population were non adherent; it was comparable in males and females (p=.5). The factors like age,
sex, number of drugs didn’t show statistically significant association. Only parameter with significant association is
higher educational level (p=0.004).
Conclusion: Drug adherence is a complex process; various factors need to be considered before prescribing medication. In
case of chronic, progressive, blinding disease like glaucoma, educating patient about need to strict drug dosing, possible
side effects, cost-effectivity and regular follow up is required.
Corresponding author:
Dr. Nabanita Barua
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Deben Mahata Govt Medical College, Purulia. West Bengal, India
609a, B block. Padmalaya Apartment. 70 South Sinthee Road. P.O: Ghughudanga. P.S: Sinthee. Kolkata -700030
Mobile no. 7890354791
E-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 195
following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, 2. Patients with mental illness
corresponds with agreed recommendations from a All patients had been enquired about history,
health care provider.”4 Compliance is defined as “the detailed eye examination and their relevant findings
extent to which the patient’s behaviour matches the with structured interview. Informed consent will
prescriber’s recommendations”. 5 Magnitude of non- be obtained for those screened patients willing
compliance of AGM is high ranging from 20-75%. 6 to participate in this study. Ophthalmological
Average literacy rate of Purulia in 2011 were parameters to be studied are routine eye examination,
64.48% against the national average of 77.7%. There is visual acuity with illuminated Snellen’s chart,
no study done to assess adherence in this population applanation tonometry, direct ophthalmoscopy,
to our knowledge. Primary objective is to assess fundus examination, perimetry.
adherence pattern of AGM by interviewer’s method Only the diagnosed cases of glaucoma who were on
in glaucoma patients of district in literate population antiglaucoma medications for at least 6 months were
and secondary objective is to identify any correlation included in study. Treatment naïve patients or who
between factors and adherence. failed to show previous prescriptions were excluded
Materials and Methods from the study.
Study was conducted on all patients with primary Study Technique
and secondary glaucoma attending the department Adult patients with primary and secondary
of Ophthalmology at Deben Mahata Government glaucoma were enrolled in the study. Complete
Medical College, Purulia over the period of six ocular examination as per proforma and relevant
months. A total of 40 patients were included in the structured interview with the help of the following
study who underwent ocular examination with questionnaires will be done for every patient who will
primary investigations and structured interview. participate in this study:
The study was conducted after institutional ethics
committee (IEC) for review and approval. It was General Medication Adherence Scale
cross sectional observational, single centre, hospital-
based study. At the beginning of the study, a total of The scale has 11 questions with 4 possible answers.
40 consecutive adult patients of both the sexes, who It has three components. Component 1 is adherence
have been diagnosed with glaucoma and fulfilling the pattern based on the behaviour of patient (question
selection criteria will be recruited for this study. It is a 1-5). Component 2 measures adherence of patient
single day cross sectional study. based on their comorbidity and number of pills or
pill burden (question 6-9). Third component focuses
Inclusion Criteria or assesses adherence pattern depending on cost
1. Diagnosed and confirmed cases of Primary (question 10-11). Each item further carries individual
or Secondary Glaucoma in either or both the score ranging from 0 to 3. Answer option 1 (always),
eyes who have been prescribed anti-glaucoma 2(mostly), 3 (sometimes), 4 (never) is given score of 0,
medications for at minimum period of 6 1, 2,3 respectively. Maximum score is 33. Summation
months and attending Ophthalmology OPD of individual items will provide adherence score of
each patient. Cumulative adherence score is classified
2. Age limit: 21 to 65 years
as high (30-33), good (27-29), partial (17-26), low (11-
3. Voluntary participation 16) and poor (<10). This scoring methodology have
Exclusion Criteria been previously defined by Naqvi and colleagues.7,8
For statistical analysis we have grouped patients in
1. Prior surgical intervention
2 groups. Group 1 has patients with high and good
2. Patients with diagnosed demetia adherence (score >27), they are termed as adherent.
3. Patients who were seriously ill and unable to Group 2 is termed as non-adherent, has patients with
comprehend the study questionnaire (current partial, low and poor adherence (< 27).
acute complications of any disease) We have taken educational qualification,
1. Those who had a disturbance of consciousness number of drugs and classification of glaucoma
(Glasgow coma score lower than 15) and into consideration for each patient. Educational
cognitive impairment qualification of the patients was divided into 3
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
standards. Basic or primary (class1-5), intermediate larger population can show statistically significant
(class 5-8) or higher (Class 8 onwards). Number of result.
drugs 1 or more were noted.
In our study, 11 patients with basic education had
All the data were recorded and calculated using score of less than 27; 2 patients with intermediate
epi-info7 software. [ Epi Info™; Division of education and 11 patients with higher education
Health Informatics & Surveillance (DHIS), Centre for had score of more 27 (image 2). This difference was
Surveillance, Epidemiology & Laboratory Services statistically significant. Comparing basic and others,
(CSELS) Centre for Disease Control & Prevention. p-value=0.004, while all those with basic education
USA]. For statistical significance of this study, p value had poor adherence, 56% among those with better
is <0.05. education had better adherence. Higher education
level of patients is critical for better adherence.
We had total of 40 patients, 24 male and 16 female Discussion
patients. Group 1 or adherent group (good adherence Adherence is an active process, where appropriate
and more) had 24 patients; group 2/ non-adherent treatment is decided after a proper and detailed
group has 16 patients. The average adherence score of interaction with patient. The said patient is under
the study is 60%. (Table 1, image 1). no compulsion to accept that particular treatment,
thereby not to be held solely responsible for non-
Age of the patients ranged from 36 to 76years.
Average age was 56.8(+ 10.2) years and median
58years. 16 subjects were more than 60years old. Compliance, on the other hand, is a passive process,
it focusses on medication-taking behaviour. It may be
In our study, 11 out of 16 (31.2%) female patients
problematic for the patients as it narrates a process
were adherent whereas 13 out of 24 (45.8%) male
where autonomy of the patient is not considered.
patients were adherent. The difference was however,
This may hamper therapeutic benefits as it doesn’t
not statistically significant p=0.512 (>0.05) (Table 1).
take into account patient’s general awareness of the
We had classified into three subgroups; mild, disease, socio-demographic background, efficacy,
moderate and severe glaucoma depending on visual tolerability and adverse effects of medications, need
field loss (mean deviation or MD values) (table 2). to follow up, or lack of insight due to psychosocial
Mild glaucoma is a visual field defect corresponding abnormalities, abnormal mood states like depression,
to a mean deviation (MD) of −6 dB or better, moderate or personality traits etc.10
disease is a disease with MD between −6 and −12 dB,
In our study overall non-adherence is 40%. It is
and severe disease is a disease with MD of −12 dB
similar to study done is Southern India, where it was
or worse.21 For each patient, we determined POAG
53.6%.11. In other studies, non-adherence ranged from
severity for the worse eye (the more negative MD),
20 to 75 %, though the evaluation methods were not
the better eye (the more positive MD). We had 12
standardized. 6
patients with mild, 12 moderate and 16 with severe
glaucoma. Mean MD value of group 1/ adherent is In our study, male adherence was better 45.8%
-7.4 with mean age of 53.75 years. Mean MD value as compared to 31.2% in females, difference is not
of patients with adherence value of group 2/ non- statistically significant. It is comparable to study in
adherent is -9.4 with age of 58.8 years. Patients with Egypt where though females showed higher tendency
younger age and less severe disease seem to have for adherence, after multivariate analysis difference
better compliance. The difference is not significant, p was not significant. 11
values are .42 and .12 for MD and age respectively
In our study, patients with younger age and less
(>0.05) (Table 3).
severe disease seem to have better adherence, though
In our study, 22 patients were put on single drug, not statistically significant. Adherence in older
11 patients on two drugs and 7 patients on 3 drugs patients may be less due to lot of other factors such
(table 4). In this study there was no difference between as lack of family support or appointed care giver,
single and multiple drugs (p-vale=0.53, >0.05). It decreased vision, lack of dexterity, coordination,
appears that with multiple drugs adherence is poor comprehension, or memory.12 These factors are;
but it is not statistically significant. A study with however, this was not included in the questionnaire.
Table 4: Adherence score depending on number of the General Medication Adherence Scale in Pakistani
drugs used Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Front Pharmacol.
2020 Jul 17;11:1039.
Number Score Score Total OR CI (lower-
of drugs <27 >27 upper) 9. Chakrabarti S. What’s in a name? Compliance,
1 12 10 22 1 Reference adherence and concordance in chronic psychiatric
disorders. World J Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 22;4(2):30-6.
2 6 5 11 1 0.23-4.27
3 6 1 7 0.2 0.02-1.95 10. Hughes CM. Medication non-adherence in the elderly:
how big is the problem? Drugs Aging. 2004; 21(12):793-
24(60) 16(40%) 40
p-value = 0.53. between single drug and multiple drugs
p value= 0.2, when compared 2 drugs vs 3 drugs. 11. Teshome, D. F., Bekele, K. B., Habitu, Y. A., and
Gelagay, A. A. Medication adherence and its associated
Conflict of interest – None factors among hypertensive patients attending the
Debre Tabor General Hospital, northwest Ethiopia.
Source of Funding - Not required
Integr. Blood Press. Control 2017;10, 1–7.
13. Ethical clearance taken from institutional ethical 12. Jankowska-Polanska, B., Dudek, K., Szymanska-
committee Chabowska, A., and ´ Uchmanowicz, I. The influence
of frailty syndrome on medication adherence among
elderly patients with hypertension. Clin. Interv. Aging
1. Casson R, Chidlow G, Wood J, Crowston J, Goldberg 2016;11, 1781–1790.
I. Definition of glaucoma: clinical and experimental
concepts. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2012;40:341–349. 13. Hou, Y., Zhang, D., Gu, J., Xue, F., Sun, Y., Wu, Q., et
al. The12.
association between self-perceptions of aging
Jankowska-Polanska, B., Dudek, K., Szymanska-Chabowska, A., and ´ Uchmanowicz, I.
The influence of frailty syndrome on medication adherence among elderly patients with
2. Tham Y-CC, Li X, Wong TY, Quigley HA, Aung T, and antihypertensive
hypertension. medication
Clin. Interv. Aging 2016;11, 1781–1790.adherence in older
13. Hou, Y., Zhang, D., Gu, J., Xue, F., Sun, Y., Wu, Q., et al. The association between self-
Ed F, Cheng CY. Global Prevalence of Glaucoma Chinese adults. Aging Clin.medication
perceptions of aging and antihypertensive older
2016:28, 1113–
Chinese adults. Aging Clin.
Exp. Res. 2016:28, 1113–1120
and Projections of Glaucoma Burden through 1120
2040. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Legends
6. Cohen Castel O, Keinan-Boker L, Geyer O, Milman
U, Karkabi K Factors associated with adherence to
glaucoma pharmacotherapy in the primary care
setting. Fam Pract. 2014 Aug; 31(4):453-61
How to cite this article: Rapeerat Thanyawatpornkul, SupalakKhemthong, Winai Chatthong et al Scoping Review
on Brain Mapping Leadership and Talent Engagement. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Brain mapping performance (BMP) is an innovative assessment designed by psychosocial occupational therapists to create
talent engagement across lifespan. However, work readiness seems to be challenging assessment for anyone who has not
been accepted on why and how to develop their upskilling. This preliminary study aimed to examine the validity and
reliability of the BMP assessment. Six case studies were voluntarily participated as talented leaders of one corporate. Four
associations of soft skills were outcomes, i.e., creativity, flexibility, empathy, and leadership, in the consecutive assessment
of resting and voice-recording.This special formulation displays healthy brain performance, significantly associated in
between empathy and leadership (Sr = 0.880-0.943); creativity and flexibility (Sr = 0.886); eustress engagement and growth
mindset (Sr = 0.943); flexibility and positive thinking (Sr = 0.926). The BMP can individually explain how well of intrinsic
brain capacity for leadership talent. This is a transformative strategy to optimize human-centered performances.
Keywords: Human resources, Interdisciplinary, Deep learning, Leadership, Mirror neurons morality
Corresponding author:
Winai Chatthong
Lecturer, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Division of Occupational Therapy, Mahidol University, Salaya,
Nakhon Pathom 73170 Thailand
E-mail: [email protected]
new normal era, several fields of mental skills perform rather than hands-on instructions.15Vicarious
training havebeen movingthrough the 21st century learning can be derived from indirect sources such as
of effectivestrategies.3As seen, many workforce listening to your voices thinking with imagination.15
employees are impacted by accumulating stressful The vicarious learning process is represented in the
situations;their leaders could respond with openness, parietal regions (C3, C4, and Cz).15-17Also, the World
support, and compassion. However, soft skills are Health Organizationhas emphasized that the more
considered using the neuroscience approach4to learning from the meaningful activities, the more
understand personal and professional life in relation leadership engagement enables healthy aging or a
tobeing a better performer and wellness. Indeed, 21st- process of optimizing functional abilities.
century leadership is formulated into ninestyles.5
This concept will be promoted toward 2030,
Therefore, neuroscience may advocatefor a better strengthening an intrinsic capacity of the individual
integration of people from bigtalent to competencies autonomy to learn with freedom, dignity, integrity,
training of a resonant leadershipbased on the and independence and to maintain relationships in
personal needs as if they gain an optimal working environmental well-being.However, the BMP has
environment that fit their tangible andnon-tangible been preliminarily assessed in a group of executive
rewards circuit of the brain.4, 6Previous research managers in order to validate a cut-off scoring and
often used Electroencephalograph (EEG) to find to differentiate two consecutive sessions: resting
peak-performance training ranges of the cerebral and voice recording. This study hopes to gain a
functions.6, 7Specifically, those employees regain knowledge translation of healthy workplace-related
their adequate evidence-based brain performance intrinsic brain capacity assessment to be started at one
at the optimal strategy of self-conscious elaborated corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Thailand.
emotional intelligence, positive thinking, and
mindfulness through the organizational development Methods
process to expand their knowledge, qualifications,
and capacities.4
The total voluntary participants in this study were
Especially for the neuroscience approach, six case studies selected through purposive sampling.
multisensory cues in the human brain-behavior They all were executive managers working in the
teach us about other internal mental intentions and same company with non-identified confidentiality.
states of other person, allowing us to forecast a Brain All participants wore an Emotive EPOC helmet
Mapping Performance (BMP)7in a given setting of for the EEG measures while resting (thought) in a
MirrorNeurons Morality (MNM) which provides an comfortable seat with opened eyes and recording
internal experience of activities of another person’s
(action and time) for their three pitches of voice: high,
action observed as cognitive empathy.8-10 This
medium, and low on the same statement.
imitation permits us to infer the underlying desires,
emotions, and beliefs.11, 12 The MNM are located in A recording platform called the 4voices app
frontal regions (F3 and F7), temporal regions (T3), and was freely used for anyone who was interested in
parietal regions (C3, C4, and Cz).13, 14So that the MNM, improving self-positive thinking.The participants
through feeling, sensing, and empathizing with what would select one purposeful category in regard tothe
people perform rather than hands-on instructions, is thematic statement out of four: healthy, happiness,
called vicarious learning or intentional understanding worthy, and mindfulness.A criteria scoring was at
represented and activated in three brain locations; C3, 20% per one component of voice.
C4, and Cz.15
EEG Data Analysis
The element of empathy in the engagement index The EEG is a non-invasive recording technique
(EI) is cognitive or intentional understanding, that can measure electrical neural currents at the
represented in three mirror neuron brain locations the scalp level. The neural oscillations have different
frontal regions of two mirror neuron brain locations frequency bands including the EEG oscillations allow
(F3 and F7) and one mirror neuron brain location identification of the mu rhythm (8–13 Hz) with the
in the temporal region (T3)16which is connected a MNM.18, 19The raw data from F3, F7, T3, C3, C4, Cz
learning process, called vicarious learning, involves represented the location of the MNM.18, 20For this
feeling, sensing, and empathizing with what people experiment, the brain wave frequency of alpha, beta,
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 201
and theta wasselected and used for EIby applying and concurrent validity of 4voices app. Spearman’s
the EEG variable according to the international 10-20 correlation
enables (Sr)(100%
a growth mindset would bebased
full score) interpreted at 0.30-0.39
on previous trialsintegrated with three
method. moderate
theoretical relationship,
models.24-26 0.40-0.69 strong relationship,
and > 0.70 very strong relationship.27
The Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) Finally, all data has statistically been testedat the 95% confidence interval,i.e., normal
is used to create brain mapping using the EEG data Results
distribution with non-parametric K-S calculation, the median calculation for a cut-off score,
that associated with creativity, flexibility, empathy,
parallel-form distribution
reliabilityand predictive(n = 6,inpbetween
validity > 0.05) was
resting andfound in alland
voice recording
and leadership.1, 2Previous comparative case studiesin
concurrent validity ofexcept the
4voices app. empathetic
Spearman’s thought
correlation (Sr) (p = 0.04).
would be interpreted at 0.30-0.39
the Psychosocial Occupational Therapy Clinic have
moderate was0.40-0.69
relationship, computed in averaged
strong relationship, from
and > 0.70 very strong4 variables
relationship. 27
been validated in terms of the following calculations
(creativity, flexibility, empathy, and leadership)
in the total score of 100%, respectively: Creativity = Results
at 66.61 (thought) and 64.71 (action). Spearman’s
Theta*0.7, Alpha*0.5, Beta*0.5 (Fp2, F8, Fz, T4 /P4);
Normal distributionfound (n = 6, p very
> 0.05) strong
was found in relationship
all variables exceptbetween
the empathetic
Flexibility = Theta*0.7, Alpha, HBeta*0.7 (Fp1, Fp2,
thought (p = 0.04). thinking
Median was computed(via in4Voices
averaged fromapp)
4 variables and flexible
(creativity, flexibility,
Fz, F4/T4); Empathy = Delta*0.7, Alpha, HBeta*0.7
thought (Sr = 0.926, p = 0.008). So that the
empathy, and leadership) at 66.61 (thought) and 64.71 (action). Spearman’s correlation found cut-off
(F7, F8, T5, T6/T4); Leadership = Theta, Alpha, Beta
veryscore of thebetween
strong relationship BMPpositiveandthinking
4Voices app
(via 4Voices app)to and distinguish
flexible thought (Sr =
(Fp1, Fp2, T3, T4/F4).
the intrinsic brain capacity assessment seemed to be
0.926, p = 0.008). So that the cut-off score of the BMP and 4Voices app to distinguish the
EIis calculated by using alpha, beta, and theta 60%,as shown in Figure 1.
intrinsic brain capacity assessment seemed to be 60%,as shown in Figure 1.
of brain wave activities: β/(α + θ) whichdirectly
related to human task engagement,relaxation, Positive Thinking 80.00
eustress and compassion engagement while resting 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00
A Cut-Off 60% MEDIAN
and recording the 4voices application. A summation
of eustress (C3, C4, Cz, F3, F7, T3) and compassion Figure 1 Median accounted for the BMP and 4Voices of positive thinking (n = 6)
Figure 1: Median accounted for the BMP and
(Fp1, Fp2, F7, F8, P3, T4,T5) engagement enables a
4Voices of positive thinking (n = 6)
growth mindset (100% full score) based on previous
trialsintegrated with three theoretical models.24-26 Interestingly, resting and voice recording
correlations indicatedfor parallel-form reliability
Finally, all data has statistically been testedat the 95% from 0.829 to 0.943 or very strong relationships (Table
confidence interval,i.e., normal distribution with non- 1). In regard topredictive validity, all variables were
parametric K-S calculation, the median calculation for significantly different (p = 0.028) using Wilcoxon
a cut-off score, parallel-form reliabilityand predictive signed-rank test except for a comparison of empathetic
validity in between resting and voice recording thought and action (p = 0.463).
Table 1: Comparison of mean & Standard Deviation (SD) in paired resting (thought) and 4Voices
recording (action)
Case No. Creative Creative Flexible Flexible Empathetic Empathetic Leadership Leadership
thought action thought action thought action thought action
Case A 63.96 62.50 65.83 65.63 70.21 58.13 89.58 85.42
Case B 60.63 59.38 67.92 56.67 66.46 51.04 77.08 75.00
Case C 54.58 66.67 61.46 67.92 58.54 59.17 75.00 85.42
Case D 53.54 30.21 55.63 31.25 59.79 30.42 72.92 35.42
Case E 56.88 60.83 65.00 59.17 54.17 50.21 81.25 66.67
Case F 63.13 63.75 72.92 72.71 68.54 63.96 89.98 85.42
Mean 58.78 57.22 64.79 58.89 62.95 52.15 80.97 72.22
SD 4.42 13.47 5.87 14.74 6.37 11.85 7.36 19.57
p-value 0.028 0.028 0.463 0.028
As seen in Table 2, only 11 out of 64 were selected nor compassion EI was correlated with any of the BMP
as very strong correlations among the BMP variables. variables. There was no significant difference between
Three outcomes were computed in order to understand eustress and compassion EI using Wilcoxon signed-
how mental health wellbeing will have been engaged, rank test (n = 6, p = 0.753). Moreover, concurrent
including eustress EI, compassion EI, and both validity of 4voices app and the BMP significantly
summation into a growth mindset. Regarding the showed very strong relationships: tone of voice and
median of participants, 11.18 for eustress EI; 11.47 for flexible thought (Sr = 0.828, p = 0.042); rhythmic
compassion EI; and 22.15 for growth mindset. Also, voice and empathetic thought & action (Sr = 0.828, p
there was a very strong correlation between eustress = 0.042); positive thinking and flexible thinking (Sr =
EI and growth mindset (Sr = 0.943). Neither eustress 0.926, p = 008).
Table 2: Very strong ‘Spearman’s correlation(Sr)oftheBMP at 95% confidential interval and non-
significant (NS)
BMP Creative Flexible Empathetic Leadership Creative Flexible Empathetic Leadership
thought thought thought thought action action action action
Creative 0.829 0.829 NS NS - NS NS NS
Flexible 0.886 NS NS NS NS - NS NS
Empathetic NS NS 0.943 0.943 NS NS - NS
Leadership NS NS 0.880 0.941 NS NS 0.880 -
Leadership NS NS 0.886 - NS NS 0.943 0.941
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How to cite this article: Reyya Mohan Sundar, Makandar U.K. et al Study of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in
Adults of Telangana. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) predisposes to foot ulceration and gangrene. It has been reported that
prevalence of DPN is lower in Indians relative to Caucasians. Studies among recent onset patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus (Type2-M) are very few. We studied the prevalence and risk factors of DPN in patients with newly diagnosed
Methods: We prospectively studied 80 consecutive patients over age 30 with a duration of diabetes ≤1 year. Every patient
underwent a clinical and biochemical evaluation and was screened for DPN using TCSS scale (Toronto clinical scoring
system) and Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) pain scale.
Results: The cases had a mean age of 60.28 years and duration of symptoms of DM is <1year prior to presentation. The
overall prevalence of DPN was 12.5%. The prevalence of DPN showed an increasing trend with FBS (trend chi-square=
3.517, P = 0.0304). A logistic regression analysis showed that DPN was independently associated with Fasting Blood Sugar
(P = 0.0304), Body mass index (P= 0.0389), HbA1c (P = 0.0451), family history (P= 0.0426) and physical activity (P= 0.0219)
but not with age, sex and education.
Conclusions: Our study showed high prevalence of PN in recently diagnosed patients with Type2DM, which was
independently associated with age and duration of symptoms of diabetes prior to the diagnosis. FBS, HbA1c, BMI, were
found to be risk factors for prevalence of Diabetic Neuropathy.
Keywords: Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Newly Diagnosed, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Telengana
awareness and lack of regular screening programs, symptoms like pain, tingling, numbness,
the initial presentation to the physician is frequently weakness, ataxia, upper limb symptoms
delayed. This may predispose to an increased rate as symptom score, knee reflex and ankle
of microvascular complications at onset. Ethnic reflex as reflex score and pin prick,
differences in the prevalence of various diabetes- temperature, light touch, vibration sense,
related complications have also been documented (9). position sense as sensory score were
taken into account. Scoring was based
There is a paucity of reports on DPN in Indians.
on symptoms, reflexes, sensory tests.
In a study comparing European and south Asian
Depending upon the abnormalities, a
subjects with Type state 2DM in United Kingdom;
point of 0 or 1 was given. Score of 0-5=
the prevalence was lower in the latter. However,
no peripheral neuropathy; 6-8= mild
in surveys in Indian patients, the prevalence has
PN; 9-11= moderate PN; 12-19= severe.
ranged from 26% to 31%. In these studies, no controls
The TCSS have been previously been
were studied. Since PN is present in a significant
validated against electro-diagnostic
proportion of healthy individuals, especially among
the elderly, this fact needs to be taken into account
before ascribing the PN to hyperglycemia. b. Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic
Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) pain scale
Its end-stage complications such as foot ulceration was used to assess the severity and pain
and amputation are associated with substantial health score of the subjects. This pain scale can
care costs, socioeconomic consequences including help to determine whether the nerves that
loss of work time and reduced quality of life.[11] are carrying the pain signals are working
Material and Methods normally or not. Scoring was given.
Total score (maximum 24) If score < 12,
80 (Eighty) Adult patients regularly visiting to
neuropathic mechanisms are unlikely to
TRR Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital,
be contributing to the patient’s pain and
Inole, Patancheru (Mandal), Sangareddy (District),
If score ≥ 12, neuropathic mechanisms
Telangana state – 502319 were studied.
are likely to be contributing to the
Inclusion Criteria: included age ≥35 years, Patients patient’spain.
willing to co-operate, Patients detected with Type 2 Duration of study was from April 2020 to May 2022
DM recently (within 1 YEAR) and Patients with FBS-
> 120 mg/dl, HbA1c- > 6.5%. Patients diagnosed with Statistical Analysis: Continuous data have been
DM for more than 1 year, expressed as mean ± SD and 95% confidence interval
(CI) were determined for the variables. The Student’s
Exclusion Criteria: Patients with preexisting t-test was used for comparison of continuous
complication like Diabetic foot, Patients with Type variables if found to be normally distributed while
1 DM, Patients with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, chi-square test was used to compare categorical
patients with acute illness or chronic diseases such variables. Variables associated with PN were
as leprosy, those with disability and patients taking tested using univariate logistic regression analysis.
medications known to impair nerve function were Variables shown to have a significant association
excluded from the study. by this analysis were tested by multivariate logistic
• Screening for peripheral neuropathy and case regression to determine the variables independently
definition of diabetic neuropathy associated with PN. A P value <0.05 was considered
a. Tests were performed in a random significant. Statistical analyses were performed using
sequence among different patients. the SPSS software package (version 15.0; SPSS Inc.,
Patients were screened for DPN using Chicago, IL, USA).
TCSS scale (Toronto clinical scoring
system). This scale was used to assess
for the presence of painful Peripheral
Neuropathy. In short, for TCSS,
risk of foot ulceration (15). The prevalence of impaired examination is cost-effective means to prevent foot
monofilament sensation was 6%, considerably ulceration and infections in Indian patients with Type
lower than that of DPN. This low frequency may be 2 DM. The present study demands further Patho-
reflective of the fact that the10-g (5.07) monofilament physiological, Nutritional and genetic study because
testing is appropriate for the clinical assessment of exact pathogenesis of DPN is still unclear.
risk for foot ulceration (16), but not a sensitive means to
detect prevalence of neuropathy. In the latter case, a Limitation of study
monofilament of 1g or less may be more appropriate. Due to Tertiary location of Studied Centre and Small
number of patients and lack of latest Technologies,
Previous studies have identified several risk
We have limited findings and results
factors for DPN such as age, poor glycemic control,
increasing duration of diabetes, gender, height, body - The present research work is Approved
mass index, retinopathy, hypertension, smoking, and by Ethical committee of TRRIMS Inole,
alcohol consumption (17). In the current study, FBS, Patancheru ( Mandal ), Sangareddy (district),
HbA1c, BMI, family history and physical activity Telangana state – 502319.
were significant risk factors for Diabetic Peripheral - No Conflict of Interest
Neuropathy. The prevalence of DPN showed an
- No Funding
increasing trend with FBS (trend chi-square= 3.517,
P = 0.0304). A logistic regression analysis showed Table 1: Anthropometric Measurement Details
that DPN was in dependently associated with PARAMETER MALES FEMALES
Fasting Blood Sugar (P = 0.0304), Body mass index
(N =40) (N = 40)
(P= 0.0389), HbA1c (P = 0.0451), family history (P=
0.0426) and physical activity (P= 0.0219) (Table 2). AGE < 60 years 16 (40 %) 12 (30 %)
Since elderly patients have other risk factors for foot > 60 years 24 (60 %) 28 (70 %)
ulcerations, such as vision abnormalities and vascular HbA1C < 10 % 8 (20 %) 14 (35 %)
involvement, neuropathy screening assumes an even (%) > 10 % 32 (80 %) 26 (65 %)
greater importance in this age group.
FBS (mg/ < 200 mg/dl 24 (60 %) 22 (55 %)
The use of both qualitative and quantitative mode dl) > 200 mg/dl 16 (40 %) 18 (45 %)
of assessment of neuropathy was performed. It has a
few limitations; it was clinic based and may not reflect PLBS < 250 mg/dl 16 (40 %) 12 (30 %)
the actual prevalence of DPN in the community. We (mg/dl) > 250 mg/dl 24 (60 %) 28 (70%)
did not investigate metabolic causes of PN other than RBS (mg/ < 180 mg/dl 6 (15 %) 10 (25 %)
diabetes. dl) > 180 mg/dl 34 (85 %) 30 (75 %)
Summary and Conclusion HbA1c : Haemoglobin Adult Glycosylated
In summary, we detected a high prevalence of PN
FBS : Fasting Blood sugar
in recently diagnosed patients with Type 2 DM. The
neuropathy was independently associated with age PLBS : Post Lunch Blood sugar
and duration of symptoms of diabetes prior to the
RBS : Random blood sugar
diagnosis. Screening for DPN using simple clinical
How to cite this article: Ruchita Vajpai, Prashant Kharde et al Study of Evaluation of Maternal Side Effects and
Neonatal Outcome after Treatment with Nifedipine at Tertiary Care Hospital. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Introduction: Compared to beta- agonists, nifedipine is associated with improvement in neonatal outcome. Nifedipine is
significantly more successful in prolonging pregnancy beyond 48 hours and effective in delaying upto 7 days.
Methodology: The present study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology of Rural Medical
College , Loni, The present work comprises of 135 cases between 28 to 37 weeks of gestational age having premature
labour pains that were admitted in antenatal ward or labour room.
Results: Distribution of cases according to NICU admission of preterm baby. For observation total 9 cases were kept in
NICU, 3 cases were admitted in NICU for jaundice, at 1 was admitted for birth asphyxia.
Conclusion: This study on tocolytic effect of nifedipine in preterm labour shows, nifedipine has good tocolytic action on
arresting preterm labour with minimal side effects.
Corresponding author:
Swati Gagare
Assistant Professor,
Department of OBGY, DBVP Rural Medical College , Pravara Institute of Medical sciences (DU), Loni
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 211
Frequency Percent
Inclusion criteria:
APGAR 1 min
• Gestational age between 28weeks to 37 weeks
6 15 11.1
• Presence of regular uterine contractions 4 in
20 minutes or 8 in period of one hour 7 120 88.9
damage, and chronic lung disease which include 3. Mari G, Kirshon B, Moise KJ, Lee W, Cotton DB.
bronchopulmonary dysplasia9. Doppler assess- ment of the fetal and uteroplacental
circulation during nifedipine therapy for preterm
In present study, side effects noted are distributed labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989; 161:
as, 3 % had headache, 20.3% had hypotension and 18 %
4. Murray C, Haverkamp AD, Orleans M, Berga S, Pecht
had tachycardia, while 3% nausea, Similarly the study
D. Nifedipine for treatment of preterm labor: a historic
conducted by Gulati A10 depicted 4 % had headache,
prospective study. Am J Obstet Gynecoll992; 167: 52-
24 % had hypotension, 76 % had tachycardia, and 4%
had nausea, and 4 % flushing.
5. Prevost RR, Pharm D, Sherif A, Whybrew DW, Sibai
In present study 17.8% of the cases had birth weight BM. Oral nifedipine: pharmacokinetics in pregnancy
between 1 kg to 2 kg, while 82.2 % had between 2 kg induced hypertension. Phannacotherapy 1992; 12: 174-
to 3 kg. 177.
Similarly in study conducted by Dhawle et el 151 6. Lawn E Joy et al. Global Report on preterm birth and
60.5 % had birth weight upto 2.5 kg. In our study, stillbirth (1of 7): definitions, description of the burden
0.7 % had birth asphyxia, 2.2 % had jaundice and and oppurtunities to improve data. BMC Pregnancy
6.6 % were admitted in NICU for observation. In and Childbirth 2010, 10 (suppl1):S1
study conducted by Dhawle et al 11 11. 6 % had birth 7. Tocolysis for women in preterm labor: Royal College of
asphyxia, 48.8 % had neonatal jaundice and 11.6 % Obstetrics and Gynecologists. Green –top Guidelines
were admitted in NICU care. No. 1b: February 2011.
In present study, 99.3 % vaginal delivery followed 8. Miller He, Hassanein K. Maternal factors in the
by 0.7% with LSCS, as obstetric complications in like incidence of low birth weight infants among black and
pre-eclampsia, heart disease, PROM are in exclusion white mothers. Pediatr Res 1978; 12; 1016.
criteria, which resulted in less number of cesarean 9. Aruna Kumar, Bharadwaj B, Pawar Namita.
section. In study conducted by Hangekar, mode of Glyceryltrinitrate patch in management of preterm
delivery only 2 cases (5.26%) underwent cesarean labour. J Obstet Gynecol India 2001:51(6):55-57.
section whereas rest delivered vaginally.12,13
10. Goffinet F. Primary predictors of preterm labour. Br J
Conclusion: This study on tocolytic effect of Obstet Gynecol 2005;112:48-50
nifedipine in preterm labour shows, nifedipine has 11. Yarlagadda S et al.Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet
good tocolytic action on arresting preterm labour Gynecol. 2018 Jun;7(6):2174-2179
with minimal side effects.
12. Smith GN, Walker MC, Mc Grath MJ. Randomised,
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Ethical clearance:
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For present study ethical clearance was obtained from 106:736-739.
our IEC , Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU) 13. Dawle A et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol.
Loni . 2013 Mar;2 (1):61-66
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: Nil
1. Lurie S, Fenakel K, Friedman A. Effect of nifedipine on
fetal heart rate in the treatment of severe pregnancy-
induced hypertension. Am JPerinatol 1990; 7: 285-286.
How to cite this article: S. Pavani, Syeda Touseef Banu, Grace, Jyothi Lakshmi, P. Shashikala Reddy et al Fungal
Infections of Paranasal Sinuses: Sequelae to 2020 Pandemic. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: In recent decades, the prevalence of fungal sinus infection has increased. It’s plausible that this is related to
increased awareness, antibiotic usage, and the use of immunosuppressive drugs. Furthermore, much has been written on
the involvement of fungus as a causative organism.
Objectives: To identify fungal pathogens and correlate laboratory findings with clinical findings.
Materials and Methods: Patients with AIFR following recent COVID-19 infection were included. After performing
potassium hydroxide (KOH) wet mounts, post-operative material was collected and cultured on two tubes of Sabouraud
dextrose agar (SDA) and stored at 250 C and 370C for isolation and identification.
Results: Out of 329 diabetic individuals with AIFS following COVID-19 infection, 51% exhibited mucopurulent discharge
and 75.6 % had unilateral involvement. Only 57.4% of KOH mount samples were positive for fungal components, however
76.3% of SDA samples exhibited positive growth, with 62 % Mucorales, 8% Aspergillus, and 6 % Candida species.
Conclusion: Mucor mycosis can develop in COVID-19 patients, particularly those with diabetes, a high and imprudent
use of corticosteroids, and invasive ventilation. KOH test resulted in a preliminary diagnosis, whereas Culture remains
the gold standard for identification.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Syeda Touseef banu, Final yr Pg, Osmania medical college, Koti, hyderabad
E-mail: [email protected]
Furthermore, the involvement of fungus as a causative days. If colony growth happened within 5 days,
organism in chronic rhinosinusitis is well established.5 the morphology of the colony was observed. For
morphological identification, the fungal growth was
In moderate to severe cases with decompensated stained with Lactophenol cotton blue (LCB). Safety
pulmonary functions and the use of precautions were used throughout the collecting
immunosuppressive medicine for management and processing of materials. Gloves, N95, surgical
increase disease severity. Without early identification mask, plastic apron, and PPE Kit were provided to
and treatment, the condition may progress rapidly, operating employees. Before and after the procedure,
with reported fatality rates of 50 to 80 % due to intra- the work station was thoroughly disinfected with
orbital and cerebral complications.6 Despite prompt glutaraldehyde.
treatment, mortality rates were steadily rising due to
the disease’s rapid progression. Statistical Analysis: The SPSS 22 software was used
for statistical analysis. The outcomes was presented in
Materials and Methods the form of means and percentages.
Study Design: Prospective Cross sectional study
Observation and Results
Study Setting: Government ENT Hospital, Koti, Table 1: Distribution based on Gender and Side of
Hyderabad involvement
Study Duration: November 2021 to March 2022 Gender Frequency Percentage
Sample size: 329 patients Male 260 79%
Female 69 21%
Three-month research was undertaken on 329
individuals who had clinical signs of fungal infections Side of
after recovering from COVID 19 infection. involvement
Unilateral 251 76%
Inclusion Criteria Bilateral 78 24%
1. Patients with fungal sinusitis who have been Clinical
admitted to the hospital for treatment. features
2. Diabetes mellitus patients Mucopurulent
168 51%
3. Patients with suspected fungal sinusitis.
106 32%
Exclusion Criteria
Facial puffiness 70 21%
1. Vaccinated against Covid-19.
Headache 65 20%
2. Patients who have had no present or previous Facial pain 52 16%
Covid-19 infection.
3. Patients who are not diabetic. 46 14%
4. Patients unwilling to provide consent. Postnasal
33 10%
A comprehensive history was gathered from
individuals who had a clinical suspicion of paranasal 329 diabetic individuals with COVID-19 infection
sinus fungal infection. Material was collected in presented with AIFS (acute invasive fungal
sterile normal saline and sterile screw-capped and rhinosinusitis) — all of them had had COVID-19
leak-proof universal containers after surgery (small infection therapy during the previous 10 days. Males
or large surgical intervention). All samples were first predominated in the presenting pattern, with a mean
inspected microscopically using potassium hydroxide age of 49 years.
(KOH) wet mounts, then cultured on two tubes of
A total of 53.1% (175) of 329 diabetic individuals
Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and maintained
with acute invasive fungal sinusitis got steroids,
at temperatures of 25°C and 37°C, respectively.
whereas 46.8% (154) did not. In our study, we
The culture slants were incubated for 48 hours and
observed that 38% (125) of individuals who got
then monitored for growth every day for up to 5
steroids required oxygen assistance, whereas 15%
(50) did not. The use of a ventilator was required by 10% KOH mount examination was negative for
3% of those on steroids (ten). Patients who did not get fungal elements in 140 (42.5%) samples of patients
steroids were administered oxygen assistance in 30.3
Table 4: culture and morphological identification
% (100), 16.4 % (54) did not require oxygen, and 0.6 by LPCB
% (2) were intubated. Mucopurulent discharge with
black particles (51 %), nasal obstruction (32 %), facial Culture and Number
puffiness (21 %), headache (20 %), facial discomfort (16 morphological of
%), polypoid illness (14 %), and post nasal discharge identification by samples
LPCB (n=251)
(10 %) were the most prevalent symptoms. Black
staining and eschar development had occurred in Mucorales 156 62%
44% of the people. 75.6 % had unilateral involvement, Aspergillus Sp 20 8%
whereas 24% had bilateral involvement. Candida Sp 16 6%
Orbital complications occurred in 23 patients (7%), No growth 59 24%
the symptoms being, swelling of eye (3.34%), watering Out of 329 samples, 251 (76.3%) showed fungal
from eye (1.8%), ptosis (0.9%), pain in involved eye growth on SDA with LPCB showing 62% Mucorales,
(0.9%), orbital exenterating in 2 patients (0.6%) and 8% Aspergillus species, 6% Candida species.
blurring of vision in 1 patient. Palatal complication
observed in 8 patients (2.4%), the symptoms such as Table 5: Distribution based on various methods
tooth ache (1.2%), swelling on hard palate (0.6%) and
erosion of hard palate (0.3%). Methods Number of Percentage
Table 2: Percentage of samples identified in 10%
KOH mount and fungal culture Both KOH and culture
140 42.5 %
Samples Positive Negative
KOH positive and
identified with 49 14.9%
culture negative
KOH negative and
10% KOH 57.40% 42.50% 111 33.7%
culture positive
Fungal Culture 76.20% 23.70% Both KOH and culture
29 8.8%
In 10% KOH, 57.40% of the samples were positive negative
and with fungal culture 76.20% were positive. In 78 (23.7%) there was no fungal growth on SDA.
Table 3: Findings on KOH mount examination In this study, both KOH and Culture were positive in
140 patients (42.5%) while KOH negative and culture
KOH mount positive in 111 (33.7%), KOH positive and Culture
Frequency Percentage
findings negative in 49 (14.9%) and both were negative in 29
Ribbon Shaped (8.8%).
hyphae; broad,
aseptate and
89 47.00% Discussion
hyaline Covid-19 infection, which is caused by the new
SARS-CoV-2, has been associated with broad array
Septate hyphae
with branching at 13 7.00% of symptoms, ranging from moderate cough to life-
acute angle threatening pneumonia.6 As we understand more
about this novel disease, a plethora of symptoms and
Budding yeast cells 7 4.00%
complications have been documented, and new ones
No fungal elements 80 42.50% are emerging and being reported almost every day.7
Mucor mycosis is a fungus infection of the Mucorales
In 189 samples (57.4%) of which 47% showed
family that affects diabetics with impaired immune
ribbon shaped hyaline, broad aseptate and hyaline;
systems. The most prevalent symptom is rhino orbital
7% septate hyphae with branching at acute angles; 4%
infection, which is a rare ailment.8 In 2019, few cases
showed budding yeast cells.
of Mucor mycosis were reported.9 The significant
increase in Mucor mycosis cases during COVID-19’s
How to cite this article: S. Sow, F.B. Diakité, I. Diallo, C. T. Sidibe, A. B. Diallo, M. C. Tshikolasoni, M.O. Balde
et al Study of the Future of those Recovered from COVID-19 from Treatment centers in Guinea from March 2020
to January 2021. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
SARS-CoV-2 appeared in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The Guinean Government has taken important measures
since the notification of the first case on March 12, 2020, in particular the follow-up of the recovered. The objective of this
study was to describe the health and socio-economic problems faced by those who recovered from COVID-19 in Guinea.
This was a descriptive cross-sectional study by simple random sampling in the five communes of Conakry and the regions
of Kindia, Labé, and Kankan. Up to 330 COVID-19 survivors responded to the survey, 99% of whom were from the urban
area. The male gender represented 70.3%, and the 19-38 age group was the most represented (61.82%). Pupils, students/
teachers, health personnel, and academics respectively represented 10.91%, 17.58%, and 62.73%. In this study, 70% were
married against 28.18% single, and 8.79% moved after leaving the CTEPI. There is a statically significant link between
stigma and job loss with a p-value of 0.002. Stigma was strongly associated with community residence, change in income,
and post Covid-19 stress (P <0.05). The cured people who live in the communes of Ratoma, Matam, and Matoto are more
in the process of being stigmatized than the others, with respectively 27.6%, 23.4%, and 19.1% (p = 0.001). These results
show the need to support COVID-19 survivors from health, psychological and socio-economic perspectives.
Population: The people that recovered from the minimum sample size: ɳ = Z2 x Px (1-P) / d2 (Z = is
COVID-19 recorded in the areas used as the study the confidence level of the study, p = is the proportion
setting. Type and duration of study: this was a of cured in the population of confirmed Covid-19, d =
descriptive, quantitative and qualitative cross- is the margin of error of the study).
sectional study from January 29 to February 09, 2021,
With a confidence level of 95%, a margin of error α =
with a 2-day pre-survey phase.
5%, and the value of Z is equal to 1.96. The proportion
Inclusion criteria: Anyone recovered from of those cured in the 12,484 confirmed cases of
COVID-19 resides in the areas that served as the Covid-19 as of November 10, 2020 was estimated at
study setting. 87%, with 10,857 cured.
Exclusion criteria: children under 18 and people However, this estimate suffers from a bias, as more
with mental disorders were excluded. than 30% of confirmed cases had not been taken
care of at a Covid-19 treatment center, so their status
Variables: The study variables were socio-
remained unknown. For these reasons, we applied the
demographic characteristics (age, sex, residence,
principle of p = 50%. The sample size was estimated
occupation, marital status, and level of education),
to be 384 recovered.
medical history, knowledge of COVID-19, the attitude
of neighbors towards it, and the way of life of the To compensate for non-respondents, we adjusted
recovered person before and after his contamination. the size by 5%, or 403. The Randomizer software was
used to draw the numbers in the base of the cured
Data collection: Data collection was done using
according to the size of the sample. Excel and STATA
Kobo Collect administered directly to the cured by 20
were used. Comparisons were made using Pearson’s
investigators supported by six (6) supervisors.
Fischer and Chi-square tests (95% CI) and p <0.05 The
Sampling: We carried out random and simple study was approved by the ethics committee (N: 141/
sampling. We used the following formula to calculate CNERS/20).
A total of 330 COVID-19 survivors responded to the survey or 85% of the expected sample size.
Table I : Factors associated with the stigma of COVID-19 survivors, March 2020-January 2021.
Variables Total P-value
Yes No
Sex 0.500
• M 35 (74,5%) 197 (69,6%) 232
• F 12 (25,5%) 86 (30,4%) 98
Age (year) 0.325
• 19-29 18 (38,2) 85 (30%) 103
• 30-39 11 (23,4) 98 (34,6) 109
• 40-49 11 (23,4) 49 (17,3) 60
• 50 et plus 7 (14,8) 51 58
Marital status 0.164
• Married 28 (59,57%) 203 (71,73%) 231
• Single 18 (38,3%) 75 (26,5%) 93
• Divorced 1 (2,13%) 5 (1,77%) 6
Level of education 0.220
• Out of school / primary 2 (4,25%) 33 (11,67%) 35
• Secondary / vocational and 11 (23,4%) 77 (27,2%) 88
• University and more 34 173 207
Variables Total P-value
Yes No
Occupation 0.333
• Pupil / Student / Teachers 7 29
• Personal health 8 50
• Workers 5 64
• Defense and security 4 20
• Other officials 23 120
Concerning this study, there is a predominance of The table shows that more than 90% of those
males as 232 are male against 98 females- discharged from the TC-IP did not change their
residence after discharge and only 7.83% of them lost
Among COVID-19 survivors’ occupations, 64 are
their jobs.
workers in different sectors, and 50 are health agents.
Concerning the returning to work after leaving the
Regarding the level of education, 23.4% were
TC-IP, 98.11% of those who had recovered returned to
limited to the secondary and professional level, and
work immediately after their recovery.
4% had never been to school.
Regarding sharing information about their covid-19
Table II: Distribution according to the
characteristics of those recovered from Covid-19 in status, 55.15% said they had shared their recovered
the region’s March 2020-January 2021. status with their colleagues and neighbors without
Variables Numbers Frequency
(%) Table III: Distribution of respondents according
to the perception and attitude of the COVID-19
Move entourage, March 2020-January 2021
Yes 29 8,79
Characteristics Number Percentage
No 301 91,21
Perception of family
Survivors with a job
N=310 No change; it was like
before COVID-19 88 26,67%
Yes 230 74,19 Good perception,
No 80 25,81 welcoming, friendly 191 57,88%
Survivors who lost their and pleasant
n=230 Bad perception,
jobs after Covid-19 14 4,24%
Yes 18 7,83 mistrust, stigma
Undetermined, the
No 212 92,17
whole family was
Return to work after 37 11,21%
n=212 positive, I live alone, no
illness one was informed
Yes 208 98,11 Attitude of the entourage
No 4 1,89 No change; it was like
109 33,03%
Survivors who agreed to before
share information about N=330 Good perception,
their status welcoming,
133 40,30%
sympathetic and
Yes 182 55 ,15
No 148 44,85 Bad perception,
53 16,06%
Survivors showing signs mistrust, stigma
of stress Undetermined, the
Yes 27 8,18 whole family was
35 10,61%
No 303 91,82 positive, I live alone, no
one was informed
Regarding the attitude of the family towards those declining income. Almost half of the survivors, 148
whom COVID-19 has cured, 57.88% stated that they (45%) out of 330 recovered did not want their status
were well received on their arrival - on the other to be known to others.
hand, 4.24% said that they were badly received and
Among them, 62.73% were university students;
sometimes they were meme ignored by members of
70% of survivors were married against 28.18% were
their own family.
single; 99% of respondents lived in urban areas. Males
Table IV: Factors associated with the stigma of accounted for 70.3% of cases, and the 19-38 age group
COVID-19 survivors March 2020-January 2021 was the most represented at 61.82%. The average age
Variables Stigma Total P-value of participants was 37.5 years, with extremes of 19
Oui Non and 76 years.
Other districts 0.001 Among those who recovered from stress, 19% were
3 21 those who had lost their jobs. And those who had lost
Dixinn 21 their jobs were more stressed than the other survivors
(6,4%) (7,4%)
5 21 who did not lose their jobs. This relationship is
Kaloum 26 statistically significant P = 0.045. Although we
(10,6%) (7,4%)
11 19 only covered 330 people, this size is representative.
Matam 30 Among the 330 surveyed, 33% declared having
(23,4%) (6,7%)
9 102 been the victim of stigma. 21% lost their jobs; 4.2%
Matoto 111 experienced stigmatization from their families and
(19,1%) (36%)
13 107 friends. More than 16% are badly perceived when
Ratoma 120 they return to their respective communities. There is
(27,6%) (37,8%)
Other 6 13 a statically significant association between stigma and
19 job loss with a P = 0.002; 33% of respondents said they
districts (12,8%) (4,6%)
Income change 0.003 had not noticed a change in behavior towards them;
63.63% of these stigmatized people lost their jobs (P
14 40
Yes 54 = 0.007). Community residence, change in income,
(33,3%) (14,9%)
and COVID-19 post-stress are factors associated with
28 228
No 256 stigma (p = 0.003).
(66,7%) (85,1%)
Stress 0.000 The cured living in the communes of Ratoma,
15 12 Matam, and Matoto are more stigmatized than
Yes 27 the others, respectively 27.6%, 23.4%, and 19.1%
(31,9%) (4,2%)
32 271 (p = 0.001). There is not a statistically significant
No 303 relationship between gender, age, marital status,
(68,1%) (95,8%)
level of education, occupation, and the occurrence of
There were statically significant relationships
stigma among those recovered from COVID-19.
between the place of residence, variation in financial
earning, stresses, and stigma among Ebola recoveries Conclusion
Our study shows that there is a need for psychological
Discussion and socio-economic support in addition to the medical
As soon as the first case of COVID-19 was notified follow-up the recovered from treatment centers. After
on March 12, 2020, the National Health Security their journey in the CTePi, the cured suffer from the
Agency activated its response plan. This plan did not stigma, stress, and loss of income.
take into account certain concerns, in particular those Ethical clearance : Taken from.AFRO Ethics
recovered from COVID-19. Review committee, September, 18th 2020 ( a copy will
This survey showed the need for support for be attached).
survivors on the health, psychological, social, and Source of funding : The study was carried out
economic levels. After experiencing the grim realities with funding from the WHO.
of CTePi, these healed people were still victims of
some issues such as stigma, stress, job loss, and Conflict of interest : There is not conflit interest .
How to cite this article: Sanjay Kumar, Rohit Kumar Jha et al Comparison of Causes of Infective and Non-Infective
Epistaxis in the Kolhan Belt Population of Jharkhand. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Epistaxis is the commonest otolarangyngological emergency affecting 60 % of population in their life time
.If un-treated may affect hemodynamic status.
Method: 92 Epistaxic patients of different age groups were treated conservatively after routine blood examination and
serum electrolyte, Urea, S. Creatinine, Urine routine examination, Blood group, Coagulation profile, CT scan was done in
selected patients to rule out neoplasm of the nose, PNS and nasopharynx. Moreover chest-x-ray, ECG was performed for
fitness procedure required for general anaesthesia.
Results: In clinical manifestations of infective and non-infective epistaxis 32 (34.7%) were idiopathic, 19 (20.6%) were due
to trauma, 14 (15.2%) rhinitis, 15 (16.3%) HTN/Atherosclerosis, 2 (2.17%) due to tumours, 2 (2.17%) Iatrogenic, 3 (3.26%)
foreign bed, 2 (2.17%) blood dyscrasis, 1 (1.08%) congenital heart disease, 2 (2.17%) during pregnancy, 30 (32.1%) were
non-infective, 62 (67.3%) were infective epistaxic. Out of 92 patients 36 (39.1%) had non-infective bleeding sites and 56
(60.8%) had infective bleeding sites. Out of 6 (6.52%), 5 (5.43%) complications were observed in non-infective epistaxis.
Conclusion: Though epistaxis is idiopathic it is classified as local or systemic but it is difficult to classify. Hence 80-90%
were idiopathic (non-infective) Majority of the epistaxis were managed with conservative (non-surgical) treatment such
as nasal packing and local cauterization. It is safe and cost effective surgery will be the lost resort to cure epistaxis.
Corresponding Author:
Bhimsen Hansda
Assistant Professor, Department of ENT, MGM Medical College, Jamshedpur-831018
the term “idiopathic epistaxis” is ultimately used in treatment was considered only when conservative
about 80 to 90% of the cases (4). Hence attempt is made method failed to control the epistaxis of the patients
to evaluate the causes of infective and non-infective. with bleeding disorders packed with absorbable
Epistaxis so that present study can be a guide line to gelatine sponge (Abgel). The rest of the patients
ENT surgeon who deals with Epistaxis in different received conventional anterior nasal packing with
age groups and both sexes. ribbon gauze posterior nasal packing was considered
in the case of re-bleed in a patient also had anterior
Material and Method nasal pack in site surgical methods were last resorts to
90 patients aged between 10 to 58 years regularly control bleeding in patients who had recurrent bleed
visiting to ENT department of MGM Medical College or whose bleeding could not be controlled with those
hospital Jamshedpur-831018 were studied. non-intentional methods.
Inclusive Criteria: All the patients presented the Duration of study was October-2021 to April-2022.
Epistaxis were selected for study.
Statistical analysis: Various studies of infective
Exclusion Criteria: Patients undergone recent and non-infective Epistoxis were done and classified
sinusoidal surgery, any bleeding diathesis or patients with percentage. The statistical analysis was carried
with earlier intervention on bleeding site were out in SPSS software. The ratio of the male and female
excluded from study. was 2:1.
Method: Every patient underwent routine Observation and Results
investigation such as CBC, Hb% level, platelet
Table-1: Study of causes of infective and Non-
count, RBS, Serum electrolyte, urea, creatinine, Urine
infective epistaxis – 32 (34.7%) were Idiopathic (Non-
routine, examination and blood grouping.
infective), 19 (20.6%) trauma, 14 (15.2%) Rhinitis
Coagulation profile such as prothrombin time (Inflammation), 15 (16.3%) HTN / atherosclerosis, 2
activated plasma thromboplastin time; bleeding (2.17%) Iatrogenic, 3 (3.26%) foreign body, 2 (2.7%)
and clotting time was ruled out. CT scan was done Blood dyscrasis, Glanzmanns thromboaesthetic
in selected cases to rule out neoplasm of the nose Haemophilia, 1 (1.08%) congenital heart disease, 2
and para-nasal sinuses and the naso-pharmnx. (2.17%) pregnancy.
Moreover chest-x-ray, ECG, and stereological test
Table-2: Comparative study of modalities in
was performed for the fitness procedure require
Epistaxis, out of 11 (11.9%), 5 (5.43%) were infective, 6
general anaesthesia, that is convention posterior nasal
(6.52%) were kept under observation, out of 37 (40.2%),
packing and surgical methods to control epistaxis.
24 (26.08%) of infective, 13 (14%) were non-infective
Intravenous line was established in all patients treated with light packing with gauzy antiseptic
with side bear canula. Initially the patients were antibiotic local haemostatic. Out of 15 (16.3%) patients
evaluated with anterior rhinoscopy to indentify 7 (7.60%0 infective, 8 (8.69%) non-infective treated
the site of bleeding. Patients who were brought with local trichlora aceticacid, Out of 13 (14.1%) 10
to emergency room with complaint of recurrent (10.8%) infective, 3 (3.26%) non-infective treated with
episodes of excessive bleeding, underwent nasal anterior nasal packing, 4 (4.34%) of infective were
endoscopic examination to search the site of bleeding treated with posterior nasal packing, 6 (6.25%) had
which might have located more posteriorly. endoscopic cuttery. Out of a 11 (11.9%) 6 (6.25%)
Treatment of patients with epistaxis included had infective and 5 (5.43%) non-infective combined
conservative or non-surgical treatment and surgical procedure, 30 (32.1%) patients were non-infective, 62
or interventional treatment. Non-surgical treatment 67.3%) were infected epistaxis patients.
included application of topical vasoconstriction such Table-3: Comparison of bleeding sites in both
as oxymetazoline and xylomyazoline nasal drop, infective and non-infective epistaxis out of 38 (41.3%)
chemical and electric cauterization of the bleeder and 24 (26.1%) infective, 14 (15.2%) had anterior septum,
anteri and posterior nasal packing, surgical methods out of 14 (15.2%) 9 (9.7%) infective, 5 (5.4%) non-
were endoscopic cauterization of the bleeder and SPA infective had posterior septal bleeding site. Out of 12
(spheno-palatine Artery) ligation. All the patients (13%), 7 (7.6%) infective, 5 (5.4%) non-infective had
were initially treated conservatively and surgical lateral wall (inferior turbinate) was bleeding site.
Out of 24 (26%), 13 (13.6%) infective, 11 (11.9%) non- infective espitaxis because in old age minor traumatic
infective had anterior floor was bleeding site. Out of 4 injury to nose result into server degree of epistaxis.
(4.3%), 1 (1.08%) infective, 3 (3.2%) non-infective had This epistaxis may be the diagnostic value of cerebro-
posterior floor was bleeding site, Out of 92, 36 (39.1%) vasular cardio vascular derangements. It is noted that
non-infective, 56 (60.8%) infective patients bleeding. epistaxis present in HTN patients is not controlled
by anti-HTN drugs hence there was recurrence of
Table-4: Comparison of frequency of complications
epistaxis in HTN patients (10) or the HTN patients with
in both infective and non-infective patient had
epistaxis might have essential hypertension. Under
hypovolmic shock, 3 (3.26%) non-infective had
such scenario it is difficult to classify the infective or
recurrent epistaxis, 1 (1.08%) non-infective had toxic
non-infective (Idiopathic) epistaxis.
shock, 1 (1.08%) non-infective had facial oedema. Out
of 6 (6.25%) 5 (5.43%) complications were observed in Managements epistaxis is well summarised by
non-infective patients. taking preventive measures including face mask with
shield gowns, hair coverage and double-gloving.
The use of antimicrobial prophylaxis in the
In the present comparative study of infective and non-
presence of nasal packing for the treatment epistaxis
infective (idiopathic) Epistaxis. Clinical manifestations
remains controversial as it may lead to increased risk
were 32 (34.7%) were Idiopathic (non-infective), 19
for sinusitis and toxic shock syndrome. Blood soaked
(20.6%) were due to trauma, 14 (15.2%) were due to
pack and raw mucosal surface are good media for
rhinitis, 15 (16.3%) were due to Hyper tension / athero
bacterial multiplication resulting in infection including
sclerosis, 2 (2.17%) were due to tumours, 2 (2.17%)
sinusitis and some time toxic shock syndrome (11).
Iatrogenic, 3 (3.26%) were due to foreign body, 2
The mortality rates associated with epistaxis were
(2.17%) were due to blood dyscyasis haemophilia, 1
severe head injuries cardiac arrest associated tension
(1.08%) due to congenital heart anomalies, 2 (2.17%)
pnemothorax and nasopharyngeal cancer.
during pregnancy (Table-1). 30 (32.1%) Epistaxis
patients were non-infective (Idiopathic), 62 (67.3%) Summary and Conclusion
were due to infection (Table-2). Out of 92 (100%), 36
Present comparison of causes of between infective
(39.1%) epistaxis had non-infective bleeding and 56
and non-infective epistaxis, 32 (34%) of Idiopathic
(60.8%) had infective bleeding (Table-3). Out of six
(non-infective) epistaxis and remaining 60 (65.2%)
(6) frequency of complication patients 5 (5.41%) were
appears to be infective though the aetiology was not
non-infective (Idiopathic) (Table-4). These findings
clearly under stood. Majority of epistaxis is managed
are more or less in agreement with previous studies
with conservative methods and surgery remains to be
the last resort to treat epistaxis. The Present studies
Prevalence of epistaxis among the children aged demands further inventional study of embryological
between 3 and 6 years of age was observed. Few genetic, nutritional, patho-physiological studies
children were due to traumatic and few children because exact the factors and mechanism of epistaxis
using anticoagulants, some of the adults or children is still unclear.
had Diabetes mellitus Hypertension (8). Trauma being
Limitation of study - Due to tertiary location of
the major cause of epistaxis varied from minor injury
present institution, small number of patients and lack
such as digital trauma to varying degrees of nasal
of latest technologies we have limited results.
injury from road traffic injury, HTN (hypertension)
is the third commonest cause of epistaxis due to This research paper was approved by
poor blood pressure control. It is also reported that, Ethical committee of MGM Medical College
expistaxis is the one of the geriatric problem in older Jamshedpur-831018.
than 40 (forty) years of age (9). Hence it is confirmed No Conflict of interest
that, In old age there is lesser degree of immunity
leads to cardiovascular diseases like HTN / No Funding
Atherosclerosis, type-II DM could be the major cause Table 1: Clinical manifestation of Infective and
of epistaxis in old age above 40 years. Hence epistaxis Non-infective of Epistaxis
above 40 years can be classified or considered as
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Al Ameen Medical College, Athani Road, Vijayapura Karnataka
Scientist ‘D’ (Medical), ICMR-National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Dr B R Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka
How to cite this article: Sanjay TV, Ramu P, Madhusudan M, Nandhini RC et al Falls among Elderly in a Rural
Community: Incidence and Determinants. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Falls are one of the emerging public health issues and a barrier for active aging. There is a scarcity of studies
on incidence of falls among elderly population which provide information on real burden from rural part of India. Hence,
the study was undertaken to find out the incidence of falls and determinants among elderly population.
Materials and Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out by involving 260 elderlies in a primary health centre
area of Bengaluru by using simple random sampling technique over a period of one year. Data was collected regarding,
socio-personal characteristics, substance use, co-morbidities and self-perceived health status using interview method and
assessment of housing conditions was also undertaken. House visit was conducted to explain the purpose of the study
and to distribute falls dairy. Telephonic interview was undertaken to collect history of falls and related information once
in three months and at the end of one-year elderly were revisited to confirm the falls. All the data was analysed using Epi
Results: The incidence of falls among elderly was 48.2%. The socio-personal characteristics such as age group ≥70 years
(p<0.001), low/medium standard of living index (SLI) (p=0.03), poor/average self-perceived health status (p=0.001),
provision of separate living room (p=0.0006) and location of bathroom and toilet outside the house (p=0.04) were
associated with falls.
Conclusion: The incidence of falls among elderly was more compared to previous studies and associated with advanced
age, poor income, poor self-perceived health status, living alone in separate room and location of bathroom and toilet
outside the house.
Corresponding Author:
Dr Ramu P, MD (Comm Med)
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine
Al Ameen Medical College, Athani Road, Vijayapura, Karnataka-58610
Email: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 229
It was documented that approximately one-third Sample size: The sample size was estimated to be
of elderly living in community and over two-third 233 considering ‘prevalence of falls among elderly’ as
of institutionalized elderly will fall at least once 18.6%, absolute precision of 5%. Assuming 10% non-
a year and also reported that about 4,24,000 fall- response it was revised to 260.12
related deaths occurred globally and around one-
Study population: A total of 884 ambulatory elderly
fifth of them (95,000 deaths) occurred in India. These
subjects (≥60 years) were enumerated in the PHC area
evidences confirm that falls among elderly in India is
by conducting house to house visit. Of which 570
a growing public health concern due to increase in the
subjects were identified based on inclusion criteria
population of elderly which is projected to reach 19
such as resident of the locality for at least six months,
per cent by the year 2050.4-7
ambulatory and willing to participate in the study.
Many prospective studies from developed countries Those with severe illness, cognitive impairment,
have shown that the incidence of falls for elderly speech and hearing difficulty were excluded. All the
living in the community varies between 29% to 40% subjects were line listed according to alphabetical
and this increases with age. Falls are responsible for order and finally, 260 subjects were selected by simple
19% of all emergency department visits and more random sampling technique using computerised
than 50% of injury-related hospitalisations among random number generator.
elderly people.8-9
Study tools: In the study, fall was defined
Recent reviews on falls among elderly in according to WHO as inadvertently coming to rest
India has shown that, there are many prevalence on the ground, floor or other lower level, excluding
studies displaying important information on the intentional change in position to rest in furniture,
epidemiological problem of falls and according to wall or other objects.13 Baseline data regarding socio
these studies burden of falls (prevalence) varies personal characteristics and substance use (currently
from 26% - 37%. The major drawback of prevalence using chewable and smokable tobacco, alcohol
study is the underestimation of real burden of falls and beverages) were collected. Co-morbidities
due to recall bias. This evidence is strengthened by were diagnosed based on clinical examination and
the fact that 13% to 32% of elderly had forgotten physician’s report. Self-rated health (SRH) status was
their previous falls. This sort of under-reporting assessed by asking the elderly subjects to rate their
is due to embarrassment and fear related to loss of present state of health as poor, average or good.
Assessment of housing conditions included
There is limited information on burden of falls and following variables: overcrowding (<50 sq feet/
its determinants based on incidence studies carried person), adequate ventilation (total area covered
out on the elderly living in rural part of India where by doors and windows >2/5th of the total floor
majority of the elderly live. Such studies immensely space of the living room), adequate lighting (able
help policy makers and planners to design effective to read newspaper comfortably) in atleast 2/3rd
interventional strategies to improve the quality of life area of the living room, presence of unsafe furniture
of elderly in near future. Hence, present study was (haphazardly placed, projecting and broken), cooking
planned and undertaken with a primary objective on the floor, uneven stars, location of the bathroom,
to find out the incidence of falls and the secondary toilet and its flooring (uneven and slippery).14
objective to identify determinants of falls among Data collection: In the first house visit, purpose
elderly population. of the visit was explained and informed consent was
Materials and Methods taken from the elderly. By interview method, trained
investigator collected data using a pre-tested, semi-
This population based prospective cohort study was
structured questionnaire.
carried out in a primary health centre (PHC) area
having 21 villages with 13,901 population which Each elderly subject was followed up to one year
comes under rural field practice area of a medical for the incidence of falls. For better monitoring, every
college in Bengaluru from March 2017 to June 2018 elderly subject was instructed to record fall in a falls’
after obtaining approval from the Institutional ethics dairy given at the time of first visit. Every subject was
committee (KIMSIEC/D-10/2016). asked to record time of falls, cause, location, type of
injury, body part involved and treatment received
with the help of care giver. Along with this, follow-up were significantly more among subjects from low/
of each subject was undertaken once in three months middle SLI (50.2%) compared to subjects from high SLI
by telephonic interview and house visit was made in category (30.8%), P=0.03. Falls were significantly more
case of any fall. among subjects having poor/average self-perceived
health status (57%) compared to subjects with good
At the end of year, houses of 247 (11 subjects died
self-perceived health status (36.2%), P=0.001. There
and 2 subjects moved out of the study area) elderly
was no statistically significant association of falls with
subjects were re-visited to confirm the falls and its
sex (P=0.8), education (P=0.9), employment status
details by verifying falls dairies. At the end of the
(P=0.1), marital status (P=0.2), type of family (p=0.6),
study, every subject was given education on causes,
substance use (p=-0.4) and co-morbidity (p=0.09).
consequences and prevention of falls.
(Table – 3)
Statistical analysis: In this study, both descriptive
This study revealed incidence of falls significantly
(percentages, mean and standard deviation) and
more among subject living alone in separate room
inferential statistics such as chi-square test (to find out
(66.7%) compared to those sharing room with other
association of falls with socio-personal characteristics
family members (41.9%), P=0.0006. Similarly, falls
and housing conditions) were used. P-value of <0.05
were significantly more among subjects living in
was considered as statistically significant. All the data
house with bathroom and toilet placed outside (52.8%)
were entered and analysed using Epi info
compared to bathroom and toilet placed inside the
Results: Out of 260 subjects, 115(42%) were males house (39.3%) P=0.04. There was no statistically
and 145(58%) females. The mean age of subjects significant association of falls with overcrowding
were 68.7 ± 7.5 years with a range of 60 to 98 years. (P=0.9), adequate ventilation and lighting (P=0.2,
136(52.3%) belonged to the age group of 60-69 years 0.3)), unsafe furniture (P=0.6), cooking on the floor
and, 124(47.7%) to >70 years age group. 132 (50.8%) (P=0.3), uneven steps in the entrance and stairs (P=0.7,
were literate, 128(49.2%) illiterate, 170(65.4%) were 0.6), slippery floor in the bathroom and toilet (P=0.2)
not working, 90(34.6%) working, 214(82.3%) were (Table – 4).
married, 46(17.7%) unmarried/widowed, 141(54.2%)
Table 1: Distribution of study subjects according to
were from joint family, 51(19.6%) from nuclear and characteristics of falls (n=143).
68(26.2%) from 3 generation family. 28(10.8%),
135(51.9%) and 97(37.3%) were respectively from Variable Category Total
high, medium and low socioeconomic class as per the 1 119(83.2)
No. of falls
Standard of Living Index. ≥1 24(16.8)
Intrinsic 48 (33.6)
Causes for Falls
Out of total 260 study subjects, 247 study subjects Environmental 95(66.4)
were included for the final analysis due to attrition. Indoor 93(65)
Location of falls
Totally, 119 elderly reported single fall in one year Outdoor 50(35)
(Incidence of falls was 48.2% (13.5 per 100 person- Day 46(32.2)
Time of Fall
years). Among them, 54 (45.4%) of the subjects were Night 97(67.8)
males and 65 (54.6%) were females. Elderly subjects Table 2: Distribution of study subjects according to
who had fallen more than once were 24 (9.7%) (recurrent characteristics of injury due to falls
falls). Totally there were 143 subjects (57.9%) who had Variable Category Total
reported falls. 95 (66.4%) of subjects had falls due to Injury after fall Yes 135(94.4)
environmental cause, 93(65%) of subjects experienced (n=143) No 8(5.6)
falls in the indoor settings and 97(67.8%) of them had Body parts Head and neck 97(48.7)
fall during night time (Table – 1). injured Trunk 93(46.7)
(n=199) * Upper limb 7(3.5)
Out of 143 falls, 135 (94.4%) of falls led to injury.
Lower limb 2 (1)
Most of the injuries were on the head and neck (48.7%) Type of Injury Contusion 98(72.6)
followed by trunk (46.7%). Contusion (72.6%) was the (n=135) # Abrasion 28(20.7)
major type of injury following falls (Table – 2). Laceration 3(2.2)
Incidence of falls were significantly more among Puncture wounds 2(1.5)
subjects aged ≥70 years (61.2%) compare to subjects Fractures 4(3)
in 60-69 years group (36.6%), P<0.001. Similarly, falls * Multiple parts; #subjects with injury
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How to cite this article: Shabahat Hussain, Mohammad Frayez et al Correlation of Automated cell counters RBC
Histogram and Peripheral smear in Anemias. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background and Aim: The RBC histogram visualizes particle size distribution that plays a critical role in the initial
screening and detection method for haematological disorders in current clinical settings. This present study was designed
to determine the relationship between Abbott cell dyn ruby- 5 part analyzer automated haematology analyzer histograms
and peripheral smear using the blood samples.
Material and Methods: A total of 500 samples sent for CBC and PS would be used for the present study for the duration of
5 months. The CBC samples received would be analyzed in the ABOTT cell dyn ruby instrument, and a peripheral smear
would be made from the same sample, using Leishman stain.
Results: Among all, 16% histograms were normal,31% had a left-shifted curve,40% showed broad-based curve, 03%
showed short peak, and Bimodal peaked histogram was demonstrated by 06% of total cases. In the present study, cases of
dimorphic anemia showed a normal range of MCV, MCH and MCHC. At the same time, RDW is increased due to the high
degree of anisocytosis and poikilocytosis, which was observed in the PBS. Cases of Macrocytic anemia show an increase
in MCV, MCH and RDW with normal MCHC.
Conclusion: Histogram plays an additional role with peripheral smear for diagnosing RBCs disorders. Haematology
analyzers were very useful and reliable for evaluation of abnormal peripheral smears. Histogram was correlated with
almost all peripherial smear interpretation in anemia cases.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Mohammad Frayez,
Department of Pathology and Blood Bank, ASMC Shahjahanpur
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 235
The RBC histogram, along with other CBC parameters This is a prospective cross-sectional study done
like RBC distribution width (RDW) and mean on all patients diagnosed with anaemia according to
corpuscular volume (MCV), has been discovered to WHO definition. The CBC samples received would
be aberrant in a variety of haematological illnesses be analyzed in the ABOTT cell dyn ruby instrument,
and may provide essential clues in the diagnosis and and a peripheral smear would be made from the same
treatment of significant red cell disorders.1-4 sample, using Leishman stain.
The curve of Red cell distribution is bell shaped and Results
peaks within 80 to 100 fl. For homogenous population
Out of the 500 samples, 192 samples were from Males,
of cells the curve was smaller, while for heterogenous
and 38 samples were from females. In the present
population the curve was wider. The curve was shifted
study, we found that the maximum number of cases
to right in megaloblastic anemia due to macrocytes;
were of Microcytic hypochromic anemia and showed
while in microcytic anemia it was shifted to left. If
various histograms. Among all, 16% histograms were
the patient had received treatment, Morphologically
normal,31% had a left-shifted curve,40% showed
two red cell population was seen, in which multiple
broad-based curve, 03% showed short peak, and
peaks can be observed and is referred to as Dimporhic
Bimodal peaked histogram was demonstrated by
anemia. In these conditions RDW was the better
06% of total cases. Correlation with Peripheral smear
indicator than MCV to assess anisocytosis. 5,6
findings: In our study, we observe that cases of
A histogram can assist laboratorians in 1) monitoring Microcytic hypochromic anemia with less than normal
the accuracy of the results provided by analyzers and range of Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) &Mean
2) examining the possible cause(s) of the erroneous Corpuscular (MCH) Hemoglobin with normal Mean
automated outcomes.3) establishing a tentative Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
diagnosis 7 Certain situations, such as the presence and increased Red cell Distribution Width (RDW)
of fragmented red cells or red cell agglutination, may and this finding is correlated with anisopoikilocytosis
now theoretically Be seen on the red cell histogram, which was seen on the microscopic examination of
which could not previously be seen without a blood peripheral blood smear.
film study. A sequential histogram can also clearly
The cases of Normocytic Normochromic anemia
demonstrate the increasing emergence of a new
showed the standard limit of MCV, MCH and MCHC
erythrocyte population well ahead of other numerical
and occasional cases having mildly increased RDW.
indicators in patients with iron deficiency anaemia
In the present study, cases of dimorphic anemia
(IDA) or megaloblastic anaemia under treatment.8,9
showed a normal range of MCV, MCH and MCHC.
This present study was designed to determine the
At the same time, RDW is increased due to the high
relationship between Abbott cell dyn ruby- 5 part
degree of anisocytosis and poikilocytosis, which was
analyzer automated haematology analyzer histograms
observed in the PBS. Cases of Macrocytic anemia
and peripheral smear using the blood samples.
show an increase in MCV, MCH and RDW with
Objectives: 1) Interpretation of histograms in normal normal MCHC.
persons and patients with different types of anaemia.
Table 1: Age and gender distribution in the study
2) Comparison of automated histogram patterns with
morphological features noticed on peripheral smear Age 5-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60
examination. group above
(years )
Material and Methods Male 13 9 56 38 43 23 10
A total of 500 samples sent for CBC and PS would female 9 19 158 82 21 14 6
be used for the present study for the duration of 5
Table 2: Case Distribution as per types of anemia
Types of anemia No of cases Percentage (%)
Inclusion criteria: All patients who are diagnosed
as anaemic according to WHO definition Exclusion Normocytic 77 15.4
criteria 1) Patients who are less than five years of age. Microcytic 364 72.8
2) Inadequate quantity of blood sample for automated Macrocytic 21 4.2
analyzer (< 3ml). 3) Pre Analytical errors like clotted Dimorphic 38 7.6
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Table 3: Distribution of RBC histogram in the in their reproductive years. Iron deficiency during
present study pregnancy is a significant problem in our nation.17,18 In
s. no. Type of histogram Percentage (%) macrocytic anaemia, a right shift with a broad-based
curve indicates a low Hb level and a macrocytic blood
1 Normal 16
image. The causes of macrocytosis range from benign
2 Left shift 31 to malignant, and determining the aetiology requires
3 Right shift 5 a comprehensive approach. Macrocytosis can strike
4 Broad base 40 at any age, though it is more common among the
5 Short peak 3 elderly.19-21
6 Bimodal peak 6 In our study majority of cases of macrocytic anemia
Discussion showed a right shift curve. Right shift curve correlated
well with increased MCV and MCH. The dimorphic
A single histogram graph can be equivalent to blood picture shows a bimodal curve, along with
1000 numbers. The effect of a vast collection of facts some cases leading to the left and right shifting of the
represented as a visual representation is significantly curve. There are wide reasons for dimorphic blood
greater than the impact of numbers alone. These picture, including nutritional anemia, recent blood
data can take numerous forms in haematology, one transfusion or therapy response to nutritional anemia
of which is the RBC histogram. The range, size, and sideroblastic anemia.
shape, and other conspicuous aspects of the red
cell morphology may all be seen by scanning the The majority of macrocytic anaemia cases in our
histogram visually.9 study had a right shift curve. Increased MCV and
MCH are associated well with the right shift curve.
Information about RBC parameters like RDW, The bimodal curve is visible in the dimorphic
MCH and MCV were obtained which helped in blood image, with some cases showing the left and
diagnosis and typing of anemia.3,4 Normal curve proper shifting of the curve. Nutritional anaemia,
was symmetrical bell shaped or showed Gaussian recent blood transfusion or therapeutic response to
distribution. Normal curve shows MCV range nutritional anaemia, and sideroblastic anaemia are
between 80-100 fl. 7,8. The analyzer can recognize only all possible causes of dimorphic blood images. To
those Red Blood cells 36fl to 360fl volume sizes as determine the specific cause, a complete examination
RBCs, and the range 24fl to 36 fl are not considered is required.22 These finding were correlated with
in the RBC count and not taken into consideration by study carried out by Sandhya14 and Chavda J.15 Our
the counter. The histogram begins above the baseline study was in concordance with the study conducted
(36fl) indicates the presence of small particles like by Constantino et al.16 in 2010. Using Fisher Exact test
microspherocytes, platelet clumps, normoblast, and comparing the two variables i.e peripheral blood
elliptocytes, malaria parasites, bacteria, etc. The RBC smear reports with histogram patterns the p values
count does not affect by WBCs count is increased by showed very high significant difference between
beyond 50000 cells / cumm.10-13 the two variables .This difference was largely due to
In the present study of 500 cases, the maximum dimorphic anemia cases which was in concordance
number of instances are having Microcytic anemia with Constantino et al.
followed by normocytic, Dimorphic and Macrocytic. Conclusion
Other studies like sandhya al14, BynaSyamSundara
Rao et al.15, Chavda J et al 16 were also found similar Histogram plays an additional role with peripheral
findings of anemia cases regarding Distribution. Our smear for diagnosing RBCs disorders. Haematology
survey of RBC histogram showed normal curve (16%), analyzers were very useful and reliable for evaluation
left shift (31%), right shift (5%), Broad base (40%), of abnormal peripheral smears. Histogram was
short peak (3%) and bimodal (6%) and these findings correlated with almost all peripherial smear
regarding RBC histogram were also correlated with interpretation in anemia cases. When the right
other studies. interpretation of the curve is paired with the
findings of blood count characteristics such as red
The most prevalent cause of microcytic RBC is iron cell distribution width and red cell indices, the RBC
deficiency anaemia, which affects mostly women Histogram becomes a useful diagnostic tool. Blood
indices and Hb values, as well as histograms, will help 12. Radadiya, Poonam, et al. Automated red blood
us. Histograms are a helpful tool for technologists cell analysis compared with routine red blood cell
since they may help them determine which instances morphology by smear review. NHL Journal of medical
require specialist peripheral smear testing. sciences 4. 1 (2015). [Crossref][PubMed] [Google
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Shaugfta Aara1, Mehak Mufti2, Shuaeb Bhat3, Mehbooba Rasool4, Meenakshi Sharma5
Assistant professor department of physiology GMC Anantnag, University of Kashmir
Assistant professor department of Pathology GMC Anantnag, University of Kashmir
Assistant professor department of Social and preventative Medicine GMC Anantnag , University of Kashmir
Assistant professor department of Physiology Kathua, University of Jammu
How to cite this article: Shaugfta Aara, Mehak Mufti, Shuaeb Bhat, Mehbooba Rasool, Meenakshi Sharma et al
mpact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Education; Challenges for Faculty and Medical and Paramedical Students
in a Medical College of South Kashmir.
Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a highly contagious disease primarily involving the respiratory system.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization proclaimed COVID-19 a pandemic. One of the important strategies
taken to prevent the spread of the disease has been social distancing around the world, Educational institutions have been
closed for the safety of both students and communities. Social distancing measures hamper the students’ learning process
as they are prevented from assembling in laboratories, lecture halls, or small-group rooms and engaging in person with
their peers and instructors. Although medical school is an adult schooling experience, the absence of interactive sessions
affects not only Medical education but all education curricula that require hands-on experience or internship. The most
significant response to the pandemic has been to shift teaching-learning and assessment online. Using standardized
patients and facilitators, schools have also attempted to shift clinical learning and teaching. Both professors and students
face obstacles when it comes to online teaching, learning, and assessment.
Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Government Medical College Anantnag,
department of Physiology between October 2021 and December 2021 among 240 Medical, Paramedical students and
faculty members of GMC Anantnag. A questionnaire was distributed, by means of email to all the faculty members,
medical students, and paramedical students.
Results: The reported challenges to online education during the COVID-19 pandemic at this institution included issues
regarding in-person communication (19.5%), use of technology tools (12.5%), experience in online education (16.6%), time
management (29.1%), students’ evaluations of faculty (24.0%). In addition, we reported that 20% of participants did not
have fourth generation internet access. 45% had an unsatisfactory experience with the medical education program and
40% do not have availability of advanced technology.
Conclusion: COVID-19 has had an impact on many aspects of medical education as well as on medical students. The
degree of effect was especially influenced by the type of institution attended. When things return to normal, proper
planning and adequate rehabilitation will be needed to mitigate and possibly reverse the effects of COVID-19 on students’
health and welfare.
Corrosponding author:
Shaugfta Aara
Momin Abad Anantnag J & K, District Anantnag, 192101
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 239
appropriate selection of study participants. A friendly 58 (24.16%) were faculty members and 182 (58.83%)
reminder was sent to potential respondents to ensure were Medical and Paramedical students.
the highest possible response rate. The questionnaire
Table 1: Urban Rural Comparison
was self-administered without intervention by
the authors or any specific person, and it did not Designation No. Of Urban Rural
contain any identifying data of the participants to and Age Participants Residents Residents
ensure confidentiality.The questionnaire covered Group
participants’ basic demographic data, such as their Faculty 58 38 20
gender, age, and their position in medical college. The (Age Group:
questionnaire also addressed their experience with 30-55 Years)
medical tele-education, including questions related
Students 182 47 135
to electronic device usage proficiency, type and (Medical and
quality of internet used, medical school educational Paramedical)
program status, availability of advanced technology,
, person communication ,student assessment, use of (Age Group:
19-23 Years)
technology tools, experience in online education and
time management . Total 240 85 155
Results. A total of 240 people took part in the Table 2: Male Female Comparison
research. The characteristics of the study respondents
Gender Number of Percentage
are depicted in Table 1 and Table 2
Characteristics Male 113 47.1%
Out of 240 participants, 113 (47.11%) were males and Female 127 52.8%
127 (52.89 %) were females.
Table 3: The reported challenges to online education during the COVID-19 pandemic at this institution
included issues regarding in-person communication (19.5%), use of technology tools (12.5%), experience in
online education (16.6%), time management (29.1%), students’ evaluations of faculty (24.0%),
We reported that 20% of participants did not have fourth generation internet access. 45% had an unsatisfactory
experience with the medical education program and 40% do not have availability of advanced technology.
7. Barnett-Vanes A et. Impact of conflict on medical 10. Rose S. Medical student education in the time of
education: a cross-sectional survey of students COVID-19. JAMA. 2020;323(21):2131–2132.
and institutions in Iraq. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010460.
11. Singh K., Srivastav S., Bhardwaj A. Medical education
during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single institution
8. Tackle challenges of online classes due to COVID-19. experience. Indian Pediatr. 2020;57(7):678–679 11.
(2020). Accessed: May 9, 2020
How to cite this article: Shilpa Sharma, Sameer Ahmed, Mayur Kaushik, Simran Mishra et al
Periodontics-Prosthodontics - An Interdisciplinary Approach. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
As the mean age of the population is increasing and the current therapeutic concerns is for teeth to be retained. It is
now quite common to encounter complex clinical situations like severe tooth-tissue loss, advanced periodontal disease
along with significant esthetic concerns. Dentists now a days, not just restore teeth to make them better for functioning,
but also cater an increased esthetic concern of the patients.Thus, many a times, patients who present with a complex
restoration also require an esthetic rehabilitation. Although periodontal factors do not usually have a direct effect on
the survival of fixed prosthesis however a harmony between prosthesis and periodontium remains critical, affecting the
longevity, esthetics and to prevent unsatisfactory treatment outcomes. The present article addresses and summarizes the
current knowledge of Prosthetic and Periodontic clinical procedures that play a role in any clinician’s attempt to create
biologically acceptable and aesthetically pleasing long-lasting restorations.
Keywords: Interdisciplinary dentistry, Esthetics, Biologic width, Implants, Crown lengthening, Restorative margin,
Gingival contour, Gingival Biotype, Soft-tissue augmentation.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Shilpa Sharma
Postgraduate Student, Department of Periodontology, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut (250005),
E-mail: [email protected],
Mob.: 8171619732
Gargiulo et al.4 The dimensions of dento-gingival crown height.7 The presence of sufficient sound tooth
complex called as “Biologic Width” is present around structure coronal to the bone crest is essential to satisfy
the natural teeth in a protective cuff- like barrier the placement of the restorative marginson sound
which has the tendency to self-restore and adapt tooth structure and preservation of biologic width
dynamically. (Figure 1) together with a healthy periodontium.8Furthermore,
crown lengthening procedures can be done
The suggested physiological function of the biologic
with:9(Figure 2)
width is that of a protective barrier for the subjacent
periodontal ligament and the supporting alveolar • Gingivectomy.
bone from the attack of a pathogenic biofilm present • An Apically Positioned Flap (APF) with
in the oral cavity. Hence, subgingival placement of osseous reduction.
crown margins mayaffect the homeostasis of the
• Forced eruption combined with surgery or
periodontal tissues.5
combined with fiberotomy.
Figure 1: Diagrammatic representation of Biologic
The additive methods correct gingival level and
contour by augmenting the gingival tissues. They
improve the esthetics by increasing the width of
attached gingiva with a primary aim of achieving an
even band of attached gingiva and maintaining root
coverage. These procedures should be completed
before the prosthodontic treatment using Free
gingival graft, Connective tissue graft, Coronally
positioned flap.10
Restorative margin placement: The effect of the crest. When the total dentogingival complex has a
location of an artificial crown margin on plaque length of less than 3mm, a high alveolar crest occurs
accumulation and gingival health were well and caution must be used. Margin location should
documented by Flores-de-Jacoby et al.11 According be at the level of the free gingival margin or no more
to the evaluation, interactions between dental than 0.5 mm apically, to avoid the risk of violating the
restorations and periodontal tissues, it was stated biological width.14
that restorative margin with a supragingival location
Margin placement must respect the attachment
was the most beneficial restoration type in terms of
apparatus and allow some degree of error during
periodontal health. In contrast, restorations with
the high-speed instrumentation. The clinical steps of
equigingival and subgingival margin terminations
tooth preparation consist of facilitation of the gingival
resulted in increased plaque accumulation.5
margin and placement of an extra-thin knitted
Despite better esthetics, subgingival restorations retraction cord that displaces the gingiva outward and
were also associated with greater periodontal apically.The preparation designs for full-coverage
inflammation in the sites with keratinized gingiva restorations can be classified into four distinct types.
less than 2 mm. With respect to periodontal health, (Figure 3)
the supragingival restoration is the most favourable
1. Feather-edge (vertical preparation)
design since it is easy to be cleaned.12
2. Chamfer (‘‘hybrid’’ preparation)
Richter & Ueno13 stated that marginal fit and finish
may be more significant to gingival health than its 3. Shoulder (horizontal preparation)
location. Ideally, the margin of a prosthetic restoration 4. Shoulder with bevel preparation
should be easily accessible for the facilitation
and fabrication of the provisional restoration and
impression taking. The most critical factor in margin
location seems to be the relationship to the supracrestal
fibre attachment. A margin placed apical to the base
of the periodontal pocket into the zone of biological
width, specifically, into connective tissue attachment,
violates important biological principles with adverse
consequences on long-term gingival health.
Therefore, the most important consideration for
intracrevicular restorative dentistry is locating the
Figure 3: Preparation designs.
base of the gingival sulcus or periodontal pocket.
The dentogingival complex comprises of three A. Feather-edge. B. Chamfer. C. Shoulder with
bevel. D. Shoulder.
components namely connective tissue fibrous
attachment, junctional epithelium,and gingival
Biologic considerations
The important biological parameters that decide
The histological sulcus depth ranges from 0.5 to 1 the success of Periodontic-Prosthetic treatment is
mm, whereas the clinical sulcus depth measures from dependent on the accumulation of plaque forming
1 to 4 mm in health. The biological width follows the bacteria upon the restorations and the resultant
osseous scallop. Therefore, the inappropriate use of a gingival inflammation. Also, marginal integrity of
more horizontal tooth preparation margin as opposed restoration and contour are another pivotal aspect.
to a scalloped margin on anterior teeth will often
violate the biological width in the interproximal area. Bacterial Plaque Accumulation: Patient
susceptibility to gingival inflammation is not based
Thus,it is important to know the total dentogingival solely on the mere quantity of dental plaque but also on
complex measurement when preparing a tooth. the virulence of the resident plaque microorganisms.
Assuming the normal 3 mm from the alveolar bone The bacterial biota of dental plaque is dynamic, and its
crest to the free gingival margin. The intracrevicular pathogenicity tends to change over time.6Adamczyk
margins might be located 0.5-1 mm apical to the free and Spiechowics17 evaluated plaque accumulation on
gingival margin or 2-2.5 mm coronal to the osseous crowns of various materials and inferred that rougher
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
material experiences a statistically greater incidence in the case of the thick-flat biotype and regrowth of
of plaque accumulation. gingival height after resective osseous surgery.20
Mechanical insults such as placing cords, copper Gingival Zenith:Harmony and symmetry are key
bands and retraction clamps create a wound that factors that need to be assessed when planning esthetic
may disrupt the junctional epithelium and connective restorations. The zenith point orientation is distal to
tissue attachment.The gingival health around the long axis of central incisors and cuspids and is
restorations can be managed by initial Periodontal coincident with the long axis of the lateral incisors.
therapy.18 As a general guideline, the height of the gingival
margins of central incisors and canines should be
Gingival level and Contour:It seem logical that the
at the same level. Correct orientation of the zenith
most predictable gingival response will occur when
and gingival height contour following therapeutic
the artificial crown portion mimics the original shape
manipulationhelps avoid gingival level disharmony
of the tooth as much as possible.The location of the
and aids in establishing correct tooth proportions.
proximal surfaces of adjacent teeth also seems to be
a critical factor in gingival health. With close root Importance of Attached Gingiva: Attached
proximity, even slight deviations from the original gingiva around teeth minimizes the risk of gingival
contour may compromise the complex relationship recession when preparing esthetic margins and to
of the interproximal gingival tissue. The initial tooth increase patient comfort when performing oral-
anatomy should be evaluated to determine the impact hygiene procedures. Lang & Loe21 claimed that
of treatment on esthetic, hygiene, and biomechanical gingival inflammation accompanied in cases in which
requirements. less than 2 mm of attached gingiva was present. It
was believed that the band of attached gingiva is
Esthetic Considerations important to dissipate the muscular pull forces and is
From an esthetic perspective, the intra-oral assessment capable of withstanding trauma from mastication and
involves evaluating the periodontal structures of the toothbrushing.
bone, gingiva, interdental papillae, the teeth,and the
Edentulous Area: It includes assessment of the
biologic space. To obtain a good esthetic outcome,
location, height, width, and contour of the residual
scrupulous attention to detail and an accurate
ridge. When a fixed dental prosthesis is planned,the
diagnosis should be established.
prosthesis components to be considered are the
Gingival Biotype: Clinically, assessing gingival pontic and the connectors because they influence
biotypes translates into observing gingival thickness. the esthetics, durability of the prosthesis and the
Accordingly, two biotypes can be identified: health of the soft tissue. Biologically, it has been
• A thick-flat type. proposed that pontics should exhibit pressure-free
contact on keratinized attached tissue,prevent food
• A thin-scalloped type. accumulation and facilitate plaque control.Regarding
Patients with thin biotype differ from patients with an ideal pontic design “Modified ridge lap” in the
a thick/average biotype as they present with a thinner posterior region and a “lap facing” in anterior region
labial plate and an alveolar crest position that is has been found ideal in maintaining Pontic-Ridge
located more apical in relation to the CEJ. Periodontal relationship.
biotype can be diagnosed by the ability to visualize
the periodontal probe through the gingival sulcus in Peri- implant soft tissue Considerations
thin biotype and the inability to visualize the probe in The development process of the tooth includes the
a thick biotype.19 It has been shown to affect soft tissue formation of a biologic connection between the living
esthetic outcomes around anterior implants. tissues. For a dental implant, this connection must
be created during the healing process after implant
Patients with a thin biotype have more interproximal
placement. The resulting attachment, although
and midfacial recession postimplant placement
similar in function, has biologic differences that must
than in patients with a thick biotype and they may
be comprehended to design surgical techniques and
require additional therapy such as hard and soft
biomaterials that will surround the implant with
tissue augmentation. Numerous research indicated
biologically functional and esthetic soft tissue.22
predictable results after root-coverage procedures
Soft tissue interface: The implant–soft-tissue bone
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 247
interface is like that of natural teeth.The epithelium a. The 3-mm space is needed on the
around the implants undergoes morphologic and prosthetic abutment for formation of
functional changes and the junctional epithelium is biologic width.
formed. This attachment is facilitated by the basal
b. An emergence profile of implant
lamina and the formation of hemidesmosomes which
restorations needs room for a smooth
prevents the apical movement of the epithelium.
transition from the circular implant
(Figure 4)
platform to triangular or square abutment
Figure 4: Soft tissue considerations around and crown.
c. There should be space available for
restorative margin below marginal soft
d. The possibility of peri-implant marginal
soft tissue recession increases as the
patient ages.
2. Buccolingually, the implant placement from
its outer aspect of platform is 1 mm palatal
from the anticipated facial margins of the
3. The implant platform is located on same axis
Unlike tooth, the collagen fibres around implants with the gingival zenith and 3 mm lower than
do not insert into the titanium surface. Instead, they the free soft-tissue margin.23
form a cuff, making it less mechanical resistance than
natural teeth. Surfacecharacteristics of the implant Soft tissue augmentation around implants: Peri-
influence the orientation of the fibres, which are implant soft-tissue management can be regarded as
mostly parallel to the implant surface when thesurface a category of mucogingival procedures analogous
is smooth. Surface roughness allows connective tissue to reconstructive procedures around teeth including
to embed into the surface. When implants are loaded, Root coverage, Papilla reconstruction, Ridge
fibre orientation is more transverse hence the success augmentation and preservation. Prosthetic treatment
of implant is dependent on the establishment of a soft of uncorrected ridge defects with a fixed restoration
tissue barrier that can shelter the underlying osseous may lead to esthetic as well as functional complications
structure. such as open interdental spaces forming black
triangles, difficult pontic design causing inadequate
Keratinised attached mucosa: The stability of emergence profile, unesthetic gingival texture,
the mucosa provides better support to underlying whereas functional problems which may comprise
connective tissue, and junctional epithelium which food impaction.3 The augmentation procedures
creates a seal around the implant.The challenges to can be accomplished during extraction, before or
the soft tissue during the prosthodontic phase are during implant placement, or when the implant is
better absorbed by keratinized tissue and the esthetics uncovered, or even post restoration. Therefore, soft
of implant prosthesis also depends on the health and tissue augmentation techniques that provide better
stability of the peri implant tissue. esthetic outcomes includes:
Implant placement: Specific placement guidelines • Pedicle full- or split-thickness palatal flaps
have been developed to accomplish soft-tissue
stability around implants that are applicable when • Free gingival grafts
bone is sufficient and of good quality: • Soft tissue allografts
1. The apicocoronal placement of the dental • Combination Hard- and Soft-tissue Grafting
implant platform should be positioned 3 mm
below the facial marginal tissue. The 3-mm An appreciation of the relationship between
rule was created for the following reasons: periodontal health and restoration longevity remains
a key factor in ensuring a good function, form, and
esthetic of the dentition. Consequently, achieving a 7. Mukherji A, Rath SK. Full-mouth aesthetic
successful restorative outcome necessitates that the rehabilitation: A perio-prostho interdisciplinary
final restoration is planned and integrates well with approach. J Int Clin Dent Res Organ. 2015;7:155-160.
the surrounding periodontium. Thus, for obtaining 8. Assif D, Pilo R, Marshak B. Restoring teeth following
a good esthetic outcome clinician should establish crown lengthening procedures. J Prosthet Dent
a correct diagnosis and evaluate the prognosis to 1991;65:62–64.
carry out appropriate treatment plan that proceeds
9. Nowzari H. Aesthetic osseous surgery in the treatment
according to the biologic as well as clinical evidence.24 of periodontitis. Periodontol 2000 2001;27:8–28.
Conclusion 10. Camargo PM, Melnick PR, Kenney EB. The use of free
Predictability and success in esthetic dentistry are gingival grafts for aesthetic purposes. Periodontol
2000 2001;27:72–96.
largely dependent on the health and stability of the
periodontal tissues. Also, emphasis should be placed 11. Flores-de-Jacoby L, Ziafiropoulos GC, Ciancio S.
on the control of bacterial plaque, the marginal integrity The effect of crown margin location on plaque and
ofrestoration, its contourandlocation.6Although, periodontal health. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
patient cooperation is yet another aspect. Since it is 1989;9:197-205.
a multidisciplinary approach, multiple appointments 12. Hsu YT, Huang NC, Wang HL. Relationship between
and patient compliance are required to complete and periodontics and prosthodontics: The two-way street.
maintain the long-term success of treatment.25 J Prosthodont Implantol 2015;4:4–11.
Ethical clearance- Taken from Ethical committee of 13. Richter WA, Ueno H. Relationship of crown margin
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University. placement to gingival inflammation. J Prosthet Dent
Source of funding- Self.
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Conflict of Interest - Nil. differential diagnosis. Dent Econ 1993;4:101-105.
on Implant Surface and Osteotomy Site – A Clinico- 25. Bhat VS, Malli P. Periodontal Prosthesis-Review. J
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Study. Contemp Clin Dent 2019;10:208–213.
How to cite this article: Shivateerthayya Hiremath, Prasad Patil , Madusudhan K.G, Princely B Olickal et al
Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding the Management of Hospital aquired Infections
in Children. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
In the present study, data were collected on knowledge regarding management of Hospital Aquierd infections in
children. The objective of the study is to identify the knowledge of B.Sc Nursing students regarding the management
of Hospital aquired infections in children and to determine the association between post-test knowledge scores with
selected demographic variables.The research method adopted for this study is the evaluative approach. The research
design adopted for this study was a pre-experimental design with one group pretest and post-test design. A simple
random technique was used to select the sample for the study. The sample consists of 60 B.Sc Nursing students of
Nursing institutions. The instrument used for the data collection is a structured questionnaire. Collected data were
analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.The results of the study showed that the pretest overall knowledge
score regarding various aspects of management of Hospital Aquierd infections in children was a mean percentage of
46.86% and SD was 3.51. During the post–the test overall knowledge score was 80.53% and SD was 2.98.Hence the
difference between pretest and post-test over a knowledge score was 33.67. The results show that the difference between
the pretest and post-test knowledge scores for the management of Hospital Aquierd infections in children is statistically
significant and this difference is due to planned teaching program in the management of Hospital Aquierd infections in
children. The conclusion was drawn on the basis of the following findings of the study. This study shows that there was
a significant improvement in the knowledge of management of infections in children among B.Sc Nursing students as
evidenced and post-test knowledge scores.
Corresponding Author:
Shivateerthayya Hiremath
Professor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, V.M.P. College of Nursing & Medical Research Institute,
Akluj, Solapur, Maharashtra-413118, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 251
microorganisms may already be present in the done in the hospital. The microorganisms come from
patient’s body or may come from the environment, contaminated equipment or the hands of health care
contaminated hospital equipment, health care workers. Some of these procedures are respiratory
workers, or other patients. Depending on the causal intubation, suctioning of material from the throat and
agents involved, an infection may start in any part mouth, and mechanical ventilation. The introduced
of the body. A localized infection is limited to a microorganisms quickly colonize the throat area. This
specific part of the body and has local symptoms. means that they grow and form a colony but do not
For example, if a surgical wound in the abdomen yet cause an infection. Once the throat is colonized, it
becomes infected, the area of the wound becomes red, is easy for a patient to inhale the microorganisms into
hot, and painful. A generalized infection is one that the lungs.Patients who cannot cough or gag very well
enters the bloodstream and causes general systemic are most likely to inhale colonized microorganisms
symptoms such as fever, chills, low blood pressure, into their lungs. Some respiratory procedures can
or mental confusion.Hospital-acquired infections may keep patients from gagging or coughing. Patients who
develop from surgical procedures, catheters placed in are sedated or who lose consciousness may also be
the urinary tract or blood vessels, or material from unable to cough or gag. The inhaled microorganisms
the nose or mouth that is inhaled into the lungs. The grow in the lungs and cause an infection that can lead
most common types of hospital-acquired infections to pneumonia5.
are urinary tract infections (U.T.I.s), pneumonia, and
WHO reported that every minute a mother dies
surgical wound infections2.
from complications in pregnancy and childbirthwhich
All hospitalized patients are susceptible to means 1400 mothers die every day. More than half a
contracting a Hospital Aquierd infections. Some million mothers die every year. The birth of a baby
patients are at greater risk than others young children, is a momentous occasion in a couple’s life. The aim
the elderly, and persons with compromised immune of modern MANAGEMENT of labor should be to
systems are more likely to get an infection. Other risk ensure optimum conditions for the mother and the
factors for getting a hospital-acquired infection are fetus during and after delivery as well as emotional
a long hospital stay, the use of indwelling catheters, satisfaction for all involved. The place of delivery
failure of healthcare workers to wash their hands, plays an important role in child survival and safe
and overuse of antibiotics3. Urinary tract infection motherhood. A child born withan unhygienic
(U.T.I.) is the most common type of hospital-acquired condition is more to get the infection. A properly
infection. Most hospital-acquired U.T.I.s happen assisted delivery with skilled personnel and following
after urinary catheterization. Catheterization is the aseptic precaution is highly advantageous to both
placement of a catheter through the urethra into the mother and fetus during delivery6. Health can neither
urinary bladder. This procedure is done to empty be demanded nor given, it can neither be bought
urine from the bladder, relieve pressure in the nor sold, but the circumstances and services that are
bladder, measure urine in the bladder, put medicine prerequisites to health can centrally be demanded
into the bladder, or for other medical reasons. The and received as right. A protective environment in the
healthy urinary bladder is sterile, which means it hospital unit is essential as a prerequisite, particularly
doesn’t have any bacteria or other microorganisms in when considering the services provided in the labor
it. There may be bacteria in or around the urethra, but room provision for a safe and protective environment
they usually cannot enter the bladder. A catheter can is a priority need7.
pick up bacteria from the urethra and allow them into
Healthcare-associated infections are defined as
the bladder, causing an infection to start4.
infections not present and without evidence of
Bacteria from the intestinal tract are the most incubation at the time of admission to a healthcare
common type to cause U.T.I.s. Patients with poorly setting. To better reflect the diverse healthcare settings
functioning immune systems or who are taking currently available to patients, the term healthcare-
antibiotics are also at risk for infection by a fungus associated infections replaced old ones such as
called Candida. Pneumonia is the second most Nosocomial, hospital-acquired, or hospital-onset
common type of hospital-acquired infection. Bacteria infections.Within hours after admission, a patient’s
and other microorganisms are easily brought into flora begins to acquire the surrounding bacterial
the throat by respiratory procedures commonly pool characteristics. Most infections that become
clinically evident after 48 hours of hospitalization are nursing personnel fails to adopt the infection control
considered hospital-acquired. Infections that occur technique, it maylead to septicemia and children’s
after the patient is discharged from the hospital can deaths. In order to prevent I.M.R., the nursing
be considered healthcare-associated if the organisms students (at the base level) should be knowledgeable
were acquired during the hospital stay8. in providing infection-free nursing care. The nurse
concerned with the care and management of infection
Need for the Study occurring through all the sources holds a responsible
Today’s Nursing students are tomorrow’s staff nurses involvement position. They have an important role in
who can contribute themselves more in the field of the management of infection in a pediatric hospital.
treatment. But today, this nursing curriculum doesn’t The nursing student has to be knowledgeable
give much importance to infection control measures. regarding preventive measures in controlling
Thus, students have less exposure to that field makes Hospital aquired infections12.
them vulnerable to knowledge. Educating these
Hospitals and other healthcare facilities have
students and creating awareness in help them to learn
developed extensive infection control programs to
more about the control of Nosocomialinfections in
prevent Hospital aquired infections. These programs
children, and they will be able to control the infection
focus on identifying high-risk procedures and other
in the pediatric hospital.In 2010 M.M.R. was reduced
possible sources of infection. High-risk procedures
to less than 100. The suggestion wasthree antenatal
such as urinary catheterization should be performed
check-ups, three postnatal check-ups, and clean, safe
only when necessary, and catheters should be left
delivery given by the national health and family
in for as little time as possible. Medical instruments
welfare department. Service to make motherhood
and equipment must be properly sterilized to ensure
safe includes care by skilled health personnel, aseptic
they are not contaminated. Frequent handwashing
delivery before, during, and after childbirth, health
by healthcare workers and visitors is necessary
education for women, their families, and decision-
to avoid passing infectious microorganisms to
makers; most maternal deaths and pregnancy
hospitalized patients. In 2003, the Joint Commission
complications can be prevented if efficient care is
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
given during child care9.
(JCAHO) announced it would make the management
Surgical procedures increase a patient’s risk of of Hospital aquired infections a major goal in 2004
getting an infection in the hospital. Surgery directly and the coming years. JCAHO, the body that inspects
invades the patient’s body, giving bacteria a way into hospitals for quality and accredits them accordingly,
normally sterile parts of the body. An infection can issued an alert stating that hospital-acquired infections
be acquired from contaminated surgical equipment are seriously underreported13.
or from healthcare workers. Following surgery, the
The Study on the Efficacy of Hospital Aquierd
surgical wound can become infected. Other wounds
infections Control Project (SENIC) from 2005 showed
from trauma, burns, and ulcers may also become
Nosocomial rates could be reduced by 32% if infection
infected10.Many hospitalized patients need a steady
surveillance were coupled with appropriate infection
supply of medications or nutrients delivered to their
control programs. In 2005, Continued surveillance
bloodstream. An intravenous (IV) catheter is placed
and sound infection control programs led to
in a vein, and the medication or other substance is
decreased healthcare-associated infections and better
infused into the vein. Bacteria transmitted from the
prioritization of resources and efforts to improve
surroundings, contaminated equipment, or healthcare
medical care. Healthcare-associated infections are of
workers’ hands can invade the site where the catheter
important wide-ranging concern in the medical field.
is inserted. A local infection may develop in the skin
They can be localized or systemic, involve any body
around the catheter. The bacteria also can enter the
system, and be associated with medical devices or
blood through the vein and cause a generalized
blood product transfusions14.
infection. A localized infection causes swelling,
redness, and tenderness at the site of infection11. The investigator observed that many times nursing
students have adequate knowledge of aseptic
Nursing personnel working in the pediatric
techniques in a pediatric hospital. Hand washing,
ward should be knowledgeable and skillful in the
the single most measure in management and spread
management of Hospital Aquierd infections. If the
of infection from one person to another, is not being
done often. Another important area of concern is that B.Sc. Nnursing Students: It refers to those students
nursing students should be careful in doing the vaginal who are studying nursing course in selected Nursing
examination, conducting delivery, aseptic precaution institutions.
is very important to prevent the introduction of
infection to the mother. The recognition of ignorance
is the beginning of wisdom. To understand the degree Dependent variable: In this study knowledge of B.Sc.
of knowledge to help in future improvement thus, the Nursing students on management of Hospital aquired
investigator felt the need to take up the study such infections in children will be the dependent variable.
as it could assess the knowledge among B.Sc.Nursing Attribute variable: In this study Age, gender,
students in selected Nursing institutions. Religion, Type of family Occupation of the father
and sources of information on the management of
Hospital aquired infections in children are attribute
Objectives variables.
The main objectives of the present study are
mentioned here
• Students of B.Sc.Nursing may have
Objectives of the Study inadequate knowledge on management of
• To asses the pretest knowledge regarding the Hospital aquired infections in children.
management of Hospital aquired infections • B.Sc. Nursing students may utilize the
in children. planned teaching program on management
• To educate the students with a planned of Hospital aquired infections in children.
teaching program on the management of • A carefully prepared Planned Teaching
Hospital aquired infections in children Program may enhance the knowledge of B.Sc.
among B.Sc.Nursing students. Nursing students on management of Hospital
• To asses the effectiveness of a planned aquired infections in children.
teaching program on the management of
Hospital Aquierd infections among B.Sc.
Nursing. students in terms of knowledge. H1: There will be significant difference in the pretest
and post knowledge score of B.Sc.Nursing students
• To determine the association between
regarding management of Hospital aquired infections
post-test knowledge scores with selected
in children.
demographic variables.
H2: There will be a significant association between
Operational Definitions
the post-test score with the selected demographic
Assessment: It is the organized, systematic, and variables.
continuous process of collecting data the regarding
management of Hospital aquired infections in Limitations
children. • The study is limited to only the selected
school of Nursing at Akluj.
Effectiveness: In this study, it refers to the extent
to which the planned teaching program on the • Students who are available at the time of data
management of Hospital aquired infections in collection.
children has achieved the desired effect in improving • The sample size is limited to 60 B.Sc.Nursing
the knowledge of B.Sc.Nursing students as evident students from selected Nursing institutions
from the gain in knowledge score. at Akluj.
Knowledge: It refers to the level of awareness Research Methodology
among selected subjects regarding the management
of Hospital aquired infections in children. Research Approach:
Hospital Aquierd Infections: An infection acquired The researcher found that the evaluative approach is
in the hospital by a patient who was admitted for a best suited and adopted for the present study.
reason other than that infection.
data collection was carried . After obtaining formal belonged to some other religion.Family depicts that
permission from the school of Nursing and from the the majority of 3rd year G.N.M.students were 47%
participants, data were collected from 10 nursing from a joint family, 28% from a nuclear family, and
students selected by a simple random sampling the remaining 25% were from extendedfamily. Works
technique. depict that the majority of students’ fathers were,
28% were homemakers, 27% were private employers,
The investigator selected the Nursing students from
23% were self-employ,18% were daily wages, and the
VMP Nursing college at Akluj and administered the
remaining 3% hada government job.In the majority of
structured questionnaire to each of the B.Sc Nursing
3rd years, students gained knowledge 58% from their
teachers/tutors, 35 % from mass media and 7% from
It took about 1 hour to collect the data. The health articles.
responses were recorded in the space provided in the
questionnaire itself followed by a structured teaching Section-II
programfor the samples.
Assessment of knowledge on management of
Results Hospital Aquierd infections in children
Analysis and interpretation of the information It shows that all 60, 53(88.3 %) had inadequate
collected through a structured questionnaire from knowledge, 7(11.7 %) had moderate knowledge
60 I year B.Sc.Nursing students of selected Nursing and adequate knowledge was zero. Table.1
institutions at Akluj. The present study was designed summarizes statistical outcomes of knowledge on
to assess the effectiveness of Planned teaching preventingHospital Aquierd infections in children
program on knowledge management of Hospital was 14.06 with SD 3.519 before S.T.P. The mean
aquired infections in children among collected data score percentage was computed, and it was 46.86%.
were coded, tabulated organized, analyzed, and The results found that the sampled subjects had
interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. inadequate knowledge regarding the management
of Hospital Aquierd infections in children.Thus from
Organizations of findings the statistical significance, it may be confirmed that
The data collected from the B.Sc.Nursing.students knowledge of the management of Hospital Aquierd
were organized, analyzed and presented under the infections in children increased after S.T.P.
following headings.
Tabel 1: shows the knowledge score after a planned
• Section I: Description of sample characteristics teaching program.
• Section II: Assessment of pre-existing Knowledge Mean S. D Mean ‘t’ Result
knowledge. % value
• Section III: Evaluating the effectiveness of Pretest 14.06 3.519 46.86% 20.215 HS
Planned teaching programme. Post -test 24.16 2.985 80.53% P<0.05
The study shows that the pretest findings depict 6 Source of 6.25 Significant <0.05
that the pretest knowledge of preventing Hospital information
Aquierd infections in children, such as incidence and
cause aspect of management of Hospital Aquierd Health can neither be demanded nor given. It can
infections,the mean score is 28.63%.Pattern and route neither be bought nor sold, but the circumstances
of transmission of Hospital Aquierd infections mean and services that are prerequisites to health can
score is 28.33%, management of Hospital Aquierd centrally be demanded and received as right. A
infections in children mean score is 37.60%.The mean protective environment in the hospital unit is
combined score for preventing Hospital Aquierd essential, particularly when considering the services
infections in children is 33.05% and SD is 3.519. In provided in the pediatric wards. Providing a safe
post-test knowledge of preventing Hospital Aquierd and protective environment is a priority need. The
infections in children, such as incidence and cause, the present study was designed to assess the effectiveness
mean score is 52%. Pattern and route of transmission of structured teaching program knowledge regarding
of Hospital Aquierd infections mean score is 50.66%. preventingHospital aquired infections in children
Management of Hospital Aquierd infections in among B.Sc Nursing students of VMP college
children’s mean score is 82.65%.and combined of nursing at Akluj. The data findings have been
mean score of management of Hospital Aquierd organized and discussed based on the objectives and
infections in children meansthe score is 67.02%, and hypothesis.
SD is 2.985. Improvement of knowledge regarding The majority of students belong to the age group
the management of Hospital Aquierd infections in 21-22, i.e., 47% and 58% of students were female. 53 %
children, such as the general aspect of incidence and of students belonged to Christianity, and a maximum
cause mean score, is 23.37%. Pattern and route of of 47 % of them were from joint families. 28% of
transmission mean score is 23.33%. Management of the sample’s fathers were housemakers, and 58 5 of
Hospital Aquierd infections in children’s mean score the samples were getting the source of information
is 45.05%,the combined mean score of environmental regarding the management of Hospital aquired
hazards affecting the outcome of pregnancy mean infections from their teachers.The overall mean score
score is 33.97%, and SD is 6.50. Paired ‘t’ value of percentage of knowledge is 46.86%; the current study
management of Hospital Aquierd infections in investigator concludes that the selected student’s
children, combined paired‘t-test is 20.21. knowledge regarding the management of Hospital
Aquierd infections in children was inadequate.
Section-IV-Association of Post-test knowledge with The knowledge of students was influenced by the
selected demographic variables source of information. The calculated chi-square
Chi-square results of socio-demographic and post- value for association of knowledge with the source
test knowledge management of Hospital Aquierd of information was (Highly significant). The ability
infections in children among B.Sc Nursing students of students was also influenced by demographic
are shown in Table.3. variables such as a source of health information.
Table 3: Chi-square results for sample (n=60) In the majority of B.Sc Nursing , students have
inadequate knowledge about the incidence, causes,
Sl Characteristics Chi- Results P’ pattern of transmission and management of Hospital
no squareValue value
aquired infections in children.Education of students in
1 Age 2.891 Non- >0.05 these aspects is essential for the effective management
of Hospital aquired infections in children. It aims to
2 Gender 0.17 Non- <0.05 provide students with knowledge on identifying
Significant and avoiding trigger factors, maintaining asepsis
3 Religion 3.723 Non- >0.05 and regular use of barrier techniques to safeguard
significant children. Thus it may decrease the duration of
4 Type of family 1.835 Non- >0.05 hospital stay and provide comprehensive nursing
significant care.It was found that the majority of B.Sc Nursing
5 Father’s 2.860 Non- >0.05 students’ knowledge management of Hospital
occupation Significant aquired infections in children was inadequate.It
needs education in identifying and avoiding triggers,
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 257
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6. Garg BS, Chhabra S, Zothanzami SM. Safe motherhood:
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preventing Hospital Aquierd infections in children maternal mortality. Women and Health Learning
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Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Shantabaa Medical College & General Hospital Amreli, Gujarat
How to cite this article: Shivendra Dhakhda, Virendrakumar Dhakhada et al Creactive Protein as an early Predictor
of acute Pancreatitis: An Observational Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background and Aim: In the early risk stratification of acute pancreatitis, C-reactive protein (CRP) is being used
extensively worldwide. There are few studies that show that CRP is useful in predicting pancreatic necrosis which is a
determinant of severe pancreatitis. Aim of the present study was to assess the role of CRP as a prognostic indicator in
acute pancreatitis.
Material and Methods: A total of 128 patients that were diagnosed to have acute pancreatitis were included in the study.
Data collected from the patient’s record (file/EMR) and organised in an Excel sheet that contained basic demographic
data (age and gender), cause, APACHE score, length of hospital/intensive care unit (ICU) stay and the CRP level. Blood
samples for CRP and biochemical markers for the APACHE II score were routinely drawn and processed on admission.
Results: The patients were divided into two groups, those with mild pancreatitis and those with severe acute pancreatitis.
Men were predominating in the study group where they contributed to 85.9% of the study population. Mean age of
presentation of acute pancreatitis was 37.7 years. Amylase and lipase were taken for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis;
amylase and lipase were elevated significantly in 104 and 108 patients respectively. Twenty eight patients had an elevated
CRP > 150 in BISAP positive patients. There was significant association of CRP and BISAP.
Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis is a life-threatening disease with a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms. The job of
diagnostic markers as prognostic pointers has been a disappointment. However, CRP as a prognostic marker has shown
promising results in earlier studies.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Virendrakumar Dhakhada
Assistant Professor,
Department of Medicine, Shantabaa Medical College & General Hospital Amreli, Gujarat
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 259
Pancreatitis.5 The progression of the disease and the demographic data (age and gender), cause, APACHE
development of complications are mainly due to score, length of hospital/intensive care unit (ICU)
the release of proinflammatory cytokines leading to stay and the CRP level. Blood samples for CRP
third space volume loss. C –reactive protein ( CRP) and biochemical markers for the APACHE II score
being an acute phase reactant is elevated in the were routinely drawn and processed on admission.
ensuing inflammation of the pancreas , this elevation Collected data analysed to assess the possible
when above 150 mg/L has been noted to be a statistical significance of the variables and to present
predictive marker of the development of acute severe the data accordingly. Their CRP levels were sent on
pancreatitis.6 second day of admission and CT scan done after 72
hours of admission.
In the early risk stratification of acute pancreatitis,
C-reactive protein (CRP) is beingused extensively All the data collected in proforma were entered in
worldwide.7 There are few studies that show that Microsoft excel sheet and SPSS software version 21
CRP is useful in predicting pancreatic necrosis which was used for statistical calculations. Chi-square test
is a determinant of severe pancreatitis. There not with Fischers exact was used to calculate p value and
many studies reported from our country using CRP find the significant association between CRP and
to differentiate between MAP and SAP which is the different variables. Serial C reactive proteins levels
need of the hour for better use of our limited resources were analyzed at 72 hours. Computed tomography
as it is a simple and an efficacious way to triage acute with oral and IV contrast agents was done at 72 hours
pancreatitis patients. Considering its peak at only 48- after admission and CT severity Index with CT grade
72 hours, so cannot be used to access severity in the and necrosis grade was ascertained.
therapeutic window of pancreatitis (first 72 hours).8
CRP is also elevated in conditions like coronary heart Results
disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, dental disorders, A total of 128 patients of acute pancreatitis were
smoking, overweight, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, studied. The patients were divided into two groups,
rheumatoid arthritis and cancer.9 Hence the aim of those with mild pancreatitis and those with severe
the present study was to assess the role of CRP as a acute pancreatitis. Both moderately severe acute
prognostic indicator in acute pancreatitis. pancreatitis and severe acute pancreatitis were
considered as severe acute pancreatitis. Young and
Materials & Methods middle age persons were the predominant population
The present study is the observational study that of the study i.e., < 50 years constituted > 80% of the
was done in the medical college and the associated study population. Men were predominating in the
hospital. A total of 128 patients that were diagnosed study group where they contributed to 85.9% of the
to have acute pancreatitis were included in the study. study population. Mean age of presentation of acute
Variables (age, sex), were recorded along with local pancreatitis was 37.7 years.
complication and systemic complication. The ethical
In the present study, Pain was the predominant
committee was informed about the study, and the
presenting complaint seen in 98% of the study
ethical clearance certificate was obtained prior to the
population, while the least common presenting
start of the study.
complaint or associated symptom was upper
The inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were gastrointestinal bleed which was seen only in one
as follows: the patients with more than age of 18 individual. Extra pancreatic manifestations were seen
years and those who satisfy the Atlanta classification in a frequency of 1.8% to 19.4%.
for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis were included in
Amylase and lipase were taken for the diagnosis of
the study. Patients who had any of the following
acute pancreatitis; amylase and lipase were elevated
were excluded from the study: Age < 18 years,
significantly in 104 and 108 patients respectively.
already diagnose with chronic pancreatitis, severe
Patients who did not have significantly elevated
acute pancreatitis on admission, Pregnant women,
amylase and lipase levels were diagnosed by means
Hematologic diseases, Connective tissue disorders,
of abdominal pain and CT findings.
Collagen vascular diseases.
All individuals underwent CT Abdomen. Eighty
Data collected from the patient’s record (file/EMR)
two patients had a normal study or had mild
and organised in an Excel sheet that contained basic
pancreatic or peri pancreatic inflammation. Forty In our country where resources are limited, the
six patients had pancreatic or peripancreatic fluid simplest and the most economical of the scores or
collection with or without accompanying necrosis of markers are the ones which would have a great impact
the gland. Severity on CT was classified into 3 groups, on the society in the prediction of severity in AP
Group 1: Normal CT or mild enlargement of the gland Epidemiology.12 In the study population of 110 were
,Group 2 :presence of pancreatic or peri pancreatic male contributing to 86.5% of the study population.
fluid collection and Group 3-presence of necrosis. This is higher than studies from the Mediterranean
by Stimac et al13 and the study of Roberts14 from UK
Twenty eight patients had an elevated CRP > 150
who showed only a slight male predominance of 53%
in BISAP positive patients. There was significant
and 50.7% respectively. The probable reason could be
association of CRP and BISAP with p value of 0.0001.
that gall stone disease is not as common as it is in the
Table 1: Distribution of CRP in the patients west, the predominant cause of AP in this study being
alcohol which is more abused by men than women
C reactive protein Number of patients
and are young comparatively in our country.
< 150 82
> 150 46 Symptoms Abdominal pain (96.9%) and vomiting
(59.4%) were the predominant complaints seen in
Table 2: Symptoms on presentation the study population. This is similar to the study by
Symptoms Present Absent Milheiro et al15 who stated the predominant symptom
in AP as abdominal pain in 100% followed by
Pain 124 4
vomiting in 69.2%. A symptom association of extra-
Vomiting 76 52 pancreatic manifestations to the occurrence of SAP
Abdominal 22 106 was done, which showed that the presence of extra
distention pancreatic manifestations in acute pancreatitis had a
Fever 22 106 high probability to be associated with SAP.
Jaundice 14 114 In this study there was a significant association
Oliguria 10 118 with jaundice, fever, dyspnea and oliguria which is
Dyspnoea 10 118 similar to the study by Abbasi and Jacobs et al.7 Thus
this study further emphasizes the well known fact of
Table 3: Analysis CRP with CT in Predicting
Severe Acute pancreatitis the need of aggressive fluid management in AP thus
preventing volume depletion, which may lead on to
CRP Severity Chi P the development and progression of SAP.
basedon CT square value
C - reactive protein A CRP of > 150 mg /L was taken
1 2 &3 to predict acute severe pancreatitis, 46 (35.9%) patients
< 150 66 16 15.21 .0001 of the 128 study population had an elevated CRP at 48
> 150 16 30 hours of admission. 30 of the 46 patients who had a
significant elevation of CRP had CT features of SAP (P
Discussion = 0.0002), while 24 of the 46 patients with significant
Acute pancreatitis is undoubtedly a disease in which elevation of CRP had Necrotising pancreatitis on CT
the progression can be greatly altered by early (P = 0.0004). Thus drawing on a conclusion that CRP
intervention. Numerous scores and single prognostic had a significant association in predicting severity
markers have been suggested to predict the severity of pancreatitis, which is in accordance to studies by
of pancreatitis on admission or after a couple of days, Alfonso and Cardoso who took a CRP value of 200
this by itself suggests none of the available scores or mg /L and 170 mg/L respectively in predicting SAP
markers are the gold standard to predict the severity and necrotising pancreatitis. This study achieves the
of the disease.10, 11 In this study CRP and pancreatitis same association with a CRP cut off of 150mg/L as
predicting scores BISAP were analyzed to predict suggested by recent studies by Wilson. Thus this study
the severity of pancreatitis. Scores which had many confirms that a CRP of >150mg/L is as diagnostic as
markers may have had an increased sensitivity but higher levels in predicting SAP.
simpler and easily available scores and markers were
The Positive predictive value of CRP in predicting
SAP was 65.2% while it had a negative predictive
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 261
value of 80.5%.This is similar to previous studies 6. Tenner S: Initial management of acute pancreatitis:
which have stated a at 48 hours CRP had a sensitivity critical issues during the first 72 hours. Official journal
ranging from 65% to 100% and a positive predictive of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG
value of 37% to 77%. 82 patients of the study 2004, 99:2489-94.
population had mild pancreatitis, while 46 patients 7. D Vinish B: Role of C-Reactive Protein in Predicting
had SAP as determined by CT, which is taken as Acute Severe Pancreatitis. Kilpauk Medical College,
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How to cite this article: Simran Kaur, Sanjeev Mahajan, Manohar Lal Sharma, Preeti Padda, Shyam Sundar Deepti
et al Association of Academic Performance and load with Depression, Anxiety and stress among School going
Students (9th-12th class) of District Amritsar: A Cross Sectional Study. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Adolescence is a ripe stage where the onset of many psychiatric illnesses increases sharply. Identification of
factors making adolescent population vulnerable to disturbed mental health is of high public health importance.
Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among students of 9th -12th class of government and
private schools of urban and rural areas of Amritsar. Sample size was calculated using formula N > 4pq/ d2. Data was
collected during the period of one year. Pre tested, semi structured questionnaire and DASS -21 scale were used. Chi
squared tests were applied and statistical analysis was conducted using Epi-Info. P value <0.05 was considered to be
statistically significant.
Results: The prevalence of Stress, Anxiety and Depression was found to be 53%, 58% and 54% respectively having
significant associations with academic performance, excessive homework, performance satisfaction among self & parents
and comparison by parents.
Conclusion: Stress, anxiety and depression were associated with factors like academic performance, academic load,
performance satisfaction by self and parents and other parental factors. There is need to provide a healthy and supportive
school as well as home environment to reduce the risk of stress, anxiety and depression among adolescents.
Keywords – Stress, anxiety, depression, academic performance, academic satisfaction, parental satisfaction.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Sanjeev Mahajan
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Simran Kaur
e-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 263
can make a person vulnerable to depression which in the final sample size for the study was decided to
adolescents is a real, distinct clinical entity. Increasing be 480. However, 444 students participated in the
academic pressure; unrealistic parental & social study due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and
expectations; unstable home environment; emotional, lockdowns.
sexual or physical abuse; bullying; loss of a closed
one; chronic illness in self & family are some of the Data collection tool
important factors that can upset the mental health of Data collection tools consisted of a pre-tested semi
an adolescent. Various studies done in India report structured questionnaire developed to collect the
prevalence of stress among school students ranging desired information on the socio-demographic profile
from 40%-50%4,5,6. Whereas anxiety is reported to be and contributory factors towards Stress, Anxiety and
17-59%5,7,8. Indian studies conducted on adolescents Depression and a standardized Depression Anxiety
report prevalence of depression to be 40% – 54%5,9. and Stress Scale -21 used for assessment of presence
of Depression, Anxiety and Stress. DASS -2 1 consists
Evolution from childhood to adulthood exposes
of 3 subscales and each of the three DASS-21 subscales
an adolescent to changing academic environment
contains 7 items. Scores for depression, anxiety and
from the playful junior schools to more serious senior
stress are calculated by summing the subscale items
grades. Students with high stress levels in academia
individual scores which were marked on a likert scale
are seen to exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, phobia,
of 0-314.
school refusals, increased irritability, and complaints
and reduced interest in schoolwork10. In a Delhi based Methodology
study all the three (depression, anxiety and stress) After required ethical committee’s and District
were found to be higher among students having Education Officer’s approvals, 4 schools as per the
lesser academic performance11. Pushed by the parents selection criteria were randomly selected. Consents of
to ‘be the best’, some students cannot cope with the Principals of selected schools were taken and students
demands anymore and emotionally collapse. This in equal representations from each class were selected
can result in deep rooted nervous disorders. Keeping using simple random sampling. Written informed
such factors in mind, this cross sectional study was consents were obtained from the parents/guardians
conducted to find the prevalence of stress, anxiety of the selected students along with written assent
and depression and it’s association with academic from students themselves. Data was collected over the
pressure & load among the students of 9th-12th class of period of 1 year using self-administered, pre-tested,
district Amritsar. semi structured questionnaire and DASS -21 scale.
Circulation of google forms was done among the
Materials and Methods students through whatsapp groups during COVID-19
Study population – students studying in 9th-12th lockdown and personal visits were conducted once
class of government and private schools consisted restrictions were lifted. Visits to the schools were
the study population. Those who gave their written conducted in such a manner so that school’s routine
assent were included in the study whereas those who schedule was not disturbed. Students of only one
did not and those who were already suffering from a class were studied during a visit and next visit
mental disorder were excluded from the study. was planned as per the convenience of the school’s
Principal. Students were sensitized regarding stress,
Study period – 1 year (1 st April 2020 – 31st March
anxiety and depression and instructions related to
filing-up the forms were also discussed. After fully
Sample size and sampling technique - Sample size ensuring the students regarding the confidentiality
was calculated using the prevalence rate of stress of their responses performas were distributed to be
among students, found to be 47% in a similar study filled. The performas were collected after an average
conducted at Chandigarh in the year of 201412. Formula period of 45 minutes.
N > 4pq/ d2 was used, where p= prevalence of the
Statistical Analysis
problem, q = (1-p) and d = absolute error/precision
(taken as 5% for the current study)13. Assuming Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress were
power of the study to be 80% and α to be 5% required calculated by dividing the number of students having
sample size was calculated to be 399 using the above score above the respective cut offs of DASS-21 by total
formula. Taking the non - response ratio to be 20%, students and was compared across various groups.
Mean scores of all the subscales were calculated along 12% (55) and 14% (62) scored above 90% and <60% in
with standard deviation of the same. Responses of last exam, respectively. Scores of rest of the students
each student were compiled using Microsoft excel and (74%) ranged between 61%-90%. Failure in exam was
later imported into Epi-Info for the statistical analysis. faced by 15% (69) of the study participants. 66% (291)
The distribution of various variables was represented of the study participants were satisfied with their
through frequencies and proportions whereas, for own academic performance and teachers of 60% (265)
continuous variables mean ± standard deviations study participants were satisfied with their academic
were calculated. Association of various contributing performance. It was observed that parents of 55%
factors with three subscales was established by using (245) students were not usually satisfied with their
Chi-square test where p-value of less than 0.05 (on both academic performance, whereas, that of 53% (236) of
sides) was considered to be statistically significant. If study participants compared them with others. Out of
any of the expected cell value of <5 was found then all the study participants, 16% (71) felt nervous while
Fisher’s exact test was used. Those who were found conveying their results to parents.
to have stress, anxiety and depression were advised Figure 1: Distribution of depression, anxiety and
to seek counseling and appropriate treatment. stress in study participants (N = 444)
Figure 1: Distribution of depression, anxiety and stress in study participants (N = 444)
Chart Title
205 (46%) students studied in government schools
whereas 239 (54%) were from private schools. 250
264 (60%) were of general caste. Out of the total 444 andweredepression related
found to be present among, symptoms
53%, 58% and 54%were found to
study participants. be
study participants, students participating from rural depression (46%) and anxiety (40%) were most common whereas mild symptoms
present among, 53%, 58% and 54% study participants.
related to stress were the commonest (54%). A significant proportion of study
areas were 245 (55%) whereas those from urban areas Moderate depression (46%) and anxiety (40%) were
participants having anxiety and depression had severe symptomology (27% and 14%
were 199 (45%). most common whereas mild symptoms related to
stress were the commonest (54%). A significant
The prevalence of Stress was 53% (233/444) in
proportion of study participants having anxiety and
study participants with majority of them (126; 54%)
depression had severe symptomology (27% and 14%
having mild stress, anxiety was found to be in 257
(58%) students with majority (95; 40%) having
moderate anxiety and 239 (54%) study participants Table 1: Association of academic load with
had depression with high prevalence (108; 46%) of depression, anxiety and stress among study
moderate depression. participants (N = 444)
Variable Depression Anxiety Stress with depression, anxiety and stress among study
participants (N = 444)
(n=239) (n=257) (n=233)
On time 146(50) 164(58) 143(49) Variable Depression Anxiety Stress
(n=239) (n=257) (n=233)
Performance grade in last exam
Not on 93(62) 93(62) 90(60)
>80% 68(44) 76 (50) 70 (46)
(n=150) (n=153)
60-80% 132 (58) 143 (62) 131 (57)
χ2 6.08; df=1; 1.57; 5.14; df=1;
df=1; (n=229)
(p value) (0.01)* (0.02)*
(0.2) <60% 39 (63) 38 (61) 32 (52)
Nervousness at new assignments (n=62)
Yes 30 (67) 27(60) 27(60) χ2 8.8; df-1; 6.4; df-1; 4.8; df-1;
(n=45) (p value) (0.01)* (0.03)* (0.08)
No 209 (52) 230(58) 206(52) Satisfied with own academic performance
(n=399) yes 146(50) 157(54) 135(46)
Variable Depression Anxiety Stress adequate adjustment to the opposite sex along with
(n=239) (n=257) (n=233) conflicting beliefs with parents; academic, parental
and social pressure; quality of friends, etc. all
χ2 21.8; df=1; 13.3; df=1; 14.03;
contribute towards the disruption of mental harmony
(p value) (0.000)* (0.00)* that result into tremendous stress, anxiety and
(0.00)* depression among this population. Lagging behind
Feeling of nervousness while telling in academics can result in self and parental academic
results to parents dissatisfaction that causes worry and stress among
Unusually 193(52) 205(55) 192(51) students. Constant academic inferiority complex
and incapacity to achieve goals set by self, parents
and teachers may result in stress and anxiety due to
Usually 46(65) 52(73) 41(58) which student feels incapacitated to complete work
(n=71) on time, thus piling up of more work which results in
χ2 4.08; df=1; 8.17; df=1; 0.94; df=1; overburdening of a student.
(p value) (0.04)* (0.004)* (0.3) Various studies have also found low academic
performance to be the cause of stress, anxiety and
• All figures in parenthesis are percentages depression11,16. In our study too, students who had
• *= p < 0.05 is considered to be significant lower grades in exams were found to have high
levels of anxiety (61%) and depression (63%). Large
Depression increased with decreasing percentage
number of students (70%) who did not attend tuition
in exam (44% in those who scored >80% to 63%
classes were found to be significantly depressed in
among those who scored <60%) and this difference
the present study. Being overburdened by academic
was found to be statistically significant. Levels of
load, especially in board classes and not getting
depression (61%), anxiety (65%) and stress (64%)
proper help to handle it may be the cause of such
were found to be significantly higher among those
finding. This finding was opposite to a study where
who were not satisfied with their own performance,
strong association of stress, anxiety and depression
but teacher satisfaction with grades did not have
was observed in students taking tuitions11.
significant associations. Depression (61%) and stress
(57%) was higher among those whose parents were Negative effects of stress at home linger and affect
not satisfied with their and this difference was student’s academic performance at school17. Present
statistically significant. Depression (64%) anxiety research showed high prevalence rates of stress
(66%) and stress (61%) were significantly higher (57%), anxiety (60%) and depression (61%) among
among those students whose parents compared them students whose parents were not satisfied with their
with others. Those who felt nervous while telling grades. Similar significant results were seen among
their results to parents had significantly higher levels those students whose parents compared them with
of depression (65%) and anxiety (73%). others. It has been noted in other studies as well that
students whose parents pressurize them to study
Discussion have significantly higher depression and stress18.
Prevalence of anxiety was reported be highest
(58%) in the present study, which was followed by
depression (54%) and stress (53%). Similar results Present study highlights the prevalence of stress,
have been noticed in different parts of country where anxiety and depression among students of 9th -12th
the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression classes studying in government and private schools of
ranged from 19%-49%; 24%-81% and 21%-65%4,5,15. rural and urban Amritsar. It also identifies important
In our study, 27% of the anxious, 14% of depressed positive and negative risk factors associated with
and 4% of stressed were graded to be suffering from adolescent depression. The results of this study
extremes of these conditions. are cautious reminder of the extreme pressure the
adolescent face in this particular age. The study
Adolescent population already suffers from the
reflects the importance of student friendly curriculum,
stage of rapid physical and mental maturation that can
positive parenting and psychological counseling
give rise to intense psychological and physical change.
availability at school.
The desire to be needed by others, independence,
Conflict of interest – the author declares that there District, Kerala, India. International Journal of Health
is no conflict of interest Sciences. 2016;6(8):225-8.
Source of funding – study was funded by the 9. MOHFW, GoI. National Mental Health Survey of India;
author herself 2016. 2016 [cited on Dec 24] Available from:http:// /Docs/Summary.pdf
Ethical clearance – clearance granted from
10. Reddy JK, Menon K, Thattil A. Understanding
Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Government
Academic Stress among Adolescents. Artha Journal of
Medical College, Amritsar
Social Sciences. 2017;16(1):39–52
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How to cite this article: Somsubhra Chattopadhyay, Sharmistha Debnath, Rumi Gayen, Subhendu Dattta4 et al
Emotional and Behavioural issues in children during early Phases of school opening after Covid 19 Pandemic
in Eastern India. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Introduction: The Covid 19 pandemic was first officially noted in China in late 2019. After that, the virus spread globally.
At that time it was a new virus and we did know nothing about the virus. So lock down or home confinement was the only
option to control the spread of the virus (1). During that time children suffered the most as they were confined at home (2).
During this period they showed various behavioural problems and when restrictions were withdrawn they still showed
some behavioural issues.
Methodology: We conducted a cross-sectional study using an English questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated
by five independent psychiatrists who were finally excluded from the study. Responses from the parents of randomly
selected 76 children were recorded. We included the children aged between 3 to 12 years and who previously used to go
to school.
Results: 40.8 % of children were of 6 to 10 years of age and the male and females were almost equal in number in our
study (M: F = 40:36). Maximum children are from urban residences (about 59.2%) and the nuclear family (56.6%) followed
by joint families (38.2%) and single-parent families (5.3%). In most of the cases ( 61.8%) father is the only earning member
followed by both parents working (34.2%) and in only 3.9% of cases, the mother is the only earning member of the family.
About 76.3% of parents observed behavioural issues in their children. The problems were mostly observed in 6 to 10 yrs
of age. Males showed the problem most often than females ( M:F = 33:25). Children from urban areas showed behavioural
problems more often.
Discussion: Most of the parents reported that their children were having different sorts of problems during this period(3).
The families of small children aged 6 to 10 yrs of age were facing various problems more often. The children of this age
group showed problems more often as they were isolated at home. Previously they were in the discipline of school and
society. Due to the sudden release of pressure, all routine activities got disturbed.
Keywords: Covid 19, Temper tantrum, restlessness, inattention
Corresponding Author:
Dr Subhendu Datta
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Medical College , Kolkata
E-Mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 269
at home (7). On March 25 nationwide lockdown was 61.8%) father is the only earning member followed
imposed by India Government (8). by both parents working (34.2%) and in only 3.9% of
cases, the mother is the only earning member of the
Since the day of lockdown, the children are
confined at home. Before lockdown children could go
for a face to face interaction with their peers, teachers, Table 1: Basic Socio-Demographic data of study
and relatives. They could go outside for playing or participants
for some extracurricular activities. But from the very Frequency Percent
beginning of lockdown children were confined at
Age 11-15 23 30.3
home. All the learning and communications became
restricted to digital platforms (9)(10). Children often 3-5 22 28.9
show emotional and behavioural problems during 6-10 31 40.8
this period of lockdown.(11) Sex M 40 52.6
In this background, we studied a few children to F 36 47.4
record the degree of changes in this tough time of Residence Metro 22 28.9
home confinement. Rural 9 11.8
Materials and Method Urban 45 59.2
We conducted a cross-sectional study using an Family type Joint 29 38.2
English questionnaire. India was under unlock period Nuclear 43 56.6
during the study. The questionnaire was validated Single 4 5.3
by five independent psychiatrists who were finally Parent
excluded from the study. Before the start of the study, Occupation Both 26 34.2
we did a pilot study. The final questionnaire consists of Parents Working
of 51 items. The questionnaire was divided into three
Father 47 61.8
groups, Socio-demographic data (age, sex, religion,
residence, family type, occupation of parents),
behavioural changes in children ( inattention, sleep Mother 3 3.9
pattern, change of eating habits, depression, anxiety, Working
engagement in mobile, television and internet game, We tried to assess the change of behaviour in
nail-biting, thumb sucking) and parents perception of children during this tough time. They were detached
prolonged home confinement. from school, friends and social activities for the last
Responses from the parents of randomly selected 2 yrs. About 76.3% of parents observed behavioural
76 children were recorded. We included the children issues in their children. And the problems are mostly
aged between 3 to 12 years and who previously used to observed in 6 to 10 yrs of age. Males showed the
go to school. The children having previous psychiatric problem most often than females ( M: F = 33:25).
problems had been excluded from the study. Before Children from urban areas showed behavioural
participating in the study written or verbal consent problems more often than in rural areas and metro
was obtained from the parents. After receiving the cities. Children are having problems whose father
consent details of the study were explained. We is the only earning member of the family and where
assured every parent about the confidentiality of both parents were working.
responses. The sample consisted of all the residential Table 2: Changes in behaviour as per different
areas including rural, urban, and metro areas. socio-demographic parameters
Table 4: behavioural issues in different age groups, sex, family type, working status of parents
11-15 Age (yrs) Sex Family type Working status of parents
3-5 6-10 F M Joint Nuclear Single Both Father Mother
parent Working Working Working
Inattention Often 9 9 17 15 20 16 17 2 13 21 1
Rare 4 3 4 6 5 2 9 0 4 7 0
Sometimes 10 10 10 15 15 11 17 2 9 19 2
Temper Often 14 14 21 21 28 20 26 3 17 29 3
tantrum Rare 3 2 4 5 8 3 6 0 4 5 0
Sometimes 6 6 6 10 4 6 11 1 5 13 0
Increased Often 16 16 22 28 26 21 31 2 17 36 1
mobile use Rare 2 2 2 1 5 2 4 0 2 4 0
Sometimes 5 4 7 7 9 6 8 2 7 7 2
Increased Often 14 16 22 19 33 17 31 4 14 35 3
TV watching Rare 2 1 2 2 3 4 1 0 2 3 0
Sometimes 7 5 7 15 4 8 11 0 10 9 0
with a study done on Chinese children which shows discipline all routine activities got disturbed. They
significant behavioural issues in a reopened school spent most of their time watching television and
group. (13) different activities on mobile phones.
In our study children from rural areas were affected Most behavioural issues occurred in nuclear families
less often. It is assumed that housing conditions where children got less chance to play with the family
during the isolation phases have a definite impact members who also got emotionally disturbed by the
on children’s mental health. When the children have uncertainty of future, health and economy. The small
more access to spend time in nature, they are more kids with pent up emotional stress often behaved in a
healthy both physically and mentally. It is supported way that was not acceptable to their families.
by one previous study which was conducted during
A significant number of children (53.9%) became
the early phases of quarantine in three different
anxious in various family and social circumstances.
European countries (14).In rural areas people were
During the pandemic, children spent most of their
more reluctant to maintain restrictions. So the children
time with their families. They did not have a chance
could go outside and could mix and play with their
to socialize or attend the social gathering which
ultimately provoked anxiety in the environment
In our study, we noticed children showed which is not very familiar to them.
behavioural problems in attention, restlessness, easy
Conflict of Interest: Nil
distraction, sleep disturbances, fearfulness, anxiety,
aggression, disobedience, temper tantrum, nail-biting Source of Funding: Nil
and increased television and mobile phone use. The Ethical Clearance: Informed consent was
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behavioural issues (15). During the isolation phases participated in the study. They were assured to keep
when kids were detached from their friends, relatives the information confidential. Respondents were asked
found the only way of pleasure is watching TV or that they have full right to withdraw from the study if
mobile phone use. In some families, domestic violence they feel embarrassed to answer any question. Ethical
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How to cite this article: Sonia Gupta, Vidhu Mahajan, Meenakshi Gupta et al Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C Virus
in Blood Donors of Kathua District (J & K). Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Hepatitis C is a transfusion transmitted infection and leads to Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in about 10
to 20 percent of infected individuals. Aim: To find out the seroprevalence of HCV in Blood donors of Kathua district and
also see the trend of the HCV infection. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the number of HCV seroreactive donors over a
period of 6 years was done from the records. Results: In the present study, the seroprevalence of HCV in blood donors was
0.7% (n=57) and the number of HCV seroreactive donors has increased gradually from 3 in 2016 to 27 in 2021. Maximum
(73.68%) HCV seroreactive donors were in the age group of 18-30 years. Conclusion: The seroprevalence of HCV infection
is increasing that too in the young population so for provision of safe blood, focus should be laid on the prevention of
HCV infection at the community level.
Corresponding author :
Dr Meenakshi sharma
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiology, GMC Kathua
Email id: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 275
All the Blood Donors were screened according Punjab & New Delhi respectively but higher than the
to the standard Blood Donor Questionnaire and retrospective studies done in Jammu region i.e Sidhu
blood was collected from those found fit. About with HCV seroprevalence of 0.2% and 0.17%
5 ml of blood sample was collected in test tubes in replacement and voluntary donors respectively[6]
at the end of donation and screened for the five & Arora et. al. reported a seroprevalance rate of
mandatory markers i.e HIV, HBV, HCV, malaria 0.075%[7].This difference in seroprevalence rate could
and syphilis. HCV screening was done by Enzyme be due to different sociodemographic variables, lack of
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method using awareness about blood safety & high risk behaviour.
ErbaLisa HCV Gen 3 kits.
Among studies done in New Delhi,Makroo
Results reported seroreactivity for anti HCVas 0.39%[1]
Pahuja as 0.66%[5] , Jain 1.57%[8]. Kaur
Out of the total 8192 blood donors, 8127 were males high HCV seropositivity of 2.44% in
(99.21%) and 65(0.8.%) were females. 57 blood donors
punjab[9] & Arora 1.0% in Haryana[10].Other
were found reactive for HCV. In the present study,
studies have shown variable results, Khaneta
the seroprevalence of HCV in blood donors was 0.7%
HCV 1.04% in Mumbai[11], Kumar in
and the number of HCV seroreactive donors has
Wardha,Maharashtra[12], Karmakar 0.59% in
increased gradually from 3 in 2016 to 27 in 2021 (Table
Kolkata[13]& Dowerah 0.1%North East[3]
1)Maximum(73.68%) HCV seroreactive donors were
in the age group of 18-30 years (Table 2). There was a increasing trend in HCV seroprevalence
over a period of 6 years which is consistent with
Table I. Number of HCV seroreactive donors
studies by Kumar et. al[12], Saini et. al[14], Ram et.
Year Total Number HCV al[15],Patel et. al[16].
number of HCV seroreactive
In the present study,73.68% seroreactive donors
of donors seroreactive donors(%)
tested donors were in the age group of 18-30 years as also reported
by Makroo[1]. In another study conducted by
2016 956 3 0.31
Karmakar al[13] more than two-third seropositive
2017 1008 1 0.1 (69.36%) were in the age group of 21-40 years of age.
2018 993 3 0.3
The rising seroprevalence that too in the young
2019 1194 10 0.84 population is a matter of concern for Blood Centres
2020 1771 13 0.73 as it shrinks the donor pool. India is a developing
2021 2270 27 1.19 country and unlike the western countries, is far away
Total 8192 57 0.7 from the universal implementation of NAT testing in
all Blood Centres of the country, so for minimizing
Table II. Age distribution of Seroreactive HCV donors the chances of HCV transmission from donors
Age (yr) Total number (%) of HCV who may be in the window period ,we still have to
of donors seroreactive donors depend on vigilant History taking and identification
18-30 42 73.68 of blood donors with high risk behavior. Thus we
should put emphasis on the need of a trained and
31-40 13 22.8
efficient Counselor in every Blood Centre. Healthcare
41-50 1 1.75
authorities should also focus more on the prevention
51-60 1 1.75 of the disease by creating awareness as there is no
Discussion vaccine available till date and it is an ailment with
high chronicity and thus increased morbidity and
Maximum donors in our study were males 8127
mortality in our population.
(99.2%).All HCV seroreactive donors were also males
which is comparable with studies of Dowerah et. al[3] Conclusion
where male donors showed greater seropositivity The seroprevalence of HCV infection is increasing
than female donors. that too in the young population so for provision of
safe blood, focus should be laid on the prevention of
In our study, HCV seroprevalence of 0.7% was
HCV infection at the community level.
found in blood donors which is comparable to study
done in Kaur[4] & Pahuja (0.66%)[5] in
How to cite this article: Sreyoshi Ghosh, Sripathy Bhat et al Predicting and Identifying Postpartum Blues may
be the key to implementing Preventive Approaches in Perinatal Mental Health: Findings from a Prospective,
follow up Study in India. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Objective: The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of post-partum blues and investigate the correlates of
the disorder. An additional objective was to study the correlation of blues with subsequent development of psychiatric
Methods: A prospective study design was adopted and a total of 73 women were included. Those who developed
maternity blues were compared with those who hadn’t on multiple socio-demographic, obstetric, psychiatric and psycho-
social variables.
Results: The prevalence of post-partum blues was estimated to be 28.8 %. Of the women with blues 14.2% went on to
develop post-partum depression whereas none of the women who had not experienced blues developed depression. It
was found that there was a significant correlation between post-partum blues and the following variables in decreasing
order of significance: poor marital quality, pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder, past history of psychiatric illness, higher
scores on stressful life events in the past one year, fear of labour and upcoming events, perinatal complications to the
mother, unplanned pregnancy and family history of psychiatric illness.
Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of post-partum blues as these women are at higher risk of developing
post-partum depression. Psycho-social variables that can contribute to the development of blues such as stressful events
experienced during pregnancy and poor marital quality should be assessed and interventions planned accordingly to
reduce the impact of these on women.
Prevalence of post-partum blues was found to be The mean age of the sample was 25.8 years (S.D
28.8 %. In most prior studies the prevalence quoted 8.1). Majority of the women (78.08%) belonged to an
is between 40-60% 12, 13 with the lowest prevalence extended family setup. When the socio-demographic
rates of 15.3% being reported for Asian countries like variables were compared between women with blues
Japan. 14 The present study also has a relatively low and those without, no significant difference was
prevalence rate compared to Western authors and found between the two groups.
is more proximal to the rates reported in Japan. A
similar socio-cultural milieu in both countries where Obstetric Variables:
women return to their maternal home for delivery Obstetrics variables pertaining to mother as predictors
and have extensive social support in view of living in of blues
large joint families 14 may be the reason for this. Table-1
Socio-Demographic Details:
The present study found that unplanned pregnancy (p=0.007**), fear of upcoming events in late pregnancy
(p=0.004**), perinatal complications in the mother about their thoughts and emotions regarding the
(p=0.005**) significantly predicted the development upcoming delivery and clarifying any doubts they
of post-partum blues. This would indicate that it is may have may go a long way towards allaying their
necessary to ask expecting mothers about whether the anxiety which in turn may prevent the development
pregnancy was planned or not, and address any anxiety of blues.
related to the same to reduce their vulnerability.
Table 2: Obstetrics variables pertaining to child as
Similarly, towards the end of pregnancy, sensitizing predictors of blues
obstetricians about the importance of asking mothers
n(%) n(%)
Gender of the male 8(10.9%) 25(34.2%) 33(45.2%)
child .602 .438
female 13(17.8%) 27(36.9%) 40(54.7%)
Gender as yes 18(24.6%) 46(63%) 64(87.6%)
expected .104 .747
no 3(4.1%) 6(8.2%) 9(12.3%)
Postnatal yes 5(6.8%) 4(5.4%) 9(12.3%)
3.595 .058
Complications no 16(21.9%) 48(65.7%) 64(87.6%)
In our study the gender of the newborn, parity, Nigeria by Adewuya 15 where the birth of a female
gender of the child contrary to expectation and type child had been shown to contribute significantly
of delivery was not found to have any significant towards development of blues. Such a finding may
association with the development of blues. reflect increasing levels of awareness and a gradual
shift of the mindset at least in parts of our country
The finding that the gender of the newborn was
from a conservative, patriarchal outlook to one that is
not found to predict the subsequent development
more gender-neutral.
of blues is in contrast to another study from West
Table 3: Past and family history as predictors of blues
Variable Group Postpartum blues Postpartum blues Total Chi p
present n(%) absent n(%) square χ2
Past History
of Mental yes 6(8.2%) 2(2.7%) 8(10.9%) 9.372 .002**
no 15(20.5%) 50(68.4%) 65(89.04%)
Family history
of mental yes 4(5.4%) 1(1.3%) 5(6.8%) 6.876 .0098**
no 17(23.3%) 51(69.8%) 68(93.1%)
dysphoric yes 7(9.5%) 2(2.7%) 9(12.3%)
12.033 .001***
disorder no 14(19.1%) 50(68.4%) 64(87.6%)
In our study, amongst those women with a past depression” or a previous postnatal depressive
history of mental illness, a greater proportion went on episode. O’Hara et al. 17found that women with blues
to develop blues and this association was significant. were more likely to report depressive symptoms
(p= 0.002**) Although history of several types of during pregnancy. This points to the importance of
mental illnesses were enquired into, all the women enquiring into the past history of psychiatric disorders
with blues having significant past psychiatric history especially depression during antenatal visits.
reported having experienced depression. Previous
We also found that past history of pre-menstrual
studies have also found a link between past history
dysphoric disorder significantly predicted the
of depression and blues. Stein 16 reported that the
development of post-partum blues. (p=0.001***).
most severe symptoms in the first postpartum week
Earlier studies have also consistently reported the
occurred in women with a history of “neurotic
link between PMDD and post-partum blues 18,19,20. their support is during the post-partum period can
There is a massive reduction in levels of circulating go a long way to improving a mother’s psychological
estrogen following delivery that may mimic the sort well-being which will have a positive impact on their
of estrogen fall that occurs during the pre-menstrual infant’s health and development as well.
phase. This would explain why women who have
Table 6: Stressful life events as a predictor of blues
experienced depressive symptoms during the latter
may also develop maternity blues after having a baby. Variable Postpartum Mean Mann Z, p value
blues Rank Whitney
A majority of those with family history of mental U
illness in a first degree relative went on to experience
Stressful yes 47.62 323.000 Z= -2.905,
blues and this relationship was significant. (p=0.009**). life p=.004**
This finding has been replicated in previous studies. events no 32.71
Table 4: Social support as a predictor of blues Women who developed blues had higher weighted
Variable Postpartum Mean SD t df p scores (47.62) on stressful life events in the past one
blues year compared to those who did not develop blues
Social yes 26.83 6.91 1.56 30 .128 (32.71) and this difference was significant. (p=0.004**).
Support Financial difficulties were the most common stressor
no 30.25 5.36
reported. This echoes the findings of O’Hara et al.
There was a difference in the mean scores on 17
who found that women who had more severe blues
Lubben’s Social Network Scale in women with blues were more likely to have experienced negative life-
(Mean 26.8, SD 6.91) and those without (Mean 30.25, events during pregnancy than those who did not.
SD 5.37) with higher scores indicating higher level of Economic insecurity specifically has been found to be
social support in women who did not develop blues. related to the development of blues in a recent study
However, this association was not significant. from Greece. 22
women as they are at higher risk of developing post- 8. Shah, A. Clinical validity of marital quality scale.
partum depression. Some of the variables identified Nimhans Journal. 1995; 13(1), 23-31
as risk factors such as history of pre-menstrual 9. Lubben JE. Assessing social networks among elderly
dysphoric disorder and past history of mental illness populations. Family and Community Health. 1988. 11(3),
should be carefully enquired into during routine 42-52.
antenatal assessments. Psycho-social variables that
10. Singh, G., Kaur, D., & Kaur, H. Presumptive stressful
can contribute to the development of blues such
life events scale (PSLES)—a new stressful life events
as stressful events experienced during pregnancy scale for use in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 1984;
and poor marital quality should also be assessed 26(2), 107–114.
and interventions planned accordingly to reduce
11. Sheehan, DV., Lecrubier, Y., Sheehan, KH., Amorim,
the impact of these on the women. It is hoped that
P., Janavs, J., Weiller, E., Dunbar, GC. The Mini-
more studies of this kind will further expand on this
International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.):
important area and aid in formulating comprehensive
the development and validation of a structured
management plans for women’s mental health in diagnostic psychiatric interview for DSM-IV and ICD-
pregnancy and the puerperium. 10. J Clin Psychiatry. 1998; 59 Suppl 20, 22-23.
Source of funding - This was a non-funded project 12. Gonidakis, F., Rabavilas, A. D., Varsou , E.,
Kreatsas, G., & Christodoulou, G. N. Maternity blues
Conflict of Interest – Nil
in Athens, Greece: A study during the first 3 days after
References delivery. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2007; 99, 107-115.
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Prevalence of the Maternity Blues in the Postpartum
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Prevalence and background factors of maternity
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3. Takahashi Y, Tamakoshi K. Factors associated with
16. Stein, G. S. The pattern of mental change and body
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tendency among Japanese mothers with full-term
Psychosomatic Research. 1980; 24(3-4), 165–171.
healthy infants. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2014 Feb;76(1-2):129-
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J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2020 Jul; 33(13), 2253-
How to cite this article: Stavelin Abhinandithe K, Madhu B, Somanathan Balasubramanian, Sridhar Ramachandran
et al Forecasting Multivariate time-series data using LSTM Neural Network in Mysore district, Karnataka.
Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Advanced and precise forecasting of infectious diseases plays a critical role in planning and providing resources effectively.
Time series forecasting for non-linear issues are accessible using deep learning techniques. The association between
climatic parameters and dengue occurrences was investigated in this work, and a forecasting model was constructed
using a deep learning approach called long short-term memory (LSTM). Univariate and multivariate LSTM time series
forecast models were developed using meteorological and dengue incidence data from January 2006 to December 2019.
For univariate data, the Pycharm/Google Colab platform was implemented, as the deep learning framework Keras,
which is one of the models in the machine learning library based on Tensorflow. The Pandas Python package with built-
in support for time series data was used for multivariate data. The final model was chosen using the mae loss and the
Adam optimizer. Once the model had been fixed, predictions were made using the model. The research showed that
the meteorological factors such as maximum temperature at lag 3, minimum temperature at lag 3, maximum vapour
pressure (lag 0,1 and 2), minimum vapour pressure at lag 1, and vapour pressure daily mean at lag 0,1,4 are all significant
predictors of dengue along with RMSE value of 1.121 . The results indicated that LSTM network has higher prediction
accuracy than any other traditional forecasting methods. Timely management of seasonal diseases such as dengue along
with meteorological parameters can predict epidemics in the future.
most probably microorganism impairs human further reports that improved global health can be
health. Infectious diseases occurring either naturally achieved through evidence from the studies that
or purposefully instigated biological threats bear advise on how to reduce the burden of disease and
intensifying risk to trigger disease, disability, and disability due to infectious diseases in low-middle-
death. Infectious diseases are a worldwide threat income or developing countries, thus eliminating
that transcends political and geographic boundaries the emerging threats of infectious diseases on global
health. Dengue is one of such infectious diseases
Corresponding author:
Stavelin Abhinandithe K,
Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Statistics, Division of Medical statistics, School of Life sciences, JSSAHER, Mysuru-570015.
Email: [email protected]
Contact No: 8095726333
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 285
which is increasing and has doubled over the last LSTM Architecture
years. It is more prone in tropical and subtropical RNN is one of the powerful techniques for deep neural
countries (2). For understanding its transmission to network that plays a significant role in processing
humans by a microbe, studying climate change and long-term dependent time-series data. Hochreiter and
its effects to the disease is necessary. Temperature, Schmidhuber (1970) proposed the problem of gradient
rainfall, humidity, vapour pressure, sunshine are the descent for long-term dependence is handled utilizing
significant meteorological factors for the spread of the the LSTM neural network model (7). LSTM can encode
disease. Knowing the relationship between variation and decode time series data; hence memory units can
in these climatic factors and dengue incidences helps be used in place of hidden layer neurons in RNNs to
to predict the disease outbreak accurately. Machine actualize previous knowledge from memory. One or
learning along with deep learning techniques are more memory cells, as well as three door controllers,
used as the powerful predictive techniques to know are found in each memory unit.
the influence of climatic factors on dengue incidences
. LSTM have chain like structure. The cell state,
which is a kind of conveyor belt that runs straight
Fang et al., (2020) studied the relationship between down the entire chain, is a key structure of LSTM.
meteorological elements and air quality by using The ability of LSTM to add or subtract information
LSTM neural networks for Beijing data. In his studies, from the cell state is controlled by a structure known
he observes that the LSTM models predicts better as as gates. Gates are the one which allows information
the model with better accuracy and robustness and through .These gates are made up of a sigmoid neural
thus he concludes that LSTM models can be used net layer and a point wise multiplication operation
as prediction methods(4). Chathurangi et al., (2021) sigmoid(7). layer’s outputs are integers between 0 and
describes the machine learning models such as LSTM 1, indicating how much of each component should
to analyse dengue incidences along with weather and be processed. A value of zero indicates that ‘nothing
population density to predict and forecast the dengue should be allowed through;’ whereas a value of one
incidences (5). In his study, he observes and predicts indicates that ‘everything should be allowed through
the incidence of dengue with a good precision level. (8)
. As a result, the LSTM contains three gates to protect
The recent advances in deep learning have helped and control the state of the cell.
the healthcare industry. Various applications have
been implemented and commercialized which The Fundamental building of RNN and LSTM are
incorporated AI-driven component that assists alike that it has a chain structure. LSTM is not based
doctors and healthcare providers in achieving on single network-layer and four modules interact
accurate diagnosis (6). with each other.
In this study, we have applied LSTM models LSTM Time Series Network
taking into account the univariate and multivariate In sequence to sequence learning, RNN models
time series infectious data along with meteorological are specialists at mapping an input sequence to an
parameters. LSTM are distinct type of RNN capable of output sequence. The length of the input and output
handling long-term dependences. Machine learning does not have to be the same. Two RNNs, such as
is increasingly being utilized for linear and non-linear LSTMs, are used as a sequence to sequence model.
time series models to improve predictions. RNN, one These are encoders and decoders, respectively (9). The
of the machine learning models, works with time encoder’s job is to convert a given input sequence into
series to construct network structures, making it more a context vector, which is a fixed length vector. To
adaptable in time series data analysis. The LSTM forecast the output sequence, the decoder is given the
model is one of the RNN variations that address context vector as input and the final encoder state as
the problem of RNN gradient disappearance and a starting decoder state. Speech recognition, language
explosion, allowing damaged neural networks to be translation, time series forecasting, and other
utilized for long-term time series forecasting. LSTM applications use this form of sequence to sequence
models have turned into a vital model for forecasting learning.
time-series and are suitable for situations involving
sequences with autocorrelation.
Cross correlation
It was performed to identify the significant lagged
meteorological parameters for the incidences of
infectious diseases. Figure 3: testing
Figure 3: Back Back testing
strategy shows forstrategy shows
the year 2008-2014 as slice 1for the
and for year
the year 2012-2018 as
slice 2
2008-2014 as slice 1 and for the year 2012-2018 as
Software’s used slice 2
R, Python, keras and tensor flow programming From the Figure 3, Slice 1 shows the predicted value
language are used to build LSTM model and stepwise for 2014 by using 2008-2012 data and Slice 2 shows the
LSTM package was adopted. In this R is used for predicted values for 2018 by using 2012-2016.
univariate LSTM with keras and Tensorflow, whereas
Python is used for multivariate LSTM with keras and The Autocorrelation plot was obtained for
Tensorflow. Data set of dengue cases
Results Algorithm of deep learning estimates accurately
predicted dengue cases. The backtested Keras Stateful
Univariate LSTM models for dengue cases LSTM Model plot was constructed.
To predict incidence of dengue, we used LSTM model Table 1: RMSE value based on different slices of
which was developed by using Keras, connects Tensor data Fromofthedengue cases.
Figure 3, Slice 1 shows the 2012 data and Slice 2 shows the predicted
Flow in R backend. Using the rsample package’s predicted value for 2014 by using 2008- values for 2018 by using 2012-2016.
Sl. No Slice No RMSE Data
rolling forecast origin resampling it performs Time The Autocorrelation plot was obtained for
Data set of dengue cases
Series Cross Validation with Back Testing. The trend 1 1 1.2 2010-2015
value and forecasted value of dengue for the year Algorithm2 of deep learning2 estimates 1.3 Keras Stateful
backtested 2011-2019
LSTM Model plot
accurately predicted dengue cases. The was constructed.
2008-2019 using keras LSTM deep learning is shown
Using the rsample package's rolling forecast trend value and forecasted value of dengue The RMSE (or another equivalent statistic) average
in the
origin Figure
resampling 2. Time Series
it performs for the year 2008-2019 using keras LSTM
Cross Validation with Back Testing. The deep learning is shown in the Figure 2.
and standard deviation are a helpful approach to
Figure 2: Fitted and forecasted values of the dengue compare the performance of different models. The
results obtained by using LSTM model are presented
Table 1: RMSE value based on different slices of data of dengue cases.
in Table 1 .We 1
Sl. No
that the mean
Slice No
of the Data
above slices
The RMSE (or another equivalent mean of the above slices of dengue cases is
statistic) average and standard deviation are 1.25 and its standard deviation is 0.05.
From the Figure 4, we observeFrom
a helpful approach to compare the the the trend value
Figure 4, we observeand
the trend
forecasted value for dengue cases using
value and forecastedKeras
performance of different models. The results value for LSTM
dengue cases
using Keras LSTM deep learning.
obtained by using LSTM model are
Figure 2: Fitted and forecasted values of the dengue for the year 2008-2019 deep learning.
presented in Table 1 .We observe that the
for the year 2008-2019
Figure 3: Back testing strategy shows for the year 2008-2014 as slice 1 and for the year 2012-2018 as
slice 2 IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
We also observed that the Observed and Predicted more when added with exogenous meteorological
incidences of dengue that is R2 value is exactly equal variables. Further based on Univariate LSTM, we
to 1 indicating that all the values are falling on the observed that R2 value is exactly equal to one for
regression line indicating that the fitted model is best dengue incidences indicating that the predicted
suited for the observed data. values fit the observed data exactly and RMSE value
for univariate data was 1.25 and for multivariate
Multivariate LSTM models for dengue cases LSTM was 1.121.Our results indicated that compared
to univariate LSTM, multivariate LSTM that is when
To construct multivariate LSTM, we have taken
meteorological variables are added, improves the
logarithm (ln) dengue data which is taken as
accuracy of LSTM. The R square value for univariate
dependent variable or targeted variables. Exogenous
LSTM was equal to one for dengue.
variables i.e., meteorological variables are considered
to be independent variables or features in machine LSTM models require significantly less time to
learning language. There are 144 observations in the train in terms of accuracy and computational, and
dengue cases. The whole dataset was split into training once trained, constant prediction can be estimated.
and tested data. Correlated exogenous variables Therefore LSTM models are suitable for predicting
are considered along with dengue cases which the monthly incidence of dengue in Mysuru district,
are entered as columns. Meteorological variables Karnataka.
maximum temperature at lag 3, minimum temp_3,
Ethical clearance - Taken from JSSMC/
maximum vapour pressure (lag 0,1 and 2), minimum
IEC/2308/19NCT/2019-20 dated on 3/9/2019 from
vapour pressure at lag 1 and vapour pressure daily
JSS Medical College. IE Committee.
mean at lag 0,1,4 are significant predictors for dengue.
These series are then converted to supervise learning. Source of funding- No funding has been received.
Depending on the amount of the data, automatically
Conflict of Interest - Nil
training and testing data will be considered. Here
number of observations is equal to number of hours References
multiplied by number of features. The next step is to 1. De Cock KM, Simone PM, Davison V, Slutsker L. The
reshape the input to a 3D format that is samples, time new global health. Emerging infectious diseases. 2013
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Evaluation of Vitek2 and Colistin broth disk elution test in comparison with Micro broth dilution for
Susceptibility testing of Colistin among Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacterales.
Senior resident, Department of Microbiology, JSS Medical college, JSSAHER, Mysore, Karnataka
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, JSS Medical college, JSSAHER, Mysore, Karnataka
Tutor & Research Scholar, Department of Microbiology, JSS Medical college, JSSAHER, Mysore, Karnataka
How to cite this article: Sujatha S R, Deepashree Rajasekhar, Satyasai.Badveti, Krishna Karthik Manthravadi et al
Evaluation of Vitek2 and Colistin broth disk elution test in comparison with Micro broth dilution for Susceptibility
testing of Colistin among Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacterales. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Colistin is the last expedient for treating the infections caused by Carbapenem resistant Enterobacter ales (CRE).
Expanding usage of colistin as led to development of Colistin resistance. This urges for a need of reliable and accurate
testing method that can be adopted as routine for susceptibility testing of Colistin. The innate cationic property of
colistin molecules is associated with complexities. Hence evaluation of testing method is needed for detection of colistin
resistance. Present study is done to evaluate the results yielding from Vitek2 and CBDE in comparison with rBMD. About
200 CRE isolated from clinical specimens were tested, results of Vitek2, CBDE was compared with rBMD. In comparison
with BMD Categorical agreement (CA) of Vitec 2 was 83% with major error of 17% .CA of CBDE was 99% with 1% of very
major error. Since the resistance to colistin is increasing accurate reporting of Colistin MIC by a validated method becomes
important. So, we would recommend CBDE for routine testing of Colistin susceptibility.
Keywords: Carbapenem resistant Enterobacterales, Colistin broth disk elution, rBMD- reference broth microdilution,
Categorical Agreement.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Deepashree Rajasekhar
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, JSS Medical college, Mysore-Karnataka, India
Phone: 9916815822
Email: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 291
most of the laboratories, MIC of colistin is determined method (CBDE and vitek-2 ) is same as the reference
and reported by Vitek-2 automated antibiotic standard method (BMD), the test method is said to be
susceptibility test (AST) system, even though it is categorically agreed with that of the reference method,
not an approved method by CLSI [5]. In view of this if not it is categorically disagreed. Again Categorical
present study was taken up to evaluate the results of disagreement is classified into Very Major, Major
Vitek-2, CBDE in comparison with rBMD so that we and Minor errors. If the test method shows sensitive
can analyse if we can continue reporting Colistin MIC category and the reference method is resistant, it is
from Vitek-2 AST or adapt new test like CDBE. very major error. If the test method shows resistant
category and the reference method is sensitive, it
Materials and Methods is major error. If the test method is intermediate
A cross sectional analytical study was conducted in category and the reference method is either sensitive
department of Microbiology, JSS medical college or resistant category, it is said to be Minor error. As
and hospital, about 200 clinical isolates yielded from EUCAST does not give any intermediate breakpoint
routine clinical specimens , such as blood, endotracheal for colistin, Minor errors is not applicable for colistin .
aspirate, sputum, sterile fluids (bile, ascitic fluid, CSF)
and exudate specimens which were Enterobacterales Results
& Carbapenem resistant were included in the study Among 200 clinical isolates the most common
. Other organisms from the Enterobacterales which organism isolated was Klebsiella pneumoniae (112),
are intrinsically resistant to colistin such as Proteus, followed by Escherichia coli 71 and Enterobacter
Serratia, Morganella and Providencia were excluded, cloacae 13 (Table 2). Colistin MIC distribution of 200
also clinical isolates from stool samples & clinical clinical isolates by reference BMD method. 23 isolates
isolates isolated from same patient were also excluded showed resistance and organism that exhibited
from the study. The study involved the specimens that highest resistance was by Klebsiella pneumoniae (Table
were collected from the samples that were routinely 30). 92 isolates showed MIC value of ≤1 by both CBDE
received in Microbiology laboratory for evaluation & & MBD, 11 isolates showed MIC of 2 in both CBDE
since no intervention was needed informed consent and reference BMD, 21 isolates showed MIC of ≥4 in
was not taken , by application of statistical tool 200 both CBDE & reference BMD , 2 isolates showed MIC
clinical isolates which were resistant to Carbapenem of 2 in CBDE & 4 MIC value in reference BMD which
were subjected to broth micro dilution (BMD), accounts for very major error . Categorical agreement
colistin broth disk elution and vitek-2 AST system of CBDE with respect to reference BMD was 99%
. Results were noted and analyzed. Reference in- (Table 4) 135 isolates yielded MIC of ≤1 in vitek-2 &
house BMD was performed according to standard reference BMD , 23 isolates showed MIC of ≥ 4 in both
operating protocol issued by National Programme Vitek 2 and reference BMD , 13 isolates showed MIC
on Antimicrobial Resistance Containment National of 4 in Vitek-2 and 1 in reference BMD, 12 isolates
Centre for Disease Control, India, August 2020 , yielded MIC value of 8 in Vitek 2 and 2 in reference
Cation adjusted Mueller-Hinton broth (90922) was BMD, 9 isolates showed MIC of 16 in Vitek 2 and 2 in
used for performing CBDE , discs were procured from reference BMD, in total 34 isolates were resistant in
Oxoid™ & test was performed according to CLSI 2020, test method that is Vitek -2 and sensitive in reference
M100 document using appropriate control strains. BMD which indicates major error. 83% of categorical
Thermo Scientific company and colistin sulphate salt agreement in comparison of test method that is Vitek
(C4461) was procured from Sigma Aldrich company. 2 with reference method that is BMD.
If susceptibility result of the isolate done by the test
Tables & Figures
Table 1: Colistin interpretative breakpoints according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
(CLSI) and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) guidelines- 2021 was
used for interpretation of the results.
Organism/groups CLSI 2021 EUCAST 2021
Enterobacterales - ≤2 ≥4 ≤2 >2 -
Pseudomonas aeruginosa - ≤2 ≥4 ≤2 >2 4
Table 3: Colistin MIC distribution for 200 isolates with reference BMD method is shown in [Table-3]
Organism No. of isolates MIC range (μg/mL)
tested 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16
Klebsiella pneumoniae 112 20 10 30 16 18 8 4 6
Escherichia coli 71 20 21 22 3 2 3 0 0
Enterobacter cloacae 13 2 3 4 1 1 2 0 0
Citrobacter species 04 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
Table 4: Colistin MIC distribution of CBDE with reference to MBD method
MIC 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16
MIC of
CBDE (μg/mL)
≤1 23 18 30 11 10 0 0 0
2 20 17 28 9 11 2* 0 0
≥4 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 6
*Indicated very major error
Table 5: Colistin MIC distribution of Vitek-2 with reference to MBD method
MIC range (μg/mL) 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16
≤0.5 20 16 30 3 0 0 0 0
1 18 19 25 4 0 0 0 0
2 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 13* 0 8 3 0
8 0 0 0 0 12* 5 1 4
16 0 0 0 0 9* 0 0 2
* Indicates major error pneumoniae in 2012 [14]. CBDE was performed the
results were compared with reference BMD. Based
Discussion on EUCAST 2021 guidelines Categorial agreement
There is re-emergence of usage of polymyxin drugs was analysed. Essential agreement was not analysed
over the past as last agent for treatment of infections as CBDE was performed only in 3 dilutions whereas
caused by multi drug resistant gram-negative rods. BMD was performed in 8 dilutions. As shown in
Although polymixins being considered as last option (Table 4). 2 of the isolates showed MIC of 2 in CBDE &
of treatment it should be used carefully since even MIC value of 4 in reference BMD which is very major
in optimal doses they are highly nephrotoxic and error, categorical agreement of CBDE with reference
neurotoxic , hence knowing the MIC of infecting BMD was 99%. In a study conducted by Simner PJ,
organism is of clinical importance so that accurate et al; which was a 2-site evaluation of CBDE method
report is communicated to the treating physician conducted in 2019, in this study in both the evaluation
centre CBDE had 100% categorical agreement in
which ensures that such kind of drugs are discreetly
comparison with reference BMD method (14). Similar
used [6]. CLSI and EUCAST [7,8 ] in the year 2017
findings were observed by Humphries RM et al, (2019)
together recommended rBMD as the reference test for
in which they reported 97.9% categorial agreement
Colistin testing. But it has its own limitations since the
compared to the reference MIC and reported 9 VME
procedure is tedious and also difficult to use as routine
(3.2%). Dalmolin TV et al., conducted a study in two
test for detection of colistin resistance in resource different research centres in Brazil, in his study he
limited settings , so there is a need of an alternative reported 91.18% of CA and 4.95% of VME with CBDE
method which is more amicable to be performed on compared to reference method (15).
routine basis . Many laboratories are reporting colistin
MIC by using Vitek-2 system which is not an approved As mentioned in (Table 5) 13 isolates with MIC
method by CLSI . Apart from rBMD CLSI is also value of 4 obtained by Vitek-2 showed MIC value of 1
recommended CBDE and CAT as alternative method in reference BMD, 12 isolates that yielded MIC of 8 in
for colistin MIC reporting , present study focuses on Vitek 2 showed MIC of 2 in reference BMD, 9 isolates
evaluation of results of colistin MIC with VITEK -2 with MIC of 16 resulted from Vitek 2 showed MIC
system & CBDE in comparison with rBMD to evaluate value of 2 in reference BMD, 34 isolates totally were
which is the better method that can be adopted on resistant in test method that is Vitek -2 and sensitive
routine basis for testing the colistin susceptibility. in reference BMD .Categorical agreement between
Reference micro broth dilution (MBD) was performed Vitek-2 (Test method ) in comparison with reference
on 200 Carbapenem resistant Enterobacterales which method(BMD) was 83% with 17% of major error and
were isolated from clinical specimens among which no very major error , many studies have been done
11.5 % were resistant to colistin . Various other for evaluation of Vitek-2 automated method for
studies also showed similar kind of resistant pattern, testing of colistin susceptibility. In a study conducted
Klebsiella pneumoniae showed the highest resistance by Ka Lip Chew et al Similar categorical agreement
to colistin among other Enterobacterales which was was seen between Vitek -2 and BMD, which was <
around 9% similarly In the year 2019 Walia k et al 90 % with very major error of 36% & no major error
also reported around 8 % of colistin resistance in
. In a study conducted by Jerome R. Lo-Ten-Foe et
K. pneumoniae causing hospital-acquired infections al vitek-2 had high level of categorical agreement in
12.6% of klebsiella species isolated from urinary tract comparison with BMD, and he concluded that Vitek
infection were colistin resistant in study conducted -2 is a reliable alternative tool for detection of colistin
by Jain S. et al., (2018) [10]. 20.4 % of colistin resistance susceptibility and he specified that it’s a good tool for
were reported in 2020 by Sarumathi D et al., [11]. detection of colistin susceptibility only in isolates that
High resistance to colistin was noted in many other do not exhibit hetero resistance (18).
studies conducted by authors like L. Bardet et al., in N. Pfennig Werth et al in his study Vitek 2 had
2019 reported 63.4% of colistin resistance among gram 90.5% of categorical agreement with BMD and 31% of
negative rods [13]. Qadi M, et al., (2021) has reported very major error with no detection of false resistance
41% of Enterobacterales that were resistant to colistin (19)
. Another study done by Salima Qamar et al the
. Capone A, et al. reported around 36.1% of colistin categorical agreement between Vitek 2 and BMD was
resistance that were carbapenem resistant klebsiella 100% (20).
In our current study done for evaluation of 4. Romney M. Humphries,a,b Daniel A. Green,c Audrey
alternative method for routine colistin testing Vitek N. Schuetz,d,e Yehudit Bergman,f Shawna Lewis,f
2 showed 83% of categorical agreement 17% of major Rebecca Yee,f Stephania Stump,g Mabel Lopez,c Nenad
error was detected in our study that is resistant in test Macesic,g Anne-Catrin Uhlemann,g Peggy Kohner,d
Nicolynn Cole,d Patricia J. Simnerf Multicenter
method (Vitec 2) and sensitive in reference method
Evaluation of Colistin Broth Disk Elution and Colistin
(MBD) which indicates the detection of false resistance
Agar Test: a Report from the Clinical and Laboratory
to colistin. And to be noted that there was no very
Standards Institute Journal of Clinical Microbiology
major error detected by Vitec 2compared to BMD in November 2019 Volume 57 Issue 11 e01269-19
our study. Whereas CBDE had very good categorical
agreement of 99% with only 1 % of very major error 5. Joseph D. Lutgring,a,b Anny Kim,a Davina Campbell,a
Maria Karlsson,a Allison C. Brown,a Eileen M. Burdc
and no major error compared to rBMD.
Evaluation of the MicroScan Colistin Well and Gradient
Conclusion Diffusion Strips for Colistin Susceptibility Testing in
Enterobacteriaceae Journal of Clinical Microbiology
As per our study Vitec 2 detected more of false
May 2019 Volume 57 Issue 5 e01866-18
resistance to colistin but no false susceptibility was
seen. Parallelly CBDE yielded good categorical 6. Humphries RM, Green DA, Schuetz AN, Bergman
agreement with only 1% of false susceptibility. Hence Y, Lewis S, Yee R, Stump S, Lopez M, Macesic N,
Uhlemann AC, Kohner P. Multicenter evaluation
Vitek2 can be used routinely for testing of Colistin
of colistin broth disk elution and colistin agar test: a
susceptibility but if colistin resistance is yielded by
report from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards
Vitek 2 then that isolate needs to be retested by one
Institute. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2019 Sep
more method. CBDE can be used as alternative to 11;57(11):e01269-19.
vitek2 so that the isolate susceptibility will be double
confirmed and false resistance will not be reported. 7. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. 2018.
Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility
This further avoids the unnecessary usage of other
testing; 28th informational supplement. Clinical and
antibiotics like Fosfomycin,Tigecycline & other drugs
Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne, PA.
that are used for treating colistin resistant infections.
8. EUCAST. 2017. Breakpoint tables for interpretation of
Source of Funding: Nil
MICs and zone diameters, version 8.1.
Ethical Clearance: Institutional Ethics committee EUCAST
approval was obtained from JSS Medical college, files/Breakpoint tables/v_8.1_Breakpoint_Tables.pdf.
Mysore. Accessed 6 December 2018.
Conflict Of Interest: No potential conflict of 9. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. 2020.
interest relevant to this article reported Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility
testing; 29th informational supplement; CLSI M.100.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne,
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How to cite this article: Surbhi Yadav, Shivi Khattri, Mayur Kaushik, Soumya Sharma et al Periodontal
Ligament: Health, Disease and Regeneration. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Understanding of the structure and metabolism of connective tissue components in recent years has increased drastically.
The support and attachment of the tooth in the bones of the jaw is provided by a complex comprising of four connective
tissues and is known as the Periodontium. It is attached to the dentine of the root by the cementum and to the bones of
the jaw via the alveolar bone. Two of the connective tissues are mineralized and comprise of cementum and alveolar
bone, while the other two are essentially fibrous in nature and are represented by the periodontal ligament (PDL) and the
gingiva. This review article summarizes the current knowledge of the periodontium and will discuss the most important
vital structure in detail that is Periodontal ligament.
Corresponding Author:
Surbhi Yadav
Postgraduate Student, Department of Periodontology, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Meerut (250005),
E-mail: [email protected],
Mob.: 9999266790*
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 297
main component cell type in the PDL. In rodents, towards cementum was found to be more mature than
they make up 35% of the volume space of the that towards bone. This also indicates that remodelling
ligament, approximately 20% in sheep and 25-30% is faster on the bone side of PDL. This might also be
in humans. The fibroblasts are interconnected by gap attributed to the fact that alveolar bone undergoes
junctions and adherence-type junctions. Fibroblasts continuous remodelling whereas cementum on the
are responsible for forming and remodeling the PDL other hand, doesn’t undergo remodelling under
fibers. Periodontal fibroblasts are responsible for normal conditions.11
the overall production and turnover of most of the
extracellular matrix.The fibroblasts are the major Development of PDL fibers
resident cells which inhabit the periodontal tissues In the pre-occlusional stage, developing transseptal
and the ability of the fibroblast to proliferate, migrate, fibers extend over the alveolar crest in an oblique–
elongate, adhere, immobilize itself and commence apical direction toward the cementoenamel junction
matrix synthesis is critical for cell function, wound of the nonerupted adjacent tooth.However, when
healing and tissue integrity.6 the adjacent tooth has erupted, the mechanical field
around the erupting tooth changes.4 This results in a
Bone forming cells: Osteoblasts and re-orientation of the transseptal fibers in a superior–
osteoclasts oblique direction toward the erupted tooth. When
Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells located along the the tooth reaches the first occlusal contact, PDL fiber
alveolar bone surface, which differentiate locally organization is more advanced.
from mesenchymal cells when needed. They are
only prominent when there is active bone formation.
Bone is constantly being turned over. Therefore, the
osteoblasts will form new bone in that area of alveolar
bone being remodelled.7 Osteoclasts originate from
monocytes within the blood vascular system and are
found in areas where bone and cementum are being
of the principal fibers of the ligament into the tooth lymph vessels and nerves traversing the periodontal
cementum and bone. Once they insert themselves ligament space at the root apex.
into the alveolus wall or the cementum, they calcify
The interradicular fibers fan out from the cementum
and become associated with non-collagenous proteins
to the tooth in the furcation areas of multirooted
in cementum and bone. Sharpey’s fibres are coupled
teeth. Their function is believed to be resisting tooth
with high levels of osteopontin and bone sialoprotein.
tipping, torquing and luxation. Three types of elastic
This could give useful physical properties to the hard
fibers exist: elastin, oxytalan and elaunin. Only
and soft tissue interface.14
oxytalan fibers are found in the human PDL, but
The ligament collagen bundle fibre composition is the gingival ligament also has fibers bundles which
primarily interstitial collagens I and III, which then may be linked to elaunin fibers. Oxytalan fibres were
arrange as banded fibrils. Collagen V is also involved described initially by Fullmer. They are pure bundles
with these fibrils and is located in the interstitial of microfibrils, which resemble pre-elastic fibres and
spaces between the bundles or within the centre of run in a vertical direction from the surface of the
the fibrils. Other minor collagens involved in the cementum, which forms a meshwork that covers the
fibrous meshwork of the PDL are collagens IV, V, VI tooth root.17
and XII, which are important to maintain the normal
architectural structure of the PDL.15 The principal Blood and nerve supply of PDL
fibers of the periodontal ligament are arranged in six For a fibrous connective tissue, the PDL has an
groups that develop sequentially in the developing unusually rich nerve and blood supply. In addition
root, which are as follows: transseptal; alveolar crest; to the usual autonomic nerves associated with the
horizontal; oblique; apical; interradicular fibers. vasculature, the sensory nerves show endings of the
Transseptal fibers extend interproximally over Ruffini type that play an important role in the reflex
the alveolar bone crest and are embedded in the control of mastication. It also releases neuropeptides
cementum of adjacent teeth. They are reconstructed such as substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide and
even after destruction of the alveolar bone that results calcitonin gene-related peptide.1
from periodontal disease. Fibers also run from the The major blood vessels of the PDL lie between
cementum over the alveolar crest and to the fibrous the principal fiber bundles, close to the wall of
layer of the periosteum that covers the alveolar bone. the alveolus. The majority of vessels appear to be
The alveolar crest fibers prevent the extrusion of the postcapillary venules.4
tooth and resist lateral tooth movements, helps in
securing teeth in their sockets.16 The incision of these Functions of Periodontal Ligament
fibers during periodontal surgery does not increase The functions of the PDL are categorized as:
tooth mobility unless significant attachment loss has
occurred. 1. Physical: Provision of a soft-tissue “casing” to
protect the vessels and nerves from injury by
The horizontal fibers are found immediately apical
mechanical forces. Transmission of occlusal
to the alveolar crest fiber group. The fiber bundles
forces to the bone.
of this group pass from their cemental attachment
directly across the periodontal ligament space to 2. Formative and remodeling: Cells of the PDL
become inserted in the alveolar process as Sharpey’s participate in the formation and resorption
fibers. Oblique fibers constitute the largest group in of cementum and bone, which occur during
the periodontal ligament, extend from the cementum physiologic tooth movement, during the
in a coronal direction obliquely to the bone. Oblique accommodation of the periodontium to
fibers bear the brunt of vertical masticatory stresses occlusal forces, and during the repair of
and transform such stresses into tension on the injuries.
alveolar bone.1 The apical fibers radiate in a rather 3. Nutritional and Sensory: The PDL supplies
irregular manner from the cementum to the bone at nutrients to the cementum, bone, and
the apical region of the socket. They do not occur on gingiva by way of the blood vessels, and
incompletely formed roots. The apical fiber bundles it also provides lymphatic drainage. The
resist the forces of luxation, may prevent tooth tipping PDL is abundantly supplied with sensory
and probably also protect the delicate blood and
nerve fibers that are capable of transmitting Regeneration of periodontal tissues is one of the
tactile, pressure, and pain sensations via the most important goals for the treatment of periodontal
trigeminal pathways.16 disease. Periodontal regeneration requires the
coordinated formation of new alveolar bone,
Periodontal ligament in disease cementum and functional PDL.19
The PDL can be destroyed because of the following
PDL regeneration can be expected under the
following conditions:
A. Abnormal occlusal forces
1. PDL regeneration during tooth movement
B. Periodontal diseases
2. PDL around implants
C. Periodontal component of systemic diseases
3. After the treatment of periodontal diseases
A. Abnormal occlusal forces Regeneration of tooth and periodontal ligament
tissue is of great interest in dental research as well
he PDL has a cushioning effect on forces applied
as in clinical practice. PDL regeneration can be done
to teeth as means to accommodate forces exerted
through stem cells and guided tissue regeneration.20
on the crown. Due to the elastic nature of the
Successful periodontal regeneration relies on the re-
periodontal ligament, all teeth with normal bone
formation of an epithelial seal, deposition of new
support present with physiologic mobility in all
acellular extrinsic fiber cementum and insertion of
directions. Whenever occlusal forces exceed the
functionally oriented connective tissue fibers into
adaptive capacity of the tissues, tissue injury results
the root surface, and restoration of alveolar bone
and tissue responses occur in three stages.
height.21 Therefore, the major factor believed to
a) Injury; prevent periodontal regeneration after conventional
b) Repair; therapeutic approaches is the migration of epithelial
cells into the defect area at a faster rate than that of
c) Adaptive remodeling of the periodontium.18 mesenchymal cells, which leads to the formation of a
long junctional epithelium and the prevention of the
B. Periodontal diseases formation of a new attachment apparatus over the
eriodontal diseases are mainly characterized by
P previously diseased root surface.
affecting the composition and integrity of all the The goal of regenerative procedures is to prevent
structures involved in the periodontium resulting apical migration of gingival epithelial and connective
in the destruction of the connective tissue, the loss tissue cells and to provide maintenance of a wound
of attachment and finally the resorption of alveolar space into which a selective population of cells (hence
bone. If periodontitis is left untreated, it will guided tissue regeneration [GTR]) is allowed to
eventually result in loss of tooth and unfortunately migrate, favoring the formation of a new periodontal
conventional therapies are only palliative. Once the attachment. Derived from the classic studies of
periodontium is disrupted, restoration of its normal Nyman, Lindhe, Karring, and Gottlow,21 this
structure and function is very difficult.9 method is based on the assumption that periodontal
ligament and perivascular cells have the potential for
C.Periodontal component of systemic diseases regeneration of the attachment apparatus of the tooth.
eriodontium can also be affected by systemic
P The biologic basis of GTR is based on the assumption
diseases such as Down Syndrome, Papillon- that the placement of physical barriers prevents apical
Lefevre syndrome, Ehler Danlos Syndrome, migration of the epithelium and gingival connective
Hypophosphotasia. tissue cells of the flap and provides a secluded space
PDL in Regeneration for the inward migration of periodontal ligament
cells (PDL) and mesenchymal cells on the exposed
Regeneration is defined as the reproduction or
root surface, which in turn promote periodontal
reconstitution of a lost or injured part of the body
regeneration.22Types of barrier membranes used can
in such a way that the architecture and function of
be non-resorbable or resorbable membranes.
the lost or injured tissues are completely restored.
PDL tissue engineering presents several specific 3. Pitaru S, McCulloch CA, Narayanan SA. Cellular
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22. Nyman S, Gottlow J, Karring T, Lindhe J. The
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regeneration in. J Clin Periodontol 1997;24:669-677. experimental study in the monkey. J Clin Periodontol
How to cite this article: Susmit Jain, Mahima Jha (P.T.) et al Application of Lean Methodology in Radiology
Department of a Multispecialty Hospital. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Hospital Administrators are continually looking for ways to reduce the cost and expenditure related to healthcare services.
The radiology department is one of the key areas for reducing the expenditures of the hospital. The radiology department
is an important revenue-generating department, but it also houses one of the costliest technologies to maintain and repair.
The study was carried out in a Multispecialty Hospital in India. The objective of the study was to reduce identify wastes
or “muda” as in lean methodology of Toyota Production System and to study the cost of materials consumed in the
radiology department without compromising the quality of services. The study design was descriptive & cross-sectional,
and data of cost analysis was obtained from the Hospital Information System. The period of the study was over a three-
month period between March - June 2021. Data of Radiology Information System (R.I.S) (medical imaging software) was
also used. The cost related to radiology was determined for the consumables. The sampling technique was purposive.
Data was analysed using Minitab and MS Excel. Value Stream Map was created, and 8 types of wastes (lean tool) were
identified in the study. The wastes or “muda” occurred during transportation which occurred during shifting of patients
and material transportation, inventory, motion, too many clicks for uploading images, waiting for procedures, waiting
for reports, re-do and unnecessary tests, excess radiation doses, reporting errors, and insufficient training to staff. In the
MRI procedure, Value Stream Map was made, the takt time of 24 min, but the cycle time was 100 min and waiting of 120
minutes, which resulted in the lead time of 220 minutes. Pareto analysis of the consumables was done for 28 products,
the products were classified under ABC categories. Radiographic Film-14 x 17 inch & Contrast Omnipaque consumed
73.3 % of the consumption value, they were classified under A category products, 3 products viz Contrast Omniscan,
Radiographic Film-11x14inch, Radiographic Film-8 X10inch were categorized under B category which consumed
additional 21.05 % of the expenditure, the remaining 20 products were classified under C category, which consumed only
5.68 % of the monetary consumption value.
Category A materials are the most expensive and hence require strict control. From the data analysis, it was observed that
stringent control on consumption, monthly consumption analysis, and commitment of the staff members could be the
contributory factors for the reduction in expenditure. The maximum scope for cost reduction in the radiology department
was in the MRI Studies.
Some of the strategies for cost reduction could be digitalization of services, use of IT in MRI studies CDs could be provided,
linking the RIS with mobile application. The reports could be made assessable online which would reduce paper records.
is another money-saving tactic. The purchase department must be informed of the consumption pattern on a weekly or
monthly basis, particularly for costly products like contrast (Omnipaque and Omniscan).
Keywords: Radiology, Lean, Toyota Production System, Muda, Consumables, Value Stream Map, Pareto Chart.
1.5 lakhs to 75 lakhs. As the department is important value stream map (VSM), identifying & eliminating
revenue generating area in a hospital, it is key area wastes, and continual improvement of the processes
for reducing the expenditure of the hospital. Hence, for improving quality. These tool and techniques
hospital administrators are continually looking for are aimed to optimize time, improve productivity,
ways to reduce the cost and expenditure related to while improving quality of products and services3.
radiology services1. In Lean approach there are 7 type of wastes or muda
as referred in Toyota Production System which
The need for containing and controlling the imaging
are Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting,
cost requires an understanding of procedures and
Overproduction, Overprocessing, Defects. These
quantify the cost of the imaging services. Radiology
wastes were defined by Taiichi Ohno, father of
department uses consumables for procedures like X
the TPS. Some practitioners include 8th waste as
Ray, CT, MRI & USG and may include X-ray film for
Skills or unutilized talent. They make the acronym
producing radiographic image and generally consists
of emulsion of silver bromide (AgBr), Contrast or
dyes like Omnipaque™ (iohexol) by GE Healthcare, First application of lean principles in healthcare
which contains iodine and add contrast to body parts, was in 2001 in Virgina Mason Medical Centre, in
and is taken before imaging tests (such as CT scans), Seattle, Washington, when they applied Toyota
Contrast Omniscan™ which is a Gadolinium based Production System (TPS) to the healthcare context.
contrast agent used in MRI examination generally They implemented Virginia Mason Production
for tumours and abnormalities in brain and spine, System (VMPS) to identify and eliminate “muda” or
electroencephalogram (EEG) conducive paste used for waste to improve productivity and efficiency4.
brain disorders, and helps in reducing skin impedance
Value stream mapping in hospitals maps all
while using EEG electrodes, intravenous cannula or
the operational processes related to patient flow,
IV cannula which is a tube inserted into the body for
material supplies, information related to the journey
delivery of fluids into the body, Syringe-plain with
of patients, etc. and acts as a visual tool of the health
needle, 3 way Stop cock for infusion of two fluids,
care service delivery. Takt time is calculated which
Mannitol 20% Infusion which is a medicine with
signifies the time in which a service needs to be
high osmotic pressure and increases water retention,
completed keeping in mind the demand and total
Examination gloves, Ultrasound Gel which reduces
available service time. Current-state and future State
the air between the skin and the probe or transducer,
Value Stream Map are drawn5.
Surgical paper tape, General stationery, personal
protective equipment (PPE) face shield for infection Lean techniques could be applied to reduce costs
control2, sodium chloride solution (intravenous) and improve quality in radiology department. The
normal saline (NS), Surgical drape which is OT linen basic tools included “kaizen” which means continuous
used to isolate surgical site from other areas of patient improvement, VSM(value stream mapping) of the
body and reduce surgical site infection (SSI), Scalp department, applying 5 S’s which include Sort, Set in
vein set for drawing blood or for intravenous (I.V.) order, Shine, Standardise and Sustain, and other lean
therapy into a vein, N95 respirator & surgical masks, productive improvement techniques6,7,8.
Syringe-plain with needle, Xylocaine 2% Jelly which With this backdrop the current study was
contains Lidocaine used for local anesthetics, Baccirub undertaken to apply lean concepts and explore
Plus which is Antimicrobial Alcohol Hand Rub, etc. avenues for cost containment and to identify the
The diverse nature of value and cost of radiology wastes (non-value adding steps) in the radiology
consumables gives rise to a complex set of dynamics, department for resource utilization.
with various items to be purchased, consumed, and
in turn influence the cost of the images which is the Materials and Methods
primary product. The research was undertaken with the objective
Lean manufacturing concepts were established to identify wastes using lean approach, and to
in Toyota corporation in Japan in 1970s and 1980s, conduct a cost analysis of the material consumption
hence are also called as Toyota Production Systems. in the radiology department. It was carried in a
The principles of lean include identifying all steps Multispecialty tertiary care hospital based in Jaipur,
that add value to the product or service through India.
The study design is descriptive & cross-sectional, of the department. Both the inventory costs and
and data of cost analysis was obtained from the increase in the stock levels act as a burden to the
Hospital Information System. The period of the hospital’s financial performance. The inventory is
study was over a three-month period between under the control of the purchase department of
March - June 2021. Data of Radiology Information the hospital. The strict control of the inventory is
System (R.I.S) (medical imaging software) was also always kept. Excess inventory or low inventory
used. The cost related to radiology was determined are both responsible for the rise in expenditure by
for the consumables for three weeks. The sampling the department.
technique was purposive. Data was analysed using
3. Motion: It was identified as too many clicks for
Minitab & MS Excel. 8 type of wastes (TIMWOODS)
loading and uploading the images in the PACS9.
were identified for the radiology department, current
and future state Value Stream Maps were developed, 4. Waiting: Waiting was observed as waiting
and Pareto analysis of the material consumed in for the procedure i.e. the time between the
the radiology department was done using Minitab patient arrived at the counter to the time of
software. the procedure, waiting in report generation i.e.
time between examination/procedure and the
Results & Discussion report finalization by the radiologist, and waiting
Waste (TIMWOODS) analysis of Radiology for receiving the materials from the store.
5. Over-processing/non-value-adding processing:
In Lean Six Sigma, the type of wastes may include This type of waste occurs when more steps are
transportation (i.e. unnecessary movement of people, added to the procedure than required or doing
products and information), inventory, movement, more work or producing the service which is
waiting, over-production, overprocessing, defective required. The over-processing in the department
products or services and underutilized skills & occurred due to unnecessary tests performed.
inadequate training. They may be memorized with
The re-dos are done for CT, MRI, and X-ray which
the acronym as “timwoods”.
all adds to the over processing and increases the
The concept was analyzed in the radiology cost of the department.
department and all types of wastes were identified12.
6. Overproduction: This type of waste occurs when
1. Transportation: The transportation type of waste products and services are delivered before they
took place while shifting the patients from wards/ were required. The radiation dose in excess can
ICU to the radiology department. It also occurs be an example of overproduction.
while shifting the patient back to the respective
7. Defects: Defects occur when the products are not
ward or ICU. Transportation of patients took a
deemed fit for use. They add unnecessary costs to
great deal of time and it requires communication
the operations of the department without adding
on the part of technicians as well as nursing
any value. Reporting errors are the defects in the
staff in the wards. The subsequent delay in the
radiology department. The reporting error can
transportation and the time between the billing
occur before the report is dispatched or after the
and procedure adds to the waiting time of the
report is dispatched.
patient. The waiting time increases in the case
of delays in transportation. The transportation 8. Staff:
delay also occurs when the portable machines The 8th waste is the waste of unutilized human
are shifted from the department during a bedside resources. This happens when the staff is not
procedure. Furthermore, transportation can lead involved in the management processes such
to the wear and tear of the machine leading to an as planning, organizing, controlling, and
increase in the cost of maintenance. The shutdown innovating. The staff should also be included
time of the machine during maintenance can also in the overall process and quality improvement
adds to the cost. and should be encouraged to come up with
2. Inventory: Inventory contributes to the material ideas by the management. Another type of
expenditure and consumption both add to the cost waste is because of insufficient training. Due to
COVID-19 restrictions, training sessions were not Current State MRI Value Stream Map
conducted for the staff during the study period.
When the machine is idle or underutilization of
the machine takes place in the department, the
human resources also remain unutilized. The
staff should be motivated, encouraged to give
proper feedback, and challenged to come up with
new ideas at work.
The wastes have been depicted in Fig.1 below.
The material consumption consists of 28 items It was observed that consumables Radiographic
indented for the radiology department during film-14x 17inch, Contrast Omnipaque, Contrast
the study period i.e. from March to May 2021. To Omniscan were consuming 87.5% of the monetary
understand the products which were consuming value. Hence it was suggested to utilize the film size
maximum consumption value, Pareto Chart was 14 x 17 inches in X-ray by dividing it into 4 portions,
developed which is shown in the Figure 4 below. which may help in cost reduction. The contrast
used were of 2 types – Omnipaque & Omniscan
and consumption was dependent on investigations
ordered by the physicians. It was advised to use the
contrast judiciously, avoiding any wastage. It was
also advised that have tighter inventory control of the
above material and supplies (Radiographic film-14x
17inch, Contrast Omnipaque, Contrast Omniscan). As
cost reduction practices of the radiology department
is holistic approach, the radiologists, technicians, and
administration must work as a team for achieving the
Some of the strategies for cost reduction could be
Fig. 4: Pareto Chart for consumables in Radiology digitalization of services, use of IT in MRI studies
Dept. CDs could be provided, linking the RIS with mobile
application. The reports could be made assessable
The total consumption expenditure is 598598.282
online which would reduce paper records. is another
(approx. value). In the data analysis, the consumption
money-saving tactic. The purchase department must
of 28 consumables were studied (three months).
be informed of the consumption pattern on a weekly
Radiographic Film-14 x 17 inch & Contrast Omnipaque
or monthly basis, particularly for costly products like
consumed 73.3 % of the consumption value, hence
contrast (Omnipaque and Omniscan).
they were classified under A category products,
3 products viz Contrast Omniscan, Radiographic Ethical clearance : Due considerations of
Film-11x14inch, Radiographic Film-8 X10inch were confidentiality and privacy of information has been
categorized under B category which consumed undertaken in this study.
additional 21.05 % of the expenditure, the remaining
Source of funding : Self.
20 products were classified under C category, which
consumed only 5.68 % of the monetary consumption Conflict of Interest : Nil
Conclusion 1. Rubin GD. Costing in radiology and health care:
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Assistant Professor, Dept of Microbiology, JSSMC, JSSAHER, Mysore, 4Tutor, Dept of Microbiology, JSSMC, JSSAHER, Mysore
PhD Research Scholar, Dept of Microbiology, JSSMC, JSSAHER, Mysore, 6Tutor, Dept of Microbiology, JSSMC, JSSAHER, Mysore
How to cite this article: Swarupa Rani, Tejashree.A, Ranjitha Shankare Gowda, Krishna Karthik M.V.S , Eeshita Dhar,
B. Satya Sai et al Comparative evaluation of MIC of Vancomycin among methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(MRSA) isolates in tertiary care hospital. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Vancomycin, a glycopeptide antibiotic with in-vitro activity against all staphylococci and clinical response to methicillin
resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection, became the backbone of treatment due to MRSA’s universal
resistance to the antimicrobial agents belonging to beta-lactams and There are no other viable options. In patients with
staphylococcal infections, this study demonstrated a significant conflict of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of
vancomycin for MRSA strains between an automated system, Vitek 2, and the method. test E-strip. In the Microbiology
laboratory of JSS hospital which is a tertiary care center situated in Mysuru, 90 isolates were acquired from various
clinical samples to analyse Vancomycin MIC. Out of 90 isolates, 2.2% MRSA isolates showed highest vancomycin MIC
2μg/ml by Vitek-2 method, where no isolates showed MIC up-to 2μg/ml by E-strip method. But the higher vancomycin
MIC 1μg/ml was observed in 82.2% by vancomycin E-strip method compared to 37.7% by Vitek-2 method. Lowest MIC
0.5μg/ml showed by Vitek-2 method in 58.8% compared to 4.4% by E-strip method. The study concludes that all S. aureus
isolates were resistant to methicillin by both Vitek-2 system and cefoxitin disc diffusion method and also identified as
VSSA (vancomycin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus) by Vitek-2 and E-test method. Higher vancomycin MIC ≥1μg/ml
in 93.3% may be due to using of vancomycin improperly and infrequently in MRSA infection with lowest MIC value.
Therefore, this method can also be used as routine laboratory practice or as alternative method where Vitek 2 system or
other methods are not available.
Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration), MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus
aureus), VSSA (Vancomycin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus).
Corresponding Author:
Badveti. Satya sai
Tutor, Dept of Microbiology, JSSMC, JSSAHER, Mysor
Email ID: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 309
penicillinase. S. aureus strains which are resistant to like pus, blood, endotracheal swabs, blood and
antibiotics, specially to methicillin, are uniformly other body fluids received in the laboratory. All the
adapted to hospitals and external territory, developed isolates were subjected to standard procedure for
as a universal pathogen of communal health concern. identification. MRSA was detected by modified Kirby-
Bauer disc diffusion method. Isolate suspension of 0.5
McFarland turbidity was applied on Muller-Hinton
MRSA strains are mainly mediated by mecA
agar followed by application of Cefoxitin disc (30μg)
gene, and resistant to other higher β-lactam group
incubated at 37°C for 18-24 hours. Zone of inhibition
of antibiotics including cephalosporins. To treat
around Cefoxitin disc <21mm were considered as
MRSA infection other antibiotics also used such as,
methicillin resistant.
Cotrimoxazole, aminoglycosides, erythromycin,
clindamycin etc. The glycopeptide antibiotic, For detection of vancomycin MIC by E-test method,
Vancomycin was once thought to be the best option isolates were inoculated on Mueller Hinton agar
for treatment. Apart from vancomycin, other efficient (MHA) media. Vancomycin E-strip (paper strip from
medications such as linezolid and teicoplanin are Hi-media) impregnated with vancomycin drug,
extensively utilised.[3] comprises of predefined antibiotic gradient was
placed on the MHA plate and incubated for overnight
Vancomycin has been used in clinical practice
at 35°C to determine the MIC, in μg/ml (Figure 1).
for more than 50 years and is remain the gold
standard for treating MRSA infections. [4] In MRSA
infection with lowest MIC value, indiscriminate and
sporadic administration of vancomycin has led in
the establishment of isolates with higher vancomycin
MIC values. Only VISA (Vancomycin intermediate
S. aureus) strains were known in the early 1920s,
however S. aureus strains with higher vancomycin
MIC are now appearing in India. [3] Vancomycin acts
especially by suppressing the cell-wall synthesis.
It functions against gram positive cell walls by Figure 1: Quality control of Staphylococcus aureus
preventing N-acetyle glucosamine from being
incorporated into the peptidoglycan matrix. [5] The
isolate was designated as VISA because of slightly
higher vancomycin MIC, in the range of 4-8μg/ml. [4]
Recently, vancomycin-resistant S. aureus
(VRSA) has been discovered. This larger MIC of
vancomycin in VRSA is associated with mutations
due to excessive peptidoglycan accumulation and
cell wall thickening. The vancomycin MIC test is the
gold standard for determining whether a strain is
susceptible, intermediate, or resistant to vancomycin.
Figure 2: vancomycin E-strip test result of MIC 1μg/
[3] According to CLSI criteria, S. aureus is sensitive ml.
to vancomycin if its MIC is ≤2µg/ml, resistant strains
have MIC ≥16µg/ml while VISA strain has MIC of The test organisms were suspended in sterile
4-8µg/ml. [6] physiological saline to 0.5 McFarland standards for
the Vitek2 method to obtain the vancomycin MIC
Materials and Method
values. The bacterial suspension was auto-filled into
The study was performed in the Department of an antimicrobial susceptibility test card, which was
Microbiology at a tertiary care hospital, Mysuru, in then inserted into the the Vitek 2 system incubator
a duration of 1 year. A complete 90 MRSA clinical reader and results are expressed as MIC values in
isolates were obtained from various clinical samples micrograms / ml.
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12. Himani, Vinay Kumar Srivastava. Prevalence of infection. BJHBS, Rio de Janeiro, 2021;20(1):11-18.
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How to cite this article: Swati Gagare, Ruchita Vaijpai , Keerthana Meka et al Study of Perinatal Outcome in
Oligohydraminos in third Trimester of Pregnancy in Tertiary Care Hospital. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Introduction: Oligohydraminos, often due to impaired placental function, has been associated with an increased risk of
caeserean delivery for fetal distress, low Apgar score, post maturity and high perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Material and methodology: The prospective Longitudinal study was carried out over the period of two years in the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Rural Medical College, Loni. 170 pregnant women in 3 trimester of
pregnancy, presenting clinically as oligohydramnios with AFI less than 5cm and intact membranes; were included in the
study. All cases were evaluated on indoor basis.
Results: In the present study, Eight babies were admitted in NICU for further management, five babies gestational age
>37 weeks and associated with asymmetrical IUGR they were kept in NICU for birth asphyxia (apgar<7 at birth) and
birth weight was <2kg. all were delivered by caesarean section
Conclusion: All cases of Oligohydramnios rise suspicion about perinatal outcome. Unessessary Intervation in the form of
Induction of Labour can result into increased operated intervention.
Introduction OPD basis as fetal parts can be felt more easily and
Oligohydraminos, often due to impaired placental prominently. As many cases are associated with
function, has been associated with an increased risk intrauterine growth restriction, the fundal height is
of caeserean delivery for fetal distress, low Apgar less than the corresponding weeks of amenorrhea.4
score, post maturity and high perinatal morbidity and Intrapatum assessment of amniotic fluid index has
mortality. 1, 2Thus, it is not entirely clear weather the been considered as the ideal admission test because,
adverse perinatal outcome merely reflect the sequels regardless of the causes of oligohydramnios, an
of other associated high risk conditions or if reduced amniotic fluid index of ≤ 5cm in early labour has been
amniotic fluid volume itself contributes to the found to be associated with poor perinatal outcome.
adverse outcome.3 Casey and coworkers 1 reported an chronic oligohydramnios is associated with poor
incidence of oligohydramnios as 2.3% in their study prognosis. The squeals of chronic oligohydramnios
of more than 6400 pregnancies, at Parkland Hospital. are, Fetal Demise, Pulmonary Hypoplasia, Fetal
Oligohydramnios can be diagnosed clinically on Demormities and Skeletal Deformities. Facial and
Corresponding Author:
Dr Ruchita Vaijpai
Assistant Professor
Department of OBGY, DBVP Rural Medical College, Pravara Institute of Medical sciences (DU) Loni
Table 4: Other Significant Correlations by vaginaly delivery. Maternal high risk factors
associated with these cases were Anhydramnios
Compared To Rho Interpretation
(n=1), prematurity(n=1), intrauterine growth
(P Value) restriction (n=5),pregnancy induced hypertension (1)
Age : Parity 0.353 Positive correlation Considering the amniotic fluid index, it was 5cm in 1
case, 4cm in 1case, 2cm in five and anhydramnios in one
cases.5 cases delivered by caesarean section for IUGR
AFI: Vaginal 0.436 Higher AFI has with severe oligohydramnios one for anhydramnios
Delivery (p<0.001) better chance of and one for PIH with severe oligohydramnios, one
vaginal delivery delivered by vaginally. three babies was low birth
AFI: APGAR 0.227 Higher the AFI weight and five babies. premature with intrauterine
better the APGAR growth restriction, No Induction of labour was
score done. One baby was 1.2 kg with Apgar score of 7
at 5 minute with meconium aspiration. Baby was
LSCS: Live Birth 0.211 Positive correlation
admitted to NICU for further management Baby
(0.04) was given intravenous antibiotics and put on O2 by
Anomaly : 0.308 Positive correlation hood, after 3 days baby discharged with mother in
Anhydramnios healthy condition. In one baby anhydramnios was
observed and baby admitted to NICU for meconium
Vaginal Delivery: -0.207 Those undergoing aspiration syndrome with apgar 7 at 5 min baby
Apgar At 5 (P<0.007) vaginal delivery observed for 24 hours and shifted to mother side in
Mins are likely to have healthy condition. Two intrauterine death due to
lower APGAR at 5 anhydramnios and post date with 2cm AFI, baby was
mins as compared macerated with peeling of skin.
All cases of Oligohydramnios rise suspicion about
Perinatal mortality is markedly increased in patients perinatal outcome. Unessessary Intervation in the
with oligohydramnios. The lack of amniotic fluid form of Induction of Labour can result into increased
allows compression of fetal abdomen, which limits the operated intervention.
movement of the diaphragm. In addition to chest wall
fixation, decreased liquor amnii leads to pulmonary Ethical clearance
hypoplasia . 7 For present study ethical clearance was obtained from
our IEC , Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU)
Chamberlain and co-workers8 calculated the gross
Loni .
and corrected perinatal mortality rate in patients with
decreased qualitative amniotic fluid volume and Source of support: Nil
found it to be 188/1000 and 109/1000 respectively
Conflict of interest: Nil
Severe oligohydramnios, in which the largest vertical
pocket of amniotic fluid measured less than 1 cm, References
was associated with gross perinatal mortality rate of 1. Casey Brian M. Donald D McIntire : Pregnancy
133/1000 in a population of high risk referral cases in outcomes after antepartum diagnosis of
a study done by Bastide et al 8 oligohydramnios at or beyond 34 weeks gestation. Am
In the present study, Eight babies were admitted in J Obstet Gynecol, April 2000, 182(4): 909-912.
NICU for further management, five babies gestational 2. Brace RA Physiology of amniotic fluid regulation. Clin
age >37 weeks and associated with asymmetrical Obstet Gynecol, 1997; 40:280-289.
IUGR they were kept in NICU for birth asphyxia 3. Klipatric SJ, Safford KL, Pomeroy T et al: Maternal
(apgar<7 at birth) and birth weight was <2kg. all hydration increases amniotic fluid index. Obstet
were delivered by caesarean section. 9 Gynecol, 1991: 78,1098 to 1102.
Two cases for meconeum aspiration and one for
birth asphyxia. among eight cases only one delivered
4. Harding R Development of respiratory system. 7. Seeds AF: Current concepts of amniotic fluid dynamics.
Textbook of fetal physiology, Oxford 1994; 140-167. Clin Obstet Gynecologist 1997, 40(2):280-289.
5. Brace RA, Wlodek ME : Swallowing of lung fluid 8. Brace RA, Wolf EF: Normal Amniotic fluid volume
and amniotic fluid ovine fetus under normoxic and changes throughout pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol,
hypoxic conditions. Am J Obstet Gynecologist 1994; 1989, 161.382-388.
9. D.C. Dutta : Textbook of Obstetrics, 6 edition 2004:37.
6. Gilbert WM, Brace RA Amniotic fluid volume and
normal flow to and from amniotic cavity. Seminar
Perinatal 1993, 17:150.
How to cite this article: Valishetti Manoj Kumar, Zoha Ahmed et al Probiotics Efficacy and Safety as
add-on Therapy to Metformin in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Insulin secretion is decreased, and peripheral insulin sensitivity is diminished, resulting in type 2 diabetes
mellitus. Diet, oral antihyperglycemic medications, and insulin are all modalities for treatment.
Objective: The goal of this study was to compare the efficacy of probiotics as an add-on treatment to metformin in
patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Methods: The study participants were randomly allocated to one of two groups, Group A or Group B, using a computer-
generated randomization chart, with each group consisting of 75 patients. Group A - For 12 weeks, patients in this group
were administered Tab. Metformin 500 mg twice daily with meals. Group B - For 12 weeks, patients in this group were
administered Tab. Metformin 500 mg twice daily with meals and Cap. Probiotics 1 capsule twice daily with meals. At the
culmination of the second, fourth, eighth, and twelfth weeks, all patients were evaluated. Fasting and postprandial blood
glucose levels were measured at each visit. The HbA1c test was performed at the end of the 12th week.
Results: The male predominance was seen with males 57% and females 43% in the group A and the male : female ratio
was 1.34:1. In Group B males were 55% and females were 45%. The male: female ratio was 1.20 : 1. The mean HbA1C
slightly reduced since the start till the end of the study. A total of 37% of the patients experienced minor self-limiting side
effects in group A as compared to 6.66% of Group – B.
Conclusion: In treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus, probiotics as an add-on therapy with metformin was observed
to lower fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, and HbA1c levels when compared to metformin alone. In
terms of effectiveness, probiotics have shown no substantial significant outcomes in combination therapy. However, the
probiotics study group had fewer reported gastrointestinal adverse effects associated with metformin treatment.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Syed Atiq Ur Rahman
Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology, Government Medical College, Mahabubnagar.
Email: [email protected]
T2DM is most usually prevalent in those over the • Other anti-diabetic drugs
age of 45.3 Despite this, it is becoming more common • Unwilling to give informed consent
in children, adolescents, and younger adults as a
A comprehensive medical and drug history was
consequence of rising obesity and physical inactivity.
obtained, followed by a thorough clinical examination
Regardless of the fact that many drugs have been and laboratory tests that included fasting and
developed to maintain glycaemic control and regulate postprandial blood glucose, HbA1C, and basic blood
blood glucose levels, whether through increased tests.
insulin production and utilisation, suppressed glucose
The study participants were randomly allocated
production and absorption, blocking urine glucose re-
to one of two groups, Group A or Group B, using a
absorption and increasing glucose excretion in urine,
computer-generated randomization chart, with each
or a combination of these, these drugs may cause a
group consisting of 75 patients.
variety of side effects. Sulphonylureas, for example,
have a risk of causing kidney failure.4 Group A (Control group) - For 12 weeks, patients
in this group were administered Tab. Metformin 500
Metformin is an oral biguanide that reduces
mg twice daily with meals.
gastrointestinal glucose absorption and hepatic
glucose production while enhancing peripheral Group B (Study group) - For 12 weeks, patients in
insulin sensitivity. It also has a significant impact on this group were administered Tab. Metformin 500 mg
lipid profiles in the blood.5 twice daily with meals and Cap. Probiotics 1 capsule
twice daily with meals.
Probiotics modulation of the gut microbiota may
be useful in the prevention and control of diabetes, At the culmination of the second, fourth, eighth, and
according to clinical data.6 Probiotics are living twelfth weeks, all patients were evaluated. Fasting
microorganisms that provide a health benefit to and postprandial blood glucose levels were measured
the host when given in adequate amounts. These at each visit. The HbA1c test was performed at the
microorganisms are physiologically present in a end of the 12th week. Throughout the trial, adverse
healthy human body, and they may also be received events were also monitored.
in the form of over-the-counter dietary supplements. The decrease in fasting blood glucose, postprandial
Probiotics, particularly lactobacillus species, have blood glucose, and HbA1c at the conclusion of 12
been reported to be effective in the treatment of type weeks was used to determine effectiveness.
2 diabetes in recent years.7,8
The safety assessment was based on spontaneously
Materials and Methods reported adverse events and changes in laboratory
Type of study: Randomized Prospective observational results following the study.
study. Statistical Analysis: The data was statistically
Study setting: Department of Pharmacology, evaluated using SPSS 22 software. The data was
Osmania Medical College, Koti, Hyderabad. analysed using the mean standard deviation method.
The student independent t test was used to compare
Study Duration: May 2019 to January 2020
quantitative data between the two groups, while the
Sample size: 150 Patients diagnosed with T2DM Chi square test was utilised to compare qualitative
Study drugs: Oral drugs were administered
• Tab. Metformin 500 mg
• Cap. Probiotics
Observation and Results Group – A : The Mean PPB reduced from baseline
A total of 150 patients were allocated in two groups 227.29 + 8.39 to 179.71 + 6.49 at the end of week 12.
with 75 patients each. Group – B : The Mean PPB reduced from baseline
The male predominance was seen with males 57% 224.49 + 9.21 to 175.01 + 10.15 at the end of week 12.
and females 43% in the group A and the male : female At the end of the 12-week study, there was no
ratio was 1.34:1. In Group B males were 55% and statistically significant difference in Post prandial
females were 45%. The male: female ratio was 1.20 : 1. blood glucose decrease between the group A and
In group A the majority of the patients belonged to group B.
the age group of 51 to 60 yrs with 54.66% followed by Table 3: Distribution based on Haematological
40 to 50 yrs in 44% of the cases and the least belonged parameters
to the age group of >60 yrs in 1.33% of the cases. The
End of 12th
mean age was 51.06 + 5.42 yrs. Baseline
Parameter Group week
In group B the majority of the patients belonged to Mean + SD Mean + SD
the age group of 51 to 60 yrs with 49.33% followed by Group - A 11.55 + 1.34 11.67 + 1.33
40 to 50 yrs in 48% of the cases and the least belonged
globin Group - B 11.65 + 1.55 11.46 + 1.35
to the age group of >60 yrs in 2.66% of the cases. The
mean age was 50.90 + 6.24 yrs. 8260.59 + 8338.59 +
Group - A
Total 1931.84 1812.70
Table 1: Distribution based on FBS Count 9013.79 + 8896.95 +
Group - B
Fasting Control Study 2946.75 2892.95
blood Group - A 21.63 + 6.09 21.65 + 5.75
Mean + SD Mean + SD value Urea
Group - B 20.40 + 5.35 19.77 + 5.19
Baseline 133.89 + 3.49 133.41 + 4.39 0.976
S. Creati- Group - A 0.62 + 0.21 0.62 + 0.21
Week 2 124.91 + 3.19 122.91 + 4.19 0.898 nine Group - B 0.69 + 0.16 0.65 + 0.16
Week 4 112.31 + 5.12 113.11 + 5.29 0.957
165.50 + 162.65 +
Week 8 103.91 + 5.39 103.61 + 6.49 0.983 Total Group - A
21.91 20.74
Week 12 94.81 + 5.59 93.31 + 5.31 0.912 Choleste-
161.52 + 159.29 +
rol Group - B
Group – A : The Mean FBS reduced from baseline 22.03 22.09
133.89 + 3.49 to 94.81 + 5.59 at the end of week 12. Group - A 45.85 + 4.86 44.83 + 4.40
Group – B : The Mean FBS reduced from baseline Group - B 44.95 + 3.75 44.48 + 3.95
133.41 + 4.39 to 93.31 + 5.31 at the end of week 12. 99.81 + 98.71 +
Group - A
24.65 24.67
At the end of the 12-week study, there was no LDL
112.13 + 111.85 +
statistically significant difference in fasting blood Group - B
15.55 15.51
glucose decrease between the group A and group B.
161.89 + 160.49 +
Table 2: Distribution based on PPB Group - A
25.55 24.59
Post Control Study 174.64 + 173.45 +
Group - B
prandial 12.33 12.75
blood Mean + SD Mean + SD Total Bi- Group - A 0.51 + 0.19 0.46 + 0.20
glucose lirubin Group - B 0.40 + 0.16 0.34 + 0 .15
Baseline 227.29 + 8.39 224.49 + 9.21 0.895
Group - A 22.81 + 5.65 22.26 + 5.15
Week 2 216.39 + 8.69 210.19 + 7.81 0.764 SGOT
Week 4 200.49 + 8.09 198.39 + 7.29 0.916 Group - B 22.10 + 4.65 21.90 + 4.15
Week 8 188.21 + 5.91 187.51 + 7.81 0.971 Group - A 22.85 + 5.95 22.88 + 5.35
175.01 + Group - B 24.95 + 4.79 24.64 + 4.15
Week 12 179.71 + 6.49 0.802
The haematological parameters were unaltered by 5. Isolauri E: Probiotics: from anecdotes to clinical
probiotics. In contrast to metformin monotherapy, the demonstration. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001, 108.
study group was depicted to have less side effects. 6. Sanders ME: Probiotics: considerations for human
The study group had less reported gastrointestinal health. Nutr Rev 2003, 61:91-99.
adverse effects related with metformin medication,
7. Burcelin R, Serino M, Chabo C, Blasco- Baque V, Amar
which was statistically significant. In both groups,
J: Gut microbiota and diabetes: from pathogenesis to
there were no severe side effects.
therapeutic perspective. Acta Diabetol 2011, 48:257-
Despite limited research, the use of probiotics 273.
as add-on therapy is recommended, owing to the 8. Gomes et al.Gut Microbiota, Probiotics and Diabetes.
significant preclinical and clinical evidence in treating Nutrition Journal 2014 13:60 pg no 2.
diabetes, as well as their favourable tolerability
9. Voreades, Diet and the development of the human
profile. Further studies should determine the best
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strain, therapeutic dosage, and study period for the
optimum outcome. 10. Salvetti S, Rapid determination of vitamin B2
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Conclusion Microbiol. 2003;95(6):1255-60.
In treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus, probiotics as 11. Mazloom Z, Effect of probiotics on lipid profile,
an add-on therapy with metformin was observed to glycemic control, insulin action, oxidative stress, and
lower HbA1c, fasting blood glucose and postprandial inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes:
blood glucose levels when compared to metformin a clinical trial. Iran J Med Sci. 2013;38(1):38-43.
alone. In terms of effectiveness, probiotics have shown 12. Ejtahed HS, Probiotic yogurt improves antioxidant
no substantial significant outcomes in combination status in type 2 diabetic patients. Nutrition.
therapy. However, the probiotics study group had 2012;28(5):539-43.
fewer reported gastrointestinal adverse effects
13. Moroti C, Effect of the consumption of a new symbiotic
associated with metformin treatment.
shake on glycemia and cholesterol levels in elderly
Ethical Clearance: The ethical clearance was people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Lipids Health
obtained from the Osmania medical college and Dis. 2012;11:29.
hospital institutional ethics committee prior to the 14. Andreasen AS, Effects of lactobacillus acidophilus
commencement of the study NCFM on insulin sensitivity and the systemic
inflammatory response in human subjects. Br J Nutr.
Conflict of interest: Nil
Source of Funding: Self
15. Asemi Z, Effects of synbiotic food consumption on
References metabolic status of diabetic patients: A double-blind
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1. Alvin C.Powers. Diabetes Mellitus ,Harrisons
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16. Tonucci LB, Clinical application of probiotics in type
2. Shaw JE, Sicree RA, Zimmet PZ. Global estimates of
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the prevalence of Diabetes Res Clin Prac . diabetes for
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2010 and 2030. 2010;87:4-14.
17. Firouzi S, Effect of multi-strain probiotics (multi-strain
3. Stephen J. McPhee, Maxine A. Papadakis, Ralph
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Hypoglycaemia Current Medical Diagnosis &
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4. Aline Corado Gomes, Allain Amador Bueno, Rávila
Graziany Machado de Souza1 et all. Nutrition Journal
2014, 13:60 doi:10.1186/1475-2891- 13-6.
How to cite this article: Vasundara Gayakwad1, Rekha Sonavane2, Bhagyalaxmi Sidenur3, Roopadevi V4
et al A Cross- Sectional Study of Prevalence of Substance Use and Its Associated Factors Among Late
Adolescents in Gadag city. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background: Substance use is a growing public health problem in India especially among adolescents. It has serious
effects on overall wellbeing. The onset of substance abuse most often stems in adolescents and hence it is important to
know the prevalence of substance use to take preventive steps to protect their health.
Objective: To determine theprevalence of substance use and its associated factors among college going late adolescents
of Gadag city. 2. To assess the attitude of adolescents regarding substance use.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among college going late adolescents ofGadag city
from Jan 1st 2018 to March 31st 2018 in 250 subjects from randomly selected 3 colleges of Gadag district. Data wascollected
by using predesigned semi-structured questionnaire.
Results: Overall prevalence of Substance use was 35.2%. Most commonly used substance was alcohol (27.8%). Mean
age of initiation of substance use was 16.6 + 0.7 years. Gender, parents education and addicted member in the family to
substances were statistically significant associated factors. Among substance users, 60% have positive attitude regarding
substance use.
Conclusion- Prevalence of substance use was high and hence health education and other interventions to prevent
substance use has to be undertaken.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Roopadevi V
Assistant professor, Dept of Community Medicine, Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadag, Karnataka, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Mob: 08951127808
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 323
performance.9, 10. So it is important to know the brandy. Among cigarettes filtered ones, tobacco in the
individual types of substance used, alcohol (27.8%) was found to be the most consumed one followed
our study we are seeking information on attitude and nicotine in the form of gum was used most commonly.
Majority of the times, substance use was done
towards substance use and their practices as well as occasionally
Majority of the like
times, mainly
substance use wasduring party
done occasionally like celebrations
mainly during party
factors associated for the same at Gadag city. among
among 39.8% ofof the
thestudystudy subjects
subjects followed followed
by once a week byin Figure
(22.7%) as shown once
Objectives a 2.week (22.7%)
Mean age of asuseshown
starting substance was 16.6 + 0.7inyears.Figure 2. Mean age of
starting substance
Fig 1: Distribution usebywas
of Study Subjects 16.6
Proportion + 0.7useyears.
of Substance
1. To determine the prevalence of substance
use and its associated factors among college 64.8%
Substance use
Substance use was found to be more among those study subjects who were 19 years old
were excluded from the study.After taking informed (35.4%), male gender (49.1%) and studying in medical college (50.5%). Majority of the students
consent, data was collected using Predesigned, In our
belonged study
to Hindu religionwe have
(35.4%). collected
According information
to socio-economic status, substance useamong
was high
pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaire through medical, technical
among study subjects and1(39%)
belonging toclass ayurvedic
followed by class college
3 (37%).Most of students.
the substance
interview technique.The questionnaire included Substance usesubjects
users among the study was found
belonged to nuclearto be(37.4%)
family more among
and family those
size with less than 4
questions on socio demographic information, attitude study
members subjects
(38%) followed by who werein the
4 to 7 members 19family
It was (35.4%), male
found that in majority of
and practices about substance use. gender (49.1%) and studying in medical college
substance users i.e. 68% had addicted person to substances in the family.Majority of the substance
square test or Fisher’s exact test were used wherever status, substance use was high among study subjects
gender, student’s educational course,parent’s educational status, and addicted person in the family.
applicable. For all the statistical tests, “P” < 0.05 was belonging toclass 1(39%) followed by class 3 (37%).
95.2% students received information on substance use mainly from media followed by friends and
complained of having either physiological or psychological side effects. In physiological side effects
drymouth, miosis, constipation, diarrhea and mydriasis were reported respectively and psychological
13. Sardana S, Narain R, Gupta S. Prevalence and risk 17. Bardhan T, Saikia A, Baruah R. Factors influencing
factors associated with substance use in children: substance use among adolescent slum dwellers of
A questionnaire-based survey in two cities of Guwahati City, Assam. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi
Uttar Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. Institute of Medical Sciences. 2018;23(1):25.
18. Jain V, Pradhan SK, Vibha. Socio-Demographic Profile
14. Benegal V, Seshadri S, Karott M. Drug Abuse among of 15 – 24 years old male narcotic substance users in
Street Children in Bangalore. A Project in Calibration a resettlement colony of Delhi. Indian J Public Health
between NIMHANS, Bangalore andthe Bangalore 2009;53:44-7.
Forum of Street Children, Monograph Funded by
19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV
CRY; 1998
Surveillance Report; 2011. p. 23. Available from:
15. Daniel LT, Krishnan G, Gupta S. A study to assess the
prevalence and pattern of substance use among male HIV_Surveillance_Report _vol_23.pdf.
adolescents in suburban area of Delhi. Indian J Soc
Psychiatry 2017;33:208-12
How to cite this article: Vidya Gaikwad, Pankaj Salvi, Nandini. R et al Study of trimester wise effect of hypothyroidism
in pregnancy and its materno- fetal outcome. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Introduction: Pregnancy is associated with a number of physiological and hormonal changes that result in significant
but reversible alterations in thyroid function tests (TFTs). Production of thyroid hormones and iodine requirement each
increases by approximately 50% during pregnancy.
Methodology: All the patients coming to OPD for regular antenatal visits, after obtaining the gestational age and informed
consent were randomly selected for the study. The patients fulfilled all the inclusion criteria. A detailed history was
taken regarding, The symptoms, and signs of thyroid disorders, menstrual history, obstetric history, past medical history,
family history and personal history.
Results : In our study , while we analysed , trimester wise effect of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and it’s meterno-fetal
outcome , we found , mothers who were detected with thyroid disorder in first trimester were more with pregnancy
associated complications (45% ) as compared to second trimester (21%) and third trimester ( only 3%)
Conclusion: From this study , we conclude that maternal hypothyroidism is associated with a variety of neonatal and
pregnancy related adverse events like abortion,fetal growth restrictions, Oligohydramnios, gestational hypertension
preterm delivery,operative delivery.
Corresponding author :
Dr. Nandini. R
Resident, Department of Obstetrics and gynaecology, Dr.D.Y.Patil medical College hospital and
research centre Pimpri pune-411018
trimester wise effect of hypothyroidism in pregnancy All the information collected is kept confidential
and its materno fetal outcome. and will be used only for research purposes. Ethical
clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethics
Methodology Committee.
This was a longitudinal study with sample size -
Total 114 hypothyroid pregnant females selected for Results
the study. Sample size was determined by taking In present study mean age of patients was 25.56 years,
prevalence as 2%, at 95% CI and acceptable errors while maximum patients - 97 patients (85%) were in
of 5%,using WINPEP1 Software Material required - range of 20 – 30 years of age. 11 patients (10%) were
blood sample and syringe 5cc . above 30 years of age while only 6 patients (5%) were
below 20 years of age.
The main source of data for the study is patients
from DY PATIL MEDICAL COLLEGE, All pregnant In the present study maximum patients were
women coming for routine antenatal checkups. primigravida; minimum were fourth gravida. 64
patients of 114 were primigravida, 38 patients were
Patient selection 2nd gravida, 10 patients were 3rd gravida, and 2
patients were 4th gravida in our study.
Inclusion Criteria
In our present study 89 patients (78%) had no
● Singleton Pregnancy
history of previous abortion, while 25 patients (22%)
● Primigravida/Multigravida have history of previous abortion.
● Know case of hypothyroidism on treatment Among them 22 patients(19%) had previous 1
● Cases with Recurrent pregnancy loss abortion, 2 patients (2%) had previous 2 abortions,
1 patient(1%) had 3 abortions prior to the present
Exclusion Criteria pregnancy.
Table 5: Trimester wise effect of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and it’s Materno-Fetal outcome.
Gestational week - Pregnancy associated labour complications Low birth NICU admission
Thyroid detected complications (%) (%) weight (%)
First trimester 45 22 30 35
( N=10)
Second Trimster 21 15 22 24
Third trimester 3 2 4 6
In our study , while we analysed , trimester wise In our study , while we analysed , trimester wise
effect of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and it’s effect of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and it’s
meterno-fetal outcome , we found , mothers who were meterno-fetal outcome , we found , mothers who
detected with thyroid disorder in first trimester were were detected with thyroid disorder in first trimester
found more with pregnancy associated complications were more with pregnancy associated complications
(45% ) as compared to second trimester (21%) and (45% ) as compared to second trimester (21%) and
third trimester ( only 3%) . third trimester ( only 3%) .
Similar pattern was observed in labour Similar pattern was observed in labour
complications , where in first trimester was seen complications , where patients with hypothyroid
maximum (22%) , while in second trimester ( 15%) , since first trimester (22%) had labour complications
while in third trimester only 2% . ,in hypothyroid since 2nd trimester (15%) had labour
complications, hypothyroid since third trimester,
When we studied Fetal outcome in hypothyroid
only 2% had complicated labour.
mothers,babies born with low birth weight , in first
trimester , it was seen in 30% , in second trimester With low birth weight , in first trimester , it was
it was 4% , no low birth weight babies were born to seen in 30% , second trimester was 4% , while no low
mothers detected with hypothyroid in third trimester. birth weight babies in third trimester group. 8,9
NICU admission required in babies with maternal NICU admission was required by 35% babies born
hypothyroid since first trimester was found in 35% , to hypothyroid mothers since first trimester,while in
in the second trimester was reported in 24% , while in second trimester , it was reported in 24% , while in
third trimester , it was reported only in 6% . third trimester , it was reported only in 6% . In our
study, 33% delivery was Vaginal delivery, while 55%
Maraka S et al reported, thyroid harmone treatment
were reported as LSCS with 12% reported abortion.
was associated with decreased risk of pregnancy loss
While correlation of type of delivery & association of
among women with Subclinical hypothyroidism,
hypothyroid disease, we found higher number of LSCS
however, the increased risk of other pregnancy
and abortion were reported in clinically diagnosed
related adverse outcome calls for additional studies
cases rather than sub clinical cases. While correlation
evaluating safety of thyroid harmone treatment in
of type of delivery & association of hypothyroid
this patient population.6
disease, we found higher number of preterm delivery
In our study, 17(15%) babies were found with were reported in clinically diagnosed cases rather
low birth weight, 2(2%) babies were found with than sub clinical cases.
neonatal hypothyroid, 44(39%) babies required NICU
Maraca et al reported, thyroid harmone treatment
admission, Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia was seen in
was associated with decreased risk of pregnancy loss
38(33%) babies.
among women with Subclinical hypothyroidism,
Kalpana Mahadik et al observed, 31.6% had however, the increased risk of other pregnancy
LBW babies, and the association between LBW related adverse outcome calls for additional studies
and hypothyroidism was significant (p = 0.001). evaluating safety of thyroid harmone treatment
NICU admission 42.1% was significantly associated in this patient population. 10 Thyroid disorders are
with hypothyroidism (p = 0.000). Risk of delivery common in women of childbearing age, and are the
of LBW babies is 6.3 times higher in women with most common endocrine disorders after diabetes
hypothyroidism (95% CI = 2.03–19.5) than in women in these years. The prevalence of thyroid disease in
with euthyroidism. Risk of NICU admission were pregnancy and its maternal and child complications
0.14 times (95% CI = 0.048–0.39) higher in babies born in pregnant women varies widely in different regions
to women with hypothyroidism compared to those depending on many factors. To date, there are very
born to women with euthyroidism. 7 few studies of thyroid function and pregnancy
in India associated with maternofetal effect.11
Fisher DA et al observed that neonatal or fetal
Complications of hypothyroidism during pregnancy,
hypothyroidism secondary to transplacental
in mother and fetus are well established. For these
transfer of maternal auto-antibodies is very rare,1 in
reasons, it is important to use appropriate strategies to
180,000 neonates or ~2% of babies with congenital
identify women at risk of these side effects and to use
hypothyroidism. 8
diagnostic tools for early detection and start effective 5. Iskaros J, Packard M, Evans I, Sinha A, Harriman P,
treatment. Thus this study aims to determine the Ekins R. Thyroid hormone receptor gene expression in
prevalence of thyroid disease during pregnancy and first trimester human fetal brain. J Clinical Endocrine
its effects on maternal and child health care in India. Metab 2000;85:2620-23.
Although targeted testing is often made, the latest 6. Maraka S, Mwangi R, McCoy RG, Yao X,
evidence seems to suggest that universal testing may Sangaralingham LR, Singh Ospina NM, O’Keeffe DT,
be a better option.So, routine tests, early confirmation De Ycaza AE, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Coddington CC
of diagnosis and immediate treatment along with 3rd, Stan MN, Brito JP, Montori VM. Thyroid hormone
regular postnatal follow-up, is necessary to ensure treatment among pregnant women with subclinical
positive outcomes for both mother and baby. 12 hypothyroidism: US national assessment. BMJ. 2017
Jan 25;356:i6865.
Conclusion 7. Mahadik K, Choudhary P, Roy PK. Study of thyroid
From this study, we conclude that maternal function in pregnancy, its feto-maternal outcome;
hypothyroidism is associated with a variety of a prospective observational study. BMC Pregnancy
neonatal and pregnancy related adverse events like Childbirth. 2020;20(1):769. Published 2020 Dec 10.
abortion,fetal growth restrictions, Oligohydramnios, doi:10.1186/s12884-020-03448-z
gestational hypertension preterm delivery,operative 8. Fisher DA. Fetal thyroid function: Diagnosis and
delivery. management of fetal thyroid disorders. Clin Obstet
Gynecol 1997;40:16-31.
Conflict of interest: Authors has no any conflict of
interest. 9. Maraka S, Mwangi R, McCoy RG, Yao X,
Sangaralingham LR, Singh Ospina NM, O’Keeffe DT,
Source of Funding: This study was not supported De Ycaza AE, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Coddington CC
by any source of funding. 3rd, Stan MN, Brito JP, Montori VM. Thyroid hormone
Ethical Clearance: We obtained Institutional Ethics treatment among pregnant women with subclinical
hypothyroidism: US national assessment. BMJ. 2017
Clearance from our IEC, DYPMC.
Jan 25;356:i6865. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i6865.
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and fetal outcome,” Archives of Gynecology and
How to cite this article: Haitham Fekry Othman, Reham Saied Oreaba, Marawan Yousry, Assem Ahmed Elbrashy
et al Surgical and Oncological Outcomes of Extremity soft Tissue Sarcoma following en bloc Resection of the
Neurovascular Bundle. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Purpose: Vascular involvement is a major limitation in attaining limb salvage with negative margins for managing soft
tissue sarcomas (STS). The study evaluated surgical and oncological outcomes of vascular resection and reconstruction
during the management of extremities STS.
Methods: The study involved 60 patients with STS treated with limb-sparing surgery divided into two groups;
the Reconstruction Group (n=30) needed vascular reconstruction (VR) due to vascular involvement, and the Non-
reconstruction Group (n=30) did not require vascular resection. All patients were followed up for at least one year to
compare surgical and oncological outcomes.
Results: Vascular reconstruction involved a major artery and vein (n=16), a major artery alone (n=13), or a major vein
alone (n=1). Most patients (n = 22) had VR with a saphenous vein graft. An artificial Gore-Tex graft was used in the other
cases. A primary vascular repair was possible for the femoral artery in 3 more patients. Major wound complications, DVT,
and persistent severe edema were more frequent in the Reconstruction Group (p = 0.004 0.015, and 0.001, respectively).
Amputation was eventually required in 17% of the reconstruction group and a single patient in the non-reconstruction
group. The overall survival (OS) at 18 months was apparently higher in the Reconstruction group (85.9%) than the
non-reconstruction group (64.7%, p = 0.063). On multivariate analysis, age at diagnosis and surgical margin were the
independent factors affecting OS. The functional outcome of both groups was similar (p= 0.676).
Conclusion: En-bloc resection of major vascular structures with the tumor and reconstruction has proven to be a feasible
option in limb-salvage surgery. Vascular resection en bloc with limb sarcoma in locally advanced disease increases the
safety of the surgical margins and gives comparable life expectancy and RFS to limb sarcoma patients with early disease
who were treated with resection without vascular involvement. However, it keeps the advantage of having preserved
functioning limb.
Corresponding Author:
Haitham Fekry Othman
Department of Surgical Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo, Egypt
66 Elmanyal ST, Elpasha SQ, floor 6, 33
Tel.: +201005890222
e-mail: [email protected]
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 333
of local recurrence with minimal morbidity and femoral (n = 14), superficial femoral (n = 8), popliteal
maintaining function3. Limb salvage surgery was (n = 4), axillary (n = 2) and brachial (n =1). Most
proved feasible with adequate free margins in most patients (n = 22) had vascular reconstruction with
patients with STS of the limbs4 with better functional a saphenous vein graft for both the artery and vein
outcomes5. However, vascular 2involvement is a (n = 9) or the artery alone (n = 9). In four cases, the
major limitation in attaining limb salvage with artery was reconstructed with an artificial Gore-Tex
negative margins. Therefore, vascular resection and graft, and the vein was replaced with a saphenous
reconstruction became a critical element of surgical vein graft. The artery alone was replaced with a Gore-
removal of STSs infiltrating or enclosing a major Tex graft in another four patients. A primary vascular
vessel 6. repair was possible for the femoral artery in 3 more
patients. At the same time, associated femoral veins
Few studies are available in the literature reporting
were ligated without reconstruction. Also, another
the outcome of limb salvage surgery with vessel
patient had the femoral vein resected only without
reconstruction in cases of STS. This study aimed to
reconstruction, and these patients developed DVT
evaluate the surgical and oncological outcomes of
and severe edema, which resolved with therapeutic
vascular resection and reconstruction during the
anticoagulation. In addition to the vascular resections,
management of extremities STS.
four patients required resection of major motor nerves
Patients and Methods (Table 1).
A prospectively collected database of 60 patients Table 1 shows a comparison of surgical and
treated at National Cancer Institute, Cairo oncological outcomes in the two groups. Persistent
University for a primary or locally recurrent STS of severe or very severe postoperative limb edema was
the extremity. All patients were treated with limb- more frequent in the Reconstruction group (p = 0.001).
sparing surgery and were divided into two groups.
Table 1: Treatment outcomes in the two studied
The first group, Reconstruction Group (n=30), needed groups
vascular reconstruction due to vascular involvement.
Vessel resection was necessary to obtain adequate Reconstruction Non- p
Group reconstruction value
oncological surgical margins. The Non-reconstruction
(n = 30) Group
Group (n=30) did not require vascular. All patients
(n = 30)
were followed up for at least one year or to the time
Margin 0.115
of death.
R0 > 1 cm 18 (60.0%) 10 (33.3%)
Comparison for Surgical and Oncological Outcome 8 (26.7%) 14 (46.7%)
R0 < 1 cm
The two groups were compared regarding R1 4 (13.3%) 6 (20.0%)
demographic criteria, tumor characteristics, treatment Muscle transfer 13 (43.3%) 5 (16.7%) 0.024
modalities, surgical outcome, and oncological Motor nerve 4 (13.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.112
outcome. resection
The functional outcome of surgery was evaluated Deep Vein 11 (36.7%) 3 (10.0%) 0.015
by the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (TESS)7.
Significant 26 (86.7%) 6 (20.0%) <
Results edema 0.001
Wound 20 (66.7%) 9 (30.0%) 0.004
The tumor size was larger in the Reconstruction complications
Group but not statistically significant (p=0.055). Most Hospital stay 0.067
tumors were histologically graded 2 or 3. Malignant (days)
fibrous histiocytoma and synovial sarcoma were the ≤7 14 (46.7%) 21 (70.0%)
most common histological diagnoses. <7 16 (53.3%) 9 (30.0%)
In the Reconstruction Group, 16 patients had both Data are presented as number (%)
a major artery and vein resected together en bloc with The limb salvage rate of the Reconstruction Group
the tumor, 13 had a major artery removed, and one was 83%, as five patients ultimately underwent
required excision of only a major vein with the tumor. amputation. All of them received preoperative
Vessels resected and reconstructed were the common radiation. Two patients experienced severe wound
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
infection despite initial local flap coverage in the distal Prognostic n No. OS p-
thigh. This led to osteomyelitis and compromised factor Died at 18 value
function of the GSV grafts for arterial replacement and m
required an above-knee amputation. Two patients (%)
experienced a rupture of the iliofemoral vascular RTH Postoperative 42 6 88.4 0.006
repair after repeated wound complications. The last Preoperative 15 7 52.5
patient had a compartment syndrome developed
Margin R0 > 1 cm 28 1 96.4 0.006
peri-operatively, likely because the saphenous R0 < 1 cm 22 7 79.5
vein graft used for reconstruction was too small in
R1 10 5 33.8
diameter compared with the size of the autogenous
Muscle flap Yes 18 5 60.9 0.202
common femoral vein, thus essentially creating a
relative outflow obstruction and, finally, breakdown No 42 8 86.0
of the vascular anastomoses that necessitated a Limb Fate Limp salvage 54 11 82.8 0.475
hip disarticulation. A single patient in the Non- Amputation 6 2 50.0
reconstruction group needed amputation due to local OS: Overall survival, MFH: malignant fibrous
recurrence fixed to the bone. histiocytoma, RTH: Radiotherapy
Survival and effect of different prognostic Table 3: Multivariate analysis of factors affecting
factors overall survival
The median follow-up period was 17 months (range: B p- HR 95%CI
2-28 months). The overall survival (OS) at 18 months value
was higher in the Reconstruction group (85.9%) Age 1.293 0.026 3.65 1.16-11.41
than the Non-reconstruction group (64.7%), but the Margin 0.018
difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.063). Margin 2.473 0.021 11.86 1.45-97.20
On multivariate analysis, age at diagnosis and surgical (R0 < vs. R0 > 1 cm)
margin were the independent factors affecting overall Margin 3.156 0.005 23.47 2.62-210.34
survival (Table 3). (R0 < vs. R1)
B: regression coefficient, HR: Hazard ratio, CI:
Table 2: Factors affecting overall survival of the
whole studied group (n=60) Confidence Interval
Figure 1: Overall survival of Reconstruction and
Prognostic n No. OS p-
Non-reconstruction groups
factor Died at 18 value
Treatment Reconstruction 30 3 85.9 0.063
type No 30 10 64.7
Age (years) > 50 23 8 63.2 0.056
≤ 50 37 5 90.0
Sex Female 27 6 74.3 0.878
Male 33 7 78.9
Size (cm) ≤ 10 27 3 91.7 0.017
> 10 33 10 67.8
Location Thigh 28 5 83.1 0.572
Others 32 8 77.3
Pathological MFH 22 8 71.0 0.120
The RFS of the two groups were slightly different
Synovial 16 2 81.8
but without statistical significance (p = 0.155). Large
Other 22 3 87.8
tumor size, advanced grade, previous unplanned
Grade Grade 1-2 29 3 88.2 0.026
surgery, preoperative radiotherapy, positive surgical
Grade 3-4 31 10 70.4
Previous Yes 16 5 64.2 0.190
margin, and muscle flaps were associated with worse
unplanned No 44 8 84.5 RFS (Table 4). Multivariate analysis was invalid due
excision to the small number of events in some subgroups.
Table 4: Factors affecting recurrence-free survival of the whole studied group (n=60)
Prognostic factor n No. Recurrences RFS at 18 m (%) p-value
Treatment type Reconstruction 30 5 83.0 0.155
No Reconstruction 30 10 71.0
Age (years) > 50 23 7 73.8 0.445
≤ 50 37 8 79.0
Sex Female 27 7 78.8 0.795
Male 33 8 75.4
Size (cm) ≤ 10 27 4 87.7 0.045
> 10 33 11 67.8
Location Thigh 28 6 78.7 0.454
Others 32 9 75.8
Pathological type MFH 22 5 79.2 0.856
Synovial 16 5 78.8
Other 22 5 73.6
Grade Grade 1-2 29 3 87.8 0.005
Grade 3-4 31 12 67.0
Previous unplanned Yes 16 9 43.9 < 0.001
excision No 44 6 89.5
RTH Postoperative 42 6 86.5 < 0.001
Preoperative 15 9 45.7
Margin R0 > 1 cm 28 1 95.0 < 0.001
R0 < 1 cm 22 4 95.2
R1 10 10 0.0
Muscle flap Yes 18 8 52.5 0.010
No 42 7 86.7
Limb Fate Limp salvage 54 12 79.6 0.202
Amputation 6 3 53.3
RFS: Recurrence-free survival, MFH: malignant fibrous histiocytoma, RTH: Radiotherapy
17.6% to 48%9. In one series, wound complications reconstruction in 13 patients with a saphenous
were recorded in 43.3%. It was more common in cases vein graft. Many reports support this approach
of vascular reconstruction (34.5% vs 15.3%; p = 0.05) of attempting venous reconstruction in all cases,
. especially when the collateral flow is unclear 23,24. The
rate of postoperative edema may correlate with the
Deep venous thrombosis was significantly more
degree of disruption of venous collaterals at the time
common in the reconstruction group (p=0.015). This
of resection25.
complication may be another factor contributing to
the higher rate of amputation. It has been shown that An important limitation of this study is that it is
patients undergoing vascular surgery are at a higher not a typical comparative one as randomization is not
risk of developing perioperative DVT11. Patients possible. The patients in the non-reconstruction group
with STSs may be at increased risk of DVT due to did not require any type of vascular manipulation.
malignancy and poor functional independence. 12 However, we supposed that a comparative group is
a better way to show the impact of vascular resection
It is crucial to note that all five patients who
and reconstruction on outcome of treatment of STSs.
fated to have an amputation received preoperative
In conclusion, limb-salvage surgery of extremities
radiotherapy. Major wound complications were
STSs is an effective treatment option achieving
a common precipitating factor in four cases. It is
negative margins in most cases. Vascular resection
believed that radio- and chemotherapy may inhibit
and reconstruction were associated with more
wound healing by preventing collagen synthesis13. It is
postoperative wound complications, DVT, and severe
known that previous radiotherapy in flap procedures
limb edema. Also, amputation was more frequent
may affect vascular availability14. Preoperative
after vascular reconstruction. Overall survival was
radiotherapy is often associated with higher rates of
better after reconstruction but with no statistically
wound complications when surgery is done after the
significant difference.
standard dose of 50 Gy15. In a multicenter randomized
trial, major wound complications were recorded Ethical clearance: taken from the NCI, Egypt ethical
in 35% of patients treated with preoperative RT16. committee
This risk is increased in lower extremities sarcomas
Source of funding: self-funding
adjacent to major neurovascular structures17.
Conflict of interest: nil
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How to cite this article: Hyeon gyeong Yoon1, Joomin Lee2 et al Fertility Preservation in Young Breast Cancer
Patients: a Concept Analysis. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
The purpose of this study was to clarify and analyze the concept of fertility preservation in young breast cancer patients.
As the reproductive age of women increases and the number of young cancer patients increases, there is an uncertain
situation in which young cancer patients diagnosed with breast cancer may lose fertility in the course of cancer treatment.
Fertility preservation is a widely used concept It is necessary to clarify the meaning and concept of fertility preservation
in young breast cancer patients in order to reduce confusion in the selection of cancer treatment and fertility preservation.
For this study the process of Walker & Avant’s analysis was used. Eleven studies from electronic data bases met criteria
for selection. Fertility preservation can be defined by the following attributes 1)basic human desire 2)voluntary choice
according to the individual’s point of view 3)change of perception through consultation. The antecedents of fertility
preservation consisted of: 1)Appropriateness of providing information 2)differences in individual values 3)socio-
environmental factors. The consequences occurring as a result of fertility preservation were: 1)improvement distress and
2)enhancement of quality of life. Results of this analysis provides a theoretical framework for oncology medical staff to
better understand fertility preservation in young breast cancer patients, to improve quality of life.
Corresponding Author:
Hyeon gyeong Yoon
Department of Nursing Eulji University, Seong-nam campus, Korea
E-mail: [email protected]
countries, the proportion of premenopausal women preservation in young breast cancer patients who are
with breast cancer is very low, and the incidence in an uncertain situation where they can lose their
increases with age. The figure is more than twice fertility during cancer treatment. This study was
as high as in Korea 6,7. With improvement in cancer also conducted to reduce the confusion in choosing
treatment, in particular, the 5-year survival rate for cancer treatment and to preserve fertility and to help
breast cancer improved to 93.3%, which is higher determine fertility preservation. Therefore, based on
than that of other female cancers, i.e., 75.2% for gastric the conceptual analysis framework of Walker and
cancer and 80.5% for cervical cancer7. Given the Avant13 this study will unify the concepts through a
characteristics of Korean breast cancer, which occurs systematic conceptual analysis of fertility in young
frequently in young women under the age of 40 and breast cancer patients and provide a clear theoretical
has a high incidence and survival rate, it is necessary basis. The purpose of this study is to clarify the
to minimize the side effects that occur in the course of conceptual attributes of fertility preservation in young
cancer treatment and to improve the quality of life by breast cancer patients and to prepare a theoretical
preserving and recovering body functions7. basis. This study used the conceptual analysis
procedure of Walker and Avant.
Chemotherapy is an important cancer treatment,
and high-dose chemotherapy causes ovarian Materials and Method
dysfunction, with a risk of about 92%, regardless of
age3. Young female cancer survivors are anxious and 1. design
stressed about the possibility of infertility, hoping to be This study was conducted using the previous study
able to become parents after treatment4,5. Preservation and literature search method. The conceptual analysis
of fertility is very important because the number of of “preserving fertility in young breast cancer
young cancer patients who are of childbearing age is patients” was carried out according to the conceptual
increasing, and preservation of fertility is one of the analysis procedure of Walker and Avant13. The
most important parts of life after cancer treatment8. detailed process is as follows:
In a study of young breast cancer survivors under 40
years of age, 12% considered fertility preservation as • First, select a concept.
a factor in determining treatment, and it was reported • Second, establish the purpose of conceptual
that after diagnosis, about 53% attempted pregnancy9. analysis.
Women diagnosed with cancer, on the other hand, • Third, check the scope of use of the concept.
may be preoccupied with survival and be unaware
of the potential future fertility impairment10. When • Fourth, determine the properties of the
chemotherapy and hormone therapy are started, a concept.
woman’s fertility may decrease, and she may not have • Fifth, present model examples.
the opportunity to give birth in the future. Therefore, • Sixth, present additional examples.
sufficient discussion about the fertility of young
• Seventh, identify the antecedent factors and
women should be made before starting treatment2,4.
According to a study on female cancer patients of
childbearing age if they received professional advice • Eighth, determine the definition of empirical
from a medical team about their fertility before reference.
treatment, they had less regret and a higher quality of
life, even if their fertility was decreased11. However, 2. Subjects
in a telephone interview study of young African- The scope of the literature review for this study is
American breast cancer survivors under the age of 45 limited to dictionary definitions of “breast cancer” and
years, 45% of respondents said they wanted to have “preservation of fertility,” theories related to fertility,
children at the time of breast cancer diagnosis, but and previous studies. For literature searches in Korea,
50% of them were not informed about their fertility journals and dissertations retrieved from the Korea
at all12. Education and Research Information Service (www.
The purpose of this study is to accurately recognize were used for analysis, and for overseas
the meaning of fertility for breast cancer patients by literature, papers retrieved from PubMed, CINAHL,
clearly defining the meaning and concept of fertility and PsycInfo were used for analysis. The study
period considered was the last 15 years, i.e., from meanings and attributes of concepts. The data table
January 1, 2006, to June 30, 2021, and the keywords was independently prepared by two researchers,
were “young breast cancer or breast neoplasm” and and after discussion and agreement, the reliability
“fertility preservation.” There were 4 cases in RISS, and validity of the study were secured by selecting
684 cases in PubMed, 94 cases in CINAHL, and 62 and analyzing data and extracting the meaning and
cases in PsycInfo. Results, excluding 130 publications, attributes of concepts. This process was repeated
that were duplicated out of a total of 844 searched three times until the two researchers reached a full
materials, publications that were evaluated to be consensus. The purpose of preparing the prepared
completely irrelevant to the purpose of the research datasheet is not to reach a final judgment, but to
according to certain criteria, and 679 publications that conduct a comprehensive review in the process of
were written in languages other than Korean and first reviewing the literature. After that, the decisive
English, or 35 whose original text was not accessible, attributes of the concept were identified; model cases,
were confirmed. Among them, the full texts of 19 additional cases, antecedent factors, and results were
documents, excluding 16 documents that did not meet derived; and theoretical definitions were derived by
the criteria, were examined by checking the abstract, organizing them.
and a total of 8 documents that did not meet the
criteria were excluded; thus, a total of 11 documents Results
were used for the final analysis (Figure 1). Literature
1. Scope of use of fertility preservation in young
that met the following criteria was excluded from the
breast cancer patients
1) Dictionary definition
• Documents related to fertility in male and
gynecological cancer patients, and data on Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines fertility
the experience of medical staff in preserving as “the ability to produce young,” “the Dictionary,
fertility rather than patients “fertility means productiveness, meaning the number
of births distinct from the capability to bear, and
• Data on drug treatment regimens and fecundity means “capability to bear children”17.
treatment guidelines for the preservation of
In other words, fertility is a concept that includes
fertility in breast cancer patients.
fecundity, where the idea of the number of progeny
• In the process of reading the entire text, is included, whereas fecundity means the quality of
some materials are judged to be of too low reproduction without the concept of number, and it
relevance to the research topic. was confirmed that fertility is a larger concept than a
After reviewing the literature related to the
preservation of fertility in young breast cancer
2) Scope of use of the concept
patients, in order to understand and appreciate the
various uses of the concept of fertility, in addition (1) Use of concepts in other academic fields
to studies dealing with fertility, Korean and English Demographers used the term fertility to indicate
dictionaries, life sciences, neuroscience, psychology, the pregnancy power, meaning the number of
public health, and sociology research literature was children born in a country, and they used this term
additionally reviewed. In addition, literature dealing “fertility” to estimate demographic change with
with theories related to the concept of fertility was the number of children born18. In psychology and
searched and utilized by referring to references from research, fertility is also used as a concept of the
previous studies. ability to reproduce many offspring. Fertility refers
to a woman’s health status, such as age, waist and
3. Data Collection and Analysis Methods hip ratio, and body fat distribution when a man
The researcher confirmed how the concept of fertility chooses a mate, which was considered an indicator of
preservation in young breast cancer patients was fertility19. In medicine, fertility is the ability to become
used within the selected literature. After that, each pregnant, and in the case of young cancer patients,
data table was created, and systematic and reliable many medical treatments are being studied to
conceptual analysis was made possible by extracting preserve fertility before and during cancer treatment.
and describing the types of documents and the In the case of young female cancer patients, ovarian
function deteriorates because of treatment such as pregnancies and whether fertility treatment may
chemotherapy, and once the ovarian function has affect cancer treatment and negatively affect medical
degenerated, it cannot be restored. In the case of the prognosis25. The level of concern about fertility
aforementioned patient group, fertility is likely to depends on three factors: the environment, personal
decrease significantly during the cancer treatment values, and expectations. Fertility is of paramount
process, so research on fertility preservation methods importance and a high priority for patients who have
is ongoing20. The method of preserving fertility in tried to conceive, are young, or have no children4,26.
female cancer patients currently being applied in Young patients who consider survival to be the most
clinical practice varies depending on marital status. important priority accept the possibility of infertility
Married women use the embryo cryopreservation and choose to receive cancer treatment immediately26.
method, which involves fertilizing and freezing the In a qualitative study of unmarried breast cancer
sperm and oocytes of their spouses. For unmarried patients, the preservation of fertility is an important
women, the oocyte freeze-preservation method is issue, but at the same time, uncertainty about fertility,
used. Since both require a superovulation induction due to the influence of chemotherapy, etc., acts as a
process for oocyte collection, cryopreservation of major stress factor. In addition, it was very difficult
ovarian tissue is used to separate and preserve to consult with the medical staff regarding fertility
ovarian tissue when emergency chemotherapy is preservation because patients considered it a very
needed, such as in the case of leukemia3,8. sensitive and complex issue 27. In addition, compared
to men, women’s fertility-preserving treatment is
(2) Use of concepts in nursing literature
more complex and difficult to find practical solutions,
A woman’s fertility depends on changes in her so it is difficult for female cancer patients to consult
life and environment, and it may be something with medical staff first28. They answered that they
she wants, but it is also used as a negative concept felt lonely and alienated when having conversations
that she does not want and has to21. For example, with family members and medical staff on the topic of
regardless of the stage of mental maturity, with the fertility due to the difficulty of the topic29. Therefore,
onset of menstruation, a woman’s body is ready it is very important for the medical staff to sufficiently
for childbirth, but a woman must keep herself from discuss with the patient before treatment about the
becoming pregnant until menopause outside of family preservation of fertility and to provide accurate
planning22. For this reason, “fertility” can be used as information on the method of preserving fertility as it
an opposing concept depending on the situation, such reduces the psychological distress of cancer patients
as women who are not planning to become pregnant 8,24,25
. In particular, in nursing, more holistic care can
should be careful not to become pregnant during be provided by sharing opinions and explaining
intercourse, even though they can become pregnant21. experiences about uncertainty regarding fertility after
treatment, fears, and concerns about fertility after
Biologically, the desire to be a parent is an important
treatment27. For effective counseling, medical staff
part of cancer survivors’ lives and affects their lifelong
also need to receive conversational education such as
health and quality of life 23. Fertility is an important
how to communicate with the patients29.
area of interest for young female cancer patients24.The
preservation of fertility serves as a hope for cancer For young female cancer patients, being able to
patients, and it causes major distress when fertility have children after treatment has many meanings.
is lost1,10,24. However, young female cancer patients Preservation of fertility has the greatest impact on
have to make decisions about fertility preservation improving the quality of life of patients. It makes
and adjuvant chemotherapy as soon as they are them feel “healed”; looks at the future positively;
diagnosed. The patients not only do not have enough becomes a link to reconnect with colleagues, friends,
time to consider fertility preservation, but they may and family; and becomes a stimulant to recover their
be overwhelmed by the cancer diagnosis itself and health2,27.
not consider the therapeutic effect on fertility after
2.List of tentative criteria and attributes of fertility
breast cancer treatment4,25,26. Particularly, in the case
preservation in young female cancer patients
of unmarried breast cancer patients, fear of hair loss,
chemotherapy, and shameful feelings about breast As a result of examining a wide range of literature
surgery can cause anxiety. Patients are also concerned in which the concept of fertility preservation in young
about whether cancer treatment will affect future female cancer patients is used, the following tentative
list of criteria and attributes were identified. This counseling can be differentiated. Therefore, the
process is the core of conceptual analysis and is a properties of fertility preservation in young female
process of identifying the properties of concepts that cancer patients confirmed in this study are as follows
appear repeatedly in the literature13. (Table 1).
(1) Parenthood is a basic human desire (③,⑥).
1) List of provisional standards
(2) Voluntary choice according to individual’s point
① Preservation of fertility can be downplayed
of view (①,⑧).
as the burden of cancer diagnosis itself 25
Desperate to be told that she could not have 4. Development of additional cases
children and thought that not being a mother would 1) Similar cases
be equivalent to giving up on being a woman (a
basic human desire). Doctors introduced that she Similar cases are cases in which most of the
had embryo cryopreservation methods if she wanted attributes of the concept of interest are included,
to have children, as K and her husband are a young but not all of them. This example demonstrates why
couple without children. The doctor said breast it cannot be a model case and helps clarify what is
cancer treatment is delayed by about 2 months considered a concept and what is not, helping to
because the procedure requires an egg collection clarify actual concepts and confirm their properties13.
process. The doctor also warned that superovulation A 37-year-old Y, who was diagnosed with breast
injections administered for oocyte collection could cancer, asked her doctor if she could have children
make breast cancer worse and advised her to discuss after 6 rounds of chemotherapy after surgery. Then,
with her family whether to start breast cancer the doctor said that she has to take
treatment or choose a fertility-preserving method. K’s
husband thought that she should receive treatment tamoxifen for 5 years from now and could not
as soon as possible and become healthy rather than become pregnant during the drug treatment period
h the possibility of having a child. However, K felt and that there is a very high probability that she will
that life without children would be too frightening not be able to have children because she is currently
and meaningless, so she wanted to receive fertility- amenorrhetic. Y, who thought that she would be able
preserving treatment (a voluntary choice based on to have a child after chemotherapy (parenting is a basic
her personal point of view). K was worried about human wish), claimed that she had not heard enough
whether to choose between chemotherapy and from the medical staff before starting treatment. She
preservation of fertility (psychological changes due to said that her choice would have been different if
uncertainty). After hearing detailed explanations of someone had informed me about it (voluntary choice
fertility preservation methods and experiences from based on a personal point of view). She expressed that
other patients from a breast cancer nurse, she gained it was difficult and hopeless to accept the fact that
confidence that breast cancer can be cured sufficiently she could not have a family and that she could not
even after embryo cryopreservation (recognition have children, even though cancer could be treated
change according to the role of medical staff). This (negative psychological changes due to uncertainty).
childless young breast cancer patient’s case includes This similar case is a case in which the attribute of
all four attributes of fertility. change of perception according to the role of medical
staff is not included.
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required for this study 13. Walker LO, Avant KC. Strategies for theory construction
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How to cite this article: Indumathy V, Gandhimathi. M, Kishore. J et al A Study to assess the prevalence of
Respiratory Morbidity among Petrol Filling Station Employees in New Delhi, India. Volume 13 | Issue 4 |
October-December 2022
Good quality natural environment provides basic needs, in terms of clean air and water, fertile land for food production,
and energy and material inputs for production. Human health and well-being are intimately linked to the state of the
environment. Though several types of environments exist, it is the physical environment which plays an important bearing
on health. Occupational environment plays a major role on the health of those exposed to pollutants. The objectives of
the study were to:(1) assess the prevalence of respiratory morbidity among petrol filling station employees (2) determine
the association between respiratory morbidity among employees with selected demographic and occupational variables.
The study was conducted among 40 petrol filling station employees at New Delhi. The study revealed significant
association between phlegm with locality (p<0.05), breathlessness with age in years (p<0.001), chest illness with age
in years, employment status, exposure to type of pollutant and number of working days per week (p<0.05). The study
found adverse effects of workplace exposures on respiratory health and development of respiratory morbidity symptoms
among petrol filling station employees.
Corresponding author:
Indumathy V
Ph. D Scholar, Rani Meyyammai College of Nursing, Annamalai university, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu
Phone: +919868993988;
e-mail: [email protected]
Rapid urbanization, increasing use of automobiles of lung, constriction of the bronchioles, severe airway
and industrial activities give rise to urban air pollution obstruction, pulmonary oedema and hypoxemia,
dominated by oxides of Sulphur (Sox), nitrogen while NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) impairs the immune
(NOx), carbon (Cox), volatile organic compounds defense mechanism of lungs.
(VOCs) and suspended particulate matter (SPM)
Human lung functionality is evaluated by
in all cities of the world8,9. In urban areas certain
pulmonary function testing (PFT) and the main
occupations like petrol filling station workers, vehicle
type of PFT is spirometry. Spirometry is performed
repairing and servicing are associated with exposure
by spirometer; This device employs non-invasive
to fumes, vapors, gases, exhausts, dusts and SPM.
diagnostic techniques for testing and screening of
Vehicular pollution is an important contributor to air
lung functions. These are relatively cheaper and can
pollution in Delhi.
be performed within minutes. As lung diseases like
According to the Department of Transport, bronchitis, emphysema and asthma are prevailing and
Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi common, spirometry has become an indispensable
(2019), total vehicle count estimated at more than 3.4 technique in epidemiology, clinical and occupational
million, reaching higher at a growth rate of 7% per settings as well as in industrial Medicine6
annum. Air pollution in urban area has health effects
Hence the early recognition of respiratory illness
on the public as well as on workers specially those
and preventive measures of susceptible employees
working in traffic congested environment, where they
with respiratory morbidity need to adapt health
are regularly exposed such job-related exposures9.
promoting behavior in the work place before the
Vehicular exhaust is the worst type of exhaust as it is
chronic impairment develops will prove to be
emitted at the ground near the breathing level, and it
gives maximum human exposure1. Respiratory health
problems like reduction in pulmonary functions due Aim and Objectives
to such working exposures are relatively unexplored The present study is aimed to assess the occupational
area of research2. exposure and respiratory morbidity among petrol
Respiratory disorders range from deterioration of filling station employees in selected Petrol filling
pulmonary function, dryness of the throat, coughing, stations at New Delhi. The objectives of the study
tightness in the chest, wheezing and breathlessness to were to: (1) assess the prevalence of respiratory
chronic bronchitis. Workers who are regularly exposed morbidity among petrol filling station employees (2)
to fuels, gasoline oils, solvents report 30-40% incidence determine the association between respiratory illness
of pulmonary health related problems3. Exposure to among employees with selected demographic and
petroleum products among certain occupations for occupational variables.
a long time significantly affects respiratory system
Methods and Materials
and the symptoms such as breathless ness, chronic
cough and wheezing can be observed. Moreover, if A total of 40 petrol filling station employees were
the exposure concentration is higher there is a chance selected from petrol filling stations at New Delhi.
of marked systemic pulmonary inflammatory occur8. The study was conducted during November 2020.
Purposive sampling technique was used to select
The inhaled air contains pollutants that adversely the subjects. After getting approval from Vardhman
affect the respiratory health of the workers. The fuel Mahavir Medical College Institutional Ethical
exhausts release the particles which are extremely committee, researcher enrolled the subject after
fine having large surface area and can transport high getting their informed consent and data were collected
rate of toxic compounds including hydrocarbons from the samples. Demographic data, Occupational
on their surface. These fine particles are capable of data, Health history and Medical Council Research
longer retention and have a probability to deposit in Questionnaire (MRCQ; developed by Medical
greater number and deep into the lungs8. COx (Oxides Research Council, The United Kingdom,1986) were
of carbon) and SOx (oxides of Sulphur) can cause
administered to assess their respiratory morbidity.
multitude adverse effects on a respiratory system
The reliability of the tool was assessed by test re-test
like tissue hypoxia, reversible decrease in functions
method and it was found to be feasible (r= 0.90)
5. Department of Delhi Transport Corporation. Report 8. Rosa Faner, Nuria Gonzalez, Tamaria et al. Systemeic
of Government National Capital Territory of Delhi inflammatory response to smoking in COPD, PLOS
Website. 2019 ONE.2014; 9: 5, e97491: 1-12
6. Harbison, Stephen Casey. Evaluation of Pulmonary 9. Rachna Agarwal, Gririja Jayaraman, Sneh Anand and P
Risks Associated with Selected Occupations, USF Marimuthu. Assessing respiratory morbidity through
Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 2013; pollution status and meteorological conditions for
Https:// Delhi. Journal of environmental sciences. 2006; 114(1-
3);489-503; doi: 10.1007/s10661-006-4935-3
7. MRC. Questionnaire on Respiratory Symptoms.
Medical research Council. 1976; Retrieved from:http:// 10. Rajkumar. Air pollution and Respiratory Health. archive/ Journal of Advanced Pedicatrics and Child Health
rrdquacer.pdf, accessed on March 15th 2016.Google (JAPCH). 2020; 3: 032 -037
How to cite this article: Miqayel Adamyan, Samvel Grigoryan, Tatevik Hovakimyan et al Perceptions and Barriers to
Deceased Organ Donation in Armenia: A Qualitative Research. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background and aim: Transplantation is the treatment of choice for end-stage organ failure. The worldwide shortage
of organs focuses the attention of scientific community and policymakers on it. Despite having a favourable legislative
framework Armenia still do not perform transplantation from deceased donors. Aim of this study is to understand
perceptions and barriers of deceased organ donation in Armenia.
Methods: This qualitative study utilizes semi-structured, in-depth interviews to produce rich descriptions of healthy
adult individuals and main stakeholders about the perceived drivers and barriers to deceased organ donation and
transplantation in Armenia. Participants included healthcare providers, policymaker, priest and healthy adult individuals
of other occupation. Content analysis with deductive approach was utilized.
Results: 11 in-depth interviews were performed. The main concepts around which the themes evolved were knowledge,
attitudes, interaction with health system, family, cultural, religious and socioeconomic factors. Several factors emerged
during the interviews: lack of knowledge, medical distrust, role of the donor’s family as a buffer and misinterpretation of
religious stance are examples.
Conclusion: Lack of knowledge regarding the brain death and deep mistrust to healthcare system were identified as the
major barriers to acceptance of donation after death. It is recommended to conduct a comprehensive educational and
awareness raising campaign both for public and providers.
Corresponding author:
Nare Ghazaryan MD
Researcher, Nork-Marash Medical Center, Armenia, Yerevan
Armenak Armenakyan St. 13, 0047 Yerevan, Armenia
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: 00374-94-92-42-49
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 355
and pediatric liver transplantations were performed primary author. The study population consisted of
from living donors (3). No deceased organ donations the following groups:
have been performed in Armenia till now. The need • Healthy adult individuals – these were young
for organs is significant given the high prevalence of people aged from 25-40,
end-stage organ diseases in the country.
• Healthcare providers with potential to be
It is imperative to understand community involved with the process of donation and
perceptions to organ donation and transplantation transplantation- cardiovascular surgeon,
in the country and suggest policy implications for renal transplant surgeon, liver transplant
further improvement. surgeon, intensivist.
Methods • Former Minister of Health of the Republic of
This qualitative study produces rich descriptions of
healthy adult individuals and key informants about • Psychiatrist,
perceived barriers and drivers to deceased organ • Priest.
donation and transplantation in Armenia.
All the interviews were recorded with permission
The study conceptual framework was adopted of participants. One of participants refused the
and slightly modified from the Irving’s 2009 study. recording, so the primary investigator took the
It demonstrates the balance of attitudes to deceased permission to take notes on her answers. The
organ donation and transplantation process in the recordings were transcribed verbatim in Armenian
form of a scale, which is balancing the drivers and the same day. The participation in the study was
barriers between main concepts regarding the topic (4). anonymous for ethical reasons, so each participant
Concepts were knowledge, attitudes, interaction with was given an ID in the process of transcription. Audio
health system, body integrity, family/relational ties, recordings were performed using an iOS device with
cultural aspects, religious beliefs and socioeconomic a fully encrypted hard drive and transcribed the same
factors. day. No personal details were collected as name,
Semi-structured in-depth interviews were workplace, phone numbers or addresses. Only the
conducted among healthy adult individuals and author had access to data and performed the process
key informants. They allowed to understand deep of audio recording and transcription herself to avoid
feelings, knowledge and attitudes of all groups. dissemination of sensitive material.
The data were collected using individual, Demographic data were analysed with help of
semi-structured in-depth interviews with study Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. A conventional theory-
participants. Demographic parameters as age, gender driven content analysis with deductive approach
and occupation were also collected. has been applied to analyse the transcribed data (6).
Data obtained were coded using meaningful words,
The semi-structured interview guide consisted of phrases and sentences, which combined into major
10 open-ended questions, which were administered themes and categories (7). The process of analysis
to participants after obtaining a preliminary written was done manually in original Armenian language
consent. The questions were constantly discussed until to avoid any changes in content and meaning of
repetition was observed. Almost all interviews were the phrases and misinterpretation of information
recorded with permission of participants. Interviews (8)
. The pre-determined themes were taken from the
were continued until the data reached saturation. At literature. The main themes around which the coding
the end of the interview, all the participants were of data was performed were: 1) Religious; 2) Cultural;
asked for specific recommendations to improve the 3) Family; 4) Body Integrity; 5) Interaction with health
situation. The study interview guide was adopted system; 6) Knowledge; 7) Socioeconomic; 8) Attitudes.
and modified/ suited for Armenian participants from The choice of deductive approach is justified by the
a South Korean study (5). fact, that there is a significant amount of qualitative
A purposive sampling method was the method of research focused on the topic of organ donation and
choice to reach interviewees. All study participants transplantation. Triangulation of data analysis results
were recruited using individual connections of between healthy individuals, healthcare providers
and policymaker significantly increases the credibility everything meaningless. It would be better, if we
of the study results (9). In addition, to strengthen the could organize this using our own resources and
trustworthiness of the study, participant validation would not leave people helpless or force them to
method (member check on spot) was used: the leave the country.” (Psychiatrist, 40)
interviewer rephrased the information received from
participant and returned to them to be sure that they 2. Attitudes
reflected the meanings of their ideas clearly (10). Overall attitude to organ donation was very positive.
Results All the respondents agreed with the fact that if the
brain is dead, there is no need to keep the remaining
Overall, 10 in-depth interviews were conducted with
organs. There were minor precautions again about
11 separate participants. The mean age of participants
validity of brain death. One of the respondents (non-
was 47y, ranging from 25 to 72. Eight of them were
healthcare provider) had philosophical concerns
male participants. Mean duration of in-depth
about increasing number of people living on earth.
interviews was 18 min, ranging from 7 to 37min. All
The other concern raised was the potential for
the responders had a graduate degree of education.
There were eight predefined themes chosen for the
“I have a very positive opinion about organ
donation and transplantation. For me it is a very
healthy and humanistic attitude. The only concern is
1. Knowledge
declaration of death after brain death”. (journalist, 40)
Knowledge about brain death
3. Interaction with health system
All the non-healthcare professional respondents
did not know the definition of brain death. It was Medical mistrust
commonly misinterpreted as inability to think or
The answers concerning the mistrust to doctors and
absence of consciousness, a vegetative state, when
overall healthcare system were highly repetitive, this
all other organs work properly and brain does not.
was the most frequently mentioned barrier perceived
They also had psychological difficulty to interpret
by all participants. The culture of mistrust seemed to
brain death as death of whole organism. Healthcare
be enrooted deeply in the relationship of patients and
providers and policymaker had different opinions –
providers. It related to different aspects of donation
those, who were involved in living organ donation
and transplantation processes: people did not trust
and transplantation processes formerly, had proper
the system’s capability to perform it with normal
understanding of what is brain death and its
quality, availability of infrastructure was of concern,
irreversible nature. Those who were not involved in
fear of organ trafficking and development of black
the process of organ donation and transplantation,
market, validity of brain death and possibility of
could also misinterpret it as a “vegetative” state,
intentional and unintentional euthanasia were major
without knowing the exact diagnostic methods of
concerns. At the same time, they also recognized that
irreversible brain death.
this issue of trust and mistrust is something irrational,
“Brain death is, when the brain stops, does not which could require major reforms in the system or
think. I don’t know if other organs can work. It’s only a role model (like a good, competent minister
really interesting, isn’t it?” (sports NGO worker, 27) of health), who could lead the change management
process. There were also answers from health
Understanding the need
providers, stating that the medicine in our country is
Majority of respondents agreed on the fact that the pretty developed and physicians’ potential is not of
demand of organs for transplantation is crucial and concern.
that it is not possible to close the gap with only living
“You know, the question is comprehensive: we
organ donations.
need an exclusive trust in physicians, that they did
“I know a person, who escaped to Belgium for everything to save the patient’s life, but failed” (renal
getting a liver transplant, lived in a ghetto for months transplant surgeon, 69)
and eventually became sick with AIDS, which made
“Maybe they [the relatives] think, that it is better “If it is possible to save one’s life with donation,
to decay under the ground, than to be helpful to then why not doing it? I think of it as a manifestation
someone? I know that frequently people give money of Christian compassion and sacrifice” (Priest, 53)
to “correct” the face [of the deceased] before burial.
We have such stupid things” (Food manager, 29) 8. Socioeconomic factors
Among frequently mentioned factors were adequate
5. Family/relational ties financial compensation to providers and need for
All respondents agreed that the family of the donor financial resources to accomplish the establishment
plays a crucial role in our society and it is imperative of service. It was mentioned that high-income people
to take their permission before proceeding with organ would be more prone to discuss the donation of their
procurement. Majority of healthcare providers agreed organs after death. Improvement of education system
that with proper and timely preparedness (i.e. that the and advocacy of humanitarian principles were other
family knows the wishes of the deceased person well drivers of the process.
ahead of the tragic event) and adequate trust to health “Those are hard questions, we know definitely,
providers they would agree to donate the organs. that everything to be done should be compensated
“Many things depend on the impression of family: properly” (former minister of health, 72)
If they feel that everything is done for their patient, he Discussion
was treated conscientiously, they will not be against”
Our study results demonstrated that there are several
(Intensivist, 63)
barriers to development of system for deceased organ
donation and transplantation in Armenia. Among
6. Cultural
them, the deep mistrust to the health system and
Majority of respondents agreed on the fact that we providers was the most prominent. It was mainly
need to develop as a society to understand not only the explained with the previous distrustful experience
importance of our personal ego, but to look at facts as with the system and questioning the doctors’ ability
a society, as a whole. Lack of teamworking ability and to diagnose the brain death adequately.
residential perspective were frequently mentioned
as barriers which was explained by the fact that if In our study we did not observed concerns
people need to think about day-to-day survival, there regarding treating the body of the donor with respect
is no time to consider donation and help to society, and dignity, or using the organs for experiments
which is a remote and less tangible target. The other
, but there were major concerns about unequal
cultural barrier noted was the importance of opinion distribution or even “sales” of donated organs.
of neighborhood, which frequently could be negative The best solution in this situation would be “to
toward donation and transplantation. make donation happen for those who want it”, or at
“Opinion of the neighbors is very important. One least we believe, that they do. The respect for person
of the recipients telling that the villagers constantly is the legal and ethical basis of basic law almost
blamed her for taking the organ of her daughter” everywhere, including in Armenia.
(Liver transplant surgeon, 50) Another barrier which was frequently mentioned
was the lack of knowledge about the “dead donor
7. Religious beliefs rule” and its frequent misinterpretation. Even some
Common opinion was that the role of the church healthcare providers could not differentiate between
will be tremendous to foster or prevent the process of the end-stage coma and brain death.
organ donation. Some of the respondents who were The good news is that majority recognize the
standing closer to church favored the idea of altruistic need for establishing the system for deceased
organ donation and transplantation and with good in Armenia. To our best knowledge, this is the first
educational effort it would be possible to improve the study exploring the perceptions and barriers of
situation (12) (13). deceased organ donation and transplantation in
Armenia. Its findings point out on the potential
General attitude to organ donation and
facilitators and barriers for establishing the service in
transplantation idea was really favourable in our
our country.
research, everyone agreed that it is humanistic and
kind, the best motivator being the human altruism as Funding: This research received no external
mentioned elsewhere in the literature (14). funding.
Role of the donor’s family as a surrogate decision Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no
maker was perceived as highly important in our conflict of interest.
study, which could affect the donation rates in both
Ethical clearance : Taken from Nork-Marash
positive and negative meanings.
Medical Center ethical review board.
Armenian Apostolic Church views do not reject
the idea of organ donation, but is overall favour of it, References
provided that everything was done to save the life of 1. Linden PK. History of solid organ transplantation and
the donor. organ donation. Crit Care Clin. 2009;25(1):165–84.
Based on our findings, several recommendations 2. Leppke S, Leighton T, Zaun D, Chen S-C, Skeans
M, Israni AK, et al. Scientific Registry of Transplant
can be made:
Recipients: collecting, analyzing, and reporting data
1. As a first step it is recommended to conduct on transplantation in the United States. Transplant
a comprehensive quantitative research with a Rev. 2013;27(2):50–6.
country-representative sample to understand 3. Voskanyan M, Nazaryan H, Babloyan S, Geyikyan
the acceptance rates for deceased organ P, Arakelyan S, Kyurkchyan K, et al. MP787
2. Comprehensive program educating and
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017;32(suppl_3):iii723–4.
raising awareness of general public about
the need of organ donation, including social 4. Irving MJ, Tong A, Jan S, Cass A, Rose J, Chadban S,
advertising with help of well-known actors et al. Factors that influence the decision to be an organ
and role models; donor: a systematic review of the qualitative literature.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011;27(6):2526–33.
3. Special education and training of healthcare
5. Kim JR, Elliott D, Hyde C. The influence of sociocultural
providers who will be involved in transplant
factors on organ donation and transplantation in
Korea: findings from key informant interviews. J
4. Inclusion of all transplantation procedures in Transcult Nurs. 2004;15(2):147–54.
Basic Benefit Package offered for people with 6. Hsieh H-F, Shannon SE. Three approaches to qualitative
disabilities; content analysis. Qual Health Res. 2005;15(9):1277–88.
5. Adequate compensation mechanisms for 7. Given LM. The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative
specialists to avoid the presence of informal research methods. Sage publications; 2008.
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8. Van Nes F, Abma T, Jonsson H, Deeg D. Language
6. Finally, governmental support and leadership differences in qualitative research: is meaning lost in
are imperative for developing this initiative translation? Eur J Ageing. 2010;7(4):313–6.
and build the necessary trust to it. 9. Carter N, Bryant-Lukosius D, DiCenso A, Blythe J,
Neville AJ. The use of triangulation in qualitative
Limitations and strengths
research. In: Oncology nursing forum. 2014.
The major limitation of our research is its external
10. Birt L, Scott S, Cavers D, Campbell C, Walter F.
generalizability, as a major limitation of all qualitative
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studies. Our intention was to understand the deep or merely a nod to validation? Qual Health Res.
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How to cite this article: Ramesh Chhaganbhai Badhiya, R. M. Jitia, Haresh B. Vala et al Conservative Management
of Acute Appendicitis in a Tertiary Care Centre. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Background and Aim: Appendectomy is the most favored treatment of appendicitis in most of the cases. Considered safe
and routine surgery few patients develop complications of surgery like recurrent pain, obstruction, wound complications
and rarely fistula and death. Present study was done with an aim to study the outcome of conservative treatment in acute
appendicitis using antibiotic therapy.
Material and Methods: The present study was a prospective study conducted at the medical institute and associated
hospital for a period of 2 years. All the patients attending our emergency department with pain in the lower abdomen
were assessed clinically for signs of acute appendicitis. Injection ceftriaxone and injection metronidazole was given for
48-72 hours. Patients who responded for i.v. antibiotics were switched to tablet ciprofloxacin and tablet metronidazole for
7 days and followed for 6 months.
Results: In this present study, 200 patients were included. 168 patients had migratory abdominal pain in the present
study. Anorexia was seen in 180 patients and absent in 20 patients. 174 patients had nausea and vomiting. Tenderness in
the right inguinal fossa was seen in all the patients. Rebound tenderness was seen in 68 patients and absent in 132 patients.
Conclusion: The overall success rate of conservative treatment according to the present study was 82%. However, there
were 12% failures and 6% recurrences in the present study. The success rate of conservative treatment in patients with
MAS 4-6 is more than the patients with MAS 7-9 according to the present study.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Ramesh Chhaganbhai Badhiya
Shantabaa Medical College & General Hospital Amreli, Gujarat
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 361
conclude that antibiotic treatment alone is less effective findings were documented. MAS was calculated and
than an appendectomy and therefore promote documented. Patients were advised nil by mouth for
appendectomy.11-15 However, the methodologic 24 hours and administered intravenous antibiotics
quality of the included studies was low to moderate, ceftriaxone every 12 hours and metronidazole every
there was considerable statistical heterogeneity, and 8 hours with dose depending on age of the patient for
these inferences continue to be questioned.14,15 In 48-72 hours. Paracetamol infusion was given every 8
addition, potential longterm disadvantages of surgery hours to relieve the pain of the patient. The clinical
in children have not been evaluated adequately. assessment was done every 12 hours. Patients who
responded for i.v. antibiotics were switched over to
Recent studies showed majority of patients with
oral antibiotics- tablet ciprofloxacin 500 mg with tablet
acute, uncomplicated appendicitis can be treated
metronidazole 400 mg thrice a day for a total of 7
safely with an antibiotics-first strategy. Antibiotics
days. In those patients, whose clinical condition were
which are more effective is used in the treatment
deteriorating or not improving, open or laparoscopic
of acute appendicitis. Antibiotic therapy is not a
appendectomy was performed. The patients were
complete substitute for surgery in the management
followed at 10 days and every month for a period of
of acute appendicitis. In this regard, we aimed to
6 months. The disease recurrence would be managed
study the outcome of conservative treatment in acute
either conservatively or surgically depending on the
appendicitis using antibiotic therapy.
clinical presentation and upon patient preference.
Material and Methods After completion of treatment and follow up for
6 months period, the patients were grouped into
The present study was a prospective study conducted
successful/failure of conservative treatment. Failure
at the medical institute and associated hospital for
of conservative treatment again divided into treatment
a period of 2 years. Institutional Ethics committee
failure and recurrence. Treatment failure was clinical
approval was taken before start of this study.
deterioration or lack of clinical improvement in
Inclusion criteria: Radiologically diagnosed acute admitted patients treated conservatively. Recurrence
appendicitis cases with age>10 years attending within was defined as onset of appendicitis in a follow up
2 days of symptom onset with Modified Alvarado patient successfully treated initially with conservative
score (MAS) more than or equal to 4. treatment.
Patients having guarding, rigidity, perforation, Statistical analysis
abscess, lump on clinical examination and radiological
The recorded data was compiled and entered in a
reports were excluded from study.
spreadsheet computer program (Microsoft Excel
All the patients attending our emergency 2007) and then exported to data editor page of SPSS
department with pain in the lower abdomen were version 15 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). For all
assessed clinically for signs of acute appendicitis. tests, confidence level and level of significance were
Ultrasound examination was done to diagnose set at 95% and 5% respectively.
acute appendicitis and to exclude other differential
diagnosis and complications of acute appendicitis. All Results
the patients who were diagnosed as acute appendicitis In this present study, 200 patients were included. The
radiologically without any other complications were minimum and maximum age in the present study
enrolled into the study considering the inclusion was 17 and 72 years. The mean age in this study was
and exclusion criteria. The patients were counseled 35.10. 88 males and 112 females were included in this
for conservative treatment of acute appendicitis, study. 168 patients had migratory abdominal pain in
explaining all the pros and cons of the treatment. The the present study. Anorexia was seen in 180 patients
patients who were willing to undergo conservative and absent in 20 patients. 174 patients had nausea and
management were included in this study after taking vomiting. Tenderness in the right inguinal fossa was
written informed consent. All the demographic date seen in all the patients. Rebound tenderness was seen
like age, sex, occupation, contact details and address in 68 patients and absent in 132 patients. 188 patients
were recorded from the patient. Detailed history was in this study had leucocytosis and 90 patients had
taken and abdomen was examined thoroughly and fever (Table 1).
signs of acute appendicitis were noted. The ultrasound
CT scan was performed in 18 cases and ultrasound Overall post appendectomy complication rates are
was done in 182 cases for diagnosis of acute around 10-19% for appendicitis without perforation
appendicitis. MAS was in between 4-6 in 56 patients and can reach up to 30% with perforation.6,7 So if
and was 7-9 in 144 patients with an average of 7.29. appendectomy treated successfully with antibiotics,
24 patients had complicated acute appendicitis and morbidity and mortality can be avoided.
176 had uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Acute
Advantages of conservative management over
appendicitis was resolved in 48 hours in 62 patients
surgical management include: i) Antibiotics offer an
and in 114 cases it resolved in 72 hours. Conservative
alternate source of treatment for acute appendicitis
treatment failed in 24 cases in this study. In those
when access to surgical areas are not easily available.
24 cases, 12 cases who had appendicular mass was
ii) Antibiotic treatment offers a low cost treatment for
treated with i.v. antibiotics for 5 days, 8 cases who
acute appendicitis patients. Hansson et al, reported
had perforation was operated and in 4 cases who had
25-50% reduction in the cost of hospital expenses
abscess, extraperitoneal drainage was performed. 176
among conservatively treated patients than patients
cases were followed for a period of 6 months and 12
treated surgically. 5 iii) Conservative treatments with
cases recurred over a period of 6 months (Table 3).
antibiotics avoid the anaesthesia risks of surgery
Table 1: Distribution of clinicopathological factors and also eliminate the morbidity and mortality
in the present study associated with surgery. iv) In remote areas where the
Clinicopathological Number Percentage diagnostic facilities are lacking acute abdominal pain
factors (%) might be misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis leading
to negative appendectomies. In such scenarios
Migratory abdominal 168 84
pain conservative treatment avoids unnecessary removal
of appendix. According to a study by Sebastiano,
Anorexia 180 90
neuroproliferation is involved in the pathophysiology
Nausea and vomiting 174 87 of acute abdominal pain even in the absence of
Tenderness 200 100 inflammation of appendix. There is an increase in the
Fever 90 45 neurotransmitters like substance P and vasoactive
Leucocytosis 188 94 intestinal polypeptide in such cases of neuro immune
appendicitis.16 This neuroimmune appendix might
Table 2: Outcome of conservative treatment in the be the aetiology of acute abdominal pain in negative
present study
Conservative Number Percentage (%)
In the present study, the mean age of presentation
treatment outcome
was 35.10±9.45. According to Gedam et al, the mean
Successful 164 82 age in their study was 30.45±9.71 years.17 The majority
Failure 24 12 of patients were seen in the age group of 21-30 years
Recurrence 12 6 which was consistent with the study of Rajasekhar et
al and Lohar et al.18,19 There was female predominance
Table 3: Outcome of conservative treatment with
different MAS in this study with male to female ratio 1:1.32 which
was compared to a study by Gedam et al, which was
Conservative Modified Alvarado score 1:1.09.17
treatment 4-6 7-9
Abdominal pain was seen in 84% of patients which
Successful 56 120 was contrary to the study conducted by Ekka et al,
Failure 0 24 which was seen in 100% of patients.20 Anorexia was
Total 56 144 seen in 90% of patients in the present study, whereas
anorexia was seen in 61% of patients in a study by
Discussion Berry et al.21 87% of patients had nausea/vomiting
Worldwide the standard of care for appendicitis is in this present study, which was similar to a study
appendectomy and considered simple and routine by Kodliwadmath. 45% of patients had fever in
surgery.1 However the mortality rate of operation this study, but Reddy et al reported fever in 76% of
ranges from 0.07 to 0.7 and from 0.5 to 2.4% in patients in their study. 16 94% of patients in this study
patients without and with perforation respectively. had leukocytosis, but Ekka et al reported leukocytosis
Source of funding: Nil 13. Mason RJ, Moazzez A, Sohn H, Katkhouda N. Meta-
analysis of randomized trials comparing antibiotic
Conflict of Interest: None declared therapy with appendectomy for acute uncomplicated
(no abscess or phlegmon) appendicitis. Surg Infect
(Larchmt) 2012;13:74-84.
14. Ansaloni L, Catena F, Coccolini F, Ercolani G, Gazzotti 19. Asger Calcuttawala M, Nirhale D, Athavale V,
F, Pasqualini E, et al. Surgery versus conservative Malhotra M, Priyadarshi N, Lohar H. Epidemiological
antibiotic treatment in acute appendicitis: a systematic aspects of appendicitis in a rural setup. Med J Dr DY
review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled Patil Univ. 2014;7(6):753.
trials. Dig Surg 2011;28:210-21.
20. Ekka NMP. A Clinicopathological study of acute
15. Liu K, Fogg L. Use of antibiotics alone for treatment of appendicitis in eastern India. Int J Med Dent Sci.
uncomplicated acute appendicitis: a systematic review 2016;5(2):1145.
and meta-analysis. Surgery 2011;150:673-83.
21. Berry J, Malt RA. Appendicitis near its centenary. Ann
16. Di Sebastiano P, Fink T, Di Mola FF, Weihe E, Innocenti Surg. 1984;200(5):567-75.
P, Friess H, et al. Neuroimmune appendicitis. Lancet.
22. Alnaser MK, Hassan QA, Hindosh LN. Effectiveness
of conservative management of uncomplicated acute
17. Gedam BS, Gujela A, Bansod PY, Akhtar M. Study appendicitis: A single hospital based prospective
of conservative treatment in uncomplicated acute study. Int J Surg Open. 2018;10:1-4.
appendicitis. Int Surg J. 2017;4(4):1409.
23. Malik AA, Bari SU. Conservative management of acute
18. Jade R, Muddebihal UM. Modified Alvarado Score and appendicitis. J Gastrointest Surg. 2009;13(5):966-70.
its application in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
Int J Contemp Med Res. 2016;3(5):2454-7379.
How to cite this article: rashmi. B.M., Sindhu. B.M., Abhinandan. S.Kumbar. et al A cross-sectional study on Quality
of life and stress among nursing students in Central Karnataka. Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Introduction: Various studies have shown higher levels of stress and lower quality of life (QoL) among healthcare
students compared to others. This study was done to assess the quality of life and perceived stress levels among nursing
students and correlation between them. The symptoms in case of stress and coping strategy for stress were also studied.
Methodology: All students studying in a nursing college in Central Karnataka were interviewed. WHO Qualtiy of Life-
Bref (WHOQOL-BREF) scale and Perceived Stress scale (PSS-10) were used to assess the Quality of life and perceived
stress levels respectively.
Results: 175 students participated. Psychological domain and environment domain scores (55.6 and 53.8 respectively)
were lower. Significant negative correlation was observed between all the domains of Quality of life and Stress scores.
Majority (81.7%) of nursing students were under moderate stress.
Conclusion: Efforts should be made to improve the Quality of life of nursing students. Effect of various better coping
methods for stress should be researched and taught to them.
Corresponding author
Dr. Sindhu B.M.
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Basaveshwara Medical College & Hospital, S.J.M Campus, N.H.4(48) Bypass
Road, Chitradurga-577502. Karnataka, India
Email id: [email protected]
Q1=56 Median=56
Table 1: Quality of Life domains and PSS scores with respect to various socio-demographic variables
Socio- Frequency WHOQOL-BREF domains PSS Score
demographic n (%) Physical Psychological Social Environment
variables domain Relationships domain
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Mean ± SD
(Median) Mean ± SD (Median)
Male 40 (22.9%) 69.8±14.7 60.3±17.7 78.7±17.9 57.9±13.8 18.1±4.0
(69) (56) (75) (56) (19)
Female 135 (77.1%) 64.2 ±14.5 54.3 ± 16.3 69.9±20.2 52.6±15.7 18.7±4.4
(63) (56) (75) (56) (19)
Mann- 2209.5, 2235.5, 2032, 2253, 2526
Whitney U,
p>0.05 p>0.05 p<0.05 p>0.05 p>0.05
Academic Year of studies
1st year 69 (39.4%) 65.7±12.4 56.5±13.8 74.5±17.8 54.6±12.2 18.2±3.6
(63) (56) (75) (56) (19)
2 year
49 (28.0%) 64.0±16.9 55.1±19.7 65.9±26.4 51.7±17.1 19.9±4.8
(69) (56) (75) (56) (20)
3 year
31 (17.7%) 66.7±17.1 55.9±18.2 72.9±12.9 54.6±17.3 18.2±5.1
(69) (56) (75) (56) (19)
4 year
26 (14.9%) 66.2±12.9 54.0±17.0 75.1±17.2 54.6±17.8 17.6±3.6
(63) (56) (75) (56) (17)
Kruskal 0.346, df:3 0.262, df:3 3.495, df:3 0.594, df:3 F (3,174) =
Wallis H, 2.209 ,
p<0.05 p>0.05 p>0.05 p>0.05
df, p-value p > 0.05
Present accommodation
Home 28 (16.0%) 68.8±15.0 54.6±16.2 72.9±16.9 55.9±15.7 16.5±4.5
(63) (56) (75) (56) (16)
Hostel 134 (76.6%) 63.7±14.2 54.9±17 70.5±20.9 52.7±15.6 19.2±4.3
(63) (56) (75) (56) (19)
Others 13 (7.4%) 76.5 + 13.1 64.4+ 13.9 84.7 + 12.2 60.2 + 11.4 17.0±2.6
(75) (56) (75) (56) (16)
Kruskal 8.876, df:2 2.845, df:2, 6.580, df:2, 2.751, df:3 9.892, df:2,
Wallis H,
p<0.05 p>0.05 p<0.05 p>0.05 p<0.05
df, p-value
Significant negative correlation was seen between all the domains of quality of life and the PSS scores (r
= -0.38, -0.34, -0.35, -0.3 between PSS scores and physical domain, psychological domain, social relationship
domain, environment domain scores respectively).
Agitation 4.6
GIFig 2:
upset Symptoms
6.3 experienced during stress
environmental domain scores (67.81 ± 17.39) and
Abnormal behavior Indecisiveness
like nail biting 1.1 12.6 psychological health domain scores (64.37 ± 14.27)
Appetite change
Agitation 4.6 15.4 were found to be higher than those from our study.6
GI upset 20
Social relationship domain scores were significantly
Appetite change 15.4 23.4
different with respect to sex. Malibary H et al reported
Low confidence
Forgetfulness 20 28 no significant difference between sex and various
Sleep disturbance
Avoidance 22.3 49.1 domains of Quality of Life.6 In the study on medical
Headache 23.4 57.1 students in China by Zhang Y et al, males had
Low confidence 0 10 20 2830 40 50 60
significant higher scores than females in the physical
Sleep disturbance 49.1
Headache 57.1
and psychological health domains.8 They reported
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
significantly higher scores for females for social
relationships domain. Blebil A et al found significant
Fig 3: Coping strategy practiced for managing stress association between sex and QoL in their study on
pharmacy students in Malaysia.9
Consumption of tobacco/alcohol 2
Fig 3: Coping strategy practiced for managing stress We found no significant difference between
Reading/Diary writing 9
domains of Qol and urban or rural place of origin.
Zhang Y et al found significantly higher scores for
Consumption of tobacco/alcohol 2
Practice of Meditation/Yoga/Breathing Exercises 17
We found no significant difference with respect 4. Henning K, Ey S, Shaw D. Perfectionism, the imposter
to stress and sex of students. Gupta K et al reported phenomenon and psychological adjustment in
similarly.16 Whereas, Karaca A et al, in their study medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy students.
on nursing students in Turkey, reported otherwise.18 Med Educ. 1998 Sep;32(5):456-64. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-
We found no significant difference with respect to
stress and year of studies. Karaca et al and Opoku- 5. Marshall LL, Allison A, Nykamp D, Lanke S. Perceived
Acheampong A et al reported similarly.18, 13 stress and quality of life among doctor of pharmacy
students. Am J Pharm Educ. 2008 Dec 15;72(6):137. doi:
Significant negative correlation was seen between 10.5688/aj7206137.
physical health domain, psychological health
domain, social relationships domain, environment 6. Malibary H, Zagzoog MM, Banjari MA, Bamashmous
RO, Omer AR. Quality of Life (QoL) among medical
domain scores with PSS scores (-0.382, -0.337, -0.354,
students in Saudi Arabia: a study using the WHOQOL-
-0.3 respectively). Alkatheri AM et al also reported
BREF instrument. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Sep 9;19(1):344.
doi: 10.1186/s12909-019-1775-8.
Conclusion 7. Alkatheri AM, Bustami RT, Albekairy AM, Alanizi
Physical health, Psychological health and environment AM, Alnafesah R, Almodaimegh H et al. Quality
domains scores (65.4, 55.6 and 53.8 respectively) were of Life and Stress Level Among Health Professions
Students. Health Prof Educ [Internet]. 2020 [cited
lower. Efforts should be made to improve them.
2022 Aug 23]; 6(2): 201-10. Available from: https://
Majority (81.7%) of nursing students were under
moderate stress. Effect of various better coping S245230111930094X
methods should be researched and taught to them to 8. Zhang Y, Qu B, Lun S, Wang D, Guo Y, Liu J. Quality
handle stress. of life of medical students in China: a study using the
WHOQOL-BREF. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e49714. doi:
Limitations of the study
Being a single-centre study, the present study results
9. Blebil A, Dujaili J, Mohammed AH, Cheong CM, Hoo
cannot be generalised to the students of all the health
Y. The effect of stress and depression on quality of life of
care courses. Regional or national level multi-centric
pharmacy students in Malaysia. Pharmacy Education.
studies have to be done to know quality of life, stress, 2021 Aug 9;21(1):323-3. Available from: https://
coping methods in case of stress among students of
various health care courses’ students. article/view/1228/1148
Ethical Clearance: Ethical Clearance was 10. Moritz AR, Marques Pereira E, Pereira de Borba K,
obtained from the institutional ethics committee Clapis MJ, Gryczak Gevert V, de Fátima Mantovani M.
of Basaveshwara Medical College and Hospital, Quality of life of undergraduate nursing students at a
Chitradurga, prior to the commencement of the study. Brazilian public university. Invest Educ Enferm. 2016
Oct;34(3):564-572. doi: 10.17533/udea.iee.v34n3a16.
Source of funding: Self
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Amala Sibichan1, Albeena Binu2, Aleena Anil3, Alphonsa Mathew4, Amitha K Joy5
III year UG students, Father Muller College of Nursing
How to cite this article: Amala Sibichan, Albeena Binu, Aleena Anil, Alphonsa Mathew, Amitha K Joy et al Sleep
quality and predictors of sleep disturbances among adult patients admitted in a selected hospital, Mangaluru.
Volume 13 | Issue 4 | October-December 2022
Sleep has an important role in maintaining health. Being active and energetic inversely related to the quality of sleep. We
can say that sleep is an important parameter to measure health and vitality. Sleep disturbance is common among patients
admitted in the hospital. A new place, new people, pain and various amounts of discomfort, fear, hospital routines and
many more parameters can disturb the sleep of those patients admitted in the hospital. The patients admitted in the
general wards get almost no choice to postpone their bedside procedures to their preferred time. Somewhere over the
line, we need to realize the predictors of sleep disturbance in the hospital environment and take measures to tackle those
factors. We need to look at those situations at the patient’s point of view and implement changes in our routines. Though
nurses write sleep status of each patient at night, their assessment on sleep quality is not measured with any standard
tools. This study would help to implement such strategies to take specific actions on those factors which cause sleep
Objective of the study: The aim of this study is to assess the quality of sleep and to identify the predictors of sleep
disturbance among hospitalized patients.
Methods and materials:A descriptive survey designwas used for this study. The sample consists of 60 adult patients
admitted in the medical wards of a selected medical hospital. The subjects were selected by using purposive sampling
technique.The tool has been prepared by the investigators keeping in mind those concepts presented by the U.S.National
sleep foundation on the quality of sleep. The data were obtained by sleep quality index and using a five- point rating scale
to assess the predictors of sleep disturbances.
Results: Out of total patients 48.3% of them had fair sleep during hospitalization and 30% of them had poor sleep and
only 21.7% of them had good sleep. Most of the sleep distracters (78.3%) found to be at low level, 20% of the sleep
distracters were present in moderate level and 1% in high level. Conclusion: The present study shows that many patients
do have sleep deprivation due to a wide variety of factors. This shows that health personnel need to be extra conscious
and cautious in planning the activities for their patients and minimize distractions.
Keywords: Sleep quality, sleep pattern, sleep predictors, sleep distracters, Patients, Adults and Hospital.
Dr Devina E Rodrigues
Father Muller College of Nursing
Mangalore: 575002
[email protected]
before the change of shift. Those wards having 40 -50 Exclusion Criteria for Sampling
patients obviously made to wake up early and it can
• Patients with hypertension and Diabetes
cause sleep disturbance among patients.Somewhere
Mellitus or any endocrine disorders
over the line, we need to realize the predictors of
sleep disturbance in the hospital environment and • Admitted in the private rooms
take measures to tackle those factors. We need to look • Those who are hospitalized for less than 2
at those situations at the patient’s point of view and days
implement changes in our routines.
• Those who are with sedatives
Materials & Methods
• Unconscious and disoriented patients
The data were collected from 60 adult patients
admitted in the general wards. Ethical consent was • Those who are not able to read Kannada
taken from the institutional ethics committee before ,Malayalam or in English
the data collection. The investigator explained the Statistics: SPSS 23 Version was used for analysis
purpose of the study to the subjects by using a detail
Subject participation information sheet. Informed Results
consent was obtained from the participants.The tool
was formulated by the investigator by using various Assessment of sleep quality of adult patients
literatures had 09 items on baseline variables, the The study results revealed that 48.3% of the subjects
Part B was on sleep quality which had 6 items with had fair sleep during hospitalization &30% of them
maximum scores of 15. The tool II was on predictors of had poor sleep and only 21.7% of them had good
sleep disturbances was a 5 point rating scale, this tool sleep.
had three parts. The first component was related to
Table 1: Mean, SD, Mean% and SEM scores
physical environment which had 4 items .The second
regarding sleep quality (N=60)
component was with 05 items ( patient related ) and
the third component ( Hospital facilities ) was with Variable Mean/ Mean% SEM 95 %CI
13 items .The entire tool was with 22 items with a SD
possible maximum scores of 110. The tool regarding Lower Upper
quality of sleep was tested for internal consistency Overall 11.77± 78.47 .27 11.24 12.30
using Chronbach’s Alpha and it was found to be.65. sleep 2.07
The predictors of sleep distracters was tested for quality
homogeneity using Chronbach’s Alpha and it was
found to be r =.60 Area I , r =.65 ,Area II, r =.82 .Both From the table 2, it can be interpreted that overall
the tools found to be reliable. sleep quality was fair among hospitalized patients.
Out of total subjects 57 of them had mean quality
Study design: Descriptive design sleep index scores of 11.24 to 12.30.
Selection & Description of participants: The data was
collected from the patients from three general wards. Assessment of Predictors of sleep distracters.
The data was collected at bedside. The information Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution
sheet was given for the participants to read, after that of predictors of sleep disturbances among adult
only consent was obtained. No patients were forced patients. N =60
to participate and they were assured saying non
Variables f %
participation will not cause any changes or differences
in due health care. Overall predictors of sleep:
High level of sleep distracters 1 1.7
Criteria for the sample selection: Moderate level of sleep 12 20.0
Inclusion criteria: destructors
• Those patients between age group of 20-40 Low level of sleep distracters 47 78.3
years of age Physical aspects:
• Admitted in the general wards with medical High level of physical sleep 3 5.0
conditions only
IJPHRD / Volume 13 Issue 4 / October-December 2022
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Number: FMEC/CCM/36/19 dated 11-3-2019)
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Conflicts of Interest: None
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